View Full Version : MUST LISTEN -- Investigator Mike Powers: America, a nation now at war

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Bill Ryan
18th January 2013, 23:05

Dear All,

I'm doing something I rarely do: I'm bumping this interview to the highest prominence I can.

Trust me on this. It's one of the most compelling interviews I've ever heard on any subject. (And I've heard a few.)

To download the audio from the YouTube video, use snipmp3.com. (http://snipmp3.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSK8tLX6VQp4)


Direct audio download (no commercial breaks, 1 hr 25 mins):

The unedited radio show is two hours long, but you'll be so riveted it'll pass quickly. Mike Powers is a very sharp, connected, experienced military-trained investigator who knows exactly what he's talking about. He details more anomalies in the Sandy Hook story than you can shake a stick at -- far more than I was even aware of -- and his delivery is powerful, articulate, persuasive, clear, and unequivocal.

His conclusion: America is now at war.

Every Avalonian -- and everyone else, if you're reading this and are not a member -- must listen to this.

18th January 2013, 23:13
Interview starts at 8:15 in the first youtube video.

18th January 2013, 23:49
Sandy Hook smelled a little Fishy to me. Without a doubt, they were using this false flag event to try and De-Arm Americans. The Lame-Stream News Media Propaganda sent out it's Ass Clowns on a mission didnt they. The writing is on the wall. Inviting The Children to Barack Obama's Gun Control Party. And Piers Morgan from CNN on his recent failed interview on gun control. Is the dollar ready to take a sh!t. Is the false economic system about to crumble? Are they scared of Americans. You Betcha. Good thing I still have my 2 off duty service revolvers. If they want my guns they can pry them from my cold dead fingers first. Kudos for The Bump Bill. Gonna have a listen now.

19th January 2013, 00:08
I posted this link in another thread, but it received little exposure. Every American Citizen with a concern regarding their Second Amendment Rights should be aware there is a petition before Congress to Impeach Barach Obama/A.K.A. Barry Soetoro. This is one way every member here can become proactive in this fight for the Constitution of the United States.

Sign the Petition, and thereby send a letter to your Congressman (Note: Signing the petition will automatically send a letter to your Congressman. You can add text to the letter that is sent by making a comment. P.S. please have the balls to use your real name. Let's make this work).


19th January 2013, 00:11
It might worth making some notes for members here summarizing the key points

Key Notes from interview

~ Adam Lanza very likely never existed ( can't find anything on him, can find lots on his brother)

~ the "Mother" stories change constantly, she worked for Chase Morgan,

~ 3 employees from GE financial have been tried & convicted in connection with the LIBOR scandal (Co workers of Peter Lanza (alleged "father") so there is a tentative connection) the father was not included

~ Nancy's obituary did not mention adam (everyone else was listed)

~Adam Lanza Motive: non-existent...

~only one call to the police for the incident. (from staff member that "believes" they are hearing gun shots) no evidence that any other calls to the police came in, despite the "hundreds" of rounds fired, front entry way being broken into (questionable).

~ Gun shots (reported in the hundreds) of the type of rifle in an enclosed area would cause severe distortion, the shooter would loose balance & possibly collapse from the 165+ decibel reports (hundreds of them) from the carbine rifle (you can infer from this that many more injuries would exist) possibly resulting in unconsciousness.

~Adam was "home schooled" but has none of the typical documents that exist for home schooling, there is no documentation that he ever was home schooled & Adam Lanza has no connection to Sandy Hook elementary at all.

~the weight of the rounds & equipment that Adam was reported to have (he was allegedly 120lbs) would have been carrying 120lbs in equipment ( or more, hard to pin that down though because they have said so many different weapons were present)

~The front of the school, all glass is in-tact (he didn't break into the school as reported)`

~school entry is secured by camera's & entry is enforced by it, no video has been shown, glass front windows & doors should have been nearly impenetrable by a 120lb assailant

~School teachers did not evacuate kids when they heard shooting; no children were pushed out the windows & told to run to the VERY close fire station.

~Christipher rodes car (sp?) held the tactical shot gun (NOT AR-15) that was extracted on film (correctly identified & not cross talk on the police scanner tapes) 4 completely bio/chemical/full MOPP gear wearing individiduals were standing around the trunk when the shot gun was extracted (Raw 'chopper footage).

~ALLEGEDLY a bushmaster is the weapon used in the shootings, first reporting was 2 hand guns found inside bushmaster was found in a trunk, one day later the bush master was "found inside". of the two hand guns the glock 10mm is a Large frame commonly used Law Enforcement weapon (not typical for a woman to purchase).

~ It was reported that Adam & his mother had been to gun ranges to practice quite often, however reporters could not find any witnesses that recall either of them ever showing up at any ranges.

~Accuracy of the shootings (11 shots in some very small framed victims) was far too high for a novice shooter.

~connecticut has an ASSAULT WEAPONS ban in place, yet it is reported that Nancy Lanza had "legally" registered all these guns (to include the AR-15 which is BANNED in Connecticut)

~Mr Rosen (.1 miles away) would not have been able to hear the gun fire & if he DID hear it why did he NOT call the police?

~AR-15's like the one reported to allegedly be used by "Adam lanza" would have had several "jams" or "stoppages" with hundreds of rounds fired due to the unreliability of an un-tuned weapon like this; also you need to be trained in S.P.O.R.T.S. (corrective actions) to quickly fix weapon jams.

~Robbie parker is brought up (strange stage actor methods used & false emotion seemingly used), where was "mrs parker", why would the rest of the family be abandoned, the "dead daughter" that was stolen from flicker is brought up as well (she's alive and her mother is pissed her picture is used).

~Response time was 7 min, there was not enough time (7 min, from entry to police arrival) to do what was said was done.

~entire scene was cleared in less than an hour, not reasonable either.

~school nurse is not even licensed in the state of Connecticut.

~None of the professionals interviewed actually hold any real certification or licenses (the nurse, the "psychologist" that found the 6 children, none of them).

~questions: redish purple van with window shot out, where is it... Nuns where did they go?

~the media has issued NO retractions regardless of the many contradictions

~School is being destroyed / demolished (evidence cover up)

~ Law enforcement officers were "assigned" to the families (Never been done in this type of situation before) a highly suspect action.

~Multiple “suspicious” deaths of high profile gun advocates followed Sandy Hook.

Bill Ryan
19th January 2013, 00:15

Many thanks, TargeT -- that's extremely useful.

Direct quote from Mike Powers:

It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the US Presidency has been usurped. This nation is under attack. We are literally at war for our freedom, right now, this very day.

19th January 2013, 00:17
I've made an improved version of the audio of the interview.

The adverts are gone, and I've compressed the crap out of it to even up the fluctuations in the levels of the original audio.

https://www.box.com/embed/cav5notkypeemjh.swf" width="466" height="400" wmode="opaque" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always">

19th January 2013, 00:18
It might worth making some notes for members here summarizing the key points -- some of which are quite new, even after watching the very detailed "Fully Exposed" video. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx9GxXYKx_8)

Here's my seriously ugly, raw, unedited, "lecture notes style" notes that I scribbled down, as I listened to this. Only about 90 to 95% accurate -- beware :).

Nothing solid about Adam Lanza, if he even existed, at least since 2009, if not forever.
No public records, drivers license, residences, jobs, schools, ... can be found since then.
Reported details and story changed significantly even during the first day.
Anomalies in brother Ryan's (the one original claimed "off record" as the culprit) statements and presence.
Pictures of Adam are photo shopped.
We don't know that Adam killed his mother.
None of Adam's remaining family (brother, father, ...) have appeared in public to comment or be interviewed on TV shows.
We have not found any conclusive evidence that Adam ever existed.
Story changed as to what weapon Adam shot his Mother Nancy Lanza with.
Lies about Mother: Supposedly a teacher at Sandy Hook, but no record of such, no record she ever held a teacher's certificate, and a record that she was a Morgan Stanley employee.
Three employees of GE division that Peter Lanza (father) was in charge of were charged in LIBOR scandal.
Adam not mentioned in his mother Nancy's obituary, even though all other family members were mentioned.
Claims that Adam attended Sandy Hook elementary school have no evidence.
Claims that Adam had some kind of altercation days earlier with someone at the school have no evidence.
There was gun fire outside school, but no neighbors heard and called 911.
The claimed weapon produces a louder noise (165 db) than most guns.
He supposedly shot 100+ rounds rapidly and had more on his person. It would have been very difficult for Adam to sustain that much noise, in an enclosed space, that close, that rapidly. Two doctors of audiology told him that the percussive impact would be devastating and disorienting to the inner ear.
Adam was conveniently "home schooled", so no record is available of his schooling, not even the required reports of test results from parents of home schooled children.
It would have been so obvious that he was carrying hundreds of rounds of ammo, in a bullet proof vest and a tactical vest, and multiple guns, so there is no way he could have been visually granted entry to the school.
He would have been carrying near to his own body 120 pound weight in gear, and he was supposedly somewhat autistic and of no special claimed training.
Official reports on what weapons he was carrying keep changing.
No pictures of his weapons, of damage to the school, ...
Pictures of school show all glass intact, even though calls to the dispatcher claimed windows shot out.
No access to the school has been allowed by non-authorized officials.
How did he compromise the door he supposedly forced open, if not admitted. Door would have been robust; he wasn't and he was burdened by heavy equipment.
How to shoot that many children fatally ... some kids should have been behind others and just wounded.
Complete lack of video made public of actual shooting events from surveillance cameras is inexplicable.
Why didn't the teachers hearing the shooting in adjacent classrooms open some windows, lift their kids outside, and tell them to run?
No pictures of damage; no video of events; almost no claimed non-fatal casualties.
Breaking the door glass would have been difficult for someone of his light build.
Only a single call to 911 dispatch ever made. Would expect many calls with 100+ very loud gun shots in rapid fire.
For a 120 pound developmentally disabled kid to bash in a strong door, discharge hundreds of rounds, that fast, with that accuracy, would not be possible.
There was a drill being held 25 miles away in a nearby town that kept many of key local law enforcement officers away from the school, so Connecticut State Police responded instead.
No 911 calls from other school administrators, who were in same building and surely heard hundreds of rounds of very loud and rapid gun fire.
When first responders first arrived was claimed to be the end of gun fire, but dispatcher audio and early reports show that be a lie.
Video of guy pulling rifle out of trunk of car was trimmed to avoid showing four guys nearby in full chemical hazmat suits ... what were they expecting?
Initial report all first day long said he used two hand guns Glock 9mm and Sig 10mm, then the reports switched to saying he used a Bushmaster rifle (like AK-47) 232 semi with at least ten magazines.
4 to 11 shots from the Bushmaster on a small kid would blow them to smithereens.
Adam allegedly trained with mother at lower gun ranges, but no local gun range had any such record.
Untrained, weaker, person could not simply sustain the physical kick back from firing that gun that many times.
The shear force, the 5 or 10 magazine changes, the rapidity of fire, the 160db percussive noise, the accuracy of fire (almost all wounded died), ... difficult for a big strong well trained man; impossible for an untrained weaker person.
Law enforcement first responders admitted that they themselves had to shoot their way into the school front door, which door glass was intact when they arrived.
Not a single extra call ... for someone so obviously dangerously equipped and shooting a gun(s) so fast.
The story that the school psychologist or vice principle "bravely encountered" this heavily armed madman who had just shot his way in is B.S. No one walks up unarmed to a madman wearing 100 pounds of guns and ammo and armor, who has just shot his way into the building, to talk with him.
They claimed these weapons were legally registered to the mother, Nancy Lanza, but there is an assault weapons ban in Connecticut. How do you legally register an illegal gun?
Gene Rosen, who claims he took six kids into his house, claimed he heard the gun fire (doubtful from inside his house a mile away). If so, why didn't he call 911?
Highly unlikely that Adam wouldn't have had some mechanical stoppages that required knowing how to clear the gun, firing that many shots.
The kids bodies were not even cold before the politicians were calling for gun bans
Robbie Parker was laughing as he approached the camera, six hours after his daughter was brutally murdered, then hyperventilated to get into character.
Officers claimed they were on scene, weapons up, within seven minutes after the call, which would have been within a minute or two of shooting his way in. (My calculations: so that's say 140 rounds in 7 minutes, or 20 rounds per minute, or one round every 3 seconds, including time to find and enter 2 classrooms and time to change magazines 5 or 10 times, shooting terrorized moving targets with a claimed 90% kill ratio. Damn - that kid was good </sarcasm>.)
Nurse claimed she was locked in a closet for over three hours, whereas officers claimed they had cleared the entire building within one hour.
That nurse is not licensed in the state of Connecticut.
Gene Rosen claimed to be a psychologist, but is not a licensed psychologist, and just attended a community college for two years.
People dressed as nuns no where to be found.
One or two men captured in the woods no where to be found.
Now they say they want to demolish the school and never reopen it ...perfect way to destroy the evidence.
The Connecticut State Police officer threatened to legally pursue anyone who spread misinformation about the incident.
Connecticut State Police "body guard" assigned to every family of one of the victims: unprecedented in such incidents. Highly suspect - they seem to be hiding something.
Several prominent gun spokesman have been killed under very strange circumstances in the last few weeks

19th January 2013, 00:25
Paul has notes as well here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?53271-The-Sandy-Hook-Massacre--the-MAJOR-DISCREPANCIES-LIST&p=618894&viewfull=1#post618894)

This interview along with the Youtube video that has over 10 million hits are very comprehensive.

Were I to try and broach this subject with any "main stream" minded individual I would use (probably the notes, pauls or mine) this interview and the Youtube video.

I would say this is an unprecedented level of investigation & mistakes (by whomever), this event seems like it's shaping up to have historical significance for reasons OTHER than heard on the MSM.

Fred Ryan
19th January 2013, 00:27
I've been trying my best to ignore the whole thing. I guess the fact that this might be some sort of a staged event is a little too difficult to bear. Yesterday, however, I watched the below video of the coroner's news conference. It's bizare beyond belief. It almost seems likes he's not human and doesn't know how to respond appropriately. At points it's almost like a machine having a programing breakdown.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to sleep.


19th January 2013, 00:46
Thanks to all who have taken the time to delve into this. I saw this link on another thread and have just completed watching it. It has been sent on to a few people I think would have an interest.

I've read and watched most of the previous info on the other threads as well related to this subject, which I've sent forward too.

This community is an amazing source of information that cannot be found elsewhere, nor do I have the ability or time to do the research that many of you do. With much graditude and appreciation...

19th January 2013, 00:52
There is little doubt in my mind, that this is ANOTHER false flag . 1 question that seems to have not been asked is , where is the original 911 recorded message from the school or anyone else for that matter ? And I've seen the many YT videos on this .

19th January 2013, 01:41
~Adam Lanza's Facebook Page was able to be viewed by anyone~ When it was private to only his friends.....

19th January 2013, 01:54
this clip has the fake father smiling , asking about the cue cards, creating the fake emotions, mentioned in this interview eHv_RhVgfUQ

19th January 2013, 02:06
Paula (WCBD) Posted This On The Ranch Thread, Thought Id Share. Seems Fitting. Robbie Parker is in this collage as well.


19th January 2013, 02:06
still no mention of the first responding police officer being shot...

did he shoot from inside the classroom? without breaking a window?

was he standing in the doorway firing at the police officers, and none of the officers bullets hit around the doorway?

was the cop shot because someone didn't want the shooting stopped?

19th January 2013, 02:23
even the Wiki story doesn't mention the wounded officer, but it was on live TV the day of the shooting...

Some time before 9:30 a.m. EST on Friday, December 14, 2012, Lanza fatally shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, age 52, at their Newtown home.[10] Investigators later found her body, clad in pajamas, in her bed with four gunshot wounds to her head.[17] Lanza then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School.[9][10] Wiki Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting)

it says he was wearing "Ear Plugs"

it mentions an altercation at the school the day before...

2 of the teachers killed were substitutes...

19th January 2013, 02:24

That raised a brow on mine face this week when the MSM reported that Gene Rosen, a Sandy Hook Resident was being harassed by 'truthers'.

"Apparently" Mr. Rosen took in six children to his home during the shootings. Where were these children at that they could , all six of them fled uneeringly to Mr. Rosen's home.

When and how? And that was the first I heard of it. The way it was reported was the children were all in lock down during the shooting event, and then summarily escorted from the building after law enforcement officials arrived. At what point did they have opportunity to flee to Mr. Rosen's home.

Any comments, or has anyone heard of this version of 'the' story. Or how it fits in with what was previously reported...or doesn't?

19th January 2013, 02:28
Here is a link to a VT article today that mentions gov investigation and arrests and they consider Sandy Hook a terrorist event.

Link... http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/01/18/sandy-hook-land-of-black-honda-civics/

From article- The anomalies involving Sandy Hook are beyond count. We have information from official sources that the US is investigating Sandy Hook as a terrorist attack and has made at least 4 arrests.

- Two names have been announced, arrests in New York City, “hippies” we know to have been running a safe house for the killer teams. Teams?

the comments section has other revealing info.

19th January 2013, 02:33
Here's Gentlemen Gene Rosen with some of his grammy award winning acting. :thumb:
Lights, Camera, Action. Roll em.....
Im convinced, much like Lucky Larry Silverstein convinced me when he told that whopping Dermatologist story on the morning of Sept 1, 2001. Oy Vey!


19th January 2013, 02:40

Direct quote from Mike Powers:

It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the US Presidency has been usurped. This nation is under attack. We are literally at war for our freedom, right now, this very day.

The war started Sept. 11, 2001, it entered a new phase or shifted gears a bit on Dec.14, 2012.

They got away with knocking the trade towers down, Sandy Hook is nothing quite like that but with the same dark elements, the same type of MOTIVE, and they're getting away with this too (so far).

Our Knowledge, Wisdom, and Common Sense is their worst enemy right now.....and our best weapon.

19th January 2013, 02:45
Soooo..he's a professional actor and he's 'in state'. I gathering that you've seen him at work before WF, was he showing in signs of hypnotic influence in other episodes? Or do have any other videos where 'he's at work' or at least being worked?

19th January 2013, 02:49
Earlier .,...back in October with the spat of ritual child killings around the PA, NY, CT and NJ area in the 14 day time frame before Hurricane Sandy arrived.


Direct quote from Mike Powers:

It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the US Presidency has been usurped. This nation is under attack. We are literally at war for our freedom, right now, this very day.

The war started Sept. 11, 2001, it entered a new phase or shifted gears a bit on Dec.14, 2012.

They got away with knocking the trade towers down, Sandy Hook is nothing quite like that but with the same dark elements, the same type of MOTIVE, and they're getting away with this too (so far).

Our Knowledge, Wisdom, and Common Sense is their worst enemy right now.....and our best weapon.

19th January 2013, 02:50
Nearly a month after the shooting, police were still finding bullets and casings scattered around the school, including some in the parking lot.

Three staff members' cars, including one belonging to slain first-grade teacher Lauren Rousseau, were shot, leading investigators to wonder if Lanza opened fire on cops who responded to the shooting.

No cop cars were hit and police who were there "don't remember" being shot at, the Courant said...

link (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/lanza-wore-earplugs-shot-cars-article-1.1234747#ixzz2INyprWQU)

cell phones had no signal to call 911, but a newspaper called and talked with the Principal before she was shot...

19th January 2013, 02:50
Soooo..he's a professional actor and he's 'in state'. I gathering that you've seen him at work before WF, was he showing in signs of hypnotic influence in other episodes? Or do have any other videos where 'he's at work' or at least being worked?

Ill try to dig some up. I have a box of reel to reels with plenty of footage in my out-house. Ill post it soon. ;)

19th January 2013, 02:56
9Eagle9, here's some older footage of Gentlemen Gene. Enjoy!
Gene was nominated 5 times for this video alone. Oops sorry that was Lucky Larry, My Bad. :p


19th January 2013, 03:04

Direct quote from Mike Powers:

It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the US Presidency has been usurped. This nation is under attack. We are literally at war for our freedom, right now, this very day.

The war started Sept. 11, 2001, it entered a new phase or shifted gears a bit on Dec.14, 2012.

They got away with knocking the trade towers down, Sandy Hook is nothing quite like that but with the same dark elements, the same type of MOTIVE, and they're getting away with this too (so far).

Our Knowledge, Wisdom, and Common Sense is their worst enemy right now.....and our best weapon.

Our best weapon is maintaining our constitutional rights. Everyone here should be making effort to do so in one way or another.
Rally the war cry for freedom through your communities.

19th January 2013, 03:07
And the Vatican got what? Best Production? Best Script?

19th January 2013, 03:21
Any way of finding out what date this was filmed?

Here's Gentlemen Gene Rosen with some of his grammy award winning acting. :thumb:
Lights, Camera, Action. Roll em.....
Im convinced, much like Lucky Larry Silverstein convinced me when he told that whopping Dermatologist story on the morning of Sept 1, 2001. Oy Vey!


19th January 2013, 03:21
I think the dark elements need to be kept in mind to with Sandy Hook, in relation to the Aurora shooting, the Temple shooting in Wisconsin, and even the way children and other symbolism were/was portrayed in the Olympic Ceremonies. I strongly feel these events are connected, especially when I look at the darkness and "coincidences" involved in all these events.

Aurora and the Wisconsin Temple shootings seem a bit different than the Sandy Hook shooting. But I wouldn't doubt it much that the same team was involved in all 3 shootings. Sandy Hook was the one that really "motivated" political policy changes out of the 3.

I think slowly but surely we here are connecting many dots....along with many other "thinkers" across the nation.

19th January 2013, 03:48
how can you shoot someone with a bushmaster when it's locked up in the trunk of the car ??

19th January 2013, 04:16
every time you look another piece to the puzzle that was just tossed out...

Note: The car that the media reports to be the alleged shooters (Adam Lanza) has been found to be registered to Christopher Rodia... Suspect dressed in Nun's outfit... (http://theintelhub.com/2013/01/15/sandy-hook-shooter-suspects-last-seen-on-stony-hill-multiple-people-in-a-van-with-masks-one-appears-to-be-dressed-in-a-nun-outfit/)

The man that the black civic(CT plate 872 yeo) is registered to, Christopher Rodia is a criminal who lists his address as this guy’s house. Interesting!


why did he shoot one boy 11 times? The only Jew who was killed, was the father of this boy somehow connected in all of this?

19th January 2013, 04:16
A while back I predicted that early 2013 would see the PTB make a grand push. Well with the NATO invasion of Africa and the latest goings on in the USA, it looks like I was right.

This looks like crunch time for Americans; if Obama's latest moves become law ("who can reasonably argue against mass ownership of assault weapons" will be the mantra) then it will simply be the first step. Those reading this thread know that. So look on it as an opportunity: either you draw the line in the sand now, or the line will ever more encroach upon whatever freedoms you have left. And once it's happened there, I think the stage will be set for complete world take-over.

I don't see civil war in the USA as a bad thing, can anyone come up with an alternative ? Protest marches ? Sit-ins ? Mass gatherings of people saying "I love you" ? Or maybe just sit back and let it all get worse ? I really don't know. The trajectory of our evolution has to be altered, no one's going to do it for us. Maybe it comes down to this ....

Do you want your grandchildren to say "thank you" or "f**k you" (assuming they ever get to live) ?

I wish strength and courage to all the good Americans on this forum and off it.

19th January 2013, 04:33
Interesting stuff imbedded in Larry (11) Silver-Stein (8) name.

Gene (22) Rosen (8)too.

A not overly important person he's conveying some information to someone though, and he's in state, then popping in and out from conscious speak to subconscious speak. He is what he is a-- spokesperson. One would have to listen to the video over and over again and listen carefully for key words, circle, six, etc.

Rumor has it though that the Sandy Hook Coordinates were used as a target zone in the Black Knight Rising. Not having seen the movie I can't really confirm this is yay or nay.

Take a look at some of the names associated with these mass killings numerologicall and contextually speaking and you'll see a curiosity arise. Start with Adam (1). Adam interestingly enough is the first man.

Rinse and Repeat Make sure you go all the way back to the Alfred P Murrah building. Even the people involved begin to build a 'story'.

I've always wondered whom 'they' are broadcasting it to.

19th January 2013, 04:50
When its a snake.

how can you shoot someone with a bushmaster when it's locked up in the trunk of the car ??

19th January 2013, 05:00
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

Was it botched from the inside??

It does appear to be a spectacular unraveling of the game,
at least one layer. Unless it was all by design, in which case
what else is going on that they want us so turned the other way??
This is all taking viral to new heights.

19th January 2013, 05:08
They've always been sloppy, they do the same thing over and over again, I go on autopilot myself when I do repetitive tasks and screw things up. They are all botch jobs in how OBVIOUS things are when one learns how to observe the way they do the same thing over and over again.

It may serve us to keep that in mind.

One day.

One hopes.

19th January 2013, 05:14
Agreed, but this is sloppy to the point of being a joke,
the "wake up" quotient on this one is off the scale.

19th January 2013, 05:14
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

Was it botched from the inside??

It does appear to be a spectacular unraveling of the game,
at least one layer. Unless it was all by design, in which case
what else is going on that they want us so turned the other way??
This is all taking viral to new heights.

If things ARE going tits up on the inside, they surely have long prepared programs that they have yet to activate and the more panic there is on the inside, the more they are going chuck the 'programs' at us and not be too careful of how it comes across.

When a bank heist goes bad and they are all scattering in haste, they make a mess and even worse **** happens around them than if they had pulled off an immaculate job.

19th January 2013, 05:15
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

Was it botched from the inside??

It does appear to be a spectacular unraveling of the game,
at least one layer. Unless it was all by design, in which case
what else is going on that they want us so turned the other way??
This is all taking viral to new heights.

what concerns me is , are they finding out who is awake and who is still asleep ??? the sleepers will say ohhh you conspiracy nuts, the awake ones will stand out to the ptb ... problem reaction solution, they the ptb aren't stupid and have been planning for a very long time , the gun grab , it's a biggy , means something really sinister is coming...

Earth Angel
19th January 2013, 05:24
what I dont understand is even in this interview on PowerHour, they concede that the story is riddled with lies, and mention NO proof of Adam Lanza even existing, no proof of so many things yet they keep saying YES kids were killed.......we have no more proof of that than anything else!! They go on about Robbie Parker, and his ACTING and yet we believe kids were killed.....this doesn't make any sense to me............

also tonight I watched Machine Gun Preacher......a bank assistant who is shown for less than 2 seconds ....at the 1 hr 39 minute mark.....does she remind you of anyone ? Perhaps another member of SAG like Gene Rosen ???

Freed Fox
19th January 2013, 05:30
This is serving to illustrate something to us. More than the predicted eventuality which we have come to fear.

If we were dealing with an all-powerful force, then no shred of truth would ever see the light. We would simply wake up one day to find their envisaged world come to fruition.
The truth continues to prevail. It can be buried by mounds of lies, but it can't be extinguished. For better or worse, it will grow ever louder, become ever clearer, until at last it can no longer be ignored or denied by any one.

19th January 2013, 05:40
what concerns me is , are they finding out who is awake and who is still asleep ??? the sleepers will say ohhh you conspiracy nuts, the awake ones will stand out to the ptb ... problem reaction solution, they the ptb aren't stupid and have been planning for a very long time , the gun grab , it's a biggy , means something really sinister is coming...
That is a risk. Pol Pot (Cambodia) came for those who wore eyeglasses (so I'm told), as that was the best indicator he had at hand of those who might have read something and have a clue. With the NSA and friends recording our every keystroke, dollar spent and phone call, and with them having sufficient computer power to map out all the social, family, business, school, etc. networks, and their various views and interests on millions of topics, it will be easy for them to come for those who had doubts about the official stories of JFK, Waco, 9/11, 7/7, Sandy Hook, ... (even if your only crime was being seen in a few Facebook pictures posted by others next to someone else who was "suspect".)

But ... don't let the fear of that get you either. They won't have to come for us in the middle of the night, if our own fears do that for them.

19th January 2013, 05:47
They've always been sloppy
As I've noted before in a couple of posts, I am guessing they gauge their sloppiness in part by how many of us catch on.

Games don't get thrilling, exciting, until you've got something on the line, for real.

If the bastards in power pulled off the "perfect heist", then no one would notice, there would be no risk of discovery, and that would all be too boring.

Clearly the goal was not to just kill some 20 odd children. Rather they wanted (needed) us emotionally entangled, six ways from Sunday.

19th January 2013, 05:49
Something else which might belong to the picture is the connection of that winter solstice satanic ritual with the planned firing of the LHC at CERN for December 22sd but was powered down on December 17 due to malfunction.

According to Simon Parkes, the firing of the LHC was designed to open a portal to these entities' big shots.

With that scenario in mind, my guess is that not all the kids at Sandy Hook school were shot on the spot but most were "preserved" for another satanic ritual around December 21st-22sd in tandem with the firing of the collider.

The support for such a guess is that none of the parents were allowed to see their kids' bodies and the hospital floor where "survivors" were taken was locked down.

19th January 2013, 06:01
what I dont understand is even in this interview on PowerHour, they concede that the story is riddled with lies, and mention NO proof of Adam Lanza even existing, no proof of so many things yet they keep saying YES kids were killed.......we have no more proof of that than anything else!! They go on about Robbie Parker, and his ACTING and yet we believe kids were killed.....this doesn't make any sense to me............

also tonight I watched Machine Gun Preacher......a bank assistant who is shown for less than 2 seconds ....at the 1 hr 39 minute mark.....does she remind you of anyone ? Perhaps another member of SAG like Gene Rosen ???

