View Full Version : So You Think You’re Awakened: What next?

29th April 2013, 21:05
Two new threads in one day. This may never happen again. LOL I'm posting this particular one in support of Chris's Enlightenment thread (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?860-Enlightenment-The-Ego-what-is-it-How-to-transcend-it.), as it simplifies the process of discussion by just posting a link to a pre-existing forum entry rather than to my blog.

So You Think You’re Awakened: What next?

You already know what it feels like to wake up. Every morning, you find yourself in a place where you are aware of your surroundings. It may be the alarm clock, it may be a ray of sunshine floating through your blinds to caress your eye-lids, it may be some other sound. You find yourself lying there for however long, experiencing. Then, suddenly, you become aware of yourself experiencing. The day floods in and the night recedes instantly, you begin to think of getting up, your plans for the day. Any dreams you may have been having slip into unconsciousness, as the waking mind is not equipped to fully understanding them. This is the common experience of awakening.

There is another type of awakening that occurs in pretty much the same manner. This Awakening has different variations and levels, much like the kind of awakening that you are currently familiar with.

During the course of any normal day, we are each relatively aware of our sojourn through life. We believe we know who we are and why we are here. Many of us have religious beliefs; we think there is a God, maybe in Heaven above, maybe somewhere else. We know there is a government, we know there are problems with the financial system. We know people who have it really good and many of us now know people who have it really bad, so we are aware that there are variations along a scale, although we may only be vaguely aware of why. We know that there are inequalities; we may have experienced them personally in some instance during our lives and have a memories of times when we were personally victimized. Our perspectives seem fixed, our experiences, straightforward, and this is enough of an awakening to make it through the course of any normal life.

But just being able to navigate the daily grind is not enough anymore. There have always come points in human history when people at a larger scale of occurrence begin to realize that there is more to their world than has previously met the eye. Often, it has happened against the direction of the collective will. People have had to be dragged, kicking and screaming from their placid lives – although this occurred figuratively, most often – as events and facts revealing an alternate understanding of the world began to amass beyond their capacity to deny. If the dragging and screaming occurred literally, it was often too late and their awakening coincided with the onset of the final sleep, death.

The first and most common type of Awakening these days is economic. Ever since the collapse of the monetary system in 2008, brought on by unregulated financial instruments and predatory lending, things have gotten worse for the majority of the world’s people. While wealth has continued its relentless path of concentration in the richest hands and banks, the Western world’s middle class ranks have been steadily thinning. Faced with joblessness, the lack of opportunities and limited welfare benefits, the realization that the educational system actually mis-educates has been sinking into the minds of more and more people. Understanding out-sourcing, international economic agreements, the trans-national nature of corporations and other previously arcane topics sends the newly disenchanted down rabbit holes filled with information previously disdained and irrelevant to the lives of the sleeping, but newly relevant to the burgeoning understanding of the nascent Seeker.

It is true that drugs, alcohol, television and video games can delay the search for truth for a while. But, without a job to be able to afford these things for long, the Seeker then has few other options available to him other than to attempt to understand why this has happened. Why her perception of the world has shifted and what the new parameters of reality have become.

The second type of Awakening that often seems as if it is the pinnacle of consciousness is often reached through the study of politics, but includes aspects of economics as well as general cultural production and world history. This type of Awakening occurs when one becomes aware of the existence of secret societies and their history within the evolution of Western Civilization. It often begins once one is apprised of the meaning of the symbols on the American one dollar bill and proceeds from there through wormholes of potentiality where Illuminated Ones mask themselves as Knights Templar and Masons, as Rosicrutians and Hospitallers. Into a space of understanding where Boy Scouts become neophytes engaging in arcane rites of passage while Disney cartoons and the Wizard of Oz turn out to be more diabolical than innocent. Turning down this path is dangerous for the Seeker, as the information gleaned therein begins to separate her from her family, friends and society itself. People start to look at him askance, wondering if she’s still putting in job applications. If he’s thought of joining the Peace Corps yet or applied to teach English in China. Once adversity rears its ugly head in the form of social censure, ostracization and the broaching of unpopular and apparently taboo subjects, a deeper form of Awakening begins.

The third type of Awakening that happens to people is related to the first two. It occurs when people begin to really understand that not only does the system not have their best interest at heart, but that it is actually trying to kill us all. Beyond the economic system, beyond the politics, it soon becomes clear to the Seeker that the environment around us has been eviscerated by human greed and consumptive patterns of living. But not only is it the external, biological environment that has been under attack, but the internal, physiological environment has been invaded as well. The food that we eat, the beverages that we drink, the products that we use to cleanse ourselves and live our daily lives often have toxic repercussions upon and within our bodies. From fluoride in the water and toothpaste to aspartame in our drinks. From mercury in our teeth to the numerous pharmaceutical offerings of questionable potency and probable toxicity, the Seeker begins to understand that he is seen as a commodity to the corporate overlords and so is imminently expendable. This understanding then leads the Seeker to naturopathy and holistic health; to seeking alternative and health-building not health-destroying ways to live that impact the body and the earth in a minimal fashion. Vegetarianism, Veganism and Frutarianism are paths that become viable to the Seeker as she begins to understand the true nature of the world and her place in it.

And this is where the path of Awakening generally ends, for most people. And why not? Up until this point, the Seeker has gone from placidly going about his daily life, content with the mainstream pleasures and accomplishments that are generally indicative of success in life. A job, a family, a bit of spending money, maybe a house, condo or nice apartment, friends and vacation time. Coming to the understanding that a life lived consciously is comprised of much more than just going along to get along is a quantum leap from a start-point of ignorant material comfort and nominal success.

This is an evolution of consciousness, right? Losing financial stability in life or seeing someone close to them lose it may have brought her through the steps of Awakening all the way to the point where he has begun to live a transformed life. The Seeker no longer drinks grape or red soda. She is now eating veggie burgers instead of prime sirloin steak, he even eat fruit now instead of candy. Their carbon footprint has lessened – as they probably now recycle – drive less – if they even have a car – and don’t litter. Even if materially poor, the Seeker is attempting to live consciously, aware of what is going on around himself and aware of her own responsibility as a citizen of the world. So what else could there be? What further type of Awakening is possible?

