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15th March 2013, 23:13
Chapel Perilous

“... with the beautiful light naivety of the fool I skipped right through the gates of the Chapel Perilous; completely oblivious to the ominous tones that hummed around me in the background.” C Lavers


I first heard about the Chapel Perilous when I read the Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson in 1996.

"In researching occult conspiracies, one eventually faces a crossroad of mythic proportions (called Chapel Perilous in the trade). You come out the other side either stone paranoid or an agnostic; there is no third way. I came out agnostic.

Chapel Perilous, like the mysterious entity called "I," cannot be located in the space-time continuum; it is weightless, odorless, tasteless and undetectable by ordinary instruments. Indeed, like the Ego, it is even possible to deny that it is there. And yet, even more like the Ego, once you are inside it, there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

That's what the legends always say, and the language of myth is poetically precise. For instance, if you go into that realm without the sword of reason, you will lose your mind, but at the same time, if you take only the sword of reason without the cup of sympathy, you will lose your heart. Even more remarkably, if you approach without the wand of intuition, you can stand at the door for decades never realizing you have arrived. You might think you are just waiting for a bus, or wandering from room to room looking for your cigarettes, watching a TV show, or reading a cryptic and ambiguous book. Chapel Perilous is tricky that way." Robert Anton Wilson in Cosmic Trigger.

For me the reading of this book coincided with an experience that closely resembles the above description. It was an incredibly complex, incredibly beautiful and absolutely terrifying time when I felt I stepped outside the box we call reality. Though the experience occurred nearly 16 years ago now, I am still processing what happened.
About a month ago when I lost my internet connection due to a storm I began writing my autobiography and I am now at the point where I seemingly entered the Chapel Perilous. The intense revisiting of this time as has been very powerful and I am slowly seeing a bit more clarity emerging.

On the back of Cosmic trigger Wilson writes:
"Cosmic Trigger deals with a process of deliberately induced brain change…This is called 'initiation' or 'vision quest' in many traditional societies and .. a dangerous variety of self-psychotherapy in modern terminology. I do not recommend it for everybody. The main thing I learned is that 'reality' is always plural and mutable'"

I am curious to hear others thoughts, knowledge or experiences re: the Chapel Perilous.
I would also like to open this thread to the discussion of R.A.W (Robert Anton Wilson). For those that are unfamiliar with him he was an author who wrote extensively about the illuminati both from a fiction and non-fiction perspective. He was a friend of Thimothy Leary, a fan of Crawley and an editor at playboy magazine. He loved to play with versions of reality and in many ways adopted the role of the trickster. He loved the fact that no one was sure if he was trying to expose the illuminati, or was actually a member spreading dis-info.

15th March 2013, 23:36
Interesting. I have never heard of Chapel Perilous before. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I will try to find some of R.Anton's work online.

15th March 2013, 23:46
Never heard of it either. Looks interesting though ...

15th March 2013, 23:49
Wilson took the ultimate questions so seriously all he could do was expand the heaviness they often engender into a giggle fest. To Wilson the somber and the humorous were blood brothers. The man never took himself seriously--was elfin to the core. Self styled sages like Terence Mckenna swam in mystical waters but Wilson was truly of those waters.

He upheld, promoted the idea that we should use the word, 'maybe' more often and "I believe" less often. He did Irish jigs around essential kernels of doubt that left me breathless with laughter.

Anybody who can come up with a religion revolving around the Church of Bob HAS to have something going for him!

Thanks so much for posting this. The Cosmic Trigger is essential reading for anyone embarking on a mystical journey.

15th March 2013, 23:59
Enfoldedblue, Wilson thought most conspiracy theories were a bit weird. He followed this idea up by exclaiming that the craziest take on "the truth" he knew of was mainstream consensus reality! His illuminatus trilogy was fictional for the most part.

16th March 2013, 00:31

"Current anti-Illuminati literature, which is mostly distributed through the anti-Sem- itic, paramilitary Right, portrays the Illuminati as the masters of both international communism and international banking.
A separate and weirder strain of anti-Illuminati theory, occa- sionally interacting with this political conspiracy literature, portrays the Illuminati as Nazis, black magicians, astral mind-****ers and satanists." Wilson

In typical Wilson style this could be read as either the writing of a skeptic, or an insider hiding the truth :confused:

Enfoldedblue, Wilson thought most conspiracy theories were a bit weird. He followed this idea up by exclaiming that the craziest take on "the truth" he knew of was mainstream consensus reality! His illuminatus trilogy was fictional for the most part.

