View Full Version : My new compassion has made it hard for me to handle life here.

27th September 2012, 06:21
There is so much suffering I see because I have recently become more compassionate towards all living things (even trees and weeds). It is now hard for me to witness the cruelty that is part of this world.

I no longer eat animal flesh.
I feed the feral cats that live beneath the hedge across the road.

Tonight I watched an ambulance take away my neighbour, a women who lives alone, and I wonder who will feed her 3 dogs tomorrow.

This world is beautiful in many ways, but it is also full of sufffering. It breaks my heart.

27th September 2012, 06:48
If there were no contrast, we would never find balance. That is the part that finally cascades into understanding as the reality that has to be. Choice, and recognition of the existence of choice.

27th September 2012, 07:48
You are just getting more sensitive, and being pushed to the limit!
That's growth..... for you.

27th September 2012, 09:13
There is so much suffering I see because I have recently become more compassionate towards all living things (even trees and weeds). It is now hard for me to witness the cruelty that is part of this world.

I no longer eat animal flesh.
I feed the feral cats that live beneath the hedge across the road.

Tonight I watched an ambulance take away my neighbour, a women who lives alone, and I wonder who will feed her 3 dogs tomorrow.

This world is beautiful in many ways, but it is also full of sufffering. It breaks my heart.

When the suffering gets heavier than desires and the scale begins to tip, and the 'beauty' of the world can't distract you from the blight upon her,

you've ripened.

You can be picked now, and made in to jam.

27th September 2012, 10:54
Dear Midnight:

I truly understand.

I have had that sense all of my life. It has been a journey to come through into a new place where the "ability" and the "gift" of "feeling" no longer dibilitates.

It can appear harsh to consider moving out of that space of kinesthetic emergence.

What I have found in my own healing process is such: I was a cat rescue person ( along with others of like-mind ) in New York City, when I lived there. It be brutal there!!! Tough neighborhood!!!

Life a M.A.S.H. unit :)

While doing inner healing work, I saw that the abandoned kittens were actually me...sounds funny maybe.

But, as I began the inner healing of the "kitten" within...I felt a release of the paralizing concern for all strays...

A mirror effect.

Sometimes, it is a passage in a process in one's lifetime...to possibly go through a period of time where all is felt to such a deep extent.

I hope that my experience, strength, and hope may have helped you a bit.

Hopefully, I was not too intrusive with my thoughts.



27th September 2012, 10:56
Tonight I watched an ambulance take away my neighbor, a women who lives alone, and I wonder who will feed her 3 dogs tomorrow.

This world is beautiful in many ways, but it is also full of suffering. It breaks my heart.

Your service if less effective if you allow yourself to feel overwhelmed for too long - but it does happen and when it does don't worry, just work through it and keep trudging on.

Perhaps feed the dogs.

27th September 2012, 13:25
Everything you think you know is wrong. I first heard this phrase, more than thirty years ago. I thought they were just talking about government, and moved on. 20 years ago, I thought they were meaning life in general, and moved on. 10 years ago, I added school. 5 years ago, I sat and meditated on it, and came the rude awakening that they meant... everything. Everything? Yep! Everything. So now what do I do... if everything I know is wrong. For me, that meant that there can be only one truth. SOURCE. I became obsessed, with learning how to get to Source. I wanted to talk to truth. Period. My diligence over the next three years led me to my favorite author. William Buhlman. In two and half days I read both of his books, and then over the next 5 days, read them again. For the next 7 months I haphazardly attemted that which I had learned, and nothing. Not a trip out of body. So then I applied the age old, do as they did principal, and did "EXACTLY", as he did. 30 minutes at the same time, every day, for 30 days. Day 31, I plopped out of my body, like it was natural. That was more than 2 years ago. And I haven't quit yet. I went to him so many times I became such a pest, that I no longer have to, "Go", to him. He just stays with me... as my Higher Self, (whom I call George) and we travel the Universe together. Life? This Universe, is teaming with life.

I now lead two lives... this, and another... on another world, and travel daily between the two, depending on my needs, here and there. (Certainly I take my physical body.) Alternate realities? Everything you think you know... IS wrong.

All of the NDE'ers, have missed the point entirely. He has been trying to show them that there is a way to him, that we just haven't found yet. They all have gotten so wrapped up in their new found "wisdom", that they failed to see the big picture, of what they were shown. They could just as easily have used that information to go to him daily, but instead all they do is come home and write books about it. hmm.

Clean out your closet, and throw everything away. Go to him with an absolutely blank slate, and you will learn Truth.

Source... lives with me now... and I am at peace.

So simple...

