View Full Version : Personal accounts of Native Americans and “Star People”

4th June 2013, 23:30
I have shared stories from my Cherokee Grand Father, experiences that he directly experienced and some that were passed down by the Native side of my family. I will paste below one small bit from another Thread to give you an idea.

I ran across this article/MP3 below that was in sync with the Native American and the tales passed down for many generations. I know there are others here that are Native American as I am and may have some cool links, stories to share... PLEASE DO!!! Many once sacred and secret legends and stories are now coming out on the Internet. It is very upsetting to the Elders but not unexpected.
Thread: A question for the masses about your opinion of extra digits (figure/toes)

I have read/heard stores of Giants in the Bible with 6 digits, stories of Aliens and Alien Hybrid Offspring with 6 digits, mutations you name it. I always have to flash back to being 7 years old and listening to my Grand Fathers Stories...

My GF who was a WWII NAVY "UDT"/"Frog Man" (Pre-SEALS) team member ran into 3 people/human/men in wet suits all of who had 5 fingers and a thumb on each hand and six toes while clearing a beach in the Pacific. He would place charges on under water shore blockade's and scurry on shore with nothing but a "File like knife and Piano like wire" to take out Japanese military centuries, hide bodies, cut off L ear for proof of encounter/kill and move in for recon then back out to the surf... and to the waiting boat off shore to bring him back to his command.

He reported the people to his commander, said the men looked Mediterranean, short (5'5 about his size) and stocky with short black military hair cuts (No Water/Air Craft Visible). They were perfectly Human accept for the extra digits and shimmering purplish "wet suits". He was in the Navy for quite some time and had lots of interesting stories (Involved in delivery of the 2 nukes that were dropped, he was not proud of but was given recognition for... In High School I interviewed him for an assignment and the teacher said it was the only tape he listed all the way through and gave me an A+ w/RARE) of encounters.

Granted... Native Americans are known for their stories and he was a full blooded Cherokee, but even after he left the old religion and became a christian then became a minister he stuck to his stories. After the programs/experiences I was forced into due to "Lineage" I am not going to doubt him for a second... But I realize how fantastic of a story it is and am fine with doubters.

This is the same GF that told me of an encounter (I spoke of on another thread) on the Reservation of being by Osage Lake (OK) and encountering 2 "blue/green aquatic beings" 1 adult 1 adolescent after exploring an off limits and sacred area with some other curious native children...This would have to be in the early 1930's. I don't think he counted their fingers though and its off topic... but just an interesting story. His Grand Mother told him stories going back generations of our family having similar experiences... We have something that "Runs in the Family" be it a metaphysical, tangible other worldly OR just plain ole psychological.

No idea why I have been sharing more of this stuff lately.... guess I am at that age/stage in life.


211. Montana State University’s Ardy Sixkiller Clarke Compiles 1,000 Accounts of American Indian Contact With UFO Phenomena

May 28th, 2013 Alex Tsakiris
Interview explores the personal accounts of Native Americans and “Star People”.

Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke author of, Encounters with the Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians. During the interview Clarke talks about how a spiritual worldview affects the accounts she’s collected:

Alex Tsakiris: If we unpack these experiences with American Indians that you’re talking about, we assume going in that there’s a different spiritual orientation. I think we assume—whether this is true or not—that in American Indian cultures there’s are a different set of givens. What would you say about that? Is that true? Is that a misconception? And, how might that play into these accounts of encounters with alien beings?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Well, I think again you have to separate tribes. There are some tribes where it’s forbidden to even speak the name of a dead person. Where in other tribes they believe that when someone dies they stay with them for a year. Their spirit remains with them for a year and then after a year they hold a ceremony to release that person. They have ceremonies where they can speak with those who have passed on. They have ceremonies where they can speak with the Ancients or where the Ancients come to them and give them knowledge and answer their prayers or their questions.

So it depends on the tribal group, and it’s difficult for me to say, as a general rule, there is this spiritual connection. But there definitely is with some of the tribes. There’s no question about it. Some of the tribes actually talk about the trip across the Milky Way. That when you die you cross the path of the Milky Way. You’ve got a common theme there that the cosmos plays so much a part in afterlife and death and the ability of the deceased that they never really die. They just move on into another dimension and that they can come back and communicate with the living.

Alex Tsakiris: See, I just think no matter what subtle differences you might have in that worldview, I think a worldview that incorporates this spiritual dimension puts you in a completely different place in terms of dealing with the UFO phenomena.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I do, too, because Native people on a whole are accepting of it. They aren’t skeptical of it. So if you approach it from a perspective that it is part of the universe and that it’s nothing to fear, then that’s one view. But to be skeptical of it and not believe what you’ve seen or to deny that it occurs is a totally different worldview.

Dr. Clarke’s Website

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Today we welcome author and Professor Emeritus from Montana State University, Dr. Ardy Sixkiller-Clark to Skeptiko. Dr. Clarke has a long, distinguished academic career working with indigenous populations and is here to talk about her fascinating new book, Encounters With Star People. Dr. Clarke, welcome to Skeptiko. Thanks so much for joining me.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: It’s my pleasure.

Alex Tsakiris: Dr. Clarke, tell us about your book. Obviously how you came to write it. Maybe a little bit about the methodology you used. You’ve worked for a long time with Native Americans and are familiar with some of the cultural aspects of that. How did you come to write this book?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Well, when I first came to Montana State University one of my roles in addition to teaching was I was a director at the Center for Bi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural Education. What the Center did was I would write grants through the Center to recruit Native students to come to Montana State University to become teachers and principals and superintendents. I had gone out to one of the reservations in Montana and had met with a group of students.

The person who helped me out on-site invited me out to dinner. After dinner he said to me, “Do you have some time? I want to show you something.”

I said, “Sure.”

He took me up in the mountains above his village and he parked his car and he reached over and he got a pair of binoculars and he said to me, “If we’re lucky they’ll come.”

I said, “Who will come?”

He said, “Well, the ancestors.”

So we sat on this boulder and we watched the night sky and he told me stories about things that had happened to him and his wife, and his interaction with Star People. Well, I had heard these stories when I was a little girl, as well, so when I left the reservation that night, all the way back to the university I was thinking about, ‘I’ve heard these stories. He heard these stories. How many other Native people have heard stories and have stories to tell?’

So I traveled a great deal, both going to conferences and speaking at conferences and conventions, going out to do research, and to recruit. So what I did was I started putting out feelers. If I went out to dinner with people in the evening I’d say, “Do any of you have star stories? Have any of you ever had experiences with Star People? Have you seen UFOs or anything like that?”

I began collecting stories. Over time, I collected almost 1,000 stories in a 20-year period. They ranged from stories among Native Americans in the 48 states and Alaska because I grouped Hawaii with the South Pacific group. Many of their stories were very similar to what I was finding throughout the South Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand. Then I focused on the Maya in Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. Although I did have stories that came from the Zapatec, the majority of the stories came from Central America and Mexico and involved the Mayan people.

That’s how I got started. I had basically just put the research away. At the university I had other things to do and this was just my own personal interest. It was done on my own personal time. So after I retired from the university, a tribe contacted me and asked me if I would come out of retirement and do a major project for them. It was a five-year project. I had gone back to Washington, D.C. because it involved a huge grant, and I’d gone back to D.C. and been trained on what they expected me to do and then I went to the reservation.

While I was on the reservation, I had lunch with a group of women. I was still trying to decide whether I wanted to take this job or not because a five year commitment is a really long time. It involved a lot of travel and a lot of time spent away from home. So as I was having lunch with this group of women, we began to talk. I don’t know how the subject of UFOs came up, but I began to tell them some of the stories that I had collected.

One of them said, “Well, what are you going to do with this?”

I said, “Probably nothing.”

She said, “Well, you can’t do that. This is a part of our oral history. You have to put this down so that people will know.”

So on my way back home I got to thinking, ‘Do I want to spend the next five years of my life doing research and evaluation, which is what I’ve been doing for 30 years at Montana State University? Or do I want to write this book?’ Obviously I chose the latter. I decided to write the book, and not only to write this one but I hope to do two more. One on the Maya and the indigenous people of Central America and Mexico and one on the indigenous people of the South Pacific.

Alex Tsakiris: It sounds like you certainly have a lot of material. You know, before we jump too far ahead I thought the first part of that account you just gave was rather interesting. That’s that these stories immediately resonated with your own personal history. Again, if we pull that out of context I don’t know that most people in the United States today or in Europe or in the Western World would at all relate to the idea of being connected to the Star People. What do you make of that? What did that stir up in you? What had you done with that?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: As I was growing up as a child, my grandmother told me a story that the Star Men came to Earth and they lived with the Sun Women. The Sun Women were the women of Earth. A time came when the Star Men had to leave the Earth and the women of Earth were very upset. So a council was held and it was decided that those who wanted to stay could stay behind and those who wanted to return to the stars could return to the stars.

So my grandmother would say to me, “You are a descendent of those Star People and the people of Earth.” And that all of us have a special plan for us on this Earth for that reason. So for me it was a story that I was told and as I grew older, of course, I put those stories away. They were the stories of my childhood. When I became an adult it had no impact on my life until I met this individual who told me his personal story. Of course, that brought back all of these stories of my childhood.

Alex Tsakiris: And I think that gets at something that’s right below the surface of this book because one of the reasons we get excited about this book, that is to hear the stories from Native Americans, is that we think as non-Native Americans that there’s something different about this culture. Something different about their orientation to the world, to their worldview. And maybe that’s true; maybe that’s not true. I’m sure it’s both.

But I think we have to be careful with how we unpack that, don’t we? Especially you as someone who has spent your professional academic career in both worlds at Montana State University in academia but also in working with indigenous people. How do we approach that with sensitivity but also with a desire to gain the benefit of the cultural differences, as well?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I think that’s the thing I was always sensitive to. First of all, I didn’t want to be branded at Montana State University as some psycho professor who was out there advocating belief in UFOs. But at the same time, in the Native community I wanted to be credible. I think that was the key to my success with Native people is that what I did is I just put feelers out.

I didn’t go and attempt to coerce anyone into telling their stories. Some of the people, as I revealed in the book, I’d known for 25 years before they ever told me their story. It was that waiting and watching and even though I was part-Native myself, there was that credibility test that I had to pass before the stories came forth. I hope that that shows in the book that the people who confided in me were people who trusted me.

Alex Tsakiris: Do you have an example from the book where that was the case? Where someone didn’t come forward for a long time and then came forward with a pretty amazing story?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Well, I think the story that Harrison tells of the craft that crash-landed on his grandfather’s ranch in a remote section of the reservation and the survivors lived there until they were rescued sometime later. He took me to the ranch; he showed me where the event occurred. He told me about how when he was a boy he had boarded the craft and what he saw and what he felt. His grandfather, he wanted to remove things from the craft and his grandfather wouldn’t allow it because he said it was sacred.

Then having the Corps of Engineers come in at a later time and build a dam which literally destroyed any evidence of the craft. His grandfather always believed that as they were excavating the land there that they had discovered the craft and had taken it away. Now this was back in the ‘40s and obviously when I talked to him about it he said there were very few cars on the reservation at that time. He said people would stand beside the road and just watch this equipment go by because they were so enthralled and fascinated just by the size of the equipment and the vehicles that were passing by.

So he said they could have removed anything. His grandfather always felt that was what had happened. But his grandfather was also very pleased that he had kept it a secret, that he had somehow protected them from the outside world, and that they had lived there free of observation and free of detection on his land and he was the one who had done that.

I had known Harrison for 25 years. I had gone onto the reservation as a consultant, sent there by the university because the school district in the community was attempting to get a bi-lingual education grant funded from the Federal government. They had a number of children in the school district that did not speak English. They spoke only the Native language.

Harrison resented that. He was a cultural person and the one that everybody turned to, so he resented what he considered university interference. So it took time to gain his trust. Over the years we became close and became friends but it took him 25 years before he told me this story. And I have no doubt whatsoever that what he told me was true.

Alex Tsakiris: Let’s get to that. I think that you have a certain credibility that comes through, not only with Native American tribes but in your work, a longtime, highly-regarded academic who is not only familiar with the university but is working with government programs and has the credibility that goes with that. I do think it’s interesting in a couple of ways. It sounds like you were the only person who really could have written this book. I mean, it takes a certain tenacity to stay with this thing for that long, but also the kind of trust that’s required.

What comes through is that these folks who you collected these stories from don’t fit the normal profile of people who are putting forth a UFO story either because it was the most traumatic thing in their life or because they have some other kind of ulterior motive. It sounds like there was a different agenda here in terms of these people. A lot of them have incorporated it into their life just fine and brought it out because you probed, right?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Right. It was a story that they had shared perhaps with family and friends. Some of them had never told anyone. I think just my presence and when they told me the story I never tried to interject any personal opinions into what they were telling me. I let them tell the stories without judgment. I’m a social scientist; I’m not in the hard sciences so I wasn’t demanding in terms of, “Well, where’s your proof? You’ve got to have some kind of proof.” I wasn’t looking for that. “You tell me your story. You tell me what happened and I will listen.”

Alex Tsakiris: You did something that’s much more valuable. You just gathered a lot of these first-person accounts. When we really sort through them and sift through them we can start looking for the same kinds of patterns that let us know whether they’re reliable accounts. I think that’s a lot better than tracking down some ticky-tacky photos or little remnants that someone has of it. I don’t want to say that, because both can be valuable and you do have some first-person experience that you had with trace phenomena and all the rest of that. All of it’s good.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I think both approaches are valuable but I think that hard science often criticizes social scientists. I’ve had some of that. I didn’t set out from the perspective of trying to attack or criticize or delve into motivations or “Where’s your proof that this happened,” that kind of thing. I just recorded the stories. I think because of that I got some very honest, open accounts of what occurred.

Of course, I think the trust that came along with that was the guarantee that I would not reveal the identities of the individuals. Down the road, if some of them want to come forward and say, “Hey, I’m the person in Dr. Clarke’s book,” that’s fine. But I committed to anonymity and I intend to honor that. Many of the people who actually told me the stories have passed now. These stories go back 20 to 25 years.

Alex Tsakiris: What’s been the reaction from within the Native American community about the book?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Nothing. I haven’t heard anything from the Native community.

Alex Tsakiris: Anything positive like they want more stories or negative like, “Gee, I wish you wouldn’t have brought that out?”

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I haven’t heard anything from the Native community. I’ve had a couple of emails attacking me because I used the term, “American Indians” in the book instead of Native Americans. They were saying, “If you were really a Native American you wouldn’t call Indians American Indians.” Although the book, in the very front of the book, I explain why I used the term “American Indian.”

Several years ago, back when I was still in academia, there was a group of us who were Native researchers who decided that we were no longer going to use the term “Native American” in our discussions in general about Native Americans because we based it upon the fact that the term “Native American” was increasingly being claimed by those individuals who were born within the United States, regardless of their ethnicity. So when we would say we were Native American, somebody who was not of American Indian heritage would say, “I’m a Native American, too. I was born here.”

Alex Tsakiris: I’m six generations Native American, right.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: So what we decided to do, along with the award-winning journalist Tim Giago, who was the founder and editor of The Lakota Times and Indian Country Today and Native Sun News, we decided that even though Indian is a misnomer, for generic purposes we were going to use the term “American Indian” because any politically-correct thinker who believes “Native American” is the preferred identification tag for any tribe is wrong.

We prefer to be called “Lakota” or “Northern Cheyenne.” By our names but if not, “American Indian” is an acceptable term because of the Native American. And I think rightfully so. People who are born here have the right to consider themselves Native Americans. So there have been some attacks along that way toward me but obviously the people who attacked me hadn’t read the book, or at least not my explanation of why I used that term.

Alex Tsakiris: What’s been the reaction from within the UFO community?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: If you talk about the UFO community, the people who are in power and the people who you see their names at conferences—total silence. Whitley Strieber has certainly been positive but I’m not sure he’s a part of that community as such. My leaders have been just absolutely unbelievable. The accolades and the reviews and comments and emails I get have been not one negative one from any of those.

Alex Tsakiris: Where I’d like to go next, I do think that the UFO phenomena, the ET phenomena, is really an important part of what’s evolving as our culture, our understanding of who we are. Obviously how we fit into the world, what this thing called consciousness is. So what I thought was interesting about your book without this even being the purpose of your book, is you shatter some of the paradigms that are most prevalent within that UFO community.

For example, let’s start with the whole origin of the ET phenomena. There’s this debate. Did the ETs arrive in 1947 with the explosion of the nuclear bomb and then the crash at Roswell? Is this a recent phenomenon? What would your over 1,000 first-person accounts tell us about answering that question? The “when” question in terms of this phenomena?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I think for a majority of the people I interviewed, their opinion is they’ve always been here. That it’s not a new phenomenon. They have been visiting Earth for many, many eons. One person said, “Before the beginning of time,” when he was telling me some of the ancient stories. He said these stories go back before the beginning of time. They are the old, old stories. Of course, I don’t include those in the book but what he was saying to me is that this is nothing new. We’ve always had interaction with the people from the stars.

But I also met other people from different tribes who had no connection or no stories that were related to that. It would appear that, depending upon the tribal group, that also varied. I don’t know if you read it but one story, the young man who told me about his grandfather who, when he was a young man, helped bury an alien in the desert. And this was before Roswell.

Alex Tsakiris: I don’t remember the story.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: The young man who told me about his grandfather that buried the alien along with some other teenaged boys. They found him wandering in the desert and he died and they just buried him and never told anyone. They considered that Star Person to be a messenger from the Sky Gods. So they buried him. It’s just a totally different kind of relationship that we’re talking about here.

Alex Tsakiris: Another aspect of the ET/UFO phenomena that we’re constantly trying to get our arms around, once you cross the chasm and say, “Okay, there is something here that we need to study and we need to understand,” let’s jump over there. All the rest is kind of silly to ignore it.