Thus far, the path of Awakening has corresponded exactly to the process of waking up each day as enumerated earlier: 1) an awareness of one’s surroundings, occasioned by some intrusion upon primal consciousness (noise, light, pervasive being-ness, etc.; living life unaware of Self; omnipresence) 2) awareness becoming aware of itself (thinking of the day; learning what the world really is; omniscience) 3) awareness projecting consciousness into materiality (getting out of bed; living consciously; omnipotence). Not coincidentally, the experience of mundane awakening approximates the cultural Awakening process brought about by research and information synthesis and integration (holistic economic, political and cultural awareness), which then leads to the next level of iteration, that which represents the process that is the subliminal goal of all previous efforts, culminating in the beginning of the Seeker’s sojourn upon the path of Higher Awakening. The three-stage process mentioned above is also, not coincidentally, an exact rendition of the steps of material manifestation, of Creation itself as expressive of the most sublime principles of spiritual understanding.

At this stage of the process, it is no longer about studying or debating, sharing or even caring what other people think about you and your path in life. It is about going deep within. It is about connecting with your spiritual core. Knowing exactly who you are.

This is formidable task. This is where most Seekers balk. This is where most fall back into the comfort of group-think and stagnation, preferring intellectual masturbation to inner knowledge. This is where the programs of a lifetime reassert their primacy, where the ego recognizes the threat and responds. Where a not-so-subtle material re-entrenchment occurs once you’ve realized that you’ve reached the point beyond which your family and friends must finally realize that you’ve gone Off the Reservation and are no longer even attempting to conform to their culturally-based standards of normality and social acceptability.

This is the point where knowledge becomes lived reality, something done rather than something thought or talked about. The goal of all life, all evolution; beyond thought, beyond conception, beyond understanding. To finally and truly Be, integral consciousness manifest, existing within the eye of the storm, the center of the circle, placid and peaceful, flowing through life formed yet formless, like water, malleable yet firm, self-aware within and thusly aware of all else without.

But that’s a topic for another day. Welcome, to the real world.

29th April 2013, 21:35
Once upon a time I thought I was an authority on various subjects and could be relied on to have an opinion on everything.
I think it some what funny to realise that I know nothing---I might know "about" but spiritual knowing is no learned or book knowledge.
Even at that life is a total mystery --- What can I safely say I know?
Only one thing--- "I am" everything else is up for debate.


29th April 2013, 21:50
You've said a mouthful here, Chris.

As an academic-in-training my default mode of being is supposed to be one of being knowledgeable. However, I am finding that my spiritual side is resulting in the expression of that professional stance quite a bit differently than when I was younger and very much into debate, argumentation and the stimulation of intellectual interaction. Now, it is more about allowing people to discover things on their own. If I must participate, then I do so in a way that facilitates the knowledge-accumulation process without hijacking it by claiming the status of the all-knowing savant, which is a trap, and actually how you are expected to behave to a large extent in traditional instructional and learning institutions.

When you know that it is all pointless in the end, but you still have to live in the world and participate in it and the lives of others, it is an interesting conundrum indeed to work out how to be true to yourself and what you know as Truth while fulfilling your duties to society at the same time.

Or, as Huey from The Boondocks (http://www.boondockstv.com/) says:


29th April 2013, 22:33
All I can do is bring a light and loving heart and a bright smile to the world. In truth, most don't care about other's opinions unless they validate their own. But silent, non-judgmental listeners can do much for this world. A compassionate word, a squeeze of a hand, help as well.

29th April 2013, 22:57
Thank you for your post Rahkyt.
Your post is a good reminder as to the path I have been on
and a great help forwards as well.

Once upon a time I thought I was an authority on various subjects and could be relied on to have an opinion on everything.
I think it some what funny to realise that I know nothing---I might know "about" but spiritual knowing is no learned or book knowledge.
Even at that life is a total mystery --- What can I safely say I know?
Only one thing--- "I am" everything else is up for debate.


Once I had found a Project Camelot vid which linked me to Project Avalon. I knew this is where I had to be, I was quite desperate to join, I needed to be here. I knew this.
I to thought I knew quite a lot on various subjects just like you greybeard/Chris but I wasn't even sure I could say "I am" about myself. I still have moment's of being lost or found, but now I can find balance and strength within the posts and words found here.

29th April 2013, 23:22
When one thinks that is awakened, it might not be that -- when one is truly awakened, there is no "real next"...

Much Love & Blessings

30th April 2013, 00:43
To be honest, i wouldn't mind being asleep again for a few days, just thinking everything is allright and life is good as it is... just for the feeling of it.

30th April 2013, 00:50
Thanks Rahkyt, I love your explaining how you see, feel ''awakening''.

Even though I went through the stages you mentioned, I kept on learning (College, Universities), always searching for some unknown.

And yet, I feel that I don't know much!, life bring new things everyday, so the knowledge of yesterday is ever changing. I find that challenging, rewarding, fullfilling, glad to be part of it all!

30th April 2013, 01:09
Hi all, thank you so much for your comments. I find truth in every post. I find joy beneath your words, can sense your sincerity and dedication to the path of awakening.

Of course, this write is indicative of the path of my own journey and the understandings that I have come to as a result.

And at the same time, there was no journey. There is no understanding, only a resting, a completion.

Even while the movement continues.


Words will forever be inadequate, and yet, we must use them in order to communicate. Unless some of y'all want to meet on the astral plane sometime and use telepathy instead?

I look forward to what comes next, even if there is no next! Blessings, to One and All!


30th April 2013, 01:37
I'm not awakened, but I'm not asleep. My entire life has been spent trying to figure out what-in-the-heck am I here for? I've gained "knowledge" up in my head, but it's all useless crap as far as I'm concerned. I have not progressed one iota, not one iota as to the why am I here question. I'm still no closer to understanding that question than when I was 5 years old.

