View Full Version : Why was Jesus the only one who ever lived who had super powers?

23rd April 2013, 12:55
I mean seriously has there ever been anyone who has ever lived who can turn water into wine or walk on water. Never once or can it be proven that any human can do anything out of the ordinary. Sure there are stories but what good is a story. I want to see someone who has telekenisis or who can levitate, I would even settle for someone who can guess the card behind my back 9 out of 10 times. (without using a fake magic trick).

I dont think Jesus really had super powers, if he did all he had to do was show the Romans that he can walk on water and they would have believed he was god and the world would have been a better place. But no, Jesus chose to die instead? This just doesnt make sense to me.

I want to see someone who can do something that defies what we know is humanly possible. Chris Angel is a good magician but still Im sure he has some set up. Where are the X men, the super heros, where is anyone that can prove the supernatural really exist. I want to believe.

23rd April 2013, 13:10
All the prophets before Him, prepared his way to the people. They told of Him since Enoch Noah's Grandfather. They were the "touched/connected" to help us develope the heart and mind to receive Him, and He prepared the way of resurrection, peace, and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. What is taught throughout the Universe.

The dogmatic priest of control and Kings and Human non-evolved maladjusted, abused their power over the people for profits and an lush and easy life.
It couldn't last forever. Every game comes to an end. Our generation holds the deck, and now WE get to say who sits down with Humanity for peace. The past history of these egotistical murderous dictator leaders, has shown that they are not what is best for our evolvement, if all they can do to settle a disagreement is "kill" those they disagree with.:blabla:...BC..:blabla::blabla::blabla:...:blabla::wizard:

That is not allowed in any game for people/beings have choice, and should not be "shouldered" into desperation and anxiety. It disturbs the heart, mind and soul.
Jesus/Yeshua IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT to guide your path to Heaven/Divine order, provided you have the heart and mind of Christ and love your neighbors unconditionally, so as not to have intent to murder, maim for power, riches.

23rd April 2013, 13:12
The book by Yogananda is worth a read "Autobiography of a Yogi"
He visited a nun in Germany who lived just on "The Host"-- other miraculous tales abound in the book.
India is full of miracle workers and charlatans.

In the early days of hypnosis a man in trance was able to see then read a document through anothers body.
Edgar Cayce was famous and well documented as leaving his body, visiting people he had never met and diagnosing their illness and then suggesting the cure. He had no medical knowledge.
People here on Avalon have out of body experiences at will.
Padre Peo was known to bi-locate as was Ramana Maharshi.
One Nun is France levitated regularly.
Some of these things are proven to be so.

Yes it would be nice to see, first hand, some one do something miraculous.


23rd April 2013, 13:17
I don't believe he was the only one to utilize power of the mind, but those who did, became corrupt, and misused and dabbled in darker spiritual demonic slaves to show power, and fool the masses, until the demon becomes powerful and wants to take the reigns, then they put the demon down, send him back. They dabbled alright.

The Royal Wizard
23rd April 2013, 13:18
The history of Jesus is questionble. And there are other entities that had similar powers and abilities as Jesus, Horus is one of them. Probably the "history" of Jesus is all made opp, by romans, newer investigations suggest.

For some reasons; the people with less abilities are those who talk the highest of their own profoundness. The more someone know, the more the extraordinary abilities are evolved, the more quiet such a person is. Lester Levenson talks about this. He developed the ability to make things levitate, but he has never, as far as I know, demonstrated this in public. The only acceptable way do demonstrate such an ability is to call yourself a magician, and name the demonstration an illusion.

I know for my self people who can see thru time and space, but I have never witnessed any person make things levitate or otherwise do something out of the ordinary. So, thank you AMystic3434 for this thread, I will follow it closely :-)

best regards


23rd April 2013, 13:20
Wow, there are so many angles to your comment where I would see things very differently. There are so many stories of people with supernatural abilities. Of course, they're usually all disputed. I don't care, I have experienced past life recall, remote viewing, I saw an orb/UFO manifesting and disappearing, I see and feel auras and energies... "supernatural" things are as real as the nose in my face. I've been open to it, I went for it, and this is what I got.

Here's a video of a guy who sticks an épée through his body, over and over, without even bleeding. "Don't try this at home," unless you know that you can do this. Starts at like 2:00.

Ever heard of siddhis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhi)? If you want proof, I find the best way is to try for yourself, don't wait for anyone to show you, go for it yourself. If you are really determined, you will experience that the supernatural does exist.

I think you greatly oversimply this issue, also the life of Jesus. I believe you that it doesn't make sense to you, but I figure we shouldn't just take our own current point of view and assert that the world has to work according to our current understanding, otherwise claiming that this and that cannot be. What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.

23rd April 2013, 13:30
Dont get me wrong I do believe that it is possible. And I believe this because Ive had many spiritual experience myself. I hear voices that talk to me and I can hear and feel the vibration of the spirit that is talking to me. And Ive had numerous lucid dreams that which I still remember. But still this is not proof enough. Personal experience is not proof.

Prodigal Son
23rd April 2013, 13:39
If knowledge was not suppressed on this planet we would have to completely redefine what are "human" powers and what are "superhuman" powers. Jesus himself answered your question about whether or not he was the only one, saying "you are gods" and "you will do things even greater than these".

If you're going to use the Bible as a reliable source of history and information, then the book itself is filled with accounts of people who had these powers. Just to name a few, the Pharaoh had a team of magic-practicing priests, and so did Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. The accounts even say that Moses and Daniel were initiates in these metaphysical sciences. Moses was better than the other magicians, after the magicians turned their scepters into snakes, Moses turned his into a more powerful snake that consumed theirs. Daniel was given the second highest position in Babylon as a result of being able to interpret the King's dreams when no one else could. The Pharisees hated Jesus because his magic appeared to be more powerful than theirs. The Book of Acts is filled with accounts of magical feats and speaking in tongues by the Apostles and many others after they received the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room.... and it also includes the account of Simon the Magus, whose feats were so completely "superhuman" that he was worshipped as God himself throughout an entire region.

23rd April 2013, 13:47
Personal experience is not proof.

What would be more convincing than personal experience? Especially considering that any "outside proof" is something that you would assess again—in your personal experience. It wouldn't be objective proof, although you might call it that. That's being done all the time, there's a mainstream narrative and many people just say "this is objective." Everything is subjective, it's just that sometimes many people group together and declare something objective, but that doesn't make it so.