I believe all of the missing children have been killed. Not at the school and not that day. Maybe a token child or two was killed at the school.

19th January 2013, 06:31
I cant get that coroners hideous laugh out of my mind. There is something really wrong with that man.

19th January 2013, 06:35
I cant get that coroners hideous laugh out of my mind. There is something really wrong with that man.

I wonder how long before he has an accident? He was compromised in a huge way. That man knows things. Even if he was an actor.

19th January 2013, 06:37
He reminded me of George Bluth (Arrested Development). Yep, he is toast, final payout coming soon for him.

Re the bad acting. My partner commented "Look at the criteria: wanted, actors, must never have landed a job before." Haha, cream of the crap.

19th January 2013, 06:47
I cant get that coroners hideous laugh out of my mind. There is something really wrong with that man.

I wonder how long before he has an accident? He was compromised in a huge way. That man knows things. Even if he was an actor.

Accidents are on the way. There going to have to clean up.Or they could have
another FF to divert attention.

19th January 2013, 07:06
Or as I think I said on another thread, the sloppy execution of this operation was intentional. Maybe they don't want to divert attention?

19th January 2013, 07:10
Our best weapon is maintaining our constitutional rights. Everyone here should be making effort to do so in one way or another. Rally the war cry for freedom through your communities.

An unconstitutional act is not law. It confers no rights, it imposes no duties, it affords no protections, it creates no office, it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed Norton v Shelby County 118 US 425


19th January 2013, 07:17
Not sure if this has been posted here. Other views on Sandy Hook. Interesting
possibility of disinformation.



Star Tsar
19th January 2013, 07:36
From my perspective this war is planet wide & has been going since the RATLINES where up & running...

19th January 2013, 08:53
~Adam Lanza's Facebook Page was able to be viewed by anyone~ When it was private to only his friends.....

I believe that was Ryan Lanza..when the lame stream media was still claiming it was him.

19th January 2013, 09:16

That raised a brow on mine face this week when the MSM reported that Gene Rosen, a Sandy Hook Resident was being harassed by 'truthers'.

"Apparently" Mr. Rosen took in six children to his home during the shootings. Where were these children at that they could , all six of them fled uneeringly to Mr. Rosen's home.

When and how? And that was the first I heard of it. The way it was reported was the children were all in lock down during the shooting event, and then summarily escorted from the building after law enforcement officials arrived. At what point did they have opportunity to flee to Mr. Rosen's home.

Any comments, or has anyone heard of this version of 'the' story. Or how it fits in with what was previously reported...or doesn't? The question is why would any child pass a fire house and go to a complete stranger for help ? Another anomaly , don't you think ?

19th January 2013, 09:19
That's the stoic school nurse! -i think

Spittin' image, great find -EA!

Maybe one of our techies can do a sided by side comparison (WCBD)?


what I dont understand is even in this interview on PowerHour, they concede that the story is riddled with lies, and mention NO proof of Adam Lanza even existing, no proof of so many things yet they keep saying YES kids were killed.......we have no more proof of that than anything else!! They go on about Robbie Parker, and his ACTING and yet we believe kids were killed.....this doesn't make any sense to me............

also tonight I watched Machine Gun Preacher......a bank assistant who is shown for less than 2 seconds ....at the 1 hr 39 minute mark.....does she remind you of anyone ? Perhaps another member of SAG like Gene Rosen ???

19th January 2013, 09:21
Thanks to Gio's post in Up at the Ranch (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?3596-Up-At-The-Ranch--James-Gilliland-and-Trout-Lake-&p=619054&viewfull=1#post619054), I am listening to Max Igan's perspective. Thanks Gio :)

Max echos my sentiment of a contrived event to "unhinge humanity".

Part One:


I presumably chose to be a spectator @ this circus and call the 'hidden' ring-masters out. I see you.
Oh and by the way..... Hoʻoponopono

'Compassion and love are not mere luxuries.
As the source both of inner and external peace,
they are fundamental to the continued survival of our species.'

19th January 2013, 10:03
That's the stoic school nurse! -i think

Spittin' image, great find -EA!

Maybe one of our techies can do a sided by side comparison (WCBD)?
Here ya go:


19th January 2013, 10:11
Thanks to Gio's post in Up at the Ranch (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?3596-Up-At-The-Ranch--James-Gilliland-and-Trout-Lake-&p=619054&viewfull=1#post619054), I am listening to Max Igan's perspective. Thanks Gio :)

Max echos my sentiment of a contrived event to "unhinge humanity".
I was listening to it too, and I agree that with Max Igan's analysis that this is a contrived event, taunting those of who are noticing the deliberate inconsistencies (as in this thread) to engage in combat. Heck, just like the protester's in the various color and spring revolutions incited in other countries, us Americans don't even have to initiate or engage in the combat. The bastards in power will gladly play both sides of this Kabuki theatre for us, in order to set up the drama justifying their tyrannical response.

Here's the MP3 audio of Max Igan's entire 55 minute talk:

Source: http://thecrowhouse.com/dl/MaxIgan_SandyHook_An_American_Coup_detat_Surviving_The_Matrix_Jan18_2013.mp3

19th January 2013, 10:16
yes , i agree with Max also, this whole thing was botched for a reason.

This designed to create a war between those who are awake and those who are not.

It's conflict they are seeking. Why it's crucial to not buy into the emotional hooks
that are laid as bait.

Simply put, this is a trap.

Limor Wolf
19th January 2013, 10:28
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

Was it botched from the inside??

It does appear to be a spectacular unraveling of the game,
at least one layer. Unless it was all by design, in which case
what else is going on that they want us so turned the other way??
This is all taking viral to new heights.

When someone thinks they are close to the trophy, they grin and lay back, maybe even happy to disclose their winning to the whole world.

Usually it is being done one minute too soon...

19th January 2013, 10:53
So, is anyone else noticing the heavy referencing to Lincoln? The movie that's getting all of the hype. The big story about Obama using Lincoln's Bible (as well as Martin Luther King's Bible). I get this subtext of Civil War playing out in the news media so that there is this unconscious connection between events today and Civil war. Maybe it's just me.

T Smith
19th January 2013, 10:58
The war started Sept. 11, 2001, it entered a new phase or shifted gears a bit on Dec.14, 2012.

They got away with knocking the trade towers down, Sandy Hook is nothing quite like that but with the same dark elements, the same type of MOTIVE, and they're getting away with this too (so far).

Our Knowledge, Wisdom, and Common Sense is their worst enemy right now.....and
our best weapon.

I have a very uneasy feeling about all this.

The thing is: I don't think they are getting away with this. 9/11 caught the nation from the blind side, but this time many more people are on to what's going on and pursuing the truth. As pointed out by others here, the MSM have had to respond to this. Unlike the weeks and months that immediately followed 9/11, where the ministers of PR could swat any questioning of the official narrative like a pesky little fly from their buttocks, they're on the ropes this time. 10 million people have already viewed the video. All the outlets are addressing this. People are talking about it. Grant it, there many more millions of people who are still fully in trance, most of whom are dutifully assuming their roles as unwitting foot soldiers in the propaganda war to shape our collective understanding of what happened, but I foresee mass desertions in their ranks this time. I don't think the official narrative is going to stand. I truly think the engineers of damage control are going to have a very hard time containing the truth to a neat little pejorative package of "conspiracy theory."

If awareness of this horrendous crime hits a critical mass (and if TPB don't play their cards right) the criminal elements of the government will be exposed to the sleeping giant like never before. They will backed into a corner and we should consider them extremely dangerous in the weeks and months ahead. This is a very vulnerable position for them to be in, and if they can't come up with a plausible exist strategy to save face, they may assume a position of desperation.

This is truly game on, folks. Anything in the coming weeks could trigger a full-on civil war.

19th January 2013, 11:07
This has been proven to be NOT Adam Lanzas vehicle. This is the owner of the vehicle: Christopher A Rodia

So in what respect did this man have interests in the school that day?

Both of these prints taken from this you tube video. This video has already been taken down once so those that are able please download and reinstate to own accounts.


From separate video of the Medical Examiner with the maniacal laugh whom strikes me as an abattoir worker, it struck me as very odd that the state troopers at his side were more attentive to him rather than standing security to him. Were they "insurance" he kept to the script?

19th January 2013, 11:27
Were they "insurance" he kept to the script?

This badly played out horror film was concocted to 'ensure' we keep following the Pied Piper.

19th January 2013, 11:55
~this is super!

Limor Wolf
19th January 2013, 12:01
It's designed to create a war between those who are awake and those who are not.
It's conflict they are seeking. Why it's crucial to not buy into the emotional hooks
that are laid as bait.

Simply put, this is a trap.

It might very well be, Thanks for pointing it out.

For those of us who are aware, it is easy to see their pattern being played over and over again, doesn't matter if it's the Detroit 'terrorist' hiding explosives in his shoes or the Sandy Hook or 9/11..
Their finger prints are ain't human, in the most unhumanly deep meaning of the word, they are orchastrating the world to where they want to see it going. Funny thing is their big hunger, they are hardly being satisfied with the slight feeling of uneasiness, sadness or any other negative emotions, like we do, we will be happy for a little smile, a laugh, moments of happiness and joy that have certain bounderies, we do not suffocate ourselves with happiness, they however go for the whole shebang. Eventually, it all goes down to one thing, their existance and the identites of those who operate on their behalf must be revealed and it is better early than too late.

As fanciful as it may sound at this stage, a future next possible phase will be yet another step of this very well planned earthly saga (with more participating elements than we can probably figure..) ,and we will find ourselves calling for help to outworldly sources, which might be lurking right now, waiting.. and they will come in our most desperate moment..

We are relatively few that know, but we are calling the shots as well, we have an impact. and holding inside ourselves not only the desire for the truth, but also the comprehension of every step even before it happens, working towards preventing it from happening, but also staying strong and not giving our consents in the name of humans (who are unaware) and in the name of our planet earth. we are not to give mandate to any move that is done through manipulation, and if there is anything/anyone who is following and listening to what is being created here on this small one of many stars, then it sure needs to take a note that it is not done by the novel laws of the cosmos, not by the light of the creator/creation, but by manipulation and by forcing a power, no real consent is being given here. Conscience and consciousness are the essence of the creation and therefore there is no other choice but for it to prevail and basically to develop even further.

19th January 2013, 12:48
what I dont understand is even in this interview on PowerHour, they concede that the story is riddled with lies, and mention NO proof of Adam Lanza even existing, no proof of so many things yet they keep saying YES kids were killed.......we have no more proof of that than anything else!! They go on about Robbie Parker, and his ACTING and yet we believe kids were killed.....this doesn't make any sense to me............

also tonight I watched Machine Gun Preacher......a bank assistant who is shown for less than 2 seconds ....at the 1 hr 39 minute mark.....does she remind you of anyone ? Perhaps another member of SAG like Gene Rosen ???

All the worlds a stage. And these are some of the Tell Lie Vision actors. Gene Rosen, Larry Silverstein etc. And yes you are the audience. Check this out. I will post the original uncut video and then the detective work. Watch the hand movements by the 911 actor in the first video.

Original Version!


Detectives Version.!


19th January 2013, 13:15
War between the States and the FED's?

Lines in the sand are being drawn...

The quote below is taken from the article..."Twelve States To Jail Feds Who Violate The 2nd Amendment Or Nullify Federal Gun Control Laws"... full article found here http://beforeitsnews.com/blogging-citizen-journalism/2013/01/missouri-bill-to-jail-feds-who-violate-the-2nd-amendment-2445032.html

"Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Missouri, Indiana, Tennesee, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska and Wyoming have proposed legislation to either jail federal officials who violate the second amendment or to nullify federal laws to control guns within state borders.

The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act is a state-level bill that renders all federal gun laws, regulations, rules, acts, orders, etc - null and void within the borders of the state.

The Firearms Freedom Act declares that any firearms made and retained in-state are beyond the authority of Congress under its constitutional power to regulate commerce among the states. The FFA is primarily a Tenth Amendment challenge to the powers of Congress under the commerce clause, with firearms as the object...."

19th January 2013, 13:34
Great ! I tried to post this video on other sites and it just sank without trace. I totally agree that this interview takes the whole questioning of the SH event to a much more serious level than all the squabbling over Photoshopped images and Facebook dates.

Good one on Bill for giving this the prominence it deserves - this is the only forum I've seen that's done so.

Bill Ryan
19th January 2013, 13:41
this interview takes the whole questioning of the SH event to a much more serious level than all the squabbling over Photoshopped images and Facebook dates.

I totally agree. What this brought home to me is that there must be a large number of smart, aware, experienced vets (and policemen!) -- combat-trained and experienced with firearms, who already know that this story makes no sense -- and are keeping quiet for the time being.

19th January 2013, 13:47
what I dont understand is even in this interview on PowerHour, they concede that the story is riddled with lies, and mention NO proof of Adam Lanza even existing, no proof of so many things yet they keep saying YES kids were killed.......we have no more proof of that than anything else!! They go on about Robbie Parker, and his ACTING and yet we believe kids were killed.....this doesn't make any sense to me............

Even Powers himself is trying to be politically correct so to speak by saying, "yes. children died", somewhat agreeing to a narrative with no proof. Bizzarre! ( perhaps trying to not hurt the feelings of sleepers)

There is NO absolute proof these children died, NOT ONE testimony of ANYONE seeing a body except from DR. Carver...who is insane himself and unbelievable! ironic a coroner who uses a scalple is named "Carver" (sounds like something out of a batman movie!)

19th January 2013, 13:55
The war started Sept. 11, 2001, it entered a new phase or shifted gears a bit on Dec.14, 2012.

They got away with knocking the trade towers down, Sandy Hook is nothing quite like that but with the same dark elements, the same type of MOTIVE, and they're getting away with this too (so far).

Our Knowledge, Wisdom, and Common Sense is their worst enemy right now.....and
our best weapon.

I have a very uneasy feeling about all this.

The thing is: I don't think they are getting away with this. 9/11 caught the nation from the blind side, but this time many more people are on to what's going on and pursuing the truth. As pointed out by others here, the MSM have had to respond to this. Unlike the weeks and months that immediately followed 9/11, where the ministers of PR could swat any questioning of the official narrative like a pesky little fly from their buttocks, they're on the ropes this time. 10 million people have already viewed the video. All the outlets are addressing this. People are talking about it. Grant it, there many more millions of people who are still fully in trance, most of whom are dutifully assuming their roles as unwitting foot soldiers in the propaganda war to shape our collective understanding of what happened, but I foresee mass desertions in their ranks this time. I don't think the official narrative is going to stand. I truly think the engineers of damage control are going to have a very hard time containing the truth to a neat little pejorative package of "conspiracy theory."

If awareness of this horrendous crime hits a critical mass (and if TPB don't play their cards right) the criminal elements of the government will be exposed to the sleeping giant like never before. They will backed into a corner and we should consider them extremely dangerous in the weeks and months ahead. This is a very vulnerable position for them to be in, and if they can't come up with a plausible exist strategy to save face, they may assume a position of desperation.

This is truly game on, folks. Anything in the coming weeks could trigger a full-on civil war.

They will get away with this too, who are "they" and who is going to arrest them? better still, will they allow themselves to be arrested?

This is deeper and darker than most can imagine or comprehend IMO

19th January 2013, 14:10
I can't keep up with all these threads ..LOL,,Just finished work and watched this interview interresting...

Re: The Sandy Hook Massacre…the MAJOR DISCREPANCIES LIST

Were Crisis Actors Used in Sandy Hook Massacre?

Saturday, 19 January 2013 12:25

Posted by David Icke


Published on 18 Jan 2013

Paul talks with James Tracy, a communications professor who claims the
Newtown Sandy Hook massacre did not happen the way it was reported
by the establishment media.


I don't know if this is genuine info, but every major 'False Flag' seems to
be centred around a drill.presumambly to keep the event within set managable
peramiters.Drills are usually conducted with the relative military or emergency
agency with civilian volunteers helping if & when required...

It seems a bit gruesome for an agency to be set up to supply actors for
more authenticity, but logical I suppose as more of these events are happening
to con the public!!


Millions to one chance they were doing 'Terrorism drills' in the exact same
Underground stations the 'patsies' that were tricked into blowing themselves
up the same day in London !! I think not ! There are some good
documentries about this.......



Aprox 2min 05 secs He says they arrive late Monday night !
Ready to be available for Tues 9/11..Coincidence !! ..LOL !!



About CrisisActors

We are specially trained actors helping first responders create realistic drills, full-scale exercises, high-fidelity simulations, and interactive 3D films.




Published on 23 Dec 2012

Comment from U/tube post.....

Just something I found interesting so I made a video about it.

"Active Shooter Crisis Actors Target Mall Shootings via Visionbox

DENVER, CO, October 31, 2012 -- A new group of actors is now available
nationwide for active shooter drills and mall shooting full-scale exercises,
announced Visionbox, Denver's leading professional actors studio.
Visionbox Crisis Actors are trained in criminal and victim behavior, and bring
intense realism to simulated mass casualty incidents in public places.

The actors' stage acting experience, ranging from Shakespeare to contemporary
American theater, enables them to "stay in character" throughout an exercise, and
improvise scenes of extreme stress while strictly following official exercise scenarios.
The actors regularly rehearse scenarios involving the Incident Command
Systemand crisis communications, and appear in interactive training films produced
in both 2D and stereoscopic 3D.

Producers Jennifer McCray Rincon and John Simmons formed the group to
demonstrate emerging security technologies, help first responders visualize life-
saving procedures, and assist trainers in delivering superior hands-on crisis
response training.

For example, with a large shopping center, the producers review all security camera
views and design dramatic scenes specifically for existing camera angles, robotic
camera sweeps, and manually-controlled camera moves.The producers then work
with the trainers to create a "prompt book" for the actors so that key scenario
developments can be triggered throughout the mall shooting simulation, and
caught on tape.

The actors can play the part of the shooters, mall employees, shoppers in the mall,
shoppers who continue to arrive at the mall, media reporters and others rushing to
the mall, and persons in motor vehicles around the mall.Visionbox Crisis Actors can
also play the role of citizens calling 911 or mall management, or posting comments
on social media websites.

During the exercise, the producers use two-way radio to co-direct the Crisis Actors
team from the mall dispatch center and at actors' locations.Within this framework,
the exercise can test the mall's monitoring and communications systems, the mall's
safety plan including lockdown and evacuation procedures, the ability of first
responders and the mall to coordinate an effective response, and their joint ability
to respond to the media and information posted on the Internet.Security camera
footage is edited for after-action reports and future training.For more information
visit www.Visionbox.org and www.CrisisActors.org.

Visionbox is a project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center. Crisis Actors
is a project of the Colorado Safety Task Force established by Colorado State Senator Steve King.



This may have already been discussed on one of the threads, so I am just
pointing it out.I don't know if this is a genuine agency or a hoax ??

vid from same site.....


The author of the vid says there was a FEMA disaster drill for Children
scheduled for the same time and day.Some of you may already know that
but another...Coincidence ??


19th January 2013, 14:15
I cant get that coroners hideous laugh out of my mind. There is something really wrong with that man.

We would all come accross the same as the coroner, if we knew the truth. How much pressure do you think was on him, not to slip up? He seems to want to go into , "lala land" as he attempts to answer questions. I could tell he was scared to hell and looking for the exits from the start.

My bet is, he will be the 1st to go by suicide. MSM will blame the "Sandy Hook" incident as one which he could not shake from his mind which lead to depression and you can all fill in the blanks from there....

T Smith
19th January 2013, 14:24
The war started Sept. 11, 2001, it entered a new phase or shifted gears a bit on Dec.14, 2012.

They got away with knocking the trade towers down, Sandy Hook is nothing quite like that but with the same dark elements, the same type of MOTIVE, and they're getting away with this too (so far).

Our Knowledge, Wisdom, and Common Sense is their worst enemy right now.....and
our best weapon.

I have a very uneasy feeling about all this.

The thing is: I don't think they are getting away with this. 9/11 caught the nation from the blind side, but this time many more people are on to what's going on and pursuing the truth. As pointed out by others here, the MSM have had to respond to this. Unlike the weeks and months that immediately followed 9/11, where the ministers of PR could swat any questioning of the official narrative like a pesky little fly from their buttocks, they're on the ropes this time. 10 million people have already viewed the video. All the outlets are addressing this. People are talking about it. Grant it, there many more millions of people who are still fully in trance, most of whom are dutifully assuming their roles as unwitting foot soldiers in the propaganda war to shape our collective understanding of what happened, but I foresee mass desertions in their ranks this time. I don't think the official narrative is going to stand. I truly think the engineers of damage control are going to have a very hard time containing the truth to a neat little pejorative package of "conspiracy theory."

If awareness of this horrendous crime hits a critical mass (and if TPB don't play their cards right) the criminal elements of the government will be exposed to the sleeping giant like never before. They will backed into a corner and we should consider them extremely dangerous in the weeks and months ahead. This is a very vulnerable position for them to be in, and if they can't come up with a plausible exist strategy to save face, they may assume a position of desperation.

This is truly game on, folks. Anything in the coming weeks could trigger a full-on civil war.

They will get away with this too, who are "they" and who is going to arrest them? better still, will they allow themselves to be arrested?

This is deeper and darker than most can imagine or comprehend IMO

Count me in among the most cynical when it comes to justice being done; I was thinking more in the line of not being arrested, but full out conflict, i.e., blood in the streets, which they will try to spin in a problem/reaction/solution kind of way to further tighten their grip. Except this time I foresee a good deal of measured resistance.

19th January 2013, 14:33
There are two facts Mr. Powers brings up that can be questioned. The GE execs were convicted of bid-rigging of muni bonds. It had nothing to do with Libor scandal. They worked in Manhattan, not in Connecticut where Mr. Lanza worked. GE Capital has thousands of employees so to think a tax expert in Ct knew some bond traders in NYC is a stretch.
Secondly, Nancy Lanza worked for Smith Barney as a Financial Advisor. Smith Barney is owned by Morgan Stanley and Citigroup at the time. She did not work at Chase Morgan or whatever firm Mr. Powers mentioned.
So I am a little skeptical of his other assertions since the only two provable facts are generalizations, which proved wrong.

Bill Ryan
19th January 2013, 14:46
I was listening to it too, and I agree that with Max Igan's analysis that this is a contrived event, taunting those of who are noticing the deliberate inconsistencies (as in this thread) to engage in combat. Heck, just like the protester's in the various color and spring revolutions incited in other countries, us Americans don't even have to initiate or engage in the combat. The bastards in power will gladly play both sides of this Kabuki theatre for us, in order to set up the drama justifying their tyrannical response.

Here's the MP3 audio of Max Igan's entire 55 minute talk:

Source: http://thecrowhouse.com/dl/MaxIgan_SandyHook_An_American_Coup_detat_Surviving_The_Matrix_Jan18_2013.mp3

Bumped. MUST LISTEN also. I think Max Igan is nailing this. (It's his first 15 minutes that's key.)

Summary so far (and again, I welcome bulletpoints):

The whole incident was either breathtakingly incompetent --- or an inspired piece of deliberately transparent deception. The intention of this would be to raise the mainstream profile of truthers, discredit them using emotional means, and divide the nation.

End goal: civil war. Exactly as Doug Hagmann has been warning us about.

Max Igan argues this scenario, and it starts to make sense of all the craziness. As I and others have many times pointed out, those who are controlling the planet are very smart, and are equipped with ultra-high-tech supercomputer-run predictive software, and multiple teams of highly paid psychologists.

All of us -- that is you and me, individually, each one of us -- are profiled and programmed into the predictions. The chess grandmasters have a chess supercomputer on their side. (This is not conjecture, by the way: Dr Bill Deagle and others have been reporting on this since 2006.)

Summary: it's entirely likely that they know exactly what they're doing -- something we've not anticipated. If so, we need to get very smart, very quickly, and not place our feet into a bunch of carefully positioned bear traps.

Note that none of the above is inconsistent with my Illuminati hypothesis -- in turn almost the same thing as Jay Weidner's Archon hypothesis. All of this could be true simultaneously. The transparency of the inhumanity and deceit of some of the people involved would be part of the package.

T Smith
19th January 2013, 14:54
what I dont understand is even in this interview on PowerHour, they concede that the story is riddled with lies, and mention NO proof of Adam Lanza even existing, no proof of so many things yet they keep saying YES kids were killed.......we have no more proof of that than anything else!! They go on about Robbie Parker, and his ACTING and yet we believe kids were killed.....this doesn't make any sense to me............

Even Powers himself is trying to be politically correct so to speak by saying, "yes. children died", somewhat agreeing to a narrative with no proof. Bizzarre! ( perhaps trying to not hurt the feelings of sleepers)

There is NO absolute proof these children died, NOT ONE testimony of ANYONE seeing a body except from DR. Carver...who is insane himself and unbelievable! ironic a coroner who uses a scalple is named "Carver" (sounds like something out of a batman movie!)

As this point I have to assume children died. Under what circumstance, we don't know. Yes, there is no proof. For all we know they were sacrifices of an Illuminati ritual or maybe they were trafficked out of the country or even off planet and were/are subjects to some other dark satanic end. But I do think in any event there are likely 26 grieving families in Newtown, CT. My humble estimation is they have an entirely contrived understanding of what happened to their loved ones.

I'm of course open to considering the event was entirely staged, but at this point, anyway, it doesn't pass muster plausibility for me. It would seem way too risky a false flag operation to pull off without incident, but more to the point, for me: if 20 children in my community's elementary school were the alleged victims of the supposed crime, it wouldn't take long before even the most obtuse and trusting would begin asking questions about who the non-families are, why no one in the community could finger any of them, and this information would become part of the counter narrative. I based this intuition on the dynamic of my own community, which is very similar to Newtown. There is only a degree or two of separation between my immediate family and close friends and almost every other family who has a child who attends the elementary school in my community, which is even a little larger than Sandy Hook. If this happened here, I would definitely know someone or know someone who knew someone... if that makes sense. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it just seems to me it would be very hard to pull off a fictional event of that magnitude in a small community like Newtown without the whole thing blowing up.

19th January 2013, 15:22
There are two facts Mr. Powers brings up that can be questioned. The GE execs were convicted of bid-rigging of muni bonds. It had nothing to do with Libor scandal.

http://www.bondbuyer.com/issues/121_130/libor-scam-cost-muni-issuers-millions-1041633-1.html There may or may not be a relationship between bid rigging and LIBOR. One of the ways to "rig" the bid might be related to rigging the LIBOR rates. I haven't looked into this at all, but they aren't necessarily unrelated.

19th January 2013, 15:33
@ T Smith

There is only a degree or two of separation between my immediate family and almost every other family who has a child who attends the elementary school in my community, which is even a little larger than Sandy Hook. If this happened here, I would definitely know someone or know someone who knew someone...

First each family who had a child die, has had an authority/guard appointed to protect/watch the family (paraphrasing).

Secondly, in the Jay Wiedner interview with Rense. They speculate that their is a "nest" of these "soulless" entities/people living in Newtown, CO.

Listen ~@14:30


19th January 2013, 15:38
Summary: it's entirely likely that they know exactly what they're doing -- something we've not anticipated. If so, we need to get very smart, very quickly, and not place our feet into a bunch of carefully positioned bear traps.

Note that none of the above is inconsistent with my Illuminati hypothesis -- in turn almost the same thing as Jay Weidner's Archon hypothesis. All of this could be true simultaneously. The transparency of the inhumanity and deceit of some of the people involved would be part of the package.

I posted earlier...

Our Knowledge, Wisdom, and Common Sense is their worst enemy right now.....and our best weapon.

19th January 2013, 15:39
Thank you Bill for posting this!
People need to know that all of these recent shootings,... well, MANY of them,
could have been prevented but USHERED IN GUN CONTROL instead!

this kid


19th January 2013, 15:44
They don't care if we catch on. We are enured in helplessness. WE are seeing something wrong certainly but even then we are not sure what we are seeing. What they are broadcasting is intended for something else altogether, we are watching the news and they are describing to those able to decifer it exactly what happened. To us it looks like screw ups. They are BOUND in their souls to do things a prescribed way.

Rosen described the initiation of a blood rite in that video, he's described exactly what happened to those children after the fact. At the time of the interview I have no doubt those children were still alive and he described what would happen to them later.

Does that do any good? Did it change anything that I noticed that. I started talking about this in Mid October about the fall out from Hurricane Sandy. I knew then it wouldn't do any good. When yeah so many child ritual murders start occuring in the very same predicted corridor that a hurrican (that wasn't really) takes one sits up and takes notice.

This is just the first major and noticeable fall out from Hurricane Sandy. Does it do any good for me to know that. Expect more to come.


The families are fighting. The last few power mongers have no one else to take down so are turning on themselves. In that respect I trust that the Colorado incidences are the upstarts summoning power to make attack on the Established Elder Powers that be. They still have do things the old way but don't seem to be using so many obvious memes like using shooters with saints and apostle and Biblical names.

It's their economy, their power structure, and they made us believe it is ours. Their wars that they made us believe were ours. And now their fight is between however remaining families.

It is inevitable that when you want it all and its divided up between so many families that they will start fighting amongst each other.

It's not our fight. We are just the batteries, the energy they use for the fight. They need blood so they take it, they need energy so they take it.

Yes they need us emotionally entangled in this that is how their energy is fed. When one is not emotionally inhabiting this one begins to make intuitive statements, knowing something that they' Don't consciously realize they are knowing. '

What ghost rider said: How do you shoot with a bushmaster when its locked in a trunk.

