View Full Version : Hobo Walking Across USA Faith in Action

7th October 2012, 00:06
This is perhaps the most inspiring blog I have ever read.
I am currently up to day 51 and learning so much.

Here he is on video


God is inspiring, Nick is inspiring and the people along the way who help him can restore faith in human beings for even the most cynical. WOW

In his own words:
"Not to sound ungrateful, but I really don't care much to see what is along this route. I appreciate things I come across, but that's not why I'm out here. I don't care much for traveling. I don't enjoy walking. And I would be perfectly happy in my home town. But I'm out here to bring back the life in me. I'm out here to feel again. I want to live where I don't just feel like a body doing things to fit into the system because that how its "supposed" to be.

Maia Gabrial
11th October 2012, 16:53
I learned awhile ago not to trust what Lame Stream says because they exaggerate or blow out of proportion many things. Sometimes, as we've discovered, they even make up news. Take for instance, young people. According to Lame Stream, they're all wild, untrustworthy and irresponsible. Not true. A very small percentage of them may be, but the rest of them are very amazing people.

Another thing, I remember back when the US Embassy was taken over by the Iranians during Carter's reign. Whenever the cameras showed the "large" angry Iranian mobs, they never panned around to show the truth that it was only a small group of people (every time). While the cameras were on, the Iranians would put on this angry show. But the moment the cameras shut off, everyone went away. The point was to make Americans think that this was more serious than it was. What a joke! We REALLY don't need this kind of sh*t from Lame Stream, do we? If they can't report the news as is, leave out their opinions, then they should just keep silent. But not about matters that affect us negatively. IMO exaggeration is just as bad as lying. Misinformation is lying. And Lame Stream is ripe with exaggeration, lies and deception. We're seeing it everyday now. It's how TPTW have gotten away with all the sh*t they've pulled on the world.

So, my point is that we're all disappointed in people and our world because we've trusted Lame Stream to tell us the truth when we shouldn't have. Hobo Nick is seeing for himself how real and amazing people are. Believe your own eyes, people....