Oh sure, ... we're here to experience, we're here to learn, blah, blah, blah. ( <--- And I say that for me, and me only. We're all on different paths here). But for me, it's all crap! That stuff in no way answers the deep questioning that is within me. The emptiness. The solitude. The yearning. Living and experiencing "up in my head" has gotten me nowhere. But I can't seem to find a way to shine the light on that void that is within.

Who am I? Why am I here? When I can truly FEEL it and KNOW it in my heart center, then maybe I'll consider myself awake.

30th April 2013, 01:57
Maybe we can plant some good seeds in fertile soil and watch them grow with us. Just a thought. Great Thread My Bredren.
Ps Your your an amazing entity oh good seed planter.


bruno dante
30th April 2013, 02:10
Great thread!

I think even Avalon, which I really enjoy participating on, is a place to.graduate from. One can only debate, philosophize, and share what is essentially the same info so many times before getting a bit of the verbal diarrhea. Its a cozy little nook, shelter from a dangerous world, but I think many of us use it as a crutch - no different than alcohol, video games.etc...And I'm talking about myself here as well. I believe my researching, philosophizing, debating self is coming to a closure. At times I feel I'm experiencing a restless goodbye to a persona i outgrew long ago. I don't want my Pop to let go of those handlebars, if you'll excuse the lousy metaphor. I'm dipping my toes in...but I'm afraid to jump in. In other words, I'm a damn coward! Ha!

I've had my head in books and computer screens for so long...its easy to forget there's a world out there and a life to be lived. And all my old crutches no longer work...so what now? I've been balking at truly applying myself for so long, that there's not a single cell in my body that will tolerate in anymore. I'm facing the infinite void and there's only one choice left....jump!

30th April 2013, 03:24
What a thought provoking, deep and compassionate thread.

I don't think we ever stop creating, learning or growing. It's exciting to me. We are so vast limitless and Spirit is always there to meet us.

Presently I'm working on having presence -being present and it's not easy as I thought it would be.



30th April 2013, 05:00
So You Think You’re Awakened: What next?

Check the buckles on your parachute. No parachute?

That's how you know. No ground to land on either.

30th April 2013, 06:41
renouncing ones renounce to expand and share the light

30th April 2013, 17:31
My wake up began in 1986 and at one point I felt like the last person on Earth to be wiping sleep from eyes, the gurus fixed this well and there be 2 dozen years since trying to wake up again, get back to that perfect place :)

Am getting used to the idea that expectations were merely symbolic of what was to be found here. Still have to chop wood and carry water, which is a surprise because I'm fairly clever person even and by pure human standards I should be fairly comfortable in the material world by now. As should many of you in my layman's opinion. Sometimes it feels as if the elusive controllers simply used philosophy to pull our teeth n claws ... I know they certainly do not want the likes of many of you here to be in full power of the tools needed to build businesses and heal communities ... we're much more manageable like this, humble, happy for daily bread and the occasional songbird that lands on the sill.

The part of me that will survive losing this skinsuit is alive and well, happy to meet many of you here at Avalon and walking the streets of a small town watching for the occasional turtle to be found stuck on its back, offering gifts of sage and white candle as house warming gifts to new neighbors and basicly staying open to any opportunity to shine a light or breath on an ember.


30th April 2013, 18:01
So You Think You’re Awakened: What next?

Perhaps the answer is simply: **Live your life internalizing and applying everything you've learned**

30th April 2013, 18:11
You can't be "awakened" to everything can you?

I try to spend my life, at all times asking myself (and everything and everyone around me): what is the purpose of your presence?

I tend to get a different answer every time...and I think that's what life's about. .........for me, anyway :o

30th April 2013, 19:08
It depends on your definition of awakened.
If enlightenment is meant then there are levels of that and then there is abiding enlightenment and non abiding.

Non abiding is an enlightenment experience---an experience is not real enlightenment, enlightenment is a state of consciousness not an experience, a complete change of perception.

The non abiding is encouraging but the ego gets in there and claims to be an enlightened person.
Enlightenment is not a personal event--- there is no person left after the event.
There is One without a second expressing through a persona.
In unity consciousness there is a knowing that everything is of the same essence----given time this can mature into full enlightenment which is also known as God-realisation.
Any awakening is beneficial in the dream--it makes life easier but still there is an individual who is the dreamer of it all.

Full enlightenment is up till now a rare event--- less than 100 in the world, however the situation/energy is changing and according to the late Dr Hawkins the opportunity for enlightenment is 1000 times higher than at any time in history.
Ayashanti when he became a Zen student had a very strong desire to enter this state--- when it happened he was in unity consciousness it took another 7 years (not sure on the exact length of time) for full enlightenment to occur. He thought that if one of his students made it then he would be happy--now he relates that 100s have.
So that is encouraging.

The Experience of no self



1st May 2013, 04:52
So many wonderful responses. Rather than write a general post I want to write to each of you in turn. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to visit this thread and participate, you and those who visit are greatly appreciated.

I'm not awakened, but I'm not asleep. My entire life has been spent trying to figure out what-in-the-heck am I here for? I've gained "knowledge" up in my head, but it's all useless crap as far as I'm concerned. I have not progressed one iota, not one iota as to the why am I here question. I'm still no closer to understanding that question than when I was 5 years old.

Oh sure, ... we're here to experience, we're here to learn, blah, blah, blah. ( <--- And I say that for me, and me only. We're all on different paths here). But for me, it's all crap! That stuff in no way answers the deep questioning that is within me. The emptiness. The solitude. The yearning. Living and experiencing "up in my head" has gotten me nowhere. But I can't seem to find a way to shine the light on that void that is within.

Who am I? Why am I here? When I can truly FEEL it and KNOW it in my heart center, then maybe I'll consider myself awake.