16th March 2013, 00:40
I figure he was a skeptic--not to say he didn't think the world was run by an elite. He just didn't see them as part of an organized cabal that stretched back hundreds of years.

He died in poverty, so it was unlikely he was an insider...unless he was deep deep undercover. I mean the dude was a big kidder, but don't think he would have taken it that far!!;)

16th March 2013, 09:02
Hi enfoldedblue! :wave: Nice to see you back online. And congrats on your writing.

Here is a nice interview with Wilson, from around 1990. It's full of fun and quantum physics, just like his books. Not many authors can do that. I thought people who aren't all that familiar with him might enjoy this short piece and perhaps be encouraged to read more. http://www.positiveatheism.org/writ/rawilson.htm

Here is a page with links to many of his essays one can read online. I just found this and I'm sure looking forward to some reading.

16th March 2013, 10:26
Robert Anton Wilson fell down the rabbit hole, and showed us the way.. ..

One of my favorite quotes: "The prevalent superstition of the modern age is the belief in coincidence."

I discovered RAW at the tender age of eighteen, one of the first books I ever purchased using my "zen method of book selection" was his Schrodingers Cat Trilogy, which led one week later to the purchase of the Illuminatus Trilogy.

-zen method of book selection, stand in front of a rack of books and let the eyes go out of focus and wait. When you see a flash of light, buy that book. If you get tired of waiting, wrong rack so go on to the next one.

16th March 2013, 12:27
REILLY: Your Zen exercise has me recall one l learned from an energetic healer..
this can be done with any food or supplement you are considering swallowing / pre the act:

Standing.. with eyes shut. and feet a little apart.. hold the item in front of your solar plexus and stay in awareness of how your body responds

if your body moves forward .. thats a yes
if it remains fairly stationary = ambivalent / either way.. the body is indifferent..
if the body sways back = not to partake

i.e trusting that the body/higher self knows..
over time/testing.. can say this works for me

16th March 2013, 17:29
Thanks for bringing R.A.W to my attention, enfoldedblue. I immediately googled him and as a result have just started watching this.....


.......only ten minutes in so far but absolutely lovin' the guy. What a character!

16th March 2013, 21:54
This is some of Robert Anton Wilson's Theories from the Cosmic Trigger about what 'really' might be going on...

There is, at this point, no single theory that will account for all of the Damned Things we are going to bring forth and parade for your in- spection. To give you some perspective in advance, let us list a few of the ideas that have passed through this investigator’s mind in the course of his journey into and out of Chapel Perilous.

(a) the evidence assembled here can be explained by Bell’s Theorem, a breakthrough in physics suggesting a basic indivisibility of all things. Bell also allows for three submo- dels we shall be discussing: (1) the observer-created universe; (2) parallel universes; (3) information-without-energy;
(b) some human beings of highly evolved psychic powers (“the Illuminati”) are playing head-games with other human beings, sometimes passing themselves off as (c) or (d) below;
(c) we really are being contacted, experimented upon or otherwise manipulated by Higher Intelligences from Outer Space, probably from Sirius (or the Illuminati are creating a simulation of such extraterrestrials);
(d) we have always shared this planet with another intel- ligent species, which can either remain invisible or manifest to us in any form it chooses. UFO researcher John Keel calls these hypothetical entities “ultra-terrestrials.” Earlier ages called them fairies, angels, demons, the weird people, etc.
(e) we are all evolving into the use of new neurological circuits, which will make us superhuman in comparison to our present average state. The activation of these new circuits creates a great deal of temporary weirdness until we learn to use them properly. This is the theory of such scientifically oriented yogis as Sri Aurobindo and Gopi Krishna, and of Dr. Timothy Leary.
(f) a combination or permutation of the above is going on simultaneously.
Some of our data fit one of the above theories better than another; some fit equally well into two or three theories; some don’t fit any theory yet.
The multi-theory approach (or, as it is called in physics, the multi-model approach) is the only way to deal adequately with all the facts. Any single- theory approach is premature and causes a truncation of our intelligence; it forces us to ignore or belittle parts of the data that might be crucial.

