View Full Version : Confirmed -- Forums under attack from 23 Jan 2013 (DHS Insider source)

Bill Ryan
6th February 2013, 18:32

From Doug Hagmann, today:


6 February 2013

Note this section:

At exactly 7:00 a.m. on January 23, something called “the Cyber-Warriors for Obama Project” was activated.
The instructions seemed very specific. Infiltrate web forums, collect screen names, avatars, and posters’ tag lines, and attempt to resolve these to their actual identities. I read one paragraph that listed circumstances when the “asset” was only to monitor but do not disrupt without authorization. There was another section titled “Divert, Disrupt and Destroy,” listing “how to’s” in certain cases.

There was also a section on maintaining a social media presence, and another on the most effective use of Twitter.

Lastly, there was a “reference section,” which included statistics, specific language to use to marginalize different posters, and effective methods to discredit people while maintaining a sense of legitimacy.

It was surreal, to say the least.

DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse

6 February 2013; The following information was provided to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my first contact was previously published in two parts (here (http://web.archive.org/web/20130403005110/homelandsecurityus.com/archives/7305) and here (http://web.archive.org/web/20130403005110/homelandsecurityus.com/archives/7310)). I was asked to withhold the final portion of the information that was provided to me at that time until after the inauguration. The following resumes where part II left off. At the request of this source and for the sake of continuity, the following combines the information withheld and the information from our most recent contact on 4 February 2013.

DH: Do I have your permission to record this conversation?

RB: Please do.

DH: We’ve spoken at different times since the information you gave me was published. You have since given me additional information on top of the information you asked me to withhold until after the inauguration. First, what was the reason for asking me to wait to publish the remainder of our discussion until after the inauguration?

RB: This bunch, top level DHS brass, is clamping down on leaks. One way they are finding leakers is to put out false information specific to certain individuals. They can trace the information directly to the leaker due to the nature and specificity of the information. It was part self-preservation, part vetting one of my closest and most important contacts. It was a test to assure that I am not being used for disinformation purposes or being targeted as a leaker. It was something I felt I had to do, and I’m glad I did. I feel more comfortable now about my sources.

DH: So, if I understand you correctly, your sources “passed” whatever test you were performing?

RB: Yes.

DH: And you still have access to information, I mean, whistleblower type information?

RB: I know what you mean, so I guess that’s one way to put it. Okay.

DH: For continuity and to refresh your memory, I’m going to play the remainder of our recorded interview from our contact last month.

[At this point, we listened to the dialogue previously recorded. After the recording concluded, this DHS source suggested that we combine new information with the previously recorded information to avoid unnecessary repetition. It was agreed and the recorder was turned back on with his consent].

DH: Just to be clear, let me hit this again. The main reason you asked me to wait to publish your previous statements had more to do with you, your sources and well, your own self preservation than the content of our discussion.

RB: I guess you could say that. But the information is still valid and becomes even more important when combined with the latest information I have for you.

DH: Okay, we can get on with it, then.

RB: First of all, two days after the inauguration, at exactly 7:00 a.m. on January 23, something called “the Cyber-Warriors for Obama Project” was activated. I heard about this the week after the election, but only saw a hardcopy draft in late December. From what I was told, I believe this is a project that is being paid for through funds from Obama’s political corporation, the 501(c)4 Organizing for Obama, I believe it’s called. I can’t be sure, but that’s what I was told.

At that time, I was shown a white, three-ring binder with Obama’s circular campaign logo imprinted on the outside of the binder with the name “Cyber-Warriors for Obama” printed in blue across the top. Inside were the names and e-mail addresses of 3,575 “cyber assets,” or “warriors,” listed in alphabetical order under about a dozen or so “team leaders.” From a separate sheet I was shown, most of these “assets” are being paid just over minimum wage, but as I understand it, they work from home and have no overhead. I believe there are about two dozen supervisors who make substantially more.

Now I only had the binder for a minute, and could not take it from the room I was in, so this is strictly from memory.

It was tabbed, and one section with the word “targets” had a list of religious web sites, web sites I recognized as Christian. Another section was a listing of conservative Internet sites. There was another tab with the label “problem sites” that seemed quite extensive. I looked at that section, and it was broken down further into “birther” sites, “pro-gun” sites, “anti-abortion” sites, just to name a few.

There was also a section of the usual news sites, like CNN, ABC, you know. Numerous e-mail addresses were conspicuous under each news organization, which also included Fox… [unintelligible]. I figured you were going to ask.

The first page of the binder had bullet points labeled “objectives” and instructions for the cyber-assets. There was also a very detailed non-disclosure agreement with the word “DRAFT” typed in big, light grey letters across the body of the two-page agreement. The agreement and the instructions were typed on white paper with a warning, printed in red on each page, that the document was not to be copied or disseminated.

DH: Where did you see this? I mean, was it at DHS?

RB: Yes, and that’s as much as I can say on the location.

DH: What’s the magic behind the number 3,575?

RB: I asked the person showing me [the binder] that question. Supposedly, it has to do with their budget, or the project funding.

DH: Go on.

RB: The instructions seemed very specific. Infiltrate web forums, collect screen names, avatars, and posters’ tag lines, and attempt to resolve these to their actual identities. I read one paragraph that listed circumstances when the “asset” was only to monitor but do not disrupt without authorization. There was another section titled “Divert, Disrupt and Destroy,” listing “how to’s” in certain cases.

There was also a section on maintaining a social media presence, and another on the most effective use of Twitter.

Lastly, there was a “reference section,” which included statistics, specific language to use to marginalize different posters, and effective methods to discredit people while maintaining a sense of legitimacy.

It was surreal, to say the least.

Oh, one more thing that’s important. As I said, these “kids,” or young people I believe, are known collectively as “Cyber-Warriors for Obama.” The subheading was “And the truth shall set you free.” Truth? Really? They were hired on their hacking abilities, or more precisely on their abilities to make postings through proxy servers and effectively use alternate identities and multiple e-mail addresses. Their purpose is to spread disinformation, not truth.

There were also motivational statements on various pages, including one that referred to Obama as the “Pharaoh of the Internet,” which I thought was an odd characterization.

But what’s important is that suddenly, through the use of Internet aliases, multiple e-mail addresses, and screen names, a project that employs 3,575 people will have the appearance and effectiveness of maybe 10,000 or more different people.

DH: Do you know if these “team members” have their own copies of the binder you saw?

RB: No. I was told that these people were hired through the campaign offices located throughout the country, and that training meetings were held at various locations. The binders were for instructional purposes, not to hand out. Although I think the people have, or were given, a list of web sites.

I don’t know any more on the actual mechanics of the project.

DH: During our previous contact, you said that we should listen to Obama’s comments about the economy, I mean during the inaugural speech. What’s so significant about that?

RB: Well, this is perhaps the most important issue people need to understand. There will be, and was, talk of a recovery and a stronger economy, but it’s all propaganda. As you heard me say in the recording you just played, the complete inaugural address will be a “Baghdad Bob” moment, and it was. Many economists will use false figures and statistics to deceive the American people. People must not downplay the importance of the economic aspect of this address. The sudden collapse of the U.S. dollar (however it actually plays out) and everything that goes with it (such as social chaos and riots) will be one part of a plan that was set in motion a long time ago.

DH: And you are getting this from your current intelligence sources? Frankly, I’m not sure I completely understand the connection between DHS and what’s going on with the economy. Seems like it should be separate.

RB: What’s not to understand? The economic devastation that will take place is an attack, a planned attack on the U.S. Just look at it that way. This “regime” already knows the outcome, which is the debasement of our national currency. Like I said, it’s been in the works most recently since the 1990′s. A collapse does not happen without a lot of pain - people losing everything in their retirement accounts, savings and so on. Don’t you think that will cause one hell of a national security problem? And who is running our national or domestic security? DHS.

Oh, and one of the reasons I wanted to include more recent information into our discussion relates to something you did last month, after our talk. I know you said you did not want to source your own work, but there was one important radio program you did that caused a very angry response inside DHS.

DH: How so?

RB: You had a financial insider on your program who went by some letter, like the first or last letter of his name.

DH: Yes, that was “V” who is a source for Steve Quayle. We did a program at the beginning of January, I think – I’d have to look. [Edited to add that the actual program was 11 January 2013.]

RB: Yeah, that was it. If you ask your network, I think you’ll find a request was made for the transcript of that program by DHS. The information given by that source was protected, or confidential, especially regarding the actions of big bankers here in the U.S. and the foreign markets. These international bankers are playing a big role in killing the U.S., and although they’re bold, they still don’t want certain things disclosed before their time.

DH: But that information had nothing to do with national security. I mean, how would this relate to DHS?

RB: Now you’re giving me a headache [laughter]. Let me spell it out for you, and this is the crux of everything. We have Obama (or whatever his real name is) in the Oval Office. You’ve said it before, that America is a “captured operation.” Well, it is, and every top level operative at DHS and Justice knows it. They have his dossier.

Think about Obama’s mother working in microfinance with Timothy Geithner’s father. What are the odds? And that’s just one “coincidence.”

A lot of people won’t get this until it’s too late, or maybe never get it. But take a good look at Obama and the people who surround him. Look at the 2008 economic crisis under Bush. Look at the run up to where we’re at today. The orchestrated boom of the 1990′s. The GLB Act signed into law under Clinton that changed the complexion of our domestic economy. Look at the people who are still around, the architects of this. It’s a big lie! It’s all been rigged, and the insiders know this! Look at the continuity of agenda since “Bush senior.”

Now listen to what I am telling you. This is a continuing operation that involves many of the same people on both sides of the aisle in Washington. This is one of the reasons why no one wants to talk about Obama’s past. He is the product of a continuing intelligence operation, put in power to oversee the dismantling of the U.S., with the economy being the lynchpin of our destruction. Obama, Jarrett, and the Clintons are in constant contact with all high level operatives inside the DHS. Perhaps not directly in all cases but through their contacts. They are working together to see to it that the U.S. economy is brought down, robbing the people of their wealth and then blaming partisan politics for the crash.

For the first time in recent history, you’re going to see people hungry and out in the streets. Those unprepared or those thinking this is all [expletive deleted]. Desperate and begging for food. Think Katrina, but on a national scale. That’s what is being planned for Americans, and few people are willing to see what’s happening, or willing to believe it. Now here’s where DHS, my sources and information comes in.

Everybody is looking at the gun “problem” in America. Fights over the Second Amendment. State laws that go against the Constitution. Blame it on Sandy Hook or Colorado. Tell people we need to be disarmed because it’s for the children. It’s all [expletive deleted]. Most people know it’s all [expletive deleted], but that’s where their rational assessment stops. Why do you think the people in power want to - no – need to disarm the public? It’s because they are planning an economic collapse, and an armed and informed populace is a danger to their plan.

DH: Wait, wouldn’t it make sense to let the guns stay in the hands of the people and have the people shoot it out among themselves? Wouldn’t this fit in with their desire for chaos, and make it easier for Martial Law to be implemented?

RB: In a way, but you’re still not thinking big enough. The way this is being planned includes that scenario, but they are very afraid that once total chaos breaks out, they will become the targets. So to a point you’re right, but then a crackdown must take place.

DH: But the elected ones are well protected.

RB: Yeah, but you are not thinking like them. There are several scenarios or models they have commissioned. They exist in printed form and have been given to Obama and Jarrett specifically. It’s war gaming with the American people. That caused some mid-level military people with a conscience to ask what the hell is going on, and some even refused to take part in these exercises. By the way, Napolitano is the go-to person for these models.

Anyway, there is a fear that their own people won’t be loyal to them when everything begins to implode. You’ve been seeing purges lately. Remember what Jarrett supposedly said about being “hell to pay” after the re-election? That process has started.

DH: Those who have been “purged” – why haven’t we seen anyone speak out about what’s going on?

RB: They’ve been threatened. Some were not worth even being threatened and became “examples.”

DH: Like who?

RB: Oh c’mon, look at the recent mysterious deaths. Pick one.

DH: Okay, but wouldn’t they be safer by speaking out, by telling everything they know? Some ordinary people might call them cowards. Why not just go public [interrupted/over talk]

RB: Yeah, how’d that work out so far? And go public to who? CNN? They are in real danger, and so are their families. Anyone close to them. Even if one or two would go public, how do you think that would work out for them? I’ll tell you how. They would make [Senator] McCarthy look like an American hero, which he was, but that’s… They’ve made it so that no one will be able to make any real difference to their agenda. They know that.

DH: So no one is going to say anything – ever?

RB: That’s not what I said. Some will talk when the time is right. Some have “insurance policies” that will be used at the right time, when they will make the most difference.

DH: I feel like we’re getting off point. So, what is being planned?

RB: The DHS will oversee the domestic crackdown that will happen when the perfect storm bears down on us. And the perfect storm is the economy, meaning the U.S. dollar collapse and hyperinflation, racial or class riots sparked by a high-profile incident, and another mass causality event involving guns. Watch for these three things to happen all at once, or in close succession.

The polarization caused by these events will be sufficient to cause a second civil war.

DH: When? How soon will all of this happen?

RB: I don’t have a crystal ball, but I have seen various reports referencing unprecedented “drills” to take place in later March and April. I’ll mention this because I know a lot of people on the inside at DHS have seen this. A document called “Operation Thunderdome.” It’s maybe 50 or 60 pages, I’m not certain. It describes an economic collapse in the U.S., followed by an attack on the government by “a made-up patriotic group.” It combines gun owners, Constitutionalists, and even Christians into an enemy group that pulls off an attack in Washington.

But don’t fall into the trap of trying to pick the time of these events. Their plans are flexible, but their objectives are carved in stone.

DH: Sounds like a Reichstag type event - sometime.

RB: Exactly. Maybe not just one. They have plans and back-up plans and back-ups for the back-ups. And in spite of the warnings, and history, enough people will be outraged and side with the government. This brings me to my final point. What do you think all of the prepositioning of paramilitary assets, caches of ammunition, and the opening of non-descript buildings owned or leased by the federal government are for?

It’s for you and people like you. It’s for those who are turned in by their neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others who are hungry, broke and broken. What we are about to experience will be like it was during the Civil War, only worse. People will be outgunned, surveillance will be everywhere, and it will be much more difficult to hide and fight back. Not impossible, but more difficult.

DH: So you’re painting a picture of a Mad Max scenario, hence the reference to Thunderdome?

RB: Believe it or not, part of the model, or at least one of them, includes the depiction of a somewhat “normal” society, at least after the initial “hostilities.” People will be controlled by the national government, centralized – in order to escape the chaos. Think of it this way. You want food and medical care? You will not be able to own a gun, period. The current federal legislation is all window dressing – a distraction. No one expects anything meaningful to pass. It won’t have to. States, yes, but those states are lining up for federal money. The elected leaders are of the same ideology as Obama, but aside from those, we’ll see many people turning in their weapons for food, shelter, medical care, and false guarantees of safety. That’s what the new normal will look like.

As I said, you’ve got to think bigger – much bigger. The lies are bigger than most people can imagine. The people at the top are laughing at us. Think about that. They are laughing at us because it’s right in front of our noses. And you know, the bigger the lie…

DH: Yes, the more people will fall for it.

RB: Right. I think we’re done here for now. I’ve given you as much information as I know, as I have seen. Watch the economy – the indicators. Watch for a false flag. We are being baited. Let people pooh-pooh this information, seek information through FOI requests. Not gonna happen. We’re talking about an operation so black and so big, and one that has to be done in the next few years, under Obama.

This is something that is international in scope. The plan is international, and is dedicated to the dismantling or destruction of America. It’s happening right in front of us, but too few can actually see it.

DH: I’m sure you, well… We’ll be accused of scaring people without citable evidence.

RB: People need to wake up. Believe me or don’t. It’s their choice.

DH: Wait, one more thing. What should we be looking for next?

RB: Look around. You’re seeing it. We’ll talk again. Please shut off the recorder.***

The entire article can be downloaded as a PDF here:


The 11 January 2013 interview with Doug Hagmann, Steve Quayle and the insider economist "V" is here:


6th February 2013, 19:29
Alot of what is said ties into a lot threads and articles posted here. The Neo-con
take over of the US to fill the void of the cold war and keep corporate America and
its elites in power by perpetual controlled war.9/11 the new Pearl Harbour event
orchestrated to destroy a lot of paper trails into many schemes & Clinton personally
refusing repayment of the NASARA loan.No good going to CNN they are a military
intelligence asset apparrently.The Terrorist threat of 'Ciada' coordinated from
Langly is slowing down with the 'liquidation' at the bottom of the sea, of Osama...

We are now at the 'Cyber Terrorist' stage , with other scenarios planned.The web
and forums are monitored and bound to be targeted.As Bob would say , more of us
are living in our 'Chip Bodies' now so that is what they are targeting next.

RT & others touches on a lot of whats going on but do not connect the dots !

Pentagon increases Cyber command fivefold

Well we know this was comming. Hillary says our enemies will say bad things about
us, so people will be angry with us or words to that effect.Basically they are scared
of the truth the net gives to the public, that they cannot control like they do
mainstream. 'Cyber Terrorism'....Unfortunately the guest fails to mention this and
focuses on hackers and missing the bigger picture in this interview imo, but he may
not done this on purpose.


Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFNoMHGZ1do

Published on 28 Jan 2013

In an attempt to counter the alleged cyber-attacks on America's infrastructure, the
Pentagon has announced that it will increase its cybersecurity personnel from 900
to 4,900 employees in the next several years. The cyber command will have an
additional three units that will fortify the defense department's networks, help
commanders abroad plan and execute attacks and protect America's electrical grids
and power plants, but will this move be enough to secure America's cyber border?
Mark Wuergler, senior security researcher for Immunity Inc., joins us for more.



Another article today all linked to the bigger picture !!

US government reveals memo on killing of Americans


Published on 6 Feb 2013

A confidential Justice Department memo reveals that drone strikes are now
approved by the White House. The most controversial part of the memo saysthat
the US governmentdoesn't need clear evidence to justify a deadly attack on
American citizens. Scott Horton of Harper's magazine joins us for more.



This is a start,but a very long way to go...

Aaron Swartz memorial: call for Internet freedoms


Published on 5 Feb 2013

On Monday, members of congress celebrated the life of internet activist Aaron
Swartz in a memorial on Capitol Hill. Over 300 people attended the ceremony
where lawmakers, family, activists, and academics spoke about Swartz's life and
called for federal reform of anti-hacking laws. Congressmen including Senator Ron
Wyden and Representative Darrell Issa spoke at the event. Justine Underhill brings
us more.

6th February 2013, 19:33
Bill, I get a 404 Error on the pdf and RE: the mp3, it tells me I have to have Quick Time on the pc. Is that right?

From Bill: Thanks for the feedback. I checked, and the PDF loads just fine here. Re the MP3, try downloading it (rather than just clicking to stream) and then you can play it on any player you choose.

Spiral of Light
6th February 2013, 19:34
Thanks, Bill.... This is really scarey sh*t!

6th February 2013, 19:57
I still don't buy it, and if not true, I wonder what the purpose is of this repetition agenda. These insistent predictors of collapse never include talking about what is going on in the meantime and what the rest of the consequences to this scenario are.

Bottom line to me, there's a gigantic, complex, great system in place that produces endless obedient slaves and very efficiently usurps their money that would also collapse and it's not in the PTB's best interest to motivate people to organize and survive without them which would also happen bigtime.

Where's the evidence of impending collapse now in the big corporate world? All the big money corporations, pharmaceuticals, auto, military, manufacturing, oil companies, etc... who are kind of one big 'inside' bed, are ALL doing dirty business as usual right now, expanding, building and planning their product lines far into the future..... expecting a world full of people able to buy their stuff and need their services for a long time.