I think humanity moving forward is all about giving credence to personal experiences, building up one's own discernment and learning to rely on that. Of course it's also helpful to look around, but the essential experience, the essential proof is within, in my opinion.

23rd April 2013, 13:49
There is the man in this thread. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?12525-NeiKung-amazing-demonstration-of-Chi

IMO all of the great works leave something out or are only 90% true. It only takes a small twist to change everything.

What if what Jesus did was not a miracle?

What if everyone could do it?

How would that change your view of yourself?

23rd April 2013, 13:53
For some reasons; the people with less abilities are those who talk the highest of their own profoundness. The more someone know, the more the extraordinary abilities are evolved, the more quiet such a person is. Lester Levenson talks about this.

I know for my self people who can see thru time and space, but I have never witnessed any person make things levitate or otherwise do something out of the ordinary. So, thank yo/QUOTEo

Mystic,,,that is a very good point...the most extraordinary people will be found in very mundane packages most of the time...to attain the state of consciousness that allows for these "skills" the ego must be in a greatly diminished capacity...it is true as well that one can develop all kinds of talents with "service to self" as the primary goal". I guess you could call these the dark arts...

East Sun
23rd April 2013, 14:00
This may seem far out there but there is a possibility that Jesus was at least part "alien."
The Holy Ghost descended on Mary can be seen in many ways. Also, there are many descriptions in the OT of what to me would be evidence of aliens as in Ezekiel for example.
At present the Vatican Jesuits are searching for alien evidence of a "savior" coming soon.
Of course all that is a matter of what one believes.
Apart from the Bible there have been people with unexplainable abilities like Edgar Cayce as someone mentioned above.

23rd April 2013, 14:17
Dont get me wrong I do believe that it is possible. And I believe this because Ive had many spiritual experience myself. I hear voices that talk to me and I can hear and feel the vibration of the spirit that is talking to me. And Ive had numerous lucid dreams that which I still remember. But still this is not proof enough. Personal experience is not proof.

Personal experience IS proof, and it is about as good as it is ever going to get.

There is good sound reason for this. It lies in the ideal that this existence here, in this place, is individual. There is to be no herd rising. No group rising, no automatic button that is pressed inside of you and illumination comes with no work put in by the individual.

That there can be a universal rising but the work is done by the individual, each doing their own work. Individual. No secret that can be found and passed to others for them to eat unaware at their leisure. No button they can buy or have some servant do it for them. No horse they can ride, no game they can buy into. Each must do their own work in their own way.

People can be shown that such things are real but they must get there via their own energetic input, their own work, their own observations, their own individual change. yes, people can share energy and can pass it off to others but ultimately, illumination and truth is an individual affair. Freedom and growth is an individual affair.

Otherwise, what would be the point?

Oh yes, many people and beings throughout human history have been as powerful as Jesus. His entire point of doing the things he did was for you to understand that.

More importantly, 'powerful' is the wrong word and mindset to bring to the table, the wrong thought and mind to have about the situation. Jesus was a man who had evolved himself to the point that he could harness these capacities, and we can all evolve to do the same. There have been others. Many others.

Also understand that this happens over lifetimes, not one, but it is possible. Reincarnation was written into and throughout the bible, originally. But it was removed by the church.

Ultimately...he's just some guy who had some stuff written about him... and we currently (today's time) hold such writings in reverence. Nothing more. See it for what it is.

23rd April 2013, 14:25
what im trying to say is that personal experience is not proof enough, you must be able to prove it to someone else if it is to be proven true....if its supernatural

23rd April 2013, 14:30
I know a number of people with all kinds of weird stuff going on. Along with strange abilities also comes the wisdom to keep your head low and your mouth shut. Read all five million posts of ulli's thread, and you will see many real, personal accounts of many of these weird events, as it's some of our local strange ones commiserating amongst ourselves, mixed with lots of cats and pictures of our dinners.

23rd April 2013, 14:38
what im trying to say is that personal experience is not proof enough, you must be able to prove it to someone else if it is to be proven true....if its supernatural

No, you prove it to you, via your self. You can't 'gift' truth to some one, it must come to them on it's own via their will and their internal means and ways. You can't inflict truth on people.

They can only find their own, same as they can only believe lies and untruths on their own. Groups can inflict such mindsets on them, but ultimately the choices are of one's own choice and creation.

Fear is a deep herd instinct, a residual of being incarnated in a body that was originally of an ape (a herd animal) of this planet. Thus it is used by those who try to control masses of people.
It is individual truth, but you can have your own energetics.

I can have psychic energetic capacities... but if I get into a room of people who disbelieve me, their own psychic projections of disbelief can overwhelm my capacities and they can defeat mine so it appears as if I have none. They will do this from and in a position of ignorance and thus I am then near powerless.

'Jesus' as a man, was gifted with great power as people GAVE their energies to him by believing in him.

This happens to gurus, presidents, actors, singers, and so on. Anyone whom we thrust energy at as a group. We do this not being aware of what it is, what it means, and what it does. We do it without even knowing it exists, for the most part.

Because we live in an aura of ignorance that covers humanity like a cloak, those who wish to transmit awareness to people... have to fight the living energies of the fear filled ignorance that people unconsciously transmit into and at the group. This is why gurus and searchers retreat to caves and the like. They need to escape the projections of reality of others and find their own way out.

The mental blocking and stupidity of humanity is a meditated mindset that hovers over us like a groupthink, but of formative psychic and reality formation energies.

23rd April 2013, 14:41
only Jesus?

seriously? :)

Watch especially after 2:55 min's, where he makes a fire with his energy.


or breatharian Wiley Brooks


And if you investigate a little bit, you will find many many more examples that show that humans are capable of doing the most extraordinary things.

23rd April 2013, 14:52
what im trying to say is that personal experience is not proof enough, you must be able to prove it to someone else if it is to be proven true.

You can only show people what they are ready and willing to see for themselves. Therefore by telling yourself that you have to prove things to others, you are their slave.

Each one individually must decide what is true or not. You decide for yourself, others decide for themselves. Of course you can choose to go with what others decide, if you like.