16th March 2013, 22:54

Uncle BoB, greatest of the greats! In all my years of net trawling, weed smoking, career choosing, relationship loving, and pursuing the perfect chocolate cake (F.Y.I. Its Russian chocolate cake).

BoB's perspective on all things outside the accepted norm has guided me. He taught me the world is ending every day. He taught my that there will always be cosmic Bullsh***ers looking to mentally masturbate over all newcomers to the Chapel. He taught me the old order is eternally crumbling to make way for the new. He taught me how to use the internet as a vast multicolored magic eight ball for my own personal delusions, and ultimately to maintain a spirit of fun during my time in the Chapel Perilous.

A time that will last until the day I put the final touches on my TARDIS.



Praise enfoldedblue, Praise BoB, Praise All the BoB's!

17th March 2013, 01:04
Enfolded Blue,
Hello and Thank You. I just read Cosmic Trigger last year. It is a profound influence.

My mother was afflicted with deep paranoia. She was officially crazy. Her influence was deep wariness. That made me a seeker (and no finder as I feel mostly suspicious) searching for truth and always longing for trust. I have been in Chapel Perilous pretty much since I can remember. The reason I say that is for me, Chapel Perilous is the mental realm. It statred with fairy tales and longing for magic. I have been searching for a great Idea to believe. Maybe I am coming out now.

I never understood why my mother was able to twist evidence I had never seen myself? She seemed like a liar and the lies were hurtful for her. She told lots of evil stories as proofs to come to her crazy hateful conclusions. And My Mother Suffered from her opinions. I just saw this as a bunch of lying to get her way as a tragic victim.

Now I see from this book's evidence that her world probably did give her all the evidence She needed to see things as she "knew" them to be...She did sincerely believe her reasons for hating. She said lots of mean things to people also and seemed like a dark cloud waiting to rain. From Cosmic Trigger, I think she was taking on a heavy way to become enlightened. She was a conspirator in her own plot to be suffering.

My intention is to avoid suffering. One way I believe will be powerful is to use the tiny shreds of evidence I feel of being beloved by Creator. I want to glom onto these bits to really feel love of myself. By cultivating the trust in my inner love, I think I may surrender and let Love take care of everything.
Wow, what is weird is my own proof of fact.....

I see so much beauty, love, high hopes and promise all around. I feel the love that is perfectly able to take care of me every day.
Love/Light by whatever name is Everything and directionless but we filter it. I am intending to relax my focus and amp up communion.
I may choose to in communion to dwell on any direction and I will get a big "YES" and see what I see that way.
Because I love ease, beauty, comfort, happiness, I will get that as a "YES" for these attributes.
So for me I can say Chapel Perilous is my initiation in PROnoia
I am getting Faith and Trust and confidence in my SELF who is in Everything and knows Love intimately.

17th March 2013, 03:01
Just to put another small two pence worth in. I think this is one of the most important threads. The exploration of the term Chapel Perilous should be, I believe, at the core of anyone's travels through their respective areas of interest. The whole concept when taken on board can provide a healthy breathings space, and ability for the would be seeker to let themselves off the hook, and take stock of what they have come to realize at any one time.

Your fine. This place has always been like this, and it will continue to be. Things are as bad as they seem, but I will not let it take the happiness away.

Praise BoB:cool:

17th March 2013, 03:30
I've read a lot of science fiction and experimental writing over the years, and I'm sure I've read some of RAW, but I will have to backtrack a bit to see exactly what it was.
I do know it was quite awhile ago, and I didn't know much then about Conspiracy Theory, so I was probably more puzzled than anything.
I think I would enjoy his work a lot more now, and would certainly understand a lot more what he was on about.
What I already appreciate, just from reading this thread, is that he was Crazy Wise, a Fool of the order of Divine Fools, who hold and know the power of laughter.
A power which, time and again, has brought me through my darkest hours, and which more and more convinces me that there is nothing in the arsenal of the 'dark side' to equal it.

17th March 2013, 05:33
Thanks so much for your sharing. Our parents play such potent roles in our life stories. It is beautiful that ultimately, even with a difficult role model, you were able to form your own positive way of viewing the world, and also able to understand that your mother had her own path and her own way seeing the world.

