View Full Version : What's the real agenda behind gun control?

13th January 2013, 18:19
To whom it may concern,

Here we are again rushing to pass legislation in a knee-jerk reaction to another tragic shooting.

The “feel good” crowd, gun control advocates, and those with a vested interest in disarming America never miss an opportunity to try and ram anti-gun legislation through Congress and eviscerate the Second Amendment.

The “feel good” crowd just wants to do something to make themselves, our school children and society “feel safer;” to hell with doing something that will actually make us “be safer.” That requires thinking, work and time to get at the root cause of the problem. They prefer to attack the symptom and put another Band-Aid on the problem so they can feel safer and go back to sleep.

The gun-control advocates just want guns eliminated because they know it’s the guns that kill people and not the people pulling the trigger. These people are not unlike the “feel good” crowd except that they have an agenda to eliminate guns and the Second Amendment. They know that history has proven time and again that if you disarm the masses their governments will do the right thing and protect them. For these people more government and controls is the solution—not the problem.

Then there are those with a vested interest in disarming Americans. These are the ones who actually control the government and their puppets. They know that if and when the American people actually wake up en masse and realize what has been going on, a large segment of the population will come looking for them and that doesn’t bode well for the psychopaths who believe the world is their oyster and the masses are just their “useless eaters” chattel to do with as they see fit.

The Vice President says the White House can act without Congress to enact gun control legislation (Fox News: Vice President to meet with gun safety groups (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/09/vice-president-to-meet-with-gun-safety-groups/)).

Since when did the President become dictator? Is this yet another example of Obama’s “transparent government” where legislation is created behind closed doors and passed quickly and silently when no one is looking—least of all our “watch-dog” media? But then the main stream media is the government’s propaganda machine so why would any sane person think that they would cover anything other than entertainment news and information the government wants the dumbed-down public to believe.

Let’s examine the statements made by VP Biden and Fox news in the above linked FOX news story:

The VP met with gun-safety and victims groups saying he is “determined” to take “urgent action” to address gun violence and then he goes on to say “This is not an exercise in photo opportunities or just getting to ask you all what your opinions are. We are vitally interested in what you have to say.”

Really? A complex problem that has been plaguing this country for decades, with little to nothing of any consequence being done, all of a sudden can be seriously addressed in no time at all. One might wonder why it couldn’t have been done decades ago then.

“The White House has sought to avoid prejudging what Biden's recommendations would be. But the vice president hinted Wednesday that executive action -- action by the president in which Congress would not have a say -- would indeed be involved.”

First, when did Obama become King? Second, if the most brilliant minds in this country could not resolve this issue over decades, does anyone seriously believe that one man can resolve the issue with the stroke of a pen?

“The administration says mental health and the entertainment industry will likely be examined as part of that process.”

This may be a step in the right direction, but it isn’t going to be resolved in a few weeks or months and probably not even a few years. Certainly, immediately enacting gun-control legislation is not going to address these very real components of the problem. But, then again, they did say these components “will likely be examined.” They never said they WOULD be examined.

“The NRA has been at the helm of fighting those proposals ever since the group broke its post-Connecticut silence and called for a national school security plan to install armed officers at every school in the country. “

This is just another “feel safer” Band-aid to apply to the problem. We don’t need more Gestapo police, more locked-down facilities, more surveillance cameras, we need to understand and then seriously address the problem of why some people turn violent against innocent people.

“The Washington Post reported over the weekend that President Obama was considering measures beyond reinstating a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. According to the paper, the task force is considering measures like universal background checks for gun buyers, a national gun database, strengthening mental-health checks and tougher penalties for people carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors.”

Would universal background checks have prevented Adam Lanza from getting the guns he had?
Would a national gun database have all the owners and the guns they bought through the black market in it?
What does “strengthening mental health checks mean?” This might be more on track with getting at the root cause. Notice, however, that this has nothing to do with gun control so there is at least a tacit acknowledgement that the person behind the gun might have something to do with the actual problem.
Does making more innocent people awards of the state and federal government make us any safer or does it destroy more families? And how many people “give” their guns to minors?

“Asked Monday about the report, Carney reiterated that Obama wants to "close the many loopholes in our background check system" and "supports Congressional actions right away."

Would closing the loopholes in background checks have prevented the Sandy Hook shooting? Why do you suppose Obama wants to take action right away? Do you really believe it is to protect our children or might it have more to do with moving closer to eliminating the Second Amendment to protect the true powers-that-be?

At what point do we wake up in this country? America has the most number of people behind bars (over 2 million—as many as China and Russia combined and we’re supposed to be the land of the “free”) than any other country on the planet and over 7 million (1 in every 32 American adults) under correctional supervision. And we all know that criminals obey the law so, clearly, more laws and putting more people behind bars is the answer. We have been fighting the “War on Drugs” for over 80 years. Has it stopped drugs from being obtained or used? Has locking up all those drug offenders and making them felons—thus virtually eliminating their chances of finding work and functioning as ordinary citizens when they are released—helped them and their families? Has anyone determined to commit a crime ever been stopped because it was illegal? What is the “acceptable” number of children and people killed in shootings since banning automatic weapons and high-capacity clips—even if it worked—would just reduce the number killed? It would not stop the killings. If eliminating guns is the solution are we ready to eliminate kitchen knives, all toxic household chemicals, screwdrivers, scissors, fertilizer and insecticides, all pharmaceuticals that could kill, etc? Does anyone seriously believe that even if guns were eliminated it would prevent someone determined to kill others from either obtaining a gun on the black market or choosing some other method of committing murder or is it just the number of murders committed at one time that bothers some people?

We can either create a prison planet based on fear, hatred, war, secrecy, tyranny, dependency, lies and deceit or we can create a free planet based on courage, love, peace, openness, compassion, responsibility, truth and honesty. The choice is ours. But make no mistake; we’ll never get the latter by doing all the things that are prerequisites to creating the former. Which planet would you rather live on?

