View Full Version : How cooking combats food terrorism (and obesity!)

30th April 2013, 16:49

Dr. Marc Hyman talks about “food terrorism” , or what is inflicted on people by the biotech and agribusiness industries, in collusion with government. Although this is an American article, agribusiness is extremely powerful in most developed countries of the world. “The threat is food terrorism—the wholesale hijacking of our health, our palates, our brain chemistry, our kitchens, homes, and wallets by Big Food. Lobbyists working on behalf of the $1 trillion food industry have staged a takeover of our government. The average congressman spends five hours a day pandering to Big Food and other corporate lobbyists to raise money to stay in power. This leads to policies that support the production, sale, and promotion of disease causing, hyper-processed, industrial, factory-made Frankenfoods.” says Dr. Hyman.

It is one thing to think about corporations as pushing unhealthy and unsafe “food products” on the public, but when this activity is described as “food terrorism” it makes you stop and think.

I was shocked to find out that US governmental regulating agencies literally allow multinational food corporations to lie! “Zero trans fats in Cool Whip? It is 100% trans fat, but since the serving size is small, and the food lobby forced Congress to permit them to label a “food” as having zero trans fat if it has less than 2 grams per serving, they can legally lie.”

This article discusses Dr. Hyman’s visit to a morbidly obese family and describes why we must begin to cook real food at home to combat food terrorism.

FED UP: Why We Must Cook Our Way to Health


Last week, I flew to Greenville, South Carolina to meet with the Kluge family. I talked with them about their health, looking to understand the roots of their family crisis of morbid obesity, pre-diabetes, renal failure, disability, financial stress, and hopelessness. We talked about how they could dig themselves out of their scary downward spiral, a spiral that is affecting more than 150 million Americans (including tens of millions of children) struggling with the physical, social, and financial burden of obesity and its complications.

I thought that, perhaps, in knowing one family intimately, I could understand how we might find a way out of this slow motion disaster, a threat to the security of our families and our nation far greater than al-Qaeda or terrorism.
What I learned was this: we have to cook our way out of this mess.

Food Terrorism: Our Biggest Threat

The threat is food terrorism—the wholesale hijacking of our health, our palates, our brain chemistry, our kitchens, homes, and wallets by Big Food. Lobbyists working on behalf of the $1 trillion food industry have staged a takeover of our government. The average congressman spends five hours a day pandering to Big Food and other corporate lobbyists to raise money to stay in power. This leads to policies that support the production, sale, and promotion of disease causing, hyper-processed, industrial, factory-made Frankenfoods.

Why should the USDA pay $4 billion a year to soda makers by allowing food stamps to be used to purchase sodas? Our government serves up 29 million servings a day—over 10 billion servings a year—of soda to our poor. So much for the food stamp mission of “good food for hungry people!”

Government agricultural subsidies, food programs (like Women, Infant, and Children nutrition; school lunch; SNAP or Food Stamps; etc.), Food and Drug Administration policies (such as classifying high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners as generally recognized as safe), and Federal Trade Commission policies (like allowing $30 billion of junk food marketing mostly to kids), directly results in our obesity and chronic disease burden.

The costs are staggering. By 2040, 100% of our federal budget will be needed to pay for Medicare and Medicaid. Our federal debt soars, our kids are sicker, leading to an achievement gap that limits our capacity to compete in the global marketplace, and 70% of our kids are too fat or unfit to fight, threatening our national security. These are not small problems. They threaten our future, not just the fat and sick among us, but all of us.

A Visit to a Food Desert: Rescue Mission on One Kitchen

So, with this in mind, I traveled to the South, the epicenter of our obesity and diabetes crisis. If I understood the obstacles to turning the tide of obesity for just one family then, maybe, just maybe, it would help me find the key to ending this madness. I went there to help with a new documentary on childhood obesity with Laurie David and Katie Couric called Fed Up, coming out in late 2013 or 2014, which I hope will be for childhood obesity what An Inconvenient Truth was for climate change.