To me this raises an important point about synchronicity. When we are coming from a place of hurt, of victim, and we open that door within us to the wider reality, it can appear that the whole world is conspiring against us. But, if we enter that space from a strong, balanced, healthy perspective, it can feel as though the whole universe is conspiring to bring magic and beauty in to our world.

17th March 2013, 05:39
Also thanks for the above comments about the importance of the ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves and life so seriously. I agree it is crucial in this game, and does provide a breathing space when moving through some intense stuff.

17th March 2013, 09:27
Looked at your website enfoldedblue..
very insightful, fresh, light and creative
speaking as a creative arts therapist in Aus'.. so good to know you are out there :o

17th March 2013, 09:32
I first heard of the Chapel Perilous when reading TS Eliot's The Wasteland

17th March 2013, 14:50

To me this raises an important point about synchronicity. When we are coming from a place of hurt, of victim, and we open that door within us to the wider reality, it can appear that the whole world is conspiring against us. But, if we enter that space from a strong, balanced, healthy perspective, it can feel as though the whole universe is conspiring to bring magic and beauty in to our world.

I think you nailed it...The Flyer on the door of Chapel Perilous says the truth.....

(Inside Chapel Perilous) there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

17th March 2013, 15:42
RAW's writings were a major influence in helping me interpret and put into context my self-induced shamanistic experiences :)

When 'advertising' in a local free paper's personal ads for my longed-for life partner 19 years ago, I listed Castenada and Wilson as major author-influences, and it was funny how matched our book collections were when we combined them, after we found each other, as she had been majorly influenced by RAW also.

I have had quotes of his in my sigs for most of my internet persona existence.

Nice thread.

18th March 2013, 01:20

I am intrigued to know what you mean by "self-induced shamanic experiences".. are you up for sharing that?
If not, fine of course.. just that theres a synchronistic sap rising within me as a response to that.. chuckle

But then perhaps you mean self-induced trance states via drugs.. and you may not consider this to be the place to relate such..

15th April 2013, 20:49
Posting these to keep a very important thread subject going, and stoke the flames of Uncle BoB's camp fire.



Come back Bob. Please!

Freed Fox
15th April 2013, 22:54
I've heard him speak once or twice, but am not versed in his writings. Similarly I'm unfamiliar with 'Chapel Perilous', as this thread is the first time I've ever heard of that, but I like his prescription;
armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor.

Mountain Jim, I'm also curious about your shamanic endeavors, and how you were able to 'self-induce' them. And, if they actually were drug-induced, I don't see that as any less valid, necessarily.

16th April 2013, 01:16
I've heard him speak once or twice, but am not versed in his writings. Similarly I'm unfamiliar with 'Chapel Perilous', as this thread is the first time I've ever heard of that, but I like his prescription;
armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor.

Not too sure about the history of the term, but the way I see the term Chapel Perilous is like............er................................ ....hang on.............yeh...................... got it.:dizzy:

Its a collective term encompassing the place Physical or Metaphysical, or both depending on the nature of the individuals experience. Where the initial structured working hypothesis of reality, belief system, or phenomena a person is enmeshed, subject too, or simply interested in. Begins to interact with the individual in unexpected ways, and thus loosen the previously robust solid dependable truths upon which that person relied to function in life.

So, for instance, UFO abduction, Shamanic experience, paranormal research experiences, repeatedly shopping at Tescos after 12am, moment of divine revelation, channeling of other worldly intelligences, continued conspiracy research, Simon Cowel, a Jesuit becoming Pope,...........pretty much most of the topics on the forum.

Some people enter the Chapel and never leave, some hang around outside hustling the punters, some flit in and out, and some believe they own the joint. Which ever way you look at it its a handy term of admiration, and criticism simultaneously depending on which Tabernacle you find yourself standing in front of when you get in there. Or something like that..:confused:

In essence its a term that does not foster definitive truths in a topic of interest, or experience perceived. More accurately it invites an ongoing creative dialogue. It introduces a MAYBE into proceedings.


Praise Uncle BoB

16th April 2013, 01:34
Thanks Bryston for your contributions. Unfortunately as I live remotely I do not have access to high speed internet and thus cannot watch videos :( ....maybe one day.