13th January 2013, 18:28
people kill people. A gun needs a mind to move a body to use a gun to kill another person ...The mind has always been the best weapon for protection, not government... The agenda is total control, one government, one religion, one army , one currency, one economy, the comeback of the roman empire ... total control .. shredding the constitution and the bill of rights, that is the agenda...

14th January 2013, 03:05
people kill people. A gun needs a mind to move a body to use a gun to kill another person ...The mind has always been the best weapon for protection, not government... The agenda is total control, one government, one religion, one army , one currency, one economy, the comeback of the roman empire ... total control .. shredding the constitution and the bill of rights, that is the agenda...Exactly! We are on the same page.

14th January 2013, 12:26
the elites want us to kill each other not them

hence gun control LOL

p.s. the decision to kill can't be taken back, you should consider whether owning a gun is smart or not. i.e. 4 yo kid in court for murder, etc?

14th January 2013, 15:41
I was advised the other day that the NRA convinced Obama to put into the Obama care bill some stipulations regarding guns.. and obviously pro NRA. Im trying to find out exactly what that is. Im wondering if this is going to tie their hands somehow and not be able to initiate the regulations that they would like to. One should not underestimate how powerful the NRA is.

14th January 2013, 16:16
I do not understand the mindset of any commoner who is in support of gun control. The government is armed and dangerous. They are less dangerous because we are armed. They are more dangerous than our friends and neighbors. They are more dangerous than our common enemies.
Unless you are part of the government in some way, support of gun control exposes one as a victim of mind control. Arguing this point with me would also indicate mind control.

14th January 2013, 16:44
I do not understand the mindset of any commoner who is in support of gun control. The government is armed and dangerous. They are less dangerous because we are armed. They are more dangerous than our friends and neighbors. They are more dangerous than our common enemies.
Unless you are part of the government in some way, support of gun control exposes one as a victim of mind control. Arguing this point with me would also indicate mind control.

One would think that after a decade of the government constantly scaring the hell out of people and brainwashing massive amounts of fear in to the masses that "the terrorists are coming to kill them", that the mere mentioning of taking their guns away would cause a massive panic and social chaos!

What we are seeing happening now just over the "gun issue" is proof enough for me to conclude that if the majority of the masses are not completely brainwashed`, then they are completely brain-dead.

"The great awakening"????? hmmm, more like "The great coma"....

14th January 2013, 17:14
I do not understand the mindset of any commoner who is in support of gun control. The government is armed and dangerous. They are less dangerous because we are armed. They are more dangerous than our friends and neighbors. They are more dangerous than our common enemies.
Unless you are part of the government in some way, support of gun control exposes one as a victim of mind control. Arguing this point with me would also indicate mind control.

One would think that after a decade of the government constantly scaring the hell out of people and brainwashing massive amounts of fear in to the masses that "the terrorists are coming to kill them", that the mere mentioning of taking their guns away would cause a massive panic and social chaos!

What we are seeing happening now just over the "gun issue" is proof enough for me to conclude that if the majority of the masses are not completely brainwashed`, then they are completely brain-dead.

"The great awakening"????? hmmm, more like "The great coma"....LOL :) I actually considered titling this "Are the American people asleep or in a coma?" Let us hope that the masses will soon emerge from their sleep/coma and realize that the terrorists they really need to be afraid of are the ones in government and ruling this planet.

14th January 2013, 19:42
I do not understand the mindset of any commoner who is in support of gun control. The government is armed and dangerous. They are less dangerous because we are armed. They are more dangerous than our friends and neighbors. They are more dangerous than our common enemies.
Unless you are part of the government in some way, support of gun control exposes one as a victim of mind control. Arguing this point with me would also indicate mind control.

One would think that after a decade of the government constantly scaring the hell out of people and brainwashing massive amounts of fear in to the masses that "the terrorists are coming to kill them", that the mere mentioning of taking their guns away would cause a massive panic and social chaos!

What we are seeing happening now just over the "gun issue" is proof enough for me to conclude that if the majority of the masses are not completely brainwashed`, then they are completely brain-dead.

"The great awakening"????? hmmm, more like "The great coma"....

SilentFeathers. You make a great point here. Our own government AND media has taken many Americans to a new level of reasoning when it comes to gun ownership. The "war on terror" as reported has probably accounted for a good percentage of gun purchases in the last dozen years. So the same morons in the media who want to disarm americans are the same people who scare some people into purchasing firearms in the first place.

14th January 2013, 19:53
But you see, the gun owners are turning into the terrorists in the mind of the public or so the media presents.
remember 50% of the population owns guns, likely more... so most people don't want gun laws signficiantly changed. Personally I think we should fine people who dont have a gun and know how to use it. Something to think about....

A novel approach to the gun ownership issue...

Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslackhas read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Vermont's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.

Maslack recently proposed a bill to register "non-gun-owners" and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun. Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as 'a clear mandate to do so'. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals. Vermont’s constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who are "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent.."
Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves, so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise."

Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is not prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says.

Vermontalready boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state .... it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation.

" America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
This makes sense! There is no reason why gun owners should have to pay taxes to support police protection for people not wanting to own guns.

Let them contribute their fair share and pay their own way. Sounds reasonable to me! Non-gun owners require more police to protect them and this fee should go to payingfor their defense!

¤=[Post Update]=¤

Unfortunatly the ultimate agenda may be population control... if you understand history that the disarming of nations frequenlty leads to genocide.

Fred Steeves
14th January 2013, 20:10
3. “The administration says mental health and the entertainment industry will likely be examined as part of that process.”