23rd April 2013, 15:01
Jesus' magic was more in his message of love than in performing feats like raising the dead, or walking on water.
In a loveless world loving an enemy is the real miracle.
Fear of death can be transformed by just one person proving that life continues in the hereafter, so if it becomes a mere spectator sport for the sheep then all chances of ever waking up will be reduced to zero.
We die alone, and we each seek and discover in our own time, even if we go out there, seeking as a group...not all get the Aha of realization at the same time.
Besides, some non-believers remain that way even when proof and evidence stare them in the face.

23rd April 2013, 15:03
only Jesus?

seriously? :)

Watch especially after 2:55 min's, where he makes a fire with his energy.


That's just incredible! A long time ago humanity used to have way more spiritual powers than we do now, we just have forgotten our inner potential. We have forgotten everything and that's why this world is such a mess right now.


23rd April 2013, 15:07
what im trying to say is that personal experience is not proof enough, you must be able to prove it to someone else if it is to be proven true.

You can only show people what they are ready and willing to see for themselves. Therefore by telling yourself that you have to prove things to others, you are their slave.

Each one individually must decide what is true or not. You decide for yourself, others decide for themselves. Of course you can choose to go with what others decide, if you like.

Well you have a point that people only see what they are willing to see and I dont think they are ready for more, but I dont anymore see the need to try and prove anything to anybody, maybe because it has already been proven to me and that is all that really matters....odd

23rd April 2013, 15:14
People who have special abilities did not acquire them by chasing after special abilities. They are a symptom or side effect of an evolving soul. To demonstrate them to you as some sort of parlor trick would take you further from the truth, not closer to it. This would not serve the highest good of all beings.

If someone did have special abilities and they went public, they would be the center of a circus. A rock star whether by choice or not. This is why we are taught early and often against vulgar displays which serve the ego. The proving of abilities distracts from what is actually true. This was learned the hard way long long ago. If this lesson is not learned and the purifications associated with it not completed (psychological, spiritual, emotional, and karmic), then the Master will not pass on the knowledge until the student is ready. To do so would be to risk creating a Milarepa or Darth Vader.

Sitas are not to be sought for their own sake. To do so leads one down the path of spiritual materialism. It leads to a state the Taoists call "The Valley of the Fallen Masters."

Go within. Seek to be and become the highest manifestation of your own being. This is the way. This way, the sitas will serve the highest good of all beings as you yourself do.

I hope this has made a little sense.

Peace of Mind
23rd April 2013, 15:49
Really get to know thyself...and you too will be having some strange and unique experiences involving the human body and consciousness.

You don’t see these people probably because of a few reasons. You subconsciously believe such people don’t exist… therefore they will not be part of your reality/illusion. And/or the masses have been disempowered/dumb down/programmed since birth to believe what is real and what is not…when in fact all things are possible. Once an idea is sparked and understood within the mind the manifestation of it requires the sensation/emotional intent in order for it to be a part of your reality….it must be realized fully just like everything else that has popped into our minds and became reality. You literally have to remove years of doubt and false indoctrination/belief systems to allow such radical ideas to become real. They don’t become real because you were told and trained to think otherwise (BY SOMEONE ELSE).

How many people actually walk the talk like Jesus did? How many people inspire others to do whats right, motivate people into doing great things for self and others. How many people are insensitive, procrastinators, and reside in fear?

We were trained to place limits upon ourselves, tricked into asking for power instead of tapping into your own source. Also, great power requires great responsibility, and seeing how irresponsible the populace can be at any giving moment such power would have easily brought about the Human demise.

The masses wield very little power (as far as mental/sorcery/magic) because of the limited understanding of their universe. Fortunately, it is becoming popular that much of what we learned as far as math, physics, language, and sciences may be the cause for spawning erroneous beliefs. Today some scientist are contemplating changing the schools text books due to inconsistencies, but by doing so jeopardizes our current way of life. Our controllers (masters) can’t allow that for obvious reasons.

Society is programmed with fear; deep down they are too scared to accept changes.…even when they know these change is for the betterment of society (a clear sign of disempowerment). On the surface some may speak with a brave tone but their actions will always display the truth.

People put too much trust and faith into a corrupt system, gave too much power and excuses to governments that hardly cares about them. We waste time complaining when time is so valuable…simply because we gave it that value just like we gave money our powers….and willfully let a handful of evil doers control it all.

Think about this. Why would great powers bestow people who are unwilling to be powerful? Will these people die for it? Why should a person realize such powers when they are afraid of death? What will these people use their powers for when they don’t even recognize and use the power they already have? Way too many people are looking for leaders, heroes, saviors…instead of being what they seek. This is disempowerment and it is not fair to be expecting others to do for you what you can actually do for self. This is why we have so much corruption in the world because the cowardly evil few controlling everything knows most people will not lift a finger against them. So why should people have powers when they can’t even deal with a handful of cowards without powers? To be a leader, a hero, a person with great power you have to be willing to die protecting such power, heroes, leadership…or else it will be worth nothing....soon after you’ll have something else to be complaining about while continuing to waste your time.

If you live in a world of pain it will not just MAGICALLY disappear unless you actually do something to remedy that pain. If you want to rank up, put the work in and step up your game….


23rd April 2013, 15:55
Peter also walked on the water. The Bible is full of people who possessed superhuman abilities. We ( Humans ) only use a small portion of our brains.

23rd April 2013, 16:00
and here i took jesus walking on the water, to b rising above the sea of emotions and being placid... still waters don't run deep... still waters are still, they don't run at all...

you can believe in anything, but wouldn't personal experience allow you to KNOW.

23rd April 2013, 16:06
Faith is a direct comprehension of the operation of the Universe.

23rd April 2013, 16:29
I believe in one of WADE FRAZIER posts he talks about the 'Silver technique' of meditation where he himself at a young age learnt to diagnose another persons medical problems, without out seeing or knowing them first!

AMystic3434 I think it's not a question of seeing and or having super powers as you put it but!
Simply be in the right frame of mind and vibration to believe.
This is where we are going: drop the ego, don't think of super powers. If we all get this right there will be no need for such powers.