If a collapse gets triggered by the psychotic few, their whole network of rich cronies, CEO's and their little empires would be totally surprised, get screwed and be very mad when their lifestyle and money streams dry up. It's a far bigger, more savvy, complex and intelligent world than in the 20's needing lots more happy cronies to run it.

Ultimately if this collapse happens, where's the benefit to who and how many?

6th February 2013, 20:00
Hey Bill,

Thankfully, Project Avalon has a very selective membership application.

I wonder what´s happening in open registration conspiracy forums.

Anyway, it´s better to do a tougher background check on membership candidates from now on.



6th February 2013, 20:06
Hey Bill,

Thankfully, Project Avalon has a very selective membership application.

I wonder what´s happening in open registration conspiracy forums.

Anyway, it´s better to do a tougher background check on membership candidates from now on.



I think most of us could sniff out such people without too much trouble, they aren't as clever as they like to think.

6th February 2013, 20:06
Hey Bill,

Thankfully, Project Avalon has a very selective membership application.

I wonder what´s happening in open registration conspiracy forums.

Anyway, it´s better to do a tougher background check on membership candidates from now on.



We are working on it, not an easy process given that the application by respecting the needs of applicants doesn't ask for personal information.

It takes a a fair dose of intuition along with investigation.

They aren't that clever, but sometimes we have apps that are very thin on information and it feels right. I am sure we don't always make the right call.

6th February 2013, 20:11
I think most of us could sniff out such people without too much trouble, they aren't as clever as they like to think.

I´m sure about that as well.

Such trolls don´t have enough intellectual power to disrupt most of the complex conversations we have around here, at least not without being spotted.

I believe they are mostly focused on conventional political forums.

Independently of the techniques they may use, I really doubt I would be fooled by one of them.

Anyway, we had that new member, 8t88, or something like that, that pretty much fits the description. He didn´t last long here, though.


6th February 2013, 20:17
What is Cyber attack? nothing that hasn't been happening for years already, it sounds like another timely fear tactic to me 'he' has said nothing new! hackers and infilltraters have always been with us- what sort of a hacker would work for the ptb- precisely! If they were really good they would start looking over their own shoulder and go public as soon as possible, poor souls how they compromise themselves - send them your love people send them all your love and understanding,

6th February 2013, 20:17
Thanks, Bill, for the prompt tech info...now the pdf is working just fine (duh) and I'm working on downloading the mp3.

I did, in the meanwhile, go to the source link and make my own copies of the 3 part interviews and I ran across this on YT:


Edit by Bill: this is the same as the MP3 here:
... which has no commercials or any of the final hour, which is very largely prayer from Steve Quayle after "V" had left the show at the end of Hour Two.

PS: I heard on the news here today that Obama wants to make Free WiFi/ Internet available for all of the USA.... is that to spoil the populace and then have the real possiblity to shut it all down at will?

Bill Ryan
6th February 2013, 20:20
Thankfully, Project Avalon has a very selective membership application.

I wonder what´s happening in open registration conspiracy forums.

Anyway, it's better to do a tougher background check on membership candidates from now on.

Many thanks, Yes, we really do watch this very carefully. We check websites, blogs, and Facebook accounts -- wherever possible. Some applications aren't decided for a number days, while all the moderators take a good look and express a view. Of the applications received between 23 and 29 January, we approved 21 and denied 17.

The recent psychic attacks, which have been well documented (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55019-Please-report-psychic-attacks-here), seemed to start in earnest on 25 January -- two days after the start of the green light for the DHS project.

There's every reason to believe and suspect -- independent of analysis of data collected in quite a few sessions by quite a few independent groups of Avalon members -- that Avalon was one of the many forums targeted, and that if it was evaluated that 'normal' infiltration wouldn't work very well, the problem was 'escalated' to another department for their own advanced technology to be deployed.

This technology definitely exists, and that scenario was exactly what was perceived by a number of able members.

6th February 2013, 20:21
Anyway, we had that new member, 8t88, or something like that, that pretty much fits the description. He didn't last long here, though.


He was picked up in short order. Good moderation along with reports from other members and he popped rather quickly. (like in "pop goes the weasel").

6th February 2013, 20:23
Many thanks, Yes, we really do watch this very carefully. We check websites, blogs, and Facebook accounts -- wherever possible. Some applications aren't decided for a number days, while all the moderators take a good look and express a view. Of the applications received between 23 and 29 January, we approved 21 and denied 17.

The recent psychic attacks, which have been well documented (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55019-Please-report-psychic-attacks-here), seemed to start in earnest on 25 January -- two days after the start of the green light for the DHS project.

There's every reason to believe and suspect -- independent of analysis of data collected in quite a few sessions by quite a few independent groups of Avalon members -- that Avalon was one of the many forums targeted, and that if it was evaluated that 'normal' infiltration wouldn't work very well, the problem was 'escalated' to another department for their own advanced technology to be deployed.

This technology definitely exists, and that scenario was exactly what was perceived by a number of able members.

Hey Bill,

Nice connection here.

This is, indeed, very possible.


Bill Ryan
6th February 2013, 20:27
I heard on the news here today that Obama wants to make Free WiFi/ Internet available for all of the USA.... is that to spoil the populace and then have the real possiblity to shut it all down at will?

I don't think any more that the internet will ever be shut down. It's very useful for us, but even more useful for them to

Monitor and record all Skype conversations, Facebook messages and e-mails -- as well as every financial transaction, newsletter subscription, and online purchase.
Use as a carrier for high-tech psychic weaponry.

6th February 2013, 20:35
Anyway, we had that new member, 8t88, or something like that, that pretty much fits the description. He didn´t last long here, though.


Um, kinda feel silly posting this, however...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8t88 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8t88)

So kinda a code for divide and conquer.

Could be worth a laff.

6th February 2013, 20:40
Anyway, we had that new member, 8t88, or something like that, that pretty much fits the description. He didn´t last long here, though.


Um, kinda feel silly posting this, however...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8t88 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8t88)

So kinda a code for divide and conquer.

Could be worth a laff.

Don't feel silly, I went to check it out too as the name was unusual.

6th February 2013, 20:41
Ultimately if this collapse happens, where's the benefit to who and how many?

I'm rather curious about this myself. Maybe I can't think big enough to understand the whole plan. So they take down the US; everyone is destitute and starving; the military takes over. A lot of people die. Then what?

But look at the rest of the world: Greece already collapsed; Spain, Germany on the edge of economic collapse. Africa being invaded. New World Order hovering over it all. The UN with its Agenda 21.

South America, China, Russia: where do these fit in? Do they plan to clear out North America so these other peoples can migrate there to live? OR: I remember reading about scenarios or plans to strip North America down and make it into a wild game park for the elites. (?)

I'd appreciate hearing some ideas about what the global point of all this might be.


6th February 2013, 20:48
I heard on the news here today that Obama wants to make Free WiFi/ Internet available for all of the USA.... is that to spoil the populace and then have the real possiblity to shut it all down at will?

I don't think any more that the internet will ever be shut down. It's very useful for us, but even more useful for them to

Monitor and record all Skype conversations, Facebook messages and e-mails -- as well as every financial transaction, newsletter subscription, and online purchase.
Use as a carrier for high-tech psychic weaponry.

3. Potential link between Wi-Fi radiation and health problems like the degradation of human DNA resulting from radiation exposure. One of the serious implications of this type of health effect is that it may pass to future generations because DNA is replicated by human cells in the process of reproduction...

6th February 2013, 20:51
Personally I think it started before 23rd, and that by that date infiltration had been completed. That would just be the roll out date if such happened as he says.

6th February 2013, 20:52
I heard on the news here today that Obama wants to make Free WiFi/ Internet available for all of the USA.... is that to spoil the populace and then have the real possiblity to shut it all down at will?

I don't think any more that the internet will ever be shut down. It's very useful for us, but even more useful for them to

Monitor and record all Skype conversations, Facebook messages and e-mails -- as well as every financial transaction, newsletter subscription, and online purchase.
Use as a carrier for high-tech psychic weaponry.

Sure. They´ll never shut it down, just the contrary. They want everybody in world to have it.

Soon enough, they wont even need conventional intelligence agencies anymore; A bunch of computer geeks plus incredibly powerful hardware will do all the work with ease.

...and most people put all information about themselves for free, updating this information several times a day...The internet is paradise for intelligence people.

The internet is truly an intelligence masterpiece, actually...There´s not even the need to micro-chip people, since most people can´t live without internet connection anymore.

Soon, all transactions will be made via internet only, then those who oppose to have internet connection wont be able to buy anything.

Soon, they will give people the amazing "opportunity" to have an unique internet ID, which will concentrate all information about the individual...And you wont be able to do anything without that.

And, you know what´s the worse part? The vast majority of people will absolutely love it all, just like they love TV, cars, microwaves, fast-food, cell-phones, credit-cards, video-games and all this useless stuff.

The worse evils in the world are disguised as conveniences...They make life so much better and easier; They make you think you need these useless things so much, that people can´t even think about living without them...

Then you become a slave; very convenient indeed.

6th February 2013, 20:54
While I realise there may be unconventional means in use by the powers that be, I really do hope that this kind of thing is not conflated with 'psychic attacks' ... because as unpopular as it may sound, there is a tendency here for certain ideas to take root and create paranoia. One thing that would be hilarious for them, and entirely counter-productive for this place, is to have people jumping at shadows. We do not want to be dismissed as flakes ... so it would be lovely to think that Avalonians could be tough-minded and not waffle paranoically and give 'them' that satisfaction. If the gloves are coming off ... then I hope we all behave with mettle, and don't play into anybody's hands.

Not aimed at anyone, or disparaging anyone ... just stating a tendency I've noticed, and wanting us to be cool.

6th February 2013, 20:55
Smart meter technology will tell them when you are home, what lights you turned on, if the tv is running...always good to know when someone is home. Links to digital cameras on every power pole will track automobile movements by tags, facial recognition technology will track who is driving, what time from where to where. We will live an observable life from start to finish. We'll have to hide a printed book in a hole behind the mirror in the bathroom.

6th February 2013, 20:56
This very scenario is already unveiling here in Italy.... there are so many things that can only be done via internet now: my own paycheck stubs are only available via an internet site! Here they call it "simplification"!

Star Tsar
6th February 2013, 21:01
Great use of Taxpayers money here considering what's going down in the states, Way to go NOT!


6th February 2013, 21:06
Personally I think it started before 23rd, and that by that date infiltration had been completed. That would just be the roll out date if such happened as he says.

I agree, I think it went online so to speak Dec 14th, Sandy Hook was a test for this technology and the mind/behavior of the population....quite successful in my opinion as most people were completely braindead to the ridiculous stories/interveiws etc relating to Sandy Hook. I and most of us here NOTICED how ridiculous and idiotic everything was, many didn't everywhere else though, they just gobbled EVERYTHING up as real and the truth and followed the program of fear and persuasion.

The internet/forum/social networking probe/infiltration new technology phase of the program likely started about Jan 23-25th......IMO

6th February 2013, 21:08
Smart meter technology will tell them when you are home, what lights you turned on, if the tv is running...always good to know when someone is home. Links to digital cameras on every power pole will track automobile movements by tags, facial recognition technology will track who is driving, what time from where to where. We will live an observable life from start to finish. We'll have to hide a printed book in a hole behind the mirror in the bathroom.

This is one of the worst sci-fi visions I can think of. In a way I feel like we're being written into this kind of story ... for the purpose of complete control, no problems, dumb us back down to the original hominid stock we came from, slaves to the masters?

For myself, I'm going to count on Mother Nature to bring this sci-fi story to a grinding halt, if people can't find a way to pull the plug on the whole thing. I don't believe half measures will work on this monster. It's got to be cut off at the source -wherever that might be.

6th February 2013, 21:14
I'd add the internet is also very effective in directing and manipulating people's attitudes toward various events due to how fast information spreads. Last year's Kony video comes to mind, although it didn't get very far. Still it may have only been an experiment as was said in the opening of the video, iirc.

Online petitions can be quite powerful for us, but I wonder how many of those communities have been infiltrated or created for the purpose of being used to further certain not-so-benevolent agendas.

6th February 2013, 21:20
Im so glad Avalon still exists.

6th February 2013, 21:21
I don't think any more that the internet will ever be shut down. It's very useful for us, but even more useful for them to
Occasionally there seems to be selective shutdowns, in localized regions, during key events (riots, rebellions, demonstrations, ...) when doing so will serve the bastards in power more than it hinders them. Also individual targeted persons may have selected service outages, and individual targeted websites may have their DNS addresses messed with or even on occasion be physically taken down (as in King Dotcom's Megaupload.)

But, yes, the Internet is far too useful a tool for mass surveillance and manipulation. The bastards in power would like to channel as much of the Internet as they can into more easily controlled and manipulated corners of the Web (Facebook, twitter, Youtube, ...) and into the more heavily monitored corners (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Skype, ...) as they can, but for the purpose of improving mass surveillance and manipulation.

6th February 2013, 21:25
Nudge, nudge: Can we move on, please? The whole 88t8 issue could have been worked out in PMs, but we've wasted good thread time on it.

I'm still hoping someone will offer some ideas about what they think the whole global purpose of all this might be, after they collapse all the economies, invade all the countries, and set it up so lots of people die.


Star Tsar
6th February 2013, 21:35
To simply hide their wrong doings to go to such limits says to me they got an AWFUL LOT TO HIDE!

If where all conspiracy nuts geeks & weirdos why bother?

6th February 2013, 21:39
Nudge, nudge: Can we move on, please? The whole 88t8 issue could have been worked out in PMs, but we've wasted good thread time on it.

I'm still hoping someone will offer some ideas about what they think the whole global purpose of all this might be, after they collapse all the economies, invade all the countries, and set it up so lots of people die.


You state it yourself pretty clearly....there's only a need for so many slaves, all the rest of the people are useless eaters.

Sounds quite sick and pathetic, but that's the way these anti-human scumbags think.

6th February 2013, 21:40
Smart meter technology will tell them when you are home, what lights you turned on, if the tv is running...always good to know when someone is home. Links to digital cameras on every power pole will track automobile movements by tags, facial recognition technology will track who is driving, what time from where to where. We will live an observable life from start to finish. We'll have to hide a printed book in a hole behind the mirror in the bathroom.

This is one of the worst sci-fi visions I can think of. In a way I feel like we're being written into this kind of story ... for the purpose of complete control, no problems, dumb us back down to the original hominid stock we came from, slaves to the masters?

For myself, I'm going to count on Mother Nature to bring this sci-fi story to a grinding halt, if people can't find a way to pull the plug on the whole thing. I don't believe half measures will work on this monster. It's got to be cut off at the source -wherever that might be.

This is old news but its how it starts see link.
Dogs to be tagged by law ---so many 1000s a years picked up stray.
There was something up to date on the news today regarding this but I missed the first part---seems a strong possibility it will become law in England
Now here's the thing they are also talking about doing this to babys at birth---- first the dogs then we get used to it then all the good reasons for being able to trace missing/kidnapped kids.



6th February 2013, 21:45
Nudge, nudge: Can we move on, please? The whole 88t8 issue could have been worked out in PMs, but we've wasted good thread time on it.

I'm still hoping someone will offer some ideas about what they think the whole global purpose of all this might be, after they collapse all the economies, invade all the countries, and set it up so lots of people die.


Hi doodah,

I take your question very seriously. To answer that question I believe takes a huge amount of dot connecting that is happening on the forum right now.

What currently makes sense to me is that they are terra-forming through geo-engineering, GMOs (and all the other nefarious practices we are be subjugated to) the Earth to be taken over by another race or races. It is even possible that there are several different races currently making a bid. And it could be possible that by playing with our DNA they are trying to create a humanoid slave race that can exist in the new world. I don't think they have our best interests at heart.

It has been a slow take over, that we, as a sub group of our species, have become aware of in the last several decades.

For myself I am maintaining a watch and beware state of mind while doing everything I can to influence the outcome. I also feel/believe we are part of a "galactic size" experiment and it is within our power and right as beings to exercise our free will.

Those that would manipulate are criminals, earthly and others.

I am interested in what others see. We must continue to connect the dots.


6th February 2013, 21:52
thanks Bill for this.. I am not particularlly psychic but I have had real disturbing gut feelings about being associated with forums mounting in me all through December. Every time I got on to post I felt ill over it so I have unscubcribed to other forums these past few weeks, actually in the first week of Jan. due to these feelings that tie directly into this issue. Avalon was on my list to unsubscribe and I almost did but its my favorite so I am holding on... it is probably the most unsafe for being in the public eye and probably the least wise to hold on to. But I have been trying to determine how I can change my identity here that would include all connections to past posts, ISP numbers or whatever there is that connects this Arrowwind entity to Avelon.. yet still procede here.

What I would like to know is how possible through advanced hacking techniques is it for them to access my true identity and where my computer is located though this forum?

Is it advised to change user names and passwords frequently?

If I unsubscribed here and entered as a new member can all my previous ID info be erased from your computer, while the posts remain?

What advice can you give to forum members to remain slippery to these spies?

6th February 2013, 21:54

I've just had a thought... As has been mentioned, a "first wave" method of attack would be to follow the normal registration protocol of the desired forum, and hence disrupt conversation once an account had been set up etc... Obviously Avalon has a very restrictive policy for new members that most forums lack so the chances of this approach being successful are lessened considerably.

Is it outside the realms of possibility that a more aggressive form of attack would be for new accounts to be created via a "back door" hack directly into the MySQL database, thereby bypassing the usual "due diligence" checks that the mods do? If so, these accounts may well be picked up eventually, but possibly not until after they've caused some disruption.

This is purely "blue sky" thinking on my part, I'm well versed with database structures/security/access rights etc, so initial thinking is it's only possible by a determined hacker with time on their side... Or more disturbingly a well-funded agency that has extensive analysis on any back doors/vulnerabilities of whichever flavour/version of forum software/back-end database...

6th February 2013, 21:55
I don't know where to begin with this, cell phone towers are being used to broadcast frequencies to control the population.

Don't believe me ? why aren't people rioting like they did in the 80's ????

Now they have micro wave crowd control & much more besides, for those up on the latest developments check this out, http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55377-Bases-22-Solaris-BlueRaven-Synthetic-Telepathy--

Positive Vibe Merchant
6th February 2013, 22:10
fear fear fear...

As if this hasn't been happening for the last umpteen years anyway.... I would much prefer to live on the positive side of the fence, and do my best to encourage others to be positive. its all well and good to be aweare of the situation we are in, but lets not get sucked into the black hole of negative emotion... your just feeding the parasite.


6th February 2013, 22:19
I don't know where to begin with this, cell phone towers are being used to broadcast frequencies to control the population.

Don't believe me ? why aren't people rioting like they did in the 80's ????

Now they have micro wave crowd control & much more besides, for those up on the latest developments check this out, http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55377-Bases-22-Solaris-BlueRaven-Synthetic-Telepathy--

Well they are not rioting where I live. They are straightening their sites, cleaning their barrels. Many believe that riots will only put them in re-education camps yet our state is right now full of protests at the state capitol and other political centers in the state. I got a pretty clear idea last night when talking to some local whistle blowers just exactly how many guns are out there, people getting ready. Theses are not brainwashed or controlled people. They are very astute and they are getting ready for a war that they think cannot be avoided. They will not shoot the first round. They are peaceful people who just want to raise their kids and do their work but they feel they know whats coming. I was kind of blown away at their resolve and thats saying alot.

On the other hand they are working diligently to support states rights and to keep the feds out of their back yard and to educate as many people as possible about the military industrial complex and agenda 21. Many are ex military themselves, or ex law enforcement, teachers, ranchers, miners, medical workers.. They have seen the writing on the wall through hard core experience out there in the matrix.

they are getting ready for the third incarnation of the United States that will be preceded by financial colapse.. they call themselves the remnants.. those who remember what constitutional freedom is and they call the next incarnation of the usa the rise of The 3rd Republic. They estimate that there are about 3 to 4% of population that are remants, like me and many others on this forum and that there are about 50 million who are near or about to awaken and will join the cause to recreate our nation anew under the constitution.