This is definitely a step in the right direction, but it isn’t going to be resolved in a few weeks or months and probably not even a few years. Certainly, immediately enacting gun-control legislation is not going to address these very real components of the problem. But, then again, they did say these components “will likely be examined.” They never said they WOULD be examined.?

The mental health aspect concerns me as much as any of the others. Those "crazy and dangerous" people who don't trust their government are obviously a risk to national security, and should be the last ones to be entrusted with use of a firearm.

Should push come to shove, and these "nutbags" not only refuse "treatment", but refuse to turn over their guns to "authorities" (puke), then the NDAA is waiting in the wings to declare them enemy combatants should need be.

One or two more Sandy Hooks, and they could quite possibly have the people clamouring for it. After all, how many times have we already heard "Enough Is Enough!"

14th January 2013, 20:28
Our own government AND media has taken many Americans to a new level of reasoning when it comes to gun ownership.

Not to be rude, but reasoning really isn't the correct word to use, IMO

The government and media morons have taken many Americans to a new level of "ignorance" would be the word I would use.....thus making many Americans more of a bunch of morons than the morons in their government and media.

ADDED: I feel bad referring to many of my fellow Americans as "morons", but I can't think of a better word to use right now to describe what I have been witnessing happening across this country with many people in recent years....and especially just with in the last month.

14th January 2013, 22:43
3. “The administration says mental health and the entertainment industry will likely be examined as part of that process.”

This is definitely a step in the right direction, but it isn’t going to be resolved in a few weeks or months and probably not even a few years. Certainly, immediately enacting gun-control legislation is not going to address these very real components of the problem. But, then again, they did say these components “will likely be examined.” They never said they WOULD be examined.?

The mental health aspect concerns me as much as any of the others. Those "crazy and dangerous" people who don't trust their government are obviously a risk to national security, and should be the last ones to be entrusted with use of a firearm.

Should push come to shove, and these "nutbags" not only refuse "treatment", but refuse to turn over their guns to "authorities" (puke), then the NDAA is waiting in the wings to declare them enemy combatants should need be.

One or two more Sandy Hooks, and they could quite possibly have the people clamouring for it. After all, how many times have we already heard "Enough Is Enough!"Right on Fred. What was I thinking? :)

14th January 2013, 22:59
Our own government AND media has taken many Americans to a new level of reasoning when it comes to gun ownership.

Not to be rude, but reasoning really isn't the correct word to use, IMO

The government and media morons have taken many Americans to a new level of "ignorance" would be the word I would use.....thus making many Americans more of a bunch of morons than the morons in their government and media.

ADDED: I feel bad referring to many of my fellow Americans as "morons", but I can't think of a better word to use right now to describe what I have been witnessing happening across this country with many people in recent years....and especially just with in the last month.You are absolutely right SF. And I understand your frustration with our fellow humans. My goal is to never hurt anyone in any way (physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually), but I get so damn frustrated (even angry) at times with people who can't (or won't) see the forest for the trees that I want to shake the livin' s#@t out them. Their complacent attitude not only negatively impacts them and their families, but all the rest of us who see and care about what's going on. We need them awake and aware if we have any chance at all of saving this sinking ship.

14th January 2013, 23:19
Our own government AND media has taken many Americans to a new level of reasoning when it comes to gun ownership.

Not to be rude, but reasoning really isn't the correct word to use, IMO

The government and media morons have taken many Americans to a new level of "ignorance" would be the word I would use.....thus making many Americans more of a bunch of morons than the morons in their government and media.

ADDED: I feel bad referring to many of my fellow Americans as "morons", but I can't think of a better word to use right now to describe what I have been witnessing happening across this country with many people in recent years....and especially just with in the last month.

I believe that most people who had purchased guns for the first time in the last dozen years had reasoned it out. If the reason is fear then so be it.
I suppose that I could have used "justification", lol.

15th January 2013, 01:10
If the government suddenly gains the right to restrict guns through the ruse of "mental health" concerns, we just form one more list compiled by the government, not subject to judicial or any other review, that places an unqualified use of discretion to determine our rights. The so-called "no fly" list is such a list. Folks who can not fly from one place to another. We can't inquire as to why they are on this list. What information is used to form the basis, they just can't fly. I see this ability to hack away at rights through the use of administrative procedures as an executive usurpation of legislative and judicial powers. Slowly but surely there is a general shift in this direction. The NDAA takes the judiciary out, denies habeas corpus (a truly massive shift). The shift of all of these so-called "back-ground checks" will result in misinformation, purposely manipulated information and political input that results in 2nd Amendment denials. Soon we won't need a judiciary or a legislature.

15th January 2013, 01:32
A novel approach to the gun ownership issue...
[I]Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslackhas read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Vermont's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.

Maslack recently proposed a bill to register "non-gun-owners" and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun. Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as 'a clear mandate to do so'. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals. Vermont’s constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who are "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent.."
Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves, so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise."

Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is not prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says.

Vermontalready boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state .... it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation.

" America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
This makes sense! There is no reason why gun owners should have to pay taxes to support police protection for people not wanting to own guns.

[I]Let them contribute their fair share and pay their own way. Sounds reasonable to me! Non-gun owners require more police to protect them and this fee should go to payingfor their defense!

He needs to be careful, the next Sandy Hook may need to be orchestrated to take place in Vermont - in order to teach these free thinkers a lesson!

Mind you - I wonder if the teachers are armed?

15th January 2013, 02:03
I do not understand the mindset of any commoner who is in support of gun control. The government is armed and dangerous. They are less dangerous because we are armed. They are more dangerous than our friends and neighbors. They are more dangerous than our common enemies.
Unless you are part of the government in some way, support of gun control exposes one as a victim of mind control. Arguing this point with me would also indicate mind control.

I got this reply from a german 26 year old boy ... if i have a gun the thief will kill me if not he will just steal me and ill be alive. SO i prefer we dont have guns and we stay alive. o.O <- what can you say to that?