( sorry for the long reply to your post)

Some of my personal experiences

Having said that though!
I many years ago had a life style where I could meditate and hold certain mind set's all day for month's on end.
If you do this you will experience higher levels of being:

Personally I've laid-on-hands and could effect another's body energy to the good, with direct feed back from them with out me telling them first what I was going to do!
Personally I managed to put myself out of the visual range of normal reality I.E a form of invisibility.
With this while in a trance like state walked across a very wide road junction, People riding bikes and or driving cars did not seem to see me. Once I had crossed the junction I had to test it buy stopping 10 feet in front of a pedestrian on the path. I was looking right at this woman walking towards me, see did not see me until see had walked straight into me :) She was not day dreaming as she walked she seemed aware of other people. While in this trance like condition all noise from around me was gone and all obstacles like cars and people seemed to be arranged so as not to interfere with my path of movement, I maintained a constant normal walking speed.

Personally I have projected from my body a "Twisting power beam" (in my mind's eye it looked like a Narwhale horn) (This was a power training exercise) pumping out and up as if to reach the stars.
The first time I did this I had a friend slumped in a chair in my living room. He was very drunk and quite out of it But! as I was power meditating on the beam I started to notice my friend was making noise in time with my pulses. I then noticed he was starting to say Burn, Burn over and over with each of my pulses! I immediately stopped my exercising and made note 'beam has heat effect'. later that evening when my friend was sober he actually told me that what ever I was doing was burning the side of his face!
Now the way all this works for me is simple, I added in my mind set that what ever I try to do or do is harmless and never has long term bad effects.

Many times while doing this meditation I have been reported as leaning forwards, standing at an angle where I should have just fallen over. maybe I could take that on to a higher level and levitate. But personally I have no need to do so, it would be ego.
I believe it is very much a reality though!

Personally I've done a cheated version of 'shamadic Breathing' Cheated because I haven't trained towards it for 10 years doing breathing exercises as recommended but! I saw visions the like that I couldn't replicate on a powerful graphics computer.
Doing this breathing you are supposed balance and go down two routes: Visual and sound. I never did the sound route where you are supposed to hear all the sound of the universe in one crescendo.
I never describe the actual visions I saw unless to someone who has been there as well.

You need to in an un-pre-influenced-conditioned to see and experience for yourself!

Any powers I might have I never use directly for myself. I use any power I have all day, it is myself.
Any energy that goes out from me goes to all: the earth, humanity, the Universe and beyond!!!

The only direct regular focused use is a little kind of prayer with deep energy intent added.
This I say day-to-day when I happen to remember it as I see an aircraft/plane.
"Safe take off, safe journey, safe landing, safe crew, safe passengers, safe cargo every flight, every time, where ever you might be, to all!"
Is this a super power? well I send it out with super power intent :)

23rd April 2013, 16:48
Wow, there are so many angles to your comment where I would see things very differently. There are so many stories of people with supernatural abilities. Of course, they're usually all disputed. I don't care, I have experienced past life recall, remote viewing, I saw an orb/UFO manifesting and disappearing, I see and feel auras and energies... "supernatural" things are as real as the nose in my face. I've been open to it, I went for it, and this is what I got.

Here's a video of a guy who sticks an épée through his body, over and over, without even bleeding. "Don't try this at home," unless you know that you can do this. Starts at like 2:00.

Ever heard of siddhis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhi)? If you want proof, I find the best way is to try for yourself, don't wait for anyone to show you, go for it yourself. If you are really determined, you will experience that the supernatural does exist.

I think you greatly oversimply this issue, also the life of Jesus. I believe you that it doesn't make sense to you, but I figure we shouldn't just take our own current point of view and assert that the world has to work according to our current understanding, otherwise claiming that this and that cannot be. What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.

Thanks Christian, whoua!, if this thing is real and it seems to be, it's one hell of a feat!, isn't in the realm of what miracle men could do centuries back...?

23rd April 2013, 17:18
Why only centuries back? :)

23rd April 2013, 17:30
I have super powers - just can't quite get around to working out how they work yet! But, I know Jesus loves me, so I must be doing some thing right.

Vibrations ?

Prodigal Son
23rd April 2013, 17:43
only Jesus?

seriously? :)

Watch especially after 2:55 min's, where he makes a fire with his energy.


Wow!! Thats awesome! This is a good reason why knowledge has to be suppressed or controlled. If this guy was an arsonist I would love to see the investigators try to figure out what started the fire :heh:

23rd April 2013, 19:03
I would say personal experience is the ultimate gift for self and others around you. You shift from a belief into a knowing. And when you share that knowing with others it sometimes switches a light on within others. But there is never a need to convince others of your knowing from your personal experiences.

My list of knowing.

1966. Watched a UFO hover above me for half an hour

1985. I saw Mother Mary in Bosnia arrive on a mountain like a star from above.

1985. I met a woman Sr Brieg Mackenna who healed people in front of my eyes.

1987 Bosnia again, I witnessed a 30ft high concrete cross built on top off a mountain spin round and round.

1996. I met another healer Alex Orbito as i watched him put his hands inside my body and removed negativity in the form of black liquid. He physically opened all my chakras and inserted a crystal inside.

There have been many gifted souls around this world that performed what we call miracles. But they are not truly miracles. Because everything is an illusion and nothing is solid, They just know how to manipulate nature and the elements.


23rd April 2013, 21:41
Why only centuries back? :)

Christian, I was infering Jesus period particularly because this is most often mentioned than any other times.

I should of mentioned that it ain't a time thing altogether.

23rd April 2013, 22:56
We stopped believing in these powers within ourselves because in the last few hundred years we have had tyrants who had little or no explination of the powers that are in we, supress them with the threat of death... spanish inquisitions, witch hunts etc.. Eventually the childrens children forget them and are not enticed to further them in any way because, of ridicule etc from modern society...In other words, some of us just said the hell with it and moved along with the heard..

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 00:08

Bill Grey was an amazing healer in America during the mid 20th century, practicing mostly in the San Francisco area during the 1940's. There is very little information to be found on him, mysteriously, but he did indeed perform miracles on par with those credited to Jesus.

He was said to manipulate the magnetic fields of those he laid hands on, deriving his healing power from what scientists now call the "VanAllen Belts".

And lets not be too presumptuous. There is really no evidence that Jesus even existed. The gospels were all written many years after the death of Jesus, and none of these men (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) even met him.

A funny (and enlightening) clip...