6th February 2013, 22:25
I know there has been alot of COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) - a series of covert, and at times illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveying, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations) on web forums before Jan 23, but if Mr Hagman is correct, TPTB have taken this to a new level. The things I don't understand are:

1. They can track all of us through our IP addresses and tracking cookies google, etc. "plant" on our computers everyday, so they have already identified us anyway. However, we should NOW start to use TOR browser for all internet activities as it has a free-proxy IP address and will give us alot of anominity (but can't be used for sites like ebay as it could close your account due to appearing you're located in Nigeria!)

2. I'm beginning to doubt there will ever be a "collapse" in the way the media portrays (like going back to the stone age or with Weimer Republic style inflation) - why would TPTB risk losing control by doing this? I really feel we're going to be kept "boiling in the pot" and the heat will be slowly turned up, so that 90% of people won't want to risk their comfortable lives by fighting the Govt. But this doesn't mean life won't get much worse than now...

6th February 2013, 22:25
Here they call it "simplification"!

Well, that's what it is ...

Simplification of the populous!

6th February 2013, 22:26
fear fear fear...

As if this hasn't been happening for the last umpteen years anyway.... I would much prefer to live on the positive side of the fence, and do my best to encourage others to be positive. its all well and good to be aweare of the situation we are in, but lets not get sucked into the black hole of negative emotion... your just feeding the parasite.


Exactly what I was thinking, don't buy into it. The truth is you create your own reality and the world is an amazing place, however after 21/12/2012 we do need a bit of drama and it beats watching 'The Bing Bang Theory' I suppose.

6th February 2013, 22:31
I2. I'm beginning to doubt there will ever be a "collapse" in the way the media portrays (like going back to the stone age or with Weimer Republic style inflation) - why would TPTB risk losing control by doing this? I really feel we're going to be kept "boiling in the pot" and the heat will be slowly turned up, so that 90% of people won't want to risk their comfortable lives by fighting the Govt.

I dont know which way it will go but our monetary system is holding only by a thread and we are not pulling out of the recession. they lie on the media all the time and people dont know how to think through their version of the "statistics" of our "current progress" If the monetary system goes down there will be millions more of hungry people, and we already have 50 million not getting enought to eat every day as it is. Once those government checks end that is the end of life as we know it. Plain and simple.

6th February 2013, 22:43
fear fear fear...

As if this hasn't been happening for the last umpteen years anyway.... I would much prefer to live on the positive side of the fence, and do my best to encourage others to be positive. its all well and good to be aweare of the situation we are in, but lets not get sucked into the black hole of negative emotion... your just feeding the parasite.


Exactly what I was thinking, don't buy into it. The truth is you create your own reality and the world is an amazing place, however after 21/12/2012 we do need a bit of drama and it beats watching 'The Bing Bang Theory' I suppose.

the truth is that we co create our reality. Fear has nothing to do with being prepared. Just how did those 3,000 people in the WTC create their reality? Just how did all those dead children in Iraq create their reality. Im getting really tired of the spiritual mumbo jumbo. Sitting around being not afraid only means that you are not afraid. It doesnt change what is going on out there. I wasnt afraid nor was most of American not afriad yet 9/11 happened regardless of our fearlessness.
I am still not afraid but now we have the NDAA with warrentless detention of US citizens. This is what fascists do.

Soon we will have surveilance drones whizzing over our heads

I do not choose fear I choose reading the signs on the wall and being prepared for whatever comes.

6th February 2013, 22:48
Bill, I get a 404 Error on the pdf and RE: the mp3, it tells me I have to have Quick Time on the pc. Is that right?

From Bill: Thanks for the feedback. I checked, and the PDF loads just fine here. Re the MP3, try downloading it (rather than just clicking to stream) and then you can play it on any player you choose.

pdf worked for me not the mp3 after right click save as it worked I opened with vlc player

6th February 2013, 23:03
I don't want for any of us to live in fear, fear is what gives them power in the first place. Being aware of them, what they do, why they do it, gives us the ability to live without fear. I too think positively, but in doing that, I take positive steps in light of what is happening. I do appreciate that sometimes stating the facts of what times we are living in can at first seem scary, but I don't think people are posting here in an effort to instill fear.

6th February 2013, 23:10
What I would like to know is how possible through advanced hacking techniques is it for them to access my true identity and where my computer is located though this forum?

Is it advised to change user names and passwords frequently?

If I unsubscribed here and entered as a new member can all my previous ID info be erased from your computer, while the posts remain?

What advice can you give to forum members to remain slippery to these spies?

For most of us who have been online for a while, we've left enough clues in what we've openly posted to find us, unless we are avoiding doing so all along, and were rather savvy in such matters.

Not everyone has gone to the extent that I have to leave a coherent and easily searched trail on the web. My entire web history, across perhaps a dozen websites and over at least a decade in time, can be brought up with a single search for ThePythonicCow. There's enough information on those 20,000 plus Google hits to bring you right to my front door step, with a picture of myself and my trailer in hand, to verify that you've found me. Every one of those hits is related to me, and essentially all I've done online (outside of my work in Open Source and Linux, which would require a single separate search) will come up on that search.

However many of us, myself included, have left links in old web posts that would lead to other websites that we own or are closely associated with, and that could be used to track us down.

If anyone (of the bastards in power) was interested in that, they already have it, stashed away, for use at their convenience.

So ... what might be doable is to establish a new identify, being more careful this time to not leave clues leading to our "real" lives.

What is pretty much undoable (unless you can hack Google's and the NSA's computers) is to erase the identifying information we've left about ourselves, connected to existing online identifications we have had.

In the particular case of IP addresses, my best guess (perhaps woefully uninformed) is that in the general case, the bastards in charge are not recording all Internet traffic and do not have a generally searchable record of who sent what from what IP. My wager would be that they do not have access to the Avalon database that stores the IP address of each post. They probably do record the traffic of "persons of interest", which likely includes several on this forum. This is all just guess work on my part. They certainly could get the Avalon database, if that became a sufficiently high priority for them. It would depend on the integrity of Singlehop, our web hosting provider, just how difficult it was to get our database.

So, in short, one could start a new identity on a forum such as this, but unless one were going to avoid providing much of substance and value, based on one's own expertise, experience and interests, it would probably be noticed, sooner or later, that your new identity was a reincarnation of a previous member.

However the past is past, and difficult to erase.

I can imagine as one of the forum admins entertaining the idea of helping someone get a new identify, but I doubt I would support an effort to erase the trackable history of an existing active member -- too much work, too much damage to the forum's record, and far too little chance of serving any useful purpose.

6th February 2013, 23:20
I heard on the news here today that Obama wants to make Free WiFi/ Internet available for all of the USA.... is that to spoil the populace and then have the real possiblity to shut it all down at will?

I don't think any more that the internet will ever be shut down. It's very useful for us, but even more useful for them to

Monitor and record all Skype conversations, Facebook messages and e-mails -- as well as every financial transaction, newsletter subscription, and online purchase.
Use as a carrier for high-tech psychic weaponry.

Agreed. They are SO far ahead of us on the internet they don't have any worry of the balance tipping away from them now. At one time, from 98 to about 2007-8 they really had a sweat on.

I wouldn't rule out a string of cyber false flag events though. A push here, and a shove there to keep the drift towards a split into the lambs on their safe and possibly free wifi and the goats on their own ever more gun-sighted tickets.

Even though you may well be accurate about the use of the internet as a magical tech weapon, at a more mundane level people have to jump into tax financed law-n-order mode also to deal with 'typical' internet behaviors if only at the very least to keep up an impression, a false one of course, like the NASA shuttle etc.

Part of their tactical problem is keeping up that false impression. As you know, in Britain they have arguments about what 'evidence' is ok to reveal in open court.

They can have all the whackiest technology in the cosmos but they have to keep it far away from the open courtroom or they will blow their own gaff sky high. Hence, they must run an expensive dual track approach to everything they do. Thus, even though we probably know better here, they are still quite likely to do some of those silly things that don't seem to fit into what we think they are up to.

Dennis Leahy
6th February 2013, 23:55
I heard on the news here today that Obama wants to make Free WiFi/ Internet available for all of the USA.... is that to spoil the populace and then have the real possiblity to shut it all down at will?

I don't think any more that the internet will ever be shut down. It's very useful for us, but even more useful for them to

Monitor and record all Skype conversations, Facebook messages and e-mails -- as well as every financial transaction, newsletter subscription, and online purchase.
Use as a carrier for high-tech psychic weaponry.

Sure. They´ll never shut it down, just the contrary. They want everybody in world to have it.

Soon enough, they wont even need conventional intelligence agencies anymore; A bunch of computer geeks plus incredibly powerful hardware will do all the work with ease.

...and most people put all information about themselves for free, updating this information several times a day...The internet is paradise for intelligence people.

The internet is truly an intelligence masterpiece, actually...There´s not even the need to micro-chip people, since most people can´t live without internet connection anymore.

Soon, all transactions will be made via internet only, then those who oppose to have internet connection wont be able to buy anything.

Soon, they will give people the amazing "opportunity" to have an unique internet ID, which will concentrate all information about the individual...And you wont be able to do anything without that.

And, you know what´s the worse part? The vast majority of people will absolutely love it all, just like they love TV, cars, microwaves, fast-food, cell-phones, credit-cards, video-games and all this useless stuff.

The worse evils in the world are disguised as conveniences...They make life so much better and easier; Until they kill you.While the roads in my city degrade, cracks and potholes and warped/twisted pavement, while teachers were laid-off and classrooms became more crowded, while social services for the needy were cut - somehow they had the money to buy lots and lots of new surveillance cameras. Many intersections in this town (about 80,000 population) now have 4 surveillance cameras - one pointing each direction. I have to assume a command center was either quietly built or greatly expanded, and more eyes hired to monitor footage. Of course, this was not paid for by the local city government, nor even the State government - this came from the US federal government, quietly.

So, it makes perfect sense that the US federal government would expand their greatest intelligence gathering tool: the Internet. Look for free or subsidized webcams to come along with free Internet access. With cell phones and the Internet, they don't need to insert chip into us to track our whereabouts - we provide a near constant update as to where we are. They know who we contact, and what we say, and can then categorize us whatever way they want to spin it. For example, gun rights activists will become full-fledged domestic terrorists in their eyes. Dissidents and alternative news/forum owners and members will probably be categorized as low-level domestic terrorists. Once they demonize your group, you are subject to the indefinite detainment that they are (almost undoubtedly) solidifying today in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York. (I predict they will circumvent the arguments against legality of the NDAA as brought by the Hedges et. al. vs Obama lawsuit. The results of the NDAA lawsuit proceedings of Feb 6, 2013 are not known yet.)

Bleating sheep who punch a timeclock, then turn on the TV while eating a nice microwaved GMO meal will be safe from any pogrom. They will be told stories about people like me "trying to subvert the government", and they will believe what they are told.

RB: The instructions seemed very specific. Infiltrate web forums, collect screen names, avatars, and posters’ tag lines, and attempt to resolve these to their actual identities. Here, let me make it easy for you:
My name is Dennis Leahy and I live in Duluth, MN, just like it says under my real picture.

My primary goal is the non-violent and legal takeover of all three branches of the entire US government by ordinary US citizens, ousting the fascist-corporatocracy.

My secondary goal is the arrest and conviction of all of the real terrorists and criminals from the US military, to the corporate boardrooms, to the US Congress and White House, to the chambers of the Supreme Court and federal judges, to the orchestrators of global death, destruction, and ecocide - the men cowardly hiding behind the curtain.

You don't have to find me - I'll find you.


7th February 2013, 00:02
Is this another "We are going to do this to you" fear file?

Probably. See the extremes at each end of the reaction scale.

There's the,

"I'm not scared because it is all scaremongering and my power cannot be taken from me."

And at the other end of the scale is the

"I shake at the knees with fear, and cannot move nor think clearly"

Are we the road runner facing the ever failing coyote?
Or fodder in a field?

Let's remember to take each stage as a step in the unravelling.

Thanks for the interesting read.

Edward Bernays should have been the face for Big Brother in 1984. I bet he is still alive somewhere. Well I wouldn't discount it. Tee hee.

7th February 2013, 00:11
Smart meter technology will tell them when you are home, what lights you turned on, if the tv is running...always good to know when someone is home. Links to digital cameras on every power pole will track automobile movements by tags, facial recognition technology will track who is driving, what time from where to where. We will live an observable life from start to finish. We'll have to hide a printed book in a hole behind the mirror in the bathroom.

This is one of the worst sci-fi visions I can think of. In a way I feel like we're being written into this kind of story ... for the purpose of complete control, no problems, dumb us back down to the original hominid stock we came from, slaves to the masters?

For myself, I'm going to count on Mother Nature to bring this sci-fi story to a grinding halt, if people can't find a way to pull the plug on the whole thing. I don't believe half measures will work on this monster. It's got to be cut off at the source -wherever that might be.

This is old news but its how it starts see link.
Dogs to be tagged by law ---so many 1000s a years picked up stray.
There was something up to date on the news today regarding this but I missed the first part---seems a strong possibility it will become law in England
Now here's the thing they are also talking about doing this to babys at birth---- first the dogs then we get used to it then all the good reasons for being able to trace missing/kidnapped kids.



Were not sheep, were frogs in the warming pot ;) A tactic that passes by many as few look at the world in large enough time-frames to see the pattern.

7th February 2013, 00:15
Were not sheep, were frogs in the warming pot ;)

nahhhh, we're stand-up comics in a jail.

The other bunch are digging the tunnel.

7th February 2013, 00:30
Too-Late (DHS) :pound:

The 'Truth-Train' arrived at 'Truth-Stations' all over the world years ago & the 'Horse has already Bolted'...:bolt:



7th February 2013, 00:37
Lots of talk of fear, but what of pride? Is pride that which keeps the masses from waking?

Peaceful Journeys Wookie

7th February 2013, 00:40
I second Dennis Leahy, My name is Mark Hickey , West branch , Michigan Air Force Vet of 4 years way back, been in business 25 years, employed 500-600 people, think of all that tax base I have created for the government to buy survelliance stuff, lol.

There is no fear really, my god if you think about it, you can be tracked by your cell phone, strip on the back of your drivers license, credit card, on star in your truck , I'm starting to think there putting RFID chips in our toilet paper so we can implant our own chip. Really ever get an itch , lol, hey you have to find some humor in all this stuff.

I loved the TV boxes that everyone had to have , you can still get tv with an antenna anyways , or the towers there putting up all over the freeways - oh that was for road survelliance of the weather at 100k a station. Yeah yeah and the list goes on, So how many people are they going to need to track everyone else, where are they all stationed, at this point I really could give a rats behind, I try and stay away from the news now, given up on any type of polictical system with both fake parties. I just decided to help those around me , impact what I can around me and know exactly where my efforts are lending a helping hand.The Washington dc he said, she said game is over, no more money donated to that squabble . Just pay my taxes.

If we all here were in a ship outside this earth looking in , what would all of us really have to say and think. Here's my thoughts on the ship looking down :

"Look at that species of humans, they have such greatness yet they let the weak minded heard the spiritual minded, only in reality the spiritual minded are really afraid of nothing as they have a chosen path. The weak minded however are so petrified of control here they no nothing else as there is no afterlife for them , only the self gratification of here and now. The planet they all live in is so beautiful, if only a harmonic convergence of all came together , it would change the world in a flash. There is hope, flash mobs of music around the world are taking hold, music does bond those people together, it doesn't matter what language they speak , they all can appreciate the music in any culture. Such a struggle of those who appreciate and those who just take.But hey , do you see that candle burning bright down there, oh yes , oh yes I do,I so do!"

There is that word hope once more, if anything I have learned in this 50 years on this planet in this life is that when self gratifying groups band together for a cause of greed and power, after the minions are out of the way they all turn on themselfs as there is no trust within. So I'll just take a seat in the bleachers, make some popcorn and just watch the matinee unfold as it happens , when it happens, if it happens.Not holding my breath although I think the chess match is running out of moves.

There is nothing to hide from and this group here on Avalon, I call it the Avalon family is a very thoughtful minded group with so much diversity from all around the world. There is some great dialog here, topics for discussion, and outcomes of thoughts that it makes us all think. If anyone thinks this is radical here , just think of all of the lunatic fringe radical groups out there there are just plain violent, i'm sure there are thousands of groups out there that intend dramatic harm . This here in Avalon is more of a constructive think tank with thoughtful ideas and opinions and I'm glad to be here since the beginning,if there is a threat here it is only a created one within your own mind. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what say all of you that are in the Avalon ship looking down , what would you say about this planet and are species if you could have only observed from above ?

7th February 2013, 01:08
Is pride that which keeps the masses from waking?

States of being which have false anchors.

Cables like umbilical chords that were once attached to a different set of values and reward systems but have been tampered with and are stuck in a loop. :-D

7th February 2013, 01:23
Is pride that which keeps the masses from waking?

States of being which have false anchors.

Cables like umbilical chords that were once attached to a different set of values and reward systems but have been tampered with and are stuck in a loop. :-D

Narcissistic infatuation about themselves = the story of human nature.

7th February 2013, 01:24
I agree with Sebastasoul....why would you kill off such a prosperous machine as the united states?

On a side note....not to insult anyone...but I haven't seen anything on here that isn't posted in abundance on other forums. This is the politetest forum by far...but as far as I can tell, no one on here has any earth shattering info.....or if it is....no one is listening....

We should beware of vanity.

7th February 2013, 01:44
marking and bumping.

I agree Arrowwind People are aware especially in rural areas! Many are afraid to talk on-line etc. I know many who criticize me for even look at anything controversial on Youtube. Many are just quietly waiting and watching.

7th February 2013, 01:51
I second Dennis Leahy, My name is Mark Hickey , West branch , Michigan Air Force Vet of 4 years way back, been in business 25 years, employed 500-600 people, think of all that tax base I have created for the government to buy survelliance stuff, lol.

There is no fear really, my god if you think about it, you can be tracked by your cell phone, strip on the back of your drivers license, credit card, on star in your truck , I'm starting to think there putting RFID chips in our toilet paper so we can implant our own chip. Really ever get an itch , lol, hey you have to find some humor in all this stuff.

I loved the TV boxes that everyone had to have , you can still get tv with an antenna anyways , or the towers there putting up all over the freeways - oh that was for road survelliance of the weather at 100k a station. Yeah yeah and the list goes on, So how many people are they going to need to track everyone else, where are they all stationed, at this point I really could give a rats behind, I try and stay away from the news now, given up on any type of polictical system with both fake parties. I just decided to help those around me , impact what I can around me and know exactly where my efforts are lending a helping hand.The Washington dc he said, she said game is over, no more money donated to that squabble . Just pay my taxes.

If we all here were in a ship outside this earth looking in , what would all of us really have to say and think. Here's my thoughts on the ship looking down :

"Look at that species of humans, they have such greatness yet they let the weak minded heard the spiritual minded, only in reality the spiritual minded are really afraid of nothing as they have a chosen path. The weak minded however are so petrified of control here they no nothing else as there is no afterlife for them , only the self gratification of here and now. The planet they all live in is so beautiful, if only a harmonic convergence of all came together , it would change the world in a flash. There is hope, flash mobs of music around the world are taking hold, music does bond those people together, it doesn't matter what language they speak , they all can appreciate the music in any culture. Such a struggle of those who appreciate and those who just take.But hey , do you see that candle burning bright down there, oh yes , oh yes I do,I so do!"