Are we talking about a nuts-and-bolts phenomena i.e., flying saucers and vehicles and beings? Or are we talking about a consciousness phenomenon? Inter-dimensional, mind control, dream kind of phenomena? Or is it both? What does your research tell you?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I think it’s a combination of both. I’ve found that to be present, particularly in some of the Maya stories, that traveling back and forth between dimensions. In fact, sometimes I think when I was listening to some of the Mayan elders that probably the Mayans were the first time travelers because they seemed to have that ability or at least that knowledge of how to travel back and forth. But then Black Hawk also had that ability, the great Sioux medicine man.

I think most of the stories that are recorded in my book, they were the nuts-and-bolts kind of things. What I find is most interesting about them is that they weren’t channeling somebody. They weren’t under hypnosis. They were telling stories as they remembered them. They were not under some kind of hypnotic spell.

Alex Tsakiris: Let’s touch on the potential agenda here, which is speculative and a tricky topic to even approach. I was listening to a presentation the other day by a UFO researcher, Barbara Lamb, who’s done regression therapy work with over 1,000 people who claim to have had contact with aliens. She, like many others, has the distinct impression that there’s some kind of interbreeding, a hybridization process going on here. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I had no stories of that among American Indians, but I did encounter it in Mexico and it Guatemala, of women who claim to have been abducted and to have borne hybrid children. I had one young woman tell me the story that she had been in the plaza one evening with her boyfriend and her friends. She was sixteen at the time. Her boyfriend was sixteen. They were walking back home and both of them were taken. She told me how they struggled because they were being pulled up into the sky. They kicked and clawed and tried to get away.

The next day, she realizes she’s pregnant and she’s never had sex. So she and her boyfriend decide that it’s a Virgin Birth, like the Virgin Mary. They were very strong, devout Catholics. So he decides that he has to marry her because if the marries her there will be no one in the village to criticize or isolate or shun them. He will marry her to protect her because he knows it’s a Virgin Birth. A few weeks later, as the ceremony is being planned, she’s abducted again. When she wakes up the next day she’s no longer pregnant.

Alex Tsakiris: Of course, those kinds of accounts directly relate to so many accounts that other UFO researchers, John Mack at Harvard, Budd Hopkins, just many, many very credible UFO researchers have found the same things. It’s interesting that you’ve run across that, as well.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I ran across more than one case. I had a wonderful guide who knew what I was doing and he was taking me to these different sites. Actually, back when I was about fifteen years old a librarian handed me this book called, Incidents of Travel in the Yucatan. It was by two 19th Century explorers by the name of Stephens and Catherwood. They had heard rumors of these great cities in the jungles of Mexico and Central America that had been built and they went there in search of them. Of course, the book chronicles their trip. I had promised myself when I was a teenager that one day I was going to follow in their footsteps and go to all these ancient cities.

Then the years passed, making a living and getting my degree took the forefront and my dream of following Catherwood and Stephens through the jungles took a backseat. The day I retired from MSU I was coming home and I saw a yard sale with a bunch of books stacked up against a garage door. I couldn’t pass that up so I stopped my car and here I found one of these old books by Stephens. I thought, ‘You know, this is something I have to do.’ I had read the works by Von Daniken and different people who talked about the Ancient Astronauts and everything in these cities.

So I was interested in following up not only on Stephens and Catherwood but also finding out first-hand the experiences of modern-day Maya with UFOs. Down there, most of them call them the “Sky Gods.” So that’s what I set out to do and along the way I had some wonderful people helping me. I was actually taken to this village where six women came forth to tell me their stories. This young woman who was now in her twenties told me the story of what had happened to her. It was quite an interesting night.

It was interesting, too, because of the lack of sophisticated methods of explaining things. Instead of talking about a UFO, two different women described the spacecraft as a gasoline tank that came down from the sky and sat there. I found it extremely interesting to listen to the way they were describing these craft because they didn’t have television in their village. They weren’t exposed to sci-fi movies and all the information that’s out there. They lived on a hillside in Guatemala, away from all that.

Yet when you read UFO literature about the cigar-shaped craft and here they are describing it as a gasoline tank because that’s what they’ve seen in their environment. So that was really interesting.

Alex Tsakiris: Yeah, that is very interesting. It speaks to all the cultural flavoring we imagine goes on in these accounts, especially when we look at the older accounts.

Finally, Ardy, what I want to talk about is spirituality. If we unpack these experiences with American Indians that you’re talking about, we assume going in that there’s a different spiritual orientation. I mean, you’re in your professional career at Montana State University. You have to walk a fine line like we all do. You can’t walk around and say, “Oh, of course I believe in spirit communication and talking with the dead. In fact, everyone I know just assumes that that’s a truth.”

We have this kind of cultural barrier in the West regardless of any kind of religious background we may have in terms of talking about and experiencing spirituality. I think we assume—whether this is true or not and maybe you can tell me if it is—that in American Indian cultures there’s a different set of givens. A different orientation regarding the spirit world. What would you say about that? Is that true? Is that a misconception? How might that play into these accounts and someone’s receptivity to this kind experience that they might have?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Well, I think again you have to separate tribes. There are some tribes that it’s forbidden to even speak the name of a dead person. Where in other tribes they believe that when someone dies they stay with them for a year. Their spirit remains with them for a year and then after a year they hold a ceremony to release that person. They have ceremonies where they can speak with those who have passed on. They have ceremonies where they can speak with the Ancients or where the Ancients come to them and give them knowledge and answer their prayers or their questions.

So it depends on the tribal group. It varies greatly throughout the United States and Alaska. So it’s difficult for me to say that is a general rule, that it has a spiritual connection. But definitely it does with some of the tribes. There’s no question about it. Some of the tribes actually talk–and the Maya do this too–they talk about the trip across the Milky Way. That when you die you cross the path of the Milky Way. See, that’s what the Maya believe. They talk about going to Xibalba.

You’ve got a common theme there that the cosmos plays so much a part in afterlife and death and the ability of the deceased that they never really die. They just move on into another dimension and that they can come back and communicate with the living.

Alex Tsakiris: See, I just think no matter what subtle differences you might have in that worldview, I think that worldview puts you in a completely different place in terms of dealing with the UFO phenomena. I have to tell you…

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I do, too, because Native people on a whole are accepting of it. They aren’t skeptical of it. So if you approach it from a perspective that it is part of the universe and that it’s nothing to fear, then that’s one view. But to be skeptical of it and not believe what you’ve seen or to deny that it occurs is a totally different worldview.

Alex Tsakiris: Right. I think if you have that worldview that is so prevalent in our society and our culture and when you deconstruct it, which is what this show is about really, not so much deconstructing it from a UFO perspective but from a straight scientific perspective…

Dr. Ardy Clarke: That is what I was going to say. Don’t you think that comes from the fact that modern-day society is so controlled by the scientific evidence of everything? Where in the Native community it is not?

Alex Tsakiris: I do think so. But I even think that’s somewhat of a misdirect because I think that the best scientific evidence that we have—for the last 100 years all the best scientific evidence and quantum physics has pointed us in the other direction, right? We’ve just chosen to ignore it…

Dr. Ardy Clarke: We chose to ignore it, right.

Alex Tsakiris: …because the materialism that is so much a part of capitalism and the thing that we live in that we love and our computers and all that pulls us the other way. So we can’t possibly imagine what it would mean to give all that up. So we hold onto what’s familiar. It has all sorts of other implications, as well.

I guess we are coming to that same point, that maybe there is some reality to when people have an orientation where they’re free from that baggage they can look at this and go, “I don’t know. That happened. It does relate to these other stories I’ve heard in my past, so it must be true.” It isn’t as hard to accept. Does that make it easier for them to incorporate it into their life without getting totally whacked out and thinking…

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Right, traumatized. I absolutely believe that’s true because I’ve found very little evidence of trauma among the people that I’ve interviewed. Certainly less than 10%. Maybe less than 5%.

I never sat down and really took each story and put it in a category but I think there was one instance I pointed out in the book where the young woman, her cousin had had an encounter and she had witnessed it. Therefore she really had difficulty dealing with it and had dropped out of school because she figured if there was something out there that had that much power over you and could do with you at will, then what was the purpose of even trying to do anything? Of course, over time she came to recognize that that was a fruitless behavior. But rarely did I encounter that.

Alex Tsakiris: Well, it’s an absolutely fascinating work and I’m glad to hear that there may be some more down the road.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Oh, yes. There will be.

Alex Tsakiris: That’s fantastic, Dr. Clarke.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: Right now there’s a look at translating it into Japanese, of all things.

Alex Tsakiris: Wow, that’s great. So Japanese and probably Spanish has got to be on the table, too, right?

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything, but I certainly have been in contact with some people who are interested in publishing it in Japan. I just referred them to my editor. I think you know him, Patrick.

Alex Tsakiris: At the Anomalous Press. Yeah, great folks over there. They have some great books. Again, the book is Encounters With Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians. A fascinating book.

Dr. Clarke, it’s been great having you on. Thanks so much for joining me on Skeptiko.

Dr. Ardy Clarke: It’s been my pleasure. I enjoyed talking to you.




5th June 2013, 00:50
My friend,,,, Thank you for bringing this to the table!!! I do not have much time to post right this second, but I had to take a second to Thank you!!! Many here at Avalon already know my story. (I am a natural astral projector and have had dealings with different 'peoples',,,) I am Cherokee too! I have had trouble trying to turn my back on mee true 'lineage'... I was not raised with my native family,, (there was an adoption,, long story,,,,) But I have never lived a day without my 'bird clan' nature!!! ;)

Please, continue to keep this thread alive,,, I will be able to post more tomorrow!!!

Thank you soooooo much for this!!!

5th June 2013, 01:30
Very Welcome!
Adoption has plagued our people by design... AP and RV seem to come quite naturally to CERTAIN NATIVE FAMILY LINES. I come from the Bear Clan.

My friend,,,, Thank you for bringing this to the table!!! I do not have much time to post right this second, but I had to take a second to Thank you!!! Many here at Avalon already know my story. (I am a natural astral projector and have had dealings with different 'peoples',,,) I am Cherokee too! I have had trouble trying to turn my back on mee true 'lineage'... I was not raised with my native family,, (there was an adoption,, long story,,,,) But I have never lived a day without my 'bird clan' nature!!! ;)

Please, continue to keep this thread alive,,, I will be able to post more tomorrow!!!

Thank you soooooo much for this!!!

5th June 2013, 01:50
As far as I know I do not have First Nation heritage (Scottish and Irish ancestors) but I have done a great deal of shamanic journeying.
I met two star beings in one such journey and it was a sacred and profound experience for me. Two energy beings came to me and they identified themselves as Star mother and Star father. To this day I still remember it vividly.

5th June 2013, 02:37
I am from the wolf clan, my great great grandmother Nanye'hi , whatever she or her line new about star people she took it to the grave with her , my grandmother never spoke about ET's hush hush , only mostly how the white man would abolish our language and religion ... native american indians are the real minority, google how many cherokee's are still alive ... truth their is only less than 200,000 of us left ...

5th June 2013, 02:52
I have shared stories from my Cherokee Grand Father, experiences that he directly experienced and some that were passed down by the Native side of my family. I will paste below one small bit from another Thread to give you an idea.

I ran across this article/MP3 below that was in sync with the Native American and the tales passed down for many generations. I know there are others here that are Native American as I am and may have some cool links, stories to share... PLEASE DO!!! Many once sacred and secret legends and stories are now coming out on the Internet. It is very upsetting to the Elders but not unexpected.
Thread: A question for the masses about your opinion of extra digits (figure/toes)

No idea why I have been sharing more of this stuff lately.... guess I am at that age/stage in life.

No idea why I have been sharing more of this stuff lately.... guess I am at that age/stage in life.

Hi GoodeTXSG, Wishing You Well!

My personal happenings of the past half dozen years have powerful Native American and Cherokee rhythm entwined in them...it has been quite a ride of Spirit. I have shared some of my story here and there...and there is so much more to it all that I have not told and I have been humbly grateful for what I feel to be a spiritual gift.

I want to Thank You openly for sharing lately. I firmly feel that You are opening up more now because we are indeed at a 'stage' and transforming/transcending into a form of Our Higher Selves right here and now on Mother Earth and it is getting stronger and more powerful each new day. Star People, Spirit Beings, Higher Vibration Expression of Ourselves...however it is named it is truly coming to be and I am feeling the preliminary signs of it intensely.

Once again I am grateful for You starting this thread with Your personal story and am looking forward to Others sharing personal connections and happenings here... and I will post more too.

5th June 2013, 07:28

I was wondering what your feelings are about the Terra Papers (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida_alien_63.htm).


In time, the Star Being would come to trust the six.

By using a small crystal to create images, the Visitor began to communicate with the young men. Calling him the Star Elder, the youths sat at the knee of their Friend, examining all of the crystalline images with great care, piecing together the incredible history of our Solar system and Mankind itself.

Star Elder's message was simple m Star Beings have been here since Earth was a barren rock. They were here when Man was created and have been here throughout his evolution. In some cases their involvement was benevolent, in some cases, it was not. Man has been guided...and he has been misled. The Star Beings have been our Gods...and our Devils.

They have always been here, and they are still here now.

When pressed to explain his presence on Earth, the "Star Elder" stunned the six. There was a war in the skies above, his ship had been downed by enemy forces!

I am called 'Morning Sky'... Robert Morning Sky.

My grandfather was one of the six young Indian rescuers. When I was young, my grandfather told me the story about his Star visitor. He and his friends called him 'Star Elder', a name given out of respect. But as time passed, his name was revealed to the youths. He was called... 'Bek'Ti'.

This is his story...and mine.


5th June 2013, 11:33
I have heard of Robert Morning Sky and been told to find this story by a person on another thread. This story matches up with several legends (More or less) of several traditions including Souix/Dekota. I grew up with a friend who was Souix Nation (I got in more trouble with that guy/rascal) who said there were many stories that he half paid attention to.

Elders seem to be split, traditions have been wasting away and the younger generations have been seduced by the world of materialism that SOME elders have opened up to sacred history, stories and ways going public and to NON Natives... While others are still strictly against it as tradition has always held (I guess your Conservative and Liberal movement of sorts).

I think his stories sound like ones that were based on tradition but maybe (As is the NA way much of the time) lightly re-edited for certain reasons (Be them traditional or personal).
My 2 cents - I really haven't read all of his material just the story you pasted.


I was wondering what your feelings are about the Terra Papers (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida_alien_63.htm).


In time, the Star Being would come to trust the six.

By using a small crystal to create images, the Visitor began to communicate with the young men. Calling him the Star Elder, the youths sat at the knee of their Friend, examining all of the crystalline images with great care, piecing together the incredible history of our Solar system and Mankind itself.

Star Elder's message was simple m Star Beings have been here since Earth was a barren rock. They were here when Man was created and have been here throughout his evolution. In some cases their involvement was benevolent, in some cases, it was not. Man has been guided...and he has been misled. The Star Beings have been our Gods...and our Devils.

They have always been here, and they are still here now.

When pressed to explain his presence on Earth, the "Star Elder" stunned the six. There was a war in the skies above, his ship had been downed by enemy forces!

I am called 'Morning Sky'... Robert Morning Sky.

My grandfather was one of the six young Indian rescuers. When I was young, my grandfather told me the story about his Star visitor. He and his friends called him 'Star Elder', a name given out of respect. But as time passed, his name was revealed to the youths. He was called... 'Bek'Ti'.

This is his story...and mine.


5th June 2013, 11:42
OH YES, I am sure you heard the same stories. Heart Breaking and Mean Spirited... How THEY could live with themselves doing what they did at those "SCHOOLS" to Native Children taking away their language, beliefs and traditions after taking the land below their feet... sick and brutal stories against very young children. Most people do not know until how recently this lasted.

I am from the wolf clan, my great great grandmother Nanye'hi , whatever she or her line new about star people she took it to the grave with her , my grandmother never spoke about ET's hush hush , only mostly how the white man would abolish our language and religion ... native american indians are the real minority, google how many cherokee's are still alive ... truth their is only less than 200,000 of us left ...

5th June 2013, 15:10
Appreciate this post. Synchronicity strikes my Kola. Bill Ryan had posted many valued websites that he shared with Avalon the other day. Great links. Coincidentally I came to a website that spoke of this topic and i ordered this book several days ago from author Ardy Sixkiller. Coincidence i think not. Im still trying to locate my Great Grandfathers Native American Indian Tribe in Texas and his lineage. I noticed that you are from Texas as well OP and maybe you could connect a dot for me here. Q. What tribes resided in Texas? This would be a big help. My Great Grandfather was a half breed whom resided in Mineral Wells. His last name was Pearson. Maybe we are related........ Cant wait to read the book, its in the mail as we speak. PM me if you have any info on the indian tribes from Texas. Great Thread.



Enjoy Part 1 - 500 Nations. Watch the first 10 minutes its highly addicting. And 5 Stars IMO


william r sanford72
5th June 2013, 16:29
when i was 5 i had my first paranormal vision.i grew up along the muddy miss. river.KEOKUK.Ia.the lands of chief keokuk and his tribes.the visions were almost always the same in the begining.a tall warrior.in full battle dress.almost see through.with a blue light all around him.he never speaks.he only points.when these vision began i thought he was pointing over my shoulder.behind me.as i grew and this spirit would appear i began to realize he was pointing at me.also about a year after my first vision there was a grease fire in our kithchen.i was trapped in a corner and my mom couldnt get to me..she was trying to put the fire out.made it worse.at the height of the flames i seen the warrior spirit suddenly appear in front of me in btween the fire and myself.my mom seen him to cause she forgot about the fire.mouth open kinda thing.when he vanished as suddenly as he appeared.as soon as he vanished the flames died down to nothing almost like all the oxygen was sucked out.it was enough time for my mom to reach me and remove me from danger.the flames burst up again.she called the fire dept. saved the kitchen BUT the damage was always a reminder to me that i had someone watching my back.i have never forgotten this.my mom began to believe me.we talked about it and my visions often after words.also one of my fave books of all time is BLACK ELK SPEAKS..Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala SIOUX.i have many such truths.even to this day my sister in law works for tibal leaders in montana as a wild life spc.really great thread.