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 00:33
People who have special abilities did not acquire them by chasing after special abilities. They are a symptom or side effect of an evolving soul. To demonstrate them to you as some sort of parlor trick would take you further from the truth, not closer to it. This would not serve the highest good of all beings.

If someone did have special abilities and they went public, they would be the center of a circus. A rock star whether by choice or not. This is why we are taught early and often against vulgar displays which serve the ego. The proving of abilities distracts from what is actually true. This was learned the hard way long long ago. If this lesson is not learned and the purifications associated with it not completed (psychological, spiritual, emotional, and karmic), then the Master will not pass on the knowledge until the student is ready. To do so would be to risk creating a Milarepa or Darth Vader.

Sitas are not to be sought for their own sake. To do so leads one down the path of spiritual materialism. It leads to a state the Taoists call "The Valley of the Fallen Masters."

Go within. Seek to be and become the highest manifestation of your own being. This is the way. This way, the sitas will serve the highest good of all beings as you yourself do.

I hope this has made a little sense.

This whole post sounds wonderfully wise (and probably is) but in all honesty also sounds quite trite and redundant. It sounds like a clever insurance policy for those who claim certain powers but can't deliver.

And I say this with respect Mr Mystic, and will admit here that I am even playing a bit of the 'ol devil's advocate. But the skeptic and the agnostic in me demands a little more than the latest Eckert Tolle quote.

I'm quite open to all things paranormal, which should be evident simply by my presence here. Sitas may not be sought for their own sake, but I doubt a miracle or 2 would send me down the path of rampant materialism.;) In fact, I'd argue that it might have the opposite effect, not just for me but for the thousands of doubters out there who just need a small push. It would show that the miracle is alive and well, and not just a product of metaphor or biblical allegory.

24th April 2013, 00:42
what im trying to say is that personal experience is not proof enough, you must be able to prove it to someone else if it is to be proven true....if its supernatural

Hi AMystic, IME (in my experience) because a supernatural experience is subjective and personal you cant "prove" it to anyone ,and i do not feel the need to. However this does not make it untrue/did not happen.I personally believe all happens for a reason,we experience all for impetus/growth, in the humdrum and/or stressors of life this is difficult to remember (as i well know).I believe our lives are many and we will all experience all as we evolve and one day if we walk along the path of service to others far enough we may do as Jesus/Yeshua did, i cant tell you where in the Bible Jesus says- these (acts) you will do and more...-lb

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 01:18
Faith is a direct comprehension of the operation of the Universe.

Nice quote. A Reilly original? Be honest now:o

Wouldn't it be nice if we could replace such an obtuse word like 'faith' with 'comprehension'?

"'Faith' merely makes a virtue of not thinking" - Bill Maher

Ernie Nemeth
24th April 2013, 01:57
Dear Friends,

I was wondering what to add to this discusion and asked for help. I was told to wait a bit.

While waiting, a friend I cannot name called and asked if I had got those numbers for in house addiction counselling they had asked for. In and of itself this is not so revelatory. While talking they admitted to not really wanting to go but wanted to allay the concern of those they love. A bit of rant ensued as the ego loves to come up with excuses and logical-sounding reasons to prop up their agenda. I pointed out the fact that we are all connected and that falling off the wagon had repurcusions beyond the person with the relapse. I explained how the drugs were just a sympton and did not address the underlying cause. Not getting the point, this person went on to say how being exposed to other drug addicts only got everyone thinking about doing more drugs. I tried to tell them how that is precicely why a support group is important - to be strong for the one needing a boost at thier most weakest moment.

This person is very dear to me, I love them immensely. The final arguement was that last time they did make friends but that these friends did not want to have contact any more. I lowered my voice for emphasis and said, "Connections are never broken. They think of you often."

Not more than an hour later this person told me that one of their friends had just called, someone they really liked but had not heard from in almost two years - since last they were together in rehab.

Was this a coincidence? This person wanted to think so saying, "Weird, isn't it?" I replied, "Not really, like I said, connections are never broken. Your thinking of them recently was picked up by your friend and they had to call, it was so ordained."

That is the miracle.

Walking on water, changing the water to wine, the two fish feeding the masses are just parlour tricks.

We are of one Mind and one Spirit. Those times when we are compelled to remember that is the miracle.

Often they go unnoticed because we have been trained to define proof for ourselves from an unreal context. If you are a body, then a miracle is flying through the air. If you are Spirit, it is not. If you are Spirit having an experience within a body, then a miracle is when two bodies come together at odd times in odd circumstances to share a moment of heart-felt connection.

It is just a matter of perspective.

We, here on this earth have been programmed from birth to respond to the world in a certain way and no other. It is re-inforced by TV, government, Media, friends and family. It is very hard to break out of this conditioning because society has placed giant walls around their prison called: banks, money, jobs, stores, sex, beauty, schools, you name it. To shun these is to live a life of abject poverty and misery and suffering. We police each other and ridicule those who do not conform in thought and deed. We do not think for ourselves, we look for authority to do this for us.

But we come into this life alone and alone we will one day leave it.

The only Authority for one's life is the one's own self. Find your passion and live it. Those that do and have are the true miracle.

They shine with the light of self-actualization.

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 02:10
Well I s'pose if one is privately and egolessly performing miracles, sans grandstanding, they are likely not only not interested in providing objective proof, they likely don't give a hoot whether you trust in their abilities or not. Fair enough.


If you claim certain paranormal ablities, I see no reason why you couldn't/shouldnt demonstrate them from time to time. I've been a long time follower of the forum, and have seen many people claim many things(an easy thing to do on an internet forum) but when pushed fall back on the well worn excuse that they don't owe anyone explanations, or just resort to phony indignation. Some are even under the rather megalomaniacal belief (in my opinion) that they are being monitored by tptb, and therefore must not draw attention to themselves. In other words, it seems, when pushed, that everyone has the perfect excuse...

Also, and again, I mean absolutely no disrespect here-truly- but to those claiming I need a proper.state of mind, or a proper vibration, or need to go within etc to witness a miracle...I just don't buy it. If a man is floating, walking on water, or feeding thousands with a few fish...my mood or state of mind is irrelevant. If its in front of me, I'll see it, OK? Ha! So please, stop with that one. It makes exactly zero sense.