I quoted your post in full, Orph, because I can feel the pain through your words. Perhaps not a physical or even emotional pain, but an existential pain that exudes from your sentences and that many find resonance to. There is the tendency to lash out, when there is lack or the sense of inner stability and certain knowledge is missing. To attack and deny, to claim sovereignty and declaim against the universality of experience. "What I am going through is mine alone, you cannot know where I am because you have not walked in my shoes." Even though it feels like it, you are far from alone. To live life not knowing for certain that there is more to life and there is more past life can be a void of potentiality that can be too much for many to handle. That you are here, participating and seeking is a sign that there is more for you here on this journey. You are right to invoke relativity in the sense that each of our journeys are different and nobody experiences the world in exactly the same manner, but at the same time, there is a certain underlying reality that is the same for all of us. There are conditions of existence, of energy and of potential that create timelines of possibility that limit the infinite expression of creation to tracks commiserate with our life experiences, which have a sameness about them that makes all of Terran Humanity more related than not, more experientially similar than not, more of a family than strangers.

The useless crap is even necessary. Each synapse you've formed in finding new information has contributed to the overall density of your personal neural network, each of which can be metaphorically thought of as trickles, streams and rivers of light, contributing to the ocean of light that our brains appear as if viewed from a certain perspective, a glowing energetic sphere of information, energy, light. Everything that we learn opens us up to even more distant potentialities and, eventually, a shift begins to occur in the way we think and the way we process information.

The emptiness, the solitude and the yearning is a part of the journey. The journey is, paradoxically, not such in the sense of traveling from one place or space of being to another, but, instead, a halting, stopping, a realization that there is nothing to seek. Because what we seek is already within us. We have access to Eternity right here in our bodies. We have the capacity. It is just veiled by the waterfall-like rushings of thought and ego, of desires, the problems of the day, the regrets of the past and the worries for the future. This is the human condition and our individual and collective choice. The beauty of it is that going nowhere is exactly where you need to be, so you are well on track. That void within that you wish to shine light on can be accessed through the heart-space more readily than through the mind and the ego. It is elusive, as we attempt to shine the mind's spotlight upon the vastness of the All we despair when we find nothing to latch on to, there is no experience there, no cognition, no sense of being, of self as we understand it. That is why the heart and its capacity for magnetic resonance is one of the surest paths within. At the risk of sounding trite, we have to let love do the work for us.

There are methods. Many. How well they work depends upon how well we are able to move past our frustrations and desires and truly release what is necessary to find that space of non-abiding awareness. Peace to you.

Your your an amazing entity oh good seed planter.

I'm appreciative, Bredren! Always, for your kindness and expansive love. These seeds are so filled with light and love and life, they virtually plant themselves! LOL Blessings to you in turn!

I think even Avalon, which I really enjoy participating on, is a place to.graduate from. One can only debate, philosophize, and share what is essentially the same info so many times before getting a bit of the verbal diarrhea. Its a cozy little nook, shelter from a dangerous world, but I think many of us use it as a crutch - no different than alcohol, video games.etc...And I'm talking about myself here as well.

Hi Bruno. I've been here for a while and I leave sometimes and then return. I've found no better space on the Net to engage in this type of in-depth discussion and have the conversation proceed organically and according to the highest intentions by most of the participants. That is a rare occurrence and so PA is appreciated on my part for being that kind of space. In regards to graduation and all that you've mentioned, if the debates and verbal "diarrhea" are part of the reason why people come here, then yes, I agree that, after a while, it can get tiring and it becomes time to move on.

I don't come here to find things out. Everything here is available elsewhere also. I come here for the people. Those with whom I resonate on a higher level. To see how they are doing and to share how I am doing. To discuss these deeper issues, which have been discussed for many millennia and I find that if one is truly on a journey of awakening one can never grow tired of expanding one's consciousness.

But that is different from the petty argumentation and debate that sometimes occurs. Because I have a very full life outside of PA I'm not here often but when I do come I try to spend my time engaging only in that which I find resonates with me. I may read about some of the drama, feel for those participating, but I do not engage because that is not why I am here.

I've had my head in books and computer screens for so long...its easy to forget there's a world out there and a life to be lived. And all my old crutches no longer work...so what now? I've been balking at truly applying myself for so long, that there's not a single cell in my body that will tolerate in anymore. I'm facing the infinite void and there's only one choice left....jump!

That's all I'm talking about! LOL Take that leap! Blessings!

What a thought provoking, deep and compassionate thread.

I don't think we ever stop creating, learning or growing. It's exciting to me. We are so vast limitless and Spirit is always there to meet us.

Presently I'm working on having presence -being present and it's not easy as I thought it would be.

Hi Nora, no it is not, is it. Our minds are wired for activity, we've spent a lifetime installing the wiring. LOL The process of getting down into the walls and floors and cutting it all out can be lengthy. Or, it can occur in an instant, depending on our process. The beauty of clarity is that light passes through consciousness within finding purchase, and all that is existent is available for processing if that is the need of the moment. In that space of being Life itself becomes exciting, every moment becomes a wonder, the future becomes an indescribable paradise where Newness is perceived through the innocence of non-expectation, all that is received is done so in gratitude and humility.

Thank you for presence and for sharing your experience!

Check the buckles on your parachute. No parachute?

That's how you know. No ground to land on either.

And that is a mind-boggling thought if you take the time to visualize it. And I did when I read your words, it was an exhilarating ride! LOL Thanks, Mark!

renouncing ones renounce to expand and share the light

Yes, Mahalall that is a very concise formulation of truth you've shared here, thank you for it. Renunciation in this sense is a retreat from sensory experience, which allows that which lies beyond to express through our physical forms. Clarity of being. There are those who shine with the light, and others can indeed sense it, feel it when in their presence. It is a sharing of the most intimate type and a step along the Pathless Path.

My wake up began in 1986 and at one point I felt like the last person on Earth to be wiping sleep from eyes, the gurus fixed this well and there be 2 dozen years since trying to wake up again, get back to that perfect place :)

Hi Another1, how is the trip going?

Sometimes it feels as if the elusive controllers simply used philosophy to pull our teeth n claws ... I know they certainly do not want the likes of many of you here to be in full power of the tools needed to build businesses and heal communities ... we're much more manageable like this, humble, happy for daily bread and the occasional songbird that lands on the sill.