27th September 2012, 13:35
Welcome to my pain, or shall i say gain. Part of the awakening process, if you will. Been a vegetarian for 3 years now myself for the same reasons after watching the eye opening meatvideo. www.meatvideo.com
Perhaps you could make an attempt as to inquire about the animals care. Take that next step further. You will feel much better when you did.
PS Your Heart Chakra is shining.

27th September 2012, 15:02
You will feed your neighbors' dogs, they are right there beside you. lol.

27th September 2012, 15:47
The dictionary defines compassion as a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. The negativity in life impacts my thinking and creates feelings of sadness. I see negativity as a way of knowing where my prayers are needed in that moment.

There are many answers to the question, “Why does the negativity exist?” “Why questions” touch on values and beliefs. An endless series of “Why questions” can be asked because of the many beliefs and the different values that exist. A valid answer to any “Why Question” is, “Based upon my values and beliefs, I have come to a conclusion. I drive in a parkway and park in a driveway because my beliefs and values cause me to conclude that this is the safe thing to do.

Some thoughts about the negativity in the duality in which we live;

• Can a blind man understand darkness if he never understood light?
• Can a person appreciate sobriety without having experienced substance abuse?
• Can one truly understand love without having experienced the opposite?

There are thoughts that allow for a person to function with the suffering in life such as contribution and believing there is life-after-life. When thoughts of suffering occur, thinking the following allows me to move in the energy of love.

• Contribution comes in an infinite amount of ways. A small act of kindness can have ramifications that you may never know.
• Beliefs that are love base that do not create fear in self or another allows for one to find ways to contribute in a loving way.

Miraculous occurrences have resulted with this thought process.

27th September 2012, 16:01
I am right there with you. t.here is alot of tree cutting in my area, and everytime I see a tree thats been cut down or mutilated, I feel its pain deep in my core as if I am greiving the loss of a relative. this started about 5 years ago or so. I always loved nature and all living things, but the last few years, I have been been feeling the pain of Gaia daily. It is a tough pill to swallow. I guess we just need to chase it with a tall glass of courage and self control in order to keep our emotions intact.
and no, I don't exactly have that down to an art form yet, but working on it. It is a daily chore for sure.

27th September 2012, 16:15
My empathy and understading of the suffering of others has made my life more balanced and easier to live. To find compassion where hate would reside is pure growth. Anyway, it's all so illusory and transient, it simply does not matter. Just a tiny fraction of a blink in 'time'. A mere carbon unit in the vastness of eternity. Take it as it comes and turn it over to the source of all things.

Your discomfort may come from wanting to inflict pain on the cause of suffering. Or not...

As Carmody states, there must always be another side, so embrace the beauty and wonder. Don't focus on the dirty side of the coin so much. Just do as much as you can do, then let it go. And feed those dogs.

Your sincerity is shining through.

Blessings, Conk

27th September 2012, 16:22
I understand you, I had the same reaction when my heart opened up.
I now have evolved to the point of having passion(compassion) for all things and people without imposing it.
So I will always help and assist them in their healing process if I am asked to or if someone is open to it.
Other than that I "bless" people silently without interfering with their own path if nothing is asked of me.

27th September 2012, 17:29
Someone mentioned earlier in the thread the importance of contrast, with regard to finding balance.
And I agree that such balance is the vital ingredient for being able to function in an impartial and clear-headed way.

But then there are situations where the given contrast produces such crazy way-out-there options that it becomes necessary to drop one thing in favor of another.
So there is the matter of choice. You discover that you have been standing on a piece of drifting ice which suddenly begins to crack in the center and as the two pieces drift further apart you must make a decision whether to step onto the left or the right piece, so as not to be torn apart. There is no way you can stay on the fence. Or on both ice shoals.

So your choice is now before you...maintain your own self balance so that you can live another day and find out what you came here to do, and even if only by starting with small things, respond to the needs of life as they present themselves, such as those dogs.
Hopefully there will have been some arrangements made by phone from the hospital, if not, there could be a way to get to them somehow, by alerting helpers, even if it is the local fire department, if you can't get through to the hospital and talk to your neighbor.

27th September 2012, 22:05
You aren't alone.

It seems like every time we grow, we have to reorient ourselves to life here. It's really beautiful at times - like you are experiencing. I've been experiencing the uglier side of it.

For a couple of weeks, I couldn't stop seeing cars which had their front-ends banged up. Seriously banged up. I, literally, started freaking out when I wanted to drive somewhere because my eyes would always find the car that had a huge dent or light busted out. I also make sure I drive safer than usual because I didn't want to be in an accident.