Mark (Star Mariner)
24th April 2013, 03:01
I dont think Jesus really had super powers, if he did all he had to do was show the Romans that he can walk on water and they would have believed he was god and the world would have been a better place. But no, Jesus chose to die instead? This just doesnt make sense to me.

I would have made a more lengthy and detailed reply to this thread, but it's 03.50 here and I want to go to bed! But just to address this one question you bring up:

If Jesus had 'shown off' such an ability to the Romans, ie walking on water, the only thing that would've happened is that they would have crucified him quicker.

The reason being, the Romans had their own gods, so Jesus was an imposter to them. He was also a huge threat to their totalitarian order of control, manipulation, exploitation, and general avarice. Everything he preached and stood for was contrary to their philosophy (which shares many analogues - disturbingly - to today's political world).

Ultimately, anything that challenged the Roman philosophy was either A) subjugated, B) assimilated and 'converted' to their ways, or C) destroyed. So no, in your cited example the world would not be a better place in the slightest I'm afraid.

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 03:01
what im trying to say is that personal experience is not proof enough, you must be able to prove it to someone else if it is to be proven true....if its supernatural

No, you prove it to you, via your self. You can't 'gift' truth to some one, it must come to them on it's own via their will and their internal means and ways. You can't inflict truth on people.

They can only find their own, same as they can only believe lies and untruths on their own. Groups can inflict such mindsets on them, but ultimately the choices are of one's own choice and creation.

Fear is a deep herd instinct, a residual of being incarnated in a body that was originally of an ape (a herd animal) of this planet. Thus it is used by those who try to control masses of people.
It is individual truth, but you can have your own energetics.

I can have psychic energetic capacities... but if I get into a room of people who disbelieve me, their own psychic projections of disbelief can overwhelm my capacities and they can defeat mine so it appears as if I have none. They will do this from and in a position of ignorance and thus I am then near powerless.

'Jesus' as a man, was gifted with great power as people GAVE their energies to him by believing in him.

This happens to gurus, presidents, actors, singers, and so on. Anyone whom we thrust energy at as a group. We do this not being aware of what it is, what it means, and what it does. We do it without even knowing it exists, for the most part.

Because we live in an aura of ignorance that covers humanity like a cloak, those who wish to transmit awareness to people... have to fight the living energies of the fear filled ignorance that people unconsciously transmit into and at the group. This is why gurus and searchers retreat to caves and the like. They need to escape the projections of reality of others and find their own way out.

The mental blocking and stupidity of humanity is a meditated mindset that hovers over us like a groupthink, but of formative psychic and reality formation energies.

There are many good points here, particularly about projection and its effects, but I'd probably say that if a psychic walked into a room and was rendered powerless by a few disbelievers, that psychic never had much of an ability in the first place. I sort of empathize with the op here, and am frustrated with the lack of miracles in my.everyday life. My.personal feeling is that the paranormally gifted population has been so diluted by the planetary rulers, that what we have left pales in comparison to what was...and really what should be...

24th April 2013, 03:21
we should only be concerned with the miracles that we can perform ourselves.

Ron Mauer Sr
24th April 2013, 04:48
what im trying to say is that personal experience is not proof enough, you must be able to prove it to someone else if it is to be proven true....if its supernatural

It would be nice to watch some unusual, genuine, not trickery example of supernatural ability. Spoon bending can be a great introduction. I have experienced success only once out of many attempts. But it was a demonstration of how powerful we can be sometimes.

Demonstrations are sometimes linked with a circus like showmanship that some people, Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi (founder of the modern version of Transcendental Meditation) being one, said should be avoided. The sidhi for levitation was just starting when I was active. I knew some people who took the course but they would not let us ordinary meditators watch. Has anyone on this forum either performed or watched the TM version of levitation (or hopping as it was sometimes called).

24th April 2013, 06:14
There are some good books from Russia on ESP studies,
also there is a book called the Iceland Papers,
you ought to look for studies conducted by universities and doctors -- there are quite a few people out there with special talents.

Unfortunately many of these talents are of a telepathic nature and do not produce the kinds of whizbangs and sparks that modern Hollywood fans crave.

In fact some people believe that ESP has been weaponized as early as WW2 and that is the reason we never get to hear anything about it.

it's hard to control, therefore the authorities deny that it exists.
like free energy... except in a human body

24th April 2013, 09:32
I personally dont feel that these siddhis are to be demonstrated for showmanship. I have always felt they were a "side effect" of having evolved spiritually.And i also think that adepts probably have more to do than frequent forums, no offence to any here-lb

24th April 2013, 10:54
So Whiskey Mystic is trite and redundant, Carmody is a megalomaniac for thinking the ptb is keeping tabs on him, etc, etc, etc,

To respond with my usual humor, Mr. bruno dante, no pearls for you, you come back, one year!


Lost Soul
24th April 2013, 10:59
Having superpowers and having the wisdom to know when to use it are two distinct things. You don't use it to boost Your ego or to show off. You only use it to serve in the interest of the creator. Jesus didn't have to be crucified if he didn't want to. the creators wanted it (and in my opinion so we would not forget him as just another long hair, sandal wearing California hippie).

Prodigal Son
24th April 2013, 11:32
One thing that I find quite telling about the Jesus miracle stories is that Josephus, the main Jewish historian of the day who was quite meticulous about paying attention to detail and wrote tomes about relatively insignificant nobodies, failed to notice Jesus and his alleged escapades.

Then again, David Icke says that the entire New Testament was written by Calnerius Piso, a Roman, aka "Josephus"...

So..... I imagine the only way to find out for sure is to get into a time machine and go check it out.

But what is really the point? That human beings have demonstrated all the abilities that Jesus did and according to his own words we all have these latent abilities... and as mentioned these are not "miracles" but just a display of the knowledge of metaphysical science.

However I very much doubt that the story of raising Lazarus from the dead really happened.... I had read an article debunking it which I will try to find and post it once I do.... it had way too much allegorical depth to be a simple story about bringing a dead corpse back to life. This was a tale concocted to promote the idea of resurrection instead of reincarnation.... one of Christianity's biggest lies.

24th April 2013, 11:55
Bottom line. Jesus was the then Boss's son. If you don't like it, don't even think of questioning. Just walk on, and leave a tip on your way out. We here at the Sacred Evacuation of Christ's Testicles cannot countenance such defeatist attitudes. Especially on the eve of such forward thinking and divinely inspired initiatives as......