Pickens County, South Carolina, where the Kluge family lives, is a food desert, not just because there are almost 10 times as many fast food and convenience stores there as supermarkets. The Kluges’ kitchen was also a food desert with barely a morsel of real food. There were no ingredients to make real food, only pre-made factory food science projects with unpronounceable, unrecognizable ingredient lists. Unless you look at the glossy pictures on the front of those packages, there is no way to know if what’s inside is a Pizza Stuffer, Pop-Tart, Cool Whip, a corn dog, or Hamburger Helper. They all contain the same processed ingredients: high fructose corn syrup, flour, salt, hydrogenated fats, MSG, colors, additives, and preservatives, all squeezed into injection-molded inventions of different colors, shapes, and textures, but all containing nearly the same ingredient list.

A government health survey of South Carolina found that 90% of people there don’t get enough exercise, 92% don’t eat more than two vegetables a day (which includes fries and ketchup), and 33% had at least one soda a day.

And so it was with the Kluge family. The parents Tina and John and their 16-year-old son Brady are all morbidly obese. Brady has 47% body fat and his belly is 58% fat. He said he is worried he will soon be at 100% body fat. His insulin levels are sky high, which drives his relentless sugar cravings and food addiction and promotes storage of more and more belly fat. Being obese at 16, his life expectancy is 13 years less than thin kids and he is two times more likely to die by the age of 55 than his thin friends. His father John, at age 42, suffered renal failure from complications of his obesity. The whole family is at risk.

They desperately wanted to find a way out but didn’t have the knowledge or skills to escape from the food terrorists. They blamed themselves for their failure, but it was clear to me that they were not the perpetrators but rather the victims. When I asked them what motivated them to want to change, the tears started to flow, and John said he didn’t want to die and leave his wife and four boys. His youngest, Nicholas, is only seven years old. John cannot get a kidney transplant to save his life until he loses 40 pounds, and he had no clue how to lose the weight. He was trapped in a food desert and in the cycle of food addiction.

Now that science has proven that processed food—and especially sugar—is addictive, the conversation has changed. When your brain is hooked on drugs, it is a fiction that willpower and personal responsibility alone will solve the problem.

Cooking Our Way Out of Obesity and Disease

None of Kluges knew how to cook real food. They didn’t know how to navigate a grocery aisle, shop for real food, or read a label. They had been hoodwinked by “health claims” that made them fat and sick, including “low fat,” “diet,” “zero trans fats,” or “whole grain.” Whole grain Pop-Tarts? Zero trans fats in Cool Whip? It is 100% trans fat, but since the serving size is small, and the food lobby forced Congress to permit them to label a “food” as having zero trans fat if it has less than 2 grams per serving, they can legally lie. The Kluges didn’t know that chicken nuggets have 25 or more ingredients and only one of them is chicken. Actually, it is a chicken-like substance.

They grew up in homes where things were either fried or eaten out of a box or a can. They made only two vegetables, boiled cabbage and canned green beans. They didn’t have basic cooking implements, such as proper boards for cutting vegetables or even meat. They had some old, dull knives they never used, hidden under the cupboard. Everything they ate was pre-made in a factory. They lived on food stamps and spent about $1000 each month on food, half of that spent eating out in fast food places. Eating out was their family sport.

Tina’s mother had a garden, but Tina never learned how to grow food, even though they live in a beautiful, temperate rural area. She didn’t know how to chop a vegetable or sauté it. She knew grilled chicken is healthy but said she couldn’t feed that to her family seven days a week.

The Cure Is in the Kitchen: A Doctor’s Recipe for Health

So, after much thought, as a doctor, I realized the best way I could help them was not to shame or judge them, not to prescribe more medication or tell them to eat less and exercise more (a subtle way of blaming them) but rather to teach them to cook good, real food from scratch, even on a tight budget, showing them they could eat well for less.