And I replied: When its a snake.

Venom is a BIG plaything with the family. Neurotoxin can make it appear that someone is dead. It will generate mystical events particularly within children that generate more energy. And allow people to make it look like they are shuttling 'dead' children out of a building I'm sure. Santerian magick, just like how Hurricane Sandy was manipulated. If you hindsigh all the events leading up to Sandy it then becomes blaringly obvious.

Having a mass blood bath on 12-14 doesn't make any sense to their Calendar of Events. Those children were probably blood let on the 22 for their holy day between the 21 and 25th. Rosens name states specifically the 22nd and he described a rite in his video.

They never do anything differently.

Does this do any good. Not unless everyone is a metaphyscian.

Close Paul they wanted you emotionally tangled six ways from Saturday. The 22nd fell on Saturns day this year. Big joo joo.

They've always been sloppy
As I've noted before in a couple of posts, I am guessing they gauge their sloppiness in part by how many of us catch on.

Games don't get thrilling, exciting, until you've got something on the line, for real.

If the bastards in power pulled off the "perfect heist", then no one would notice, there would be no risk of discovery, and that would all be too boring.

Clearly the goal was not to just kill some 20 odd children. Rather they wanted (needed) us emotionally entangled, six ways from Sunday.

19th January 2013, 15:47
what I dont understand is even in this interview on PowerHour, they concede that the story is riddled with lies, and mention NO proof of Adam Lanza even existing, no proof of so many things yet they keep saying YES kids were killed.......we have no more proof of that than anything else!! They go on about Robbie Parker, and his ACTING and yet we believe kids were killed.....this doesn't make any sense to me............

Even Powers himself is trying to be politically correct so to speak by saying, "yes. children died", somewhat agreeing to a narrative with no proof. Bizzarre! ( perhaps trying to not hurt the feelings of sleepers)

There is NO absolute proof these children died, NOT ONE testimony of ANYONE seeing a body except from DR. Carver...who is insane himself and unbelievable! ironic a coroner who uses a scalple is named "Carver" (sounds like something out of a batman movie!)

As this point I have to assume children died. Under what circumstance, we don't know. Yes, there is no proof. For all we know they were sacrifices of an Illuminati ritual or maybe they were trafficked out of the country or even off planet and were/are subjects to some other dark satanic end. But I do think in any event there are likely 26 grieving families in Newtown, CT. My humble estimation is they have an entirely contrived understanding of what happened to their loved ones.

I'm of course open to considering the event was entirely staged, but at this point, anyway, it doesn't pass muster plausibility for me. It would seem way too risky a false flag operation to pull off without incident, but more to the point, for me: if 20 children in my community's elementary school were the alleged victims of the supposed crime, it wouldn't take long before even the most obtuse and trusting would begin asking questions about who the non-families were, why no one in the community could not finger any of them, and this information would become part of the counter narrative. I based this intuition on the dynamic of my own community, which is very similar to Newtown. There is only a degree or two of separation between my immediate family and almost every other family who has a child who attends the elementary school in my community, which is even a little larger than Sandy Hook. If this happened here, I would definitely know someone or know someone who knew someone... if that makes sense. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it just seems to me it would be very hard to pull off a fictional event of that magnitude is a small community like Newtown without the whole thing blowing up.

They pulled off 911, a much larger operation, and got away with it,

BTW, I never seen one clip of other community members let alone the actually families of lost ones shed ONE TEAR....

I expect possible these children are dead, but I have drawn my own conclusion regardless that this was TOTALLY a staged and controlled event....most likely by the same people or critters that were behind Aurora and the Wisconsin shootings.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

They don't care if we catch on.

As I said earlier, they are coming out of the closet now so to speak and will soon make damn sure we know who they are....

19th January 2013, 15:53
End goal: civil war. Exactly as Doug Hagmann has been warning us about.

Please note this post (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?54442-President-Obama-demands-tightened-gun-control-laws&p=617865&viewfull=1#post617865).

How much colored could this statement be?

19th January 2013, 16:00
Silent Feathers....

most likely by the same people or critters that were behind Aurora and the Wisconsin shootings.

By the same SORT of people but they are clearly at war with each other...on our soil..and other people's soil. Same sort of people, different branch of the tree. The benchmarks aren't the same as the old established occult order. Consider that the republicans and what you are seeing in Aurora as the upstart liberals. Of course their all empty parasticial feeding shells, but there is a rebellion going in the established order there.

We just clump them alltogher as the powers that be, from our perspective that is what they are, as we watch the shells go flying over head and back and forth. I see this only a bit more clearly because I'm Irish, my family came to America with this knowledge having observed it for themselves with the Vatican ruling their souls and the Prods/ Anglo-English dominating their physical existence. Two factions of the powers at be at war with other in Ireland for over 800 years. Neither were friends of the Irish, the Irish were simply their physical and non physical energy.

No that rebellion doesn't serve us one bit. We serve both sides. We are organic banks funding both sides. They never do anything differently.

The powers that be are not content like some people, to have a little, much, a lot or to experience nominal wealth. They want EVERYTHING, even the souls of others (which makes this all possible). So take six families and over thousands of years they managed to scrape everything they could from us, and now Everything is divided among the six. There is no one left to take from but each other. Remember they are not content having most of it, they want it ALL and that is not possible if 'other' families who previously served the general purpose of taking it all have a piece of the pie too. These are parasitical minds they eat until its all gone.

There will be only one. With 'less' family members in the play then they will eventually require less energy to maintain this charade.

19th January 2013, 16:27
The whole incident was either breathtakingly incompetent --- or an inspired piece of deliberately transparent deception. The intention of this would be to raise the mainstream profile of truthers, discredit them using emotional means, and divide the nation.

End goal: civil war.

I said something similar here:


I wonder if the whole point of making it easy to spot actors is to demonize "conspiracy theorists" and websites and start shutting them down.

19th January 2013, 16:28
There are two facts Mr. Powers brings up that can be questioned. The GE execs were convicted of bid-rigging of muni bonds. It had nothing to do with Libor scandal.

http://www.bondbuyer.com/issues/121_130/libor-scam-cost-muni-issuers-millions-1041633-1.html There may or may not be a relationship between bid rigging and LIBOR. One of the ways to "rig" the bid might be related to rigging the LIBOR rates. I haven't looked into this at all, but they aren't necessarily unrelated.
GE execs rigged price not yield. Yield tied to Libor as in Libor plus 2 basis points. They rigged demand so less bids lower price at auction.

Limor Wolf
19th January 2013, 16:28
Originally posted by Bill Ryan: "Summary: it's entirely likely that they know exactly what they're doing -- something we've not anticipated. If so, we need to get very smart, very quickly, and not place our feet into a bunch of carefully positioned bear traps."

Thank you kindly Bill, could you say more on how to avoid those traps, in your opinion?

19th January 2013, 16:42
Looks like civil war may be on the way. :(
Local sherrifs are already saying they wont ask the people in their counties to give up their guns.

19th January 2013, 16:52
Looks like civil war may be on the way. :(
Local sherrifs are already saying they wont ask the people in their counties to give up their guns.

People should not be too surprised that a war may be coming. War has always been with us and may millions have died in war during our lifetime.

What makes anyone think that they could be exempt?
The real question is, ARE YOU READY?

19th January 2013, 16:55
Maybe they know its not 'our' war. Or theirs.

Looks like civil war may be on the way. :(
Local sherrifs are already saying they wont ask the people in their counties to give up their guns.

19th January 2013, 16:57
Let's see what's in the background of this weird picture...

When an entire planet can be under the thumb of robotic controllers (cf. Carlos Castaneda's "They gave us their mind" and/or Truman Cash's "The programming of a Planet")...

When an entire country is rigged with satanic cells (cf. Svali, Sue Arrigo (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?46887-From-Bill-Ryan-the-Ultimate-Hypothesis&p=514505&viewfull=1#post514505), Carolyn Hamlett (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?53271-The-Sandy-Hook-Massacre--the-MAJOR-DISCREPANCIES-LIST&p=601439&viewfull=1#post601439))...

When the investigative and prosecution powers are rigged and bribed to never find out nor prosecute the perpetrators of satanic rituals:

The next standard ritual in the 1920’s was for them to sacrifice a young white girl who was a virgin by first gang raping her and then cutting out her heart and eating it raw. The girl captured was often the daughter of their father’s business competitor to help cut off his blood line. These were girls that they saw at cotillions in the hey days of the 1920’s when girls were no longer well chaperoned. The Bonesmen voted on who they wanted to capture, often deciding on 2-3 girls and abducting them over the course of a year. Because they wanted a sex slave to have sex with during the whole year, they went to abducting 2 and sacrificing one quickly and enslaving the other. She was then sacrificed when they got tired of her, and another girl was abducted. In about 1926, one girl escaped after a two-month long episode of being raped nightly and went to the police. Her wealthy family accompanied her. The Bonesmen, on discovering that, used their powerful contacts to call in the National Guard. The police station was set on fire and burned down with the girl, the family, and the police inside! The young men were told by their Bonesmen elders to be more careful; the locks on the crypt were redone. For a few days after that, the diary entries were morose again—some of the men had had their allowance cut because they had “gotten caught”. There was no moral embarrassment at the deed of enslaving the girl, only at the work their parents had had to go to in order to clean up the problem.

After that, the Bonesmen fathers picked who was allowed to be in charge of the policemen in the neighborhood of Yale and eventually in the whole state, just for good measure. After a Harvard girl of very wealthy parents disappeared into the crypt in about 1932, never to be seen again alive, the fathers extended their coverage to Massachusetts. By the end of WWII, they bragged that they had 24 States sewn up against possible murder reports originating from their activities that included drug running and the stealing of girls to sell into sexual slavery. Because the stealing and selling of American children as sex slaves increased, they needed more men to do the kidnapping and transporting of them. It was also helpful to have a border with another country close by to skip over, if one side got onto you.

Newtown is only a stone-throw away from New Haven's Bonesmen's Yale...

What would exactly be the point of a Sandy Hook false flag?


I can think of a few:

Scrap the Constitution;

Divide and conquer;

Separation of the ones under hypnotic trance from the ones waking up, you know, sifting out the wheat from the chaff at "harvest;"

Disarm a population;

Check how far out the limits of credibility and credulity can be pushed;

Testing mind control technologies over an entire town;


19th January 2013, 17:05
This should be blaringly obvious....

If we have their mind, and they have given us their mind, then we should be very well aware of what they have intended. You simply observe their mind at work and it always does the same thing over and over.

and how they will do it (with war, their mind never does anything differently)

and how they will lead up to it (with emotional war fare, their mind never does anything differently. If not for 9/11 they couldn't have the gulf war )

What is imbedded in that emotional war fare describes perfectly to their mind their carefully proscribed (if seemingly senseless) steps to extract ever bit of energy they can.

Then get others with 'their' mind to participate by thinking its their war too. Our war. War is coming to us.

With our participation--- the participation of their minds.

19th January 2013, 17:19
Amzer...And .....Get the populace (and teachers & law enforcement shopping their neighbours (and their kids) for suspicious 'psychological/pathological behaviours'

Very vital to stay in right mind, observe what it is that evokes 'their' mind in you/us/me. There is no clarity when emotions are running the nerotransmitters.

19th January 2013, 17:22
The next standard ritual in the 1920’s was for them to sacrifice a young white girl who was a virgin by first gang raping her and then cutting out her heart and eating it raw. The girl captured was often the daughter of their father’s business competitor to help cut off his blood line.

A corruption of the grail maiden rites where a maiden of the grail gave forth the blood. A way to keep one's bloodline in continuation. A once very pure tradition that didn't involve murder or even blood shed. Now one would have to kill the maiden in order to disrupt the bloodline, its carried down the matrimonial side. That is their communion.

Communicable rites. It's infectious. Unholy and contagious.

19th January 2013, 17:33
Those behaviors would entail...folks NOT operating under 'their' mind. Or rather, moved under their own wherewithall?

Unfortunately its not just 'teachers' and law enforcement that run the shop. People in the common populace police others, and the alternative community is not immune to that. Their mind has taught us to be self policing. Attend to the log in your neighbor's eye before you attend to your own because we don't want you to see there is a log in your eye.

There is no war that is 'coming'. It's here. It's been here long before any of us were born. History (corrupt and otherwise) shows we have been in a constant state of warfare since history in all its variants forms began to be recorded. Regardless if you are reading it in Bibical Scripture or in Sanskrit. You can't venture very far into any historical document without a war popping out at you. Genesis is all about emotional war fare and we see that scenario of God, Adam and Eve played out daily.

Adam and Eve found out 'god' was a fraud. And they were summarily punished for finding that out.

How often to people get punished for suggesting someone else is a fraud. Our Drakes and company? Emotional war fare is conducted against those who call out the fraud daily.

It's our new normal. We've never experienced a life without war we, collectively, have no common frame of reference. Until we stop getting railroaded with their mind.

Amzer...And .....Get the populace (and teachers & law enforcement shopping their neighbours (and their kids) for suspicious 'psychological/pathological behaviours'

Very vital to stay in right mind, observe what it is that evokes 'their' mind in you/us/me. There is no clarity when emotions are running the nerotransmitters.

19th January 2013, 17:57
Soooo..he's a professional actor and he's 'in state'. I gathering that you've seen him at work before WF, was he showing in signs of hypnotic influence in other episodes? Or do have any other videos where 'he's at work' or at least being worked?

Ill try to dig some up. I have a box of reel to reels with plenty of footage in my out-house. Ill post it soon. ;)

please, don't tell where the box is, you may end up not having it for long otherwise.

19th January 2013, 18:11
That's an interesting notion Flash you've rather obliquely brought up the Contingency and the Stalemate.

WF would not have it for very long if a lot of people could plainly decipher what was in those reels. That is their contingency the ability to hide in the open. And that if anyone began to see what was really occurring they'd be attacked--not by them. But by the self policing forces that we've become.

Alas there is the Stalemate for those who know how to eventually decipher what might be contained in those reels one is better able to guard one's mind against their manipulations because.....they always do things the same way.

He could be holding the secret to instantaneous miracle ten minute thigh reducer and if no one knew how to decipher the formula the secret stays hidden. The EVIDENCE of it remains hidden.

It's all cipher, one just learns how to de-cipher it. Because parsing of languages was taken out of our educational curricula decades past, even the basics of deciphering language has been lost to us.

Like I said they create a fairly safe environment for themselves.

19th January 2013, 18:25
Can anyone confirm that this Mike Powers was indeed with the US Army and Navy? he doesn't claim some cosmic clearance so the documents should be available in the public domain. Whatever credibility the interview has goes to hell if he just happens to be another guy trying to sell a sensationalist story and the credibility would increase if he happens to be the real deal.

Now I'll admit that there's something bizarre about the shooting like those cheap actors, but at the same time there's bizarre stuff with the conspiracy theories. I mean how do you manage to shut up 20 000 plus people? did "they" wipe out a small town? did they applied MK Ultra to all the citizens? did they gave millions of dollars to each inhabitant? You would think that if this was a total lie then someone within the town would take it to the internet, but to my knowledge that has not taken place.

There is no war that is 'coming'. It's here. It's been here long before any of us were born. History (corrupt and otherwise) shows we have been in a constant state of warfare since history in all its variants forms began to be recorded. Regardless if you are reading it in Bibical Scripture or in Sanskrit. You can't venture very far into any historical document without a war popping out at you. Genesis is all about emotional war fare and we see that scenario of God, Adam and Eve played out daily.
THIS. People need to understand that we've been at war for thousands of years now. From the physical level to the psychological one. At most there are peak periods, but the same patterns are there.

19th January 2013, 18:31
Can anyone confirm that this Mike Powers was indeed with the US Army and Navy? he doesn't claim some cosmic clearance so the documents should be available in the public domain. Whatever credibility the interview has goes to hell if he just happens to be another guy trying to sell a sensationalist story and the credibility would increase if he happens to be the real deal.

Now I'll admit that there's something bizarre about the shooting like those cheap actors, but at the same time there's bizarre stuff with the conspiracy theories. I mean how do you manage to shut up 20 000 plus people? did "they" wipe out a small town? did they applied MK Ultra to all the citizens? did they gave millions of dollars to each inhabitant? You would think that if this was a total lie then someone within the town would take it to the internet, but to my knowledge that has not taken place.

There is no war that is 'coming'. It's here. It's been here long before any of us were born. History (corrupt and otherwise) shows we have been in a constant state of warfare since history in all its variants forms began to be recorded. Regardless if you are reading it in Bibical Scripture or in Sanskrit. You can't venture very far into any historical document without a war popping out at you. Genesis is all about emotional war fare and we see that scenario of God, Adam and Eve played out daily.
THIS. People need to understand that we've been at war for thousands of years now. From the physical level to the psychological one. At most there are peak periods, but the same patterns are there.

yes indeed ! they find cities buried under sand, and buried underwater all the time, it seems weather weapons were used as the norm long ago ... creating floods and tornados blowing sand ...

19th January 2013, 18:41
Nope, They wouldn't have to MK Ultra people, if they are psychologically predispositioned and preconditoned going back yay, so many years, centuries, eons etc etc etc.

Can anyone confirm that this Mike Powers was indeed with the US Army and Navy? he doesn't claim some cosmic clearance so the documents should be available in the public domain. Whatever credibility the interview has goes to hell if he just happens to be another guy trying to sell a sensationalist story and the credibility would increase if he happens to be the real deal.

Now I'll admit that there's something bizarre about the shooting like those cheap actors, but at the same time there's bizarre stuff with the conspiracy theories. I mean how do you manage to shut up 20 000 plus people? did "they" wipe out a small town? did they applied MK Ultra to all the citizens? did they gave millions of dollars to each inhabitant? You would think that if this was a total lie then someone within the town would take it to the internet, but to my knowledge that has not taken place.

There is no war that is 'coming'. It's here. It's been here long before any of us were born. History (corrupt and otherwise) shows we have been in a constant state of warfare since history in all its variants forms began to be recorded. Regardless if you are reading it in Bibical Scripture or in Sanskrit. You can't venture very far into any historical document without a war popping out at you. Genesis is all about emotional war fare and we see that scenario of God, Adam and Eve played out daily.
THIS. People need to understand that we've been at war for thousands of years now. From the physical level to the psychological one. At most there are peak periods, but the same patterns are there.

19th January 2013, 18:41
Can anyone confirm that this Mike Powers was indeed with the US Army and Navy? he doesn't claim some cosmic clearance so the documents should be available in the public domain. Whatever credibility the interview has goes to hell if he just happens to be another guy trying to sell a sensationalist story and the credibility would increase if he happens to be the real deal.
It actually doesn't matter much to me whether the highest job Mike Powers ever held was delivering pizza in the Bronx :).

What he's saying makes sense. It seems to me that they are rigging another variant of the Color and Spring revolutions used in various eastern European and Arab nations. For America, this will look more like a variant of what Clinton did after blowing up the Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, when right wing talk show hosts and Arab "terrorists" were blamed in various proportions, and more restrictive legislation (the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiterrorism_and_Effective_Death_Penalty_Act_of_1996)) was passed as a result.

This time around, they want the good 'ol boys with their guns to "Go Alex" ... start mouthing off and (seemingly threaten to) shoot off, like Alex Jones did on the Piers Morgan show. Alex served a dual purpose, to make the gun rights people look like class A nut jobs to the rest of the country, and to provide an example of how to react to the gun rights people.

Websites such as this one form a useful link in this chain of activation. We "here & now" are spreading the word of the treachery and deceit evidenced at Sandy Hook, helping to rile up the more volatile people in America by broadcasting these obvious signs of treachery and deceit.

(There is a tone of gallows humor in my words above. I do not approve of what I describe. Still I figure we're being "used" in a predictable way.)

19th January 2013, 18:43
The whole incident was either breathtakingly incompetent --- or an inspired piece of deliberately transparent deception. The intention of this would be to raise the mainstream profile of truthers, discredit them using emotional means, and divide the nation.

End goal: civil war.

I said something similar here:


I wonder if the whole point of making it easy to spot actors is to demonize "conspiracy theorists" and websites and start shutting them down.

Sandy Hook conspiracy theory tests limits of free speech


worrying. They try to equate free speech with agreeing with violence against children.

19th January 2013, 18:44
It's their economy, their power structure, and they made us believe it is ours. Their wars that they made us believe were ours. And now their fight is between however remaining families.

It is inevitable that when you want it all and its divided up between so many families that they will start fighting amongst each other.

It's not our fight. We are just the batteries, the energy they use for the fight. They need blood so they take it, they need energy so they take it.

This is a great post 9eagle9.

I urge people to read it again because whether 9eagle9's interpretation is true or not, it might as well be given the current state of the world.

I wrote something on a Guardian blog comment the other day when I way arguing with another commenter, that if he was feeling sympathy for the families and 'hatred' for conspiracy theorists then it was because that was what he was "supposed" to be feeling and that he should try thinking beyond his prescription.

9eagle9 has left me paralysed. I do not know how to respond to this perspective on things.

The only thing I can think of is that the fact that the psychopaths are so materialistic may be our saviour in the end. It is a huge weakness to not understand or to not be nourished by a life of spiritual harmony.

Also, 9eagle9's perspective may actually be a liberating force if generally accepted by humanity. It would allow them to let go of all the geopolitical power structures upon the realisation that they weren't (and had never been) the owners nor creators. Effectively to stop paying the rent.

Whatever's going on, I don't think it's worth trying to outthink or second guess TBTB. The most difficult thing for them to deal with is honesty and diversity of thinking. For a while I thought "this Sandy Hook stuff is a trap - a honeypot" - we need to do this or that.

Lately I'm just thinking "what the hell". Just let everybody do what they want. 10 million people have seen that "Exposed" thing. Sure it's going to be debunked and MSM are going to explode a landmine under it at some point but, hey, at least people got their minds blown first and that will change the dynamics a bit. It's also a "real" discourse in the sense that somebody posted their view and other people took interest. That's what happens in everyday uncensored exchanges. Lets just have more of it.

Diversity is key - the more diverse the world is the harder it is to control. A bit like the jungle, there is danger in the jungle but it's also a very harmonious environment which sustains a massively diverse ecosystem.

19th January 2013, 18:45
Here is a new in depth hoax video:


19th January 2013, 19:04
One of the leaders in trying to demonsie those that dont agree with the official story is slate magazine. slate is owned be the washington post whose c.e.o's attend bilderberg on a regular basis.

Freed Fox
19th January 2013, 19:12
There is no war that is 'coming'. It's here. It's been here long before any of us were born. History (corrupt and otherwise) shows we have been in a constant state of warfare since history in all its variants forms began to be recorded. Regardless if you are reading it in Bibical Scripture or in Sanskrit. You can't venture very far into any historical document without a war popping out at you. Genesis is all about emotional war fare and we see that scenario of God, Adam and Eve played out daily.
THIS. People need to understand that we've been at war for thousands of years now. From the physical level to the psychological one. At most there are peak periods, but the same patterns are there.

Yes and no. Indeed we have been in virtually perpetual war throughout our history, and this has served as programming in its own right. BUT, we have not arrived at the destination which they desire, yet. You could consider it a peak period perhaps, but what we have seen historically is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to the grand vision (their intended future).

9e9, I see your perspective, but not the prescription (if there is one). Are you saying that the best and only thing we can do is remain unemotional? On an individual basis this is a good idea, as we don't want to fall into their trap and instigate a futile civil war... but one cannot expect an entire movement against forces which commit mass deception and child sacrifice to remain unemotional.

19th January 2013, 19:19
All of us -- that is you and me, individually, each one of us -- are profiled and programmed into the predictions. The chess grandmasters have a chess supercomputer on their side. (This is not conjecture, by the way: Dr Bill Deagle and others have been reporting on this since 2006.)

Summary: it's entirely likely that they know exactly what they're doing -- something we've not anticipated. If so, we need to get very smart, very quickly, and not place our feet into a bunch of carefully positioned bear traps.

I have raised this question before and will repeat it here again


Why are the people freed from the Matrix called Zion and partying to it?
Listen how Morpheus is remembering a century of oppression and they are still here ...

Who are the illumined ones, the awake and aware today?

I am currently listening to the Mystery Babylon Series of William Cooper. He is pointing out in quite a number of radio
shows that people who think they are doing the right thing are actually deceived and only execute the wrong agenda
because it is so cleverly packaged.

So you are a light warrior or light worker ?

Beware that Luci - fer means Light bearer!

We all know that Christmas is actually not about the birth of Christ but worship of the sun returning/rebirthing after the winter solstice.
The sun (and sun worship) is symbol and synonym for worshiping knowledge/the light/Lucifer.
There's lots more to be said about this ... Your interest in the matter automatically made you an initiate into the occult :eek:

I think Bill is right on the ball with this.

Machines (AI) are ruling our lives and every move is carefully calculated before executed.
But machines need stimuli. So every now and then they are testing the waters to do their next calculation.
They love the social media/weblogs/online comments to articles/forums etc. !!
(I have witnessed this kind of simulation, albeit on a much much smaller scale)

19th January 2013, 19:22
Just put together this little video. Please share far and wide!!!

The Sandy Hook Conspiracy is but a single pixel in the big picture.

If these recent events have woken you up to the fact that something's not right in the world today, it's time to take a look at how we can change things. Peacefully. Without a single drop of blood shed.

Let's regain our sovereignty! Power to the people, not the corrupt!

We shall overcome!


19th January 2013, 19:40
I didn't say we should remain unemotional. There are appropriate emotional values to assign to circumstances like this that will serve us. And there are inappropriate ones that will serve them. Those emotional values will be dictated by whose mind is directing them. That is how they direct their energy.

Learning this is what is called self control. And self management is a topic being discussed elsewhere.

Do not think for one moment I do not get angry, sickened, disgusted, I'm grieved and horrorfied daily by things I see in situations that others cannot because its been made so simplistic. I'm not angry over the 'notion' of an upcoming civil war. The war is here and its always been here, I'm in despair because no one can see it.

The depth and the complexity of it, the lengths they will go to, the utter corruption and perversion of the innocent I'm sick unto death of observing it. I'm not saying don't cry over spilled blood. I'm saying let that spilled blood be a daily reminder for us.

We all too often forget though. If we can't know this has been going on since time infinitum...then we have forgotten.

They are using an ages old mental process against us that jobbies our emotional body, to make us react---so we can be their battery station. Reactive energy is what they seek. They cannot do this on their own, they lack the power and the numbers to do so.

We can learn to respond with the appropriate emotional value so we are directing OUR mental processes fueled by our appropriate emotions. Responsive energy will fuel our mental processes.

Its the difference between people who want to involve themselves in this because it creates a huge emotional drama and stage for them to act out on, (like the Drakes of the world) and people who are quietly attempting to get to the heart of the matter in a thoughtful way using their anger as the impetus to carry on with things and bring down a seemingly monstrous all powerful entity. Of course it is if it is taking 'all' power. From all of us.

We just stop doing it.

Nor do I expect people to 'not' be angry. But 'being angry' is a naughty way to go this brave new age; they've done that deliberately and have for thousands of years to create a safe environment for this sort of thing to continue to inhabit.

You can be Alex Jones angry, spraying all over the place, angry for all the right reasons but in the wrong way (reactive) which is just self defeating...

Angry in methodical thoughtful way, which is not reactive 'human' anger, will fuel you for a very very long time.

That eventually arrives you at a point that reactive anger won't, a place that is neither thought nor emotion but something called WILL.

I agree that whatever agenda they have has not yet been fulfilled. It never will be. There are never filled, it will never end, because nothing is ever ENOUGH for them.

These are not entities that are like you and I who can eat a cake and go 'Oh gee I ate too much, I didn't leave any for others,'

they will eat and eat eat until the needing of the ages and beyond if 12-21-12 has not shown us that nothing will. They are never full and it us they feed off of.

A mosquito never gets filled and then just goes away and leaves you alone. It must always come back and feed more. Same with fleas. Same with any parasite. Where would they be without our blood.

There is no war that is 'coming'. It's here. It's been here long before any of us were born. History (corrupt and otherwise) shows we have been in a constant state of warfare since history in all its variants forms began to be recorded. Regardless if you are reading it in Bibical Scripture or in Sanskrit. You can't venture very far into any historical document without a war popping out at you. Genesis is all about emotional war fare and we see that scenario of God, Adam and Eve played out daily.
THIS. People need to understand that we've been at war for thousands of years now. From the physical level to the psychological one. At most there are peak periods, but the same patterns are there.

Yes and no. Indeed we have been in virtually perpetual war throughout our history, and this has served as programming in its own right. BUT, we have not arrived at the destination which they desire, yet. You could consider it a peak period perhaps, but what we have seen historically is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to the grand vision (their intended future).

9e9, I see your perspective, but not the prescription (if there is one). Are you saying that the best and only thing we can do is remain unemotional? On an individual basis this is a good idea, as we don't want to fall into their trap and instigate a futile civil war... but one cannot expect an entire movement against forces which commit mass deception and child sacrifice to remain unemotional.

19th January 2013, 19:48
Who had to create Zion for 'them'.

I won't comment more on that, its too inflammatory.

Only to say if you can get some scope of this by considering this.... Common everyday Jewish people built the country of Israel, against all odds, they made farms out of sand and mica and brought water into a desert with basically nothing but their own will. They thought they were building 'Zion' for themselves.

Unfortunately and sadly, it turned out to be an altogether different story for those heroic people who carved a living arable land and home for themselves out rock and desert.