5th June 2013, 16:52
i was told i had some mohawk in me, it would make sense if it is mohawk from eastern usa. if that exists, as my grandmothers family is from salem (immigrants from Czechoslovakia) and around (east coast) in Massachusetts.

im sure there is no way to know for sure these days.

i wonder if this has anything to do with a name i keep hearing in my head, dan-EE-kah-AH. thats how it sounds to me.

5th June 2013, 17:05
You might find my post to be of interest:
About a Zuni elder, Clifford Mahooty, who was scheduled to be a presenter at a recent conference in Sedona.
A friend of mine was planning to attend, and I am hoping to hear from her soon about his presentation.
It's possible that James Tyberonn, the facilitator of the conference, made a video featuring Mahooty, as he has been doing recently with some of the main presenters at his various conferences.
If so, I will share here whatever I hear or see.
Tyberonn has some Native American blood and has been meeting with indigenous elders around the world during his travels for many years, and has done some vision quests, etc.
You might enjoy checking out his work at:
http://www.earth-keeper.com/ and

I have no N.A. blood that I am aware of, but I am aware of past lives as a N.A., and I resonate with that worldview and approach to spirituality.
I have had life-changing experiences during N.A. ceremonies and vision quests.
My forum name, Onawah, is Sioux in origin, I believe, and means "wide awake", a quality I aspire to.
I love the melodious, poetic sound of N.A. languages.
I hope they will not all be lost.

5th June 2013, 17:08
when i was 5 i had my first paranormal vision.i grew up along the muddy miss. river.KEOKUK.Ia.the lands of chief keokuk and his tribes.the visions were almost always the same in the begining.a tall warrior.in full battle dress.almost see through.with a blue light all around him.he never speaks.he only points.when these vision began i thought he was pointing over my shoulder.behind me.as i grew and this spirit would appear i began to realize he was pointing at me.also about a year after my first vision there was a grease fire in our kithchen.i was trapped in a corner and my mom couldnt get to me..she was trying to put the fire out.made it worse.at the height of the flames i seen the warrior spirit suddenly appear in front of me in btween the fire and myself.my mom seen him to cause she forgot about the fire.mouth open kinda thing.when he vanished as suddenly as he appeared.as soon as he vanished the flames died down to nothing almost like all the oxygen was sucked out.it was enough time for my mom to reach me and remove me from danger.the flames burst up again.she called the fire dept. saved the kitchen BUT the damage was always a reminder to me that i had someone watching my back.i have never forgotten this.my mom began to believe me.we talked about it and my visions often after words.also one of my fave books of all time is BLACK ELK SPEAKS..Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala SIOUX.i have many such truths.even to this day my sister in law works for tibal leaders in montana as a wild life spc.really great thread.

Wonderful story William! Yes, you have powerful protectors around you.

5th June 2013, 17:44
Thanks for this thread! It greatly interests me!

My maternal Great-great grandmother was Cherokee.... Eastern Tribe, from the foothills of the Appalacian Mountains, North Carolina. Many of my relatives still look very Native American.....

As I child, I would see shadow people, one in particular, all the time. I've also had a past life regression where I experienced a brief episode as a Native American woman.

I don't have any stories to tell, really, because for my grandmother to talk about the "indian" part of our family history was "taboo".

All I know is that I am very inclined to be "Earth" oriented and love the American Native culture and when I ever get back to the States, I always have to head for the area (Rutherford County and Asheville area) where I feel "at home".

5th June 2013, 19:12
TY for the video, I will watch it ASAP...
I would start with BIA TX division. TX Has quite a mix of tribes spread out and the archives are the same. However the archives are pretty well documented. If you have at least 4 generations of family names going back it shouldn't be a problem... if not it will not be impossible but will take more digging on your part.

Appreciate this post. Synchronicity strikes my Kola. Bill Ryan had posted many valued websites that he shared with Avalon the other day. Great links. Coincidentally I came to a website that spoke of this topic and i ordered this book several days ago from author Ardy Sixkiller. Coincidence i think not. Im still trying to locate my Great Grandfathers Native American Indian Tribe in Texas and his lineage. I noticed that you are from Texas as well OP and maybe you could connect a dot for me here. Q. What tribes resided in Texas? This would be a big help. My Great Grandfather was a half breed whom resided in Mineral Wells. His last name was Pearson. Maybe we are related........ Cant wait to read the book, its in the mail as we speak. PM me if you have any info on the indian tribes from Texas. Great Thread.



Enjoy Part 1 - 500 Nations. Watch the first 10 minutes its highly addicting. And 5 Stars IMO


eric charles
6th June 2013, 13:56
Goodetsxg .

Man you are going to have to try and keep your posts short and sweet my friend , I enjoy reading alot , but man , I dont have time to read a Novel every morning .

6th June 2013, 14:27
Hi Goode, just wanted to let you know that I am very interested in all you post. A few dots have been connected . I do hope you continue!

6th June 2013, 15:08
Yes, adoption has plagued many peoples by design!! I feel it in mee blood. Last year, I was able to locate my father. He recently sat on a counsel of elders in Colorado. I spent much of my childhood in Mayes County Oklahoma. The northern most counties in Oklahoma is Cherokee stomping ground. There are Cherokees spread out all over the country!!! Less than 200,000,,, well, I am one!!

Goodetsxg,, The natural spiritual nature of American Indians, and the connection to the spirit of the earth and the land and the animals is only part of the story. I know that there is something lurking, just under the radar,,, (so to speak). I am LOST BIRD!!! There is no doubt about that. I have had (literally) THOUSANDS of fully conscious OBEs. I do not have the whole story, but I have a piece of the puzzle. My understanding of this world is woven into an understanding of the non-physical worlds,,, (spirit worlds.) If there are sacred secrets being held by any elder of any of the free tribes in America, regarding our relationship with 'Star People',, then it is time to come forward. I understand that this is much easier said than done. The human spirit suffers from the blindness that is created when any ONE group holds these kinds of secrets. I have personally suffered from trying to make sense of something in my life!! Being far removed from any of my Cherokee history,,, (and the hidden history of my people and Star Brothers and sisters) has augmented my experiences.

I believe that we should be screaming it from the rooftops. It is time to come forward. My father told me that My grandmother would 'soul travel'... I wish I would have known!!! There is actual suffering occurring because much of this knowledge is hidden.

I want to know more!!! How is it that I have a deep knowledge and understanding of these things without ever knowing my native family?? How is it that I am so confused about the out of body experience?? The uprooting of the free tribes of the Americas has taken its toll on our entire planet!!! This secret knowledge MUST be told.

I feel like I have been on the 'front lines' with what I know, and how I approach it. The time for Sitting in the corners and doing and saying nothing, has come to an end.

I CANNOT sit and say nothing! Must be the Indian Brave in me... (Probably an age old scenario,,, youngsters pushing forward,, elders pulling back!!)

Here is an experience that I shared with the Astral Projection Group here at Avalon,,, How is it that I can have such an experience without ever knowing about my peoples history???


Last night, while in deep meditation, I received another R.O.T.E. (Related Organized Thought Energy) from higher self as to the mysteries of Reincarnation and the nature of physical life. There were no words or voices this time, only a deep understanding and knowing of what was ‘stirring’ to be understood.

Remember here that a R.O.T.E. comes in a single package, an entire energetic structure of well organized thought that must be ‘unraveled’ by the end user,, ie,, I had to keep my mind perfectly still in order to read the R.O.T.E.

The whole thing was very ‘Delores Cannon-esque’. (Except nothing was confusing or hard to understand) There are ‘hyper-advanced’ (term taken from the book ’Alien Mind A Primer’) species of sentient life. Consciousness reaches out in spheres of knowing, and permeates into physical reality, while at the same time,,, IS physical reality. Consciousness has layers, like onions. On our layer (dimension) Space-time warps to create physical matter, yet also creates gravity, which acts as a governing force. No particle exists. No energetic element of an atom exists without the other,,, you will never isolate a single electron, or proton,,, the non-local nature of them act in a way that neither of them are ‘pulled’ into existence without the ‘pull’ coming from the other. They only exist as a part of a ‘system’!!! The amazing and wonderful thing about all of this is that one of the key aspects of any system of energy is consciousness. No system of energy exists, or ever will, without a point of observation. The point of observation must exist within any energetic system or there will be no ‘pull’ into physical reality. Without consciousness, all Physical things exist only as variables and potentials. IE…. Consciousness creates reality!!!!! (At least on our fold!)

Our physical Universe re-cycles itself!!! Over and again the physical universe including all galaxies and spaces within,,, expand, and contract and recycle. Not in ’ever repeating big bangs’, but in a cycle that folds into itself while at the same time expanding outward. Many, Many physical universal cycles have come and gone, each time producing new societies that are welcomed into a hyper advanced, multi-dimensional community of beings that have made the journey from consciousness, into different states of physical existence, and made the journey back into a fully energetic, ‘conscious’ state, from the perspective of the Physical journey. These hyper-advanced beings have escaped the physical and hold a perspective that is transcendent of all physical boundaries. Each cycle of a physical universe brings more and more sentient groups into the hyper-advanced state of being and of community. Consciousness being the catalyst for all things.

There are countless physical universes!!! Each physical universe, fashioned by a massive sphere of consciousness. Within all spheres of consciousness exist a desire to create and experience. It is essential to understand that creation and experience exist simultaneously! There is no experiencing without creating, likewise, there is no creating without experiencing. It is a law of consciousness!! It is by this law that all physical and non-physical universes are created. The God-Force spilled out into layers of consciousness, creating and experiencing in a never-ending dance, bearing never-ending fruits! Physicality is inevitable. So are the vast representations of life (consciousness). As the many forms of life have been created, they have been created for the purpose of experience. Experience of the creation brings it all into fruition. So therefore, all representations of life and matter are a direct part of the creational energies that have existed from the beginning.

Therefore, consciousness creates all of the many life forms in order endow the form with spirit in order to experience that particular creation of life. The goal; being to create a physical life form that is free from impurities that can span long terms of ’time’ and sustain the living ’essence’ (consciousness) indefinitely. All races of physical beings are part of this process, and part of an unfolding story, that has not yet been fully told. Throughout the vast non-physical existences, there are ’samplings’ of physical lives being taken. A hyper-advanced ’soul’ will take on a life in the physical, to ’experience’ (create) what it is like being a particular representation of life. ALL ADVANCED EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS (INCLUDING HUMANS) ARE HYPER-ADVANCED BEINGS, EXPERIENCING LIFE IN THE PHYSICAL. Life is a garden! We create and experience different modes of physical and non-physical existences,,, and it never ends. We have all had countless lives in countless different forms. The concept of re-incarnation in a physical human body takes on another level of meaning when taking into account that we have always existed, and that we always will. Incarnations into the different physical bodies and existences has been occurring since the ’beginning’ and will continue,,, well after ’the end’.

We are not Human! We are not Alien! Although we have been,,, and ARE Both!!! We can put on out ’human suits’ or our ’alien suits’ whenever we want to. We reach out into the physical, riding a vast wave of consciousness, endeavoring to create/experience a balance between physical and non-physical by way of perfecting livable life forms, combatable with our non-physical essence. We actually sit at a perch, high above all of this! Our Higher Selves are not our higher selves,,,,, it is our True Selves,,,, and life in this physical world is being experienced by ’little ME’…. The more physically and spiritually advanced a particular race is, the more likely it will be able to transcend the physical and mental changes that are a catalyst for true unfolding of the genetic story, and creating physical ‘canisters‘ that can house a hyper-dimensional being. Which means that there is a duality that exists among physical extra-terrestrials and physical humans, as we (as a universal community) make our way towards greater knowledge and understanding. (The experiments with ET groups involving DNA and/or incarnation ‘codes’ are a universal problem. )

As for the DNA,, They are INCARNATION CODES!! Remember that life is a garden! Each group of Hypers, have written their mark/signature/code/etc,,, on the physical/biological life forms that they are ‘grouping’ to advance a physical form that can house their non-physical sentients, without there being a veil between any of the physical, non-physical or mental states. Most Hypers are working WITH nature to advance these ends. Others,,, ARE NOT!!! Whenever an advanced physical race comes across a planet of lesser a lesser advanced race, the first order of business is to determine which (if known) race of hypers are watching over the ‘garden’… (Genetic testing and modulating to determine incarnation codes!)

Many times, (for reasons both malevolent and not,) there is intervention in the natural ‘evolution’ of a species, and another race will ‘imprint’ their DNA (incarnation codes) with another race of beings. When this happens, the incarnational potentials of that race of beings is changed forever. The Hypers that were incarnating in those bodies have to, now, share them with Hypers attached to the physical group that did the DNA modifications. This is devastating to the original group of Hypers, but it advances the incarnational potentials of the modified group… Meaning that different soul-groups, can now incarnate in our bodies!

This was never intended to happen, but it DOES. The trauma to the incarnational process to a species is incomprehensible. It is why none of us ever remember (naturally) any of our past lives!!! The signature that attaches us to our physical bodies has been altered, and creates an, almost impenetrable barrier that almost lead to the death of our species. The chaos that our souls experience coming back into these physical bodies, creates the amnesia that we are faced with today!!!! Nature has a way of working these things out, and we are coming out of the ’fog’…

The Earth-life Garden was put into motion by a particularly old and unknown group of Hypers… And many ’races’ are caught up in the potentials that ’Humans’ command.

Death is an illusion and life between lives brings a great remembering, like waking up from a sleep.

I hope I am not bringing the vibe of this thread down... But, it is my opinion that we (as the torch holders for our peoples) should be kicking up dust and yelling it from the rooftops. We here at Avalon can diffinately respect the culture of any nation... However,,, we also have a natural tendency to uncover secret/hidden histories. I have been given a gift,,, and I will NOT keep it a secret. Perhaps the legacy of our peoples has more to do with exploding this stuff onto the world, in a healing and nurturing manner.

6th June 2013, 15:51
Awesome thread, GoodeTXSG :)

I too have a very wee bit of Cherokee heritage -- my great-great grandmother on my father's side was half Cherokee. I have no memory of her, but my older brother does. They used to sit them down together at reunions, the oldest and the youngest in the family at the time set down together to keep them "out of their hair" while they got things ready. My brother said she used to talk about the reservation in Oklahoma and seeing the US Cavalry ride in on horseback.

I believe that's where the, erm, "abilities" I have stem from. My brother has them, too, though they seem to be latent in him (pushed aside, unacknowledged). They certainly weren't taught to us. Rather we were raised in the more secular, modern, school system educational way, with Baptist Sunday school almost as an afterthought. LOL. Typical 70s/80s education. No Native American teachings in our family at all, it does seem to have been a taboo thing to keep going. But the NA thoughts about life and spirituality really resonate with me, more and more as the years go on.

I wish I knew more, but I don't. I'm enjoying the thread, though, and hope more stories will come out. I believe a lot of the stories and prophecies are coming out now more than ever before for a reason.

One last thing -- we have moved within a couple of hours of Cherokee NC, so I'm excited that we'll be able to go to the gathering there next month.

Limor Wolf
6th June 2013, 15:51
Jake, thank you for the incredible post and the knowledge thrown in, it certainly open minds to a much bigger and broader picture. Please do not be silent, please shout out over the rooftop, because this needs to be heard!

I am taking it all in

Consciousness is god

Our 'higher' selves are our true selves

Love to you,


6th June 2013, 16:43
I believe that's where the, erm, "abilities" I have stem from. My brother has them, too, though they seem to be latent in him (pushed aside, unacknowledged).

This is what I am talking about. These suppressed 'abilities' are bursting out at the seams. You and I were not raised with any of our peoples traditions and/or spirituality,, yet,, our connection to our own latent spiritual nature is obvious!! If there is a specific reason for a tribal elder to suppress this type of knowledge, then I would certainly like to know what it is. I can understand not wanting to put 'pearls before swine'. Nobody wants their sacred trust to be betrayed and exploited. These types of truths cannot remain hidden. It goes to the core of the situation on our planet. And that is that WE have to have the courage to embrace our experiences, and to never deny them!!! We have to recognize that we are more than 'souls trapped in human skin'. We have to change the dynamic, and we can do it with exposing the advanced knowledge of our true histories and our true potentials.

Did you catch that??? WE HAVE A TRUE HISTORY AND WE HAVE TRUE POTENTIALS!!! I, for one, cannot keep it to myself. Not when i can see the suffering caused by our 'amnesia'.

Limor, thank you for your amazing warmth and kindness. You already know my passions,,, I am made speechless when it comes to learning about the Cherokee people and their relationship with Star People. My thirst for this will not end. Good to see you around, I miss you...

6th June 2013, 16:49
I am 1/16 Cherokee. My great great grandfather was a full-blooded Cherokee who married into my maternal lineage.

Thanks, GoodeTXSG, for starting this thread. It has reminded me to sit down with my mom, one of the few remainng elders, and find out what I can about our native heritage.

Pretty sure my gggf was from northern Alabama, Appalachian foothills area. I have no idea what tribe, but am hoping some research might turn up something about tribes of this area.

Jake, I'm so happy you are back! I look forward to reading your post tonight when I have some time to focus.

Thanks to everyone who has posted.

I remember what Nora used to have in her signature: 'We are all related'

6th June 2013, 17:19
Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related) is phrase in the Lakota Sioux language. It reflects the world view of Interconnectedness, and is inherent as a belief of most Native American traditions that "Everything is Connected".

My mother always told me that I was Sioux. My biological grandfathers name was Ralph Redcloud. A bit of research showed Red Cloud as being The Chief of the Sioux nations during the time of Crazy Horse,, and was quite the thorn in the side of the American Cavalries of the time. My fathers role # indicates that he is full blood Cherokee,, which means that Ralph Red Cloud (my grandfather) was, perhaps,, mislabeled when they took the final census for the Dawes Rolls. My middle name is Ralph. With that said,, my biological grandmother was definately Cherokee. From the Bird Clan. My mom remembers a bit about her talking about the different clans/families. There was an incident that occurred once (with my grandmother) that was very supernatural,,, but neither my mother or father will open up about it,,, (mee mum let it slip once..) And now she is gone. So is my grandfather. I can't help but wonder what connection there is between my bloodline, and my natural abilities....