For those who are part of the modern world....enjoy :)

6th May 2013, 16:40
(Inside Chapel Perilous) there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

I have been considering something based on Cosmic Trigger(which did profoundly effect my understanding) but also the consideration that consciousness is the original ground of appearance. I have read so many books about concepts of parallel Universe, the application of quantum theory to the macro level of experience, etc.

In a fractal Universe where "As above, so below; As within so without" shows myriads of interrelating similarities, well....

And if the concepts that the Universe is "inside" us is true...

then it seems that the most significant application at the moment is taking on acting out of the belief structure that each of us "humans" is a "parallel universe" all inhabiting the "same" space.

This is very practical as I navigate the mirror world I see reflected.

It seems quite logical to me that it is the time (the sense of time) NOW to use the knowledge with complete insistence. I think that the choice to "agree" or "disagree" (substituting the imaginative preference) with mental constructs and mental conceptualizations "seen in the world" is the mediator of all my "happenings".

So if one can really actually know that nothing is capable of affecting me EXCEPT where I agree to participate, sincerely dwell upon my own imaginative creations, stop engaging in low vibration rumination, give up the seeking of approval, start releasing all the reactive fear thought that want to control and secure the "picture" (such as worry that the world as observed is anything more than the echo of an agreement that can be altered), then what?

What I have been "seeing" is that apart from the writings and the videos on the internet, my own world is pleasant, supportive and full of compassionate and creative elements. I know that I expect this to be so. That is correlated with a decisoon I made that I am responsible.

If it is indeed the case that we expand what is focused and correlate to what is felt and experience what is "within", that makes a completely new world.

I want to hang out with the other people willing to commit these concepts to a test, so I am meeting those willing to accept this challenge. It is not that I have mastered the protocol but again, taking the protocol seriously has focused its own reflection.

6th May 2013, 17:24
I'll have to check that one out--it made me immediately think of the "clockworks", described by Tom Robbins in "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues"...I pulled this quote about it:

“Take now the clockworks... The clockworks, being genuine and not much to look at, don't generate the drama of an Earth-tilt or a flying saucer, nor do they seem to offer any immediate panacea for humanity's fifty-seven varieties of heartburn. But suppose that you're one of those persons who feels trapped, to some degree, trapped matrimonially, occupationally, eductionally or geographically, or trapped in something larger than all those; trapped in a system, or what you might describe as an "increasingly deadening technocracy" or a "theater of paranoia and desperation" or something like that. Now, if you are one of those persons... wouldn't the very knowledge that there are clockworks ticking away behind the wallpaper of civilization, unbeknownst to leaders, organizers and managers (the President included), wouldn't that knowledge, suggesting as it does the possibility of unimaginable alternatives, wouldn't that knowledge be a bubble bath for your heart?”

But my favorite is from quote from that is:

“I believe in everything; nothing is sacred. I believe in nothing; everything is sacred. Ha Ha Ho Ho Hee Hee.”

6th May 2013, 18:07
“Take now the clockworks... The clockworks, being genuine and not much to look at, don't generate the drama of an Earth-tilt or a flying saucer, nor do they seem to offer any immediate panacea for humanity's fifty-seven varieties of heartburn. But suppose that you're one of those persons who feels trapped, to some degree, trapped matrimonially, occupationally, educationally or geographically, or trapped in something larger than all those; trapped in a system, or what you might describe as an "increasingly deadening technocracy" or a "theater of paranoia and desperation" or something like that. Now, if you are one of those persons... wouldn't the very knowledge that there are clockworks ticking away behind the wallpaper of civilization, unbeknownst to leaders, organizers and managers (the President included), wouldn't that knowledge, suggesting as it does the possibility of unimaginable alternatives, wouldn't that knowledge be a bubble bath for your heart?”

Tremendous. A great description of an essential head space. No matter what the control mechanisms of the leash holders, reality still illudes them.


Praise donk

8th May 2013, 08:39
(Inside Chapel Perilous) there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

I have been considering something based on Cosmic Trigger(which did profoundly effect my understanding) but also the consideration that consciousness is the original ground of appearance. I have read so many books about concepts of parallel Universe, the application of quantum theory to the macro level of experience, etc.

In a fractal Universe where "As above, so below; As within so without" shows myriads of interrelating similarities, well....

And if the concepts that the Universe is "inside" us is true...

then it seems that the most significant application at the moment is taking on acting out of the belief structure that each of us "humans" is a "parallel universe" all inhabiting the "same" space.