15th January 2013, 02:36
I do not understand the mindset of any commoner who is in support of gun control. The government is armed and dangerous. They are less dangerous because we are armed. They are more dangerous than our friends and neighbors. They are more dangerous than our common enemies.
Unless you are part of the government in some way, support of gun control exposes one as a victim of mind control. Arguing this point with me would also indicate mind control.

I got this reply from a german 26 year old boy ... if i have a gun the thief will kill me if not he will just steal me and ill be alive. SO i prefer we dont have guns and we stay alive. o.O <- what can you say to that?

I say being concerned with a thief is but a distraction. He used the word "if" also. The government is a real problem and there is no "if" about it. This 26 year old German boy is thinking very small and has allowed himself to be distracted by contrived scenarios instead of very serious matters. The mind control has worked well on him.

15th January 2013, 02:54
I do not understand the mindset of any commoner who is in support of gun control. The government is armed and dangerous. They are less dangerous because we are armed. They are more dangerous than our friends and neighbors. They are more dangerous than our common enemies.
Unless you are part of the government in some way, support of gun control exposes one as a victim of mind control. Arguing this point with me would also indicate mind control.

I got this reply from a german 26 year old boy ... if i have a gun the thief will kill me if not he will just steal me and ill be alive. SO i prefer we dont have guns and we stay alive. o.O <- what can you say to that?

I say STUPID KID. Kill the thief. Man, such stupidity. This kid needs not a gun but a brain for obviously his gun wont work with the brain he has. In switzerland everyone has guns and the crime rate is incredibly low considering many have fully automatic weapons..

Men between the age of 20 and 30 to 34 have fully automatic rifles..
heres' what snoops has to say about it.

they have the lowest death rate lower that US about 6 per 100,000 per year where US is about 10 per 100,000
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Switzerland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Switzerland)

8th April 2021, 20:05
Biden Wrongly Denounces Constitutional Rights In Order To Enforce Democrat Gun Control Agenda:


2013 Flashback: Open for questions VP Biden on gun control.:


8th April 2021, 21:05
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Notice this concept of gun ownership seems to have little or nothing to do with hunting, recreation or even personal defence but the security of a free state.
The Founding Fathers knew that once the state has the monopoly on violence, this freedom disappears.
Remember the founding fathers all faced the death penalty had their illegal armed resistance failed - and would have been consigned to the history books as a bunch of worthless insurgents.
John Hancock's large signature for the king to read was the proverbial "middle finger".

The hated "Quartering Act" was a stupid and insulting act of provocation to armed resistance.

It is easy to picture the scene: a knock on the door from a British soldier, in his fancy and expensive wool clothing, reading a notice that that said, "Quartering Act Regulations! By order of British Parliament...".

Even though British Parliament did not represent the colonies and had no right to tax them, and no matter how poverty-stricken you already might be, you were required to put him up, let him sleep in your bed, eat your food, and (quite conceivably) watch him smirk at your daughter.

Wouldn't you want to blow him away too?

8th April 2021, 21:19
Biden on Second Amendment: 'No amendment is absolute': 'The Five' react:


Biden unveils executive orders to address gun violence 'epidemic':


8th April 2021, 21:27
Since it was legal to own a machine gun with proper permits in this country 100 years ago, for anyone owning such a gun , not one time in 100 years has a machine gun been used in a crime by a legally owned American that has all the licenses. Think about that one. And for those that say its silly to own a machine gun, its a hobby, a sport, a piece of history. It would be like me saying what do you need all those rocks you collect, they serve no purpose, they just sit on a shelf, what good are they or is it something that interests you or is your hobby? You don't have a right to collect rocks either. My point is bad people don't give a rats behind about any law passed, If they want to hurt than they will indeed do that by whatever means are around, gun,knife,baseball bat, rock, car, propane tank, tire iron.

Now lets go to Chicago for example in present day 100,000 gang members and 18,000 police of which only 1/3 are on duty at any given time. Segway to the now 18,000 children who have made it to the USA since Biden and lord knows how many illegals with records. Hey hey, my my . And what about all the mass shootings, what about all the illegal fentenoyl entering the US again and how many shooters were under psychotropic drugs ? 400 million guns in this country and more people die every year from chemicals under your sink than guns in this country, Biden should be focusing on the chemicals maybe or maybe illegals, whoa what a concept that would be?

8th April 2021, 23:12
Ted Cruz reacts to Biden's 2A restrictions:


9th April 2021, 15:17
Biden Publicly DENIES Constitutional Rights, His Gun Control Plans Are INSANE:


16th April 2021, 16:19
Common Sense Gun Control is Nonsense | Change My Mind:


26th April 2021, 19:44
Supreme Court Takes Up Major NRA-Backed Gun Rights Case
April 26, 2021

"The Supreme Court on Monday decided to take up a major, National Rifle Association (NRA)-backed lawsuit that challenges a New York law restricting an individual from carrying a concealed handgun in public.

It has been more than 10 years since the Supreme Court weighed in on a significant case involving the Second Amendment, coming in the wake of President Joe Biden’s and top Democrats’ recent push for more gun-control initiatives including bans on so-called “ghost guns,” proposing models for “red flag” laws, and expanding and lengthening background checks.

“The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted limited to the following question: Whether the State’s denial of petitioners’ applications for concealed-carry licenses for self-defense violated the Second Amendment,” reads a brief order (pdf) from the high court on Monday.

Over the years, the NRA and other gun rights groups have criticized the Supreme Court for not taking up any major lawsuits relating to the Second Amendment. In 2008, the court said for the first time that the Second Amendment protects Americans’ rights to keep and bear arms for self-defense at home.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, considered possibly the most conservative justice, wrote several years ago that courts have engaged in a “general failure to afford the 2nd Amendment the respect due an enumerated constitutional right.” Going further, he wrote: “If a lower court treated another right so cavalierly, I have little doubt that this court would intervene … The 2nd Amendment is a disfavored right in this court.”