6th June 2013, 22:21
Jake, it may surprise you to know that some of the native indians, Cherokee being one tribe, has true Grail Blood. In my research I have found that the true Grail Bloodlines of europe and england had been usurped between 900 and 1100. Anything of supposed royalty after that period was from usurper bloodlines. The usurper bloodlines made a big deal out of killing off as many of the original Grail Bloodlines as possible which included the mass murder of native americans.

I am 1/16 Cherokee with Irish and Scottish heritage. I am still researching it. There is much to learn here and information is hard to come by. My research would show that it is your native american heritage which contributes mightily to your abilities. The true Grail bloodlines were predominate in the Irish and Scots as well. There is more to learn!

Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related) is phrase in the Lakota Sioux language. It reflects the world view of Interconnectedness, and is inherent as a belief of most Native American traditions that "Everything is Connected".

My mother always told me that I was Sioux. My biological grandfathers name was Ralph Redcloud. A bit of research showed Red Cloud as being The Chief of the Sioux nations during the time of Crazy Horse,, and was quite the thorn in the side of the American Cavalries of the time. My fathers role # indicates that he is full blood Cherokee,, which means that Ralph Red Cloud (my grandfather) was, perhaps,, mislabeled when they took the final census for the Dawes Rolls. My middle name is Ralph. With that said,, my biological grandmother was definately Cherokee. From the Bird Clan. My mom remembers a bit about her talking about the different clans/families. There was an incident that occurred once (with my grandmother) that was very supernatural,,, but neither my mother or father will open up about it,,, (mee mum let it slip once..) And now she is gone. So is my grandfather. I can't help but wonder what connection there is between my bloodline, and my natural abilities....

6th June 2013, 23:40
I am happy there are so many with Native heritage that appreciate this Thread. I have not been able to visit back here as much as I wanted the last day or so and am taking in the posts. I am getting to them as I read them.

Shadow People were a BIG part of my life until I was about 19. Some times as many as 7 - 9 present at a time which is unusual... kind of bobbing back and forth in sync. Some of the experiences were NOT positive ones to say the least. I found a way to overcome and they never returned.

Thanks for this thread! It greatly interests me!

My maternal Great-great grandmother was Cherokee.... Eastern Tribe, from the foothills of the Appalacian Mountains, North Carolina. Many of my relatives still look very Native American.....

As I child, I would see shadow people, one in particular, all the time. I've also had a past life regression where I experienced a brief episode as a Native American woman.

I don't have any stories to tell, really, because for my grandmother to talk about the "indian" part of our family history was "taboo".

All I know is that I am very inclined to be "Earth" oriented and love the American Native culture and when I ever get back to the States, I always have to head for the area (Rutherford County and Asheville area) where I feel "at home".

7th June 2013, 00:36
This thread is young, but significant and important. After a mod discussion, we've decided to make it a sticky.

7th June 2013, 00:45
I am not sure about "Grail Blood",
But... Interesting you say this, Cherokee/Iroquois also have been noted as being quite a bit different in appearance/stature than other NA's. Taller, lighter skinned etc... Foundations of the laws of our civilization has been a source of pride for us up to this day. I have heard of Genetic testing done that shows there may be some truth to it and there ARE absolutely legends of white bearded gods on floating islands visiting long before Columbus.

Not only that but when NA blood lines are mixed with those of Irish, German and/or English descent the offspring tend to have "enhanced" natural abilities (Or easier access to them) that Gov./Mil. Agencies tend to like to locate and exploit around the age of 6-8 if they have some "Type" of "Gift/Talent". They will often have a hidden hand in their development and follow and observe.

So many children are identified and watched through out their lives with out knowing... like a cult of watchers. They observe and use what they learn on "The Ones" they have under their control. If your children show abilities nurture them but encourage them to not advertise them (IMHO).

Jake, it may surprise you to know that some of the native indians, Cherokee being one tribe, has true Grail Blood. In my research I have found that the true Grail Bloodlines of europe and england had been usurped between 900 and 1100. Anything of supposed royalty after that period was from usurper bloodlines. The usurper bloodlines made a big deal out of killing off as many of the original Grail Bloodlines as possible which included the mass murder of native americans.

I am 1/16 Cherokee with Irish and Scottish heritage. I am still researching it. There is much to learn here and information is hard to come by. My research would show that it is your native american heritage which contributes mightily to your abilities. The true Grail bloodlines were predominate in the Irish and Scots as well. There is more to learn!

Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related) is phrase in the Lakota Sioux language. It reflects the world view of Interconnectedness, and is inherent as a belief of most Native American traditions that "Everything is Connected".

My mother always told me that I was Sioux. My biological grandfathers name was Ralph Redcloud. A bit of research showed Red Cloud as being The Chief of the Sioux nations during the time of Crazy Horse,, and was quite the thorn in the side of the American Cavalries of the time. My fathers role # indicates that he is full blood Cherokee,, which means that Ralph Red Cloud (my grandfather) was, perhaps,, mislabeled when they took the final census for the Dawes Rolls. My middle name is Ralph. With that said,, my biological grandmother was definately Cherokee. From the Bird Clan. My mom remembers a bit about her talking about the different clans/families. There was an incident that occurred once (with my grandmother) that was very supernatural,,, but neither my mother or father will open up about it,,, (mee mum let it slip once..) And now she is gone. So is my grandfather. I can't help but wonder what connection there is between my bloodline, and my natural abilities....

7th June 2013, 08:57
It is interesting that each "Tribe" has some sort of star people legend. I mostly heard talk of the little blue people when I was a kid but each tradition has their own legends. I found this handy little list. It has been only recent that most of this info has opened up to non Natives as it was considered sacred and guarded information.

The Gods and Goddess's of Native American Indian Cultures
Native American Indian "folklore" or "mythology" consist of oral legends and tales of Star Beings or Sky Gods and can be harvested from the American Southwest to the great white north of Canada to Tierra Del Fuego.

In story-telling traditions dating back to antiquity, the gods once descended from heaven to impregnate barren females in remote villages. Mothers bearing these strange seeds would then nurture and raise the "Star Children" until the age of six or thereabouts, when the gods would return to reclaim their progeny, leaving villagers staring up into the infinite night.

Many Native American tribes have stories and histories concerning the sky beings sometimes referred to as Thunderbirds. In some cases, these powerful beings act as teachers, guardians, and law enforcers and most always conveyed the importance of balance in all things.

Native Americans, New Agers, and charlatans alike have radically augmented and revised the tenets of traditional Native American religions. "Crystal skull caretakers" sit beside Native American medicine men and medicine women, shamans and priests, and "Star Beings," rather than buffalo, are pondered. Outraged Native Americans have entered this fray, castigating those they see exploiting traditional Native American spirituality.

Popular American Indian Star Beings and Sky People
Pawnee Indians - aka Star People

The seemingly simplistic astronomical observational tools used to observe and determine the motions of the Moon, stars, and planets would have appeared extremely sophisticated to the Pawnee Indians living on the Great Plains of Nebraska a century ago. They were skillful sky watchers.

Proof of their observational activities resides in the Pawnee collection at the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History. Discovered in one of the Pawnee "Sacred Bundles" groups of ceremonial objects wrapped together was a star chart. The chart is made from a piece of tanned elk skin, oval in shape, and approximately 38 cm by 55 cm in size. Its exact age is uncertain, but it is thought to be between 100 and 300 years old.

The importance of the sky chart to their culture was considerable, important enough to be included in a sacred bundle. Every Pawnee household had a sacred bundle, which they believed were gifts from the stars, whom they considered to be supernatural beings who often descended to Earth to maintain relationships with mortal people.

One major Pawnee legend deals with the origin of the sacred tribal bundle, which was guarded and protected by the tribal shaman for its magical charms. The bundle could be used to invoke the aid of the Great Spirit in bringing buffalo to the tribe in times of hunger.

The stars and constellations were a great influence on almost every aspect of their lives, and even their houses were laid out in patterns which duplicated the patterns of the constellations, indicating the positions of their most important star gods.

Apache Indians - Gahe

The Gahe, also Ga'an are Supernatural beings who dwell inside mountains. The can sometimes be heard dancing and beating drums. Because they can heal and drive away disease, they are worshipped.

In the ritual dances of the Chiricahua Apache masked dancers painted a different color for each point of the compass represent all the Gahe except the Grey One. The Grey One, though he appears as a clown, is really the mightiest of all the Gahe.
Arikara Indians - Nesaru Sky Spirits

The Nesaru had charge over all creation. Displeased with a race of giants in the underworld who would not respect his authority, Nesaru sent a new race to the underworld to replace them and sent a flood which destroyed the giants without destroying the new men. When the new men cried out to be released from the underworld, Nesaru sent the Corn Mother for their deliverance.
Zuni Indians - Achiyalatopa

The Zuni are a North American Indian people that speak a Penutian language living in western New Mexico. In Zuni mythology, Achiyalatopa is a celestial giant monster with feathers of flint knives

Cherokee Indians - Geyaguga Moon Spirit

The Cherokee (more properly Tsallaki) are a north American Indian nation of the Iroquois family with two main divisions: the Ottare and the Ayrate. In Cherokee mythology, Geyaguga is an all powerful, magical spirit that descends from the moon.
Navajo Indians - Mythical Gods

The Navajo nation prospered from the Southwest of Arizona to the Great plains. In Navajo mythology, Hastsehogan is the god of houses.
Hastseltsi is the god of racing
Hastsezini is the god of fire
Iroquois, or Six Nations Indians

The Iroquois, were a confederation of North American Indian tribes including the Mohawks, Oneidas and Senecas.

In Iroquois mythology, Hino is the thunder god, guardian of the skies. Keneun is chief god of the Thunderbirds. He is an invisible spirit. Thunder is the sound of his beating wings and lightning his flashing eyes.

Ataentsic is the goddess of the earth. She was the Woman Who fell from the sky and creatress of the sun and moon. It is she who gives counsel in dreams.

In Iroquois mythology, the flying head was a giant winged head with fire for eyes, fangs like knives and wings of strands of hair. It preyed on animals at night, and when it found a human settlement it descended upon it and set on the farm animals and the owners. The flying head was destroyed after eating roasted chestnuts and the fire they were roasted in. Hey, how elese could a primitive species explain a flying craft?
Pueblo Indians - Sky Spirits

In Pueblo Indian mythology, a kachina is a deified ancestral spirit with all powerful magic and ruler of all things.
The Hopi Indians

The Hopi indians, part of the Pueblo family, hold that every plant, animal and aspect of life and death is governed by a different kachina, which look after the welfare of the Hopi people. What do you suppose the references in Hopi mythology to mysterious "flying shields" of fire signify?

Two separate realms exist in the Hopi cosmology: the surface of the earth as the site of human activity and a combined sky/underground region as the home of the spirits, in particular the kachinas. (For the Hopi a kachina is a masked spirit that can assume the form of any physical object, phenomenon, or living being.)
Sioux Plains Indians

In Sioux mythology, Wakonda is the Great Spirit who keeps the balance in the universe, revealing the great secrets to only a few favored shamans.

7th June 2013, 09:15
The stories of "The Little People" or "The little blue people" pop up in stories quite a bit. I will post a link to a pretty long story that is a good read. The link will take to to another site as not to post too much here. I will post a few paragraphs with ***Continued*** at link. Also is a list of other references to this race of little people in ancient tradition.


Steve Hammons
July 31, 2006
(Used with permission)

Some modern physics research includes examination of interesting ideas such as unseen dimensions within our universe separated by subtle and discreet boundaries sometimes referred to as “branes.”

The term “multiverse,” a universe with many dimensions, has even been used to describe these kinds of ideas.

In some ways, this way of viewing the universe is similar to the longstanding beliefs in many human cultures that there are unique veils that separate our normal world and other realities, dimensions and beings in nature.

Accounts of seeing things and beings suddenly appear out of thin air are not new. There have been many reports of such phenomena. These incidents sometimes may be described as the appearance of angels or supernatural beings.

Other beings who appear from nowhere are sometimes said to be loved ones who have passed on. In the 1989 movie FIELD OF DREAMS starring Kevin Costner, an entire baseball team emerges through the brane of a field of Iowa corn that separates our world from the afterlife or some other dimension.

There are also old tales of elves, fairies, pixies, leprechauns, trolls and other kinds of “little people” who may be friendly, kind, somewhat hostile, mischievous, secretive or some combination of these.

Some witnesses report seeing saucer-shaped or other types of objects in the sky that seem to appear and disappear – UFOs. And, possibly related to this, some people report encountering beings who are often described as short in stature, who also seem to appear and disappear and are able to affect the minds of humans.

Could these accounts be examples of the movement of people and things between the dimensions in nature and a multiverse?


The Cherokee, like other Native American tribes and indigenous people around the world, have many legends going back centuries about how the world was formed and how the world works.

These ancient Cherokee stories tell of the nature of the animals, plants, trees, mountains, streams and rivers of the land in the Smokey Mountains and the Appalachian Mountain region.

Old Cherokee tales include accounts of “the little people,” the “Yunwi Tsunsdi.” These beings are sometimes described as being spirits, and other times as small human-like people, about two feet to four feet tall.

These little people may have different appearances and, according to legend, they may be of three or four different types. Little people can be kind and helpful, especially to children, and can also play tricks on people. They can also be dangerous if a human intrudes on them, and they have the power to confuse the mind of a human.

The little people have the ability to remain unseen and invisible if they choose and generally avoid being detected by humans. But, at times, they will reveal themselves.

They live close to nature, in the forests and mountains. They have a spiritual aspect to them and they try to teach humans about kindness, joy and respect. The little people like to dance to rhythmic drumming and music. ***Continued at Link***

Native American Tales from Appalachia Tina L. Hanlon

"The Little People"

Note: The Cherokee homeland was in the southern Appalachian Mountains for hundreds of years before Europeans and Americans forced most of the Cherokee to move west. AppLit includes tales from Cherokee oral traditions that continue to be retold within Appalachia and elsewhere.

Blevins, Wade. Ganseti and the Legend of the Little People. Cherokee Indian Legend Series. Prairie Grove, AR: Ozark Publishing, 1996. A young boy searches in a dark cave after his grandmother tells him about The Little People. A short story with drawings by the author. Blevins, from Northeast Oklahoma, is of Cherokee and Irish descent.

Little People of the Cherokee. Online at Stonee's Web Lodge. This is an overview of legends about Forever Boy and Little People of the Cherokee, "a race of Spirits who live in rock caves on the mountain side," who "are here to teach lessons about living in harmony with nature and with others." They are sometimes called Brownies. There are three types of Little People: the Rock People are mean and spiteful "because their space has been invaded," the Laurel People are mischievous, and the Dogwood People "are good and take care of people."

"The Cherokee Little People." In Duncan, Barbara R., ed. Living Stories of the Cherokee. Chapel Hill: U of NC Press, 1998. pp. 68-70. With background on storyteller Kathi Smith Littlejohn and Cherokee culture. This tale tells of the "Forever Boy," who didn't want to grow up so he was persuaded by the Little People to go and live with them. They sent word to his parents that he was safe. Little People and Forever Boy laugh and play tricks, "to keep us young in our hearts." The stories are transcribed in this book in a free verse form that represents the storytellers' "rhythmic style," using the "oral poetics" method developed in the 1970s. Foreword by Joyce Conseen Dugan, Principal Chief, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

"The Cherokee Little People—Forever Boy" and "Nunnehi, the Gentle People." As retold by Kathi Littlejohn. In Duncan, Barbara R., ed. The Origin of the Milky Way & Other Living Stories of the Cherokee. Caravan book. Illus. Shan Goshorn. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2008. These tales are in section 4, "Living with Sprits." "Presented by members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in their own words, the stories appear in free-verse form, like poems on the page, so that if you read them aloud, you can hear the rhythm of the stories as they were originally told."

"The Little People and the Nunnehi." In Duncan, Barbara R., ed. Living Stories of the Cherokee. Chapel Hill: U of NC Press, 1998. pp. 183-87. With background on storyteller Robert Bushyhead and Cherokee culture. This tale says the Little People are spirits who aren't born and don't die. Several incidents are told in which people saw them when bad things happened. "They are not mischievous. They are protectors." The stories are transcribed in this book in a free verse form that represents the storytellers' "rhythmic style," using the "oral poetics" method developed in the 1970s.

Moore, MariJo. The Cherokee Little People: A Native American Tale. Illus. Emma Shaw-Smith. Rigby Literacy Series. Crystal Lake, IL: Rigby, 2000. 24 pp. In this tale the Little People help a couple who live in the mountains by saving the corn from the crows while the wife sleeps. Polly and Tooni then make tiny servings of cornbread and little moccasins to thank the Little People who play in their tree and dance in the moonlight. Moore is a North Carolina writer of Cherokee, Irish and Dutch descent. Colorful realistic illustrations of the aging couple who live in a cabin and farm in the mountains. This and other books by Moore are recommended by Debbie Reese, a member of Nambe Pueblo, in northern New Mexico, and expert on American Indians in Children's Literature (see Reese's list of Recommended Children's/YA/Reference/Resource Books). See Moore's First Fire and The Ice Man.

Daughter of the Sun is a Cherokee tale online at Stonee's Web Lodge, from James Mooney's work collecting myths of the Cherokee. It contains helpful Little Men and Uktena, the water monster. It is like the Greek myths of Demeter and Persephone (or Ceres and Proserpine), and Orpheus and Eurydice, and a little like "Snow White," when seven men carry Sun's daughter from the ghost country in a box they must not open, but she convinces them to open the box, escapes and becomes a redbird. Thereafter, people can never bring others from the ghost world. Sun is a cruel and sad old woman until the people's dances cheer her up at the end.

