View Full Version : The Cosmic Races - Sympathy and Polarity

25th September 2010, 00:57
Since so many discussions have been started recently about reptilian and other negative ET races on this forum, I decided to include this info that I found a while back on a couple of websites.
I hope this info will clarify some of the 'misconceptions' many have regarding this subject. Please read with an open mind, and remember you don't have to believe anything if it does not resonate with you (your heart). Meantime enjoy reading...:cool:

* Reptilian types and those of the human types came from different fragments of consciousness in the sense of polarity, such as a line of a magnet or magnetic bar, the positive pole on one end and the negative pole on the other end; if this bar were made of light or consciousness, and one end of that bar were to develop faster than the other end, the faster growing end would become the head, the other end the tail.
* Now, if the positive end of the bar became the head, it would result in a creature different from the bar in which the negative end became the head whatever creature is created it has a positive and a negative side, and one side is energized more than the other. The positive side, if energized more, becomes the head, and the negative side, if energized more, becomes the head.
* The Reptoids were born out of the negative end of such polarized energy, and the mammals were born out of the positive side of such energies, and they are, of course, many degrees in between. Thus, you see the cat with its cats eyes having certain qualities similar to that of the Reptoids and Greys and the dog with its round eyes and round pupils having certain qualities and facial features more akin to that of the human.
* The difference between humanity and the Reptilian or Reptoid types is that humanity is accompanied by the evolutionary growth and development of compassion, while the Reptoids have stripped away compassion from their being and have become technologically cold, efficient, powerful.

More from the source here (http://rune.galactic.to/etgen2.html) and here... (http://home.iae.nl/users/lightnet/creator/overview2.htm)

25th September 2010, 01:40
Thank you for the links.

I hope this info will clarify some of the 'misconceptions' many have regarding this subject.
I am not sure what are those misconceptions... Could you please expand on that? I have read the text you've quoted and skipped through the linked pages and I agree with the general parts. I am not that sure about details like who are our friends in this game (those pages list Vegans, Lyrans, Pleiadians, etc).

I quote from the second link:

How the New World Order (Global Governance) is taking control right under our nose

* No. 1: First get rid of Individuality
* "Political Correctness" the major tool of the New World Order
* Our Reptoid Creators first tried to make us slaves
* The Sirian Geneticist allowed man to think & become spiritual (who knows)
* The ability to think is now being programmed out of humans
* New World Order working through small minority groups
* The focus of schooling children: to have non opinions
* Reading, writing and arithmetic being replaced with socializing
* New World Order is an order based on corporate states
* On the agenda of the New World Order: Depopulate the Earth
* Reptoids behind New World Order would again makes us slaves

This pretty much sums up my concerns. I think we should start checking all the information marketed to us (e.g. innocent looking stuff like new age channelled messages) taking into account the agenda quoted above, and talk about what we find to help raising awareness and critical thinking skills.

EDIT: Another quote that rings true to me:

The Battle is to Save the Souls of the Earthlings
This probably has to do with the claim that 'the ability to think is now being programmed out of humans' to revert the work allegedly done by sirians.

25th September 2010, 03:47
This is interesting. I copied this from Dan's first linked article. Have you ever wondered who or what controls the reptoids and the greys? They have a name.


Asuras, Who Represent the Depth of Evil.

"Another part of the onion peeled"

These are likened unto a prototype of demonic energies. This Awareness indicates that these entities have a control over the Reptoids in their own Draco Galaxy, and have influence in other areas of the galaxies, particularly where they can have cooperation between Reptoids and other groups that they have conquered through their manipulative powers. That their power lies more in their ability to conquer through manipulations, to conquer the heads of groups and use those heads for furthering the extension of their own power over still other groups.

They essentially work by conquering a group and using that group to conquer other groups, and they tend to have no compassion of any kind so that no mercy is shown to those whom they control and this allows them to extend fear from the ranks of the highest to the lowest so that the entities under their control are controlled by fear of their own superiors and will do the bidding of their superiors, and the superiors are also controlled by fear. It is essentially a power group epitomizing the basic concept of evil, if one is to describe evil as the absence of compassion, wherein their is no room for compassion.

They do not appear to have any particular home place or planet other than wherever they happen to be. They roam the galaxy freely without an attachment to a particular place and their attachment is to power itself, and to the enjoyment of exercising power. Rudolph Steiner as having described the Asuras as prototypes or archetypes of evil.