View Full Version : Need help defining a highly unusual sensation

14th December 2012, 18:09
I haven't posted on PA in quite sometime but I feel like this warrants a post and I'm asking for some help defining this event
I was in bed last night and was in and out of my usual dream state ,which usually includes sleep paralysis I was having what seemed to be a insignificant dream when all of a sudden my entire body began to vibrate and I could feel a huge amount of what seemed like electrical impulses through every fiber of my being. I was nearly completley awake when it felt as my body was rising into the air, So much so that I consciously awoke and was very concerned about where It seemed I was ascending too
It was around 2:30 am pst , and there was a significant earthquake on the west coast nearly the same time this happened .I am in the Pacific NW I have had strange sensations during earthquakes in the past ,but they usually involved a resonance from my tailbone
This was as freaky as it was exciting I know there's a galactic alignment on our horizon I just hope its somehow connected to all that's positive in our near future
Peace, always Peace

14th December 2012, 18:21
Hi Woodshreder,

To me, this sounds like a spontaneous out of body experience.
Some people like practice for months without much success to have one :P

There are several excellent threads where this is discussed.
This (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?47841-Adventures-Beyond-the-Body) is one of them

cheers! :thumb:

14th December 2012, 19:56
Woodshreder, you have just explained my own experiences except they don't happen while I'm in the in-between state but when I lie down, relax and let go of thoughts. It is the most marvelous sensation.

14th December 2012, 20:02
If this is related to the same resonance in your tailbone then I feel that it is kundalini energy. We all have a dormant energy that lies inside the bottom of our tailbone (our sacrum) and when this energy is released it travels through your body with full force. In 2004 I experienced this energy as it pierced my whole spine . Some people refer to this energy as cosmic energy. The sensation of this energy made me feel like I was out of my body. I saw interdimensional things and experienced some far out sensations. Someday I will write a thread about this cosmic energy. Years later I still can't fully wrap my mind around everything I saw and felt the 4 months I was enraptured by this energy.

Nanoo Nanoo
14th December 2012, 20:17
I haven't posted on PA in quite sometime but I feel like this warrants a post and I'm asking for some help defining this event
I was in bed last night and was in and out of my usual dream state ,which usually includes sleep paralysis I was having what seemed to be a insignificant dream when all of a sudden my entire body began to vibrate and I could feel a huge amount of what seemed like electrical impulses through every fiber of my being. I was nearly completley awake when it felt as my body was rising into the air, So much so that I consciously awoke and was very concerned about where It seemed I was ascending too
It was around 2:30 am pst It also is my deceased mothers birthday today, and there was a significant earthquake on the west coast nearly the same time this happened .I am in the Pacific NW I have had strange sensations during earthquakes in the past ,but they usually involved a resonance from my tailbone
This was as freaky as it was exciting I know there's a galactic alignment on our horizon I just hope its somehow connected to all that's positive in our near future.
Happy birthday Mom
Peace, always Peace

I would say she was saying hello. The vibrating tail bone is interesting. You get these sensations often?


14th December 2012, 20:25
Hi Woodshreder,

To me, this sounds like a spontaneous out of body experience.
Some people like practice for months without much success to have one :P

There are several excellent threads where this is discussed.
This (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?47841-Adventures-Beyond-the-Body) is one of them

cheers! :thumb:

I will concur. I have been meditating for years and I get into that "electrical vibratory" state quite often -- it can be extremely intense at times and feel fully physical. From what I have read, this state can be conducive to astral travel - it is the state that happens just before leaving the body and again when re-entering. Although I am not a versed astral traveler -- I have been trying ;)

It appears to me this vibration is the resonance created when your subtle, (electrical / ethereal) body begins to vibrate out of sync from you physical body. This makes sense because in astral travel you have to raise the frequency of the subtle body to dis-lodge it from your physical one.

Also, Spend some time meditating on the 21st ... It can't hurt! ;)

14th December 2012, 20:48
That is definitely what happens when you are conscious of your astral body leaving the physical.

What is not widely known (because you can't sell books & courses on it ) is that being conscious in the astral is relative to your awareness in the waking state, which is very easy to practice, you just need to cultivate a habit of questioning your senses, (where are you what are you doing etc).

A day that is heavy with meaning that makes you more aware of your reality is conducive to a conscious OOBE.

14th December 2012, 20:59
@ wackytweaky I've had several obe experiences and this was not even close to that .The intensity was mind boogling and the vibration was teeth chattering .This is such an awesome community Thanks for all your responses and great advice. I'm traveling today so I'll check back soon

15th December 2012, 08:32
I'll share some of the basic stages of alchemical cultivation science from the Zen and Taoist masters because they define kundalini a little differently than in the traditional sense and it might help you understand any further curious meditation effects you'll encounter.

Kundalini to them is the warm blissful fire element of meditation that exudes from each and every cell and envelopes the body and aura in a golden warm glow. This kundalini energy was symbolised in mythology by the golden fleece.

It activates everytime you enter samadhi (a calm and composed state of mind) and creates a field of invulnerable spiritual protection around the wearer of the golden fleece.

Indian Gods are often pictured sitting on or wearing lion or tiger pelts symbolising their attainment of this level of spiritual development.


This kundalini energy activates a blissfull furnace like fire in each and every cell of the body. The cells are now able to burn out impurity, burn off emotional blockages, cleansing them, rejuvenating them. This encourages the electricity element of meditation to begin pushing through and purifying the chi channels of the body. What most people traditionally refer to as kundalini energy, the zen masters call the Yang chi of the body, it feels electrical in nature as it slithers and snakes it's way up the body transmuting the energy body into it's full spiritual potential.

The Greek hermeticists knew that the end goal of meditation was to become like a superconductor that allows spirit to flow through us without resistance. Everyone carries around in their bodies emotional residues from past events, this creates pockets of yin energy in the body, pockets of magnetism. These pockets of magnetism create attachments to the external world, hold addictions and unproductive habits in place.

The goal of meditation then is to have full yang, full electricity, full vitality pulsing through the body in rhythm with universal mind. This way we hold no magnetism we no longer live at the mercy of those around us, we fully exert our own will on the world. We live at cause and have a purposeful and influential life. The hermetic principle of cause and effect in action, we just learn to position ourselves at the cause side of the spectrum to be more influential and productive in our lives.

As this yang chi moves and works through the chi channels, it's purifying impurities, further cleansing and rejuvenating, it inevitably comes into contact with pockets of resistance, pockets of magnetism. When the yin and the yang come together in meditation they create sparks as they work together to fully open the chi channels. These sparks are often felt as intense and sometimes scary sensations, sometimes experienced as flashes of awareness, visions, OBE's, chackra openings etc. Once that particular chi channel has become clear meditation practice normalises again and things become less dramatic and more manageable.

The important thing from the Zen perspective is to not become too attached to any of the phenomena you'll encounter, there's a teaching story told in Zen where every night a student in mediation would have some wild and crazy vision or experience and every morning he'd excitedly rush over to his teacher and describe his experiences, every morning the teacher would repeat the same thing and encourage further meditation. "Excellent, you've done well my student, this happens on the path to enlightnement but this is not enlightenment, this too shall pass, keep meditating".

I remember before I made meditation practice part of my nightly routine I experienced a great deal of sleep paralysis, maybe it's the bodies cry for a more consciously focused meditation practice. Ever since meditating for even 5-15 minutes before falling asleep, I can't even remember the last time I've experienced that night time phenomena.