"The Sun's Daughter," a Cherokee tale in Yolen, Jane and Stemple, Heidi E. Y. Mirror, Mirror: Forty Folktales for Mothers and Daughters to Share. New York: Penguin, 2000. pp. 96-98. A collection compiled by a mother and daughter, arranged by theme, with conversation sections by Jane and Heidi. The section labeled "Persephone" includes "The Sun's Daughter." When the jealous, spiteful Sun is killing people with her heat, the Little Men change two men to copperhead and spreading-adder snakes to bite Sun, but they fail. The Sun blinds spreading-adder so that he can only spit out yellow slime to this day. Again the Little Men change two men into Uktena and a rattlesnake to kill the Sun. The rattlesnake kills the Sun's daughter, leading to a period of darkness when the Sun stays indoors. The Little Men try to bring the Sun's daughter back from the ghost country but she turns into a redbird, as in the version described above. People dance for the Sun to make her stop grieving and smile.

Chiltoskey, Mary Ulmer. Aunt Mary, Tell Me A Story: A Collection of Cherokee Legends and Tales. Ed. Mary Regina Ulmer Galloway. Cherokee, NC: Cherokee Communications, 1990. This collection contains the following Little People legends.

"The Rabbit and Old Flint." pp. 58-61. In "Old Flint was one of the Little People who could assume shapes and use magic powers. . .. He enjoyed doing mean and evil things to the other animals." Rabbit is late for a meetings of animals and always draws attention to himself. He brags that he can take care of Old Flint. He's lucky to find Old Flint in a weak and sick state. When he's asleep, Rabbit hits him with a mallet and he breaks into 999 pieces of flint, one of which cuts off Rabbit's long bushy tail, while another one splits his lip. Tom Cat finds the tail and attaches it to his stubby end with pine resin.

"The Little Girl and Her Pig," pp. 21-23. Cherokee villages were visited by hogs called ridge-runners in winter, after European settlers brought pigs to this continent. A little girl persuades her stern father to let her feed a runt piglet to save its life, and keep it inside in cold weather. In spring it disappears and when she follows too far from home, she finds the Little People in a cave. They can't take her home so she lives peacefully with them for a time, but when she gets homesick they agree to help her find her way home if she never tells where she has been. When her best friend pressures her to tell, she eventually gives in but disappears in a puff of smoke when she starts to tell. Cherokees associate a puff of cloud with the little girl looking for her pig or the girl who couldn't keep her promise.

Lossiah, Lynn King. Cherokee Little People: The Secrets and Mysteries of the Yunwi Tsunsdi. Illus. Ernie Lossiah. Cherokee, NC: Cherokee Publishing, 2001. 151 pp. "From the Publisher: A [young adult] book about the Little People—small, mystical, elf-like beings—of Cherokee life and culture. This book is as beautiful as it is informative, with full-page art depicting the Little People." See description of this book at Cherokee Pub. web site.

Bierhorst, John. The Deetkatoo: Native American Stories About Little People. Illus. Ron Hilbert Coy. New York: Morrow, William, 1998. 153 pp. A collection for children of 22 tales from 14 Native American groups. Background on folklore and history are included. They are called "not-quite-folktales" because many are direct accounts of an individual's experience with the supernatural. The Cherokee tales are "Little Ones and their Mouse Helpers," "Little House in the Deep Water," "How the Dead Came Back," and "Thunder's Two Sisters." "Little people predate the Europeans in the Western Hemisphere. They live in forests, in water, underground, and on mountains" (WorldCat).

Reed, Jeannie, ed. Stories of the Yunwi Tsunsdi': The Cherokee Little People. Cullowhee, NC: Western Carolina University, 1991. 70 pp. An English 102 class project at Western Carolina University, with many different stories of Little People collected by the students, including first-hand and second-hand accounts of people who say they have seen Little People.

"The Little People." In Greene, Gary. Tales from the Enchanted Land of the Cherokee. CD. [Kingston, Ga.?]: G. Greene, 2004. Other contents (from Worldcat): Introduction, "Rabbit and Old Man Flint," "Why Possum's Tail is Bare," "The Legend of the Corn Beads." "Spearfinger," "Why Owl Has a Spotted Coat," "The Ravel Mockers," "The Return of the Iceman," "Cherokee Names," "The World is Full of Stories," Bonus track: "The Wolves Within" (a Lakota Sioux story).

"Keepers of the Secrets." In Bradley, Ramona K. Weavers of Tales: A Collection of Cherokee Legends. Published by the author, 1967. Rpt. Cherokee, NC: Betty Dupree. No date given in book if this is a reprint later than 1967. Rev. W. David Owl told this tale to the author, wife of an Eastern Cherokee. The story describes the shamans going to Smoky Mountain rock caves for seven days and nights to share secrets with the Little People. The shamans told stories, performed sacred ceremonies to bring good hunting, and accepted "spirit gifts" of secrets from the Little People, who appeared in ceremonial garb and animal costumes. With a sepia full-page drawing by the author for this tale.

"The Little People." In Judson, Katharine Berry, ed. Native American Legends of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2000. Includes other Cherokee tales "The Corn Woman," "Origin of the Bear," "The Death Trail," "Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting," "Rabbit and Tar Wolf," "How Rabbit Stole Otter's Coat," "Welcome to a Baby," "Baby Song," "Song of the Mother Bears," "The Man in the Stump," "When the Owl Married," "How Partridge Got His Whistle," "How Kingfisher Got His Bill," "Ball Game of the Birds and Animals," "The Groundhog Dance,""Why the 'Possum's Tail is Bare," "The Wolf and the Dog," "The Star Creatures," "The Thunders," "The Man of Ice," "The Nunnehi,""The War Medicine." Originally published Myths and Legends of the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes. Chicago: A.C. McClurg, 1914.

More Little People in Longer Books:

Cornelissen, Cornelia. Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears. New York: Bantam, 1998. Nine-year-old Soft Rain loves hearing stories daily from her grandmother, until her family is separated during the forced removal of their people from North Carolina to Oklahoma. In an early chapter called "The Little People," Grandmother describes Cherokee beliefs in attractive, child-sized people who "were kind to lost ones, especially children" (p. 11). She tells of a brother and sister who were cared for by Little People when they were lost, and later in life could hear the distant drums of Little People. See more at Folklore Themes in Longer Fiction.

Wood, Francis Eugene. Wind Dancer's Flute. Illus. Judith N Ligon. Farmville, VA: Tip of the Moon Pub., 1998. 76 pp. The Tip of the Moon web site has information by and about the author and the book, with pictures and reviews. "The main character, Wind Dancer, is part Cherokee, part Irish, and a free-spirited lad who lives with his adopted mother, Sarah Ogle, and roams the great Smoky Mountains. A gifted flutist, Wind plays his music in the nearby village" until an evil man interferes. Wind's uncle and "mysterious little people, known as the Yunwi Tsunsdi," in "a sacred place," help his spirit recover. The author describes the book as being about racial intolerance, "the beauty in the free-spirited among us," and the power of forgiveness. Woods' books about the Nipkins are fantasies that focus on a woodsman and tribes of "minute forest dwellers."

Webb, Shirley G. Tales from the Keeper of the Myths: Cherokee Stories for Children. 104 pp. iUniverse, 2003. "Children's stories based on authentic Cherokee legends...stories of adventure and friendship, of magic and Little People...taking you back in time to the realm of the all possible." More details at iUniverse.com.

Allen, Paula Gunn. Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman's Sourcebook. Boston: Beacon Press, 1991. One of Gunn's retellings of oral legends about Native American goddesses is on Deer Woman, one of the Cherokee little people.

Moynahan, Denise Hillman. The Great Cavern of the Winds: Tales from Backbone Mountain. Johnson City, TN: The Overmountain Press, 2005. With drawings by the author. As the Author's Notes explain, these are original tales set on a real mountain that spans the border of western Maryland and West Virginia, where the author lives. The introduction is a fictional story about an Indian youth fnding a community of miniature people that the Indian village call Alyphanties, meaning "little mountain people." This idea is loosely based on Native American legends about little people. Most of the tales are named after characters such as Esseldorph, who magically knows all the stories of his people's history, even ones the elders had not told him, and he invents a writing system to help children remember the stories. The bibliography gives sources on the mountain and its caves and ancient history.

More Background:

Davis, Lynette Claire. The Role of the "Little People" in Cherokee Culture. M. A. Thesis, Northern Illinois University, 1979. 68 pp.

Mooney, James. History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees (originally published in 1900) records tales with different types of Little People and gives extensive background notes. See Appalachian Folktale Collections.

O'Connor, Regina L. Understahl. Echoes from the Hollow Hills: An Examination of Celtic Fairy and Cherokee Little People Encounters and Liminality. M. S. Thesis, University of Colorado, 2001. 96 pp.
‘Cherokee Little People’ From The Stars? Black Eyed & Blue Skinned People Lived Underground According To Cherokee Indian Legend

Saturday, February 2, 2013 13:10

Are ‘Cherokee Little People’ from the stars? Part Native American myself, I have long been fascinated with the stars and life from other galaxies. For me, it has never been a matter of ‘does’ life exist in other places, it’s been a matter of wondering ‘what are they like’ and ‘do they wonder about us’ and ‘have they ever been here’ and ‘I wish they’d share their secrets with us’. This excellent story from Sky Ships Over Cashiers shares that maybe they already have been here sharing their secrets. Let’s learn a little bit about the “moon people” who lived underground and only came out at night to work by the light of the moon. They were tiny and had black eyes and blue skin. Truth or merely ancient legend, fantasy?

By Mary A. Joyce, website editor

I never heard of Cherokee Little People until I moved to North Carolina in 1998 and began making friends with some of the Cherokees. Then in the summer of 2000, I started my own research into the subject and eventually interviewed eleven people, mostly in their 80s, who had seen evidence that the Little People were real.*

That research came back to mind in January 2013 when I read “Encounters with Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians.” The book was written by an American Indian, Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, who interviewed American Indians around the United States about their Star People encounters. The following quote describing “Moon People” (another Cherokee name for “The Little People”) implied they were not originally from Earth.

The Cherokee Indians tell that when they first came to the southeastern United States, they found many well-tended gardens but not the people who cared for them. Eventually, they discovered a group of people who lived underground and came out only at night to tend the gardens. They harvested the food and took it underground to their cities. These people were small, had blue skin and large black eyes. The sun rays were too harsh for them so they built their cities underground and only came out at night using the light of the moon. The Cherokee called them the “Moon People.”

When I read this, I remembered something specific from my interview with T. Walter Middleton who told me:

In my opinion, there were two different kinds of Little People. The ones I’ve been talking about were more like the Cherokee. Evidently, they were black-headed and black-eyed and had a dark complexion. The other Little People had come from a different source because they had reddish whiskers and they squinted their eyes as if the sun hurt their eyes. . . .

The Cherokee said they killed the red whiskered ones. The Cherokee said they cleaned them out. I don’t know why, but the Cherokee didn’t like them from the beginning. They didn’t like the looks of them because they weren’t like us.


As a young man, T. Walter Middleton was one of the first men to look into a newly found but ancient tunnel built by the Cherokee Little People. He was a World War II hero and later a pastor and author of four books including “Qualla – Home of the Middle Cherokee Settlement.”

You can read much more about the tiny black eyed, blue skinned Cherokee little people and proof they have already been here at Sky Ships Over Cashiers. An excellent discussion of the underground people with blue skin and black eyes in the first video below.



7th June 2013, 11:08
Thank you for sharing all of the information here.
I come from another part of the world, but my story somehow seems very similar to some of your stories, though not so colorful.
My grandmother from my mother's side was considered a special healer. She was able to discover hidden problems in a persons life and later on somehow help him heal. Unfortunately, because of family reasons I don't want to go into, she was always treated badly and I was not able to learn what she had to offer. But I believe i have kept part of her gift in myself.
Strangely, my father who was constantly against my grandmother in every possible way, recently told me he was able to influence me from a distance when I was feeling sick and bad as a baby and in my early childhood. So as a strange luck would have it I have been carrying some special abilities from two opposite sides. I have always felt it, but not as a knowledge at first, but as some sort of a strangeness about me which other people would detect and react to it, without being able to pinpoint what exactly is so strange about me. Not that my life was difficult for this reason only, it was just as strange as it could have been in many other parts.

I remember being greatly influenced by the stories of native America I was able to read from all the books we had at home (Carl May as one of the authors).
Recently, few months back, I was given a chance to read the Terra Papers book with an addition, and it really touched me. I don't know how novel and authentic it is, but certainly it speaks in my language of understanding.

7th June 2013, 11:47
Jake, I really enjoy your posts by the way...
Even though you missed out on the culture growing up your heart still beats true. It is obvious. I am glad you were able to seek out part of your family. My Souix friend was adopted and grew up in Colorado. His white family made sure he grew up with contact in the closest appropriate native community. Most people do not know but most often when a NA refers to a GF or GM it is not always their blood relative. Any elder that mentors them is given the respect of that title.

I do sense there is still a bit of a hole that has been left as that time and departed wisdom by your elders cannot be replaced. You do seem to have great spiritual wisdom which makes sense with your other natural gifts you have shared. You and others may have seen these videos of Native Elder's Wisdom. But I am adding them anyway. They are actually links to channels on Youtube where multiple video's are that play automatically.

I would also recommend downloading some NA flute music and songs. If you do, just play then on low volume in the background as you do your normal "Thing" and notice the change in your "Vibe" and "Energy". If you are able to come by a flute get one and begin to learn to play it by spirit. It will come naturally and you will be amazed at what comes out (The sound from the flute and the tears from your eyes).



I believe that's where the, erm, "abilities" I have stem from. My brother has them, too, though they seem to be latent in him (pushed aside, unacknowledged).

This is what I am talking about. These suppressed 'abilities' are bursting out at the seams. You and I were not raised with any of our peoples traditions and/or spirituality,, yet,, our connection to our own latent spiritual nature is obvious!! If there is a specific reason for a tribal elder to suppress this type of knowledge, then I would certainly like to know what it is. I can understand not wanting to put 'pearls before swine'. Nobody wants their sacred trust to be betrayed and exploited. These types of truths cannot remain hidden. It goes to the core of the situation on our planet. And that is that WE have to have the courage to embrace our experiences, and to never deny them!!! We have to recognize that we are more than 'souls trapped in human skin'. We have to change the dynamic, and we can do it with exposing the advanced knowledge of our true histories and our true potentials.

Did you catch that??? WE HAVE A TRUE HISTORY AND WE HAVE TRUE POTENTIALS!!! I, for one, cannot keep it to myself. Not when i can see the suffering caused by our 'amnesia'.

Limor, thank you for your amazing warmth and kindness. You already know my passions,,, I am made speechless when it comes to learning about the Cherokee people and their relationship with Star People. My thirst for this will not end. Good to see you around, I miss you...

7th June 2013, 12:07
I know I am posting a lot of You Tube video's... Some of them are long, but there is some good nuggets of info in them. If you do have time to watch them I would. I know for most that is not possible.

I am hoping that they will open up the conversation/topic to some that have not shared yet, but may be on the fence. The people that have shared have opened up and some have shared pretty personal aspects of their lives. As usual I have been taken back by the wisdom and depth of the members of Avalon (I am very happy I found this community).
Native Americans from Subterranean Realms


Published on May 29, 2013
Before Europeans came to North America, Native Americans occupied the continent. But Native Americans themselves report that others lived there before them. Did these humanlike creatures emerge from under ground, from the center of a hollow Earth? Are they still living below us in secret, glimpsed every so often as Sasquatch or Bigfoot, or mistakenly thought to be alien life-forms from UFOs? The possibilities are endlessly intriguing, and until there's an actual probe to the center of the Earth, we have only conjecture and hypothesis to go on.

OpenMindsRadio-David Walks-As-Bear


Uploaded on Aug 10, 2010
David is an Inter-Tribal Elder, Author, Speaker and Syndicated Columnist. He has written about UFO incidents and Native American legends describing strange phenomena. We will talk to him about an event in 1953 in which a USAF jet may have been snatched by a UFO, other UFO investigations that he has written about, and we will also talk about Native American folklore and its connections to UFOs.

7th June 2013, 14:21
Goodetsxg .

Man you are going to have to try and keep your posts short and sweet my friend , I enjoy reading alot , but man , I dont have time to read a Novel every morning .

Then don't read the posts.... many others are finding this thread extraordinary and really appreciate the effort from GoodeTSXG. It would probably serve you well to stop and think before you post, take a stroll around to the person receiving your messages side of the coin before you hit the reply button.

Thank you for considering a small piece of wisdom here.

7th June 2013, 19:13
Not only that but when NA blood lines are mixed with those of Irish, German and/or English descent the offspring tend to have "enhanced" natural abilities (Or easier access to them) that Gov./Mil. Agencies tend to like to locate and exploit around the age of 6-8 if they have some "Type" of "Gift/Talent". They will often have a hidden hand in their development and follow and observe.

A very well-respected granny shaman I know describes herself as "Celtic-kee" . . . and I guess I'm one of those. Exactly the mix you describe above. I wasn't aware it was the mix that adds to the punch, though. I count myself lucky that I went under the radar, my dad was AF when I was that age.

7th June 2013, 20:06
Not only that but when NA blood lines are mixed with those of Irish, German and/or English descent the offspring tend to have "enhanced" natural abilities (Or easier access to them) that Gov./Mil. Agencies tend to like to locate and exploit around the age of 6-8 if they have some "Type" of "Gift/Talent". They will often have a hidden hand in their development and follow and observe.

A very well-respected granny shaman I know describes herself as "Celtic-kee" . . . and I guess I'm one of those. Exactly the mix you describe above. I wasn't aware it was the mix that adds to the punch, though. I count myself lucky that I went under the radar, my dad was AF when I was that age.

What about you, GoodeTXSG, were you watched?

My father has a military background. He was a helicopter gunner in Vietnam. My grandmother named him Little Eagle. Unfortunately, she passed away before I got a chance to discuss it with her. It is her who would have given me an Indian name. Until further notice,,, I will go with Lost Bird. Seems appropriate. There has been a lot to say about folks with Celtic and NA backgrounds. I remember Kerry pointing it out in the Duncan O'finian interviews. My mother is Celtic (surprise surprise), and my Father is Cherokee!!! I don't know much about 'grail' lineage and NA, but It is a shocking thing for me to contemplate. It may surprise some of you to know that my wife is a Sinclair,,,, of Templar tradition. Her father and grandfather and uncles are all 33degree masons. That makes the 'grail lineage' concept come alive for me!!! I have always known that I know her in other lives,, (past lives),, But this is simply, fantastic. I think we are on to something here, folks... I want to know more!!!