All of us -- that is you and me, individually, each one of us -- are profiled and programmed into the predictions. The chess grandmasters have a chess supercomputer on their side. (This is not conjecture, by the way: Dr Bill Deagle and others have been reporting on this since 2006.)

Summary: it's entirely likely that they know exactly what they're doing -- something we've not anticipated. If so, we need to get very smart, very quickly, and not place our feet into a bunch of carefully positioned bear traps.

I have raised this question before and will repeat it here again


Why are the people freed from the Matrix called Zion and partying to it?
Listen how Morpheus is remembering a century of oppression and they are still here ...

Who are the illumined ones, the awake and aware today?

I am currently listening to the Mystery Babylon Series of William Cooper. He is pointing out in quite a number of radio
shows that people who think they are doing the right thing are actually deceived and only execute the wrong agenda
because it is so cleverly packaged.

So you are a light warrior or light worker ?

Beware that Luci - fer means Light bearer!

We all know that Christmas is actually not about the birth of Christ but worship of the sun returning/rebirthing after the winter solstice.
The sun (and sun worship) is symbol and synonym for worshiping knowledge/the light/Lucifer.
There's lots more to be said about this ... Your interest in the matter automatically made you an initiate into the occult :eek:

I think Bill is right on the ball with this.

Machines (AI) are ruling our lives and every move is carefully calculated before executed.
But machines need stimuli. So every now and then they are testing the waters to do their next calculation.
They love the social media/weblogs/online comments to articles/forums etc. !!
(I have witnessed this kind of simulation, albeit on a much much smaller scale)

another bob
19th January 2013, 20:36
There is no war that is 'coming'. It's here. It's been here long before any of us were born. History (corrupt and otherwise) shows we have been in a constant state of warfare since history in all its variants forms began to be recorded. Regardless if you are reading it in Bibical Scripture or in Sanskrit. You can't venture very far into any historical document without a war popping out at you. Genesis is all about emotional war fare and we see that scenario of God, Adam and Eve played out daily.
THIS. People need to understand that we've been at war for thousands of years now. From the physical level to the psychological one. At most there are peak periods, but the same patterns are there.

Yes and no. Indeed we have been in virtually perpetual war throughout our history, and this has served as programming in its own right. BUT, we have not arrived at the destination which they desire, yet. You could consider it a peak period perhaps, but what we have seen historically is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to the grand vision (their intended future).

Here's something I've learned about the matter so far, from multiple sources over the last half century:

For some, this realm is a tourist destination. For others, a finishing school of sorts. For many, it's a place to "do their time". For most, however, this is a war planet. It always has been. It is a theatrical stage that was designed exactly that way, and it is consistently maintained that way, by the real powers that be -- the same ones who have been in charge since this model was rolled out some time ago.

Despite our hopeful intentions, Earth is not going to become a justice planet, or a love planet, or a peace planet. Throughout the Omniverse, there are billions upon billions of planets, and some are like this, and some are even more primitive, but from what I have been able to discover, most would be considered utopian from our perspective.

Indeed, once we are able to learn how to behave, most of us will move on to these higher possibilities of existence. If not, we will be sent back here to finish our elementary schooling (and that could take quite some time, depending on how dense and stubborn we are).

Now, there are those who would put a certain spin on the situation, by suggesting that, since suffering is the usual condition here, it is therefore more conducive as an inspiration for liberation, whereas, on utopian-type planets, things are going along so smoothly that one would not be moved to strive for liberation. I'm not so sure about that. It sounds to me like a consolation offered to ease the stark reality of having ended up here in this relatively funky environment.

In any case, we have the option of learning how to live with integrity, and doing the right thing in whatever circumstance presents itself over the course of our rather brief tenure here. To do this, it is necessary to relinquish envy, greed, hatred, and arrogance -- this we know from those who have graduated and managed to toss a life line back.

In fact, not everyone who shows up here is a repeat offender. Some are kind enough to return and point the way out. They are not talking about trying to turn prison into Sunday School. They are suggesting that we clean up our act, stop perpetuating bad behavior, and move on. If we can take some others with us in the process, all the better, but most here can barely manage to free themselves, much less others.

More here: http://theconsciousprocess.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/fighting-the-powers-that-be/

Bill Ryan
19th January 2013, 20:38

More from Mike Powers -- this time an excellent show on 2 January. Just as strong and detailed as the one posted on this thread:


Download audio here: snipmp3 (http://snipmp3.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGKSUs569Y-k)
Or: http://projectavalon.net/Mike_Powers_2_Jan_2013_Investigating_the_Sandy_Hook_Narrative.mp3 (39.5 Mb, 1 hr 20 mins, no commercials)

The 30 questions Mike Powers asked, and discussed:

1. What was Christopher A. Rodia's car doing at the scene?
2. Why was it reported as Nancy Lanza's car to begin with?
3. Why was a weapon in the trunk?
4. Why did the media and cops LIE and say that Adam had that car?
5. Why was the Canadian sub teacher's car the ONLY one in the parking lot that was shot up?
6. Why did media and the cops LIE and say that Nancy was a teacher at SHE when she NEVER WAS?
7. What happened to all of the other people arrested?
8. What happened to the reddish purple van with the windows shot out?
9. Were the parents allowed to see the bodies?
10. How come we've not seen so much as ONE crime scene photo when the media loves NOTHING more than to constantly show us evil's face?
11. Why do they keep claiming that the AR was in the school when SEVERAL cops reported ALL MORNING that it was FOUND in the BACK SEAT of the car?
12. How many guns DID little Adam manage to carry around with him? With all that weight, how was he able to remain mobile and dynamic?
13. Why do Peter and Nancy Lanza only show Ryan on Spokeo as a son?
14. Why or how was Adam in possession of Ryan's ID when they'd not seen one another since 2010?
15. How was Probable Cause established to search the mom's home when RYAN was the primary suspect all day? The WARRANT was searched on Nancy's home less than 1.5 hours after the first police dispatch?
16. Why did the media report Peter Lanza as having been found dead in NYC? ALL....DAY....LONG?
17. What is Rodia's connection to all of this? Or his 19yr old niece?
18. How DID Adam GET to the school? And WHY? What made him select SHE as his target?
19. Is it not odd that the sub teacher's body was also not allowed to be seen, and HER car was the ONLY one shot up?
20. Why was HER classroom the one with all the victims?
21. What was up with Robbie "Daytime Emmy" Peters and his performance?
22. What was up with Dr, CARVER, and HIS performance?
23. He's seen THOUSANDS of people shot? WHERE?
24. What did HE mean by "you can control a situation with the right photographer"?
25. Why does the name J. Paul Vance show up as both a CT State Police Lt AND the Commissioner to which the $100M lawsuit was filed to? Would that not constitute a conflict of interest?
26. Why is now the MOTHER of one of the pic's VICTIMS coming out saying that her daughter is ALIVE AND WELL?
27. What was with the Gene Rosen dude and HIS performance? Stating he was a "psychologist"???? Not with only 2yrs of college there, Pet Boy. (He runs a pet love business)
28. Why were all of the fire trucks BLOCKED IN and BACKED UP to the school?
29. Who IS Roy Low, and how is he SO informed as to appear in three interviews?
30. Why WOULD cops place a SUSPECT - in cuffs - in the FRONT SEAT of a police car during an ACTIVE SHOOTER event that is NOT yet over?

19th January 2013, 20:43
BUT, we have not arrived at the destination which they desire, yet. You could consider it a peak period perhaps, but what we have seen historically is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to the grand vision (their intended future).
Does anyone even know what's that destination? Sure they may have one big scenario that they orgasm about and the journey consists on dissociating humanity further. Why wait for the grand scenario? To clarify what I was getting at: http://www.sanctuaryweb.com/reenactment.php

We've been repeating the same Archetypal patterns for thousands of years, but they are being refined or as some say: there are many ways to skin a cat... but the cat ends up being skinned anyway.

Ditto to 9egle9's post #113, it's pure gold and worth thinking over many times.

19th January 2013, 20:50
Having harped on about how most of the stuff out there is superficial and a waste of time, I do still think it's significant how un-genuine all the family interviews appear.

It's a total Stepford situation. Have a look at this. . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNojXGmB43c

Also, I must say that that first photo comparison (of the round headed guy at Hurricane Sandy and Aurora) is the ONLY one I've seen of all the Youtube Columbo (YTC) uploads where the comparison is very convincing. But maybe these things are subjective. (It's also the only YTC video I've seen that comparison made.)

Pretty well spotted by this woman I'd say. She herself is also convincing because she's actually comparing her own experience of what bereavement is like with what she's seen and is not buying it.

I mean, if anyone is going to have sympathy with these families you'd think it would be other bereaved members of the public wouldn't you ? And yet here is someone who doesn't buy the integrity of what they're seeing any more than us "insensitive CT retard tinhat mentalists" !


19th January 2013, 22:03
The title of this video is: "Parents Tearfully Share Stories Of 6-Year-Old Shooting Victim". I watched this in an attempt to get some objective view of the argument that this incident occurred just as we've been told. My definition of "tears" must be outdated or something. The father barely registers any emotion whatsoever. What on Earth is going on with all of this?


19th January 2013, 22:12
And if they are just acting out these grand archetypical scenarios, there's really no destination. Just walking in circles like the article shows, both of us, us and them.

Maybe this is it for them, just feed feed feed. In any way shape or form. Do it in an Ivory Tower do it in the Blackhole of Calcutta.

Very good article btw, merits its own thread me thinks.

BUT, we have not arrived at the destination which they desire, yet. You could consider it a peak period perhaps, but what we have seen historically is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to the grand vision (their intended future).
Does anyone even know what's that destination? Sure they may have one big scenario that they orgasm about and the journey consists on dissociating humanity further. Why wait for the grand scenario? To clarify what I was getting at: http://www.sanctuaryweb.com/reenactment.php

We've been repeating the same Archetypal patterns for thousands of years, but they are being refined or as some say: there are many ways to skin a cat... but the cat ends up being skinned anyway.

Ditto to 9egle9's post #113, it's pure gold and worth thinking over many times.

19th January 2013, 22:20
Just put together this little video. Please share far and wide!!!

The Sandy Hook Conspiracy is but a single pixel in the big picture.

If these recent events have woken you up to the fact that something's not right in the world today, it's time to take a look at how we can change things. Peacefully. Without a single drop of blood shed.

Let's regain our sovereignty! Power to the people, not the corrupt!

We shall overcome!


This famous statement by Einstein is very true, but maybe in this case doing something means very deliberately doing... nothing.

19th January 2013, 22:39
I remember questioning AJ's behavior right after his appearance on Piers's show, saying he acted like a nut job. My main thought was that it was for ratings for both their shows, but now I have to agree with Max Igan, that one of the main reasons is to discredit the alternative community.

Then you throw Aaron Schwartz into the mix, who supposedly died from depression because of the lawsuit against him, (and he will be labled a conspiracy nut too). This gives them the excuse to also start demonizing anyone they "claim" is unbalanced, i.e. a conspiracy nut. Anyone who questions the "official" story is lumped into this group.

19th January 2013, 22:52
viral sandy hook video partially debunked? (by shelia aliens) but not all of it!


20th January 2013, 00:03
For most, however, this is a war planet. It always has been. It is a theatrical stage that was designed exactly that way, and it is consistently maintained that way, by the real powers that be -- the same ones who have been in charge since this model was rolled out some time ago.

Despite our hopeful intentions, Earth is not going to become a justice planet, or a love planet, or a peace planet.

If this is true, then it's an absolute game changer for me. I won't discuss this anymore here because it's too much off topic of what this thread is about. Definitely something to think about though.

20th January 2013, 00:45
Okay I have some new stuff here on the whole thing. This is a video just now found said to be have uploaded by Adam Lanza Notice the demonetization of anonymous. Police are investigating this. This is also said to be a video response on You tube to a Ker$ha video. Here is some info followed by the Ke$ha video with a TON of Illuminati symbolism. Strange that all this is now surfacing.



20th January 2013, 01:05
Thanks Referee. An internet search provided this article from the Examiner:

Update: Police investigate video posted one day prior to Sandy Hook massacre (Photos)

NEWTOWN, Connecticut--

UPDATE- Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 3:42p.m. ET

Police in Newtown, Conecticut are investigating a video posted one day before Adam Lanza allegedly massacred 20 kids and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday, according to police cheif Michael Kehoe.


Why? This is probably the number one question on people's minds since the tragic massacre of twenty children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday.

What has going through the mind of Adam Lanza that would cause him to walk into a building full of kids and open fire?

A Youtube channel has been discovered which may provide some answers to these questions. An account created by someone using the handle 'TrolleyRulle' two days prior to the shootings may be the missing link to finding answers.

In the channel's 'About Me' section, the user entered the following data: "We are those that are willing to die or kill to end the mind rape of our children. The war for your brain has begun!"

There is only one video on the channel, and the video was uploaded on Thursday, December 13-- one day prior to the mass shooting at the school. The video is titled, "I am Adam Lanza. I will be famous."

The video contains the following eerie message: "All she wanted was this picture perfect life. I guess me being raped was not in her idyllic plans. F__k her. I choose to go level 121 and kill Rulle. I will swing the sword of destruction and live forever! I am Adam Lanza. People hate me. I will be immortal."

Although the channel has not been officially confirmed to belong to Adam Lanza, all evidence would suggest this given the channel and the video were created and uploaded prior to the day of the shootings.

Click here to read the channel 'About Me' (http://www.youtube.com/user/TrolleyRulle?feature=watch)

Click here to watch the video, "I am Adam Lanza. I will be famous" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQRZBQnivQ8)

Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/breaking-now-video-may-answer-questions-about-sandy-hook-shootings

The links in the article don't work anymore.

20th January 2013, 01:09
Thanks Referee. An internet search provided this article from the Examiner:

Update: Police investigate video posted one day prior to Sandy Hook massacre (Photos)

NEWTOWN, Connecticut--

UPDATE- Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 3:42p.m. ET

Police in Newtown, Conecticut are investigating a video posted one day before Adam Lanza allegedly massacred 20 kids and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday, according to police cheif Michael Kehoe.


Why? This is probably the number one question on people's minds since the tragic massacre of twenty children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday.

What has going through the mind of Adam Lanza that would cause him to walk into a building full of kids and open fire?

A Youtube channel has been discovered which may provide some answers to these questions. An account created by someone using the handle 'TrolleyRulle' two days prior to the shootings may be the missing link to finding answers.

In the channel's 'About Me' section, the user entered the following data: "We are those that are willing to die or kill to end the mind rape of our children. The war for your brain has begun!"

There is only one video on the channel, and the video was uploaded on Thursday, December 13-- one day prior to the mass shooting at the school. The video is titled, "I am Adam Lanza. I will be famous."

The video contains the following eerie message: "All she wanted was this picture perfect life. I guess me being raped was not in her idyllic plans. F__k her. I choose to go level 121 and kill Rulle. I will swing the sword of destruction and live forever! I am Adam Lanza. People hate me. I will be immortal."

Although the channel has not been officially confirmed to belong to Adam Lanza, all evidence would suggest this given the channel and the video were created and uploaded prior to the day of the shootings.

Click here to read the channel 'About Me' (http://www.youtube.com/user/TrolleyRulle?feature=watch)

Click here to watch the video, "I am Adam Lanza. I will be famous" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQRZBQnivQ8)

Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/breaking-now-video-may-answer-questions-about-sandy-hook-shootings

The links in the article don't work anymore.

Be cautious with some of this "new" stuff poppin on the scene. it's likely a hoax until proven otherwise.

20th January 2013, 01:10
yes , i agree with Max also, this whole thing was botched for a reason.
It's designed to create a war between those who are awake and those who are not.
It's conflict they are seeking. Why it's crucial to not buy into the emotional hooks
that are laid as bait.

Simply put, this is a trap.

Watch the video in Referee's post.

That "TrollyRulle" youtube account seems like it was PLANTED.

I think this is getting serious.

PS - Silentfeathers: Agreed, we are on the same page. I was just posting this as you were making your post. I think we all must remain very perceptive here.

20th January 2013, 01:13
Well for a start there is no evidence that Adam Lanza was even a real person,
so until that "little detail" is cleaned up, any videos, etc, claiming to be from
him are highly suspect

20th January 2013, 01:18
Yes the scale of disinfo on this thing is reaching new heights..
problem is that the percentage of people that can see through
the cloud of stinking manure is still relatively small.
Now they are aiming to confuse and spam so much
info that people will just turn off.

20th January 2013, 01:22
yes , i agree with Max also, this whole thing was botched for a reason.
It's designed to create a war between those who are awake and those who are not.
It's conflict they are seeking. Why it's crucial to not buy into the emotional hooks
that are laid as bait.

Simply put, this is a trap.

Watch the video in Referee's post.

That "TrollyRules" youtube account seems like it was PLANTED.

I think this is getting serious.

PS - Silentfeathers: We are on the same page here. I was just posting this as you were making your post. We all must be remain very perceptive here.

Figured you were....:)

I was just posting a reminder to all (including myself), they're gonna toss things at us to try to throw us off the trail.

20th January 2013, 01:28
Yes the scale of disinfo on this thing is reaching new heights..
problem is that the percentage of people that can see through
the cloud of stinking manure is still relatively small.
Now they are aiming to confuse and spam so much
info that people will just turn off.


Or better yet, maybe this could be their new slogan ...


20th January 2013, 01:34
Please understand I think this is planted dis-info and most likely from CIA NSA anonymous.

However this backs up the Max Igan interview Bill posted in the thread. This thing may very well take a turn at the truth movment. And they will use it to the max.

20th January 2013, 01:53
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

Was it botched from the inside??

It does appear to be a spectacular unraveling of the game,
at least one layer. Unless it was all by design, in which case
what else is going on that they want us so turned the other way??
This is all taking viral to new heights.

Perhaps it was an intentional Botch? The more inconstancies the more eyebrows raised, the more questions asked, and hopefully the more truth is uncovered. You'd imagine they plan those things out well in advance, and have the funding to look at possible hiccups to their scenario and iron them out. Yet with what happend and the information that's come forwarth afterwards its very easy to see this is a set up sham. The people actually doing the dirty work, would they be trained soldiers drained of empathy and care? Or mind controll victims? Or someone in a very bad situation offerd everything they need to fix it if they comply with certain requests? Since they dont have actual robot killers yet (that they can send out in public at least, heh!) there's allways the person making the decisions at the time. It would only take a few things out of place and un-expected for the show to fall to pieces, as you'd imagine those kind of people are trained/chosen for their ability to take orders, and not free-think and make their own decisions (like how to deal with said mistakes?)

20th January 2013, 01:56
Keep to mind these are sociopaths that we are observing. They like to leave calling cards, admissions and little mockeries. They all have Zorro complex. They adore energy directed their way and will live little Z's all over the place to make people gasp.

As to why their scheme seems to be falling apart ....It's not been conducted any differently then any of their grand schemes. Their minds get a little unraveled by observation. They hate to be observed it makes them trip triggery and unhappy, panicky. They prefer the nice safe environment we make for them.

Isn't that a law of physics, a law of remote observation, the more you watch an event the more you change the nature of it?

All that previously 'way over our heads' crap is not so over heads anymore.

20th January 2013, 02:35
Okay, Trolley Rulle appears to be a character in the book, The Lords of 2112: The Poignantly Vulgar & Vulgarly Poignant Chronicle of America's Future.

The following is a brief paragraph describing the theme of the book.

In the year 2112, America has degenerated into a world of savages, destroyed by attacks from the heinous Muslim Republic of Nations and backstabbed by China and the United Nations. The only protection for decent Class One cistizens is within the protective walls of the few remaining technologically advanced cities. Humans are now catagorized by their genetic code into classes of human and sub-species, the HIV-infected, slave labor for the Federated Cities of America that are ruled by their own iron-fisted City Lord. But now, the American cities have a new technology to exact a deadly revenge upon the Muslims and cleanse the world's DNA codes forever!

Source: http://www.scribd.com/doc/51783707/The-Lords-of-2112

Here are a few excerpts from the book, just to give more of an idea of what it's about.

The extermination decrees had originally come from the "official" United Nations in the year 2069: All sub-species humans must be terminated [...] Somebody had to go, so the DNA-classification system was established to make the process scientific. "Sub-species" was the politacally correct way to speak of those unfortunate masses that had lost official genetic certification from the Committe of Human Species Development.


Parting from pure utopian idealism in favor of profit, economists now promoted the theory that society needed a limited number of the "lesser-classed-gened" carriers for filling the "less-than-desirable" job positions. It was a lot easier to breed and regulate inferior humans than to build a complex machine to do the work.


Amongst the lower-genetic subspecies, strain Z-34 HIV, now used as a means to control the slave-class, infected nearly every registerd non-Closs One on earth. Genetic deformities and diseases were the norm amongst the sub-species humans: in truth, human prevention of natural selection had profoundly debilitated the gene pool. It seemed as if Nature herself was now dieing [sic]. Only the select few could inhabit the Safe Zones -- cities walled-in and protected by their superior technology. Inside the protection of the walls, your mind was owned by the system. OUtside the walls of fortified cities there existed only savagery -- an absolute and unceasing state of confusion and war, kill or be killed, survival of the fittest, disease, pestilence, plague, addiction, compulsion, rape, murder, murder, murder ...


The lesser DNA codes of sub-humans did not have the amino-acid chains to transfer genetic memories. second only to the voluptuous redhead. only she was in a position to ascertain. A sub-species man that had made his way to the top of Trolley Rulle’s hit list. When the time was right. Last night at dinner. He took every opportunity to display his superior vocabulary and intellect. The information. she had to be patient. she would exact her revenge. Or so Tina thought. had to refrain. Twelve years ago. This lead to her subsequent involvement with the Salizidite Sympathizers. Her mild attempts at presenting another view about the division of homo erectus into classes of “human” and “non-human” were met with Rulle’s casual dismissal—something about her “delicate 35 . Tina had to bite her tongue.


He was a worthy intellectual companion. Mankind’s intended glory would be restored. She would 77 .” Savior Rulle would lead the blessed chosen into victory over “The Beast” that had infected the DNA codes. She had always thought that she was the one in control. even master. “I shall rename you. With this almighty power. My Dear. The orgasmic ecstasy exhilarated her being. He could now trust Tina with his most protected secrets and plans. My Dear?” The Commandant of the black-clad police units was more cunning than Tina had ever anticipated. Rulle was Salvation incarnate. Her carnal lust had been satisfied as never before. so skillfully he appealed to her insecurities. “God in the Flesh!”—more powerful than a pathetic Lord Pontiff could ever hope to be.

Source: http://www.scribd.com/doc/51783707/The-Lords-of-2112

I really don't want to post any more excerpts than that. The overall tone of the book is grotesque and full of disturbing innuendos.

There is a lot in there about DNA and different species of humans (see cached link below).

I'm no expert, but there seems to be many "trigger" words (and motifs) in that book with respect to activating brainwashed sleepers (maybe Houman could offer more insight). Similar to the manchurian candidates or something like that.

The link below is a cache of the book. Just type -- control f -- to do a search of terms.


By the way, GLP seems to have a couple of threads on the topic, but I can't access them.

Be perceptive.

Bill Ryan
20th January 2013, 02:36
Originally posted by Bill Ryan: "Summary: it's entirely likely that they know exactly what they're doing -- something we've not anticipated. If so, we need to get very smart, very quickly, and not place our feet into a bunch of carefully positioned bear traps."Thank you kindly Bill, could you say more on how to avoid those traps, in your opinion?

Hi, Limor!

Good question. :) Here are my current thoughts:

1) Be accurate, specific, focused and balanced in any website posts or videos you make. Refrain from political generalizations, accusations, and any kind of ranting or venting. Always check and reference your facts, and be as intelligent, articulate, measured and professional as possible.

2) With the current escalating situation in the US, focus primarily on the issues at hand. That's a pretty wide basket of stuff, but it might not be smart for your subject matter to also incude UFOs, the more bizarre aspects of mind control (true though they may be), the idea that some presidents may be clones... you get the idea.

Even though all that is to be explored in (and rightly belongs in) the biggest picture, remember that the game plan may be for the media to spotlight enough examples of apparent alternative media craziness and extremism that the real issues get swamped.

3) Don't get provoked; emphasize the most important and well-thought-out key points well. The way Ben Shapiro handled Piers Morgan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE0Z2k6BJI0) is a good example.

4) Point out, over and over again, that all you are doing is asking questions (and keep asking them!), you do not belong to any group or belief system, you love your country, you honor and respect all law-abiding citizens (including law-abiding policemen and politicians), you do not advocate violence, and you want the country to be a peaceful and safe place to live.

5) If questioned on gun control, and you oppose it, just quote this: :)


20th January 2013, 03:00
Vivek I personally want to thank you for your research on Trolley Rulle very interesting.

Also Bill R I like what you wrote in answer to Limor's question, thank you.

If I can get away I am thinking I will take a trip to Sandy Hook/Newtown in the near future. I only live about 2 hours away and have several by marriage relatives that live there...have been there several times in the past.

In the first reports of all of this here on Avalon there was a member that posted that he lived 500 yards from the school and had a dream while the shooting was going on and that his wife woke him to tell him that something big was going on at the school... I have been trying to make my way back to the first thread on this topic am not finding it... I would love to get the avalon member that I just mentioned identified and see if we can get him into the conversation...

Does anyone else recall what I am referring to? Does anyone remember what the first thread post on this topic was or where to find it?

I feel that members voice and information would be extremely helpful to our investigation to all of this.

Thank you!

Much love! :grouphug:

20th January 2013, 03:08
Vivek I personally want to thank you for your research on Trolley Rulle very interesting.

Also Bill R I like what you wrote in answer to Limor's question, thank you.

If I can get away I am thinking I will take a trip to Sandy Hook/Newtown in the near future. I only live about 2 hours away and have several by marriage relatives that live there...have been there several times in the past.

In the first reports of all of this here on Avalon there was a member that posted that he lived 500 yards from the school and had a dream while the shooting was going on and that his wife woke him to tell him that something big was going on at the school... I have been trying to make my way back to the first thread on this topic am not finding it... I would love to get the avalon member that I just mentioned identified and see if we can get him into the conversation...

Does anyone else recall what I am referring to? Does anyone remember what the first thread post on this topic was or where to find it?

I feel that members voice and information would be extremely helpful to our investigation to all of this.

Thank you!

Much love! :grouphug:

I remember that person posting....can't remember what thread though or who it was.

20th January 2013, 03:14
Ok I just found the post I have been looking for by member shadowbox and he has not been on line at avalon since December 18th...


Here is his last post on December 18th

Re: The Sandy Hook Massacre…the MAJOR DISCREPANCIES LIST

This thread is GARBAGE.

Stop this bull****.

I live 300 feet from the school, directly across the street. My neighbor heard multiple gunshots from my driveway.

I can tell you for certainty that this is all real.

Get a life.


I think we need to e-mail him and ask him to come back and tell us more... I for one will do that ...just go to his profile and us the e-mail option...

20th January 2013, 03:15
The author of the book, The Lords of 2112: The Poignantly Vulgar & Vulgarly Poignant Chronicle of America’s Future, committed suicide on December 12, 2012.

R.I.P. January 21, 1976 to December 12, 2012 Update: Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. was a troubled soul and tragically committed suicide. Thanks for all the support and love for our Gentle Giant. His words: My range of experiences include everything from prison to the dean's list in college. I have met all and lived with people from all walks of life. From a spiritual journey living as a homeless man to firsthand religious investigations, I have seen nearly everything. I have lived with murderers and self-proclaimed saints. My stories are more real than fiction, regardless of the format in which I tell the story. I have grown up in the small town environment of rural Michigan and traveled the world, physically and metaphorically. My life is dedicated to the constant pursuit of evolution and growth. Life is my adventure and, for better and worse, I am living the dreams constructed within my own imaginations.

Source: http://bookstore.trafford.com/Products/SKU-000463701/The-Lords-of-2112.aspx


The same man also had a Linkedin profile.

Here is a summary from his profile:

Promising student who was incarcerated whose potential for brilliance was forever ruined in 1994 for a series of violent crimes. Released from prison he never fully intergrated with normal society ever again. Apparently damaged from the years of incarceration, he went on hold sporadic odd jobs, progressively deteriorating mental condition. Huge pieces of missing time, was known living as a mostly homeless man in the Salt Lake City, UT region from 1999-2002 and the San Antonio, TX region around 2004-2006. Spoke fondly of Papa Ray's. Spent many days in libraries writing bizarre stories and papers. In a brief moment of reconnection and seeming lucidity, family published one of these stories for him as a gif in 2011. After which, he became severly violent and unpredictable. Seemed to enjoy drawing strange pictures and doing his various "art projects." Some were coherent, some were not. Recently commited suicide. May Daniel have the peace that he never could seem to find here on Earth.

Here are his interests from the same profile:

Psychology, writing, MKUltra, marketing, manufacturing processes, Marines,machining, astronomy, physics, New World Order, goats, religions, existentialism, altered states of consciousness, remote viewing, psy ops

Source: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1im29kfL96wJ:www.linkedin.com/pub/daniel-marion-mitchell-jr/24/b16/24a+Daniel+Marion+Mitchell+Jr.+suicide&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=safari

Freed Fox
20th January 2013, 03:29
What a brilliant man. I wonder what could have possibly made him want to kill himself???

20th January 2013, 03:32
Like I said Vivek... great investigative reporting and very interesting!!! Much Love!!! :hug:

I just e-mailed Shadow box...time will tell if I hear back form him or not...however I really think he could shed some light on some of this....