We got the whole family cooking, washing, peeling, chopping, cutting, touching real food: onions, garlic, carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, salad greens, even asparagus. Tina, to my surprise, pulled out a bunch of fresh asparagus from her fridge (which, I suspect, she got knowing I was coming to their home) and told me how she hated asparagus. “Once, I had asparagus out of a can, and it was nasty,” she said. “But then a friend told me to try one off the grill, and even though I didn’t want to, I tried it, and it was good.”

My theory about vegetables is this: if you hate them, you’ve never had them prepared properly. They were likely a canned, overcooked, boiled, deep-fried or highly processed and tasteless mush. Just think of overcooked Brussels sprouts or mushy canned green beans.

I showed Tina and the kids how to peel garlic, cut onions, and snap asparagus to get rid of the chewy parts. I taught her to sauté them in olive oil and garlic, to roast sweet potatoes with fennel and olive oil, and to make turkey chili from scratch. We even made fresh salad dressing from olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, and pepper instead of using gummy bottled dressings laden with high fructose corn syrup, refined oil, and MSG.

The little boys came running into the kitchen, lured away from their Xbox by the sweet, warm smells of chili and roasting sweet potatoes in the oven, smells that had never come from their kitchen before. They all ate the food and were surprised at how delicious and filling it was.

After a happy, filling, healing meal of real food, cooked in less time and for less money than it would have taken them to drive to Denny’s and order deep fried chicken nuggets, biscuits, gravy, and canned green beans, Brady, the morbidly obese, nearly “super obese” teenager with a body mass index of almost 40, Brady, who struggled to get healthy against all odds, who wanted to go to medical school, who wanted to help his family, said to me in disbelief, “Dr. Hyman, do you eat real food like this with your family every night?” I assured him I did.

I left for home amidst tears of relief and hope of a different future for the Kluge family. I wish I had time to take them shopping, to show them how to navigate a supermarket, to teach them to plant a simple garden in their backyard, to take back their health.

Eating and Cooking Well for Less

I left them with my cookbook, The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook, and a guide from the Environmental Working Group called “Good Food on a Tight Budget” about how to shop for, cook, and eat real food for less. Five days later, Tina, the mother, texted me to let me know that the family had lost 18 pounds and was making chili again from scratch. We can end this mess one kitchen at a time, one meal at a time.

Time and money are the biggest perceived obstacles to eating well. Neither is real. We have bought in to the insidious marketing messages: “You deserve a break today.” Give me a break!

Americans spend eight hours a day in front of a screen. We spend two hours a day on the Internet, something that didn’t even exist 20 years ago that we have now somehow found time for. What’s missing is the education, the basic skills, the knowledge, and the confidence. When you don’t know what to buy or how to cook a vegetable, how can you feed yourself or your family? The Kluge family taught me that it is not a lack of desire but the prison of food addiction and food terrorism that holds them hostage. But there is a way out, a Navy SEAL raid on our captive millions.
Michael Pollan’s new book, Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation, brilliantly lays down the argument that we have to cook our way out of our healthcare, environmental, and financial crisis, that cooking is essentially a political act, or, as I have said, cooking is a revolutionary act. His new book beautifully re-acquaints us with the essential act of cooking, the act that uniquely makes us human but which we have abdicated to the food industry. We have, he argues, become food consumers, not food producers or makers, and in so doing, we have lost our connection to our world and ourselves.

He says, “The decline of everyday home cooking doesn’t only damage the health of our bodies and our land but also our families, our communities and our sense of how our eating connects us to the world.”

Cooked is a beautiful mediation on cooking and the use of fire, air, water, and earth—the ancient skills of food preparation that we have lost. But the subtext here is that cooking is fun, freeing, and the most essential and real activity we can do every day.

And as a physician, one who is deeply concerned about our fat and sick nation, about my children’s and your children’s future, I say the best prescription for this ailment is something so simple, so easy, so healing, so affordable, so revolutionary, and so accessible to almost everyone. It’s this: cook REAL FOOD in your HOME with your family and friends.