7th June 2013, 21:11
I nearly just fell out of my chair when I read this:

Not only that but when NA blood lines are mixed with those of Irish, German and/or English descent the offspring tend to have "enhanced" natural abilities (Or easier access to them) that Gov./Mil. Agencies tend to like to locate and exploit around the age of 6-8 if they have some "Type" of "Gift/Talent". They will often have a hidden hand in their development and follow and observe.

So many children are identified and watched through out their lives with out knowing... like a cult of watchers. They observe and use what they learn on "The Ones" they have under their control.

My maternal 9xgreat grandfather was from Germany, landed in South Carolina and was given a huge tract of land in the NC foothills- what is now Rutherford County. That land stayed in my mom's family until the death of my great uncle (Their last name was originally KUHN, a form of COHEN thta was eventually changed by census takers into COONE, COON and KOON).

My maternal grandfather was supposedly of Welsh origin.... at age 90, my grandmother would still laugh about his freckles and red hair.

This has gotten me thinking.....hmmmm.

I often think of my childhood and feel that I had been "chosen" by "them"..... I was three grades ahead of my classmates and very bored with public school, so after 7th grade, my parents sent me to a very expensive and prestigious private female prep-school. I later got accepted to 5 of the biggest universities in NC...but I had other plans: I had also applied to a small private college in the NC mountains.... then ran off to Italy...... I have often thought that I had ruined "someone's" plans.... but' I'd sure do (most) of it all all over again if I could.

My mom and I were talking the other day on the phone and she told me that I have "vision"... that left me really thinking harder on all of this.

My great-grandmother would gather herbs and folks from even far away would come to their house for her "medicine". That knowledge of hebs has been passed down to me.... no wonder I majored in biology-botany, am well versed in phytotherapy, reiki and orthobionomy (universal energy).... and seem to have 3 green thumbs. :) I'm sure there are other gifts in there.

8th June 2013, 00:10
Okay, I have been struggling on this post and have redacted and re-edited it more times than I can count, almost deleted it and just moved on. I will go into this very little so please respect that I am not willing to expound on this as it is OFF TOPIC... I would like to get BACK to the NA Experiences being shared. (Some of you may have examples like this one I am sharing... the main reason I am doing so.)

Yes, I am familiar with their methods of intimidation and using the law to separate children from their parents for what ever time frame is needed (When "Time" is even perceived in the particular encounter).

I was apart of a couple of programs from the age of 8 first being introduced via a "Court Ordered Child Counselor" at age 6 and much of this was something my GF was very precognitive/aware, prepared for and actively interceded on my behalf to prevent. He raised me as his son and had promised himself that he wouldn't allow this to occur to me. When they take you from school or your own bed though under the noses of your special forces family who have been involved in black op's it tends to make everyone feel impotent... my mother would just lie in bed depressed and cry for days after each incident when they couldn't find me, panic... look all over and then find me in bed fast asleep.

Other members of the family (As recent as Uncles, Cousins and Nieces/Nephews) that have stood up to psychic/spiritual probing attacks at young ages without fully knowing what/how they were doing so from generations past/present have found themselves in some of the most sensitive and strange positions you could think of to this very day.

So, yes... followed and I also fell under the second category I mentioned. That being said there are plenty of video's and story's out there that are close enough to accurate that as I said I would rather keep this portion of my experiences to my self and ask you please respect that. I was involved deep enough until extreme injuries sidelined me after several near death experiences. Now, my family is all that matters to me. I still have jobs sabotaged and then jobs out of the blue offered at government agencies, government and military contractors etc... Contract Prematurely Ended on May/31st after receiving 4 emails from agencies here is ONE RECENT Example:

From: Melissa Dabkowski <nopreply@saic.com>
To: goodetech@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 1:53 AM
Subject: Systems Virtualization Engineer (326939) with SAIC

I found your resume on the Web. I wanted to see if you would be interested in a current Systems Virtualization Engineer (326939) opportunity that we are recruiting for in Kabul, Afghanistan.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please apply online at our career site www.saic.com using job ID number 324759 or click on the link below.


Due to OFCCP requirements we cannot accept resumes directly, except through our web site.
We look forward to working with you.

Melissa Dabkowski
SAIC Staffing and Recruiting

The Integrated Systems Group of SAIC is currently looking for a Systems Virtualization Engineer to support work in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The Systems Virtualization Engineer to be responsible for the design, installation, configuration, and operation of the military virtualized network at various locations through Afghanistan.

VMWare ESX server to include installation, configuration, maintenance, and upgrade capabilities.
Support virtual machines in the future configuration which will host a large variety of applications to include a large variety of COTS, GOTS and custom applications.
- Provide SME knowledge to include working within and to develop further the associated computing and business processes that accompany such a large scale configuration

Minimum of 3 years of experience in designing, installing and operating virtualized platforms.
Knowledge of large user environment configurations to include user management best practices, Hierarchical Storage Management configurations, and complete backup and restoration capabilities
Ability to meet medical requirements to deploy OCONUS.
Currently possess the VMWare Certified Professional (VCP-5 preferred, VCP-3 & 4 are acceptable)
Currently possess the NetApp Certified Data Management Administrator (NCDA).
Currently possess a minimum active Secret security clearance.

VMWare Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP), VMWare Certified Design Expert (VCDX),VMWare ESX/ESXi 4.x & 5.x V-Motion, VMWare Convertor, VMWare High availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), VMware ThinApp, VMWare vCenter 4.x & 5.x, VMWare vSphere 4.x & 5.x, and/or VMware View 5.x.
MCSE (2003, 2013, MCITP (Server, EA, Exchange 2010).
NetApp Certified SAN Implementation Engineer (NCIE-SAN) or NetApp Certified Backup & Recovery Engineer (NICE-B&R).
CCNP and/or Cisco Nexus switches (5xxx class).
ITIL v3 certification.
ISCSI & NFS protocol experience.
Linux server architecture (RedHat, CentOS) and/or Windows server architecture (2003, 2008, 2013) experience.
NetApp 3xxx series hardware, NetApp ONTAP 8.x experience.
SnapManager, SnapMirror Technologies, SnapRestore, and/or SnapVault experience.

SAIC Overview:

SAIC is a FORTUNE 500î scientific, engineering, and technology applications company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy & environment, health and cybersecurity. The company's approximately 41,000 employees serve customers in the U.S. Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, other U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets. Headquartered in McLean, Va., SAIC had annual revenues of approximately $10.6 billion for its fiscal year ended January 31, 2012. For more information, visit www.saic.com. SAIC: From Science to Solutionsî

Not only that but when NA blood lines are mixed with those of Irish, German and/or English descent the offspring tend to have "enhanced" natural abilities (Or easier access to them) that Gov./Mil. Agencies tend to like to locate and exploit around the age of 6-8 if they have some "Type" of "Gift/Talent". They will often have a hidden hand in their development and follow and observe.

A very well-respected granny shaman I know describes herself as "Celtic-kee" . . . and I guess I'm one of those. Exactly the mix you describe above. I wasn't aware it was the mix that adds to the punch, though. I count myself lucky that I went under the radar, my dad was AF when I was that age.

What about you, GoodeTXSG, were you watched?

8th June 2013, 04:53
Great thread!

Dr. Ardy Clarke: I think it’s a combination of both. I’ve found that to be present, particularly in some of the Maya stories, that traveling back and forth between dimensions. In fact, sometimes I think when I was listening to some of the Mayan elders that probably the Mayans were the first time travelers because they seemed to have that ability or at least that knowledge of how to travel back and forth. But then Black Hawk also had that ability, the great Sioux medicine man.

I suppose that I should mention briefly that I have a very mixed heritage, I am not culturally Native American Indian at all, but for the sake of this thread it is probably worth mentioning that I am part Arawak, a tribal group present in Venezuela and the Southern Caribbean Islands. This probably is not of relevance to anything I wish to say but I will not discount the importance of DNA from certain peoples.

If anything my interest in all of this, and indeed my knowledge and experience, is far more related to the Maya people of the Yucatan. I could not help but be slightly excited by the quote above, taken from the text of the OP. During the last year and a half we (my fiancee and I) have been involved in a great number of experiences that cross over into several areas, time travel, prophecy, reincarnation, star people, abduction and various supernatural events. This is all very much tied into the Maya civilisation and their direct union with beings from the Pleiades. Well at least I can categorically say the Maya of Palenque during the 7th and 8th century were in direct relationship with these beings, and also being involved to a lesser but still significant degree with two service to self species, Tall Greys and Reptilians. Before going into any personal accounts or explaining my claims, I will mention some of the evidence that should be examined. Firstly look at the central panels in the three temples known as the `Cross Group´ at Palenque, note the height difference of the ruler and his priest. See example below:


Clearly the Mayan Lords were not normal, the Maya being on average 5 feet tall, yet the ruler is clearly at least a couple of feet taller.

Then look at the sarcophagus of Lord J´anaab Pakal, sculpted to be body shaped:


Yet why then was its internal space sculpted for a body of 7.5 feet if he was a normal 5 foot tall Maya man?
Ignore for a moment if you like the fact there is a space craft, rocket ship, depicted on the lid of his sarcophagus (central to Eric Von Danikens alien Mayan theories).


The Maya rulers of Palenque during the period I mention (and most likely many Maya leaders throughout the Mayan region across hundreds of years) were in fact all exclusively from a hybrid bloodline. The Maya people claimed ancestry from the stars, specifically from the Pleiades, but they stated that their leaders were sons of the gods. What is the difference? The answer is that the Maya, as with most indigenous tribes of the Americas, were indeed carrying Pleiadian DNA, but from a very ancient time, they had a watered down level of this star god genetics, the leaders were from a very recent hybridisation program and were much `closer to the gods´ than the average citizen, hence being accepted as divine rulers. This star god link is why we find a number of temple alignments, and indeed calendar cycles, linked to the movements of the Pleiades, in fact the positioning of the city of Palenque is deliberate to mark such a positioning of the Pleiades.

The Pleiadian-Maya rulers had abilities that eclipse the strongest of adepts in our modern world, a form of time travel was one of these, but was far from the only such ability. We have now had dozens of experiences initiated by our Pleiadian contacts involving our being propelled back through time to 7th century Palenque, the first experience was actually 10 years ago but it was in 2012 that this began to occur again. I should clarify that event 1 was involving myself, whilst the vast majority of events have since been involving usually only my partner, or her most directly. We have now written two books on this matter and I am here to share all of that and more that did not make it into the books. We also know, and have written on, the fact that the Pleiadians were here on earth one million years ago, an event that led to the creation of a more modern form of human, out of the Homo Erectus, initially in Australia.

As I say our experiences span several areas, we incorporate the material from the time travel-abductions, along with past life memories and supernatural experiences. In fact between us we have had thousands of supernatural experiences, my partners starting as a toddler and mine in early teen years, both of us now being in mid 30´s. Most of those are not relevant to the subject in hand but I will share them on other threads when it seems appropriate to do so. Our hope is that by assisting in disclosure of Pleiadian involvement past and current we can help lift the cloud of amnesia hanging over humanity and dispel the fog of war hiding our age old enemies, the Tall Greys and Reptilians.

In the meanwhile we are working on a social project here in Ecuador so as to do our part for fixing some of the ills that we see being suffered around us. As Bill says we have to DO as well as TALK.

Great talking here on Avalon.

P.s. Last night I tried a past life regression free from the current Hay House online seminar, afterwards I had two dreams with aliens. The first involved tall humans and another group that were like very muscled men with white wings, in the end these two race fought a horrific battle with humans that were something akin to secret service persons in an underground base (the alien races seemed to be the bad guys), the human forces rolled out advanced weaponry including energy weapons and mechanised robot armour units, they were able to shoot several craft from the sky as well as fight a manic ground battle. The second dream involved a race of small green men (yes little green men) with small frames and elongated heads, they were not like the Greys. They tried to freeze members of my crew in a temporal trap, but one person was able to send a message back in time to the ship and warn that the aliens were infiltrating the craft before they could initiate the hostile actions. I found it interesting that after a past life regression all my dreams were about aliens - especially in light of my seeming previous lives as a Pleiadian as discussed in my books.

8th June 2013, 05:25
I guess as ancestry and genetics are clearly a part of this conversation I should mention my full mix includes not only the Amer-inidian but also African, Asian Indian, Spanish and English. I do feel this genetic mix may be a part of my abnormal events and abilities, but that is just a feeling rather than something I can offer validation for. As mentioned above I have had thousands of supernormal events during a twenty year period to date from 15 years of age. Interaction with star people is certainly not the weirdest of those experiences.

8th June 2013, 07:43

I was wondering what your feelings are about the Terra Papers (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida_alien_63.htm).


In time, the Star Being would come to trust the six.

By using a small crystal to create images, the Visitor began to communicate with the young men. Calling him the Star Elder, the youths sat at the knee of their Friend, examining all of the crystalline images with great care, piecing together the incredible history of our Solar system and Mankind itself.

Star Elder's message was simple m Star Beings have been here since Earth was a barren rock. They were here when Man was created and have been here throughout his evolution. In some cases their involvement was benevolent, in some cases, it was not. Man has been guided...and he has been misled. The Star Beings have been our Gods...and our Devils.

They have always been here, and they are still here now.

When pressed to explain his presence on Earth, the "Star Elder" stunned the six. There was a war in the skies above, his ship had been downed by enemy forces!

I am called 'Morning Sky'... Robert Morning Sky.

My grandfather was one of the six young Indian rescuers. When I was young, my grandfather told me the story about his Star visitor. He and his friends called him 'Star Elder', a name given out of respect. But as time passed, his name was revealed to the youths. He was called... 'Bek'Ti'.

This is his story...and mine.


I just read most of it and skimmed the rest, it is interesting and contains some truth in my opinion, but it is clearly a very one sided history, I would suggest it was propaganda of sorts.

In my understanding, based on evidence that is difficult to transfer in full, this ignores the opposing force of `progressive thinking´ in our galaxy, the alliance centred around the Pleiades region. The wealth of evidence and tribal lore support the telling of an additional aspect to the wars of the Reptilians. There have been many notable victories for the combined forces of `progressive´ races. A great number of ethnic groups claim ancestry from the Pleaides, not from Orion or Sirius, though both of those are known to be locations within alien empires and seen as extremely important to Earth history. The galaxy is not only home to evil empires. Though I readily admit that I understand the Pleiadian alliance lost the last major battle for Earth, they are back here working to free this world and our seemingly an equal match for the forces currently controlling our space. The Pleiadian alliance have played every bit as much of a role in Earth history as have the Reptilians, Geys and other Archonic forces. That document seems intent to suggest humanity has only the hope of being controlled by one blood thirsty empire or the other, that is quite untrue. The Pleiadians are not here on some suicide mission, there is a real chance of the good guys coming out on top in the very near future.

Also contrary to the claim in the article, the Pleiades is not home to Annunaki separatists, it is a base of command for an alliance of positive races, including evolved humans, lion people, bird people and others.

8th June 2013, 12:35
I often see people make strong statements of fact about this or that Alien Group's History, Origin or Involvement in Human affairs or creation. It seems that (Though I know its true) the ancient alien theory has become a guarded religion to some.

Some people follow certain channeler's or contacee's writtings or web sites and read what they have written about groups and that is now their Gospel. I have even seen the Luciferian beliefs (Shared with me many times by followers) seep into some of the stories here and there.

It would be nice if we are debating or correcting someone to have a context or source that a person is referring to. Just my opinion. I am not poo poo'ing Channeling all together as I found the Ra material and a couple others interesting. I just thought it would be nice to foot note a statement like this with your source maybe even a link so the person can go and research for themselves. No offense.

8th June 2013, 17:00
Thanks for this thread! It greatly interests me!

My maternal Great-great grandmother was Cherokee.... Eastern Tribe, from the foothills of the Appalacian Mountains, North Carolina. Many of my relatives still look very Native American.....

As I child, I would see shadow people, one in particular, all the time. I've also had a past life regression where I experienced a brief episode as a Native American woman.

I don't have any stories to tell, really, because for my grandmother to talk about the "indian" part of our family history was "taboo".

All I know is that I am very inclined to be "Earth" oriented and love the American Native culture and when I ever get back to the States, I always have to head for the area (Rutherford County and Asheville area) where I feel "at home".

Excellent,,, the mountains of North Carolina have long held a mystery that was first embraced by the Cherokee tribes of that area. In the foothills of the Brown Mountains there is some sort of 'light phenomenon' that emanates. The Cherokee share a legend of the lights being the spirits of ancestors that remain on the mountainside, remnants of a battle of long ago!!! Geological survey groups have studied the phenomenon, and it remains a mystery!! The Brown Mountain Lights. (http://www.ibiblio.org/ghosts/bmtn.html)

The Brown Mountain Lights are one of the most famous of North Carolina legends. They have been reported a dozen times in newspaper stories. They have been investigated at least twice by the U.S. Geological Survey. And they have attracted the attention of numerous scientists and historians since the German engineer, Gerard Will de Brahm, recorded the mysterious lights in the North Carolina mountains in 1771.

"The mountains emit nitrous vapors which are borne by the wind and when laden winds meet each other the niter inflames, sulphurates and deteriorates," said de Brahm. De Brahm was a scientific man and, of course, had a scientific explanation. But the early frontiersman believed that the lights were the spirits of Cherokee and Catawba warriors slain in an ancient battle on the mountainside.

One thing is certain, the lights do exist. They have been seen from earliest times. They appear at irregular intervals over the top of Brown Mountain - a long, low mountain in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. They move erratically up and down, visible at a distance, but vanishing as one climbs the mountain. From the Wiseman's View on Linville Mountain the lights can be seen well. They at first appear to be about twice the size of a star as they come over Brown Mountain. Sometimes they have a reddish or blue cast. On dark nights they pop up so thick and fast it's impossible to count them.