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, after the court dismissed a gun case last term, wrote in early 2020 he hopes the court will take up a Second Amendment-related challenge in the near future, writing: “The Court should address that issue soon, perhaps in one of the several Second Amendment cases with petitions for certiorari now pending before the Court.”

On Monday, the NRA praised the court for taking up the legal challenge, describing it as a case that challenges “New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime,” noting that it sets up the stage “for the Supreme Court to affirm what most states already hold as true, that there is an individual right to self-defense outside of the home.”

The case, according to the gun rights group, challenges New York state’s requirement that applicants for pistol permits show “proper cause” to carry a gun, which they argue violates the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms.

“The NRA believes that law-abiding citizens should not be required to prove they are in peril to receive the government’s permission to exercise this constitutionally protected right,” the group wrote, noting that if the Supreme Court rules favorably, it will “affect the laws in many states that currently restrict carrying a firearm outside the home.”

Robert Nash and Brendan Koch, the two men who brought the lawsuit, both applied for licenses to carry handguns in New York state for self-defense but were denied. A district court later said that neither had proper cause to carry a handgun because they did not face “any special or unique danger to [their] life.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, wrote in a legal brief calling on the Supreme Court not to grant the case, saying the state law is consistent with prior rulings.

James said that New York’s law was “supported by a centuries-old tradition of state and local measures regulating the carrying of firearms in public” and existed in the same essential form since 1913. “New York’s law directly advances the State’s compelling interests in protecting the public from gun violence,” she said.

The Epoch Times has contacted James’ office for comment.

The court is expected to take up the case during the next term.

The case is: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Keith Corlett, No. 20-843."

Karen (Geophyz)
26th April 2021, 20:18
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

I carry a gun, I have a permit and I am a shooting instructor and I shoot in competition. I carry my gun because of where I live. Snakes, wild pig and other nasties roam here.

I carry in public but I believe that my gun should always be concealed. I do not think people should be allowed to carry openly. My personal thought is that this is inviting confrontation. As a person who has been trained the ONLY time I would pull my gun in public would be if my life was being threatened. I would not threaten with it, if I pull it, I WILL shoot it a couple of seconds later. These are things you learn when you get a concealed permit. You do not open carry a gun for self defense, you do it to show off and show off's should not be allowed to carry guns.

26th April 2021, 20:43
To whom it may concern,

Here we are again rushing to pass legislation in a knee-jerk reaction to another tragic shooting.

The “feel good” crowd, gun control advocates, and those with a vested interest in disarming America never miss an opportunity to try and ram anti-gun legislation through Congress and eviscerate the Second Amendment.

The “feel good” crowd just wants to do something to make themselves, our school children and society “feel safer;” to hell with doing something that will actually make us “be safer.” That requires thinking, work and time to get at the root cause of the problem. They prefer to attack the symptom and put another Band-Aid on the problem so they can feel safer and go back to sleep.

The gun-control advocates just want guns eliminated because they know it’s the guns that kill people and not the people pulling the trigger. These people are not unlike the “feel good” crowd except that they have an agenda to eliminate guns and the Second Amendment. They know that history has proven time and again that if you disarm the masses their governments will do the right thing and protect them. For these people more government and controls is the solution—not the problem.

Then there are those with a vested interest in disarming Americans. These are the ones who actually control the government and their puppets. They know that if and when the American people actually wake up en masse and realize what has been going on, a large segment of the population will come looking for them and that doesn’t bode well for the psychopaths who believe the world is their oyster and the masses are just their “useless eaters” chattel to do with as they see fit.

The Vice President says the White House can act without Congress to enact gun control legislation (Fox News: Vice President to meet with gun safety groups (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/09/vice-president-to-meet-with-gun-safety-groups/)).

Since when did the President become dictator? Is this yet another example of Obama’s “transparent government” where legislation is created behind closed doors and passed quickly and silently when no one is looking—least of all our “watch-dog” media? But then the main stream media is the government’s propaganda machine so why would any sane person think that they would cover anything other than entertainment news and information the government wants the dumbed-down public to believe.

Let’s examine the statements made by VP Biden and Fox news in the above linked FOX news story:

The VP met with gun-safety and victims groups saying he is “determined” to take “urgent action” to address gun violence and then he goes on to say “This is not an exercise in photo opportunities or just getting to ask you all what your opinions are. We are vitally interested in what you have to say.”

Really? A complex problem that has been plaguing this country for decades, with little to nothing of any consequence being done, all of a sudden can be seriously addressed in no time at all. One might wonder why it couldn’t have been done decades ago then.

“The White House has sought to avoid prejudging what Biden's recommendations would be. But the vice president hinted Wednesday that executive action -- action by the president in which Congress would not have a say -- would indeed be involved.”

First, when did Obama become King? Second, if the most brilliant minds in this country could not resolve this issue over decades, does anyone seriously believe that one man can resolve the issue with the stroke of a pen?

“The administration says mental health and the entertainment industry will likely be examined as part of that process.”

This may be a step in the right direction, but it isn’t going to be resolved in a few weeks or months and probably not even a few years. Certainly, immediately enacting gun-control legislation is not going to address these very real components of the problem. But, then again, they did say these components “will likely be examined.” They never said they WOULD be examined.

“The NRA has been at the helm of fighting those proposals ever since the group broke its post-Connecticut silence and called for a national school security plan to install armed officers at every school in the country. “

This is just another “feel safer” Band-aid to apply to the problem. We don’t need more Gestapo police, more locked-down facilities, more surveillance cameras, we need to understand and then seriously address the problem of why some people turn violent against innocent people.