I think this is a very important point you make here and it touches upon thoughts I've been having lately in regards to agency and how deeply to participate in society once one is well on the path to full awakening. There is the idea that one should continue to seek the highest form of enlightenment and, by so doing, one contributes to the whole and to those with whom one interacts along the way. And then there is the more material choice of engaging fully by building business and healing communities. In interacting with the forces of society who have all of that on lockdown one wonders how they would react to a mass of fully conscious individuals acting in tandem to make a change in the world.

I envision it as a choice of non-participation. Small groups and communities that choose to live off the grid and to interact with each other, refusing to participate in society as it is but instead creating a more sustainable and life-oriented way of living. I wonder if they would attack, like in all of the movies where they show idyllic communities being overrun by maurauders, often betrayed by the material needs of folks within those societies whom the interlopers have made greed-based in-roads with. The same pattern repeated, yet again.

Is that a true path? Is the conception of a conscious community such as Shambhala possible and can it exist as an expression in the material world?

Perhaps the answer is simply: **Live your life internalizing and applying everything you've learned**

Perhaps you are right, Ba-ba-Ra. I wanted to thank you for Presence. Seeing your words on any thread I create is always a joy and brings a smile to my face.

You can't be "awakened" to everything can you?

If you are awakened fully, you "are" everything. There is no filter. You are open and processing information continuously, letting it pass through you. Most on the path are not fully awakened though and we still have limitations. But that's really just part of the fun! Even though sometimes it's not so fun, right?

I try to spend my life, at all times asking myself (and everything and everyone around me): what is the purpose of your presence?

I tend to get a different answer every time...and I think that's what life's about. .........for me, anyway :o

Thank you for sharing your experience, Donk! For me, I've come to a space where I've let even that wondering go. As you stated, it can be variable depending upon mood or situation, so the answers become relative to the thought process in the moment. Instead, I just let it all come and go, but I do try to keep an even sense about good and bad, if there is anything that I do consistently in that regard. Like Forrest Gump said, "My mama told me life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!"

It's true, I think. As is your contention that life as an expression of creative diversity is a truth that is universal.

Full enlightenment is up till now a rare event--- less than 100 in the world, however the situation/energy is changing and according to the late Dr Hawkins the opportunity for enlightenment is 1000 times higher than at any time in history.

That is amazing, as is the statement of Adya, as you have paraphrased him. I get the sense also that is so and it is apparent in the general awakening of the mainstream population. I saw a commercial the other day where two guys were talking about a new car, one didn't want his friend to purchase the same one he had so, as a desperate strategy, he said, "You can't believe the lame-stream media." When I heard that I laughed out loud, it is indicative that conspiratorial themes have entered the mainstream. You never would have heard that term on a commercial that plays hundreds of time a day on a cable TV channel even as little as a year ago because they wouldn't have used the phrase if it hadn't entered the general lexicon. But it has. Indicative that those who statistically dissect our desires, our levels of knowledge and our participation through polls and focus groups now understand fully that people are seeking another way. That the world has 'awakened' to a greater extent than has been apparent in the past.

There are many other signs as well. Those who are at the stage of awakening to some of the more material aspects of our shared world, may not realize what it is that is going on, what they are going through, but there is no doubt that knowledge will invariably come to them and that something great is well under way. Bless!

1st May 2013, 05:59
Greetings Rahkyt (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/member.php?6754-Rahkyt), the trip goes onward and well thank you. I'm fairly new here and keep catching myself talking to some of these nic names on screen with 'where you been all my life?' *G The level of actual conversation here is refreshing.

There is the idea that one should continue to seek the highest form of enlightenment and, by so doing, one contributes to the whole and to those with whom one interacts along the way.

This is gold in my opinion, fix our own wagon and let the vibes raised help everyone else. It's simple and real to me. We stop contributing to the problem this way.

Is the conception of a conscious community such as Shambhala possible and can it exist as an expression in the material world?

According to something inside me that refuses to let it go, yes. This kind of community is possible. It's like written into my DNA to such a degree that no amount of beating or resignation to the thought, "perhaps not this lifetime," will make it go away. For now though, the popular thought is that you can not fix something from within it. We must let everything fall down so it can be rebuilt. Pretty much what the illuminaughty had in mind in the first place. The only question remaining is who or what's 'order' will come from the chaos.

1st May 2013, 07:03
One popular teacher says "if you want to help---stay out of traffic" You can take quite a lot out of that.
A rising tide lifts all boats. Every step forward the seeming individual takes the higher the other boats float.
The pioneer clears the path for those who come behind-- progress becomes quicker and easier--- a once difficult trail becomes a path then a road.
What you do with good intent is important, no matter how small the act may seem.

4th May 2013, 19:38
There is the idea that one should continue to seek the highest form of enlightenment and, by so doing, one contributes to the whole and to those with whom one interacts along the way.

This is gold in my opinion, fix our own wagon and let the vibes raised help everyone else. It's simple and real to me. We stop contributing to the problem this way.

Yes. In the thread Chris started on Enlightenment (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?860-Enlightenment-The-Ego-what-is-it-How-to-transcend-it.&highlight=enlightenment) there are many links to the Heartmath Institute (http://www.heartmath.org/). I have perused their website extensively, looked at their videos and examined their science and I can find very little in their methods and conclusions that I disagree with both empirically and intuitively. The many studies on the effects of meditation upon the individual and the actuality of collective resonance on immediate and extended environment also seem conclusive to me. Science is confirming daily what the ancient mystics have said all along. The implications of this go beyond what many are willing to admit is true, even though the science is there. For example, in the world in general, here at PA and on forums across the Net, the many conversations, proofs and threads on the science of the paranormal and the experiential wisdom of thousands of years goes unremarked upon while people watch the News, engaged in repetitive and negatively-oriented discussions and peruse the sensationalist threads engaged in and created daily within which this ancient wisdom is implicit. The threads then become filled with personal opinions that ignore the reality of our interconnectedness, that ignore the reality of our interdimensional awareness and the vast web of quantum superposition/choice to create each instance in the context of entanglement and the implications of a real and undeniable Oneness that is both practical and supernatural.