About a week ago, I saw that my neighbor was the one who had the bad car accident w/front-end damage. The front tire was blown, the light panel was just gone and there's huge damage around the battery....really nasty accident. Luckily, nobody was hurt. However, I wish that I knew how to handle the information that I'm being given better. Or, at least, focus it so that it's clearer.

Anyway, I think I'll move that question to another thread.

All I want to say is just appreciate it when the universe shows you its beauty. (Cuz, I've been seeing way too much of it's ugly side lately!) Peace.

27th September 2012, 22:50
How ever you will translate this you should slap yourself to WAKE UP.
Feeding cats? like they will die if you won't do that...
Who will feed her dogs? well she shouldn't IMPRISON them as a property in a first place.
You no longer eat animal flesh but you eat plant flesh because of? you concluded that plant is less counscious than animal? how you did that? im interested to know that equation too.
so you are more compassionate to trees and leaves yet you eat trees fruit and weeds? what kind of compassion is that. I'd say im also interested in that equation..

Maybe you could be more compassionate to neighbour but eat him anyways. Does that means to be awake?

This world is beautiful in many ways, but it is also full of suffering. It breaks my heart.

I agree it is veeeery beautiful and there is alot of suffering but.. dont let it breaks you heart! do not let false illusiong get your emotions out. All you enumbered is illusion. Your soul is real, try not to break real stuff with illusions AND YOU WILL FEEL MUCH BETTER!

love to ya

28th September 2012, 05:11
I won't comment on the post previous to this one. I think that is the way to go.

The old woman who was put in an ambulance last night returned today (she had a racing heart). I have rarely talked to her other than saying hello, but this time I walked over to her car, and gave her my phone number with the idea that she could phone me if anything happens in the future that would require my help, such as a drive to the hospital. She was happy to have me on duty if things go wrong for her.

Oh, I love plants, but don't insult my intelligence by suggesting that eating a carrot is in any way similar to eating the flesh of a slaughtered animal. This is just plain wrong, and if you disagree, then I suggest you witness those 2 events and see if the splattered blood and the screams in the slaughter house remind you of a harvest of vegetables

28th September 2012, 13:49
Once before i heard screams of plants and seen gore in how you say "harvesting" them and saw gore in way humans not only kill but eat flesh too. And i ate nothing at all for a long time :)
Today i dont see more gore than it is DESERVED. Each soul gets its life what deserves. Dont worry no good soul will be born as a chicken or pig.
But to make it more aware for you plants do scream and leak blood, it just isnt red, but it is warm and they bleed too. If anyone would take potato from garden with much love and care, one garden wouldnt be picked for a year atleast..thats why they pull it out.

My intention to write to your thread was not to insult you in any way, but to point to you very obvious thing and that is you see suffering on much levels, and we live in times when resonance goes on higher levels, our thoughts wont need time to manifest into reality, and with that suffering mind pattern you could suffer alot as a beign. Thinking you feel for others wont help you much.
For example you had that neighbour of yours.. when she was healthy you never celebrated good moments with her, while she was healthy you never enbraved to be alive with her. Yet she got sick and you deepening hr state by offering her help and acknowledge her incapability to take care of herself. Thats not act of positive force, thats act of choosing, choosing limits alot, therefore you just deepen hole she stepped into.You gave phone number? that helps alot?
While in reality she could have heart attack so big that picking number would be impossible and fall with phone in her hands on floor, while you thought you did very nice act by giving her number. But only thing that you did is deepened her state of helplesness..
And in overall all of that is called illusion state.

In any moment i didnt told you that you should start eating flesh, stop feeding cats and feel sorry for her imprisoned dogs... Go do that, it is you will and you did choose. By choosing one of two options you did limit yourself.

Mark (Star Mariner)
28th September 2012, 14:33
I do feel your pain Midnight, I share it in fact every single day. I don't know what else to say that hasn't been said already. But I am tired, I have grown so very tired of all the pain, the hardship, the injustices that play out day by day on this planet. All that keeps me going is the prospect that things will change, and everything will be alright...

28th September 2012, 23:16
join the club is all i can say, all the suffering that humans have caused i am ashamed to be human myself and wonder each day why i am here, this world can be so uncaring, selfish and cold that it penetrates deep into my soul and makes me so depressed and effects the way i behave, i've contenplated suicide becasue of this overwhemling feeling becasue on some days i can't take it anymore, no matter how much good i try to do in this world it dosn't seem to make a diffrence and in some situations i feel powerless.

i am still here becasue of the same reason Star Mariner is here, i am expecting change somehow and i want the world to change come end of 2012, if this world dosn't change by then, then i would give up all hope and feel like my time here is wasted.