“The Washington Post reported over the weekend that President Obama was considering measures beyond reinstating a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. According to the paper, the task force is considering measures like universal background checks for gun buyers, a national gun database, strengthening mental-health checks and tougher penalties for people carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors.”

Would universal background checks have prevented Adam Lanza from getting the guns he had?
Would a national gun database have all the owners and the guns they bought through the black market in it?
What does “strengthening mental health checks mean?” This might be more on track with getting at the root cause. Notice, however, that this has nothing to do with gun control so there is at least a tacit acknowledgement that the person behind the gun might have something to do with the actual problem.
Does making more innocent people awards of the state and federal government make us any safer or does it destroy more families? And how many people “give” their guns to minors?

“Asked Monday about the report, Carney reiterated that Obama wants to "close the many loopholes in our background check system" and "supports Congressional actions right away."

Would closing the loopholes in background checks have prevented the Sandy Hook shooting? Why do you suppose Obama wants to take action right away? Do you really believe it is to protect our children or might it have more to do with moving closer to eliminating the Second Amendment to protect the true powers-that-be?

At what point do we wake up in this country? America has the most number of people behind bars (over 2 million—as many as China and Russia combined and we’re supposed to be the land of the “free”) than any other country on the planet and over 7 million (1 in every 32 American adults) under correctional supervision. And we all know that criminals obey the law so, clearly, more laws and putting more people behind bars is the answer. We have been fighting the “War on Drugs” for over 80 years. Has it stopped drugs from being obtained or used? Has locking up all those drug offenders and making them felons—thus virtually eliminating their chances of finding work and functioning as ordinary citizens when they are released—helped them and their families? Has anyone determined to commit a crime ever been stopped because it was illegal? What is the “acceptable” number of children and people killed in shootings since banning automatic weapons and high-capacity clips—even if it worked—would just reduce the number killed? It would not stop the killings. If eliminating guns is the solution are we ready to eliminate kitchen knives, all toxic household chemicals, screwdrivers, scissors, fertilizer and insecticides, all pharmaceuticals that could kill, etc? Does anyone seriously believe that even if guns were eliminated it would prevent someone determined to kill others from either obtaining a gun on the black market or choosing some other method of committing murder or is it just the number of murders committed at one time that bothers some people?

We can either create a prison planet based on fear, hatred, war, secrecy, tyranny, dependency, lies and deceit or we can create a free planet based on courage, love, peace, openness, compassion, responsibility, truth and honesty. The choice is ours. But make no mistake; we’ll never get the latter by doing all the things that are prerequisites to creating the former. Which planet would you rather live on?

Everyone reading should know and realize by now that this same fear porn game has been going on since my great great grandfather was alive. When the NRA schedules a meeting in the WH to see the prez it goes about like this! Imagine the following.

NRA team enters. Obama finally waltzes in after being fashionably late as usual!! LaPiere or whoever is NRA prez stands, back then shakes the president's hand thanking him.
"Mr. President. Thank you so much for your time today.. We will get right to it so as to not waste any of your time. I understand from my constituents that NRA memberships have one again slumped, and also arms manufactures are concerned about over stock of AR 15's and ammo that has not moved since the last run. They would really like to sell these and move them to make room for new stock sir. We hope, that with a generous contribution to your favorite fund, charity or foundation that we can arrange a happy ending here indeed for everyone!" We thank you once more for time!
The prez says something akin to, " I will see what I can do in the next few days!" The NRA team leaves. Three days later Obama with one threat about the ammo and the firearm being made a banned weapon and those dust collectors moved right out!! Just as planned they sold off all the dust collectors!! Coincidence!? I think not! They are not taking anything ladies and gentleman they are selling selling selling!! Democrats always move and sell far more firearms when in the WH than republicans. Sales dropped so badly when Trump took office the arms mfgrs. and NRA were in near panic. You see? No one feared for their second amendment right with Trump. They do with the dems though always! Buttigieg and Harris undoubtedly received huge kickbacks for the lines they formed during Trump's term moving all those guns and creating long lines at gun stores everywhere they spoke!! Fear porn sells! Knee jerk av. joe gun lover and he'll tell the wife, "Honey I know we need new clothes for the kids and school is coming but we better get that gun I was wanting for Christmas now or I might not ever be able to buy it again" and multiply it by thousands of buyers you get the idea! Those dust collectors were gone just from the fear they would not be there later! Sell sell sell!!! Iran Contra anyone? Fast & Furious? You need more to be reminded that arms is a huge part of their profit industry?

27th April 2021, 18:24
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

I carry a gun, I have a permit and I am a shooting instructor and I shoot in competition. I carry my gun because of where I live. Snakes, wild pig and other nasties roam here.

I carry in public but I believe that my gun should always be concealed. I do not think people should be allowed to carry openly. My personal thought is that this is inviting confrontation. As a person who has been trained the ONLY time I would pull my gun in public would be if my life was being threatened. I would not threaten with it, if I pull it, I WILL shoot it a couple of seconds later. These are things you learn when you get a concealed permit. You do not open carry a gun for self defense, you do it to show off and show off's should not be allowed to carry guns.

I always have a gun close by in and around the house in case of home invasion, and I carry it if I'm going out into the woods, you just never know.

I carry in public as well, have had the license since 2003. Similar to you, if I'm ever seen displaying that thing it's not for show. It wouldn't be automatic that I'd wind up using it, but there's a darn good chance I would, all depends on if the person backs down or not. If I'm sitting in a restaurant and someone comes in shooting, that's when all bets or off it's GONNA happen soon as I get the chance.

I don't mind open carry so much, to me it just depends on how it's done. Every now and then I'll see someone open carrying a pistol into a store, and it's always been in a discreet manner, probably most people wouldn't even notice but my eyes key in quickly on stuff like that. I'm actually kind of happy when I see it, knowing that there now are at least 2 good "guys" in the establishment with the ability to stop something terrible happening.