There is that word hope once more, if anything I have learned in this 50 years on this planet in this life is that when self gratifying groups band together for a cause of greed and power, after the minions are out of the way they all turn on themselfs as there is no trust within. So I'll just take a seat in the bleachers, make some popcorn and just watch the matinee unfold as it happens , when it happens, if it happens.Not holding my breath although I think the chess match is running out of moves.

There is nothing to hide from and this group here on Avalon, I call it the Avalon family is a very thoughtful minded group with so much diversity from all around the world. There is some great dialog here, topics for discussion, and outcomes of thoughts that it makes us all think. If anyone thinks this is radical here , just think of all of the lunatic fringe radical groups out there there are just plain violent, i'm sure there are thousands of groups out there that intend dramatic harm . This here in Avalon is more of a constructive think tank with thoughtful ideas and opinions and I'm glad to be here since the beginning,if there is a threat here it is only a created one within your own mind. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what say all of you that are in the Avalon ship looking down , what would you say about this planet and are species if you could have only observed from above ?

I agree with Py on this. We are not rebel rousers, more of a thinking, postulating, think tank. Why give much bother to us, we are rather harmless don't you think?

However, in my town we have 4 cameras at every single red light. Those can be commandeered by the PTB along with sunpass (which pays for toll roads), cell phones and everything else they have, we are constantly monitored if they want us to be. Wouldn't they be mostly interested in militia groups?

7th February 2013, 02:00
Wouldn't they be mostly interested in militia groups?

No, they ARE the militia groups.

Just about everything ( if not absolutely everything ) on the political surface of the world is a shell they are either the creators of or are glad to see and step in to steer it.

The only real 'opposition' to them is so underground, they wouldn't be seen dead on forums or Youtube - and you can take that as my opinion on who "Anonymous" really are too.

7th February 2013, 02:27
I’m just one man here, but with real name and face, even my e-mail, home address and phone are linked to my art work here and on my home page on the internet.

I’m sure I’m on there list as I’m ex military, Veit Namh 1968 - 1969 and believe in Rambo a 64 year old rambo, but non the less, one is harder to control than many.

If I were afraid to stand up for my fellow man, I would have ran to Canada when I had the chance 40+ years ago, and am not going to hide here at Avalon or in my home in sw Florida. I’m very visible and will stay that way till I’m hauled off to Guantanamo, or a Red cross FEMA camp, or vaporized like the twin towers were.

No greater gift can be given than to lay down ones life for his brother. So in that these creeps will have to do there worst. For I know I am not this physical body, and remember spiritually how I entered this human contract as spirit.

I know how to reincarnate, we’ve been doing it for an eternity. So from my end of this we will be in there face as long as it takes. And will face this head on. Much love to us all. John xoxo

7th February 2013, 02:33
I know how to reincarnate, we’ve been doing it for an eternity. So from my end of this we will be in there face as long as it takes. And will face this head on. Much love to us all. John xoxo

The anonymous coward in me knows you well. :)

7th February 2013, 03:03
I haven't seen anything on here that isn't posted in abundance on other forums. This is the politetest forum by far...

Now, why do you think that is?

T Smith
7th February 2013, 03:03
I still don't buy it....All the big money corporations, pharmaceuticals, auto, military, manufacturing, oil companies, etc... who are kind of one big 'inside' bed, are ALL doing dirty business as usual right now, expanding, building and planning their product lines far into the future..... expecting a world full of people able to buy their stuff and need their services for a long time.

If a collapse gets triggered by the psychotic few, their whole network of rich cronies, CEO's and their little empires would be totally surprised, get screwed and be very mad when their lifestyle and money streams dry up. It's a far bigger, more savvy, complex and intelligent world than in the 20's needing lots more happy cronies to run it.

Ultimately if this collapse happens, where's the benefit to who and how many?

They will still make money, a lot of money. I subscribe to the notion that the collapse will resemble "a somewhat normal” society [with the people fully] controlled by the national government, centralized – in order to escape the chaos." This is the ultimate goal. Control. That's not to say most who now enjoy some degree of sovereignty from the tentacles of government and Mom-and-Pop and mid-level corporations won't be affected; they will be rendered more dependent upon government, bankrupted or gobbled up by bigger corporations. But this is already happening. It will just happen to a greater degree and at a faster pace. If you want sure-tell signs of collapse, look for waves of massive centralization and concentration. We serfs and even those mid-level nouveau-riche left in the streets will soon experience some form of slavery. We already exist under a model of slavery now, but most are indoctrinated and conditioned by their oppressors to such a degree that they don't even recognize it. As the yoke becomes more blatant and more extreme, some will even continue to confuse conditional "aid" and "assistance" with slavery and serfdom. They will buy into whatever official narrative (i.e. propaganda) about what is happening in society and why, and with gratitude will bow their heads and present their hands and feet to their overlords, willfully and voluntarily, for shackles and chains. The government will bail out and subsidize Big Agra, Big Pharma, and the corporations on the top to keep goods and services flowing to those who comply with the government program, which will likely be the majority of the masses unprepared for the collapse or unfortunate to escape it. Hunger can be a powerful motivator.

As far as the probability of this happening, I don't foresee anyway it can't happen, regardless of whether Doug Hagmann's source is full of beans or not. The Federal Reserve is now in the full-fledge mode of monetizing the debt. European powers are repatriating their physical gold on deposit at the Fed. From strictly an economic perspective, it is mathematically impossible to avoid hyperinflation at this point and the utter debasement of the dollar, and the program to "kill" the dollar is now fully out in the open, even by the admission of the highest government officials. What does this mean? This means ordinary people will no longer be able to afford even the premiums on their health-care insurance programs (which is also happening, now... already). The price of food and energy are also inflating beyond the reach of the the average income earner. These inflations are not gong to subside. If one simply preforms the calculations, mathematically, given the increasing degree the Federal Reserve is inflating the supply of money, and the rate of real inflation on the cost of health care, goods, and services since the Fed began monetizing the debt (not to be confused with the fudged numbers put out by the BEA to placate the public), there is not an equation one can work up that does not lead to collapse.

I would submit the collapse is not in dispute. It is--and will happen. What is not certain is what this collapse will look like or how it will affect the social order. There is a question for our crystal balls.

Bill Ryan
7th February 2013, 03:13
I haven't seen anything on here that isn't posted in abundance on other forums. This is the politetest forum by far...but as far as I can tell, no one on here has any earth shattering info

Visit (and read the entirety of) Houman's Horus-Ra (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?40941-Horus-Ra-as-the-Archontic-Alien-Parasite-A-follow-up-interview-with-Maarit) thread. One of the most important collections of critical information on the internet.

(And after that, there are over 50,000 other threads to explore. Some are light-hearted, or short -- but others contain deep connections and insights you will rarely find elsewhere.)


7th February 2013, 03:14
At that time, I was shown a white, three-ring binder with Obama’s circular campaign logo imprinted on the outside of the binder with the name “Cyber-Warriors for Obama” printed in blue across the top. Inside were the names and e-mail addresses of 3,575 “cyber assets,” or “warriors,” listed in alphabetical order under about a dozen or so “team leaders.” From a separate sheet I was shown, most of these “assets” are being paid just over minimum wage, but as I understand it, they work from home and have no overhead. I believe there are about two dozen supervisors who make substantially more.

I think this is a weird part. Why mention what they earn etc. ? How does that influence the story?
It makes it sound like they are just a bunch of young naive wiz-kids. Although they may still be very effective.

If each of these assets (less than 4000) bring in detailed info about 50 targeted persons then it would result in
a list of 200.000 people. That's not even 1% of the USA population. So, how effective will that be?

Making cross-correlations can be done much quicker in an automated way rather than an individual gathering data
manually (creating reports?). So if this is all true I would rather suspect that they are hackers/programmers.
The 'no overhead working from home' makes them most effective 'operators'. They don't bring any dirt back to their
'client'. If things go wrong or if they are compromised they are easily sacrificed.

T Smith
7th February 2013, 03:24
Hey Bill,

Thankfully, Project Avalon has a very selective membership application.

I wonder what´s happening in open registration conspiracy forums.

Anyway, it´s better to do a tougher background check on membership candidates from now on.



We are working on it, not an easy process given that the application by respecting the needs of applicants doesn't ask for personal information.

It takes a a fair dose of intuition along with investigation.

They aren't that clever, but sometimes we have apps that are very thin on information and it feels right. I am sure we don't always make the right call.

Hi Christine, speaking to that point, may I inquire, roughly, what percentage of applications are denied/accepted?

**EDIT: Never mind. Question answered here:



7th February 2013, 03:50
This may be inappropriate or the wrong place for this question... and if so I apologize & please delete. But in light of this fascinating interview, and what he says about guns, The PTB know that if they start talking gun restrictions, the first thing Americans will do is go buy guns and ammo. So I just keep wondering , why do they want us all armed up?

7th February 2013, 03:51
I think this is a weird part. Why mention what they earn etc. ? How does that influence the story?
It makes it sound like they are just a bunch of young naive wiz-kids. Although they may still be very effective.

If each of these assets (less than 4000) bring in detailed info about 50 targeted persons then it would result in
a list of 200.000 people. That's not even 1% of the USA population. So, how effective will that be?

I can’t find the link right now, but the US gov’t recently put out a tender for proposals from artificial intelligence software developers to create “multiple synthetic identities” emanating from a single operator – to be used to “troll and control” “opinions” on multiple websites. These AI personalities could robotically – SIRI-like – bat around conversations and be used to influence threads and opinions. Perhaps by the thousand-times-one+ per agent/operator.

The USGov has averred – sanctimoniously – that these webbots will only be used on “non-English speaking websites…” Yeah, really. Until they’ve worked out the bugs – and then they’ll be our new best friends, right here…..

I am not making this up.

In the meantime, I can at least mentally flatter myself that the trolls here must be marginally smarter and somewhat more thoughtful than those on other sites…. But, hey. (And don’t think we don’t know who you are…. :madgrin: )



7th February 2013, 03:51
No greater gift can be given than to lay down ones life for his brother.
How about staying alive to take out the ones threatening ALL of our brothers and sisters?

7th February 2013, 04:11
No greater gift can be given than to lay down ones life for his brother.
How about staying alive to take out the ones threatening ALL of our brothers and sisters?

keep it in context with “ I will face this head on.” are you joking LOL or do you just read what fits your heart. I’m an old Rambo and will stand with the best of you. And already have over 40 years ago. There’s millions of use old retired ex-military. And they taught us well. And so now they want to bring it home to us? If the internet is there first line of attack- ? that’s been going on for some time now. When it go’s to the streets they don’t have the numbers to do much. Just remember one thing and you’ll be just fine its not the weapon that kills it the mind behind it. *******They are afraid of our minds not out guns.*******

7th February 2013, 04:30


7th February 2013, 04:41
This may be inappropriate or the wrong place for this question... and if so I apologize & please delete. But in light of this fascinating interview, and what he says about guns, The PTB know that if they start talking gun restrictions, the first thing Americans will do is go buy guns and ammo. So I just keep wondering , why do they want us all armed up?

Part of a Civil War scenario...

Also it's a last call for arm dealers to make a profit before the bought guns are redeemed for food stamps... said guns to be resold to the south of border cartels, etc...

7th February 2013, 05:06
Anyone remembers that "I was a paid shill" (or something close (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?54798-How-To-Know-a-Shill-and-a-Troll&p=623257&viewfull=1#post623257)) confession? Nations have used them, and now big corporations are also using 'em internet keyboard warriors:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Big Food Employs Cyber Armies to Confront Critics (http://www.activistpost.com/2013/02/big-food-employs-cyber-armies-to.html)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cOvZViGgPcg/URIROi4CfkI/AAAAAAAAUBI/eV9lvo7xiWQ/s1600/food+trolls.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cOvZViGgPcg/URIROi4CfkI/AAAAAAAAUBI/eV9lvo7xiWQ/s1600/food+trolls.jpg)
Wiki image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Trolls.jpg) Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/2013/02/big-food-employs-cyber-armies-to.html)

As you read this article, Nestle is reading it too.

Big food companies enjoy greater sales and popularity using social media. Nestle takes it even further with its state of the art Digital Acceleration Team (DAT). Tasked with "listening, engaging, transforming, inspiring," it actually looks more like a brightly lit intelligence base complete with a TV news studio-like room.

If Nestle is the number one food company and 12th place in the Reputation Institute's most popular brands, why would it need a special department to oversee all Internet buzz - even real-time posted recipes?

Nestle is worth $200 billion and has 6,000 brands to protect, many of which are number one in their market -- A little spare change goes a long way in damage control. And Nestle is still under fire from some ongoing PR nightmares.

Reuters clarified (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/10/26/uk-nestle-online-water-idUKBRE89P07Q20121026) last fall that Nestle follows cyber rules and also does not buy popularity or fake profiles through social media sites. It merely monitors and deploys people to respond to negative media. Within minutes, they respond to questions and criticisms all over the Net.

In a developing story (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/swiss-food-giant-nestl-fined-for-infiltrating-activist-group-8474189.html), however, Nestle was busted for overstepping those bounds when a court fined them around $30,000 (USD) compensation for infiltrating anti-globalization activist group Attac that had campaigned against them. This time they actually hired a third party Swiss group called Securitas AG to infiltrate Attac's meetings. A disappointed Nestle spokesman said, "that incitement to infiltration is against Nestlé's corporate business principles".

There is an ongoing Nestle boycott since 1977 for their aggressive marketing of their infant formulas, especially in underdeveloped nations where some babies reportedly died from an all formula diet. If you check out their formulas online, they now have a disclaimer that encourages breastfeeding unless necessary.

They were heavily criticized in the documentary Bottle Life because they hold the largest market for environmentally unfriendly bottled water - and that the water is basically tap - but it can come from companies that drain impoverished towns abroad of their groundwater supplies. DAT director Peter Brabeck is careful to counter those criticisms in the Reuters (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/10/26/uk-nestle-online-water-idUKBRE89P07Q20121026) report.

Nestle's DAT which uses software (http://uk.reuters.com/sectors/industries/overview?industryCode=174&lc=int_mb_1001) from Salesforce.com, Inc. also utilized by UPS, Dell, HP, American Red Cross, and Continental Airlines may have formed as a result of Greenpeace's backlash at Nestle's use of palm oil (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/01/28/palm-oil-and-our-future/). All health arguments aside, some companies clear forests which kill endangered orangutans and displace residents. A Greenpeace video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaJjPRwExO8) that went viral depicted a bored office worker "taking a break" with a Kit-Kat bar that actually contained a dead orangutan finger - he crunches down and spurts blood everywhere. Nestle promised not to use companies that harmed off-limits environments for their palm oil.

A major social media backlash (http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-20005101-36.html) had ensued. Their initial response (http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-20000805-36.html) provoked more anger and was involved in a book about social media gaffes. Now, they've redoubled their efforts and doubled their social media expenditures.

Another consumer bane: their products are rife with genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) including their infant formulas which also contain synthetic vitamins. They spent $1.3 million (http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/California_Proposition_37,_Mandatory_Labeling_of_Genetically_Engineered_Food_%282012%29) against California's Proposition 37 to label GM foods.

Has Nestle's DAT paid off in greater profits? Absolutely. Pete Blackshaw, former digital brand manager for Proctor & Gamble, understands the power of PR and social media. He says: "If there is a negative issue emerging, it turns red --when there are a high number of comments... it alerts you that you need to engage."

They are quite proud of their new, organized technology as you can in the following video where they showcase it for the public:

But are they "listening, engaging, transforming, inspiring" or are they deploying cyber soldiers and infiltrators for fire control after the damage is done? Would their resources not be better spent listening ahead of time and anticipating consumer needs instead of covering the fallout?

Reuters also reported that other "companies, such as PepsiCo, Danone and Unilever, have exploited the opportunities to promote themselves online." It seems it is a growing trend for controversial companies, especially food companies, to combat negative comments from critics with professional cyber armies.

http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/10/26/uk-nestle-online-water-idUKBRE89P07Q20121026 (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/10/26/uk-nestle-online-water-idUKBRE89P07Q20121026)
http://digitaljournal.com/article/335721 (http://digitaljournal.com/article/335721)

Full article: http://www.activistpost.com/2013/02/big-food-employs-cyber-armies-to.html

The above may give some an inkling that a counter-attack base on truth gets a long way...

7th February 2013, 05:07
... said guns to be resold to the south of border cartels, etc...

I don't know if that would be wise, TPTB ultimately want Mexico too. They are into pyramids ... and the most important one
is not in Gizah at all. Their pyramid is in Teotihuacan, the pyramid of the Sun!

7th February 2013, 05:29
I am not so sure that a collapse was engineered so much as it is a mathematical certainty given a Keynesian system. On the other hand, I am certain that there are those who are manipulating the course of events to capitalize on the situation.

"If it is going to happen no matter what, I may as well make lemonade out of the lemons."

7th February 2013, 06:01
Joel Skousen's take on Doug Hagmann's DHS Insider "Rosebud"


turiya :cool:

7th February 2013, 06:47
For the professional dot-connectors:

EXCLUSIVE: Texas military units received warning before Navy SEAL was killed
Jack Blood, DeadlineLive.info (http://deadlinelive.info/) February 5th, 2013; Reader Views: 6,073

After Navy SEAL Chris Kyle was shot last Saturday, DeadlineLive.info (http://deadlinelive.info/) contacted sources in the Texas military and found out that many units statewide were warned about a possible shooting. Members of the Texas National Guard, State Guard, Air National Guard and regular U.S. Army received security briefings related to possible upcoming shootings or other attacks against active duty members, reservists or veterans.

The security briefings took place just weeks, or even a few days before the shooting in certain military installations. Some troops were briefed last Saturday, the same day Kyle was shot. “You are all targets,” said one senior enlisted member from the guard to his troops during a briefing. “Be alert and take a look at your surroundings. As long as you’re wearing the uniform, you may be targeted by some bad people,” he said.

These recent briefings provided the troops with information on how to avoid being shot or kidnapped. Officers and senior enlisted are recommending that the troops close their Facebook accounts and other social media outlets. Texas military units are on high alert and are recommending the troops to keep a low digital footprint and to avoid wearing the uniform in public as much as possible.

The troops were also ordered to refrain from engaging in political discussions, especially about the second amendment. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle was a known pro-gun advocate. Recently, a group of Army Green Berets also published a letter in support of the constitution and the second amendment in particular.

Although the briefings did not specify any particular threat, the troops were told to be on high alert against shooters, kidnappers, or other attackers. Despite the current security risks facing the military, the Texas National Guard and State Guard troops have recently been ordered to stop carrying concealed weapons while wearing the uniform. They were also instructed to remove any photos of them carrying a weapon in uniform from the internet.


Because there was a prior warning of the likely probability of such an occurrence, that means it was planned in advance and that some people are in the loop of this planning!

Then: why would pro-gun activists be in the cross-hair of a sniper's gun? Does that make sense for anti-gun activism?

Furthermore, knowing you are smack in the cross-hair of a sniper scope, you are asked not to be carrying an effective retalation weapon... :confused:

7th February 2013, 06:57
Joel Skousen's take on Doug Hagmann's DHS Insider "Rosebud"
Joel reminds us that we have heard from Rosebud before ... and Rosebud has been wrong before, at least as regards the timing of events.