This willfulness is also part and parcel of the human condition. Knowledge not internalized is sterile intellectualism and cannot become wisdom unless lived. By lived, I mean known and expressed through every thought, verbal tender and action. And yet, despite these proclivities, which are expressed at every level of human interaction and entanglement, we are somehow managing to shift the metanarrative, to gradually and generally awaken as a collective. The effects of the planetary movements, the stars and the energetic bombardments of space weather are implicit, but Choice is the primary causation. We are choosing Awakening, despite the attempts of some to keep us mired in fear and loathing.

Is the conception of a conscious community such as Shambhala possible and can it exist as an expression in the material world?

According to something inside me that refuses to let it go, yes. This kind of community is possible. It's like written into my DNA to such a degree that no amount of beating or resignation to the thought, "perhaps not this lifetime," will make it go away. For now though, the popular thought is that you can not fix something from within it. We must let everything fall down so it can be rebuilt. Pretty much what the illuminaughty had in mind in the first place. The only question remaining is who or what's 'order' will come from the chaos.

So how does that viewpoint conflict with the more general perception that the "Illuminaughty" are a force to be opposed? I have read that one of their primary tenets is "The Ends Justify The Means". Which implicates those who hold that position in any number of countless atrocities over time and across space. Herein lies the crux of the matter and the perception of "Good" and "Evil" along a never-ending scale, where one's position upon that scale consciously determines one's conception of both "extremes", which are really not that at all.

I find Quentin Tarantino's fantasies, to include Inglorious Basterds (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361748/) and Django Unchained (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1853728/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) to be exemplary in exploring the idea of justice as perceived in a scalar, subjective manner. In a very real sense, what is "good" seems indeed to be relative to one's perspective positioning upon the scale and that "good" is culturally determinative rather than connective to some higher and more abstract form of Good. The morality and laws of civilizations and the people within them are in microcosm imperfectly defined and enforced copies of the Higher Laws which they attempt to mirror here on Terra. Which segues very well into Chris's point:

One popular teacher says "if you want to help---stay out of traffic" You can take quite a lot out of that.
A rising tide lifts all boats. Every step forward the seeming individual takes the higher the other boats float.
The pioneer clears the path for those who come behind-- progress becomes quicker and easier--- a once difficult trail becomes a path then a road.
What you do with good intent is important, no matter how small the act may seem.

Good intent, then, is the intent to benefit the cause of Humanity as a whole. To help another. What some might call "Service-to-Others" (STO) as opposed to Service-to-Self (STS). The Heartmath Institute's research shows very clearly that hearts and minds that cultivate positive and loving emotions resonate smoothly and emanate magnetic energy further into their environment than do hearts and minds that cultivate negative and critical emotional states. On the individual and collective scale of "goodness", this type of resonance is of a greater order and approaches the nigh-abstract and higher form of Good that is indicative of a personal and spiritual connection to the Source of Creation itself.

All of which seems to negate the Elite contention that the ends justify the means to the extent that, even if their intentions originally were of the highest order, their descent into material accumulation, genocide, rape of the environment and suppression of human freedoms has relegated them to eventual and inevitable ignominy. Their depradations will eventually be seen as the burden which humanity has had to release, the hurdle over which we will have to have leapt, the beast we will have had to slay in order to reach a higher goal and state of being.

4th May 2013, 20:27
Hi Rahkty
Thanks for promoting the Enlightenment thread.
It should maybe have a different title as now it encompasses a much broader theme ie Science and Spirituality.
I dont consider it my thread as there are so many great posts from so many contributors with diverse points of views on a variety of subjects.
There is a wealth of videos.

With awakening in its fullness the "Commentator" is no longer present.

Ramana Maharshi said you can measure the degree of spiritual progress by the amount of silence in the mind.

I found that the moment I went into the filing cabinet of the mind to comment I had lost awareness of what was right in front of me.
It is very possible to be fully aware of of what you are observing without a sound in the head--- in fact me is not even there.

Totally absorbed in the observed, the self is no longer aware of itself.


4th May 2013, 20:41
Good point, Chris. I have edited the sentence to reflect that. You have acted as the Good Shepard in keeping it active and moving for such a lengthy period of time, it is an excellent resource.

I also find that total observation to be the mandatory ingredient in accessing and relating higher forms of Truth. The ego will always find a way to insert its primacy and it is clear in the reading or listening, the intentions of the writer or speaker.

Perhaps that is the truest way to determine the state of those whose words one allows within their mind. Intimately subjective, true...but perhaps in that subjectivity lies a form of objectivity that only becomes apparent when the heart is actively engaged alongside the mind ...

4th May 2013, 22:26
Once upon a time I thought I was an authority on various subjects and could be relied on to have an opinion on everything.
I think it some what funny to realise that I know nothing---I might know "about" but spiritual knowing is no learned or book knowledge.
Even at that life is a total mystery --- What can I safely say I know?
Only one thing--- "I am" everything else is up for debate.


I wake up in the morning... I know that I am - I then think I know other stuff. By the end of the day I realize I am an authority on authorities as I know we don't know diddly squat. So I accept I don't know nothin' and go soundly to sleep.

the next day I wake up and I know once again that I am. I then do the same thing I did the day before. It ends the same way too.

CHRIS!!! I am stark raving enlightened!!!

Great thread and great, cool new Avatar, Rahkyt

6th May 2013, 01:01
Hi JOM, thanks for dropping by!

I really dig the perspective you cultivate, therein lies peace. Authorities ... should always be taken with a grain of salt, eh? Even authorities on authorities! LOL A sense of humor goes a long way and folks wonder why those who've gone beyond always have that small smile on their faces as they interact with others. Chop wood and carry water, build the fire and feed the body, which we are still doing even though in our modern society we don't have to necessarily get down and dirty to do so, all of our material efforts are directed toward these ends. Comfort and sustenance. Survival.

