View Full Version : Moving Video of Ex Battery Hens' first moment of freedom

10th May 2013, 17:08

the music made me cry more with it, than without it. heads up. :) totally moving.
if i could adopt ex battery hens, i would.

god bless their adopters. :)


10th May 2013, 20:24
Thanks for sharing I loved it.!

11th May 2013, 00:35
That's the way it should be.
Not to just look at the macro; every single life is precious and counts.
Would the Universe see it otherwise?

11th May 2013, 01:04
Wow... thanks, Teradactyl; a very, very moving video.... a must see ....!

11th May 2013, 01:20
Thanking you teradactyl,perfect vid for showing my children why we buy freerange eggs, it had my teenage son in tears-he is a softie,

love lookbeyond

11th May 2013, 01:40
Lovely, lovely lovely! What amazes me is that the chickens still had all those chicken-y instincts.

I have just come from the supermarket where I spent some time justifying the extra charge for free range chicken products. I now realise I was wrong--- there is no way to justify non-free range -and i am very pleased I made the right decision.

What a lovely song that was too. I hope the girls have a long and happy life!

Cognitive Dissident
11th May 2013, 03:57
My reaction to this video, expect it I did not.

11th May 2013, 04:17
Never thought scruffy chickens could make me cry, or teach me anything, I'm still learning.

Peaceful Journeys Wookie

golden lady
11th May 2013, 07:21
Reminds me of when we first rescued our chickens ( sadly now passed on) they certainly arrive with feathers all scruffy, bald tummies and their combs all pale pink and floppy. However, it doesn't take long for their feathers to return their combs to become bright red and stand proud. My girls had such character, each an individual.
I'd recommend keeping chickens. Such fun, easy to look after and presents of yummy eggs too!

11th May 2013, 07:48
This is so touching. I confess I couldn't watch most of it, only the beginning. Just knew I'd go through a box of Kleenex and the images would be branded in my brain for a week or more of those tortured chickens being released. It's hard for me to even make a post. I know it is God (or whatever you will) manifesting through everything, but oh what an insane asylum it seems like we live in some days, so much violence and suffering, but in a way, I guess we are all being released to a sort of sanity everyday as we awaken more, and in a way, I suppose it is the suffering that prods us to wake up.

778 neighbour of some guy
11th May 2013, 07:57
Thank you very much for this video, 500.000.000 more to go and lets hope there is no such thing as chicken ptsd.

11th May 2013, 13:27
Dear Teradactyl,
Wow, what a touching, soul stiring and emotionally healing video. My heart is singing with joy, I love it !!
Human Race, take heed..
Freedom and awakening can be tough at first, it can be painful, it can feel strange, it can feel completely foreign...
But, when the wheels fall off and the veil is lifted, it is addictive and everything comes back to you when you start remembering who you are and that you are meant to be FREE...
....and, the feeling is WONDERFUL !!!!

14th May 2013, 18:43
aw i am getting teary just catching up on the replies to this thread. even remembering the video brings tears to my eyes :)
lots of love to all of you