I dream of one day creating a national Eat-In day like the one I just celebrated with few thousand from my online community, only on a larger scale, during which millions participate, a day where we all cook, share, and eat real whole food, made from scratch with family and friends. It’s simple but revolutionary.
Please leave your thoughts by adding a comment below–but remember, we can’t offer personal medical advice online, so be sure to limit your comments to those about taking back our health!

To your good health,
Mark Hyman, MD

30th April 2013, 19:50
Hear! Hear! I whole-heartedly agree with this!

I learned to cook mostly here in Italy and when I'm in the States, I have such a hard time finding what I need to cook and making my meals come out to even slightly resemble things I'm used to cooking and eating here. It is so weird.

But... industrial ready-made foods are making a big impact in the local groceries... which the smaller village-style shops going out of business because of the huge Kroger-type supermarkets popping up everywhere.... I hate seeing it.

I'd rather spend a half hour of my time making a pot full of yummy risotto in the same time it takes to cook/microwave a frozen (who-knows-what's-really-in-it) bag or box I picked up at the store...anyday.

30th April 2013, 20:24
Yes, an interesting article. In addition, I do believe that if we had to make cakes, puddings and confectionary from scratch we would certainly not eat so many of them because they take so long to prepare - maybe we would also value them more and they would become an occasional treat.

30th April 2013, 20:33
Funny you mention that...my mom used to cater for weddings and such.... and I used to get so sick of smelling the sweet odor of cakes baking and cake icing... well, just goes to show that too much really is too much.

william r sanford72
30th April 2013, 23:49
Yes, an interesting article. In addition, I do believe that if we had to make cakes, puddings and confectionary from scratch we would certainly not eat so many of them because they take so long to prepare - maybe we would also value them more and they would become an occasional treat.

im not so sure about that...we make our cakes from scratch and after a few times its not so bad.we also have receipes that dont require so much effort..and we love it...cookies to..pudding is another story.fresh baked goods rule this munchie craving tribe..and frozen foods taste so bad that my kids or us dont even bother.good thread...tasty thread?? northstar.

1st May 2013, 00:54
I went gluten free last summer and I have had to cook and bake a lot of my own foods now because most processed foods are loaded with wheat. One huge benefit of being gluten free is that you really cannot eat fast food anymore, because most fast foods contain wheat.

I found that cooking healthy foods from scratch was a challenge for me and required some big changes in my habits. I have been gluten free almost a year and I am still adjusting to my new lifestyle of home cooking but I am feeling much healthier! I spend a lot more time in my kitchen now and I take my lunch to work instead of eating horrible and expensive cafeteria food every day!

My experience since I went gluten free and started cooking all my own meals has taught me that I was paying far too high a price for those attractively packaged convenience "food products".

1st May 2013, 02:47
My mother was the person who taught Martha Stewart everything about food, in a manner of speaking.

I grew up in a household where my mother cooked everything from scratch, as her own mother had. A great deal of it was from our own garden and even our own hand-raised chickens in suburbia (this was before they had by-laws frowning on poultry…LOL) She would amuse herself by hand-dipping chocolates, or taking an extension course in cake decorating. (She ended up being the default wedding cake maker for all our extended family – and she was good. Nobody would dream of getting married without one of her towering and monumental cakes.)

We never had “bought” anything; grocery foods were an exotic treat. She made it all, from snacks to desert to cinnamon sticky buns for after school scarfing. A treat or dessert was just that: a treat. Not a main course.

So I grew up understanding that you can make everything yourself. Everything.

And I still do. The only thing I regularly buy “ready-made” is salad dressing. This is true. And the odd yogurt, whenever. (Don’t eat much dairy, but I do know how to make ice cream…)

What’s called the Mediterranean Diet is what we’ve always eaten at my house: grilled fish mostly, some chicken, vegetarian, lots of fresh seasonal fruit and steamed or stir-fried veggies, pasta and soups in the winter… etc. Doesn’t take whole lot of time to prepare; I enjoy my glass of wine while cooking. We eat fast food a couple of times a year, and enjoy it.