Here are some prior forum threads and posts discussing material from Doug Hagmann's DHS Insider "Rosebud":

Special Warning: DHS Knows an Economic Collapse Is Coming..! (May 7, 2012) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?44823-Special-Warning-DHS-Knows-an-Economic-Collapse-Is-Coming..-)
U.S. Troops In Neighborhood Streets Fully Armed (May 7, 2012) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?44569-U.S.-Troops-In-Neighborhood-Streets-Fully-Armed&p=483777&viewfull=1#post483777)
Insider information about planned civil war / race war in America (May 10, 2012) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?44973-Insider-information-about-planned-civil-war-race-war-in-America)
Chicago: Next Big False Flag? (Dec 28, 2012) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?53672-Chicago-Next-Big-False-Flag)

Bill Ryan has previously commented on these discrepancies between what Rosebud predicted and what happened here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?53672-Chicago-Next-Big-False-Flag&p=607229&viewfull=1#post607229) and here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?53749-Demands-for-evidence-continue-on-Duncan-O-Finioan-thread&p=608133&viewfull=1#post608133).

There was a correlation between Rosebud's predictions and the decision to move our Project Avalon forum server from Chicago to Phoenix, on Jan 23, 2013 :).

7th February 2013, 07:00
move our Project Avalon forum server from Chicago to Phoenix, on Jan 23, 2013

I see other correlations as well. Uncanny that this occurred at the same time operation internet and beta test? Someones intuition is working just fine.

7th February 2013, 07:08
Were not sheep, were frogs in the warming pot ;)

nahhhh, we're stand-up comics in a jail.

The other bunch are digging the tunnel.


7th February 2013, 09:22
I still don't buy it....All the big money corporations, pharmaceuticals, auto, military, manufacturing, oil companies, etc... who are kind of one big 'inside' bed, are ALL doing dirty business as usual right now, expanding, building and planning their product lines far into the future..... expecting a world full of people able to buy their stuff and need their services for a long time.

If a collapse gets triggered by the psychotic few, their whole network of rich cronies, CEO's and their little empires would be totally surprised, get screwed and be very mad when their lifestyle and money streams dry up. It's a far bigger, more savvy, complex and intelligent world than in the 20's needing lots more happy cronies to run it.

Ultimately if this collapse happens, where's the benefit to who and how many?

They will still make money, a lot of money. I subscribe to the notion that the collapse will resemble "a somewhat normal” society [with the people fully] controlled by the national government, centralized – in order to escape the chaos." This is the ultimate goal. Control. .................. They will buy into whatever official narrative (i.e. propaganda) about what is happening in society and why, and with gratitude will bow their heads and present their hands and feet to their overlords, willfully and voluntarily, for shackles and chains. The government will bail out and subsidize Big Agra, Big Pharma, and the corporations on the top to keep goods and services flowing to those who comply with the government program, which will likely be the majority of the masses unprepared for the collapse or unfortunate to escape it. Hunger can be a powerful motivator.............
....................From strictly an economic perspective, it is mathematically impossible to avoid hyperinflation at this point and the utter debasement of the dollar, and the program to "kill" the dollar is now fully out in the open, even by the admission of the highest government officials. What does this mean? This means ordinary people will no longer be able to afford even the premiums on their health-care insurance programs (which is also happening, now... already). The price of food and energy are also inflating beyond the reach of the the average income earner. These inflations are not gong to subside...................

I would submit the collapse is not in dispute. It is--and will happen. What is not certain is what this collapse will look like or how it will affect the social order. There is a question for our crystal balls.

OK, I can't argue much with the current picture framed this way - more of the slow deterioration plus control mechanisms being inserted on all fronts as opposed to people's bank accounts disappearing overnight. I can also see it continuing to feel relatively 'normal' like this even for many more years unless a WWIII starts.

I think though that in any case, there's going to be surprises we haven't yet considered and things we don't expect both positive and negative for both sides, and much more resiliency, ability and interest of the masses to instantly self-organize without violence than being given credit for if any serious SHTF. I see the grow/produce/buy/trade/organize-local groundwork being laid in my community little by little now, without the people doing it even knowing HOW crucially important it may turn out to be.

Currently, the answer from my crystal ball is.......Neither - Other.

7th February 2013, 11:52
In keeping with the original theme of the thread - I was looking for weird money things - This caught my eye. A trader made a large trade yesterday - to the tune of over $11m going against the tide. Copy and pasted below

"Stocks have been rallying relentlessly to post-crisis highs.
Meanwhile, the volatility index (aka the VIX, aka the "fear index") is near historic lows.
But according to UBS's Art Cashin, some options trader has made an enormous $11.25 million bet that the VIX will explode higher very soon.
And a rally in the VIX is usually accompanied by a drop in the stock markets.

A Very Big Bet In A Somewhat Unlikely Instrument – My friend, Jim Brown, the ever-alert consummate professional over at Option Investor pointed us to a rather unusual trade. Here's what he wrote in last night's edition of his valuable newsletter:
In past years I have reported on trades that were so large it appeared someone had inside knowledge of a pending event. Sometimes those were massive put positions on the S&P. A new trade just appeared that suggests there will be a market event in the near future. Last week somebody put on a call spread on the VIX using the April 20 and 25 puts. They bought 150,000 contracts for a net of $75 per contract. That is an $11,250,000 bet that the VIX will move over 20 over the next 60 days. You would have to be VERY confident in your outlook to risk $11 million on a directional position with the VIX at five year lows and the markets trying to break out to new highs.
Jim then goes on to list some of the scheduled events and deadlines visible over the next 60 days (mostly in Washington). When you add in the broad variety of geo-political possibilities, it's a decent reason to stay extra alert.
Hopefully, this person is wrong.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/art-cashin-on-big-vix-bet-2013-2#ixzz2KDEWTgLD

And can I just say (amongst other bizaare occurances of late) that my wifi mouse became totally and uncontrollably possessed last weekend. (it could be space weather, but dont think so) I have resorted to a plug in.

And like Dennis - you know where I am - I dont care. If my numbers up - then its up - there is not one single thing I can do about it - except go VERY loudly and cause as much meyham as I can on the way out!!!

Just saying

Prodigal Son
7th February 2013, 12:46
Nudge, nudge: Can we move on, please? The whole 88t8 issue could have been worked out in PMs, but we've wasted good thread time on it.

I'm still hoping someone will offer some ideas about what they think the whole global purpose of all this might be, after they collapse all the economies, invade all the countries, and set it up so lots of people die.


I don't know the exact details, and I am still researching this, but think their "Archons" or Overlords or whatever you want to call them have fed them with disinformation pertaining to overpopulation on the planet. I believe that the 500 million target number they have blatantly put on the Georgia Guidestones is very real to them.

I also think that similar disinfo has been given to them about a coming event with potential for mass global extinction. There is simply no way that they have built all those underground facilities for nothing. Whether they are expecting a solar event or plan on creating a nuclear one is still to be determined.

Regardless of their own personal greed or beliefs or whatever, the bottom line is they are taking orders from "above". And those entities are completely negative/jealous/ whatever and desire to destroy the earth and everyone on it. Keep in mind that only those cronies at the very top of the pyramid know the real truth and everyone else will be sacrificed if and when necessary.

7th February 2013, 12:47
There was a correlation between Rosebud's predictions and the decision to move our Project Avalon forum server from Chicago to Phoenix, on Jan 23, 2013 :).

About the same day Bill suspects this forum was attacked???? HMMM????

7th February 2013, 12:49
move our Project Avalon forum server from Chicago to Phoenix, on Jan 23, 2013

I see other correlations as well. Uncanny that this occurred at the same time operation internet and beta test? Someones intuition is working just fine.

Want to double, triple thanks the amazing admin team. Heck, quadruple thanks.

Prodigal Son
7th February 2013, 13:16
I just realized something. A couple of weeks ago I had to end a 3 1/2 year relationship with my very dear girlfriend because, as enlightened as she was, completely aware of the Dark Agenda, she was suppressing me about Sandy Hook, telling me I'm nuts and disrespecting the victims. And she saw Robbie Parker. She saw the 28-min Sandy Hook Anomalies video. But she still baited me and then I flipped out and lost it. The damage was irreparable. What was the date? January 23rd. Hmmm....

Just wanted to add, that although I think we are all here at this particular time to be severely tested, I don't believe any of the doomsday scenarios will play out. Sometimes my posts come across as gloomy and defeatist but I definitely do not intend it that way, I intend it as a motivational thing. I know that the Lightworkers of this world can defeat these Dark Ones, because we have the laws of the Universe on our side. So I believe the PTB will be defeated and we will move forwards towards becoming God. After all, that has been His purpose all along. He needs a Soul Mate ;)

7th February 2013, 14:17
It is true and has been going on for some time (Just look at other Forums like ATS). I knew of people (And provided tech support I am ashamed to admit) that did this when I was Army C4I (Command/Control/Communications/Computation/Intelligence) until April 2012, so I am sure the "Federal Agencies" have been doing it at least as long. They sat at stations with 6 21" Monitors on a frame and running multiple Virtual Machines that can show the operator as being anywhere in the world that they want. Tracking Host Headers and tracking IP's/MAC's etc will only lead you where they want.

They know exactly who I am from my prior employment, service and access I once had so I do not bother using security measures unless I want to mask my current location. There really are ways to become "Anonymous" online but doing so now is a little late. If you post on this or other similar Forums YOU ARE on a list... So, if you feel you are not doing enough or WOULD but do not want to end up on the Gov RADAR, You are already in "The Game". OR if you feel Posting info about the Elite and feel you are not "Putting enough skin in the game"... well you actually are. EVERY keystroke is in a database.

Knowing this will you post more to expose these criminals or will you withdraw into the shadows? I for one will continue to spread this type of info to wake up as many friends and family as I can. I am very happy with this sites moderators as they profile and pick out the dis-info agents pretty well and marginalize them. I think being aware of infilTRATORS is the first buffer in security. I have seen so many of these agents become members of other Forums, make helpful kind comments, make some friends... then begin their operation of division, confrontation and Dis-Info. I have been on both ends of PsyOp's and no matter how SMART/CLEVER you feel you are you are subject to this, most often the "SMART" people are the best ones to use as their EGO will draw them in.

It is up to people like us to put out the info and let individuals discern what is valid or dis-info. It is almost always a mixture of good and manipulated info in most of what we are fed.

I would like to officially welcome you to the Cyber Revolutionary War that has been going on with you being a Pawn quite often. Knowing this can prevent YOU from being an unwitting TOOL of "Ghosts in the Machine" type of Projects. I also hope you are circumspect before you reply to posts and be aware that some are there to bring you off topic or cause anger and conflict to where the material is ignored or passed over by other Forum members.

That is my small contribution for a while, good luck and THINK before you post or react to a post!

Bill Ryan
7th February 2013, 14:25

Very important and valuable post above from GoodeTXSG immediately above -- thanking him again here. :)

All Avalonians should read and understand what he has shared.

(And yes, the moderators are doing a truly outstanding job here.)

7th February 2013, 14:42
It seems as if the U.S. government sees a losing battle on the internet and they need to utilize their plants in hopes of swinging the pendulum their way. They already control the MSM and this is just one of their budding efforts at controlling the internet.

In my opinion, these plants will be more effective on the social network sites and youtube then they would be here at Avalon. Here we can spot them and will see their agenda early on and they can effectively get booted or they will simply look for easier forums. I have seen what are probably plants on youtube and Facebook. They have a less sophisticated general audience which can be easier swayed. Some of the Sandy Hook comments come to mind.

7th February 2013, 14:45
GoodeTXSG, I do know what your talking about, just now I was key stroking away and everything I spent 10 min. typing just vanished and was along similar lines as you stated here,. Whether they are able to use that app in windows to take control of individual terminals while I’m connected or not is always suspect. As it just happened to me. Watching real time as I type a response or comment and since they are already here and anything being said on there part would be noticed. Tricks like hacking this terminal and hitting delete as I’m typing is a little much..

What it did do -- is get me off my train of thought, and the things I usually say are heart felt, not head struck to just re-write it.

There are just to many intuitive people here for them to openly speak there agenda and not get notice, so I agree other tactics like remote controlling a members computer terminal and making them think they did something wrong, and getting them off topic or off a given train of thought, just happened to me twice this morning.

All of us should be aware of this too. Loosing an entire post before you can hit submit. Anyone else notice this?

7th February 2013, 15:00
It seems as if the U.S. government sees a losing battle on the internet and they need to utilize their plants in hopes of swinging the pendulum their way. They already control the MSM and this is just one of their budding efforts at controlling the internet.

In my opinion, these plants will be more effective on the social network sites and youtube then they would be here at Avalon. Here we can spot them and will see their agenda early on and they can effectively get booted or they will simply look for easier forums. I have seen what are probably plants on youtube and Facebook. They have a less sophisticated general audience which can be easier swayed. Some of the Sandy Hook comments come to mind.

Well said KAON, and sending links to the Alternative News Sites to those who are Main Stream Medea Zombies. As the youtube video of Hillary shows they admit that Alternative Media is beating them in the information war. Once people visit the sites it may encourage them to click on other articles and wake up a bit. I believe the Alt Media and these sites are the last bastion of freedom we really have right now and we are in danger of loosing it.

7th February 2013, 15:28
GoodeTXSG, I do know what your talking about, just now I was key stroking away and everything I spent 10 min. typing just vanished and was along similar lines as you stated here,. Whether they are able to use that app in windows to take control of individual terminals while I’m connected or not is always suspect. As it just happened to me. Watching real time as I type a response or comment and since they are already here and anything being said on there part would be noticed. Tricks like hacking this terminal and hitting delete as I’m typing is a little much..

What it did do -- is get me off my train of thought, and the things I usually say are heart felt, not head struck to just re-write it.

There are just to many intuitive people here for them to openly speak there agenda and not get notice, so I agree other tactics like remote controlling a members computer terminal and making them think they did something wrong, and getting them off topic or off a given train of thought, just happened to me twice this morning.

All of us should be aware of this too. Loosing an entire post before you can hit submit. Anyone else notice this?

hello There,

yes i noticed last week. it happend to me once. first i thouht it was me hitting the wrong button but gave it a thought and came to the conclusion it wasn't me. actually it was a reaction on a new thread about some dark video stuff (i call it). cannot find this thread now but i thougt the quote of the threadmaker did not match his question and wanted to tell this. I did not make a new reaction because it felt okay not to react anyway. did you gave it another try?

7th February 2013, 15:46
GoodeTXSG, I do know what your talking about, just now I was key stroking away and everything I spent 10 min. typing just vanished and was along similar lines as you stated here,. Whether they are able to use that app in windows to take control of individual terminals while I’m connected or not is always suspect. As it just happened to me. Watching real time as I type a response or comment and since they are already here and anything being said on there part would be noticed. Tricks like hacking this terminal and hitting delete as I’m typing is a little much..

What it did do -- is get me off my train of thought, and the things I usually say are heart felt, not head struck to just re-write it.

There are just to many intuitive people here for them to openly speak there agenda and not get notice, so I agree other tactics like remote controlling a members computer terminal and making them think they did something wrong, and getting them off topic or off a given train of thought, just happened to me twice this morning.

All of us should be aware of this too. Loosing an entire post before you can hit submit. Anyone else notice this?

hello There,

yes i noticed last week. it happend to me once. first i thouht it was me hitting the wrong button but gave it a thought and came to the conclusion it wasn't me. actually it was a reaction on a new thread about some dark video stuff (i call it). cannot find this thread now but i thougt the quote of the threadmaker did not match his question and wanted to tell this. I did not make a new reaction because it felt okay not to react anyway. did you gave it another try?

No I Poo Poo’d it thinking it was me but looking back its happened to me allot. This time though I was typing a welcome note to those that are here, that have not been uncovered yet, and like yourself when it despaired, Oh well at least I got it out of my system anyway. And left it at that, but this time under this topic ? ---- thought it best to announce it, as a real possibility.

I have had Microsoft support to help me with some hidden setting I didn’t know how to get to once and they asked permission to take control of my key board -- what a weird feeling that was --- watching my courser with a mind of its own jumping from page to page. But this--- this was like I had suddenly changed my mind and the entire page was gone as if I was going to look at another post, took me right back to the new posts screen I was on earlier. I went as fare as turning off my touch pad thinking maybe that was some how the cause ---- its been off for a year or more.

Like watching a TV show and it suddenly changes channels - and looking over at the remote the cat just stepped on. And you know you did nothing, kind of thing.

Prodigal Son
7th February 2013, 15:58
Loosing an entire post before you can hit submit. Anyone else notice this?
It's happened to me, but I always thought it was my internet connection.... who really knows but I know how frustrating it is. It's almost impossible to re-gather all your thoughts and links after that.

Lately, when I have a long post, I've gotten into the habit of compiling it in a word document first, and then I just copy and paste it into the post and send it off. They'd have to be better than good to intercept something like that....

7th February 2013, 16:32
after what we just went through, I'm not too worried about a handful of minimum wage pencil necked geeks splitting us up... ;)

7th February 2013, 16:58
It's worth bearing in mind also that there is a condition which manifests in varying degrees called 'mythomania' it comes out of the grandiose part of the narcicissm spectrum. A construct which starts out in an inocuous way, a sort of role play, but can escalate into belief in some sort of reality to the role. It's not DID (disociative identity disorder ) neither is it psychotic phase, but a construct which the person starts to believe and gradually move into therefore becoming very detailed and persuasive. It gives the person a feeling of importance, of having extra attention, and feeds their need for being 'special'.

Prodigal Son
7th February 2013, 17:51
It is true and has been going on for some time (Just look at other Forums like ATS).

Speaking of ATS, I banned myself yesterday after they deleted a post I put up about Newtown CT being the "Eastern Pustule" of the Church of Satan and then I linked to the Jay Weidner-Jeff Rense interview about Archons. I told them they were a "controlled disinformation cesspool" and I am really feeling good about it. They are not allowing any questioning of the "grieving" parents or friends or relatives not being "genuine", and are relegating almost every Sandy Hook thread to the recently formed "Ludicrous Online Lies (LOL)" forum. The 911 forum was closed to everyone but the shills several months ago.

Knowing this will you post more to expose these criminals or will you withdraw into the shadows? Lately I've been trying a new strategy.... there's enough just on Wikipedia and the MSM to hang them all and I stick with that. When it comes to waking up the dead, Wiki is all you need to plant a seed.

7th February 2013, 18:51
A related article on RT:

UK planning broad online domestic spying regime

Published: 06 February, 2013, 08:03
Edited: 07 February, 2013, 13:13

UK officials plan to monitor Britons' online activities by placing surveillance devices on the country's telecom networks, a Parliamentary report says. The program would keep tabs on which websites were visited as well as who contacted whom.
On Tuesday the British Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee published the report outlining a massive, national surveillance program based in the country's very electronic infrastructure. The report does not specify the number of so-called "probes" to be installed across Britain's telecommunications networks, but says it would be part of a regime stockpiling information on nearly every move Britons make online.

“It’s been in the media and on the table of the government since last April and it’s been receiving quite a lot of attention, as you can imagine the people in Great Britain don’t like the thought of the government collecting all of their communications in this way. From their point of view, it goes against the very basis of the democratic institution that is our parliament in Britain,” deputy director of Big Brother Watch, Emma Carr, told RT.

The new program will go beyond just keeping tabs on the Brits. If anyone abroad communicates online with someone in the UK then it will allow surveillance of their personal information as well, stretching the program’s geographical reach.

The government says the installation of the probes will be critical in the online fight against terrorism and other crime, and that the content of emails or Skype calls would not necessarily be collected. Instead, they say, the program would keep track of so-called "outside the envelope" information – such as a message's origin and recipient. An email’s contents would be accessible with a court order, though time and date of sending and receipt would be available with the authorization of a senior law enforcement or intelligence officer.

Which online services the probes would monitor were not identified in the report. However, Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, and Google Chat are all widely used in the UK and are mentioned in other sections of the report.

However, people use encryption more and more during communicating with others on the web. It could significantly complicate the life of those, who will be trying to keep track of every word sent or received vie internet, believes Carr.