The reduction of the age of consent to the pre-natal years, our nation wide tax exemption initiative, the immanent global holocaust denial therapy DVD release, the opening of 20 genital hygiene and mutilation clinics, Barclay's loyalty point e-meter ATM's coming on line this May Day, and lets not forget the Benedictine retirement homes for Faithful Heroes program.

If this was not enough we here at the Sacred Evacuation of Christ's Testicles Headquarters have in the past 24 hrs personally blessed, and sanctified 12 dogging sites in Europe. While simultaneously starting a bankable feasibility study into drive through postmortem soup kitchens.

Quite frankly if this isn't enough evidence of miracles in our modern times, we here at the Sacred Evacuation of Christ's Testicles don't know what is. We hope this brings your faith back to the Church.


Yours Sincerely

Rev Bryston Parsnip Chief Scrotum Fluffer to the Archbishop of Canterbury (French Petrochemical Division)

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 12:26
Well I s'pose if one is privately and egolessly performing miracles, sans grandstanding, they are likely not only not interested in providing objective proof, they likely don't give a hoot whether you trust in their abilities or not. Fair enough.


If you claim certain paranormal ablities, I see no reason why you couldn't/shouldnt demonstrate them from time to time. I've been a long time follower of the forum, and have seen many people claim many things(an easy thing to do on an internet forum) but when pushed fall back on the well worn excuse that they don't owe anyone explanations, or just resort to phony indignation. Some are even under the rather megalomaniacal belief (in my opinion) that they are being monitored by tptb, and therefore must not draw attention to themselves. In other words, it seems, when pushed, that everyone has the perfect excuse...

Also, and again, I mean absolutely no disrespect here-truly- but to those claiming I need a proper.state of mind, or a proper vibration, or need to go within etc to witness a miracle...I just don't buy it. If a man is floating, walking on water, or feeding thousands with a few fish...my mood or state of mind is irrelevant. If its in front of me, I'll see it, OK? Ha! So please, stop with that one. It makes exactly zero sense.

So Whiskey Mystic is trite and redundant, Carmody is a megalomaniac for thinking the ptb is keeping tabs on him, etc, etc, etc,

To respond with my usual humor, Mr. bruno dante, no pearls for you, you come back, one year!


Well, I said the post.was a little trite and redundant; I would never assign an individual I don't know characteristics with such permanence. I'm sure he's a smart and.insightful guy. And I never called anyone in particular a megalomaniac - you did! ;). Does she think she's being monitored by tptb? Well maybe she is! Ha! I did say "in my opinion", didn't I Mr Reilly?

And all this after I complimented your wonderful quote? ;)

Anyway, I do like your video. In the immortal words of Pacino: Hooowaaahhh!

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 12:43
Bryston, funniest post I've read in some time my friend! Really has me cracking up here. Thanks for the laugh!!

24th April 2013, 12:44
Sorry, you said you'd been following the forum, I thought such was the implication you were making about *him*.

The real point being, as I indicated earlier in the thread, one who may be able to prove the miracle/magic/psychic capacities will generally not be willing to do so. What Whiskey was pointing at, and Carmody, is very much the way it is. What's funny, like the old saying goes, it takes one to know one, one who has such capability will know those who do have such metaphysical leanings in a concrete, provable way, without the need for any elaborate demonstration. All others are free to take it or leave it, matters not either way. No hard feelings.

24th April 2013, 13:39

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 13:51
Well I s'pose if one is privately and egolessly performing miracles, sans grandstanding, they are likely not only not interested in providing objective proof, they likely don't give a hoot whether you trust in their abilities or not. Fair enough.


If you claim certain paranormal ablities, I see no reason why you couldn't/shouldnt demonstrate them from time to time. I've been a long time follower of the forum, and have seen many people claim many things(an easy thing to do on an internet forum) but when pushed fall back on the well worn excuse that they don't owe anyone explanations, or just resort to phony indignation. Some are even under the rather megalomaniacal belief (in my opinion) that they are being monitored by tptb, and therefore must not draw attention to themselves. In other words, it seems, when pushed, that everyone has the perfect excuse...

Also, and again, I mean absolutely no disrespect here-truly- but to those claiming I need a proper.state of mind, or a proper vibration, or need to go within etc to witness a miracle...I just don't buy it. If a man is floating, walking on water, or feeding thousands with a few fish...my mood or state of mind is irrelevant. If its in front of me, I'll see it, OK? Ha! So please, stop with that one. It makes exactly zero sense.

Sorry, you said you'd been following the forum, I thought such was the implication you were making about *him*.

The real point being, as I indicated earlier in the thread, one who may be able to prove the miracle/magic/psychic capacities will generally not be willing to do so. What Whiskey was pointing at, and Carmody, is very much the way it is. What's funny, like the old saying goes, it takes one to know one, one who has such capability will know those who do have such metaphysical leanings in a concrete, provable way, without the need for any elaborate demonstration. All others are free to take it or leave it, matters not either way. No hard feelings.

Well I'll leave it...for now anyway. Absolutely no hard feelings my friend. A little debate can be fun sometimes. And apologies to Carmody...Sir!;)

24th April 2013, 15:36
I can turn bread and wine into a mix with digestive fluids.

As for the rest: me mum spent some time 'playing for the other team' (switch hitter), so I guess it's an inherited trait, iffin' I was willing to spend time switching teams. This somehow comes across in the writings and impressions. Monkey in the middle, I guess. Meh, whatever.

bruno dante
24th April 2013, 17:15
Well I s'pose if one is privately and egolessly performing miracles, sans grandstanding, they are likely not only not interested in providing objective proof, they likely don't give a hoot whether you trust in their abilities or not. Fair enough.


If you claim certain paranormal ablities, I see no reason why you couldn't/shouldnt demonstrate them from time to time. I've been a long time follower of the forum, and have seen many people claim many things(an easy thing to do on an internet forum) but when pushed fall back on the well worn excuse that they don't owe anyone explanations, or just resort to phony indignation. Some are even under the rather megalomaniacal belief (in my opinion) that they are being monitored by tptb, and therefore must not draw attention to themselves. In other words, it seems, when pushed, that everyone has the perfect excuse...

