View Full Version : For Whom Are We A Target Audience

28th December 2012, 03:18
I read this today on an older Nexus Magazine article. The subject of the article is irrelevant, and the following is an excerpt. While I really knew this, I found it startling to read a description of the process by one who was engaged, and may be frequently engaged, in this style of disclosure.

"… tasked with the sanctioned release of classified information for "public consumption", in a
controlled fashion, through various platforms and outlets. One of these platforms is Internet discussion forums. Another is sending anonymous letters or making anonymous phone calls or using fake credentials and call-routing to write to or call selected individuals and groups. Once the information and intel are released, public responses or those of the individual or group are recorded, monitored and analysed.

Depending on their reaction, further information is then released using a phased and synchronised methodology.

Whenever public/individual/group reaction is deemed "unfavourable", the project is suspended and set for a release at a later date or totally terminated. It is sometimes necessary for the information to be pulled/unrouted/denied and to let it grow and sprout a bit more, behind the scenes, before another attempt is made to replant/reintroduce or to renew contact if it was an individual/group.

Depending on the assignment, I would be required to take up the role of an observer, a monitor, a reporter, an investigator, an instructor, an analyst, and in most instances an initiator and even an instigator in some.

One part of my duties was to frequent Internet discussion forums, observing, reporting, profiling and
identifying possible outlets where information could be introduced. This usually took on the form of my posting a "thread" on a designated or chosen forum which we decided would be the most suitable to get the info/intel out to our target audience.

...involved the "public with information that has been physical (in the field) and digital in a
controlled fashion, groups or profiled persons and events around the globe that may have bearing on specific Rubicon projects.

Rubicon has this credo: "Our whistle is blowing softly; if we blow too hard, some eardrums might pop, then everyone would be deaf."

In the final analysis, Rubicon operatives are sanctioned whistleblowers, albeit in a limited and controlled form.

It is also well worth noting that intelligence agencies frequently use forums to communicate and relay information and updates to their operators in the field. Since the Internet came along, the practice of posting and placing/using classified ads in newspapers as a communication medium has become a fossil. In contrast, the use of Internet information and discussion forums, online game platforms and their associated chat features has become quite the norm.

CHANI project
During initial research, I began posting a few threads on a popular forum, Godlike Productions, to "test the water" and to start creating a persona. As the forum is widely known to be a conspiracy and
lunatic-fringe site, I created a persona to suit: somewhat crazy, even hoaxing, but an enigma on
spiritual and global strategic insider issues nevertheless. This persona provided an efficient
cover to get information out there without lifting too many eyebrows. I often had to play
both protagonist and antagonist."

From: http://www.nexusmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=31&Itemid=71

Not a bad reminder of one level on which "things" are being worked.

28th December 2012, 03:41
From: http://www.nexusmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=31&Itemid=71
That link just gets me to the main Nexus Magazine page.

However there seems to be an online copy of the article you're quoting from, at: http://thechaniproject.com/nexus.html