“One of the things, that came out of the evidence when was being gathered for this bill is that encryption is a very widely used tool by people who communicate via internet. And actually that’s going to make the kind of inspection of the communications that we have very difficult for the government and the internet service providers, who are going to be asked to gather all of this information,” she added.

The report said the surveillance regime would function on deep packet inspection, a monitoring method that lets an individual who intercepts data to search its contents. Though the project is still in draft form, the committee generally rejected critics' claims that it would constitute an oppressive domestic spying program, saying that without such new security measures, rapidly developing technologies would soon "have a serious impact on the intelligence and security agencies."

"Under current European data retention laws, deep packet inspection is not only legal, but also widely used by the private sector," the report notes. "Whilst legislation is not a perfect solution," it states elsewhere, "we believe it is the best available option."
‘Orwellian state’

Likening the new surveillance program to an Orwellian vision of the future, investigative journalist Tony Gosling told RT that the UK should “protect the people from this Big Brother state” rather than shutting them in an “electronic cage.”

“There is great commercial pressure for this intrusion since much of this information can be sold quietly to rich corporations and commercial concerns. This is something the public cannot compete with, this lobbying power backed by commercial interests,” noted Gosling. He went on to say that this dark side to big business that “leads to a dictatorial fascist system similar to that in Nazi Germany.”

In the future, if the changes are implemented Gosling concluded that “people will think twice before emailing Orwellian Britain” and speculated that there could be a boost to the old-fashioned postal services.

7th February 2013, 19:51
And can I just say (amongst other bizaare occurances of late) that my wifi mouse became totally and uncontrollably possessed last weekend. (it could be space weather, but dont think so) I have resorted to a plug in.
Usually when that happens to me, that means there is a hair caught up in the space between the light and sensor. Turn your mouse over and have a close look.

7th February 2013, 20:05
Lately, when I have a long post, I've gotten into the habit of compiling it in a word document first, and then I just copy and paste it into the post and send it off. They'd have to be better than good to intercept something like that....
Good idea.

If you're using the Firefox or Chrome browser, I recommend the Lazarus add-on (http://dottech.org/16800/lazarus-a-must-have-form-recovery-add-on-for-firefox-and-chrome/). It saves what you're typing into forms (like this box I'm typing in right now) to your local disk, and makes it easy to recover your recent entries.

If you're using some other browser, then I recommend composing replies in a text editor, then copying and pasting them into your response post.

Limor Wolf
7th February 2013, 20:13
Originally posted by prodigal son: "Keep in mind that only those cronies at the very top of the pyramid know the real truth and everyone else will be sacrificed if and when necessary"

Sorry, I don't think they know the whole sphere of the game, there is always a higher roof than the roof that can be seen. We better remind ourselves what in actuality are they fighting, they always had the power of control with no one to defy them, what has changed then? The one datum in the equation that is out of their reach is the mass awakening, nothing they planned can preper them for that, they can have a plan A and B and a backplan and a back for the back, but here we are talking about injecting energy, a one which is a counterforce to theirs. the enegy of consciousness can not be imprisoned, they try to shut it in, but despite the cameras and chemtrails and poisen in food and drugs, we are here talking. the masses have a lot of catching up to do, but the gaps will get narrow. there is a lot that is going on that is outside of their control, and this is why they are planning all their plans, plans which are in essence against the human spirit.

There is nothing stronger than the human spirit, history proves it once and again. Our human spirit shall win, unless we lose it (lose our minds, turn off our emotions, lose our balance)

In september 2010, I had a very interesting synchronistic personal encounter which I have refrained from telling about it in the forum or elsewhere till now, I decided to wait a year to see if this person may contact me. It is now more than two years afterwards.

I flew to London to see David Icke speak , I had the urge to do that and already knew that I had to follow my urges and gut feelings. since I worked in the travel industry I had no problem arranging myself a discounted ticket and a good window seat in the front row in Cypruse airline aircraft. I flew from Tel aviv to Larnaca and than catched another plane from Larnace to London via Phapos. when going on board the flight from Larnaca I made sure that I had the seat that I reserved to myself, never taking a look at my boarding card. on the plane I discovered that I am seating in a middle seat instead at the end of the aircraft, I did not understand how that could be, but decided to wait till Phapos and than move to a front seat as was supposed to be if available.

Right before the flight took off, a very tall large built Cypriot looking 60 yrs plus man has emerged and sat right to my left, he was impressive looking and something about his energy immediatly caught my attention.

We did not exchange any words for the whole first hour. after an hour and a half we began a conversation. he asked where I was from, I told him that I am from Israel, he said that he is working for the Cyprus police and know very well the Israeli police and more, I didn't hesitate to ask if the ' more' includes Israel security and inteligence and he confirmed by saying that there is a very significant relationship between Israel and Cyprus, he defined it as a 100 percent relationship. We continued to talk, he showed me that he was shot in his hand, we conversed about what bring people to do crimes, talked about people in general and than talked about the fact that the wars, conflicts and the problems in the world are basically controlled by a shadow government.

within five minutes we got into the intricacy of things. he agreed with me and continued with this line of thought, he was mentioning the 'Limonardi',(which after a while I understood he meant the Illuminati) and the free masons which he claimed has much less importance. I asked him what exactly is his position in the police (again, he was an impressive looking man and appeared as if he is holding a high poition) he answered that he is connected to the INTERPOL (gave more information than that but I will refrain from mentioning it here).

The reason I am writing about it now is because during our fascinating 3.5 hours talk , I got the impression that this person was some type of an insider or at least hold some inside information, and not at all from the net, he was carfully considering what to say, although he expressed himself quite fluently, he wasn't aware (or so it seemed) to what was happening on the internet, he knew nothing about whistleblowers, David Icke, Project Camelot and such, he said he was not using computures that often, yet he knew everything there is to know and more.
I volunteered very little information from my side. One of the very first things he admitted was 'their' plan to put chips in the whole lot of the population, his general approach was favorable to humanity but was accompanied by a slight defeatism that "nothing can be done and they are too strong", he believed that there is indeed a problem of too many people on earth, he knew they want to depopulate several billion people but did not expressed any resentment about it.. he said that it is done through every possible area of our lives and mentioned water, genetically engineered food and medicines. He did mention at the beginnig of the conversation that some of the Illuminati are good people who were slowly promoted (progessed up the ranks) he emphasized that it's good for us to have them there. Again, I had a definitive intuition that he knew what he was talking about from first hand. later he confessed that he made many big mistakes in life, my response was that the trick is to learn from those mistakes and change direction. we agreed that the name of the game is awareness and Consciousness.

In the last hour or so before the flight landed, the conversation moved towards the subject of what is going on inside our minds, we talked a lot about the role of awareness and the extensive knowledge that the Illuminati have on how our minds operate, the importance of the subconscious, as well as the way the Nazis experimented with all that in WWII, he said that the illuminati are planning to control our souls. I gave him my email and we departed when the plane landed.

It is enough to imagine that I was left with an open mouth (but didn't show anything).

I got nothing new from this conversation that I didn't know prior to it, but for me, it was a verification from someone who I felt had first hand knowledge to all I learned.

What he didn't know and was not aware of was the massive 'wake up call' people are getting all over the world, I was going through my own 'procedure' at that time and told him that we are getting help from 'outside sources', he made no sign that he agrees with me or aware to such a thing.

I honestly believe that we are now being targeted via much more surveliance measures than we care to know, technological and otherwise, on the forum as well as privetly. can we really hide what we stand for? I don't even try, I wouldn't want to hide my desire and my total belief in the right for freedom of the human race, for the right for human evolution, for the right to become sovereign beings, and in my better days I believe that we can overcome others desire to enslave us which is not matching our own desire. We shall see.

7th February 2013, 21:56
The term Limonardi has to do with poker playing, maybe Justoneman could help us on that.


My take on it: it was a code to see what you know Limor. He knew very well he would not mention the illuminatis because this is not how they are called.

Limonardi is also the family name of some people, of Italian origins. You can trace back that name in Italy, Argentina, and other few places.

My bet: it was either a code or a family that he named. He definitely did not confused the name with illuminati. Too bright for that.

As for them being after our souls, this guy was quite right, not only eliminate us but get after our souls, this is very much true. This is the real final enjeux. The rest does not matter much to them up there.

And do not, ever get chipped. Ever.

Limor Wolf
7th February 2013, 22:04
The term Limonardi has to do with poker playing, maybe Jutoneman could help us on that.


My take on it: it was a code to see what you know Limor. He knew very well he would not mention the illuminatis because this is not how they are called.

Limonardi is also the family name of some people, of Italian origins. You can trace back that name in Italy, Argentina, and other few places.

My bet: it was either a code of a family that he named. He definitely did not confused the name with illuminati. Too bright for that.

Thank you, Flash! I was trying to find out if anyone have heard this term in relations to the Illuminati, and the few I asked did not know. I will check your suggestions, I am pretty interested to find out. he might have not mentiond the specific word - ' illuminati', but he without doubt meant and refered to them, I did though.

7th February 2013, 22:05
Check my post Limor, I added up something. Not any doubt in my mind that he was very very connected.

Limor Wolf
7th February 2013, 22:14
I have no doubt as well. I later wrote in my notebook: " what are the chances that someone like that will ' find me' in a 140 seats aircraft?" luckily, the young person to my right has dropped into a deep sleep immediatly after we began the take off. I had many synchronicities and guidance back than, I still wonder what was that all about, and for what... ?

7th February 2013, 22:44
War on Web: UK govt to use 'black box' spy devices to monitor internet


Published on 6 Feb 2013

The UK government is said to be considering the use of special 'black boxes' - to record
people's internet activities - all in the name of national security. But the plans have got
privacy advocates up in arms. Emma Carr, the deputy director of Big Brother Watch
organisation, says the proposal must be further studied before being applied.

7th February 2013, 23:24
GoodeTXSG, I do know what your talking about, just now I was key stroking away and everything I spent 10 min. typing just vanished and was along similar lines as you stated here,. Whether they are able to use that app in windows to take control of individual terminals while I’m connected or not is always suspect. As it just happened to me. Watching real time as I type a response or comment and since they are already here and anything being said on there part would be noticed. Tricks like hacking this terminal and hitting delete as I’m typing is a little much..

What it did do -- is get me off my train of thought, and the things I usually say are heart felt, not head struck to just re-write it.

There are just to many intuitive people here for them to openly speak there agenda and not get notice, so I agree other tactics like remote controlling a members computer terminal and making them think they did something wrong, and getting them off topic or off a given train of thought, just happened to me twice this morning.

All of us should be aware of this too. Loosing an entire post before you can hit submit. Anyone else notice this?

hello There,

yes i noticed last week. it happend to me once. first i thouht it was me hitting the wrong button but gave it a thought and came to the conclusion it wasn't me. actually it was a reaction on a new thread about some dark video stuff (i call it). cannot find this thread now but i thougt the quote of the threadmaker did not match his question and wanted to tell this. I did not make a new reaction because it felt okay not to react anyway. did you gave it another try?

Same here last week I wrote reply one tread and press Post Quick Reply button. My Avalon screen appeared with : No Matching is found sorry, page.
I lost all my writings and will to write again in same subject.

Prodigal Son
8th February 2013, 01:13
Originally posted by prodigal son: "Keep in mind that only those cronies at the very top of the pyramid know the real truth and everyone else will be sacrificed if and when necessary"

Sorry, I don't think they know the whole sphere of the game, there is always a higher roof than the roof that can be seen. We better remind ourselves what in actuality are they fighting, they always had the power of control with no one to defy them, what has changed then? The one datum in the equation that is out of their reach is the mass awakening, nothing they planned can preper them for that, they can have a plan A and B and a backplan and a back for the back, but here we are talking about injecting energy, a one which is a counterforce to theirs. the enegy of consciousness can not be imprisoned, they try to shut it in, but despite the cameras and chemtrails and poisen in food and drugs, we are here talking. the masses have a lot of catching up to do, but the gaps will get narrow. there is a lot that is going on that is outside of their control, and this is why they are planning all their plans, plans which are in essence against the human spirit.

Yep, I agree. I should have clarified that their "truth" is not necessarily "The Truth", in fact we know it is not, otherwise they would be on the right side of things. But perhaps their "truth" is the antithesis of "The Truth" for a very specific dialectic purpose. They provide the resistance necessary for spiritual evolution to progress forward.

I have a friend, and I don't think he is alive because I haven't heard from him in about 3 years, who was a CIA agent for about 30 years. He personally escorted two of the Bin Ladens out of the country after 911 (I wonder if they are related to Tim Osman :rolleyes:) Anyway, like your acquaintance from the plane, this guy was not an Internet person, in fact he didn't even have a computer, but man did he know EVERYTHING, and he was astounded at what I knew from the Internet and books I've read by whistleblowers... like Karla Turner, Phil Schneider and Bill Cooper. He showed me all these tapes and a special machine that could play those tapes and they were all about classified information.... and probably much of it has been declassified by now. He called himself a "made man"... so what does that tell you...

I also wanted to mention about the "Illuminati", that there are several groups out there calling themselves the Illuminati, and we should be aware that we do indeed have friends out there in the secret societies who are not cabalists but are instead working to take them down. It's a big power struggle and we need to see the bigger picture. I know I keep posting this link, sorry to all of you who have seen it already, but I think it's really important that we are aware of who the enemy is and who is not... and the Dark Cabal is anything BUT Illuminated. Illuminism is basically Gnosis, we plug into Source and Connect, something that we can all achieve... and it is the Truth as far as I'm concerned. These NWO neocon mafia guys are on the other end of the spectrum.....

Illuminati and New World Order - Unfortunate Choice of Terms
How the Top Elite Have Confused Researchers and Truth Seekers

by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Jan 27, 2009


8th February 2013, 02:35
marking and bumping.

I agree Arrowwind People are aware especially in rural areas! Many are afraid to talk on-line etc. I know many who criticize me for even look at anything controversial on Youtube. Many are just quietly waiting and watching.


I live in a Semi-Rural Area now on the Sunshine Coast of Australia and 'Constantly' are in contact with many people on a daily basis...

Yes, they are 'AWAKE' alright..:yes4:

But, Why moreso than their 'City' counterparts..?

Several Reasons...

No. 1 & 'Most Important' they have'nt lost their ability to decifer 'Govt. Deception' with good-old 'COMMONSENSE'...

2. They still communicate with one another

3. The Local Country News Stations are 'Not' filled with as much 'Propaganda'...

4. And when you explain the 'Truth' to them, they listen...:yes4:

I have been born with the ability to see the 'Big-Picture' at least 2-3 years out...

On the ground in Australia - The People obviously are 'Fed-Up' and biding their time to 'Rise'...

The 'Biggest Problem' is the Australian Govt. or should I say the ("Govt. of the Crown"), you see they now and have always known just how far they can push the Australian people around before they start fighting back...

What you are going to see in the future is more...

Royal Commissions into just about everything (To appease the Anger)
High Profile 'Corruption' Court cases...
More 'Exposure' of the 'Corrupt Beaurocratical' System

Why would they be doing this, you may Ask?

Because (We the People-Truthseekers) have reached (Critical-Mass) and the PTW know and are Scared :scared: ****less - That's Why...:yes4:

..and by Co-Opting the 'Corruption-Fallout' they can get rid of those that have served their purpose and are no longer useful by (Throwing them to the Dogs) and (Replacing them with some New Blood)...

So the 'Viscious Circle' of the (Crown & the City of London) can continue to 'Decieve & Thrive'...

In ther words - (Business as Usual)...:faint:

PS - This is my opinion on (Australia Only)

8th February 2013, 03:08
More 'Exposure' of the 'Corrupt Beaurocratical' System

Why would they be doing this, you may Ask?

Because (We the People-Truthseekers) have reached (Critical-Mass) and the PTW know and are Scared :scared: ****less - That's Why...:yes4:

I think it's at least as much about taking down nationhood, to clear the way for a globalism.

8th February 2013, 03:16
It is really hard for me to believe people will do this for minimum wage! Just saying!

8th February 2013, 03:34
I just realized something. A couple of weeks ago I had to end a 3 1/2 year relationship with my very dear girlfriend because, as enlightened as she was, completely aware of the Dark Agenda, she was suppressing me about Sandy Hook, telling me I'm nuts and disrespecting the victims. And she saw Robbie Parker. She saw the 28-min Sandy Hook Anomalies video. But she still baited me and then I flipped out and lost it. The damage was irreparable. What was the date? January 23rd. Hmmm....

Just wanted to add, that although I think we are all here at this particular time to be severely tested, I don't believe any of the doomsday scenarios will play out. Sometimes my posts come across as gloomy and defeatist but I definitely do not intend it that way, I intend it as a motivational thing. I know that the Lightworkers of this world can defeat these Dark Ones, because we have the laws of the Universe on our side. So I believe the PTB will be defeated and we will move forwards towards becoming God. After all, that has been His purpose all along. He needs a Soul Mate ;)

I know what you mean prodigal son. My soon to be ex is aware (not quite awake though), and if I had a dime for every time he has called me paranoid and over reactive I would have no worries.
I do hope you are right about TPTB becoming defeated. Some days I am not quite that optimistic.

8th February 2013, 03:50
I don't know where to begin with this, cell phone towers are being used to broadcast frequencies to control the population.

Don't believe me ? why aren't people rioting like they did in the 80's ????

Now they have micro wave crowd control & much more besides, for those up on the latest developments check this out, http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55377-Bases-22-Solaris-BlueRaven-Synthetic-Telepathy--

The Neurophone (http://www.worldtrans.org/spir/neuro.html) (originally blocked by US intelligence, as it provides proof via existence. Then blocked by FDA or whomever it was. read the text, and look on the net)

I have heard reliable accounts from various sources that it works exactly as stated. That a DIY build is possible, but that it has problems in that realm, that one has to learn how to make it properly.

I'm talking about electrically generated voices and sounds, in your head.

Implant, indoctrination, and entrainment.

That you can verify as being 100% real......for yourself.

8th February 2013, 05:47
I live in a Semi-Rural Area now on the Sunshine Coast of Australia and 'Constantly' are in contact with many people on a daily basis...

Yes, they are 'AWAKE' alright..

But, Why moreso than their 'City' counterparts..?

Several Reasons...

No. 1 & 'Most Important' they have'nt lost their ability to decifer 'Govt. Deception' with good-old 'COMMONSENSE'...

Aha - I think I see why they (them bastards in power) are encouraging hoards of us city slickers to move to the country.

One good country folk with a dozen clueless and hungry nitwits parked on his front lawn is going to be a whole lot less dangerous than one good country folk.

8th February 2013, 05:53
Aha - I think I see why they (them bastards in power) are encouraging hoards of us city slickers to move to the country.

Less collateral damage (and witnesses if that matters after a certain point) from drone stikes???


8th February 2013, 07:57
after what we just went through, I'm not too worried about a handful of minimum wage pencil necked geeks splitting us up... ;)

It's highly likely some of the 3,575 "cyber assets" will be enlightened and "brain rinsed" by what they read here. They are likely to wake up others, just as we have.

8th February 2013, 08:00
Hey Bill,

Thankfully, Project Avalon has a very selective membership application.

I wonder what´s happening in open registration conspiracy forums.

Anyway, it´s better to do a tougher background check on membership candidates from now on.



We are working on it, not an easy process given that the application by respecting the needs of applicants doesn't ask for personal information.

It takes a a fair dose of intuition along with investigation.

They aren't that clever, but sometimes we have apps that are very thin on information and it feels right. I am sure we don't always make the right call.

I wouldn't feel any comfort from that statement at all. Of course 'they' are here and the only reason I personally have not called any of them out is because of the rules here about personal attacks.

Bill himself will do that when he feels it is in order and when he does i always like to congratulate him when i see it. i do not consider this to be a double standard because order must be kept in a general sense and it is Bill forum after all.