Also, and again, I mean absolutely no disrespect here-truly- but to those claiming I need a proper.state of mind, or a proper vibration, or need to go within etc to witness a miracle...I just don't buy it. If a man is floating, walking on water, or feeding thousands with a few fish...my mood or state of mind is irrelevant. If its in front of me, I'll see it, OK? Ha! So please, stop with that one. It makes exactly zero sense.

I can turn bread and wine into a mix with digestive fluids.

As for the rest: me mum spent some time 'playing for the other team' (switch hitter), so I guess it's an inherited trait, iffin' I was willing to spend time switching teams. This somehow comes across in the writings and impressions. Monkey in the middle, I guess. Meh, whatever.

Ha! Well played mate..;)

24th April 2013, 17:42
In my experience those that have experienced truly supernatural experiences will often be so traumatized to their core they will not consciously remember them.

There is some debate whether Jesus actually died on the cross but the way the story ends (on the cross!) is a good example of why people with certain abilities tend to be a little shy about show boating their skills. A good place to start in understanding why certain individuals tend to hide in the shadows is the books of Carlos Castaneda.

Those that walk with spirit are not performing monkeys, they have nothing to prove. If you need proof you will not find it out side yourself, best to look within.

24th April 2013, 18:02
I mean seriously has there ever been anyone who has ever lived who can turn water into wine or walk on water. Never once or can it be proven that any human can do anything out of the ordinary. Sure there are stories but what good is a story. I want to see someone who has telekenisis or who can levitate.....

I haven’t yet had the time to read this thread - yet wish to add a video to the question about 'levitation'.

There is somewhere in history a story about a European Christian levitating monk who during prayers would levitate high up in the eves seen by all the congregation. Hopefully someone on PA may know where to find this in history.

Here is a modern day Buddhist monk 'levitating' – no tricks - it is the real thing witnessed by a modern day magician Dan White.


Linda Joy Crutcher
24th April 2013, 18:51
I mean seriously has there ever been anyone who has ever lived who can turn water into wine or walk on water. Never once or can it be proven that any human can do anything out of the ordinary. Sure there are stories but what good is a story. I want to see someone who has telekenisis or who can levitate.....

Haven't we all had super powers at times? I, personally, have had several supernatural and powerful events happen through me. These events only occur when there is no sense of self anywhere in mind. We can't seem to make them happen at will, maybe because human will always has a modicum of self-serving interest involved. If Jesus did create at will, the only thing that makes sense to me is that part of his mission was to show man what he is capable of when functioning with a consciousness of pure love and in the interest of the whole.

24th April 2013, 21:21
Jesus' magic was more in his message of love than in performing feats like raising the dead, or walking on water. In a loveless world loving an enemy is the real miracle.

When you see a mortal human being helping his fellow-man, without claiming anything in return, there you see a miracle.

24th April 2013, 22:02
I mean seriously has there ever been anyone who has ever lived who can turn water into wine or walk on water. Never once or can it be proven that any human can do anything out of the ordinary. Sure there are stories but what good is a story. I want to see someone who has telekenisis or who can levitate.....

Haven't we all had super powers at times? I, personally, have had several supernatural and powerful events happen through me. These events only occur when there is no sense of self anywhere in mind. We can't seem to make them happen at will, maybe because human will always has a modicum of self-serving interest involved. If Jesus did create at will, the only thing that makes sense to me is that part of his mission was to show man what he is capable of when functioning with a consciousness of pure love and in the interest of the whole.

And...there it is.

24th April 2013, 22:34

It leads to a state the Taoists call "The Valley of the Fallen Masters."


Hi there, could you point me to some sources where I could read more about this, whisky? I have never come across this phrase in my taoist studies and would love to find out more.


28th April 2013, 05:42
Hi Minkton,

I have never seen this discussed in writing. It was passed to me through the lineage of Liu Hung Chieh, but I know that other schools have a similar teaching. Some say "village", some say "valley", but it is the same teaching at its base.

28th April 2013, 05:58
My God, that was funny!! As George Carlin said (and Bill Mahr after him)....religion is bull****.

Dave - Toronto

28th April 2013, 09:50
Whisky spoke of MilaRepa earlier comparing him a little harshly to Darth Vader, but I guess there are similarities although Milarepa did not have to die at the hands of his son to go beyond good and evil.

Here is a brief description of his life, I have put in bold the part I believe most relevant to the thread.

When his father died, Milarepa's uncle and aunt took all of the family's wealth. At his mother's request, Milarepa left home and studied sorcery. While his aunt and uncle were having a party to celebrate the impending marriage of their son, he took his revenge by summoning a giant hail storm to demolish their house, killing 35 people, although the uncle and aunt are supposed to have survived. The villagers were angry and set off to look for Milarepa, but his mother got word to him, and he sent a hailstorm to destroy their crops.
Many of Milarepa's deeds took place in Chokyi Dronma's homeland and his life and songs were compiled by Tsangnyön Heruka, sponsored by Chokyi Dronma's brother, the Gungthang king Thri Namgyal De.[2]
Milarepa later lamented his evil ways in his older years in conversation with Rechungpa: "In my youth I committed black deeds. In maturity I practised innocence. Now, released from both good and evil, I have destroyed the root of karmic action and shall have no reason for action in the future. To say more than this would only cause weeping and laughter. What good would it do to tell you? I am an old man. Leave me in peace


2nd May 2013, 10:37
Hi Minkton,

I have never seen this discussed in writing. It was passed to me through the lineage of Liu Hung Chieh, but I know that other schools have a similar teaching. Some say "village", some say "valley", but it is the same teaching at its base.

Thanks, whiskey.
Bruce frantzis teacher? Interesting!

I dont know any schools which have this teaching, its a gap in my knowledge. I am intrigued. Are you able to say any more about it? Sorry to be persistent on what is probably a minor point, but it is of deep interest to me.

I have heard of "stuck" immortals who are unable to progress, but this is just anecdotal talk and my information goes no further.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

Btw whiskey what do you think of the paralell between the holy trinity and the three pure ones...

2nd May 2013, 11:39
Joel Goldsmith

Harry Edwards

Mary Baker Eddy

Just some obvious conventional healers.

Unheard of things in unheard parts of the world.

Figure out what you mean by super-powers.