The result is that both my hubby and I have (at our advanced age) perfect blood pressure, ideal cholesterol, no medications (!), no aches or pains, no incipient conditions. Nothing. Nada. (Given that my mom had had three heart attacks by the time she was my age, I think that’s pretty good evidence.) Our doctor treats us as her Poster Kids. She asks my advice. Seriously.

So when I go shopping in a standard grocery store, I am quite bemused by aisle after aisle of “packaged stuff” “frozen ready-made stuff’ “snacks….snacks….snacks..and soda….soda…..soda”. I keep thinking: Where’s the food here?

My guiding rule is: Never buy anything ‘ready made’ in a brand name or package. Your own will taste better. And you need to do this.

All it does is work. Beautifully. The health problems we've escaped by going our own way have been immeasurable.



1st May 2013, 13:43
I grew up in a household where my mother cooked everything from scratch, as her own mother had. A great deal of it was from our own garden ...

Thanks for that Selene!
I enjoyed the same type of upbringing with many fresh garden vegetables. Fresh vegetables from the grocery store are nice but there is nothing quite like going out into the garden and pulling fresh sweet carrots right out of the soil and picking green peas right off the plant and shelling them. The hard peas used to drop into the bucket with a "kerplunk" sound as we shelled the pea pods. And the fresh vegetables cooked and served with salt, pepper and butter were heavenly.

I am sad to say I left that childhood paradise behind and I spent decades eating toxic processed foods packed in bright colorful boxes, bags and cans and my health has suffered for it. I am now in the process of trying to undo the damage that years of processed food has caused.
On a positive note, when you feed your body pure, fresh, real food you can reverse many health issues and eventually regain your health.

1st May 2013, 13:52
Northstar, here in my household we have been gluten free for about 5 years. Believe it or not, my teenage daughter found the way to get gluten free junk food!!! lol

1st May 2013, 14:49
This should be more properly called Home Food Preparation, and not cooking. I would encourage people to cook less and eat more raw, unaltered foods. The living essence of food is destroyed by cooking. Fats are turned rancid from cooking, as they lose their precious electrical charge. Enzymes are killed, forcing the internal organs to give up their enzymes for digestion. Over time, these organs fail or degenerate.

Some cooking is healthful. Soups made with bones and egg shells yield a wonderfully healthful and healing broth. Some foods release their vitamins availability after cooking. The heavy percentage of your diet should be raw, however.

The most important aspect may be the communal, family time, which is missing in so many homes today. Gather round and discuss world affairs and slowly enjoy Mother Nature's gifts of living foods. Give thanks for the food and the love.

1st May 2013, 18:00
Northstar, here in my household we have been gluten free for about 5 years. Believe it or not, my teenage daughter found the way to get gluten free junk food!!! lol

haha - leave it to a teenager to find junk food (PS - to any teens reading this, I am not trying to offend teens OK?? - just kiddin'!)

This should be more properly called Home Food Preparation, and not cooking. I would encourage people to cook less and eat more raw, unaltered foods. The living essence of food is destroyed by cooking. Fats are turned rancid from cooking, as they lose their precious electrical charge. Enzymes are killed, forcing the internal organs to give up their enzymes for digestion. Over time, these organs fail or degenerate.

Some cooking is healthful. Soups made with bones and egg shells yield a wonderfully healthful and healing broth. Some foods release their vitamins availability after cooking. The heavy percentage of your diet should be raw, however.

The most important aspect may be the communal, family time, which is missing in so many homes today. Gather round and discuss world affairs and slowly enjoy Mother Nature's gifts of living foods. Give thanks for the food and the love.

I love your comments and I totally agree... but...
For the family in the article, who are all morbidly obese and killing themselves with a steady diet of processed toxic food products, making a simple change of buying and cooking fresh vegetables every day would be revolutionary. I don't think the Kluge family would be able to make a quantum leap from where they are right now to the type of eating you describe. Hopefully though, after they start taking small steps to get themselves weaned off the toxic and addictive processed foods they consume every day, eventually they can move in the direction of the healthy diet you are describing.