View Full Version : Is The NYPD’s “Protect & Serve” Policy A Thing Of The Past?

8th February 2013, 03:33
WeAreChange recently got the opportunity to meet
and Interview Joe Lozito, the selfless hero who
put his life on the line to stop a serial killer.

The story is only magnified when Joe finds out, that
while being stabbed by the serial killer, the NYPD was
standing by watching everything unfold from the safety
of the conductors door. Currently in a legal suit, the
NYPD and City of NY is arguing that the NYPD has NO
duty to protect its own citizens.



8th February 2013, 04:29
"To Opress, Enslave, De-humanise and Dishonesty" seems to be the new motto. Apologies to the police offers out there that genuinly care and do their best to be for the people, you are the very few amongst so many monsters.