When even that can be left to the multiverse? Then you've achieved something. Bless!

6th May 2013, 20:04
The first chakra becomes the last... yes... when there's no more fear to "survive" perhaps that's when one truly starts to live?

7th May 2013, 01:09
Yes, I like that as well ... and when those chakras meld and blend, we've gone beyond them, reached the end. A unified chakra system is what many have been talking about as the next phase in the conscious evolution of humanity, something that folks on the journey can look forward to experiencing at some point.

... just imagining a life without fear is an exhilarating process!

No more fear of public and social situations, no more fear of not having enough money to make ends meet. No more fear of heights, no more fear of not having enough to eat. No more fear of that bully from your youth, no more fear of the dentist, or of a tooth! No more fear of aging and growing old, no more fear of living life with the bold! No more fear of parents or even kids, no more fear of ego, superego or even the id! No more fear of living life in truth, no more fear of death only knowledge of ETERNAL YOUTH.

I must say, that was fun. Thanks, Chester! LOLOL :wizard:

7th May 2013, 01:51
Blessing to all
Great thread. So nice to read and feel support instead of nothing but negative iteams.

Well I for myself decide to take some action. After all what is the point of being awake, learning and trying to become more inlightened if you don't act. After all if you are not part of a solution, are you not part of the problem?

So I start a total new approach. Based on the power of the people to do NOTHING. I hope you will take a few minutes and take a look at the site. Living Constitution and the Action Plan are a must read.

Respect and in Peace.

7th May 2013, 02:32
Yes, I like that as well ... and when those chakras meld and blend, we've gone beyond them, reached the end. A unified chakra system is what many have been talking about as the next phase in the conscious evolution of humanity, something that folks on the journey can look forward to experiencing at some point.

... just imagining a life without fear is an exhilarating process!

No more fear of public and social situations, no more fear of not having enough money to make ends meet. No more fear of heights, no more fear of not having enough to eat. No more fear of that bully from your youth, no more fear of the dentist, or of a tooth! No more fear of aging and growing old, no more fear of living life with the bold! No more fear of parents or even kids, no more fear of ego, superego or even the id! No more fear of living life in truth, no more fear of death only knowledge of ETERNAL YOUTH.

I must say, that was fun. Thanks, Chester! LOLOL :wizard:

Quite so,

"Now I just fear nothing, and love everything. Whatsoever may come, bring it on!
A warrior I have been, now it is all (L)over, a fine time I have..."


From here


With Love / In Lak'ech

7th May 2013, 21:23
Fear is just the absence of love, no? A reference point, so to speak?

I don't think you can alleviate all fear, and continue to exist as an individual. In this world we experience self, separate from our existence as All That Is...I do not believe it is fear that we are working to rid our reality of (though removing it from our lives and approach toward existence is essential)...it is ridding the DECEPTION, the lies, so in a sense, embracing the fear without letting it drive us.

Damn, just typing that is like a fractal of contradiction...I'll leave it for now, but think on it more...

7th May 2013, 22:37
So nice to read and feel support instead of nothing but negative iteams.

Hi fmkmrf, there's a lot of support and love around PA, hope you're finding it all around you. It's true that there's a lot going on that can be considered negative, but that's life isn't it and we have to find our joy regardless.

So I start a total new approach. Based on the power of the people to do NOTHING. I hope you will take a few minutes and take a look at the site. Living Constitution and the Action Plan are a must read.

You asked what is the point of being enlightened if you don't act. Well, you've asked a million dollar question there. A question that has been debated for many thousands of years and probably longer, since awakening must predate our planet. The thing about it is, once you have experienced what lies beyond the mortal ken, you realize that nature of this reality and the true value of action. Folks can argue about it all day, week, year, decade and century long and still never come to agreement in regards to whether action is the job of the awakened soul or if they are to just sit still and radiate peace and love, thereby changing the vibration of those around them and raising the consciousness of humanity as a whole.

You'll find folks here who can argue both sides equally. Heck, I can too. LOL

I'm of the simple opinion that we are to just live. And, if, in that living, it comes to you to bring something new into the world that helps other people, like the website that you've created, then that is what you must do. Your thing. I checked it out, a worthy cause. I lived in Canada for a couple of years and loved it up there. I wish you the best with your endeavor and for your nation, along with the rest of the world, to move further and higher along the scale of consciousness.

"Now I just fear nothing, and love everything. Whatsoever may come, bring it on!
A warrior I have been, now it is all (L)over, a fine time I have..."

LOL Great vid, Tim. I remember that movie, my kids used to like it. That is the attitude indeed: A big cliff? High waterfall? Sharp rocks at the bottom?

Bring it on.

Fear is just the absence of love, no? A reference point, so to speak?

Hi Donk, thanks for that thoughtful comment.

From an ultimate pov, there is no absence of love. Love is the expression of LIVING MIND, it is the substratum of continuous Being from which we all spring. In this sense, love is not an emotion that we name in order to describe the way we feel about another person or thing. It is a fundamental force of Creation itself, like gravity, or electromagnetism. In fact, you can say that gravity and electromagnetism are expressions of love, are side-effects of love. We say that love is electric, we say we are drawn to those we love, we are stuck, we were zapped, we felt a shock when we first kissed, we cannot stop thinking about them, well, sounds familiar, don't they ... all of those sayings about love and attraction describe electromagnetism and also gravity.

Fear in this instance and in the subjective, material sense, is the imposition of ego upon that field of love, obscuring it momentarily, causing a diffractive effect, if that's even a word, causing hearts to palpitate, the magnetic and electrical energy of heart and mind to pulse irregularly and weakly, as opposed to when our minds are peaceful, calm and resonating in the patterns of love and joy.

It can indeed be seen as a reference point, one that shows when our connection to the divine stuff of Creation has been supplanted by an ego-based perceptual framework caused by whatever internal or environmental condition that got us all discombobulated in the first place.