20th January 2013, 03:43
Thanks for the posts all.
I don't need more information of this media illusion...
I would like to read your thoughts as to WHY?
(I am still processing... and many minds create the cauldron to hold the elusive substance of "Truth"....)

20th January 2013, 04:05
I did see a clip on You Tube one guy didn't believe that any kids were killed in Sandy Hook, and he stated lets "see the bodies", why were they "no pictures" available....it seems conspiracies are everywhere.

20th January 2013, 04:13
I really don't even know what to do with this ...

That book (in the above posts) by Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. is on amazon.com -- apparently someone reviewed it (allegedly it's own author) and the only thing I can find on that particular review is a quote from another reviewer.

This was posted on October 30, 2011.

I will not report this "post", so that it might serve as an illustration of this "author's" intellectual and moral level.

BTW, the genius has posted a five-star "review" of his own "book" (the only review it has). Enjoy:

"At least three mass murderers have been associated with this book since its release. The Lords of 2112 is a Catcher in the Rye for the modern psycho and the reasons are quite obvious once you have read and analyzed the contents of this book. It is written in some form of coded, double-entendre that is somewhat hard for the layman to decipher, but the manical message is crystal clear to those for which this book was intended to reach. When I read The Lords of 2112, I could literally feel bugs crawling all over my skin, eating in to my brain. The Lords of 2112 is pure sickness! I believe it should be banned in America forever. It is too dangerous to have this available to nut-jobs like Jared Loughner, Anders Breivik, and Scott Dekraai. Who will be the next person to go completely insane from reading this book!!!"

Indeed, only insane would read it.

Source: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:UT48e9VFaPcJ:www.amazon.com/forum/science%2520fiction%3FcdForum%3DFxWK0QNW07Z4M7%26cdPage%3D5%26cdThread%3DTx2270LDXCD2DGG+At+least+th ree+mass+murderers+have+been+associated+with+this+book+since+its+release.+The+Lords+of+2112+is+a+Cat cher+in+the+Rye+for+the+modern+psycho+and+the+reasons+are+quite+obvious+once+you+have+read+and+analy zed+the+contents+of+this+book.+It+is+written+in+some+form+of+coded,+double-entendre+that+is+somewhat+hard+for+the+layman+to+decipher,+but+the+manical+message+is+crystal+clear+ to+those+for+which+this+book+was+intended+to+reach.+When+I+read+The+Lords+of+2112,+I+could+literally +feel+bugs+crawling+all+over+my+skin,+eating+in+to+my+brain.+The+Lords+of+2112+is+pure+sickness!+I+b elieve+it+should+be+banned+in+America+forever.+It+is+too+dangerous+to+have+this+available+to+nut-jobs+like+Jared+Loughner,+Anders+Breivik,+and+Scott+Dekraai.+Who+will+be+the+next+person+to+go+compl etely+insane+from+reading+this+book!!!&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=safari

Allegedly, Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. (or someone posing as him) wrote that quoted part of the excerpt. This was over one year ago.

Then, after the Newtown school shootings, the name of the reviewer was changed from the author's name to Adam Lanza.

Here's the review from December 16, 2012:

First off an author should not review their own book. But then to go back and change the name of the reviewer from your own to Adam Lanza is just sick. Way to try and profit off a tragedy. I will never buy anything you write. You should be banned from Amazon for this stunt.
Above is the link to the cache of the page before the mass murders in at Sandy Hook showing the name of the Author as the reviewer. Shame on you!

Source: http://www.amazon.com/The-Lords-2112-Poignantly-Chronicle/dp/1426960468/ref=cm_cr_pr_orig_subj

The author of the book could not have changed the name of the reviewer after the school shooting -- because the author had already died (committed suicide) about a week prior (see last post).

There is something wrong here.


Luckily, somebody was smart enough to take a screenshot. It looks like Daniel Mitchell did indeed write that, and it apparently has been scrubbed from the site within the last month (after the name of the reviewer was changed to Adam Lanza).


So, how did the name get changed from Daniel Mitchell to Adam Lanza ( if both of them were already dead?

20th January 2013, 04:28
Vivek for me that Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. committed suicide on 12-12-12 is surreal.. I have not read the book and most likely will not however there does seem to be some connection with his book and the Shootings that you mention... TY once again!!!

20th January 2013, 05:30
I'm almost certain that Daniel Mitchell was a member of David Icke's forum.

I am not a member there. If any of you have member access to Icke's forum, the username of interest is -- thelordsof2112 -- I have only found a few posts of his.

Maybe you will find more.


Here is a strange, random comment made 7 months ago under a sports article from yahoo.

America is going to hell in a handbasket. The cannibal killers everywhere in the news and now there's some channel on youtube where a guy calling himself "Trolley Rulle" is posting live murders of children! WFF is the world coming to? Hey, thanks Obama and go Giants. Way to have your priorities for the country in line.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/obama-pays-tribute-york-giants-200909647--nfl.html

That's odd.


20th January 2013, 06:13
The video contains the following eerie message: "All she wanted was this picture perfect life. I guess me being raped was not in her idyllic plans. F__k her. I choose to go level 121 and kill Rulle. I will swing the sword of destruction and live forever! I am Adam Lanza. People hate me. I will be immortal."

That is extremely weird. Encoded messages and may indicated why this ended up being such a botch for them.

Raped, whomever posted this is aware of their own violation. Mind control. Mind violation is rape. They are obsessed as we know by rape, pedophilia and mind violation. Without those aspects extreme mind control like that which MK Ultra executes becomes a lot harder.

I choose to go to level 121. Okay that is handler speak Level 121. They speak in levels and scripts are located on different compartmentalized or fragmented sections of the pscyhe. Levelss A post hypnotic suggestion of levels within the alter. Perhaps some other level was programmed and the person in question here did the 'unthinkable' choice to go to another level other than what his handler scripted them with?

The mind controlled do NOT choose their levels, it defeats the purpose of mindcontrol if the controlled just gaily choose their scripting and decided what level they were going to operate from.

Kill Rulle. Okay that may be a little hard to de-cipher. On one hand it indicates someone is willfully defying their scripting. Or the person who scripted them. If this as botched as people perceive and I maintain they are all botch jobs this may be the glitch. Besides their alter deciding to call the shots that is. If the programmed entities who carried this out defied their handlers or perhaps even had the intention of killing one I'd say that lays the ground work for a pretty big botch.

I am adam lanza-- declaring his alter. The name of the inhabited construct. If anyone is clever at anagrams I'd give that one a whirl.

I will be immortal.

I have the unncanny notion this is neither alter, nor handler here but something more akin that is found in the Horus Ra thread.

I will swing the sword of destruction, the tool of blood letting, and live forever.

Yeah well that's what 'they' do. Blood letting is the basis of their immortality. Or their perception of it anyway. The price that is paid for it I suppose.

When someone is held under that kind of programming it not only allows a handler to dominate the mind it can create a portal or entry for ...erm....non physical things. Like perhaps the parastical demi-gods our worlds controllers like to feed.

You raise a demon or rather a demi-god here on earth one better make damn sure they know how to control it, and in this case I think the demon may have very well slipped their control modules. The only way to summon a demi-god is to form a construct and maintain tight control over its form. This weird message does not strike me as being made by an entity 'under' their control. Controlled entities do not make choices.

There's always the possibility in goofing around with this sort of **** and taking into full understanding how Hurricane Sandy was conducted, this begins to make more sense in all ways. Sexual ritual of the purer traditions were conducted to draw the 'god' down into the persons conducting it.

Now its rape, pedophilia, and other acts of corruption that are then inhabited and sanctioned by parasitical demi-god. No authentic god is going to sanction or inhabit a rape victim. A parasite would though because that is what rape or f--k her is. one wonders if he speaks of his handler or the construct he is inhabiting is actually not a male at all but a female. A reference to the original inhabitant of the mind that has been overwhelmed here.

I will be immortal may be viewed as a typical declaration from something that perceives itself to be a god.

20th January 2013, 06:19
Anal Adz Am
Anal Adz Ma
A Adz La Man
A Adz Lam An
Adz La Am An
Adz La Ma An

An Adz is a tool used to strip with and is basically found in early Egyptian Hieroglyphics to quote " A depiction of an adze was also used as a hieroglyph, representing the consonants stp, "chosen", and used as: ...Pharaoh XX, chosen of God/Goddess YY...

20th January 2013, 06:32
Apparently that book is full of coded messages too.

It's all very strange. Personally, I don't feel like pursuing it any further. There's enough information here for anybody to start researching it, but it's making me uneasy.

20th January 2013, 06:52
Really . You're uneasy? My last post attempted my entire computer locked down which it never does for no apparent reason.

And this is what I was about to post. Daniel is considered, arguably, a prophet of the Bible. He was 'reportedly' castrated so he could not claim immortality. That word again. Chosen of god to be a prophet.

Marion is a female name from the same article . The 'she' in the message that said F her? I don't have to tell you who Adam is , I simply can't remember if Daniel claimed a line of descent from Adam. They are as noted early notorious for having operatives with Bible names inserted somewhere in the handle.

Nor do I have to point out that Level 121 is not far removed from 2112.

Do we have any definitive proof that Daniel Marion Mitchell is dead by suicide?

Whomever changed the Amazon account would have had to been associated with both men.

If they are not in fact the same enity.

Perhaps that is why you are uneasy.

20th January 2013, 07:04
Some conclusions by the maker of the first video I posted.


@ 9eagle9 I have blue screened at least 5 times in two days as well! And the last time was when I attempted to post the origional vid on this thread!

20th January 2013, 07:14
Wait a minute, stop the press. Starting at (lol) 1.21 in the video the man states a photo of 121 was deleted from the my space page....

Okay continuing the video.

20th January 2013, 07:39
Apparently that book is full of coded messages too.

It's all very strange. Personally, I don't feel like pursuing it any further. There's enough information here for anybody to start researching it, but it's making me uneasy.

i agree vivik. this is all starting to feel extremely dark and at the very least creeping me out!

20th January 2013, 07:59
Looking preview personal interpretations of my book "Lords of the 2112th" It is written to talk about the story on different levels with lots of old psychological manipulation techniques.

found here...


and this one has weird voice over... "whore of baylon jenny reviera" ??????


20th January 2013, 11:25
Still going thru them. Excellent thinking by Max Igan. Only 15 mins each.


20th January 2013, 11:48
Thanks Witchy, an excellent video to add to the picture. So many objectives achieved by this incident....

20th January 2013, 13:40
Any way of finding out what date this was filmed?

Here's Gentlemen Gene Rosen with some of his grammy award winning acting. :thumb:
Lights, Camera, Action. Roll em.....
Im convinced, much like Lucky Larry Silverstein convinced me when he told that whopping Dermatologist story on the morning of Sept 1, 2001. Oy Vey!


Prematurely filmed prior im sure.

20th January 2013, 13:56
David sums up CNN, subtle as ever ...LOL........

Sunday, 20 January 2013 13:24
Posted by David Icke

Anderson Cooper of CNN, a former CIA Intern, is obsessed with demonising
those asking relevant questions about the full-of-holes official story of Sandy Hook


Why do you think that could be? Isn't he supposed to be a 'journalist' asking those
very questions?

At the same time, Piers Morgan, another ludicrous non-journalist at CNN, is
obsessed with demonising gun owners in America while using the full-of-holes
official story of Sandy Hook as the excuse.


Is that a coincidence Criminal News Network?


You must be joking.



This corporate media takeover has been taking paces over the last 30/40 yrs...


Published on 21 May 2012

On Friday, Rather appeared on Bill Maher's show to discuss his new book "Rather
Outspoken." He spoke out about the controversy again, and stood by his story (his
comments start at the 1:50 mark in the video above). He said that he was fired
because CBS News caved into the Bush administration's demands.

"The powers that be and the corporate structure were very uncomfortable with the
story," Rather said. "They got pressured by the Bush administration and others in
Washington, and it cost a lot of people their jobs, including myself."

He went on to warn that everyone should be "concerned" about "the constant
consolidation of media," saying that "no more than six" companies currently control
80% of the distribution of news.


They have been doing it in plane view right under our noses, and since they
own or influence most of the media they have been getting away with it....

The Prolatarian Tip Toe, and its easy because Who ? Police the Judges & Elites ?
Oh ! Other Judges & Elites !!!...LOL...Steve

20th January 2013, 14:48
Some conclusions by the maker of the first video I posted.


@ 9eagle9 I have blue screened at least 5 times in two days as well! And the last time was when I attempted to post the origional vid on this thread!

The video is set on private, I couldn't view it.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

I really don't even know what to do with this ...

That book (in the above posts) by Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. is on amazon.com -- apparently someone reviewed it (allegedly it's own author) and the only thing I can find on that particular review is a quote from another reviewer.

This was posted on October 30, 2011.

I will not report this "post", so that it might serve as an illustration of this "author's" intellectual and moral level.

BTW, the genius has posted a five-star "review" of his own "book" (the only review it has). Enjoy:

"At least three mass murderers have been associated with this book since its release. The Lords of 2112 is a Catcher in the Rye for the modern psycho and the reasons are quite obvious once you have read and analyzed the contents of this book. It is written in some form of coded, double-entendre that is somewhat hard for the layman to decipher, but the manical message is crystal clear to those for which this book was intended to reach. When I read The Lords of 2112, I could literally feel bugs crawling all over my skin, eating in to my brain. The Lords of 2112 is pure sickness! I believe it should be banned in America forever. It is too dangerous to have this available to nut-jobs like Jared Loughner, Anders Breivik, and Scott Dekraai. Who will be the next person to go completely insane from reading this book!!!"

Indeed, only insane would read it.

Source: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:UT48e9VFaPcJ:www.amazon.com/forum/science%2520fiction%3FcdForum%3DFxWK0QNW07Z4M7%26cdPage%3D5%26cdThread%3DTx2270LDXCD2DGG+At+least+th ree+mass+murderers+have+been+associated+with+this+book+since+its+release.+The+Lords+of+2112+is+a+Cat cher+in+the+Rye+for+the+modern+psycho+and+the+reasons+are+quite+obvious+once+you+have+read+and+analy zed+the+contents+of+this+book.+It+is+written+in+some+form+of+coded,+double-entendre+that+is+somewhat+hard+for+the+layman+to+decipher,+but+the+manical+message+is+crystal+clear+ to+those+for+which+this+book+was+intended+to+reach.+When+I+read+The+Lords+of+2112,+I+could+literally +feel+bugs+crawling+all+over+my+skin,+eating+in+to+my+brain.+The+Lords+of+2112+is+pure+sickness!+I+b elieve+it+should+be+banned+in+America+forever.+It+is+too+dangerous+to+have+this+available+to+nut-jobs+like+Jared+Loughner,+Anders+Breivik,+and+Scott+Dekraai.+Who+will+be+the+next+person+to+go+compl etely+insane+from+reading+this+book!!!&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=safari

Allegedly, Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. (or someone posing as him) wrote that quoted part of the excerpt. This was over one year ago.

Then, after the Newtown school shootings, the name of the reviewer was changed from the author's name to Adam Lanza.

Here's the review from December 16, 2012:

First off an author should not review their own book. But then to go back and change the name of the reviewer from your own to Adam Lanza is just sick. Way to try and profit off a tragedy. I will never buy anything you write. You should be banned from Amazon for this stunt.
Above is the link to the cache of the page before the mass murders in at Sandy Hook showing the name of the Author as the reviewer. Shame on you!

Source: http://www.amazon.com/The-Lords-2112-Poignantly-Chronicle/dp/1426960468/ref=cm_cr_pr_orig_subj

The author of the book could not have changed the name of the reviewer after the school shooting -- because the author had already died (committed suicide) about a week prior (see last post).

There is something wrong here.


Luckily, somebody was smart enough to take a screenshot. It looks like Daniel Mitchell did indeed write that, and it apparently has been scrubbed from the site within the last month (after the name of the reviewer was changed to Adam Lanza).


So, how did the name get changed from Daniel Mitchell to Adam Lanza ( if both of them were already dead?

Can anything get more bizarre? seems so huh?

20th January 2013, 15:30
David sums up CNN, subtle as ever ...LOL........

Sunday, 20 January 2013 13:24
Posted by David Icke

Anderson Cooper of CNN, a former CIA Intern, is obsessed with demonising
those asking relevant questions about the full-of-holes official story of Sandy Hook


Why do you think that could be? Isn't he supposed to be a 'journalist' asking those
very questions?

At the same time, Piers Morgan, another ludicrous non-journalist at CNN, is
obsessed with demonising gun owners in America while using the full-of-holes
official story of Sandy Hook as the excuse.


Is that a coincidence Criminal News Network?


You must be joking.



This corporate media takeover has been taking paces over the last 30/40 yrs...


Published on 21 May 2012

On Friday, Rather appeared on Bill Maher's show to discuss his new book "Rather
Outspoken." He spoke out about the controversy again, and stood by his story (his
comments start at the 1:50 mark in the video above). He said that he was fired
because CBS News caved into the Bush administration's demands.

"The powers that be and the corporate structure were very uncomfortable with the
story," Rather said. "They got pressured by the Bush administration and others in
Washington, and it cost a lot of people their jobs, including myself."

He went on to warn that everyone should be "concerned" about "the constant
consolidation of media," saying that "no more than six" companies currently control
80% of the distribution of news.


They have been doing it in plane view right under our noses, and since they
own or influence most of the media they have been getting away with it....

The Prolatarian Tip Toe, and its easy because Who ? Police the Judges & Elites ?
Oh ! Other Judges & Elites !!!...LOL...Steve

He also spoke of how the people have amnesia. Great video. Dan shoots from the hip here. A great journalist indeed.

20th January 2013, 15:32
Although we have grave doubts over all these shootings.
This article reminded me not to forget the innocent victims
who ever is behind all this...


Published on 19 Jan 2013

Richard Castaldo was shot 8 times during the school schooting at Columbine High School.
After surviving the massacre, Castaldo continues to fight, this time for his home in Los Angeles.
He fell behind on his mortgage payments and now, his condo is up for auction. However,
Occupy activists are standing behind him, trying to keep Castaldo from being evicted.

20th January 2013, 15:50
This is quite bizarre too....

Sandy Hook Shooting Illuminati Owl Moloch Symbolism CNN Anderson Cooper

The child that alegedly drew this is named "Grace"


and also this;

This is strange! and the review was written the same day as the Aurora shooting.....the movie is also about a hurricane/storm and a massacre.....a sick and perverted movie to say the least.

Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre 2000

20th January 2013, 16:01
This is also interesting, an article that came out January 3, 2013.

Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence analyst


PS: I don't know if this is true or not about Mike Harris actually saying this, but it is a massive peice of propaganda and or allegations regardless.

Iran’s state-run news network blames ‘Israeli death squads’ for Sandy Hook shooting

Failed GOP gubernatorial candidate blames Israel for Sandy Hook shooting on Iranian television

20th January 2013, 16:57
More from Anderson Cooper and CNN....

Caught with fake footage while talking about Sandy Hook skeptics.


20th January 2013, 17:07
Belt up Men! (And Women) ...lol.

...that's the 'their' mind at work. Your looking at something they don't want you to see.

If it helps tell it saucily, If you don't want me looking at 'your' mind stuff you shouldn't have given me your mind, and if you don't want us looking at it stop broadcasting it through the broadband, airwaves, tv, and cable . We have your mind it doesn't mean we're deaf blind and dumb.

their mind will toddle off and have a fit and you will be free to browse undisturbed by its fear mongering.

Apparently that book is full of coded messages too.

It's all very strange. Personally, I don't feel like pursuing it any further. There's enough information here for anybody to start researching it, but it's making me uneasy.

20th January 2013, 17:41
Anderson Cooper is really squirming and looking quite desperate lately.

Saying stuff live "a story is hard to believe" and "Yer gonna wanna sit down for this one".

And look at the tabloid dork sidekick blinking and making faces and saying "outlandish".

Nice try boys.:no:

PS, just watched a video on Bohemian Grove "boys club" yesterday, made me wonder if Anderson is a popular guest there?

More from Anderson Cooper and CNN....

Caught with fake footage while talking about Sandy Hook skeptics.


20th January 2013, 18:15
Belt up Men! (And Women) ...lol.

...that's the 'their' mind at work. Your looking at something they don't want you to see.

If it helps tell it saucily, If you don't want me looking at 'your' mind stuff you shouldn't have given me your mind, and if you don't want us looking at it stop broadcasting it through the broadband, airwaves, tv, and cable . We have your mind it doesn't mean we're deaf blind and dumb.

their mind will toddle off and have a fit and you will be free to browse undisturbed by its fear mongering.

Apparently that book is full of coded messages too.

It's all very strange. Personally, I don't feel like pursuing it any further. There's enough information here for anybody to start researching it, but it's making me uneasy.

Haha I had a feeling that was comin'

20th January 2013, 19:29
Wait a minute, stop the press. Starting at (lol) 1.21 in the video the man states a photo of 121 was deleted from the my space page....

Okay continuing the video.


I choose to go to level 121. Okay that is handler speak Level 121. They speak in levels and scripts are located on different compartmentalized or fragmented sections of the pscyhe. Levelss A post hypnotic suggestion of levels within the alter. Perhaps some other level was programmed and the person in question here did the 'unthinkable' choice to go to another level other than what his handler scripted them with?

Here are some relevant excerpts from the book by Daniel Mitchell (emphasis added).

The mind of the Joker was trapped inside the robotic fiend created by the certifiably insane genius. This was Level 121. There was no point even attempting to have a conversation with this nutcase. I been Level 121 for three hundred years. Seeing the world through robotic cameras spliced into his 161 . I’ll activate the heads. The dragon heads can do amazing things.” The queen had other things on her mind.


Many rumors circulated as to what the Masters had faced. The old books described military research into virtual reality and psychic phenomena. She had vowed to become “Level 121. The Polar Bears must have won. Some of the historical accounts described avoiding the deadly balls by “defeating what the mind expects to see. When Queen Margaret was not playing or physically training for Cutter Ball. The only way to win was to somehow see the illusion of human perception as simply the brain’s processing of input information. She was only twenty-one levels away from complete mastery. so the queen buried herself more and more into Cutter Ball. Was this true? Cutter Ball seemed like so much more. It seemed that life was empty without a goal to struggle towards. Cutter Ball was apparently the result—a program to train the mind to use ESP to manipulate the path of the balls.The Lords of 2112 Charlie headed his way. Some said that somehow the game manipulated your mind in subliminal ways so that the last three levels were actually happening in a hallucinatory dreamscape of the player’s own mind.


there still existed a cultish following of those striving to conquer the game and become “Level 121s”.

Source: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oiSBlb7yq1UJ:www.scribd.com/doc/51783707/The-Lords-of-2112+But+of+more+interest+to+Trolley+at+this+moment+was+his+mistress.+for+absolutely+no+reason.&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=safari

The book is riddled with grammatical errors and misspellings (I assume this was done purposefully).

The mind of the Joker ... :confused:


20th January 2013, 19:51
The Gene Rosen of Newtown is a real person.

A different Gene Rosen, of CA, was once affiliated with the Screen Actors Guild.

Here is an excerpt from his behance.net profile:

I brought my senior level PM skills to the Screen Actors Guild (2003 - 2009), where I designed, developed, and managed several web, interactive, and multimedia projects - including three complete enterprise web development initiatives.

Source: http://www.behance.net/photogenec

Somebody probably went to this website -- http://www.mylife.com/gene_rosen -- and irrationally concluded that the Gene Rosen of CT was a paid actor in the footage circulating as of late. When in fact, the Gene Rosen in that link is five years younger and lives in CA.

Now, Eugene Rosen of Newtown has been in at least six news articles from Connecticut since April 7th, 2009. Here are the links:







I doubt he was a paid actor and I am not here to debate the man's character (he may be going senile who knows).

20th January 2013, 20:02
Thanks to Gio's post in Up at the Ranch (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?3596-Up-At-The-Ranch--James-Gilliland-and-Trout-Lake-&p=619054&viewfull=1#post619054), I am listening to Max Igan's perspective. Thanks Gio :)

Max echos my sentiment of a contrived event to "unhinge humanity".
I was listening to it too, and I agree that with Max Igan's analysis that this is a contrived event, taunting those of who are noticing the deliberate inconsistencies (as in this thread) to engage in combat. Heck, just like the protester's in the various color and spring revolutions incited in other countries, us Americans don't even have to initiate or engage in the combat. The bastards in power will gladly play both sides of this Kabuki theatre for us, in order to set up the drama justifying their tyrannical response.

Here's the MP3 audio of Max Igan's entire 55 minute talk:

Source: http://thecrowhouse.com/dl/MaxIgan_SandyHook_An_American_Coup_detat_Surviving_The_Matrix_Jan18_2013.mp3

I agree with you Paul. Max Igan's talk was very instructive and the traps he listed would be best avoided for the better results for all. When I say all, I mean the whole of mankind the world over.


20th January 2013, 20:25
The Gene Rosen of Newtown is a real person.

A different Gene Rosen, of CA, was once affiliated with the Screen Actors Guild.

Here is an excerpt from his behance.net profile:

I brought my senior level PM skills to the Screen Actors Guild (2003 - 2009), where I designed, developed, and managed several web, interactive, and multimedia projects - including three complete enterprise web development initiatives.

Source: http://www.behance.net/photogenec

Somebody probably went to this website -- http://www.mylife.com/gene_rosen -- and irrationally concluded that the Gene Rosen of CT was a paid actor in the footage circulating as of late. When in fact, the Gene Rosen in that link is five years younger and lives in CA.

Now, Eugene Rosen of Newtown has been in at least six news articles from Connecticut since April 7th, 2009. Here are the links:







I doubt he was a paid actor and I am not here to debate the man's character.

The fact that he's been in the local newspaper at least 6!!? times in the last 3 years raises more questions than answers.

Need some "public" comment on yet another small town trivia piece? Then call Rent-A-Gene.

778 neighbour of some guy
20th January 2013, 20:27
Who had to create Zion for 'them'.

I won't comment more on that, its too inflammatory.

Only to say if you can get some scope of this by considering this.... Common everyday Jewish people built the country of Israel, against all odds, they made farms out of sand and mica and brought water into a desert with basically nothing but their own will. They thought they were building 'Zion' for themselves.

Unfortunately and sadly, it turned out to be an altogether different story for those heroic people who carved a living arable land and home for themselves out rock and desert.

When i was 8 years old and for many years after that i read Exodus by Leon Uris every year and its a great story about the pre and post war creation of the state of Israel and the Arab and British involvement in that, its also a very interesting introduction to getting aquainted with the drive the Jewish people had to create a nation for themselves, 9e9 is right about the real motives and behind the scenes moves made by to known by all of us financiers, all it ended up to be is business and everybody pays with blood/energy. So i found out later. I know a few Israelis, and most of them just want to be left alone and live in peace, so they immigrated, back to europe, all are now disgusted by organised religion btw.

20th January 2013, 21:25

Many thanks, TargeT -- that's extremely useful.

Direct quote from Mike Powers:

It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the US Presidency has been usurped. This nation is under attack. We are literally at war for our freedom, right now, this very day.

When I heard that line, my reaction was, "Yeah, it was usurped back in 1963." Everyone wants to focus on Obama because he's the current spokesmodel president, but we've been usurped for quite a long while, I think.

20th January 2013, 22:34
Here is a very good video that shows the timeline and multiple suspects angle. This video compliments the Veterans Today article that says Sandy Hook was a terrorist attack/massacre. It covers as many as 6-7 suspects including the nuns and the fleeing purple van with broken windows. and more...


20th January 2013, 22:52
Sandy Hook Shooting Illuminati Owl Moloch Symbolism CNN Anderson Cooper

Moloch is a bull ....


20th January 2013, 23:36
Sandy Hook Shooting Illuminati Owl Moloch Symbolism CNN Anderson Cooper

Moloch is a bull ....


Yeah, I was more looking at the owl symbolism and who was showing it off.....

20th January 2013, 23:44

T Smith
21st January 2013, 00:00

Many thanks, TargeT -- that's extremely useful.

Direct quote from Mike Powers:

It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the US Presidency has been usurped. This nation is under attack. We are literally at war for our freedom, right now, this very day.

When I heard that line, my reaction was, "Yeah, it was usurped back in 1963." Everyone wants to focus on Obama because he's the current spokesmodel president, but we've been usurped for quite a long while, I think.

Yes, and it actually goes back further. It was usurped in 1913. These are gradual steps, in little, but exponential increments, so people adapt rather than resist.

Obama, like almost every President before him since 1963 (and perhaps even before this to lesser degrees) is simply accelerating the program relative to the spokesman before him. When you get to the point where you're going 100 mph, and swerving dangerously, however, a lot of people will look at the current puppet-master and associate the imminent car wreak to the commander and chief who is driving the car at that particular moment. Couple that with the fact that there is some degree of prejudice going on with people who have suddenly "awoken" and a much larger degree of politically-correct psyops going on instructing people how to think within accepted boundaries, to keep them "asleep", and you have the formula for a massive car-wreak over the proverbial cliff.

21st January 2013, 00:36
Will share this here...

Now i know why i am beginning to have no taste nor interest in this this obviously insane and possibly staged debacle ... http://illiweb.com/fa/i/smiles/icon_scratch.png

as dutchsinse always says 'hang in there folks' !


Bill Ryan
21st January 2013, 00:56
Will share this here...