This is very practical as I navigate the mirror world I see reflected.

It seems quite logical to me that it is the time (the sense of time) NOW to use the knowledge with complete insistence. I think that the choice to "agree" or "disagree" (substituting the imaginative preference) with mental constructs and mental conceptualizations "seen in the world" is the mediator of all my "happenings".

So if one can really actually know that nothing is capable of affecting me EXCEPT where I agree to participate, sincerely dwell upon my own imaginative creations, stop engaging in low vibration rumination, give up the seeking of approval, start releasing all the reactive fear thought that want to control and secure the "picture" (such as worry that the world as observed is anything more than the echo of an agreement that can be altered), then what?

What I have been "seeing" is that apart from the writings and the videos on the internet, my own world is pleasant, supportive and full of compassionate and creative elements. I know that I expect this to be so. That is correlated with a decisoon I made that I am responsible.

If it is indeed the case that we expand what is focused and correlate to what is felt and experience what is "within", that makes a completely new world.

I want to hang out with the other people willing to commit these concepts to a test, so I am meeting those willing to accept this challenge. It is not that I have mastered the protocol but again, taking the protocol seriously has focused its own reflection.

Thanks for this delight. This feels right to me. We are each a universe that has forgotten it is a universe because we have given away our true power by focusing on an external dialogue that is designed to keep us in a state of perpetual amnesia (and perpetual insecurities...constantly needing external validation). The more we are able to resist buying into the external pressures and learn to reconnect and operate from our own internal centerpoint, the freer and more powerful we become...ultimately returning to complete autonomy. ...owww my head hurts now :) . I think the biggest challenge is the fact that we have accepted the state of division (separation) ( ie we belive the whole us and them world view)...But when we shift our perception and start to see the world as a mirror (the good the bad and the ugly) we begin to have a more 'real' perspective...and from this point we can begin to make real changes that will be reflected in our experience of external reality.

I have also found that the more I heal my internal state the more beauty creativity, fun and love I experience in my outer world. Ahhhhhh such a fascinating journey!!!


14th May 2013, 00:11
Who is the Master who makes the grass green. :cool:

At the end of the valley of decisions there is always choice. Reality is what you can get away with.
:wizard:All Hail the Bob Emoticon:horn:

8th January 2015, 19:51
I am bumping the thread on Chapel Perilous as many may just be approaching the door now?




Robert Anton Wilson ~ Maybe Logic

Robert Anton Wilson is a man who has passed through the trials of chapel perilous and found himself on wondrous ground where nothing is for certain, even the treasured companionship of a six-foot-tall white rabbit. Featuring RAW video spanning 25 years and the best of over 100 hours of footage thoroughly tweaked, transmuted and regenerated, Maybe Logic follows a reality labyrinth which leads through the hollows of human perception to the vast star fields of Sirius where we find one man alone, joyfully accepting his status as Damned Old Crank and Cosmic Schmuck. Beaming with insight, frustration, compassion, and unshakable optimism, the ever-open eye of Robert Anton Wilson penetrates human illusions exposing the mathematical probabilities and spooky synchronicities of the 8 dimensions of his reality tunnel.

"Engaging..." - Variety

"I have learned more from Robert Anton Wilson that I have from any other source." - George Carlin

This feature-length documentary is a hilarious and mind-bending journey into the multi-dimensional life of Robert Anton Wilson, one of the foundations of 20th Century Western counterculture and author of the Illuminatus! Trilogy. It features video spanning 25 years and follows Mr.Wilson as he penetrates human illusions, exposing the mathematical probabilities and spooky synchronicities of the eight dimensions of his Universe.

Featuring Tom Robbins, Douglas Rushkoff , R.U. Sirius, Rev. Ivan Stang and Paul Krassner and a sound track by Boards of Canada, Amon Tobin, Pullman, Tarentel, Animals on Wheels, Funki Porcini, and The Cinematic Orchestra.

Winner of Best Documentary Audience Award at the 2004 San Francisco Independent Film Festival.


Rob Brezsny (http://live.ezezine.com/ezine/archives/756_2/756_2-2015. understands Chapel Perilous' tricks. Fear is the polar of love and one can transmute Paranoia to pronoia. As we eat the dark fears they become nourishment. Believe it or not.