You know I think open carrying a pistol can actually prevent something from happening in the first place. There's a local pharmacist that regularly open carries at work, were I someone planning on jumping over the counter and robbing them of their Oxy's, I'd go somewhere else to do it. So there is that factor.

It's when people sling an AK 47 around their shoulder that I look a little cross eyed at it. Like come on Rambo, give it a rest...

Karen (Geophyz)
27th April 2021, 19:42
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

I carry a gun, I have a permit and I am a shooting instructor and I shoot in competition. I carry my gun because of where I live. Snakes, wild pig and other nasties roam here.

I carry in public but I believe that my gun should always be concealed. I do not think people should be allowed to carry openly. My personal thought is that this is inviting confrontation. As a person who has been trained the ONLY time I would pull my gun in public would be if my life was being threatened. I would not threaten with it, if I pull it, I WILL shoot it a couple of seconds later. These are things you learn when you get a concealed permit. You do not open carry a gun for self defense, you do it to show off and show off's should not be allowed to carry guns.

I always have a gun close by in and around the house in case of home invasion, and I carry it if I'm going out into the woods, you just never know.

I carry in public as well, have had the license since 2003. Similar to you, if I'm ever seen displaying that thing it's not for show. It wouldn't be automatic that I'd wind up using it, but there's a darn good chance I would, all depends on if the person backs down or not. If I'm sitting in a restaurant and someone comes in shooting, that's when all bets or off it's GONNA happen soon as I get the chance.

I don't mind open carry so much, to me it just depends on how it's done. Every now and then I'll see someone open carrying a pistol into a store, and it's always been in a discreet manner, probably most people wouldn't even notice but my eyes key in quickly on stuff like that. I'm actually kind of happy when I see it, knowing that there now are at least 2 good "guys" in the establishment with the ability to stop something terrible happening.

You know I think open carrying a pistol can actually prevent something from happening in the first place. There's a local pharmacist that regularly open carries at work, were I someone planning on jumping over the counter and robbing them of their Oxy's, I'd go somewhere else to do it. So there is that factor.

It's when people sling an AK 47 around their shoulder that I look a little cross eyed at it. Like come on Rambo, give it a rest...

When I teach women to shoot one thing I always tell them.....never pull that gun out and wait to see if someone will back down. If you pull it out, the next thing the bad guy should hear are shots....many shots. I have seen men take a gun from a woman because she was afraid. So if I pull it...I will shoot it until I have to reload.

But many people here open carry in their businesses and I think that IS a preventive measure. I just don't want to go out to eat and seem some guy who thinks he is tough showing off his guns......I don't go out much.

I totally agree about the AR's and AK type guns. I own one or two but I would not dream of carrying it around to shock people. I had a gun on my hip and a rifle when my visitors walked up this morning and poked their head in my barn.......

27th October 2021, 16:47
'They're Gonna Take Away Your Firearms Without Due Process': Jordan Slams Dem Gun Control Bill:


27th October 2021, 18:04
'They're Gonna Take Away Your Firearms Without Due Process': Jordan Slams Dem Gun Control Bill:


Oh Lordy. John, republicans have been grandstanding about democrats coming for our guns for as long as I can remember, and we still have them by the hundred of millions. But both sides have their hot button issues to keep their bases all riled up, it’s known as tossing them red meat, but that’s all he’s doing here.

He’s chumming the waters with red meat.

Very few democrats actually support gun confiscation, if nothing else it’s political suicide except in big liberal strongholds like San Francisco.

If Jim Jordan were really such a red hot populist looking out for the rights of hard working Americans, he’d be pounding his table about “Civil Asset Forfeiture”, where if you’re carrying a large amount of cash, the cops pull you over and if they find it, they can legally and literally just confiscate it for themselves like old fashioned highway robbery.

But when you dig down he’s *not* really for the little guy, he doesn’t care about real and troubling issues like that, he’s in if for himself like most of the others on both sides of the aisle. But my heavens can they put on a blustery show of it when the cameras are rolling…

So anyway, take it or leave it, but it’s from someone who’s been around for a while and watched these things very closely.

15th April 2022, 00:47
Jeffrey Prather's latest video shows evidence of the use of crisis actors in the NYC subway shooting that occurred yesterday. Go to around the 27 minute point of the following video to see his analysis:


17th April 2022, 04:53
The masking mandate sure makes it easy for crisis actors to be more difficult to identify, but I expect more evidence will come out anyway.

Jeffrey Prather's latest video shows evidence of the use of crisis actors in the NYC subway shooting that occurred yesterday. Go to around the 27 minute point of the following video to see his analysis:


31st May 2022, 16:32
Trudeau is enacting a national freeze on buying and selling guns in Canada.
dailymail (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10869291/Canadas-Trudeau-announces-plan-national-freeze-handguns.html)

The new bill that will halt the growth of personally owned handguns is expected to be enacted this fall

Canada already has plans in place to ban 1,500 types of military-style firearms

The Canadian government will also offer a mandatory buyback program that will begin at the end of 2022

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced the new measure just six days after the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas

The Canadian government said the bill would also allow for the removal of gun licenses from people involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment

Rifle magazines will also be permanently altered so they can never hold more than five rounds

A ban on the sale and transfer of large-capacity magazines under the Criminal Code will also be introduced in the fall


7th June 2022, 20:10
This got me thinking:

Dead Ferrets
They’re coming for the guns in every country at the same time.

God knows what’s next.

7th June 2022, 23:14
They will never get all the guns! The fact is the very people wanting to take the guns need those very same guns to control the people they do not want having guns! And since human nature is so deviant the very circles of those people within enforcement will insure that guns are always out ther circulating among the criminals!! This entire exercise is ridiculous and all they are doing is knee jerking the world into wanting to buy guns they were not thinking of buying before all the fear porn started!!