Now i know why i am beginning to have no taste nor interest in this this obviously insane and possibly staged debacle ... http://illiweb.com/fa/i/smiles/icon_scratch.png

as dutchsinse always says 'hang in there folks' !

Hi, Giovanni -- :)

Listen to Mike Powers. (Really do that.) The link is in the first post on the thread.

21st January 2013, 00:57
Thank you for that Giovonni.

21st January 2013, 01:07
Another member pointed this out to me.

It's another peculiar instance of things not matching up.

Adam Lanza's Social Security Death Index lists him as being dead the day before the shooting. It was issued in New Hampshire most likely because that was "the state in which the office that issued [his] social security number was located." (source (http://rwguide.rootsweb.ancestry.com/lesson10.htm))

From, Before It's News:

SSDI says Adam Lanza died a day before Sandy Hook massacre


A sharp-eyed citizen journalist, “Space Command” on Prison Planet Forum, discovered something amazing: a Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for an Adam Lanza, born April 22, 1992, who died at age 20 on December 13, 2012! That’s a day BEFORE the Sandy Hook massacre.

Adam P. Lanza: Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Death Record
Name: Adam P. Lanza
State of Issue: New Hampshire
Date of Birth: Wednesday April 22, 1992
Date of Death: Thursday December 13, 2012
Est. Age at Death: 20 years, 7 months, 21 days
Confirmation: Proven



Source: http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/01/ssdi-says-adam-lanza-died-a-day-before-sandy-hook-massacre-2562798.html

The age, birthday, and name (plus his middle initial) all match. The day he died does not match.

21st January 2013, 01:09
Will share this here...

Now i know why i am beginning to have no taste nor interest in this this obviously insane and possibly staged debacle ... http://illiweb.com/fa/i/smiles/icon_scratch.png

as dutchsinse always says 'hang in there folks' !

Hi, Giovanni -- :)

Listen to Mike Powers. (Really do that.) The link is in the first post on the thread.

Greetings Bill,

i apologies if i intruded here, and note i have not listen to the thread opening video in its entirety, but i will because i do appreciate and honor your opinion.

Blessings Gio

21st January 2013, 01:19
Another member pointed this out to me.

It's another peculiar instance of things not matching up.

Adam Lanza's Social Security Death Index lists him as being dead the day before the shooting, and it was issued in New Hampshire.

From, Before It's News:

SSDI says Adam Lanza died a day before Sandy Hook massacre


A sharp-eyed citizen journalist, “Space Command” on Prison Planet Forum, discovered something amazing: a Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for an Adam Lanza, born April 22, 1992, who died at age 20 on December 13, 2012! That’s a day BEFORE the Sandy Hook massacre.

Adam P. Lanza: Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Death Record
Name: Adam P. Lanza
State of Issue: New Hampshire
Date of Birth: Wednesday April 22, 1992
Date of Death: Thursday December 13, 2012
Est. Age at Death: 20 years, 7 months, 21 days
Confirmation: Proven


Source: http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/01/ssdi-says-adam-lanza-died-a-day-before-sandy-hook-massacre-2562798.html

The age, birthday, and name (plus his middle initial) all match.

Dead men don't talk, kinda like using a dead Bin Laden for 9/11.

21st January 2013, 01:32
Another member pointed this out to me.

It's another peculiar instance of things not matching up.

Adam Lanza's Social Security Death Index lists him as being dead the day before the shooting. It was issued in New Hampshire most likely because that was "the state in which the office that issued [his] social security number was located." (source (http://rwguide.rootsweb.ancestry.com/lesson10.htm))

From, Before It's News:

SSDI says Adam Lanza died a day before Sandy Hook massacre


A sharp-eyed citizen journalist, “Space Command” on Prison Planet Forum, discovered something amazing: a Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for an Adam Lanza, born April 22, 1992, who died at age 20 on December 13, 2012! That’s a day BEFORE the Sandy Hook massacre.

Adam P. Lanza: Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Death Record
Name: Adam P. Lanza
State of Issue: New Hampshire
Date of Birth: Wednesday April 22, 1992
Date of Death: Thursday December 13, 2012
Est. Age at Death: 20 years, 7 months, 21 days
Confirmation: Proven



Source: http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/01/ssdi-says-adam-lanza-died-a-day-before-sandy-hook-massacre-2562798.html

The age, birthday, and name (plus his middle initial) all match. The day he died does not match.

I've said several times before I thought he was dead before he got to the school, perhaps I was right :)

Bill Ryan
21st January 2013, 02:39
SSDI says Adam Lanza died a day before Sandy Hook massacre

Adam P. Lanza: Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Death Record
Name: Adam P. Lanza
State of Issue: New Hampshire
Date of Birth: Wednesday April 22, 1992
Date of Death: Thursday December 13, 2012
Est. Age at Death: 20 years, 7 months, 21 days
Confirmation: Provenhttp://projectavalon.net/adam-lanza-died-12-13-2012.gif

Source: http://www.genealogybank.com/gbnk/ssdi/doc/ssdi/v1:143EB37C71A1FA78 (see for yourself...!)

Curiouser and curiouser. I'm wondering if this isn't being done deliberately -- to stoke the fires of controversy.

21st January 2013, 02:58
Curiouser and curiouser. I'm wondering if this isn't being done deliberately -- to stoke the fires of controversy.
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they're doing.

Those that raise dogs for dog fighting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_fighting) don't raise those dogs to get all friendly with each other.

The bastards who think they are running this planet have no better in mind for us humans.

21st January 2013, 03:02
Curiouser and curiouser. I'm wondering if this isn't being done deliberately -- to stoke the fires of controversy.

The stage has been set.

They allowed all but the most provocative episodes of Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" to air and youtube.

They even put the Bill and Kerry show on air.

They've been chipping away at the definitions of cultural deviance, and sliding more and more of the thinking public towards a general area they have labeled as terrorism and anti society.

Then they called up Alex Jones and put him under the CNN studio heat lights. He went for it just like they knew he would.

And the Sandy Hook event data is rushing around like a tsunami that they have the control over.

Yup, if it quacks like a duck !......................

It's a numbers game.

2 years ago Avalon was tested for this very scenario. The outcome wasn't the objective. The objective was to explore the factor(s) that stir up the truthers.

As we are all more or less on the same side here, the outcome was at worst some fragmentation and ruffled feathers.

In the wider world, we are a minority in the numbers game and that changes everything around.

21st January 2013, 04:51
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

I have been thinking the same thing ! It makes me wonder if they meant for it to have discrepancies to cause anger and upheaval. Its like they are trying to get strong reactions from the people so they can put the thumb down on us, especially now that its a felony to protest.

21st January 2013, 05:27
The crazy thought I have is about affirmation. If the whole world turns into a civil war between sleepers and truthers, how can I "fight" a person who's affirmations are ignorantly sweet and innocent?

If we create our reality as we go, the guy who doesn't know about all this stuff is arguably on the right side of the 'civil war'.

Even if that perspective is wrong, that's how they are going to present it and I don't have an answer to that.

Do you?

21st January 2013, 11:02
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

Was it botched from the inside??

Which inside would that be? There are multiple factions so consequently multiple insides.
I think it is very well possible that one party may have interfered with another.

Why be bothered with the clean-up if you can just expose them and have the laundry done
by someone else. If you do it yourself you will expose yourself too.
Better to stay in the shadows ...

21st January 2013, 11:33
Hi Viveck - I followed up Amazon and found this by poster Charrow

Initial post: Oct 30, 2011 3:34:02 AM PDT Charrow (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A2M4WCIPR29LN5/ref=cm_cd_et_pdp) says: The Lords of 2112 by Daniel Marion Mitchell, Jr. has been available for months with little fanfare. Recently, the book took a dramatic spike upwards in sales, but for the paperback edition only. Now it is back on a decline. Does anyone have any insight as to why this would have happened?

This Author needs to be banned., December 16, 2012 By charrow (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A2LIBKJRIL79R4/ref=cm_cr_rdp_pdp) This review is from: The Lords of 2112: The Poignantly Vulgar & Vulgarly Poignant Chronicle of America's Future (Paperback) First off an author should not review their own book. But then to go back and change the name of the reviewer from your own to Adam Lanza is just sick. Way to try and profit off a tragedy. I will never buy anything you write. You should be banned from Amazon for this stunt. [...]
Above is the link to the cache of the page before the mass murders in at Sandy Hook showing the name of the Author as the reviewer. Shame on you!

Initial post: Dec 20, 2012 5:47:06 PM PST Charrow (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A2M4WCIPR29LN5/ref=cm_cr_rev_detpdp) says: Since the name on that profile has been changed so often, how do you know who really reviewed it? This is slanderous. Anyone can get on here and post under any name.

Just 3 minutes later this post:
In reply to an earlier post (http://www.amazon.com/review/R2PSE8TOADIF34/ref=cm_cr_rev_detaep2?ie=UTF8&asin=1426960468&cdForum=Fx19N3QDAY7D4PK&cdMsgID=Mx25P8H0DQP0YMO&cdMsgNo=1&cdPage=1&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=Tx3O9S6RMP892A6&store=books#Mx25P8H0DQP0YMO) on Dec 20, 2012 5:50:34 PM PST http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/x-locale/common/carrot._V192251235_.gifCharrow (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A2M4WCIPR29LN5/ref=cm_cr_rev_detpdp) says: This is very true, Mike. I just mad a bunch of stupid assumptions from internet rumors and trolls. My bad. I am naive and stupid. Sorry. I hope I don't get sued for this. Oops.

Clearly "Charrow" has been following this book since before 30 October 2011! It has a publish date of 17/03/2011 - I have no idea what this means!

Professor Plum in the Library???? This whole thing is absurd. You couldnt make it up

21st January 2013, 12:17
Alright I took one for the team and wandered over to GLP (owned by Tavistock and set up as a experiment)

Can someone check this out - I dont twit
"ALSO RYAN LANZA DOES HAVE A BROTHER NAMED ADAM WHO ISNT DEAD. search his twitter Ryan__Lanza his brother's twitter. Adam_lz"

There is an excellant thread over there - I will bring some stuff over

Vivek has debunked above - false alarm - some random sh*t stirrer over there!!

21st January 2013, 12:49
Here's some articles about heroic school Principal Dawn Hochsprung, who "died trying to subdue the crazed shooter."
[link to www.thedailybeast.com (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedailybeast.com%2Farticles%2F2012%2F12%2F15%2Fdawn-hochsprung-sandy-hook-elementary-s-heroic-principal.html)]
[link to newyork.cbslocal.com (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?http%3A%2F%2Fnewyork.cbslocal.com%2F2012%2F12%2F19%2Fsandy-hook-principal-dawn-hochsprung-remembered-for-enthusiasm-heroism-at-wake%2F)]
[link to www.cnn.com (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2Fvideo%2F%23%2Fvideo%2Fbestoftv%2F2012%2F12%2F17%2Fexp-point-tuchman-hero-principal-pkg.cnn)] - (this one links to current events)

Here's an article from the local paper Newtown Bee, very likely the first ones on the scene: [link to imageshack.us (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fimageshack.us%2Fa%2Fimg338%2F676%2Fnewtwonbeecap.jpg)]

I've had to link to a screencap because the original article has since been pulled. It used to be here: [link to newtownbee.com (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?http%3A%2F%2Fnewtownbee.com%2FNews%2FNews%2F2012-12-14__11-05-25%2FShooting%2520Reported%2520Sandy%2520Hook%2520Elementary%2520School)]

Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told the Bee that a masked man entered the school..."

So, the heroic dead Principal was giving out interviews to the local newspaper, was she?

If you're saying to yourself, "Who cares what the Newtown Bee says?", please stop and slap yourself in the face. It's not about whether the Newtown Bee is "in on it" or not. The dead woman gave an interview to the reporters who arrived early and would have known her on a first name basis. Just find a way to convince us that there's nothing off about that, and we can move on.

Alright, let's move on...

21st January 2013, 13:04

I found this guy was so creepy...just like one of those who got out of madhouse......

Fred Steeves
21st January 2013, 13:16
Here's an article from the local paper Newtown Bee, very likely the first ones on the scene: [link to imageshack.us (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fimageshack.us%2Fa%2Fimg338%2F676%2Fnewtwonbeecap.jpg)]

If you're saying to yourself, "Who cares what the Newtown Bee says?", please stop and slap yourself in the face. It's not about whether the Newtown Bee is "in on it" or not. The dead woman gave an interview to the reporters who arrived early and would have known her on a first name basis. Just find a way to convince us that there's nothing off about that, and we can move on.

Well...I thought that was quite something, a dead principal giving an interview. So I went to http://www.newtownbee.com/, and found the same article in the archives.

Nothing about the principal. So which one has been doctored?

21st January 2013, 13:22
Alright I took one for the team and wandered over to GLP (owned by Tavistock and set up as a experiment) Can someone check this out - I dont twit


his brother's twitter.

There is an excellant thread over there - I will bring some stuff over

Hello witchy1,

I'm on my phone, so I must be brief.

That twitter account belongs to Adam Lizotte-Zeisler and he is niether related to the Lanza's nor is he affiliated with this in any way.

Source: http://favstar.fm/users/Adam_LZ

21st January 2013, 13:27
Here's a former head of the CIA going before a house committee to state on record that his agency has been quite active in manipulating American media instruments: [link to www.youtube.com (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3D5ED63A_hcd0)]

Here's a story from 2002 about how The Pentagon plans to release fake media stories to help promote their agenda! [link to news.bbc.co.uk (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2F2%2Fhi%2Famericas%2F1830500.stm)]

Man, it's a good thing that never actually happened! Imagine how confused we'd all be!

Here's footage of CNN actually faking live news reports from a soundstage: [link to www.youtube.com (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3DjTWY14eyMFg)]


[link to www.youtube.com (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dyu00AGWQl1g%26feature%3Dplayer_embedded)]

Here's a link to the Wikipedia entry on Operation Mockingbird:

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FOperation_Mockingbird)]

"Operation Mockingbird was a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence media beginning in the 1950s"

Shee, it's a good thing that all such activity clearly stopped, that the CIA had an attack of conscience and pulled back from such questionable activities!

So, let's hope we've established with certainty that funny business can never ever actually happen in the really real world of which we are all certainly a real part.

It should make it easier to stomach the following information!.........

The GLP post is huge: here is the link if you want to read it all: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2114146/pg1

¤=[Post Update]=¤

Thanks Vivek, that was some random anon person posting - thought it was doubtful, but you never know.

Bill Ryan
21st January 2013, 13:57
Here's a former head of the CIA going before a house committee to state on record that his agency has been quite active in manipulating American media instruments: [link to www.youtube.com (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3D5ED63A_hcd0)]

Here's a story from 2002 about how The Pentagon plans to release fake media stories to help promote their agenda! [link to news.bbc.co.uk (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2F2%2Fhi%2Famericas%2F1830500.stm)]

Man, it's a good thing that never actually happened! Imagine how confused we'd all be!

Here's footage of CNN actually faking live news reports from a soundstage: [link to www.youtube.com (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3DjTWY14eyMFg)]


[link to www.youtube.com (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dyu00AGWQl1g%26feature%3Dplayer_embedded)]

Here's a link to the Wikipedia entry on Operation Mockingbird:

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure) (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FOperation_Mockingbird)]

"Operation Mockingbird was a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence media beginning in the 1950s"

I was contacted about three years back by someone who told me that he had been asked, over a decade previously, by the CIA to "write fiction" for them. He had turned down the assignment.

21st January 2013, 14:17
[xxxxx xxxxxx

Limor Wolf
21st January 2013, 18:42
Curiouser and curiouser. I'm wondering if this isn't being done deliberately -- to stoke the fires of controversy.

The stage has been set...

It's a numbers game

2 years ago Avalon was tested for this very scenario. The outcome wasn't the objective. The objective was to explore the factor(s) that stir up the truthers.

As we are all more or less on the same side here, the outcome was at worst some fragmentation and ruffled feathers.

In the wider world, we are a minority in the numbers game and that changes everything around.

norman, I think your whole summary (This is only a shortened quote from your post) was percise and very to the point. great thought and plan were invested in the various moves 'they' are taking. In a way it's like a chess game where there is a need to get inside the head of the opponent, however, in the rules of this game, our own minds are transparent and visable to them. learning this fact, the best thing, I believe, is to quit playing the game - energetically speaking.

We know now the participants and their way of thought, actions and behaviours. we have the right and the moral obligatory to tell people of what we know in ways that Bill has suggested in his post #137, but , I personally feel there is no need to feed ourselves to death with the shooting details or with any of their orchastrated deeds, it is important to notice it, get the general facts and details, recognise it for what it is and move on, there is plenty of evidence already in every area of our life whether it is finances, health, politics, media and corporation, that the average person can notice and build the picture of the world. Other than pointing it to them every once in a while and expressing ourselves truthfully, there is not much else we can do, (unless a person has a special assignment like, Mike Powers, Bill Ryan etc) although we feel we have to do much more. The ball is not only in the court of the so called 'controllers', but is in the court of the so called 'victims'.. everyone play their part. maybe our role is the hardest (for now), we are the spectators, not fun! but we are also responsible for keeping the energetics in a certain level of consciousness so it can grab a hold on this planet. We can not be arrested for doing that. The roof of the grand picture is way way high than what even they can see and understand.. there is always something else that plays the part, many of us are getting the signals, we have real aid on our side.

I might be gravely wrong, but this is an energetic conflict above else, which is being translated into the physical, they know it and they work both ways. we better try and keep our energetics pure and undisturbed as possible while we focus on why WE are here and what WE would like to see happening, while keeping them on our radar and not only the other way around. Tough assignment, but we do know two things - we are immortal spiritual beings in development (evolution), however we relate to it on everyday life, second, again, they know things that we don't, they can see staff that we don't, hold technology that we don't, but they can not see the whole picture, by none.

Thank you, Bill, for giving your response and your thoughts on how it is best to try and conduct ourselvs, very valuable.

I am also reminded of the statement on the Avalon Round table page from the Avalon website. It is as good time as ever to take another look at it :

Being of sound mind, heart and spirit, we each declare the following to be true:

We stand together for the future of the Human Race.

We will not tolerate suppression of the truth.

We stand together to support others in the expression of truths and freedom to speak out... no matter how radical those ideas may seem.

Standing for freedom takes courage; together we shall be strong in the face of all odds.

We will do everything we can to work towards the establishment of a new way of living together on Planet Earth.


This is not at all what I meant to write in response to norman, but I did, so I will leave it at that.

21st January 2013, 21:01
I think it entirely plausible that it could be a set up to discredit "truthers." Wasn't Alex Jones' appearance on CNN also to this end? Things are getting uncomfortably interesting....sigh.

21st January 2013, 22:25
Here are some interesting counter proposals to the Sandy Hook thing:


The Unthinkable – Again

Are massacres in America to be treated on a par with hurricanes and tornadoes – "acts of God"; natural disasters – tragic but inevitable and unavoidable?

The normal thing to do after yet another massacre is to condemn gun ownership and demand gun control. Well, everyone knows that the gun laws of America aren't going to change in any significant way, no matter what.

Guns aren't in fact our target. What we condemn is the most sacred cow of all – THE FAMILY. We are perpetually reviled for pointing out that the family home, when things go wrong, is the most toxic environment in the world. A failing family does nothing but produce neurosis and, finally, psychosis.

The perpetrator of the latest massacre was apparently a quiet, intelligent young man. What drove him to become a mass murderer? Well, his mother, sadly. How do we know? Because she was the first to be gunned down. Apparently, she was a gun obsessive and frequently dragged her son along to target practice.

We can imagine that the son was an introverted intellectual and the mother an extraverted anti-intellectual, craving that he should live up to her extraverted idea of what a son should be. We can imagine a never-ending personality and culture clash, culminating in the supreme irony – the son made his mother the target, using her own guns, through which she had expressed her dominance over him.

These things are NO SURPRISE. Any psychologist observing what was going inside that house would have got in touch with the authorities to warn them, but, of course, what goes on inside countless toxic households is never observed – until it erupts with extreme violence into the outside world.

What the world needs more than anything else is to acknowledge the poison that is present in so many family homes. In truth, there is no family on earth that wouldn't be improved by greater contact with the COMMUNITY.

If the latest gunman had been raised in a community, he would have had friends and been much less isolated. He would have encountered adults more receptive to his personality type. His contact time with his mother – and all of the friction it involved – would have been enormously reduced. Without the constant fighting, he could have had a very loving relationship with his mother, based on "quality time". It's the EXCESS exposure to conflict that the family home often generates that is the source of so much of the world's misery. If this were diluted – via community living – we would all benefit.

The gunman, seeing the outside world as a persecutory enemy, went on a murderous rampage. If he had been raised within a loving, supportive community, he would never have been alienated from everyone else.

The gun debate isn't the issue at all. The real debate to be had is the FAMILY debate.

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said that there was no such thing as society, only families and individuals. That's the WHOLE problem. We have cutthroat competition between families and between individuals. Everyone's out to be top dog and to trample the opposition into the ground. We have no society, and no consideration for others.

Why isn't the world moving towards far more community and society? Because it is ruled by extremely financially successful families enjoying the high life, who don't want to lose a single cent of their wealth, or sacrifice any of their power and influence. They want the world to be "atomized" into competing family units – because that's exactly the system that has proved so beneficial to them, and allowed them to get to the top.

In a world of community and society, the elite families would no longer be relevant or accepted. Community and society would not tolerate excess wealth and power for a few, against the interests of the many.

Never forget... if a family home is going wrong, it is always going wrong DISASTROUSLY. There is no such thing as a dysfunctional family producing great outcomes for society. Any problem you care to mention has its origins in the dysfunctional family. Any number of horrors and monsters are hidden behind the closed doors of the family home. The twenty little children of Newtown were sentenced to death in their school not because of anything they did but because of what was taking place in one toxic family home.

"There's no place like home," we're told. Indeed! There's no pressure cooker more intense than a failing home. We are all told to keep out of private business, but it's not "private" – it's public, because sooner or later it spills out into the public arena, sometimes horrifically, as in Newtown.

Community living throws open the doors and windows and lets fresh air and light into everything. Family LOVE is the most important thing any family has to offer but the family environment produces HATE when things go wrong. The home becomes a Shadow Generator, which then gets projected onto the outside world.

Community living would take the pressure off, relieve the intensity, allow problems to be solved within a much wider context, allow people to reduce contact time during difficult periods, and so on. All of the incipient neuroses and psychoses would be prevented from growing into the horrific monsters they inevitably become if not addressed.

It's not gun control that needs to be discussed, it's family control. But no politician will EVER condemn the family, just as no politician will ever call for the removal of guns from the family home.

So, get ready for the next massacre. It should be coming along within the next six months. Who knows, maybe it's coming to somewhere near YOU.

another bob
21st January 2013, 22:59
A 5-year-old girl was suspended from school earlier this week after she made what the school called a "terrorist threat."

Her weapon of choice? A small, Hello Kitty automatic bubble blower.

The kindergartner, who attends Mount Carmel Area Elementary School in Pennsylvania, caught administrators' attention after suggesting she and a classmate should shoot each other with bubbles.

"I think people know how harmless a bubble is. It doesn't hurt," said Robin Ficker, an attorney for the girl's family. According to Ficker, the girl, whose identity has not been released, didn't even have the bubble gun toy with her at school.

The kindergartner was ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation during her 10-day suspension, which was later reduced to two days. The evaluation deemed the girl normal and not a threat to others, Ficker said.

The girl's family is considering a lawsuit against the school to get the blemish - all because of bubbles - off their daughter's record.

"The mother has tried to get the girl in another school since this time, and they won't take the little girl because of this mark on her record," Ficker said.

The suspension comes one month after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, which has created a heightened sense of alert at schools across the country.

The Mount Carmel Area School District told ABC News, "We are confident that much of the information supplied to the media may not be consistent with the facts… The Mount Carmel Area School District takes the well-being and safety of students and staff very seriously."

ABC News' Gio Benitez contributed to this report.

22nd January 2013, 03:10
@ Bob,

At this point and time they achieved the mindset that all are suspect of wrongdoing. Question is under what authority does a school admin. have to demand a psyche eval? Maybe the parents of the school districts should demand psyche evals of the school board and staff of the school and fire them if they protest. Looks like the PTB are getting the response they want as surmised in this thread. All they are really teaching the kids is to be scared, be suspicious and never be humorous.

22nd January 2013, 03:48
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

I have been thinking the same thing ! It makes me wonder if they meant for it to have discrepancies to cause anger and upheaval. Its like they are trying to get strong reactions from the people so they can put the thumb down on us, especially now that its a felony to protest.

I'm thinking they need the data to test their newly finished data center in Utah under extreme conditions. I'm also thinking it has something to do with the testing at CERN. When you look at all the variables, the blatant discrepancies, the outrage, the polarization, all very extreme, what a perfect setup for the perfect beta test?




Officials in Washington won't say what the data center is for, but the NSA did issue a vague statement saying it will "strengthen and protect the nation's cyber-security." That's a critical mission, according to NSA director General Keith Alexander.

But a Washington whistleblower says that's just a cover story for a serious threat to civil liberties. William Binney worked for the NSA for 32 years. He still lives by the highly secure headquarters near Baltimore.

Binney led a team in the 1990s that developed software designed to sort through mountains of electronic data. It could slice and dice billions of emails, phone calls and Internet records, looking for clues to terrorist plots. But Binney's team built into the software sophisticated protections so that communications by U.S. citizens would be protected from NSA snooping.

When the NSA passed over his system, Binney retired in anger, right after the attack on the World Trade Center.

"It didn't take but probably a week or so after 9/11 that they decided to start spying on the U.S. domestically, on all U.S. citizens they could get," Binney said.

He now suspects the facility in Bluffdale will be used to store incredible amounts of communication data so the NSA can sift through it, whether it's from foreign terrorists or law-abiding U.S. citizens. Emails, cellphone calls, Google searches; Binney calculated how much data such a huge facility could hold.

"That means at Bluffdale, if you divide it out, you could get 5 zetabytes," he said. That's an incredible number that most of us can't really understand, but Binney gave an idea of what it means.

"(It) pretty much means all the communications in the world, for roughly a hundred years," he said.

The facility is 1 million square feet of space, with a price tag well above $1 billion; and it will have an appetite for electricity that would embarrass Godzilla. Computers and cooling systems at the NSA's Utah Data Center will reportedly consume $40 million worth of power each year.



22nd January 2013, 04:56
Bill fantastic interview. I have to ask you what you believe in Max Igans theory on all of these 'stuff-ups' being deliberate to get the public angry to the point of civil war?

Some threads on GLP (posted by anonymous users) have meticulous details of everything about this psy-op, all most as if written off a script.

On the other hand ATS has lock down on just about every topic on Sandy Hook.

I just would like to see your opinion on if you believe 'they' are deliberately letting these details out on purpose aka Max Igans thoughts? Cheers!


22nd January 2013, 08:01
It gets better some people over at GLP have tied the name Lanza and Rodia the owner of the car as mob related. Also mob related is the guy found in the woods Chris Manfridonia .........Not sure what to make of this yet looks intriguing to say the least lots in this video..


22nd January 2013, 12:58
Here are some interesting counter proposals to the Sandy Hook thing:


The Unthinkable – Again

Are massacres in America to be treated on a par with hurricanes and tornadoes – "acts of God"; natural disasters – tragic but inevitable and unavoidable?

The normal thing to do after yet another massacre is to condemn gun ownership and demand gun control. Well, everyone knows that the gun laws of America aren't going to change in any significant way, no matter what.

Guns aren't in fact our target. What we condemn is the most sacred cow of all – THE FAMILY. We are perpetually reviled for pointing out that the family home, when things go wrong, is the most toxic environment in the world. A failing family does nothing but produce neurosis and, finally, psychosis.

The perpetrator of the latest massacre was apparently a quiet, intelligent young man. What drove him to become a mass murderer? Well, his mother, sadly. How do we know? Because she was the first to be gunned down. Apparently, she was a gun obsessive and frequently dragged her son along to target practice.

We can imagine that the son was an introverted intellectual and the mother an extraverted anti-intellectual, craving that he should live up to her extraverted idea of what a son should be. We can imagine a never-ending personality and culture clash, culminating in the supreme irony – the son made his mother the target, using her own guns, through which she had expressed her dominance over him.

These things are NO SURPRISE. Any psychologist observing what was going inside that house would have got in touch with the authorities to warn them, but, of course, what goes on inside countless toxic households is never observed – until it erupts with extreme violence into the outside world.

What the world needs more than anything else is to acknowledge the poison that is present in so many family homes. In truth, there is no family on earth that wouldn't be improved by greater contact with the COMMUNITY.


So, get ready for the next massacre. It should be coming along within the next six months. Who knows, maybe it's coming to somewhere near YOU.

Thanks for bringing this article to our attention, Reaver.

A whole new theory to throw into the mix to continue the controversy...or maybe just muddle it up a bit?

Sounds to me like they developed a theory and then tried to make the pieces fit...a conclusion based on "apparently" and "We can imagine..." does not create a solid arguement imo.

Gotta love the final line...have to add the 'bugga bugga' bit of fear porn to create a reaction.

22nd January 2013, 13:13
Here are some interesting counter proposals to the Sandy Hook thing:


The Unthinkable – Again

Are massacres in America to be treated on a par with hurricanes and tornadoes – "acts of God"; natural disasters – tragic but inevitable and unavoidable?

The normal thing to do after yet another massacre is to condemn gun ownership and demand gun control. Well, everyone knows that the gun laws of America aren't going to change in any significant way, no matter what.