Like a ship must have a captain. On board it is not a democracy. Just imagine if it was on ships and aircraft?

The last thing anybody should be doing is fearing this. i, like bill have made it quite clear who we are and what we stand for and what we will not stand for. It is not us who is in a state of dishonour, it is 'them'.

We are not the guilty ones. Going along with 'them' on the surface and then rubbishing them behind their backs and trying to be one of 'us' is dishonourable and sad.

Sad that you do not have the balls to really be honest with anyone, including yourself.

I am with the likes of Alex Jones and all the others who say 'we know what you're doing and we do not support it. Like him I have 2 children who are minors. There are those who call him cointelpro. Kinda laughable when he is proven right again and again!

I'm proud to be a truther, birther, no planer, and any other label they want to dream up. Just as long as they don't call me stupid!

I wonder how many will agree with me if I say 'if you are not prepared to stand up and be counted on this side then we don't want you here either'.

Stand together of hang seperately. I would rather die honourably than live on my knees grovelling and enslaved.

I guess I'm lucky (have put the work in) to know that death of this flesh body is no different from having your car confiscated by the 'authorities' and crushed and you now find yourself on foot!

Facts are facts and truth is just that. I most certainly am not frightened of that.

8th February 2013, 09:07
after what we just went through, I'm not too worried about a handful of minimum wage pencil necked geeks splitting us up... ;)

It's highly likely some of the 3,575 "cyber assets" will be enlightened and "brain rinsed" by what they read here. They are likely to wake up others, just as we have.

Cjay I really hope so..... again that is part of the reason we do what we do!

8th February 2013, 09:08
I wouldn't feel any comfort from that statement at all. Of course 'they' are here and the only reason I personally have not called any of them out is because of the rules here about personal attacks.
As best as I can tell, no application process that we can afford (less than an hour of our time per applicant, usually quite a bit less) can weed out all those who would harm us (consciously or otherwise.) The application process is just, in my view, a first pass filter.

Even with a hypothetical perfect application process, people change over time.

Yes, the forum rules (imperfectly enforced, but better so than many forums) don't allow members attacking each other. But we do encourage reporting (click the http://projectavalon.net/forum4/images/buttons/report-40b.png Report triangle below any post or PM) problems you see, of whatever major or minor nature. You can also report especially nice things that you want to make sure we don't miss :). Such reports are an infrequent pleasure.

We realize that forum disrupters can use the Report mechanism to stir up trouble where there is none, so we come to our own independent conclusion whether to take any action on a Report. Sometimes we just have to watch and wait and see what happens. We will sometimes spends weeks or months gathering evidence and watching, before taking obvious action, but such efforts often began with perceptive Reports from one or two members.

Mad Hatter
8th February 2013, 10:09
Confirmed -- Forums under attack

Err...no sh!t sherlock... lol.... this sort of thing has been going on since the days of 'Bulletin Boards', if not before thus some 30 odd years!!

ooger booger 'deeeeeeeep packet in-spek-shun'

Translation - Nothing more than the average network administrator may do as part of his duties in maintaining a smooth running network using tools like WinPcap, Snort and Wireshark in fact anyone here could download them and with a little reading do exactly the same.

One should also keep in mind that the best minds when it comes to IT do NOT 'work' in IT. Think along the lines of key master in the matrix, it's never about the money it's all about the puzzles no matter who concocts them the dark or the light...

The only option for private communication is the 'old skool' method of pencil paper and a 'one time pad' assuming they truly rooly haven't got a quantum computer to work yet otherwise it really is all over red rover.

For those 'On the list', which is all of us, that want to stir the possum send a shopping list to a friend once a week using the one time pad method but leave the first line unencrypted saying something like

'These are the parts required for the new Free Energy device....'

To really infuriate them send half a sentence per email each using different one time pads making it really tricky to re-assemble the entire message. The real giggle is the friend knows whats coming so no need to decipher. If we all did that the cost in supercomputer + analyst time will spike significantly and their data mine will tend to produce more garbage. :cool:

Floating round on the web is a late 70's era block diagram of Neurophone type circuit which utilises an old microwave oven. Requires some electronics skills to decode and assemble but is a wicked toy for frightening unruly neighbours...:heh:

I am not aware of having been subjected to psychic attacks but have twice been unexpectedly subjected to psychotronic/nuerophone methods. The initial shock was such that it required a subsequent change of underwear but the giveaway thereafter was recognition of the fact that these are so obviously NOT your thoughts hence the cryptic hint in the Camelot(?)Pete Peterson interview, teach yourself to sing yankee doodle dandy...

As for dealing with Obummer's Cyber Winkers if and when they show up the Achilles heel is they work from scripts so drawing them out on subject matter expertise invariably exposes the scripting patterns.

The ones to watch here IMNSHO would be the really quiet ones who don't say much but spend a bit of time looking through the non public section of the board and members profiles etc. which I assume is something the admin team keep a weather eye out for...

tuppence worth

Ilie Pandia
8th February 2013, 11:07
Some of the posts here suggest that trolls are stupid or idiots and easy to sniff out.

While that may be the case for the majority of them (I personally don't subscribe to that idea), I don't see why would not be possible for important targeted websites to hire some really smart people. This does not mean you need to pay all 3,000+ a bigger amount, you just need a handful of well paid assets. This way you can easily stay within the "budget" and get a better skill set when required.

Underestimating trolls is dangerous. You need to consider that some of them get special training in various techniques, and others have a natural ability to hijack discussions.

Calling out trolls on the public forum is also not going to help. This will create the exact type of conflict and infighting that they try to generate. You have the ability to report suspicious posts and you can contact the moderation team at any time with your concerns.

8th February 2013, 11:09
after what we just went through, I'm not too worried about a handful of minimum wage pencil necked geeks splitting us up... ;)

It's highly likely some of the 3,575 "cyber assets" will be enlightened and "brain rinsed" by what they read here. They are likely to wake up others, just as we have.

most will be called out as trolls on landing, the few who survive, there is hope... ;)

we're an amazing group, and for those who look around will have their spirits touched, at that point they are one of us...

8th February 2013, 11:22
Aha - I think I see why they (them bastards in power) are encouraging hoards of us city slickers to move to the country.

Less collateral damage (and witnesses if that matters after a certain point) from drone stikes???


Drone strikes..?

Will the US Govt. actually do it..?

3 Trains of thought...

1. Its a sure way to 'Bomb' the sheeple 'Awake'...:yes4:

2. Their 'Bluffing' and want to scare the public into further submission...

3. Lastly 'THEY KNOW' their time is nigh and are really starting to look around corners & behind their backs...:scared:

One thing I do know - I'm more than willing to put my own life on the line for 'Liberty & Freedom' & the cold hard facts are the...

DHS (COWARDS) are not..!!!

I really hope you DHS - YELLOW-BELLIES read this thread, because if you do anything as 'Stupid' as bombing innocents civilians...

Know one thing...

The 'Awake' smart people with the guns, will be going 'Directly' to their local 'Honest Sherriff' and getting themselves deputised then coming directly to your front door-step..!

No amount of Security or Hiding in Underground bunkers will save you...:nono:

You (DHS) Chicken-Littles will probably 'Top-Yourselves' before the 'Real US Patriots' even get near you...:no:


PS - Who ya gonna get to 'Fight' your battles for you...???

This Clown..?



Fred Steeves
8th February 2013, 11:42
Underestimating trolls is dangerous. You need to consider that some of them get special training in various techniques, and others have a natural ability to hijack discussions.

Anyone who's educated, can communicate well, and has real life and occult experience could make a most excellent troll IMO. I'm quite sure many of us here could be...If we wanted to, it's not rocket science.

As a rudementary daily life example, do you know how easy it is for a disgruntled plumber's helper to cause future havoc in a home under construction? Just stuff a rag into a portion of the main drain pipe when piecing it together. Have fun tracking that one down when the water gets turned on down the road.

Sometimes we just have to trust, and sometimes we get burned. Good old fashioned intuition may be our best tool in catching these problems early, before the rag gets stuffed, and then buried behind any given wall.

8th February 2013, 14:46
Interesting read.
Wanna freak out the the Fed's and possibly have some privacy? There is an APP for THAT!



Limor Wolf
8th February 2013, 18:13
Originally posted by prodigal son: "Keep in mind that only those cronies at the very top of the pyramid know the real truth and everyone else will be sacrificed if and when necessary"

Sorry, I don't think they know the whole sphere of the game, there is always a higher roof than the roof that can be seen. We better remind ourselves what in actuality are they fighting, they always had the power of control with no one to defy them, what has changed then? The one datum in the equation that is out of their reach is the mass awakening, nothing they planned can preper them for that, they can have a plan A and B and a backplan and a back for the back, but here we are talking about injecting energy, a one which is a counterforce to theirs. the enegy of consciousness can not be imprisoned, they try to shut it in, but despite the cameras and chemtrails and poisen in food and drugs, we are here talking. the masses have a lot of catching up to do, but the gaps will get narrow. there is a lot that is going on that is outside of their control, and this is why they are planning all their plans, plans which are in essence against the human spirit.

There is nothing stronger than the human spirit, history proves it once and again. Our human spirit shall win, unless we lose it (lose our minds, turn off our emotions, lose our balance)

In september 2010, I had a very interesting synchronistic personal encounter which I have refrained from telling about it in the forum or elsewhere till now, I decided to wait a year to see if this person may contact me. It is now more than two years afterwards.

I flew to London to see David Icke speak , I had the urge to do that and already knew that I had to follow my urges and gut feelings. since I worked in the travel industry I had no problem arranging myself a discounted ticket and a good window seat in the front row in Cypruse airline aircraft. I flew from Tel aviv to Larnaca and than catched another plane from Larnace to London via Phapos. when going on board the flight from Larnaca I made sure that I had the seat that I reserved to myself, never taking a look at my boarding card. on the plane I discovered that I am seating in a middle seat at the end of the aircraft, I did not understand how that could be, but decided to wait till Phapos and than move to a front seat as was supposed to be if available.

Right before the flight took off, a large built Cypriot looking 60 yrs plus man has emerged and sat right to my left, he was impressive looking and something about his energy immediatly caught my attention.

We did not exchange any words for the whole first hour. after an hour and a half we began a conversation. he asked where I was from, I told him that I am from Israel, he said that he is working for the Cypruse police and know very well the Israeli police and more, I didn't hesitate to ask if the ' more' includes Israel security and inteligence and he confirmed by saying that there are very significant relationship between Israel and Cyprus, he defined it as a 100 percent relationship. We continued to talk, he showed me that he was shot in his hand, we conversed about what bring people to do crimes, talked about people in general and than talked about the fact that the wars, conflicts and the problems in the world are basically controlled by a shadow government.

within five minutes we got into the intricacy of things. he agreed with me and continued with this line of thought, he was mentioning the 'Limonardi',(which after a while I understood he meant the Illuminati) and the free masons which he claimed has much less importance. I asked him what exactly is his position in the police (again, he was an impressive looking man and appeared as if he is holding a high poition) he answered that he is connected to the INTERPOL (gave slightly more information than that).

The reason I am writing about it here is because during our fascinating 3.5 hours talk , I got the impression that this person was some type of an insider or at least hold some inside information, and not at all from the net, he was carfully considering what to say, although he expressed himself quite fluently, he wasn't aware (or so it seemed) to what was happening on the internet, he knew nothing about whistleblowers, David Icke, Project Camelot and such, he said he was not using computures that often, yet he knew everything there is to know and more.
I volunteered very little information from my side. One of the very first things he admitted was 'their' plan to put chips in the whole lot of the population, his general approach was favorable to humanity but was accompanied by a slight defeatism that "nothing can be done and they are too strong", he believed that there is indeed a problem of too many people on earth, he knew they want to depopulate several billion people but did not expressed any resentment about it.. he said that it is done through every possible area of our lives and mentioned water, genetically engineered food and medicines. He did mention at the beginnig of the conversation that some of the Illuminati are good people who were slowly promoted (progessed through the ranks) he emphasized that it's good for us to have them there. Again, I had a definitive intuition that he knew what he was talking about from first hand. later he confessed that he made many big mistakes in life, my response was that the trick is to learn from those mistakes and change direction. we agreed that the name of the game is awareness and Consciousness.

In the last hour or so before the flight landed, the conversation moved towards the subject of what is going on inside our minds, we talked a lot about the role of awareness and the extensive knowledge that the Illuminati have on how our minds operate, the importance of the subconscious, as well as the way the Nazis experimented with all that in WWII, he said that the illuminati are planning to control our souls. I gave him my email and we departed when the plane landed.

It is enough to imagine that I was left with an open mouth (but didn't show anything).

I got nothing new from this conversation that I didn't know prior to it, but for me, it was a verification from someone who I felt had first hand knowledge to all I knew.

What he didn't know and was not aware of was the massive 'wake up call' people are getting all over the world, I was going through my own 'procedure' at that time and told him that we are getting help from 'outside sources', he made no sign that he agrees with me or aware to such a thing.

I honestly believe that we are now being targeted via much more surveliance measures than we care to know, technological and otherwise, on the forum as well as privetly. can we really hide what we stand for? I don't even try, I wouldn't want to hide my desire and my total belief in the right for freedom of the human race, for the right for human evolution, for the right to become sovereign beings, and in my better days I believe that we can overcome others desire to enslave us which is not matching our own desire. We shall see.

I wonder if there are any active members from Cyprus in the forum.. Please PM me if you do live there. Many thanks.

8th February 2013, 18:30
It is really hard for me to believe people will do this for minimum wage! Just saying!

A lot of them are still living in their Mommy's basement, so they have low overhead.

Star Tsar
8th February 2013, 21:27
Is there a way to stop thread entries turning up in Google search results?
Or do members/team feel its a good idea to have this feature?


9th February 2013, 01:31
Probably posted this in the wrong place, perhaps someone should move it here: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55445-Essential-reading-for-all-Avalonians&p=632673&viewfull=1#post632673


9th February 2013, 04:33
The term Limonardi has to do with poker playing, maybe Jutoneman could help us on that.


My take on it: it was a code to see what you know Limor. He knew very well he would not mention the illuminatis because this is not how they are called.

Limonardi is also the family name of some people, of Italian origins. You can trace back that name in Italy, Argentina, and other few places.

My bet: it was either a code of a family that he named. He definitely did not confused the name with illuminati. Too bright for that.

Thank you, Flash! I was trying to find out if anyone have heard this term in relations to the Illuminati, and the few I asked did not know. I will check your suggestions, I am pretty interested to find out. he might have not mentiond the specific word - ' illuminati', but he without doubt meant and refered to them, I did though.

Hi, I have never heard the term. I asked a few Poker wiseguys and no one has heard of that being a term. There is an online poker player that uses that alias. Chester

Earth Angel
9th February 2013, 21:04
from Stuart Wildes newsletter

Strange Happenings at the Internet Forums

Strange Happenings at the Internet Forums
by Stuart Wilde - February 9, 2013 - Social Issues

A friend of mine that is a bit of an Internet addict, posts on various chat forums each day. She posted the Rabbi pedo’ story I wrote on this site to the godlikeproductions forum. She got bumped out and cancelled, then she alleges her emails were hacked seconds later.


But she also got cancelled out of five more forums all at the same time, so all these sites seem linked, fronts for Israel probably, the one site that did not bump her out was David Icke.com … he’s on the side of truth.

The Jews hire students at about $2000 a month to attack and pillory anyone on the Internet that criticizes Israel or anyone that mentions “the Jews”.

My pedo’ story came from a British TV show called ‘Dispatches’, it was about the nineteen police investigations of Rabbis in England that have been violating Jewish kids, it was not an anti-Jewish thing at all. But just the mention of “the Jews” gets their heckles up. Goebbels is back!
If you want to test if a site or forum is a Mossad/Israeli front, create a fake log in and write some Jewish stuff and see how fast you get bumped off.The sites my friend suspects are “fronts” that she got bumped off were:



9th February 2013, 23:04
from Stuart Wildes newsletter

The sites my friend suspects are “fronts” that she got bumped off were:



Well, Stuart's friend has one site wrong, this one :).

That's not at all how we work on this forum. We don't coordinate our moderation with other sites, and except for something totally obvious, we don't delete material or members within "seconds".

The only post that I can find that has ever been made to our forum mentioning Jewish Rabbi pedophilia was a copy of a Stuart Wilde piece from February 1, 2013, that was posted here:

Hillary Clinton: US Losing Information War to Alternative Media (Post #4) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55215-Hillary-Clinton-US-Losing-Information-War-to-Alternative-Media&p=629308&viewfull=1#post629308)
This post is still up, and the member who posted it is still a member in good standing.

I am not quite sure who or what to believe in this report from Stuart Wilde, but they got ProjectAvalon.net entirely wrong.

Earth Angel
9th February 2013, 23:13
was a bit shocked myself to see Avalon in that list Paul.....wish I could ask Stuart for more info.....like who is this person he says was immediately struck off?

Ilie Pandia
10th February 2013, 06:23
from Stuart Wildes newsletter

But she also got cancelled out of five more forums all at the same time, so all these sites seem linked, fronts for Israel probably, the one site that did not bump her out was David Icke.com … he’s on the side of truth.


If you want to test if a site or forum is a Mossad/Israeli front, create a fake log in and write some Jewish stuff and see how fast you get bumped off.The sites my friend suspects are “fronts” that she got bumped off were:


Just a few comments about this:

David Icke, in his newsletters (I think the one called "Forum warriors") pretty clearly states he is not reading the forum hosted at his webiste. So being or not being banned from there is not a measure of what David Icke thinks of you personally or what side he is on.

Also getting banned from a forum does not necessarily mean that forum is a Mossad front. You may want to check the guidelines of that forum, perhaps there was something in the way you chose to express yourself that is not fit with the forum you are on.

And finally, creating a fake account and posting "Jewish stuff" will likely get you kicked out of this forum, but not because we are a Mossad front. I really don't see the logic of this "test". Writing statemts like "the Jews" do this or they do that, or the "The Jews" are evil or whatever, will not stand here, hopefully for obvious reasons that do not need an explanation. (Some will say this is a Mossad cop out?, but should first check the problem with "blanket statements" about any one, like "the Romanians", "the Americans" and so on...)

10th February 2013, 06:49
from Stuart Wildes newsletter

The sites my friend suspects are “fronts” that she got bumped off were:



Well, Stuart's friend has one site wrong, this one :).

That's not at all how we work on this forum. We don't coordinate our moderation with other sites, and except for something totally obvious, we don't delete material or members within "seconds".

The only post that I can find that has ever been made to our forum mentioning Jewish Rabbi pedophilia was a copy of a Stuart Wilde piece from February 1, 2013, that was posted here:

Hillary Clinton: US Losing Information War to Alternative Media (Post #4) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?55215-Hillary-Clinton-US-Losing-Information-War-to-Alternative-Media&p=629308&viewfull=1#post629308)
This post is still up, and the member who posted it is still a member in good standing.

I am not quite sure who or what to believe in this report from Stuart Wilde, but they got ProjectAvalon.net entirely wrong.

Whew ... that's are relief :lol:

BTW - I saw the one Earth Angel posted and chose the better side of valor on that one :whistle:

10th February 2013, 06:50
from Stuart Wildes newsletter

If you want to test if a site or forum is a Mossad/Israeli front, create a fake log in and write some Jewish stuff and see how fast you get bumped off.The sites my friend suspects are “fronts” that she got bumped off were:

Just a few comments about this:

Aha, good comments, Ilie. I hadn't noticed that "If you want to test ..." paragraph. It's nonsense six ways from Sunday, as you note. Thanks.

17th February 2013, 22:28
I just posted something and it either didn't go through or was deleted. I was questioning the HS fellow's interpretation of what is going on. I have no doubt that there are many infiltrators out there--I just don't believe that the threat, as insider presented it, is radiating from a left wing plot. Perhaps I have misinterpreted his angle. I don't know--but if my post was deleted for some reason, I'd like to know why. Thanks.