I don't think you can alleviate all fear, and continue to exist as an individual. In this world we experience self, separate from our existence as All That Is...I do not believe it is fear that we are working to rid our reality of (though removing it from our lives and approach toward existence is essential)...it is ridding the DECEPTION, the lies, so in a sense, embracing the fear without letting it drive us.

Very interesting. Changing the world from the "Circle of Life", energy-consumptive paradise it currently is into something else? Removing one of the greatest tools of growth that we engage ourselves and also find ourselves engaged by? Lies? Removing the effects of karma that lies cause? Getting rid of the protective camoflauge that animals use in order to look like other animals so that predators don't get them? Doing the same for people, who lie to get by? Changing the very nature of the Earth Garden, the savage Play-land, to become a tame Utopia of goodness and light?

in the most basic, biological sense of the term, fear as a state of mind is a chemically-based frenzy caused by a chained process of thoughts. The Amygdala and Hypothalamus are activated, causing a cascade of neuropeptides that course through the body, locking onto cells and changing their behavior to react to the perceived threat. Fight or flight, it is the pre-condition to the revved-up response that we think we have to engage in in order to survive the situation.

Problem is, we feel fear way too often. Too many have a pervasive sense of fear that is triggered at the slightest thought. A thought about tomorrow can cause fear, because then one thinks about the bill that is due and that the bank account is overdrawn, that you owe a loan shark money, he's gonna break your legs if you don't pay, your mama's birthday is day after tomorrow, you don't have a gift, your kids need new shoes, your car needs a tune-up and on and on and on.

Imaginary ruminations. None of it has happened, none of it deserves a fear response, and yet, here we are. And this is normal. And unnecessary.

Ultimately, fear is about death. Dissolution. The unknown. Not knowing what comes next, for sure.

Consider this: once you know what comes after death, for sure, what is there left to fear?

7th May 2013, 23:21
I like to bring to light the denial if death, in hopes that others may embrace life the way I can, knowing the inevitable day this meatbag stops working is a beginning, not just an "end".

Fear of death is indeed the truth behind all the lies we tell ourself, methinks. The cause of all distraction, the root of the fears you are talking about...i think without ridding the fear of death it is not possible to see things the wonderful way you describe. It was (impossible) for me, at least

9th May 2013, 19:44
Hi Donk, I would agree that the difficulty is very close to impossibility.

I would say that the reason that is so is because death is akin to the unknown.

Unknown, because people think it is unknowable. That no one can know what comes after. These days, there are a lot of television shows on about ghost hunters and paranormal files and they have mediums from New Jersey and medium/ex-cop combos that stop people on the street to tell them about all the dead people surrounding them and that visit people's homes to tell them about all the evil spirits and other entities and ultradimensional gathering spaces that exist in and around their homes.

That's amazing if you come from Gen-X or before, when none of this stuff was as mainstream as it is now.

It is good because it is becoming relatively common knowledge that there is more to existence than we can see, touch, hear or taste and listening to and watching these folks on the television as they experience paranormal events or tell people things they couldn't possibly know as told to them by dear and departed loved ones is one way that people are beginning to actually internalize the understanding that death is not the end.

Taken alongside the continuously amazing sci-fi and fantasy movies coming out with special effects that are more and more closely approximating reality and that we can barely tell the difference between, the stories of the planet's history and other tales of galactic and universal potentiality are penetrating the conscious mind and awakening memories of past lives and existences on other planets. Because this is the "lame-stream" media that is doing all of these things and they have been under way now for decades, increasing in intensity and purpose, beyond the fear-programming that they are attempting to inculcate in people, there is the acknowledgement that there is something to all of this. It is, as many say, preparation. Preparation for the wall of lies to come crashing down, for the mass population to come face-to-face with evidence that there is more to reality than institutional science and media has been attempting to lead people to believe now for almost a thousand years.

It is becoming less and less impossible for folks to make the leap from a purely physical reality to a multi-dimensional reality. For those who are able, who are heart-centered or at least empathic and able to access emotions, it is only a matter of time. Perhaps there will always be those who are psychopathic or close to it as a substantial part of the population who cannot 'feel' in the same way, but even they will have their time, eventually.

Once it again becomes common and indisputable knowledge that death is not the end, all of the power of the Elite will be broken. The fear-consciousness that currently keeps the world pacified and under the thumbs of the Controllers will dissipate in the wind and people will naturally stand in their power in a state of true sovereignty and deep knowledge of reality and truth.

It is inevitable. :wizard:

9th May 2013, 20:30
You could say that one way or another all fear, emotional/physical/mental is related to the body.
Or rather belief that I am the body-- or that I depend upon its needs being met in order to survive.


9th May 2013, 21:26
But fear can be projected on to someone--especially through what Rahkyt says: the unknown. That's why my formula has seemed to worked in making sense of things.

Love = light = truth
Fear = darkness = lies

All there is, is information, which is neutral--our consciousness brings one of those two aspects to it--in our reality (our only Truth with a capital T).

When information encounters our consciousness, and is brought to LIGHT, and is TRUTH, that is love.

Darkness is the absense of light, having awareness of information without "truth" (or not having information at all), is what causes fear.

Knowing the "truth", that it does not matter, that we are all a part of All That Is, that death (and everything) is an illusion--that there is no reason to fear the unknown, that seeking it out is actually a more life-bringing (love manifesting) activity...that is my Truth, and about the point I am at in this stage of awake-ness, so the answer to the OP...what next?...for me is to try to share this with others, in hopes it brings the freedom it does to me--or as a test to see if it holds up, or needs to change (which I ain't scairt of either...)

And as interesting as big picture (politics, economics, etc) view of everything is, I have learned that those discussions are not as productive when it's people of distant stages of awakeness. So when I engage in face-to-face interactions with anyone in those types of discussions (about the only thing "important"--whether they realize it or not---to MOST people, regardless of awake-ness) I try to boil them down to that, the personal level, bring the above down to the below, and say: I think all there is, is love and fear...this is why, what do you think?

...to varying degrees of "success", of course :o