Rob quotes another Pronoiaic


Make the invisible dark force beautiful. Create a song out of your moans.
Brag about your wounds. Dance reverently on the graves of your enemies.
Sneak a gift to your bad self. Dissolve the ties that bind you to hollow

Train yourself in the art of unpredictability. Play forever in time's blessing.
Lift up your heart unto the wild sun. Distribute your favors to the little
ones who can never pay you back. Fall out of love with fear. Make
beautiful messes in the midst of ugly messes.

Anything I missed?

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Kenneth Patchen suggests:

1. Discourage all traces of shame.
2. Bear no cross.
3. Extend all boundaries.
4. Blush perpetually in gaping innocence.
5. Burrow beneath the subconscious.
6. Pass from one world to another in carefree devotion.
7. Exhaust the primitive.
8. Generate the free brain.
9. Forego no succulent filth.
10. Verify the irrational.
11. Acquire a sublime reputation.
12. Make one monster at least.
13. Multiply all opinions.
14. Inhabit everyone.

Sound slightly unsavory and certainly uncivilized? Seem illogical and lacking definition? You betcha.

4th March 2021, 01:32
Bumping (around in) Chapel Perilous


4th March 2021, 06:26
Long time fan of Robert Anton Wilson , since late 1980’s, early 1990’s, (sorry I’m not checking out video now ) Eric Davis “High Weirdness “ was excellent intellectual examination of his work/influence in conjunction with Philip K Dick and Terrance McKenna https://www.amazon.com/High-Weirdness-Esoterica-Visionary-Experience/dp/1907222766
I found this book by accident from a coincidental association last winter from a thread about “The Rose of Paracelsus”.
Please forgive my briefness here, I am only on my phone but the mention of R.A.W. throws sparks

4th March 2021, 08:34
I think I gave up on The Illuminatus Trilogy roughly two thirds in. I say think because this is many years ago. I'm not sure why I stopped, but I do recall being a little frustrated by it, whilst still enjoying the various concepts and theories that were being expounded within it. I think I admired it more than I enjoyed it? Regardless, I kept it and it was always on a 'must finish that' one day.

Last summer in lockdown I had another go and had the same feeling. There was much there to admire but I didn't feel compelled by it. I think it's that I don't need those concepts to be introduced to me via a madcap, fast paced thriller narrative, so perhaps Cosmic Trigger is a better way to get RAW's take?

5th March 2021, 02:52
Just watched "Chapel Perilous" video link provided by Delight. I definitely resonate with the doubtful outlook, where certitude is actually more perilous than admitting not knowing.

"Illuminatus Trilogy" was also my first introduction to Robert Anton Wilson led to me by a fringe character. Reading it in '89 was fun, today I also would probably find it a bit tiresome. Back then I collected R.A.W.'s other work, which I really got into at the time, his musing essays being very inspirational to mind expansion, more direct than the metaphors of fiction. "Cosmic Trigger" volumes would be a fine way to get into R.A.W.'s mental explorations. Again, I have to praise Eric Davis' book "High Weirdness" for a detailed analysis of R.A.W. (among P.K. Dick and T. McKenna), authors who tested the outer limits of sanity to pierce the veils of multiple realities and truths.

Btw, I happened to meet my spouse back in '95 because of our common interest in R.A.W. and Castenada .

These crazy times where truth and fiction can hardly be separated seem sprung from the wildest dreams of R.A.W. and other psychedelic psychonauts from the last century. It's like our whole culture has entered "Chapel Perilous"!

Just to add info about Eric Davis book copied from the amazon page:
High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies

A study of the spiritual provocations to be found in the work of Philip K. Dick, Terence McKenna, and Robert Anton Wilson, High Weirdness charts the emergence of a new psychedelic spirituality that arose from the American counterculture of the 1970s. These three authors changed the way millions of readers thought, dreamed, and experienced reality―but how did their writings reflect, as well as shape, the seismic cultural shifts taking place in America?

In High Weirdness, Erik Davis―America's leading scholar of high strangeness―examines the published and unpublished writings of these vital, iconoclastic thinkers, as well as their own life-changing mystical experiences. Davis explores the complex lattice of the strange that flowed through America's West Coast at a time of radical technological, political, and social upheaval to present a new theory of the weird as a viable mode for a renewed engagement with reality.