778 neighbour of some guy
17th February 2013, 23:03
While I realise there may be unconventional means in use by the powers that be, I really do hope that this kind of thing is not conflated with 'psychic attacks' ... because as unpopular as it may sound, there is a tendency here for certain ideas to take root and create paranoia. One thing that would be hilarious for them, and entirely counter-productive for this place, is to have people jumping at shadows. We do not want to be dismissed as flakes ... so it would be lovely to think that Avalonians could be tough-minded and not waffle paranoically and give 'them' that satisfaction. If the gloves are coming off ... then I hope we all behave with mettle, and don't play into anybody's hands.

Not aimed at anyone, or disparaging anyone ... just stating a tendency I've noticed, and wanting us to be cool.

Thanks for this one Borden, I needed that, nothing I previously accepted as being reality has been left standing since I prowled around and finally joined this tiny club, and in real 3d life( whatever the hell that means) the distance between myself and others seem to be growing instead of bringing us closer together, and on occasion I feel like going completely bonkers and feel quite helpless, so this calling for keeping cool and collected was just what the doctor prescribed ( o f@ck, doctors here we go again) but you understand what I mean, I think.

Thanks man, you are the doctor for me this time and your recipe might just do the trick for now.

Missed you btw, glad to see you are back once in a while and dropping sanity on the forum.

Keep on dropping it.


18th February 2013, 00:35
The question becomes, just who do you trust? What information gets past your filters and why. When you listen to your gut, does it always give you the right signals?

People who are highly manipulative, assess your beliefs and your weaknesses and play on them. They are generally not just friendly but highly ingratiating. They can toy with your gut as well as your rational mind. The highly manipulative person understands your intuitive process and will make it work against you.

In other words, people whose opinions annoy you on occasion are generally more to be trusted. Those who have opinions that carefully mirror your own, always...watch out!

Infiltration is a reality, for sure..always and everywhere. But what trumps the monitoring in the human realm is the overarching monitoring of positive spiritual entities, imho, so the heightened paranoia should be tempered by this understanding. It is for me. I can only speak for myself.

Four years ago I was mind-f***ed by a psychopath. I had to work very hard, after the fact, to maintain my sanity and my composure. More than anything I had to guard against the tendency to over-interpret, see monsters everywhere. They are definitely out there and if one suspects that a forum is compromised, it is best to read up on psychopathology and also intelligence operations and how they function. It becomes much easier to assess risk that way.

18th February 2013, 15:28
I just posted something and it either didn't go through or was deleted. I was questioning the HS fellow's interpretation of what is going on. I have no doubt that there are many infiltrators out there--I just don't believe that the threat, as insider presented it, is radiating from a left wing plot. Perhaps I have misinterpreted his angle. I don't know--but if my post was deleted for some reason, I'd like to know why. Thanks.

Post wasn't deleted--It was obviously a technical glitch! My bad, but right now a bit justifiably wary-- nothing to do with this forum!

Bill Ryan
18th February 2013, 16:14
Speaking of ATS, I banned myself yesterday after they deleted a post I put up about Newtown CT being the "Eastern Pustule" of the Church of Satan and then I linked to the Jay Weidner-Jeff Rense interview about Archons. I told them they were a "controlled disinformation cesspool" and I am really feeling good about it. They are not allowing any questioning of the "grieving" parents or friends or relatives not being "genuine", and are relegating almost every Sandy Hook thread to the recently formed "Ludicrous Online Lies (LOL)" forum. The 911 forum was closed to everyone but the shills several months ago.

Yes, ATS is heavily controlled. I'm banned there myself. :)

From Part 1 of the 2008 Camelot interview with John Lear ("John Lear Tells All"):


Bill Ryan: Let me share this e-mail with you, John. This is from somebody called Gary Dix, who used to work very closely with Simon, Mark and Bill. In the early days of ATS and, after a major disagreement, he quit. He’s based in New Zealand. And he sent me a long e-mail.

John Lear: And the date?

B: A couple of years ago.

J: Yeah.

B: And I’ll just read one of the pertinent paragraphs: “As they become more negative over a topic, they begin to drive the threads using sockpuppets, fake member names, as they don’t want to be seen to be guiding directions in the threads as mods and admin. This is the STYLE of mods and admin in the future - using fake accounts to allow them to freely post their ideas.”

We got this on record from a guy on the inside, okay? Now, of course, they’ll deny it. But if you’ve got someone whose user name is “Skeptic Overlord”, what does that tell us?

J: Yeah.

B: You know, I mean, the truth is in plain sight. ATS is a skeptical site. ATS is a debunker’s site and so what do you debunkers do? It’s this phrase, which you know: you keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

J: Yeah.

B: So you’re an enemy of anyone who wants the truth really out. So they bring you in really close with the intention of controlling public opinion about you.

J: Right.

B: It nearly worked, but not quite.

J: [Laughs]

25th February 2013, 06:36
I really appreciate the brave people still willing to talk and attempt the defend free. Nonetheless, this makes me sick to my stomach, it rings so true that I don't know what can be done. How do you fight something as powerful as this?

Bill Ryan
12th April 2015, 17:57

It may be time to remind us all of this program — that has been running for a little over two years now. :)

16th April 2015, 15:39
One can imagine that such algorithms can be tuned and shaped for other purposes:

Algorithm able to identify online trolls (http://phys.org/news/2015-04-algorithm-online-trolls.html#ajTabs)

A trio of researchers, two from Cornell the other from Stanford has developed a computer algorithm that is capable of identifying antisocial behavior as demonstrated in website comment sections. In their paper uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, Justin Cheng, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Jure Leskovec describe their algorithm, how they came up with it and how they plan to improve on its accuracy.

On the Internet, people who engage in antisocial ways in the comments section of web content, have come to be known as trolls, and they represent, like those who dish out spam, a constant source of annoyance—so much so that big name websites like CNN, are working with academics to find ways to identify trolls and ban them before they cause too much trouble. Visitors to web sites that are harassed or made to feel bad often avoid websites where they feel they have been angered or annoyed. In this new effort, the researchers built their troll finding algorithm by engaging in an analysis of typical troll behavior with data provided by CNN.com, Breitbart.com and IGN.com.

In scouring the data (comparing the behavior of those that have been banned against others that have never been banned) over an 18 month period which included studying the comments of over 10,000 Future Banned Users (FBUs), the researchers discovered some patterns in troll behavior—first, they noticed that on average troll posts were less literate than non-trolls—and they tended to get less literate the more they posted to a site. They also found that fellow posters were initially patient with trolls, but reached a plateau, at which point, banning came quickly.

The researchers report that it was relatively easy to spot FBUs and to convert what they had found to something a computer could understand—starting with what they called an Automated Readability Index. After writing their algorithm and working out issues, the team reports that they were able to spot FBUs with an 80 percent accuracy rate after just ten posts. That is not high enough for web sites owners, of course, banning non-trolls by mistake 20 percent of the time could lead to driving away visitors—but it could possibly be used as a way to assist moderators.

It is also useful for threshold tuning of infiltrators on forums, so they can escape banning but still contribute to suppression and control behaviour.

Be it real people at a keyboard, or bot posting software/algorithms, with, oh...one human overview/controller (fixing hotspots, etc) for lets say, 20 running/posting bots.

In the same way that high frequency computer trading has made the stock market almost entirely dysfunctional; it has moved to the realm of largely being 'software/hardware based financial trade wars'.

Web forums will also be moving toward being similarly ruined and removed from human involvement in depth of meaning and connection.

This is already well underway, but this troll detection software also provides the requisite opposite function for controlling people on the web, as it creates the basis for zeroing in on the threshold of human sensitivity/awareness to the presence of a bot.

Questions and answers come in mirror imaged pairs, and this is one side of an equation where the reflection of it, in specific application, can be very insidious and nefarious.

The trend toward individual tuning of web integration ---for the individual-- is moving into being more real, thus a matrix style individualization of web interface is on it's way.

The trend toward and into subtlety is critical for this to take place, and that is what this software can be used for.


The good side of it is..not so bad.

The software, with modification... would be able to detect machine based patterns, in posters, that would likely be missed by human overview. To recognize, relatively conclusively, bot infiltration systems, even the subtle ones. The subtle intrusion is where the problem will situate itself, if the bot intrusion it is to make attempts to be successful at it's given task.

Think of it as a double edged sword that has upped the overall ante, where the outcome is at this time unknown... as it is still in it's infancy, regarding public knowledge of such potentials.

16th April 2015, 16:24
Is there any computer algorithm for trolling people's brain as well? To me, some mental disorders seems soooo much like trolls, taking control of a brain thread, and diverting it with a constant input that is negative or critical or made to be funny but completely diverting the mental thread one is on, whatever. I Wonder if people sensitive to mental disorders are not used to derail other people working or living in their vicinity - like the gangs stalking stratégies, albeit completely unconscious from those doing the derailing. I Wonder if this is due to algorithms or simply to some archonic take over, and if other then the mentally inbalanced are truly targetted.

A close encounter with that experience lately for me.

Limor Wolf
31st July 2016, 14:39
Originally posted by prodigal son: "Keep in mind that only those cronies at the very top of the pyramid know the real truth and everyone else will be sacrificed if and when necessary"

Sorry, I don't think they know the whole sphere of the game, there is always a higher roof than the roof that can be seen. We better remind ourselves what in actuality are they fighting, they always had the power of control with no one to defy them, what has changed then? The one datum in the equation that is out of their reach is the mass awakening, nothing they planned can preper them for that, they can have a plan A and B and a backplan and a back for the back, but here we are talking about injecting energy, a one which is a counterforce to theirs. the enegy of consciousness can not be imprisoned, they try to shut it in, but despite the cameras and chemtrails and poisen in food and drugs, we are here talking. the masses have a lot of catching up to do, but the gaps will get narrow. there is a lot that is going on that is outside of their control, and this is why they are planning all their plans, plans which are in essence against the human spirit.

There is nothing stronger than the human spirit, history proves it once and again. Our human spirit shall win, unless we lose it (lose our minds, turn off our emotions, lose our balance)

In september 2010, I had a very interesting synchronistic personal encounter which I have refrained from telling about it in the forum or elsewhere till now, I decided to wait a year to see if this person may contact me. It is now more than two years afterwards.

I flew to London to see David Icke speak , I had the urge to do that and already knew that I had to follow my urges and gut feelings. since I worked in the travel industry I had no problem arranging myself a discounted ticket and a good window seat in the front row in Cypruse airline aircraft. I flew from Tel aviv to Larnaca and than catched another plane from Larnace to London via Phapos. when going on board the flight from Larnaca I made sure that I had the seat that I reserved to myself, never taking a look at my boarding card. on the plane I discovered that I am seating in a middle seat instead at the end of the aircraft, I did not understand how that could be, but decided to wait till Phapos and than move to a front seat as was supposed to be if available.

Right before the flight took off, a very tall large built Cypriot looking 60 yrs plus man has emerged and sat right to my left, he was impressive looking and something about his energy immediatly caught my attention.

We did not exchange any words for the whole first hour. after an hour and a half we began a conversation. he asked where I was from, I told him that I am from Israel, he said that he is working for the Cyprus police and know very well the Israeli police and more, I didn't hesitate to ask if the ' more' includes Israel security and inteligence and he confirmed by saying that there is a very significant relationship between Israel and Cyprus, he defined it as a 100 percent relationship. We continued to talk, he showed me that he was shot in his hand, we conversed about what bring people to do crimes, talked about people in general and than talked about the fact that the wars, conflicts and the problems in the world are basically controlled by a shadow government.

within five minutes we got into the intricacy of things. he agreed with me and continued with this line of thought, he was mentioning the 'Limonardi',(which after a while I understood he meant the Illuminati) and the free masons which he claimed has much less importance. I asked him what exactly is his position in the police (again, he was an impressive looking man and appeared as if he is holding a high poition) he answered that he is connected to the INTERPOL (gave more information than that but I will refrain from mentioning it here).

The reason I am writing about it now is because during our fascinating 3.5 hours talk , I got the impression that this person was some type of an insider or at least hold some inside information, and not at all from the net, he was carfully considering what to say, although he expressed himself quite fluently, he wasn't aware (or so it seemed) to what was happening on the internet, he knew nothing about whistleblowers, David Icke, Project Camelot and such, he said he was not using computures that often, yet he knew everything there is to know and more.
I volunteered very little information from my side. One of the very first things he admitted was 'their' plan to put chips in the whole lot of the population, his general approach was favorable to humanity but was accompanied by a slight defeatism that "nothing can be done and they are too strong", he believed that there is indeed a problem of too many people on earth, he knew they want to depopulate several billion people but did not expressed any resentment about it.. he said that it is done through every possible area of our lives and mentioned water, genetically engineered food and medicines. He did mention at the beginnig of the conversation that some of the Illuminati are good people who were slowly promoted (progessed up the ranks) he emphasized that it's good for us to have them there. Again, I had a definitive intuition that he knew what he was talking about from first hand. later he confessed that he made many big mistakes in life, my response was that the trick is to learn from those mistakes and change direction. we agreed that the name of the game is awareness and Consciousness.

In the last hour or so before the flight landed, the conversation moved towards the subject of what is going on inside our minds, we talked a lot about the role of awareness and the extensive knowledge that the Illuminati have on how our minds operate, the importance of the subconscious, as well as the way the Nazis experimented with all that in WWII, he said that the illuminati are planning to control our souls. I gave him my email and we departed when the plane landed.

It is enough to imagine that I was left with an open mouth (but didn't show anything).

I got nothing new from this conversation that I didn't know prior to it, but for me, it was a verification from someone who I felt had first hand knowledge to all I learned.

What he didn't know and was not aware of was the massive 'wake up call' people are getting all over the world, I was going through my own 'procedure' at that time and told him that we are getting help from 'outside sources', he made no sign that he agrees with me or aware to such a thing.

I honestly believe that we are now being targeted via much more surveliance measures than we care to know, technological and otherwise, on the forum as well as privetly. can we really hide what we stand for? I don't even try, I wouldn't want to hide my desire and my total belief in the right for freedom of the human race, for the right for human evolution, for the right to become sovereign beings, and in my better days I believe that we can overcome others desire to enslave us which is not matching our own desire. We shall see.

It's interesting to go back to this thread and view it in the perspective of time. Some things were and are most certainly in the work, some things have not yet followed or are delayed, or will not materalize. But I am back here for a personal reason, knowing that whoever needs to read it will. It was known to the 'man on the plane' that awarness will come.. as all past, present and future is one. Our lives on Earth are dictated by scripts, but it is still the individuls reponsibility to chose their deeds, though, manipulation is hard. I forgive you, as you and yours particiption in my lifetimes (and others I am sure) is over. You will not regain that which you wished for as it is mine and mine only. Human beings ARE the rullers of their own souls, mind and bodies and all that is related to it as a god given grace, and so does yours, unless consenting it as a gift to others.

It is with love in the heart that I wish you well, there is no judgement and it is not my place to know what is in your heart, but I feel a sincere gratefulness that things can and are able to change in our remarkable world and reality, when shifting our decisions and our heart content, no matter who we are, then the scripts change themselves.

"he later confessed that he made many big mistakes in life, my response was that the trick is to learn from those mistakes and change direction. we agreed that the name of the game is awareness and Consciousness."

Thank you for that which I may need to thank you for. By this I cut all relations to you and yours (past yours), and if we will meet, it will be under very different circumstances

Many Blessings ~


1st May 2017, 17:36
I found this interview very unnerving. RB's parting imperative in this interview was "Look around. You're seeing it." I'm new here. This interview is linked to the welcome page after membership acceptance. Fast forward 4 years: Could someone please tell me, what have you seen?

1st May 2017, 18:09
I found this interview very unnerving. RB's parting imperative in this interview was "Look around. You're seeing it." I'm new here. This interview is linked to the welcome page after membership acceptance. Fast forward 4 years: Could someone please tell me, what have you seen?
Welcome aboard, Keith :)

For one thing, have a peek at Wikileaks "Vault 7 (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?95892-Vault-7)" (<---)

What have I seen? ... the "Birthers" getting nowhere fast... and all similar attempts at getting to the bottom of anything... all "conspiracy Theorists" nutcases, anyway!

Bill Ryan
2nd May 2017, 01:45
I found this interview very unnerving. RB's parting imperative in this interview was "Look around. You're seeing it." I'm new here. This interview is linked to the welcome page after membership acceptance. Fast forward 4 years: Could someone please tell me, what have you seen?

Thanks for the question, and it's an important one.

It would take a long time (and detail!) to document all this, but the effects aren't restricted to this forum. Here, as a bulletpoint summary, is how it seems to me (and many others) that this program, or one like it, has rolled out:

The proliferation of 'satirical' alt media news sites, that are barely funny but do a great job of confusing sincere and concerned people who can easily take the reports seriously.

The proliferation of trolls (abusive and unpleasant commenters) on many blogs and YouTube videos. (How much does it cost the agencies to buy a young recruit a computer and set them loose to post anything they like, all to a certain agenda or template, maybe using 100 different usernames?)

The infiltration of distracting memes like the 'Flat Earth' movement (that started up pretty much the same time as this 2013 warning from Doug Hagmann), which many argue is definitely a psy-op, the intention of which is to discredit all the serious and well-researched issues that the alt media is able to discuss and present to the wider world.

The proliferation of fake UFO videos (and many other hoaxes, some of them in article form), which are seeded into the community and then earnestly but innocently picked up and reposted over and over again... the result being a bunch of confusing 'noise' that drowns out all the serious 'signals'.

The use of infiltrated forum members (and despite our careful screening application process, we believe we've had a few) to create and trigger conflict, upset and dissent, sometimes driving threads off-topic, and sometimes attacking other members who are doing good work. (Sometimes, of course, this is quite innocent, and anyone here can have a bad day. :) But on other occasions, particularly historical ones, we do believe that some destructive ex-members here have been plants.)

Bill Ryan
9th June 2018, 14:24

Bumping this important thread for newer members, after I fixed a key broken link in the opening post describing a plan to infiltrate forums and other sites:

DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse
http://web.archive.org/web/20130403005110/homelandsecurityus.com/archives/7666 (http://web.archive.org/web/20130403005110/homelandsecurityus.com/archives/7666)

9th June 2018, 15:35
Some years back, '08-'09?, I was talking to someone about some of my experiences. She told me that her son used to work for the en ess ay. "He used to..?", I said. She said yes. "What happened?", I replied.

She said she asked her son what he did. He replied "Mom, if you knew what I do, you'd hate me." She believed the son she raised and the truth he was telling her. She then said that she gave him an ultimatum to leave the work that so injured his soul. She said he had to find other work if he still wanted to talk to her. He left in less than 6 months. She smiled at me, with that far off look that sees over the horizon and acknowledges an accomplishment she has lived....

Her intensity was powerful. Her insistence was a thing that parents and friends back up with actions. In the presence of such force of spirit and honesty a better life always lives.

Thousands of young men and women are hired to betray their humanity, all for the sake of the paycheck and the illusion of intrigue the assignments give them. Sometimes they are easy to spot in a crowd, in idle talk, in the way they look at people when they are out and about. The guilt of their actions bleeds thru into their lives and it is hard to hide. Of course they learn how to fool themselves into thinking that their creativities and skills are important, when in truth their skills are being used to betray the possibilities to make a positive difference in their lives.

They remind me of all of the drone operators who are conned into thinking they are being patriotic and that they are saving many in their own country, when in practice they most often kill innocent civilians and are only there to protect the profits of the war machine. The PTSD that both of these groups have shows up in their lives and in the personal relationships they have trouble with.