Among the scientific investigations which have undertaken from time to time to explain the lights have been two conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. The first was made in 1913 when the conclusion was reached that the lights were locomotive headlights from the Catawba Valley south of Brown Mountain. However, three years later in 1916 a great flood that swept through the Catawba Valley knocked out the railroad bridges. It was weeks before the right-of-way could be repaired and the locomotives could once again enter the valley. Roads were also washed out and power lines were down.

But the lights continued to appear as usual. It became apparent that the lights could not be reflections from locomotive or automobile headlights. The Guide to the Old North State, prepared by the W.P.A. in the 1930s, states that the Brown Mountain Lights have "puzzled scientists for fifty years." The same story reports sightings of the lights in the days before the Civil War.

Cherokee Indians were familiar with these lights as far back as the year 1200. According to Indian legend, a great battle was fought that year between the Cherokee and Catawba Indians near Brown Mountain. The Cherokees believed that the lights were the spirits of Indian maidens who went on searching through the centuries for their husbands and sweethearts who had died in the battle.

There are innumerable stories of the lights. But perhaps the best description is that the lights are "a troop of candle-bearing ghosts who are destined to march forever back and forth across the mountain."

The lights can be seen from as far away as Blowing Rock or the old Yonahlosse Trail over Grandfather Mountain some fifteen miles from Brown Mountain. At some points closer to Brown Mountain the lights seem large, resembling balls of fire from a Roman candle. Sometimes they may rise to various heights and fade slowly. Others expand as they rise, then burst high in the air like an explosion without sound.

Late in 1919 the question of the Brown Mountain Lights was brought to the attention of the Smithsonian Institution and the United States Weather Bureau.

Dr. W.J. Humphries of the Weather Bureau investigated and reported that the Brown Mountain Lights were similar to the Andes light of South America. The Andes light and its possible relation to the Brown Mountain Lights became the subject of a paper read before the American Meteorological Society in April 1941. In this report Dr. Herbert Lyman represented the lights as a manifestation of the Andes light.

The second U.S. Geological Survey report disposes of the cause of the Brown Mountain Lights by saying they are due to the spontaneous combustion of marsh gases. But there are no marshy places on or about Brown Mountain. The report also states that the lights from foxfire would be too feeble to be seen at a distance of several miles.

The report rules out the possibility that the lights are a reflection of mountain moonshine stills. "There are not enough such stills and they probably would not be in sufficiently continuous operation to produce lights in the number and regularity of those seen at Brown Mountain."

St. Elmo's Fire, that electrical phenomenon familiar to sea voyagers, was dismissed by a scientist from the Smithsonian Institution. He stated that St. Elmo's Fire and similar phenomena occurred at the extremity of some solid conductor and never in midair as in the case of the Brown Mountain Lights.

Some scientists have advanced the theory that the lights are a mirage. Through some peculiar atmospheric condition they believe the glowing balls are reflections from Hickory, Lenoir, and other towns in the area. The only drawback to this theory is that the lights were clearly seen before the War between the States, long before electricity was used to produce light.

In recent years scientists have been more concerned about exploring outer space. Perhaps they have forgotten that there are mysteries on our own planet still unsolved. The Brown Mountain Lights are one of them.

8th June 2013, 18:43
I often see people make strong statements of fact about this or that Alien Group's History, Origin or Involvement in Human affairs or creation. It seems that (Though I know its true) the ancient alien theory has become a guarded religion to some.

Some people follow certain channeler's or contacee's writtings or web sites and read what they have written about groups and that is now their Gospel. I have even seen the Luciferian beliefs (Shared with me many times by followers) seep into some of the stories here and there.

It would be nice if we are debating or correcting someone to have a context or source that a person is referring to. Just my opinion. I am not poo poo'ing Channeling all together as I found the Ra material and a couple others interesting. I just thought it would be nice to foot note a statement like this with your source maybe even a link so the person can go and research for themselves. No offense.

Personally I take no offence from such a request, I did mention in my previous post http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?59757-Personal-accounts-of-Native-Americans-and---Star-People--&p=684724&viewfull=1#post684724 that there is hard evidence of Pleiadian involvement in human history, but our main source is dozens of direct abduction experiences and revealed past life information, a result of these abductions, that both of us were among a crew of Pleiadians that arrived here one million years ago. Then beginning genetic enhancement of Homo Erectus in Australia following destruction of our craft due to traitors giving help to the Reptilians. At this point we have had dozens of conversations direct with Pleiadians, this is not channelling or wishful thinking, it is extremely full on phenomena. What we did not get told directly I am getting from the only two sources I know to be genuine for Pleiadian information, the channelling work of Barbara Marciniak (the Pleiadians told me she is a genuine channel of them) and the various pat life regressions revealed in a book called Alcheringa, by Valerie Barrow, that reveal numerous other reincarnated Pleiadians from the Australia incident having the same memories as us - we did not know of her work until after writing our book in collaboration with two researchers in Australia that actually did know her work, hence realising that what we said to them was factual it being the same story they had already heard, and that it matched the physical evidence of the `Gosford Glyphs´.

A few links here for you, the first is from my own website but gives the videos of our co-authors from ForgottenOrigin.com detailing the decoding of the ancient glyphs describing the destruction of the Pleiadian vessel over Australia and subsequent landing of escape craft.


This is the homepage of Barbara Marciniak - the only genuine Pleiadian channel I know of, two of the books can be found as Youtube audios

Lastly here is the site of Valerie, specifically a free sample of her book

I will add again that our own source is face to face conversations with Pleiadians, not channelling or ancient writings, and our reincarnational memories are also secondary data to the conversations.

Hope this helps & I am happy to discuss or debate as required. It is not a religion of mine, if anything I am a Gnostic Christian with Buddhist overtures, and I had almost zero interest in channellings, Pleiadians or exo-polotics prior to the abduction events that began in 2012. I say almost because I have been aware of and involved in almost every aspect of the supernormal during the last 20 years, but these areas were long since put to a side for me in favour of my primary subjects of psychic and supernatural events and my work on the Maya calendar and related subjects. Among the hundreds of articles I have written I can´t recall any being on channelling or Pleiadians prior to 2012. By all means take a look in my archive. I personally think most channelling is either fake or engineered by the CIA, and I found things down here on Earth interesting enough that I could not free up time to research deeply into aliens and UFO´s. Of course direct experiences have changed that.

I do not expect anyone to just take this all on faith from me, a virtual stranger, in fact at this point it would be a bit rash to do so. I think though it is a conversation worth having and the onus is on me to provide more and more information as required. That said of course if someone has already done research that supports my claims then I guess believing this would be far easier. I am not a member of any channelling cult and I agree with Bill´s position that usually these are full of happy happy thinking but precious little fact or useful data. I discovered Barabara Marciniak and found her to be one of a very small number of channels that I `choose´ to believe, due to overlaps with things I already knew to be real and the verification of having asked the Pleiadians if she was genuine. They stated most Pleiadian channelling was fake beyond hers. As for Valerie´s information from regressions and spontaneous past life memories, these are phenomena well investigated and shown to be provable as real, see the work of Dr Ian Stevenson for example. In her work she encountered a number of unrelated people in Australia that had memories of the Pleiadian crash, they were drawn to her as though she were a hub...which she is. Steven Strong & Evan Strong (forgottenorigin.com) have provided the science information for our project, as academic writers with 3 books out via University Press of America, the hard data is probably where most people will begin to take our position seriously unless they have supernormal experiences of their own.

9th June 2013, 14:47
Chief Golden Light Eagle/ Standing Elk shares indigenous knowledge about the Star Nations, UFO's, extraterrestrials. He mentions knowledge of Peoples from Sirius, Pleades, Andromeda, Arcturus, and what he calls the Sacred Orionous relatives, thousands of others.


He is a Ceremonial Chief of the Sioux. Here he is talking about it being time to come forward with what we know!!


I believe that it is time too!!!

Cherokee wisdom...
Nigada aniyvwi nigeguda'lvna ale unihloyi unadehna duyukdv gesv'i. Gejinela unadanvtehdi ale unohlisdi ale sagwu gesv junilvwisdanedi anahldinvdlv adanvdo gvhdi.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

11th June 2013, 20:42
This is just a fascinating thread. I also have Cherokee and Scottish bloodlines. One of the persistent rumors about my family is that we are descended from Druids. My last name is even a reference to sacred trees. Most of my family has more than just a pinch of psychic ability, although we were taught to suppress it. And all of us have ET encounters.
There seems to be an awakening happening, and I suspect that it is being fostered by higher (or different) beings, because whatever their purposes are, we will be no use to them if we destroy the planet and ourselves in the process. I look forward to watching some of those videos soon.

12th June 2013, 00:02
"Civilized Tribes" indeed. Sounds almost like it came straight out of something the founding fathers wrote doesn't it?

I believe that it is time too!!!

Cherokee wisdom...
Nigada aniyvwi nigeguda'lvna ale unihloyi unadehna duyukdv gesv'i. Gejinela unadanvtehdi ale unohlisdi ale sagwu gesv junilvwisdanedi anahldinvdlv adanvdo gvhdi.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

12th June 2013, 00:18
This is the kind of think I would like people to elaborate about. I have withheld a specific race that may sound odd to most as it is not described in stories as most are of "Tall Blonds", "Reptoids", "Types of Greys (Some being robotic Avatar suits", Tall Whites"... the list goes on. There is a lot of NA lore of Moon People/Little People and "Aquatic's" described much like the being in the movie "Hell Boy". Actually several beings in that movie are similar to some old NA Legends. One hint is this race comes to you prior to your offspring choosing you as parents and briefing you on your future responsibilities... end Hint (VERY Sensitive in nature so PLEASE discuss this race once ID'd in PM).

Please also keep sharing any other details of your stories, family stories passed down or abilities that you believe are related to your blood line. That does include visitations not only from the race I just mentioned but others, abductions by other races, MILAB's or other ODD encounters or if you have noticed surveillance (Could be paranoid, but maybe not... Heightened Sense of Awareness is a gift as well, don't shun it).

This is just a fascinating thread. I also have Cherokee and Scottish bloodlines. One of the persistent rumors about my family is that we are descended from Druids. My last name is even a reference to sacred trees. Most of my family has more than just a pinch of psychic ability, although we were taught to suppress it. And all of us have ET encounters.
There seems to be an awakening happening, and I suspect that it is being fostered by higher (or different) beings, because whatever their purposes are, we will be no use to them if we destroy the planet and ourselves in the process. I look forward to watching some of those videos soon.

william r sanford72
13th June 2013, 05:34
never thought about bloodlines until avalon.atleast not outta the box.i cant stop going through it and the more i turn it over i can only shake my head in wonder.my wife is irish scot german..iam welsh on the sanford side..with african...native american bloodlines.my mom side was irish duth german and native american...i am a mutt.or atleast thats how i always looked at it. my moms side kept marrying irish and scots to.my wifes side her oldest sister is married to hindu from india..with one son. my other sister in law lives on a reservation. also the sanfords are what we call true blue river rats.lived along the same streatch of iowa and along the river for generations.i learned to swim in the muddy missp. this thread just keeps getting better. also got to thinking this truth might be relevant..i collect and hunt fossils.always left the artifacts lay arrow heads and such.still do.passed on some great ones.anys when me and my wife lived in keokuk and were just starting out.i was working at a an irish bar called tippn buds..look it up i swear.... when i would get off very late around 300am and i would walk home it only being about 8 blocks and gave me time shake the bar off and on one them walks home i was think about marrying and wondering if i even dare. hope she she being my now wife.. felt the same. heavy thoughts on those nights walking home.when outta the blue about 5 blocks from home in the middle of the side walk is this large fossilized crinoid man it is perfectly preserved..the detail was great but for one thing it was broke in half.man i looked everwhere burnt my damn fingers holding the lighter for the other half.no where to be found.still thought it was odd and amazing and then even befor i got it in pocket to take it home i knew it was meant for me.got pretty excited but only showed it to becca and didnt say how it came to be and know i didnt ask her that night to marry me....the next night with the broken crinoid in pocket i walked home the same route but with one thought only...was she the one...and i knew when i got to that spot where i found the crinoid that my answer was there..i could see even before getting up to the spot the other half of that damnd crinoid was sitting there like it had always been there.it was a perfect fit.when i got home well i ran home..i flew into the house and told her eveything about what i had been thinking and feeling.the crinoid...well she took it all in stride and ask what had took so long. that was a 3 month courtship...15 years ago in august.never wrote this out before only told this to whoever cared to listen so sorry if its a bit rough around the edges.YES i still have the crinoid.i can see it as i type.thanks for letting me share this.iam truly blessed.

16th June 2013, 12:33
I have been experiencing a massive, personal transformation - especially lately. I hope it is for good... it feels that way.

In this process, I have come upon strange "fantasies" as to who I might be and, well... who some folks in my family might be in regards to a grander drama. The details are not important. Even more important to that is that I believe this may very well be manipulation by nefarious third parties so do not get the idea I am falling for this "You are special" BS.

Here's the reason for the post.

A few weeks back I experienced one of these revelations and I went into a strange daze for about a day. During that day I went to a park to read and take a walk. While there, I noticed a black Chevy Suburban that drove up and parked and just sat there. Soon I decided to go for my walk and I walked by this car. As I got closer to its rear I noticed the license plate was not Texas and so I went right up to it. It read - Cherokee Nation.

I then walked onto the street to pass by the driver's window to see who might be inside. As I got near the driver's window, the window started to come down. I found myself looking at a human being who had a bald head and dark sunglasses on. He had a look of annoyance but said nothing. I felt compelled to speak because I had this feeling he wanted to know why I was acting as I was and scoping out his car. I told him apologetically that I was intrigued by the license plate and wanted to know what it said and that I was surprised it said Cherokee Nation. He just looked at me with the same straight face, no expression though I sensed he was not happy, turned his head to look forward as the window rolled back up.

Of course, in my paranoia, I secretly thought this car was there because of me... but that would be nothing but paranoid fantasy right? I mean, who the hell am I? Just someone who has taken the red pill to some extent? There are millions of us who have done so now.

But I cannot rule out this "man" was not just some earth born human. He seemed like more and he seemed like he was there to "send me a message" perhaps that I needed to change something about my "reason to be here."

I thought, could this be a "star being?"

This experience (I believe) occurred on May 27th... well before this thread was started. I know it occurred on or before June 1 because I came back and did internet searches all about the Cherokee and relearned about the terrible "Trail of Tears." I also "was led" to a link that was about Native American creation myths (http://www.crystalinks.com/nativeamcreation.html). The Cherokee creation myth can be found in this link.

I felt terrible, terrible ancestral shame and guilt through this experience. My grandfather on my Dad's side was born in Childress, Texas just west of Oklahoma where the Cherokee ended up after the Trail of Tears event. My grandfather may have been a KKK sympathizer and/or participant by the way... I guess most white folks back then in this part of the world would have been.

16th June 2013, 21:34
My bloodline in this lifetime is Welsh, Scottish, Irish, English and German.
I am not aware of any Native American blood, but I know I have had N.A. past lives.
I had a good friend who is a blond Apache (there have been blond Apaches for a long time and the theory is that somewhere back in time, Apaches interbred with Vikings), a fifth generation medicine woman, and we have shared a lot in our spiritual journeys.
I'm certain I've been incarnating on this Earth for many lifetimes, and stories about Native American spiritual traditions and about Atlantis awaken deep feelings of deja vu.
My Dauphin Island experience brought in another piece of information about Atlantean times and a connection with Native America which was very meaningful for me.
Here is a description of the experience which I shared on the Here and Now thread at:


When we left Missouri for a week in February 2008 for Dauphin Island, a small vacation island off the coast from Mobile, Alabama, there were 5 inches of snow on the ground, but after the 10 hour drive, we were in a sunny, balmy climate; certainly a welcome change at the end of a long winter.
Dauphin Island is quite small, but there is a powerful, ancient and sacred Native American site there called the Shell Mounds, which was especially treasured by the women.
There are Post Oak trees there, some over a thousand years old, all gnarled and festooned with Spanish moss.
Long ago, different tribes from all over Turtle Island gathered there in peace, and their most powerful Medicine Women were brought there to be buried.
Some of them were buried standing up as it was thought that their spirits would be better able to remain alert for the guardianship of the sacred island.

Since the site is close to the beach and shellfish were one of the main sources of sustenance to the people, there are countless empty shells intermixed with the soil, thus the name “Shell Mounds”.
At night, the shells glow in the dark and are strewn all along the paths, so you can actually walk there on a moonlit night without flashlights.
There is a peaceful calm pervading the park, and the presence of Spirit is palpable.

On the day after my first visit to the Shell Mounds, I was sitting alone on the beach, soaking up the sun and watching a shrimp boat trawling past, followed by a group of dolphins who were feasting in the boat’s wake on the catch of the day.
I was sending a telepathic request to the dolphins for a “hello”, hoping they would come closer to shore( on the condition that they weren’t too busy or too hungry to greet me, but they were evidently more interested in lunch...).

I was soon to discover that my call had been answered by a different creature, however.
First I should explain that I had a friend who is a fifth generation blond Apache Medicine Woman.
Some years ago, knowing that I revere Native American spirituality, she asked me if I would like her to give me a sacred name, to which I agreed.
She consulted her Spirit Guides and they said my name was “Dancing Crane”.
The reason, she said, is because I move like a dancer in spite of my limp (just one injury resulting from a near-fatal car accident), and because I love to dance.
( I took Sacred dance classes for 5 years with a world class dancer named Youkta, who had a lot of Native American blood, and I’m sure she had been N.A. in past lives, as have I.)
Also, my disability inclines me toward standing on one foot a lot of the time...
(One leg is actually shorter than the other due to bone loss, so I have had to work on balance.)