7th March 2023, 15:29
Steven Crowder Destroys Jon Stewart's Stance On Gun Control:


15th March 2023, 17:43
RED ALERT! Biden Seizes Bank Crisis To Do Something VILE Behind The Scenes—Lists Created!

As the old saying goes: when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns

29th March 2023, 22:07

We discuss the recent mass shooting at The Covenant School, a private Christian elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee, and steps moving forward.

Bo Atkinson
29th March 2023, 23:34
Mojeek seems to offer many links to search: "psychiatric drug" + gun

Is it worth posting on the consensus-trance media? It may deserves more time and lower-emotionality than I have.

Copy Paste from Mojeek.com:

Results 1 to 10 from 119,081 in 0.38s
https://www.cchrflorida.org › what-is-mental-health-a-look-at-psychia...
What is Mental Health? – A Look at Psychiatric Drugs, Guns
... psychiatric drugs, the President of the United States has looked to guns as the problem and has called for more of the same mental health care that ...
See more results from www.cchrflorida.org »
https://cedwardpitt.com › ... › 10 › 13 › guns-cause-mass-shootings-not-psy...
Guns cause mass shootings, not psychiatric drugs | Dr C. Edward
Guns cause mass shootings, not psychiatric drugs ... The key factor in gun-related deaths isn’t psychiatric medications, but guns.
See more results from cedwardpitt.com »
https://preparedgunowners.com › tag › psychiatric-drugs
Psychiatric Drugs Archives - Prepared Gun Owners
Why Is Everyone Taught 1 DANGEROUS Focus In Gun Disarms? [Video] ... The Unexpected Gun To Have In Your Survival Arsenal
https://www.diversehealthservices.com › ... › ... › Is-Guns-or-Psychiatri...
Is Guns or Psychiatric Drugs the Real Problem? - Blog and News
Then ask yourself, “ Are guns the problem or is it maybe the psychiatric medication? ” ... Drugs may not be the Best Answer for ...
See more results from www.diversehealthservices.com »
https://scottlazarowitz.org › ... › ... › 10 › mass-murders-psychiatric-dru...
Mass Murders, Psychiatric Drugs, and Gun Control – Scott
Breggin’s book on psychiatric drug withdrawal, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families .
https://www.naturalnews.com › 038353_gun_control_psychiatric_drugs_Ad...
Gun control? We need medication control! Newton elementary
And that starts with mind-altering psychiatric drugs which I believe have unleashed a drug-induced epidemic of violence across our nation.
See more results from www.naturalnews.com »
https://thepriceofliberty.org › tag › psychiatric-drugs
psychiatric drugs | The Price of Liberty
Black Man With A Gun ... Gun Blog Black List ... South Dakota Gun Owners Association
See more results from thepriceofliberty.org »
https://www.wakingtimes.com › tag › psychiatric-drugs
psychiatric drugs Archives - Waking Times
Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Drugs ... World Famous Psychiatrist Says More Psychiatric Drug Treatment Means More Mass Shootings Will Happen
See more results from www.wakingtimes.com »
https://cchrnewengland.org › ... › 01 › 09 › newtown-psychiatric-drug-conne...
Newtown, Psychiatric Drug Connection to Mass Murders not
... ideation” – murderous thoughts – as a result of taking just this one brand of antidepressant drug.Effexor is Wyeth’s best-selling drug, by ...
See more results from cchrnewengland.org »
https://themattwalshblog.com › gun-free-military-bases-and-dangerous-...
'Gun free' military bases and dangerous psychiatric
Gun free ’ military bases and dangerous psychiatric drugs: a lethal mixture ... role that a drug plays in a violent episode, when the drug is ...
Try elsewhere:


30th March 2023, 02:04
Jesse Ventura who was a navy seal and govenor stated one time what the real definition of gun control was. He stated "being able to shoot 3 rounds at 100 yards in the size of a quarter on a target is true gun control. ".

27th May 2023, 03:56
You can never have an efficient totalitarian police state, when it has to be “benevolent” and fearful of millions of armed citizens. And you can’t disarm millions of armed citizens when they won’t tell you where the arms are. And you can’t arrest them until you criminalize their disobedience to “reasonable” gun restrictions and “common sense” registration. And you can’t tolerate their belief that they have an “endowed right” to self defense against tyranny, that supersedes your political power of the bigger gun.

• An Armed Populace Fears No Government.
• A Disarmed Populace Fears All Government.
• A Criminal Government Fears Guns.
• An Honest Government Appreciates the Assistance.

28th May 2023, 20:40
It's like I told you guys pages back. They knee jerk the av. joe gun lover in the states everytime the NRA memberships drop and guns stagnate in sales as well as ammo. Then through fear they profit by moving those dust collectors off the shelves simply by threatening new laws or regs or capacity of magazines and so on. All designed to move product. They sell here to the citizens in one market, to the world governments in another on the up and up and to clandestine gangs and groups of merecenaries all over the planet on the down low. Just like they created a pandemic to fear all into jabs making them all 20 bucks profit for every 1 buck they invested they profitted off of fear porn and hype! Anyone thinking the dems don't get a big cut of the guns they move from fear porn when they get on their pedestal causing gun lines of buyers all over the USA is sadly naive to how things really work. There is and always has been greater gun volume sales and ammo sales in the USA when dems are in office. For example when Trump was elected sales dropped and memberships in the NRA dropped so drastically the gun lobby and NRA spokesman were beside themselves wanting to create some new crisis to stir up sales and memberships! Shortly after Buttigieg and Harris get on the pedestal moving guns for them everywhere they speak. History speaks for itself. Nothing is as it appears and most everything is a rich man's trick!