Guns aren't in fact our target. What we condemn is the most sacred cow of all – THE FAMILY. We are perpetually reviled for pointing out that the family home, when things go wrong, is the most toxic environment in the world. A failing family does nothing but produce neurosis and, finally, psychosis.

The perpetrator of the latest massacre was apparently a quiet, intelligent young man. What drove him to become a mass murderer? Well, his mother, sadly. How do we know? Because she was the first to be gunned down. Apparently, she was a gun obsessive and frequently dragged her son along to target practice.

We can imagine that the son was an introverted intellectual and the mother an extraverted anti-intellectual, craving that he should live up to her extraverted idea of what a son should be. We can imagine a never-ending personality and culture clash, culminating in the supreme irony – the son made his mother the target, using her own guns, through which she had expressed her dominance over him.

These things are NO SURPRISE. Any psychologist observing what was going inside that house would have got in touch with the authorities to warn them, but, of course, what goes on inside countless toxic households is never observed – until it erupts with extreme violence into the outside world.

What the world needs more than anything else is to acknowledge the poison that is present in so many family homes. In truth, there is no family on earth that wouldn't be improved by greater contact with the COMMUNITY.


So, get ready for the next massacre. It should be coming along within the next six months. Who knows, maybe it's coming to somewhere near YOU.

Thanks for bringing this article to our attention, Reaver.

A whole new theory to throw into the mix to continue the controversy...or maybe just muddle it up a bit?

Sounds to me like they developed a theory and then tried to make the pieces fit...a conclusion based on "apparently" and "We can imagine..." does not create a solid arguement imo.

Gotta love the final line...have to add the 'bugga bugga' bit of fear porn to create a reaction.

An attempt to blame the family unit, and the mother in particular, for events likes these is a key focus of the thread I started yesterday about the film, 'We Need to Talk about Kevin'.

The film is about a school shooting that takes place in Connecticut. (It was filmed not more than 40 miles from Newtown, and was released in 2011.)

For those who may be interested in this info and that conversation, here is the link to the thread. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?54608-CT-School-Shooting-The-Film-We-Need-to-Talk-About-Kevin

Bill Ryan
22nd January 2013, 14:43
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMU4poWSDuU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMU4poWSDuU&feature=em-uploademail)

A quick note in agreement: Facebook is insecure, is 100% definitely a data-mining operation, and is not to be trusted.

It's used to identify networks of people with connected interests, cross-correlating them with other collected data. When there are enough flags on an individual -- directly or indirectly -- then their profile becomes elevated to be watched more closely. Those at the very top of these accumulated lists will be targeted by various means.

22nd January 2013, 15:01
A quick note in agreement: Facebook is insecure, is 100% definitely a data-mining operation, and is not to be trusted.

It's used to identify networks of people with connected interests, cross-correlating them with other collected data. When there are enough flags on an individual -- directly or indirectly -- then their profile becomes elevated to be watched more closely. Those at the very top of these accumulated lists will be targeted by various means.

Internet forums are probably subject to the same scrutiny as Facebook, no?

22nd January 2013, 15:33
This just in - Relating to Google Time Stamps


I have also gone into the GeneologyBank website - got in without having created a username/password. Just tried a username/password that I have used in the past & got into the site & was allowed to do one search. Interesting thing that I noticed, the username that was posted on the page was NOT the username that I had typed in.

Didn't know that I was only allowed one search. So, as a trial run on a 'first name/last name' search, I put in Adam Lanza name & got this:


It appears that one would have to pay some money in order to access different kinds of searches. I found a posted message where a GPL member had paid a bit of money to do a search. He also tried to pull up the Adam Lanza page and it also came back "No Results Were Found"

Got a feeling one just may have to have Adam Lanza's SSN in order to get the GeneologyBank search results that have been posted in that above video, which is accessed through a link found over @ GLP, which is probably going viral over the net in the last couple days. (Something may be up with that GLP forum, as well. Best to keep that skeptic's hat on, imo.)

Funny thing, too, is that to access that particular Adam Lanza page, if you click on the link (which was initially posted over @ GLP), it takes you right into the website & onto that page, WITHOUT having to be screened with a username & password. http://www.genealogybank.com/gbnk/ssdi/doc/ssdi/v1:143EB37C71A1FA78

Just came away feeling that this GeneologyBank website is not very secure.

Edit Note: TruthNow88 was the GLP user that posted the URL to the Adam Lanza Death page from that GeneologyBank website. Joined On 12/23/2012 7:10 PM. He/she has posted another one yesterday that lists all the victims of that event and the link to the GeiologyBank webpages that are related: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2116261/pg6#35690995

GLP username TruthNow88 may have a most interesting possible scenario on this. Here is what his thoughts are on this:

"This is true, original reports at Sandy Hook were a suspect was wearing a nun outfit. 2 black robes are visible in multiple photos, right beside the suspect vehicle outside the front of the school.

2 men were detained in the woods behind the school (not including Chris Manfredonia, the Gingerbread dad). One of these suspects is identified as an armed (no gun details) out of town tactical officer (no name given, he is the one wearing camo pants and is brought to the FRONT of the police car), the other man remains completely unidentified and there are VERY little details about him.

2 additional suspects are described via police radio, as being in a purple van (with a window shot out), wearing black ski masks, and one still wearing a nun outfit.

So basically we have 4 shooters (all dressed as nuns) + 1 patsy (Adam). 2 shooters ditch their nun outfits by the suspect vehicle after the shooting and wait in the woods to get detained (they know they will be let go, and stay at the scene specifically to control initial reports via their scripted info (injects)). The other 2 suspects leave the scene, are mentioned by police via scanner, and then never brought up again (this was never touched by the MSM).

Confusion is then added everywhere it possibly can be to hide the true event, and overlay the wanted script in its place. This was done through multiple different overlapping events including but not limited to the Putnam Active-Shooter School Drill (happening at literally the exact same time), FEMA/DHS Course on children's response to crisis situations before, during & after disasters (9am-4pm) and the St rose school which was also raided that day (morning).

Participants from the 4 different events (3 fake, 1 real) listed above then all gather at a single location (Sandy Hook Fire House) which is the media staging area. Facts from 4 different (but similar) events are then mixed together in a way to seem like a single event to the general public. These event overlaps were used to control the initial script of what happened that day (by cherry picking various different pieces of evidence & eyewitness accounts that match the story they want told, and presenting it all as the real SH Event). This is why their are so many variations to every piece of this event, because similar variations of everything happened that day at multiple different locations.

The confusion around this event has less to do with bad reporting by the media, and more to do with calculated misdirection by cherry picking details and presenting multiple different events as a single occurrence (to control the script outcome).

What happened that day? I have no idea, but it sure as hell isn't what we are being told (but it's more likely a Black-Op then a total Hoax)."

Cheers - turiya

22nd January 2013, 15:39
It gets better some people over at GLP have tied the name Lanza and Rodia the owner of the car as mob related. Also mob related is the guy found in the woods Chris Manfridonia .........Not sure what to make of this yet looks intriguing to say the least lots in this video..


Not to add more to the commonalities involved, another question about any of the firearms recovered by the officials are any of them linked to "Fast and Furious" the justice dept distribution of weapons to cartels, street gangs etc.? What is the color of your piece of the puzzle? Too many common links that do not fit either side of the debate. Haven't heard any more about the investigations of death squads (teams) working out of NYC and the item of an Intelligence agency working their with the city which is not according to their charter. Why are these items downplayed and not proved or disproved. Government secrecy in this public matter is only strengthening disarray.

Oh another question to answer is how can the present administration and the president propose law and write executive orders to cure the ills when they state the issue is still under investigation. If there are no conclusions of fact, how can you correct anything. Time for congress to kick ass or quit, I am sure we can find a few good men to do this.

778 neighbour of some guy
22nd January 2013, 15:47
internet forums are probably subject to the same scrutiny as facebook, no?

si !!!!!!!!

22nd January 2013, 16:10
Internet forums are probably subject to the same scrutiny as Facebook, no?

It requires a more detailed answer than a simple yes or no.

Yes, you publicly show who you befriended and yes you publicly show which posts you deem important by pushing
the thanks button and even more important you voice your opinion in your own posts.

But first of all you should realize that there are more parties out there taking data in. Some are more sophisticated
than others so every measure of protection may work to secure your privacy somewhat.

The biggest difference however is how they get to your data. When you run a website and have direct access to
the database of members, posts etc. the data-mining is much easier, faster and deeper than when you have to get
the data from published webpages.

So the gray area is really about whether or not the agencies have direct access to the data or not.
If Facebook is run by the CIA, or they have direct access to it, then that will make a big difference.

22nd January 2013, 16:36
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMU4poWSDuU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMU4poWSDuU&feature=em-uploademail)

A quick note in agreement: Facebook is insecure, is 100% definitely a data-mining operation, and is not to be trusted.

It's used to identify networks of people with connected interests, cross-correlating them with other collected data. When there are enough flags on an individual -- directly or indirectly -- then their profile becomes elevated to be watched more closely. Those at the very top of these accumulated lists will be targeted by various means.

Isn't it interesting that we ourselves (all face book users) built this data base for THEM? Google is using all these tricks now too.

All users are updating the data base and adding to it daily!

This facial recognition stuff is about beyond viral too ....and quite wicked also.

22nd January 2013, 17:15
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

I have been thinking the same thing ! It makes me wonder if they meant for it to have discrepancies to cause anger and upheaval. Its like they are trying to get strong reactions from the people so they can put the thumb down on us, especially now that its a felony to protest.

I'm thinking they need the data to test their newly finished data center in Utah under extreme conditions. I'm also thinking it has something to do with the testing at CERN. When you look at all the variables, the blatant discrepancies, the outrage, the polarization, all very extreme, what a perfect setup for the perfect beta test?




Officials in Washington won't say what the data center is for, but the NSA did issue a vague statement saying it will "strengthen and protect the nation's cyber-security." That's a critical mission, according to NSA director General Keith Alexander.

But a Washington whistleblower says that's just a cover story for a serious threat to civil liberties. William Binney worked for the NSA for 32 years. He still lives by the highly secure headquarters near Baltimore.

Binney led a team in the 1990s that developed software designed to sort through mountains of electronic data. It could slice and dice billions of emails, phone calls and Internet records, looking for clues to terrorist plots. But Binney's team built into the software sophisticated protections so that communications by U.S. citizens would be protected from NSA snooping.

When the NSA passed over his system, Binney retired in anger, right after the attack on the World Trade Center.

"It didn't take but probably a week or so after 9/11 that they decided to start spying on the U.S. domestically, on all U.S. citizens they could get," Binney said.

He now suspects the facility in Bluffdale will be used to store incredible amounts of communication data so the NSA can sift through it, whether it's from foreign terrorists or law-abiding U.S. citizens. Emails, cellphone calls, Google searches; Binney calculated how much data such a huge facility could hold.

"That means at Bluffdale, if you divide it out, you could get 5 zetabytes," he said. That's an incredible number that most of us can't really understand, but Binney gave an idea of what it means.

"(It) pretty much means all the communications in the world, for roughly a hundred years," he said.

The facility is 1 million square feet of space, with a price tag well above $1 billion; and it will have an appetite for electricity that would embarrass Godzilla. Computers and cooling systems at the NSA's Utah Data Center will reportedly consume $40 million worth of power each year.



In my opinion James Corbet delivers information to the people that the people should be aware about. His concise messages are easy to understand and also straight to the point. He, in my opinion, deserves full recognition for his services to humanity!


22nd January 2013, 19:00
[." That's a critical mission, according to NSA director General Keith Alexander.

But a Washington whistleblower says that's just a cover story for a serious threat to civil liberties. William Binney worked for the NSA for 32 years. He still lives by the highly secure headquarters near Baltimore.


thats the gist of if. And my info from when I lived in Salt Lake City is that it will be used to store data on implant chips... and btw, Mormons are scheduled to be the first implanted... that I have been told will result from some sort of food emergency and they will manipulate Mormons to get chipped in order to have access to their own food. But who really knows...

22nd January 2013, 19:30
The deliberate “muddying the waters” tactic cited in Turiya’s post #215 of multiple fake stories and setting red herrings is part of the psyop and designed to confound and later purposely discredit truth investigators.

“….So basically we have 4 shooters (all dressed as nuns) + 1 patsy (Adam). 2 shooters ditch their nun outfits by the suspect vehicle after the shooting …… The other 2 suspects leave the scene, are mentioned by police via scanner, and then never brought up again ….

Confusion is then added everywhere it possibly can be to hide the true event, and overlay the wanted script in its place. This was done through multiple different overlapping events including but not limited to the Putnam Active-Shooter School Drill (happening at literally the exact same time), FEMA/DHS Course on children's response to crisis situations before, during & after disasters (9am-4pm) and the St Rose school which was also raided that day (morning).

Participants from the 4 different events (3 fake, 1 real) listed above then all gather at a single location (Sandy Hook Fire House) which is the media staging area. Facts from 4 different (but similar) events are then mixed together in a way to seem like a single event to the general public. These event overlaps were used to control the initial script of what happened that day (by cherry picking various different pieces of evidence & eyewitness accounts that match the story they want told, and presenting it all as the real SH Event). This is why there are so many variations to every piece of this event, because similar variations of everything happened that day at multiple different locations.

The confusion around this event has less to do with bad reporting by the media, and more to do with calculated misdirection by cherry picking details and presenting multiple different events as a single occurrence (to control the script outcome).”

It’s part of the planned takedown of truthers. As everyone goes scurrying after the discrepancies….missing nuns…fake websites…death certificates…wrong guns..etc etc, a good part of this stuff is pre-designed to make fools out of investigators if they stake their argument on that particular banana peel of evidence, even if their main claim – that the event was a false flag – is correct.

It’s a basic diversionary tactic to discredit someone: pull out a bit of mistaken evidence in their argument, shoot it down, and then laugh that the investigator is “obviously a fool…” Works almost every time, and sometimes other sincere investigators will do the job for them as internal rivalries among investigators emerge – unless we can see it for what it is and refrain from dissing each other. (I’m not suggesting we are at this stage yet, but just wait…)

But there’s more to it than that:

The presence of simultaneous and fake “drills” that involves real responders, “actors” and who-knows-what other parties allows the conspirators to control and genuinely confuse the participants themselves. So that actors like “Robbie Parker” or the genuine Coroner, Dr. Carver, can be led before the cameras still believing their appearances are “part of the drill” and not in connection with any genuine events If they’ve been held within a fake drill setting all day, without genuine access to media or their own cellphone, how would they know what had actually happened? And if anyone does tell them, they’ll think it’s still “part of the drill”.

Actors like the guy who “found children on his front lawn” can be prepped and rehearsed – even filmed – genuinely believing their stories are part of the drill. As the genuine media mob surrounds them after the real event – they can still think “This is just a game…” No wonder the coroner sounded so glibly “whatever….” He’d never actually viewed a child’s body that day, just invented something because he was told that would be his “role in the drill” and he was just playing along.

And after they discover the truth, yes, these people will be well and truly in fear for their lives if they say anything. Or, hey, the conspirators just do a “memory wipe” on them after they’ve testified. We know they have this technology – and use it frequently. Why not here? A little “medical checkup….just a precaution …normal procedure …heh, heh..”

I’ll bet if you approached any of these drill actors with questions today, they’d look at you quite blankly, genuinely baffled.

Given the extremely low probability that a genuine event will coincide with an identical “drill” on a sustained basis – as it did with 9-11, Murrah, Sandy Hook, London 7/7(date?) and others (the odds defy all probability) this suggests that we must all be on alert and post warnings for any announcement of an “emergency drill” or “simulated crisis”, especially in the U.S. It now surely means a real false flag is being set up nearby.

Just some thoughts. And my apologies for not weighing in earlier on this superb thread – I’ve been offline for the last two weeks.



22nd January 2013, 19:55
one thing I don't understand, with the millions who have questions about the school, why hasn't anyone taken pictures?

are cameras being confiscated?

CT isn't far from some of our members... hint hint

who was the reporter that called the Principal before she was shot?

22nd January 2013, 20:10
Speaking of propaganda...


I'm now seeing a lot of repeating patterns in the matrix. Better to plug off myself from it for a while...

22nd January 2013, 22:09
A quick note in agreement: Facebook is insecure, is 100% definitely a data-mining operation, and is not to be trusted.
I started typing "How do I close ..." into Google search, and it offered several completions, in order:

How do I close my facebook account
How do I close my paypal account
How do I close my Yahoo email account
How do I close apps on iPhone
How do I close my twitter account
How do I close a facebook account
How do I close my eBay account
How do I close my hotmail account

Facebook earned spots #1 and #6 in the top 8 :).

22nd January 2013, 22:54
Internet forums are probably subject to the same scrutiny as Facebook, no?
I suspect that what you post publicly is scrutinized closely, yes. The Google search bot usually notices and reads new posts within a few minutes of posting.

To the best of the knowledge and abilities of Ilie and myself, what is not public on this forum is not routinely captured by and known to the bastards in power. My opinion (which could well be very wrong) is that (unless you're a "person of interest", see below):

Your posting IP address is not routinely visible outside the mod team.
Your initial membership application is not visible outside the mod team.
Your private messages are not visible to anyone except the sender and recipient(s), unless reported to the mod team.

I am sure that the NSA and other minions of the bastards in power can and do selectively capture Internet traffic as it goes from our individual computers to various web servers, but I doubt they capture and index in a useful manner, with historical record, all such traffic.

Rather I suspect they selectively capture, record and index such data from "persons of interest." Presumably by now these include Bill Ryan and some other higher profile members of this forum.

I would also guess that at present they capture and filter a high proportion of the following, selectively recording, indexing and cross correlating those of any interest:

email messages,
web forum postings (such as on our forum),
both the public and behind the scenes data on such major servers as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter,
landline and cell phone calls,
financial transactions (via banks, credit cards, PayPal, ...),
legal and government transactions,
gun sales,
drug traffic (easy for them to track; they are the principle drug runners),
travel arrangements via any major carrier,
satellite and land (e.g., the Google mapping cameras) surveillance at a wide variety of visible light and other electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies,
surveillance camera feeds (e.g. traffic cameras, street cameras), and
other categories I've likely forgotten to list here.

A key concern of mine is that, even though I have nothing to hide at present, if I (or any of us) ever did have something to hide, or ever did want to "disappear" from their radar or do something "invisible" to their radar, my past record of the above, already recorded, would make it exceedingly difficult for me to do so. The bastards in power can provide useful anonymous witness protection programs and new identities to protect select individuals from the nasty deeds of less powerful bastards, but no one provides an easy way to anonymously disappear from the reach or view of the more powerful bastards.

22nd January 2013, 23:08
A quick note in agreement: Facebook is insecure, is 100% definitely a data-mining operation, and is not to be trusted.

It's used to identify networks of people with connected interests, cross-correlating them with other collected data. When there are enough flags on an individual -- directly or indirectly -- then their profile becomes elevated to be watched more closely. Those at the very top of these accumulated lists will be targeted by various means.

Isn't it interesting that we ourselves (all face book users) built this data base for THEM? Google is using all these tricks now too.

All users are updating the data base and adding to it daily!

This facial recognition stuff is about beyond viral too ....and quite wicked also.

I have never even considered being on Fecebook. I will not click on a link to it. I guess that makes me a social retard. There are worse kinds of retarded. LOL :jester:

22nd January 2013, 23:14
I have never even considered being on Fecebook. I will not click on a link to it. I guess that makes me a social retard. There are worse kinds of retarded. LOL :jester:.

Likely "smarter than the average bear".....

22nd January 2013, 23:27
I never have had facebook account either. I guess i'm socially inept to modwiz


T Smith
22nd January 2013, 23:39
All they are really teaching the kids is to be scared, be suspicious and never be humorous.

Sounds like prison to me.

22nd January 2013, 23:55
I never have had facebook account either. I guess i'm socially inept too modwiz


I knew I liked you, just wasn't sure why. LOL

23rd January 2013, 00:40
The question that keeps coming up for me, is how come this "op" was
so sloppy, i mean sloppy beyond belief.

Was it botched from the inside??

It does appear to be a spectacular unraveling of the game,
at least one layer. Unless it was all by design, in which case
what else is going on that they want us so turned the other way??
This is all taking viral to new heights.

Or it could have been planned to appear as if it were botched...? Could it be that they're using this in an attempt to alienate the "public" from "alternative free-thinkers"...?

Here's my thinking. September 11 was a heinous act no doubt (as was July 7 in the UK & all other false-flag events), but the difference this time is that children specifically are directly targeted. From a psychological perspective, this would provoke a much broader groundswell of emotions, and to question the official "story" would be viewed most likely in a deeply negative way (because even "they" wouldn't be so evil to target children, right?). Yet a story that is seemingly bursting with anomalies (even if it does focus on children) must surely be questioned!!! (think of it as a 'catch-22') The aim? My guess, to swing the "approval" of the "public" back towards the government, plus to get the "public" demanding tighter gun controls, and less resistance in future to anything the government announces. (as David Icke would put it - problem-reaction-solution)

Plus it seems like every day there's a new headline regarding gun crime these days... It all seems very predictable, much more so than even a couple of months ago.

23rd January 2013, 03:21
This is the most logical explanation that I've come across. I have not been following this issue, though I did listen to the interview in the OP, because these kinds of scenarios tend to just scramble my brain and generally bring me down, which is what I think they are designed to do.
But I don't think it takes a lot of close study to see what Selene has concluded makes a lot of sense.

The deliberate “muddying the waters” tactic cited in Turiya’s post #215 of multiple fake stories and setting red herrings is part of the psyop and designed to confound and later purposely discredit truth investigators.

“….So basically we have 4 shooters (all dressed as nuns) + 1 patsy (Adam). 2 shooters ditch their nun outfits by the suspect vehicle after the shooting …… The other 2 suspects leave the scene, are mentioned by police via scanner, and then never brought up again ….

Confusion is then added everywhere it possibly can be to hide the true event, and overlay the wanted script in its place. This was done through multiple different overlapping events including but not limited to the Putnam Active-Shooter School Drill (happening at literally the exact same time), FEMA/DHS Course on children's response to crisis situations before, during & after disasters (9am-4pm) and the St Rose school which was also raided that day (morning).

Participants from the 4 different events (3 fake, 1 real) listed above then all gather at a single location (Sandy Hook Fire House) which is the media staging area. Facts from 4 different (but similar) events are then mixed together in a way to seem like a single event to the general public. These event overlaps were used to control the initial script of what happened that day (by cherry picking various different pieces of evidence & eyewitness accounts that match the story they want told, and presenting it all as the real SH Event). This is why there are so many variations to every piece of this event, because similar variations of everything happened that day at multiple different locations.

The confusion around this event has less to do with bad reporting by the media, and more to do with calculated misdirection by cherry picking details and presenting multiple different events as a single occurrence (to control the script outcome).”

It’s part of the planned takedown of truthers. As everyone goes scurrying after the discrepancies….missing nuns…fake websites…death certificates…wrong guns..etc etc, a good part of this stuff is pre-designed to make fools out of investigators if they stake their argument on that particular banana peel of evidence, even if their main claim – that the event was a false flag – is correct.

It’s a basic diversionary tactic to discredit someone: pull out a bit of mistaken evidence in their argument, shoot it down, and then laugh that the investigator is “obviously a fool…” Works almost every time, and sometimes other sincere investigators will do the job for them as internal rivalries among investigators emerge – unless we can see it for what it is and refrain from dissing each other. (I’m not suggesting we are at this stage yet, but just wait…)

But there’s more to it than that:

The presence of simultaneous and fake “drills” that involves real responders, “actors” and who-knows-what other parties allows the conspirators to control and genuinely confuse the participants themselves. So that actors like “Robbie Parker” or the genuine Coroner, Dr. Carver, can be led before the cameras still believing their appearances are “part of the drill” and not in connection with any genuine events If they’ve been held within a fake drill setting all day, without genuine access to media or their own cellphone, how would they know what had actually happened? And if anyone does tell them, they’ll think it’s still “part of the drill”.

Actors like the guy who “found children on his front lawn” can be prepped and rehearsed – even filmed – genuinely believing their stories are part of the drill. As the genuine media mob surrounds them after the real event – they can still think “This is just a game…” No wonder the coroner sounded so glibly “whatever….” He’d never actually viewed a child’s body that day, just invented something because he was told that would be his “role in the drill” and he was just playing along.

And after they discover the truth, yes, these people will be well and truly in fear for their lives if they say anything. Or, hey, the conspirators just do a “memory wipe” on them after they’ve testified. We know they have this technology – and use it frequently. Why not here? A little “medical checkup….just a precaution …normal procedure …heh, heh..”

I’ll bet if you approached any of these drill actors with questions today, they’d look at you quite blankly, genuinely baffled.

Given the extremely low probability that a genuine event will coincide with an identical “drill” on a sustained basis – as it did with 9-11, Murrah, Sandy Hook, London 7/7(date?) and others (the odds defy all probability) this suggests that we must all be on alert and post warnings for any announcement of an “emergency drill” or “simulated crisis”, especially in the U.S. It now surely means a real false flag is being set up nearby.

Just some thoughts. And my apologies for not weighing in earlier on this superb thread – I’ve been offline for the last two weeks.



Earth Angel
23rd January 2013, 03:33

More from Mike Powers -- this time an excellent show on 2 January. Just as strong and detailed as the one posted on this thread:

Download audio here: snipmp3 (http://snipmp3.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGKSUs569Y-k)
Or: http://projectavalon.net/Mike_Powers_2_Jan_2013_Investigating_the_Sandy_Hook_Narrative.mp3 (39.5 Mb, 1 hr 20 mins, no commercials)

The 30 questions Mike Powers asked, and discussed:

1. What was Christopher A. Rodia's car doing at the scene?
2. Why was it reported as Nancy Lanza's car to begin with?
3. Why was a weapon in the trunk?
4. Why did the media and cops LIE and say that Adam had that car?
5. Why was the Canadian sub teacher's car the ONLY one in the parking lot that was shot up?
6. Why did media and the cops LIE and say that Nancy was a teacher at SHE when she NEVER WAS?
7. What happened to all of the other people arrested?
8. What happened to the reddish purple van with the windows shot out?
9. Were the parents allowed to see the bodies?
10. How come we've not seen so much as ONE crime scene photo when the media loves NOTHING more than to constantly show us evil's face?
11. Why do they keep claiming that the AR was in the school when SEVERAL cops reported ALL MORNING that it was FOUND in the BACK SEAT of the car?
12. How many guns DID little Adam manage to carry around with him? With all that weight, how was he able to remain mobile and dynamic?
13. Why do Peter and Nancy Lanza only show Ryan on Spokeo as a son?
14. Why or how was Adam in possession of Ryan's ID when they'd not seen one another since 2010?
15. How was Probable Cause established to search the mom's home when RYAN was the primary suspect all day? The WARRANT was searched on Nancy's home less than 1.5 hours after the first police dispatch?
16. Why did the media report Peter Lanza as having been found dead in NYC? ALL....DAY....LONG?
17. What is Rodia's connection to all of this? Or his 19yr old niece?
18. How DID Adam GET to the school? And WHY? What made him select SHE as his target?
19. Is it not odd that the sub teacher's body was also not allowed to be seen, and HER car was the ONLY one shot up?
20. Why was HER classroom the one with all the victims?
21. What was up with Robbie "Daytime Emmy" Peters and his performance?
22. What was up with Dr, CARVER, and HIS performance?
23. He's seen THOUSANDS of people shot? WHERE?
24. What did HE mean by "you can control a situation with the right photographer"?
25. Why does the name J. Paul Vance show up as both a CT State Police Lt AND the Commissioner to which the $100M lawsuit was filed to? Would that not constitute a conflict of interest?
26. Why is now the MOTHER of one of the pic's VICTIMS coming out saying that her daughter is ALIVE AND WELL?
27. What was with the Gene Rosen dude and HIS performance? Stating he was a "psychologist"???? Not with only 2yrs of college there, Pet Boy. (He runs a pet love business)
28. Why were all of the fire trucks BLOCKED IN and BACKED UP to the school?
29. Who IS Roy Low, and how is he SO informed as to appear in three interviews?
30. Why WOULD cops place a SUSPECT - in cuffs - in the FRONT SEAT of a police car during an ACTIVE SHOOTER event that is NOT yet over?

Perhaps he was referring to this EMS ......the only one we saw supposedly wheeling a victim through the parking lot (from the school)..... Dont all EMS workers carry a big camera with them ???

23rd January 2013, 03:48
This is the most logical explanation that I've come across. I have not been following this issue, though I did listen to the interview in the OP, because these kinds of scenarios tend to just scramble my brain and generally bring me down, which is what I think they are designed to do.
But I don't think it takes a lot of close study to see what Selene has concluded makes a lot of sense.

Selene did a great job in her post. Taken out here to save space.

23rd January 2013, 06:24
This is exactly what has happened to me! (In reply to the end of privacy post by Bill)

In the last three days, since I posted this video, I have received views in 40 countries, while also immediately being put on a high alert status.

I am now being monitored by the government, and coincidentally am being coerced by my school board (I am a special education teacher) to take this down at the risk of being fired. Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Also, my father is second-in-command with the sheriff's office and my mother works at the school board. This type of talk doesn't do their reputations much good either.

Anyways, if you wish to archive, re-upload, or share the video in any way, it will be pulled with the next 8 hours before I go to work in the morning.


23rd January 2013, 15:36
Can you tell us what was in the video, for those who have not seen it?? Anthony.

I wish I would have seen Selene's work. I was looking for it yesterday and could not find it.

Well, we are well into auto censure here. No judgment, just stating a fact. It tells you were we are going.

Edit: And, should I add, it makes me sooooo sorry that we came to that.

23rd January 2013, 15:52
So at some point the media will unveil some gory bloody photos of the crime scene. They will blame the truthers/investigators/alternative-media/conspiracy theorists for being forced to show the children's massacre crime scene.
And the rest will be history.

23rd January 2013, 16:06
Can you tell us what was in the video, for those who have not seen it?? Anthony.

I wish I would have seen Selene's work. I was looking for it yesterday and could not find it.

Well, we are well into auto censure here. No judgment, just stating a fact. It tells you were we are going.

The description was:

***PLEASE READ*** The recent conspiracies are but a single pixel in the big picture!

If these recent events have woken you up to the fact that something's not right in the world today, it's time to take a look at how we can change things. Peacefully. Without a single drop of blood shed. For the good of ourselves, our children, and generations to come.

Let's regain our sovereignty, one dose of truth at a time. Knowledge is your most powerful weapon. Get informed about what is really going on!

We shall overcome!

***An updated after posting this video***

When I made this video it was merely to spark a connection with centuries old plans to bring society down, and a manner in which one country fought this peacefully.

While the exact steps may not work here, the principle will.

Recent controversies are waking people up, but this can be scary when they realize, "Whoa, the real reality is kind of a ****-storm right now."

I merely wanted them to realize that the problems they are facing, and even the potentials on the horizon, have been documented and in gear for quite a long time by a group with hopes of global control of every facet of existence. The events today are not a coincidence, or the result of bad presidents (as it goes much deeper than that). Research this for yourself.

Also, I created this video because I do not wish to see any sort of "civil war" breakout, or have any unnecessary blood shed on American soil. By putting this video out, I am placing myself in the category of a "high-level patriot,' NOT a "low-level terrorist!"

I wish to see peace, as most of the citizens of this country (and the world for that matter) do.

The citizens of the world want peace!

We also don't want the greedy to keep on stealing from us, as our livelihood is sucked down the drain.

I am only 25, so I admit I have a lot to learn. However, I am wise enough to know that things need to be changed immediately.

My point is, I am just seeking peace for this country, and I want to spark a wave of awakening to the potentials for peaceful changes throughout the globe. It is up to the people of each community to decide the manner in which they wish to bring this about.

I hope someone else will post the video if they archived it.

The first seven minutes were two videos from Robert Welch.

The first, a speech revealing the plans of the Illuminati, and the second about why we are at war (Vietnam was addressed in this video)

Both were found online.

A side note: all 25 views from "unknown region US" stopped after the first two Robert welch clips.

The second half was showcasing Iceland's peaceful revolution. Great docs can be found in full on YouTube of this.

23rd January 2013, 18:27
On my computer, Selene's post is #222, the second post on this page, page 12:

Can you tell us what was in the video, for those who have not seen it?? Anthony.

I wish I would have seen Selene's work. I was looking for it yesterday and could not find it.

Well, we are well into auto censure here. No judgment, just stating a fact. It tells you were we are going.

Edit: And, should I add, it makes me sooooo sorry that we came to that.

23rd January 2013, 18:54
On my computer, Selene's post is #222, the second post on this page, page 12:

Can you tell us what was in the video, for those who have not seen it?? Anthony.

I wish I would have seen Selene's work. I was looking for it yesterday and could not find it.

Well, we are well into auto censure here. No judgment, just stating a fact. It tells you were we are going.

Edit: And, should I add, it makes me sooooo sorry that we came to that.

That was easy to find, my mistake. Thanks Onawah.

Bill Ryan
25th January 2013, 01:01
This is exactly what has happened to me! (In reply to the end of privacy post by Bill)

In the last three days, since I posted this video, I have received views in 40 countries, while also immediately being put on a high alert status.

I am now being monitored by the government, and coincidentally am being coerced by my school board (I am a special education teacher) to take this down at the risk of being fired. Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Also, my father is second-in-command with the sheriff's office and my mother works at the school board. This type of talk doesn't do their reputations much good either.

Anyways, if you wish to archive, re-upload, or share the video in any way, it will be pulled with the next 8 hours before I go to work in the morning.


Saved and re-uploaded here for anyone to stream or download:


MR Mojo
25th January 2013, 14:53
Wow! Many thanks for saving this video for all to see, I must add: MAKE SURE you watch the whole video!!

How ironic that someone would be persecuted for posting a video about NON Violence as if you were promoting terrorism.

The perfect upside down logic of a totalitarian regime.

I also agree with the premise about gun control; they are trying to agitate people so they will confront the PTB with arms. I can only hope all second amendment supporters (like myself) will see behind the curtain to see "The great and powerful OZ" is behind it all and not be sucked in to giving them a reason to invoke martial law. If it comes to that, they will use UN troops or some black ops personnel, not local police. It will be ugly.

Don't let it happen, Iceland stood up and used their brain, we can too.

We're all being watched anyway so let them know how you feel.

25th January 2013, 16:29
This is exactly what has happened to me! (In reply to the end of privacy post by Bill)

In the last three days, since I posted this video, I have received views in 40 countries, while also immediately being put on a high alert status.

I am now being monitored by the government, and coincidentally am being coerced by my school board (I am a special education teacher) to take this down at the risk of being fired. Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Also, my father is second-in-command with the sheriff's office and my mother works at the school board. This type of talk doesn't do their reputations much good either.

Anyways, if you wish to archive, re-upload, or share the video in any way, it will be pulled with the next 8 hours before I go to work in the morning.


Saved and re-uploaded here for anyone to stream or download:


Thank you so much Bill! This video reached 40 countries in 3 days. 25 views from government accounts listed under "unknown region" and three different accounts created specifically to subscribe to my account after.

I was sad to have to pull it, but it is clear that it has now taken a life of its own, as it was meant to do from its inception!

Bill Ryan
26th January 2013, 13:24
This is exactly what has happened to me! (In reply to the end of privacy post by Bill)

In the last three days, since I posted this video, I have received views in 40 countries, while also immediately being put on a high alert status.

I am now being monitored by the government, and coincidentally am being coerced by my school board (I am a special education teacher) to take this down at the risk of being fired. Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Also, my father is second-in-command with the sheriff's office and my mother works at the school board. This type of talk doesn't do their reputations much good either.

Anyways, if you wish to archive, re-upload, or share the video in any way, it will be pulled with the next 8 hours before I go to work in the morning.

Saved and re-uploaded here for anyone to stream or download:


Thank you so much Bill! This video reached 40 countries in 3 days. 25 views from government accounts listed under "unknown region" and three different accounts created specifically to subscribe to my account after.

I was sad to have to pull it, but it is clear that it has now taken a life of its own, as it was meant to do from its inception!

Definitely recommended. The archive extracts from Roert Welch (the John Birch Society) are chilling, and the report from Iceland is inspiring.

T Smith
26th January 2013, 14:10
I am now being monitored by the government, and coincidentally am being coerced by my school board (I am a special education teacher) to take this down at the risk of being fired. Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Also, my father is second-in-command with the sheriff's office and my mother works at the school board. This type of talk doesn't do their reputations much good either.


I'm speechless... Whoever is pressuring your school board in this case should be shamed, publicly. The implication and aspersion is disgraceful. And your school board should stand by you. If I were in your community I would support you publicly anyway I could.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell.

How ironic that the school boards that directed education curriculum when I went to school honored books like 1984 and Brave New World. Apparently now they are living it.

26th January 2013, 14:39
Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Although it's unfortunate that you have to pull the video this act clearly demonstrates the next level: Stasi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stasi) practices
instilling fear and subservience of the population. In east Germany you could not even trust your neighbor because there were many snitches
in every street. People policing themselves ... it worked perfectly and will successfully keep the people away from revolting.

26th January 2013, 16:35
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMU4poWSDuU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMU4poWSDuU&feature=em-uploademail)

A quick note in agreement: Facebook is insecure, is 100% definitely a data-mining operation, and is not to be trusted.

It's used to identify networks of people with connected interests, cross-correlating them with other collected data. When there are enough flags on an individual -- directly or indirectly -- then their profile becomes elevated to be watched more closely. Those at the very top of these accumulated lists will be targeted by various means.

Yes, Facebook relationships are useful to them but it's a slight ( at least ) mis direct to think of social network sites as the honeypots people tend to talk about here.

Imagine a search engine even better than "google" that searches, and lists prioritized hits from, ALL the private and business communications data worldwide !

That's what they've been working with.

As with normal smart googling, links and relationships quickly become apparent.

You can type quite a long sentence into the google search box and let it find other instances of it or very similar versions, and it finds them in less than a second. Imagine how much capacity they have to extend that function and even add subroutines around it.

After all these years, they surely have it all sorted to the point that it would 'mortify' most us to just realise how easy it has been for them all this time.

I've read posts here that state an assumption that "they" have far too much data to be able to do much with it. That's a fatal misconception. They can handle any amount of data this way. It's no different than assuming that the whole of the internet is too vast for anyone to be able to cope with all the stuff out there. As you probably realise, that's a daft notion because you can just "google" your way around in it and learn a hell of a lot of useful stuff.

Hope I have managed to put this issue into a clearer perspective for others to ponder upon.

26th January 2013, 16:56
I am now being monitored by the government, and coincidentally am being coerced by my school board (I am a special education teacher) to take this down at the risk of being fired. Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Also, my father is second-in-command with the sheriff's office and my mother works at the school board. This type of talk doesn't do their reputations much good either.


I'm speechless... Whoever is pressuring your school board in this case should be shamed, publicly. The implication and aspersion is disgraceful. And your school board should stand by you. If I were in your community I would support you publicly anyway I could.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell.

How ironic that the school boards that directed education curriculum when I went to school honored books like 1984 and Brave New World. Apparently now they are living it.

I fully agree! Sadly, the parent had not even watched the video. Nor, I expect, did they even read the full description. I'm not sure how many times it takes to see a combination of words such as peace and NON-violence to make someone realize this was in no way an act of me promoting myself as a terrorist.

As some members may remember, over the summer I was involved in an automobile accident, in which I was forced to jump out of a Jeep at 60 mph that had caught up in flames.

Since I was about 7 years old, I knew I had chose to be born into this body, at this point in time. I also knew I had a mission. I've just been waiting on the calling.

Suddenly, last Thursday, I was called to make this video. It was the first time I have ever done something like this. All day Friday, I was watching the aspects of the video form in my mind. Never did I realize the information I was being guided to bring to light was already in the public sector, in the form of the four videos that made up my compilation. They each fit perfectly, and I was amazed how it all came together so seamlessly.

I am now going to provide the email I sent to the Director of HR, immediately following school:

>> Dear Mr. ________,
>> As you have known for many years, I am an intelligent, caring,
>> compassionate soul. In the classroom, I am nothing short of this.
>> First and foremost, what I do outside of work does not effect the man
>> I am when I am "on the clock." My role as Mr. Anthony is exactly that,
>> a role. In the classroom, I believe (and most teachers would agree) I
>> am one of the best male role models these children have been exposed
>> to. My personal beliefs and opinions are left at the door, as I set
>> out each morning to be the most effective instructor I can be.
>> Now, when I created this video this past weekend, it was in response
>> to two things. Originally I wrote the following statement, which
>> became the inspiration for the video:
>> ""Over the last week I have witnessed an ongoing trend on duality,
>> this time around with guns at the forefront of the debate.
>> After some inner searching, I have come to two conclusions.
>> The government has us right where they want us, yet again, getting our
>> blood boiling and our weapons and ammunition stocked up.
>> While I fully support the right to bear arms, I am seeing a deeper
>> agenda at work.
>> Analyzing a possible future, I believe it is their hope for the
>> citizens "to fire the first bullet." I mean, come on, the DHS has
>> became well stocked with their ammunition and ready to take us out.
>> The other thing I realized was Iceland's peaceful revolution over the
>> last five years which we have heard zilch about.
>> How does "What Will Michelle Wear?" make the front page but this
>> monumental moment in history of citizens overthrowing a corrupt
>> government not even get a sound bite?
>> It's the same reason we didn't hear about the shooting at the Mayan 14
>> days after Sandy Hook that was ended before it escalated into a
>> massacre by an armed, off-duty police officer.
>> Wake up America!
>> We can win, and we don't have to shed a single drop of blood! "
>> Now, I have been researching the corruption of not only our
>> government, but of the powers controlling the world for nearly 7
>> years. I have learned things most Americans, due to cognitive
>> dissonance, either refuse to believe or are more comfortable denying
>> so they can go about their lives with an "ignorance is bliss"
>> mentality. I truly believe, in the age of information, ignorance is a
>> choice.
>> The video I compiled was merely a compilation of other videos in the
>> public sector. As documented by the first two clips in the video, the
>> current problems we are facing aren't merely an effect of a bad term
>> as president, or some odd coincidences leading our economy, society,
>> values, and rights down the toilet. These plans have been pubic
>> knowledge, and have also been in the works for hundreds of years. The
>> first portion of the video simply outlines the purpose for driving our
>> country into its current state by those ruling it.
>> Also, over the last 5 years, Iceland's citizens realized they were
>> tired of bailing out the big banks (who were just profiting anyways)
>> and decided they were no longer going to foot the bill. They
>> successfully, and justly, got rid of the cancerous aspects of their
>> society--the greedy, power hungry individuals who were performing
>> atrocious acts with no penalty. I found it highly suspect that this
>> information has not seen the light of day anywhere in the United
>> States. Therefore, it became the second portion of my video, giving
>> proof that there are ways to successfully, and peacefully restore
>> order in a corrupt society.
>> I truly believe in the video I put together, and do not feel as though
>> it should be viewed as anything other than informative and inspiring.
>> I do not believe the current system is working, nor is it beneficial
>> to a free society.
>> It doesn't take much research to see how messed up things are.
>> In less than 48 hours, the video had already been featured on four
>> major websites and viewed in 14 countries. Clearly, it has the
>> potential to awaken people, as was its original intent.
>> I never created the video with the desire of putting my job or life on
>> the line. I was simply inspired by our founding fathers, and those
>> who built our nation on the principles of abandoning a corrupt
>> government, and protecting future generations from the same tyranny.
>> While these views are my personal opinions, they in NO WAY reflect my
>> actions and attitude as an employee of the _______ ________ School
>> Board. I was so shocked when I got the message from my father at
>> lunch, I was uneasy the rest of the school day.
>> If you asked any teacher I work with, they would all have nothing but
>> positive things to say about me, as an employee. Never once have I
>> tried to impose my personal beliefs or opinions on others. Just as
>> you would not expect a teacher of a particular religious belief (or
>> even an atheist, for that matter) to impose their beliefs on the
>> students. As employees, we are aware of the boundaries between
>> personal life and work life, and I know that I hold myself to the
>> highest standards in the classroom.
>> I ask that you please take this into consideration, as it hurts to
>> have my job threatened because I express my beliefs outside of the
>> classroom. If any parent felt unsafe, I would be shocked to hear
>> that. Especially after so many compliment me on how great of an
>> influence I have provided on their children's lives.
>> I have since deleted the only portion of the video (the final 3 second
>> frame) that had any advocacy towards getting rid of the current,
>> corrupt system. As it stands now, the video is merely a compilation
>> of two videos documenting the history and intention of those in
>> charge, and the second half documenting how a country peacefully got
>> rid of the corrupt leaders in power and how they changed their society
>> for the better. Therefore, in its current state, I do not see how
>> this should be construed as threatening.
>> I really do not wish to have this 12 minute video take away my
>> livelihood, but I also do not wish to let the actions of the corrupt
>> go unnoticed. As it would also lead to a degradation of not only my
>> livelihood, but of generations to come. I am not trying to sound like
>> a conspiracy nut here, which is exactly why I chose the first two
>> clips that I did.
>> Mr. _________, please just know that I am a well-intentioned young man who
>> would never harm the minds of the innocent children I work with.
>> Your input and advice is welcomed, as I wish to resolve this matter,
>> without having to lose my livelihood. I also would like to keep the
>> video in place, as its current state should not be threatening, but
>> inspiring. My parents did not tell me to email you. I simply chose
>> to do this because I am hearing secondhand reports of how my job is on
>> the line. Looking forward to your response.
>> Thank you,
>> Anthony Bacala III

The following day, this amazing man (who is a family friend), came to my school to speak in person. He was so moved by me reaching out to him, he wanted to come speak with me, man-to-man.

When I was transitioning to my 5th grade class, I got a message that someone was here to see me in the principal's office. My heart dropped. However, when I saw who it was, I felt a little more at ease.

He explained to me that, sadly, they have to fire people for their beliefs, and it is more common than you would think.

He proceeded to tell me numerous times he was not telling me what to believe or do (and was quite sincere) but he made it clear that how he felt personally often times was at direct odds with what he could and couldn't do in the professional world.

For instance, he said, "There are a ton of things I would love to change. Me, and your mom (who also works at the school board) have a lot we would like to do to change this and that. But we just can't talk about it."

At that moment I had an epiphany.

If you can not speak out against corruption, or act out towards bringing about a better future, and instead have to silence these thoughts and actions, what REAL GOOD is one doing for the community, in positions such as these?

My answer...not too much.

If you are buying into the world of perceptions and manipulations, and only make a difference under their terms and guidelines, it is just as much a facade as this whole society, at its current state.

So, I went home, forever changed.

I realize that as much as I want to be a teacher, and continue to a great job, if I can't make a REAL difference (and only the differences in children's lives, as sanctioned by them) I want nothing to do with this system, at its current state.

I am so torn, as I truly love this profession. Even scarier, is that I have a family to support.

We have since decided to move from Louisiana to Colorado this summer. I am just hoping, now, that I will be able to find a job that will support my family there, as we look to continue following our life missions.

I came here to make a difference. Reaching 40 countries in 3 days from Nowhere, Louisiana, was proof that I have that potential. Now, I just need to discover my voice, and how to go about doing this.

I am adopting an alias, to protect myself and family, and so that I may continue my journey bringing truth to the masses.

I thank you all in the Project Avalon community. I just turned 26 on Thursday, yet I feel like I have gained years of wisdom being amongst so many incredible souls in this forum. Let's all keep fighting the good fight! And remember, as the great Bill Hicks once said, "It's just a ride."


The World is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are.

And the ride goes up and down and round and round, and it has thrills and chills and is very brightly colored, and it's very loud.

And it's fun, for a while.

Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they've begun to question, 'Is this real, or is this just a ride?'

And other people have remembered, and they've come back to us and they say 'Hey, don't worry. Don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.' and we KILL THOSE PEOPLE.

"Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account, and my family. This just has to be real."

It's just a ride.

But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that. You ever noticed that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because ... It's just a ride.

And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. A choice, right now, between fear and love.

The eyes of fear wants you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead see all of us as one.

Here's what we can do to change the world right now, to a better ride:

Take all that money we spent on weapons and defense each year and instead spend it feeding, clothing, and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and WE CAN EXPLORE SPACE, TOGETHER, BOTH INNER AND OUTER, forever ... in peace.

T Smith
26th January 2013, 18:02
I am now being monitored by the government, and coincidentally am being coerced by my school board (I am a special education teacher) to take this down at the risk of being fired. Apparently, a parent called in that I was promoting myself as a terrorist.

Also, my father is second-in-command with the sheriff's office and my mother works at the school board. This type of talk doesn't do their reputations much good either.


I'm speechless... Whoever is pressuring your school board in this case should be shamed, publicly. The implication and aspersion is disgraceful. And your school board should stand by you. If I were in your community I would support you publicly anyway I could.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell.

How ironic that the school boards that directed education curriculum when I went to school honored books like 1984 and Brave New World. Apparently now they are living it.

I fully agree! Sadly, the parent had not even watched the video. Nor, I expect, did they even read the full description. I'm not sure how many times it takes to see a combination of words such as peace and NON-violence to make someone realize this was in no way an act of me promoting myself as a terrorist.

As some members may remember, over the summer I was involved in an automobile accident, in which I was forced to jump out of a Jeep at 60 mph that had caught up in flames.

Since I was about 7 years old, I knew I had chose to be born into this body, at this point in time. I also knew I had a mission. I've just been waiting on the calling.

Suddenly, last Thursday, I was called to make this video. It was the first time I have ever done something like this. All day Friday, I was watching the aspects of the video form in my mind. Never did I realize the information I was being guided to bring to light was already in the public sector, in the form of the four videos that made up my compilation. They each fit perfectly, and I was amazed how it all came together so seamlessly.

I am now going to provide the email I sent to the Director of HR, immediately following school:

>> Dear Mr. ________,
>> As you have known for many years, I am an intelligent, caring,
>> compassionate soul. In the classroom, I am nothing short of this.
>> First and foremost, what I do outside of work does not effect the man
>> I am when I am "on the clock." My role as Mr. Anthony is exactly that,
>> a role. In the classroom, I believe (and most teachers would agree) I
>> am one of the best male role models these children have been exposed
>> to. My personal beliefs and opinions are left at the door, as I set
>> out each morning to be the most effective instructor I can be.
>> Now, when I created this video this past weekend, it was in response
>> to two things. Originally I wrote the following statement, which
>> became the inspiration for the video:
>> ""Over the last week I have witnessed an ongoing trend on duality,
>> this time around with guns at the forefront of the debate.
>> After some inner searching, I have come to two conclusions.
>> The government has us right where they want us, yet again, getting our
>> blood boiling and our weapons and ammunition stocked up.
>> While I fully support the right to bear arms, I am seeing a deeper
>> agenda at work.
>> Analyzing a possible future, I believe it is their hope for the
>> citizens "to fire the first bullet." I mean, come on, the DHS has
>> became well stocked with their ammunition and ready to take us out.
>> The other thing I realized was Iceland's peaceful revolution over the
>> last five years which we have heard zilch about.
>> How does "What Will Michelle Wear?" make the front page but this
>> monumental moment in history of citizens overthrowing a corrupt
>> government not even get a sound bite?
>> It's the same reason we didn't hear about the shooting at the Mayan 14
>> days after Sandy Hook that was ended before it escalated into a
>> massacre by an armed, off-duty police officer.
>> Wake up America!
>> We can win, and we don't have to shed a single drop of blood! "
>> Now, I have been researching the corruption of not only our
>> government, but of the powers controlling the world for nearly 7
>> years. I have learned things most Americans, due to cognitive
>> dissonance, either refuse to believe or are more comfortable denying
>> so they can go about their lives with an "ignorance is bliss"
>> mentality. I truly believe, in the age of information, ignorance is a
>> choice.
>> The video I compiled was merely a compilation of other videos in the
>> public sector. As documented by the first two clips in the video, the
>> current problems we are facing aren't merely an effect of a bad term
>> as president, or some odd coincidences leading our economy, society,
>> values, and rights down the toilet. These plans have been pubic
>> knowledge, and have also been in the works for hundreds of years. The
>> first portion of the video simply outlines the purpose for driving our
>> country into its current state by those ruling it.
>> Also, over the last 5 years, Iceland's citizens realized they were
>> tired of bailing out the big banks (who were just profiting anyways)
>> and decided they were no longer going to foot the bill. They
>> successfully, and justly, got rid of the cancerous aspects of their
>> society--the greedy, power hungry individuals who were performing
>> atrocious acts with no penalty. I found it highly suspect that this
>> information has not seen the light of day anywhere in the United
>> States. Therefore, it became the second portion of my video, giving
>> proof that there are ways to successfully, and peacefully restore
>> order in a corrupt society.
>> I truly believe in the video I put together, and do not feel as though
>> it should be viewed as anything other than informative and inspiring.
>> I do not believe the current system is working, nor is it beneficial
>> to a free society.
>> It doesn't take much research to see how messed up things are.
>> In less than 48 hours, the video had already been featured on four
>> major websites and viewed in 14 countries. Clearly, it has the
>> potential to awaken people, as was its original intent.
>> I never created the video with the desire of putting my job or life on
>> the line. I was simply inspired by our founding fathers, and those
>> who built our nation on the principles of abandoning a corrupt
>> government, and protecting future generations from the same tyranny.
>> While these views are my personal opinions, they in NO WAY reflect my
>> actions and attitude as an employee of the____________School
>> Board. I was so shocked when I got the message from my father at
>> lunch, I was uneasy the rest of the school day.
>> If you asked any teacher I work with, they would all have nothing but
>> positive things to say about me, as an employee. Never once have I
>> tried to impose my personal beliefs or opinions on others. Just as
>> you would not expect a teacher of a particular religious belief (or
>> even an atheist, for that matter) to impose their beliefs on the
>> students. As employees, we are aware of the boundaries between
>> personal life and work life, and I know that I hold myself to the
>> highest standards in the classroom.
>> I ask that you please take this into consideration, as it hurts to
>> have my job threatened because I express my beliefs outside of the
>> classroom. If any parent felt unsafe, I would be shocked to hear
>> that. Especially after so many compliment me on how great of an
>> influence I have provided on their children's lives.
>> I have since deleted the only portion of the video (the final 3 second
>> frame) that had any advocacy towards getting rid of the current,
>> corrupt system. As it stands now, the video is merely a compilation
>> of two videos documenting the history and intention of those in
>> charge, and the second half documenting how a country peacefully got
>> rid of the corrupt leaders in power and how they changed their society
>> for the better. Therefore, in its current state, I do not see how
>> this should be construed as threatening.
>> I really do not wish to have this 12 minute video take away my
>> livelihood, but I also do not wish to let the actions of the corrupt
>> go unnoticed. As it would also lead to a degradation of not only my
>> livelihood, but of generations to come. I am not trying to sound like
>> a conspiracy nut here, which is exactly why I chose the first two
>> clips that I did.
>> Mr. _________, please just know that I am a well-intentioned young man who
>> would never harm the minds of the innocent children I work with.
>> Your input and advice is welcomed, as I wish to resolve this matter,
>> without having to lose my livelihood. I also would like to keep the
>> video in place, as its current state should not be threatening, but
>> inspiring. My parents did not tell me to email you. I simply chose
>> to do this because I am hearing secondhand reports of how my job is on
>> the line. Looking forward to your response.
>> Thank you,
>> Anthony Bacala III

The following day, this amazing man (who is a family friend), came to my school to speak in person. He was so moved by me reaching out to him, he wanted to come speak with me, man-to-man.

When I was transitioning to my 5th grade class, I got a message that someone was here to see me in the principal's office. My heart dropped. However, when I saw who it was, I felt a little more at ease.

He explained to me that, sadly, they have to fire people for their beliefs, and it is more common than you would think.

He proceeded to tell me numerous times he was not telling me what to believe or do (and was quite sincere) but he made it clear that how he felt personally often times was at direct odds with what he could and couldn't do in the professional world.

For instance, he said, "There are a ton of things I would love to change. Me, and your mom (who also works at the school board) have a lot we would like to do to change this and that. But we just can't talk about it."

At that moment I had an epiphany.

If you can not speak out against corruption, or act out towards bringing about a better future, and instead have to silence these thoughts and actions, what REAL GOOD is one doing for the community, in positions such as these?

My answer...not too much.

If you are buying into the world of perceptions and manipulations, and only make a difference under their terms and guidelines, it is just as much a facade as this whole society, at its current state.

So, I went home, forever changed.

I realize that as much as I want to be a teacher, and continue to a great job, if I can't make a REAL difference (and only the differences in children's lives, as sanctioned by them) I want nothing to do with this system, at its current state.

I am so torn, as I truly love this profession. Even scarier, is that I have a family to support.

We have since decided to move from Louisiana to Colorado this summer. I am just hoping, now, that I will be able to find a job that will support my family there, as we look to continue following our life missions.

I came here to make a difference. Reaching 40 countries in 3 days from Nowhere, Louisiana, was proof that I have that potential. Now, I just need to discover my voice, and how to go about doing this.

I am adopting an alias, to protect myself and family, and so that I may continue my journey bringing truth to the masses.

I thank you all in the Project Avalon community. I just turned 26 on Thursday, yet I feel like I have gained years of wisdom being amongst so many incredible souls in this forum. Let's all keep fighting the good fight! And remember, as the great Bill Hicks once said, "It's just a ride."


The World is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are.

And the ride goes up and down and round and round, and it has thrills and chills and is very brightly colored, and it's very loud.

And it's fun, for a while.

Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they've begun to question, 'Is this real, or is this just a ride?'

And other people have remembered, and they've come back to us and they say 'Hey, don't worry. Don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.' and we KILL THOSE PEOPLE.

"Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account, and my family. This just has to be real."

It's just a ride.

But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that. You ever noticed that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because ... It's just a ride.

And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. A choice, right now, between fear and love.

The eyes of fear wants you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead see all of us as one.

Here's what we can do to change the world right now, to a better ride:

Take all that money we spent on weapons and defense each year and instead spend it feeding, clothing, and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and WE CAN EXPLORE SPACE, TOGETHER, BOTH INNER AND OUTER, forever ... in peace.

At risk of getting off topic of this thread, I will just reply that I admired your letter and the video. After reading your letter, the only thing that left me wanting, for lack of a better word, was at the very end when you adopted an apologetic tone for sounding like a "conspiracy nut". There is absolutely nothing reaching nor loosely contrived in the historical facts outlined in the video to constitute a crazy conspiracy theory. As advocates of truth, justice, and freedom, I believe we definitely need to stop apologizing for and falling prey to the Alinsky Method and the Delphi Technique foisted upon us to marginalize the truth, even in our own minds.