Cranes often stand on one leg and are amazingly graceful and balanced.
Their mating dances, in particular, are spectacular.
So Crane naturally became for me a symbol of my disability, and a teacher of the way to work with my wound, both as an artist and as a wounded healer.
At first, I didn’t feel a strong connection with Crane and I didn’t especially resonate with the name Dancing Crane.
I wanted something more poetic sounding, but my experience at Dauphin Island changed my feelings about my name and about Crane Medicine.

Back on the beach, after I had given up on a dolphin connection and had laid back on my beach towel to meditate for awhile on the perfection of the sun, the surf and the warm sand, I sat up again after a bit to look through the cache of shells I had collected from the beach.
I began to pull them out of my jacket pockets and brush the sand from them so I could get a better look at each object’s delicate perfection.
After a moment, for some inexplicable reason, I turned my head all the way to my right and to my amazement, saw a crane standing there very calmly, perhaps 5 yards away from me.
It seemed completely settled and at peace, and I had the impression it had been there for some time, though I had neither seen nor heard it arrive.
I didn't know then what kind of crane it was but it was grayish, brown and white and had an ivory bill.
It was perfectly poised standing there on one leg, facing the ocean, but since a bird’s eyes are on either side of it’s head, it must have had me in its sights, though it appeared not to notice me at all.

I actually couldn’t see at that time whether it was standing on one leg or two, because it was facing the ocean and so I was seeing it in profile.
I watched it for perhaps 10 minutes, sighing restlessly and shifting around rather uncomfortably on my beach towel, yet it didn’t move a muscle.
I found myself wishing it would move, so that I could see if it was on one leg or two, which I knew was of significance.
Presently when it did, I could see it had indeed been standing on one leg, as it brought the tucked up leg effortlessly down to the sand and turned to face me.
Then it slowly opened its beak wide and closed it again almost with a snap, as if it was yawning or making a commentary.
felt perhaps it was finding my restless, impatient company a bit vexing!
(That yawn was rather a humbling element of the overall experience…)
It fixed me with its placid, golden-eyed gaze for a long moment, blinked once, then turned unconcernedly towards the ocean and tucked its leg up again.

After another 10 minutes or so of the bird standing perfectly poised and immobile, with me, the rather unwilling birdwatcher, trying unsuccessfully to be patient and get comfortable on my towel, I began again to wish that it would move, if only to break the monotony.
Of course, I knew that the crane was there for a reason, and I understood that it certainly had to relate intimately to Crane Medicine, but the contrast of the unperturbed bird and my increasingly restless state caused too much discomfort for me to have much perspective or insight at the time.
(...Which was precisely the lesson, I was later to conclude...!).

Presently, however, it turned again and began to walk directly towards me, as though I weren’t even there, which I found extremely disconcerting.
It was about 1 yard away when it abruptly veered towards the ocean instead, tracing a path in the sand, perhaps 1 yard in front of the edge of my towel, and then continuing on to my opposite side, to a spot about 6 yards away and somewhat further back from the beach.
It stood there calmly for about 15 minutes or so more, with its back to me.
By now I was ready to jump up and do somersaults, I was so restless, but suddenly the crane flapped its wings effortlessly a few times to lift off from the ground and took off, flying sedately along the shoreline until it was finally out of sight.

In the mood I was in at that moment, I was more relieved than anything else.
The part of me that was programmed at an early age to disregard unfamiliar things like Native American shamanism was very much in the forefront of my being on that day.
I wasn't sure why, but I thought perhaps it was because the surroundings were still so unfamiliar.
More likely, though, is that the old programming was up for revision and cleansing.

In time, as I had a chance to reflect more on my experience, I felt this was a significant instance of powerful animal medicine for me.
I think I had reached a kind of stasis, where I needed once again to change my attitude about my disability.
I had been growing accustomed to perceiving it as a hindrance, preventing me from feeling peaceful or from living in balance and harmony with myself and with Nature. It is an issue I have been working with for years and I have gone through different phases with it.
At other times in my life, my disability has seemed more like a gift, and I think the Crane’s visit was meant in part to make it possible for me return to that more positive point of view.

Thanks in part to my friend Sunshine, Crane had become both a teacher and a symbol for me of my disability, and so seeing the crane standing so gracefully, patiently, peacefully, perfectly calm and in balance, really brought the message home to me of what the necessary shift in my consciousness had to be, and it was about more than balance.
The very nurturing energy I felt from Crane also had a shamanic message for me as a “wounded healer”.
I felt that Crane was not only showing me what I needed to incorporate more into my being, but was also healing me with its presence and imprinting its message deep in my being, and I was later to have dramatic confirmation regarding that.

March 2009 Update

The women’s spirituality group who sponsored the Dauphin Island retreat had a conference call, which Don Bland participated in.
Don is a N.A. elder who was asked many years ago by several elder N.A. women to become the caretaker of the Shell Mounds, and so he moved there and for about 35 years without any remuneration, spent much of his time gathering the history and lore of the Island, guiding people through the park, sharing its history with them when he felt it was appropriate, and helping to maintain the park.
He's retired now and no longer living there, but is still very much in touch with the spirits that protect the Island.

On the conference call, I told Don about my encounter with the crane on the beach, which he said was actually a type of Blue Heron, and he told me its name in his traditional tongue, which sounded like "Unkashalah" (not sure of the spelling), meaning "cryer of the famine".
He said the medicine of the Blue Heron in his tradition has to do with alerting and teaching the people in times of famine about how to eat sustainably and healthfully. My jaw literally dropped, because a big focus in my life has been learning and teaching the healing powers of food as medicine; of sprouting, juicing and eating organic, and of using super foods like algae, aloe, maca, probiotics, etc.
It really is a time of famine here in the US because so much of our food is lacking in any nutritional value, due to processing and commercial and factory farming practices.
Not to mention the way that animals on commercial farms and in slaughterhouses are fed so unnaturally and treated so inhumanely.

And Blue Heron medicine is about patience, achieving balance and harmony, and about the gifts of individuality and of the power of standing alone.
Heron's gaze is very receptive, penetrating and clear, so it also has to do with the third eye.
I was amazed that for most of the 30-45 minutes of my encounter with the heron, it was standing in such a balanced, calm, patient manner; motionless, radiating the most peaceful, nurturing energy.
When it looked at me, I felt it was seeing me fully, as both an individual and as a part of the All.
Attaining those same qualities has been the major focus of my life, so Blue Heron Medicine was certainly validating.

Don added that herons sometimes fly as a group in the sky and do a very graceful kind of spiraling dance when they are mating).
When I was taking dance classes, my teacher often portrayed her dance as being spiral and when I performed, I was told that I radiated a very tangible harmonious, healing energy.
I would often go into a trance while dancing, so for me it was definitely a part of my spiritual and healing practice, and my way of grounding into shamanic energy.
Don said that although herons are primarily solitary, when they come together as groups to raise their young, their colonies are extremely peaceful and well ordered. So in addition to having the medicine of standing alone as an individual, they are also about living harmoniously in community, which has been another major theme in my life.

Don also told us some of the history of Dauphin Island.
He said that thousands of years ago, when the Earth was going through the last huge Shift (he thought it was when Atlantis sank) there were many places on Turtle Island that were submerged or destroyed, and consequently many people of the various tribes were displaced and had to relocate.
He said that people from various areas and tribes came to Dauphin Island, and learned to live together in peace there.
There were some women who were different looking, blonde and blue-eyed, very tall and strongly spiritual, who spoke an unfamiliar language.
Don said that they blended in spiritually with the other people very well and were considered leaders.
He didn't know their precise origin, but many came from up the coast.

All the women came together and agreed that they were going to form a matriarchal society, because the conflicts caused by patriarchal hierarchy had caused so much unnecessary suffering for so long, and had ended in major cataclysm.
So women and children had their own space and lived separately from the men to a great extent, and the women called the shots.
The result was that there was peace and abundance for all for a very long time.

Dauphin Island became renowned on Turtle Island as a sacred place and the power of the Grandmothers there still feels very potent; the ancient Live Oaks help to anchor that energy.
I later discovered an article online about a place called the Moody Garden Pyramid Hotel Complex, which is on Galveston Island, Texas, just up the coast from Dauphin Island.

The Three Pyramid Alignment

Now the three Pyramid complex on Galveston Island was indeed built in a strategic alignment, and for philanthropical and frequencial purpose.
One unit is an aquarium eterically guarded by Master Dolphins, another is a bio rainforest with a geological cave containing massive clusters of quartz crystal, and the third is an academic museum pyramid, glassed in copper tone.

Appropriately constructed and spiritually intended pyramids on the Earth plane become living conscious energies, capable of myriad properties that are unrecognized or disavowed by your mainstream academia.
And while the intent for which they are employed affects the interface of these conscious living geometric batteries, their very design will not allow for denser energies to culminate or expand within them.
Yet when approached with appropriate intent, the energy within pyramids stores and transmits data similar to quartz.
According to how they are aligned both terrestrially and celestially they can create electromagnetic anomalies, an aspect that alters gravity and dimensional time.
Both weightlessness and a time distortion occur at specific frequencies within them, both slowing and accelerating light and fluxing the ionic ratios within and around them.

Ancient Atlantean Pyramid

Now, approximately 5 miles from the area of Galveston Island, an ancient ceremonial Pyramid complex existed in a coastal region, now submerged and covered in the sedimentary silt and slime of the ages below Gulf waters.
The (ancient) Crystal Skull now called Max , indeed of extra terrestrial origin) was among the 13 skulls located within it.
The Moody Gardens Pyramids have taken on the multidimensional energies of the submerged Atlantean complex, which were transferred in place by the ancient skull recorder, and are now fully formatted to play a major role in the Cosmic Trigger.

The Moody Garden Pyramids are axialtonally attuned to the energies of the Giza complex and to a potent degree to the Yucatan Pyramids.
We tell you that Pyramidal Temples exist in timelessness and co exists in parallel dimension within the timeless void.
This is why the Pyramids at Giza can never be accurately aged because once constructed they surmount linear time and the nature of their energetic geometries supra-impose in parallel and emit etheric doubles in multi -dimensional timelessness. The paradox is that once built, they always existed.
It is in fact this aspect and locale that inspired the philanthropical reconstruction of pyramids in this precise location for the Restitution of the Sanctuary and Sanctity of the Dove.

( The Dove, according to Tyberonn and others, extends from the coast at Galveston inland to the crystal country of Arkansas, which is known as the Heart of the Dove, which will be, in certain prophecies, a center for spiritual reawakening in the coming age.)
There are 3 huge, beautiful pyramids there, one of which has an aquarium in it (which at one point at least, was home to dolphins), another is a kind of greenhouse containing a rain forest garden, and the third has a crystal cave in it.
According to the article, written by geologist/sacred tour guide/channeler James Tyberonn (who was born in crystal country in Arkansas and has connected with many indigenous elders on his travels) there is an ancient submerged pyramid complex just off the coast there, which was built and used in Atlantean times to help hold the crystalline energy grid of those times.
The article maintains that these new pyramids are going to be holding the energy of the new grid that is being created now during this next big Shift into the New Age. It seems likely that is where those blonde, blue-eyed women came from to Dauphin Island long ago, and that all seems to tie into the Herstory of Dauphin Island itself.
I had the oddest, most tingly sensation of revelation and deja vu when I read that, and it has never quite left me...

update: On my last trip to Dauphin Island, I spent about a half hour watching a blue heron standing in a pool, waiting for a fish to appear. It was still standing there when I finally left, and I was wishing there had been more interaction, but on the way back, I found a truly breathtaking piece of driftwood that has an amazing resemblance to a crouching heron, with eyes and feather and a long, loopy neck.
I have no doubt it was a medicine gift. It sits in a place of honor now on my bookcase along with shells, crystals and feathers.

17th June 2013, 19:57
After reading some of this thread, I regret that I dont have alot of knowledge of my native culture. I am Chippewa Indian from my mothers side and Spanish from my fathers side.

Although I was born in AZ, I spent some time in Minnesota as a child with some of my Native American family but for some reason dont remember very much of it. Being that my mother was an alcoholic and we moved around alot I didnt get much education on my Native American culture. I do remember something that has always stuck with me though, Im not sure exactly how old I was (under 12 yrs) I had been living with a foster mother who took me to a sweat lodge ceremony that was interesting in that during the ceremony an Indian chief had asked for the animal spirits to connect with us and I remember feeling birds wings flapping on my shoulders....Later when I asked what it meant, my foster mother told me that mine was the eagle and it was making itself known to me...

I still wonder about that and wish I could remember more or would have gotten more educated on these things but I appreciate this thread for opening that up for me to do my own research.

I also now am wondering about my dreams that I know I have had since childhood, not sure how long as I dont remember details on the ages I was but I have always had dreams of flying and have a couple confirmed experiences of OBE's. Its hard to determine if many of those flying dreams were actual OBE's. This is probably one of the reasons why I am so drawn to regression hypnosis. I have been wanting to do regression but just cannot afford it right now. I think it would connect more dots to remember more of my childhood and the many dreams and OBE's I have had.

I want to mention that one particular dream of flying I had was interesting in that I was flying around an old building of some sort that was partially run down and decaying and I saw two live gargoyles flying near me. I was obviously a little scared of them and tried to keep my distance from them but they were alive and watching me. It was interesting to say the least !

Something else thats been nagging at me for quite some time is that I feel such a strong connection or you could even call it a longing to "aliens". I have often throughout my life felt I am being watched and observed. I dont know what to make of it but there has been many mornings I wake up and feel like I have been busy all thru the night and not 'here" in my body. Its so strange to feel that I wasnt in my sleeping body and wonder where I went but cannot remember.

To give you an example of this feeling of always being watched, I was sitting on my patio after I got home from work the other day and got that feeling again of someone watching me, and look what I saw up in the sky !!

It was plain as day to me but my cell phone made it a little hard to see so I darkened the pic incase you cant discern what it is ....

PS. Wanted to add, while looking at this alien in the sky for a good 20 minutes, all the clouds around it were moving and changing except the obvious face of the alien. Wierd, right?

Thank you for all this great info, I will try to get through the rest of it soon. And when I get some more time will try to research and contribute more on the Chippewa Ojibwa tribe.


17th June 2013, 20:02
If you haven't read the novels by Louise Erdrich about the Ojibwa people, I think you would enjoy them.
She is a prize winning author, and you should be able to get her books from your public library.

17th June 2013, 23:00
Well, seems like it's time to share some of my Native American story here as I said I would in a previous post...thanking CD7 on Jimini's thread opened the door : )

...and THAT is the gist of the matter that we are upon now...
up-on-spirit, as no other time/non-time, imho CD7 : )
Critical mass has duly and truly occurred...the metamorphosis has taken hold!

I could be nothing but sincerely and overwhelmingly grateful for that happening on that Nipmuc Indian Hill in 2007...for I simply profoundly was given a gift of a higher crash course along these rhythms. Yes, my Son's passing a few years prior put me on target to work towards and then accept this gift...all spiritual doors were opened by my intent, I found it was delivered so that I may deliver the message to all that were opening to it in front of me, real personal experience to help Others heighten Their Own real personal experiences now.
Three mornings of sincere and intense sunrise meditation, vibration gone sky high, experiencing things that were beyond my 3d comprehension on that hill, seeing and sensing and experiencing other worldly things right here, a shamanic death and rebirth, a full recap of personal inventory, Danny's Spirit speaking to me for 2 days as though He was right there with me, being a spiritual conduit of balance and cleansing and connection helping all of this 'correction' now taking place...just listening and doing without question or doubt after I got over the questioning and doubting real quick as there were too many wonderful higher spiritual synchronicities and anomalies occurring back to back to back...gaining a knowing that Anyone could experience these things in Their Own Ways by simply consciously decisively opening up to it and having a higher intention...whatever that may be personally.

Thank You again Jiminii and CD7 and All here at Avalon!

And following through with Onawah's Dauphin Island "Animal Spirit" re-post and also 4evrneo's alien 'twist' with a Native American Connection is significant to my happenings and Justoneman's Cherokee "Trail of Tears" and William's sharing His Connections and Messages(listening to and acting on) and Everyone else that has been sharing, Thank You
and again Thanks to GoodeTXSG for starting !

This is an original post of mine on Celestine's forum I made at the end of 2007 when I started sharing openly on the internet....please excuse my 10-year-old-type excitement and delivery on the post...much of what happened to me did indeed make me feel like a child in awe and wonder of what was going on within and in front of me.

Hello All!
Wonderful to be aboard!
Love and Light and Harmony to Each and Everyone Here at Celestine!
Read The Celestine Prophecy years ago and loved it!

I have had one heck of a beautifully energized year. I am sharing a brief outlay of my "direct and personal" experiences so that anyone can "look" into this for themselves if they choose : )

There are many, many, many good things on the way...and each one of us can help the goodness along by simply being the best we can be and the co-creation of love will unfold!
In Synopsis Form:

-Since a child I remember feeling strongly that something was very wrong with the picture in front of me.

-Was immensely distorted by the way many people treated others demeaningly in day to day life.

-I had the inherent eye to eye philosophy...never talk down or look down to anyone.

-Had major issues with what most folks conformed to.

-Jumping to the present, My Mom(83) and My Son(21) went to the other side in June and August of 2003.
Mom went within a month of lung complications...My Son went in a deep sleep of basically choking from snoring apnea.

-Made a conscious decision to turn 180 degrees from energy-input- work-life as I knew it in 3d after the anger subsided from that summer of loss.

-From research on healing, holographics, eastern philosophies, light therapy(man-made)--- I simply decided to start taking in the sunlight visually at sunrise in January of 2007. This intuitive move was made because I basically shrugged my shoulders and accepted that it would simply be a focused benefit regarding 'making a connection' by doing this...even if I were actually putting myself in a guinea pig situation...it did not concern me...I jumped right in on faith and intuition and because I had worked outdoors most all of my adult life building and had had plenty of sun exposure...and I hardly ever wore sunglasses throughout life.

-Three days after starting visual sunrise intake for about a half hour or more I came across Dr. Mitchell Gibson's interview on the Conscious Media Network site.


From that interview I was led to other indigenous culture solar tradition and healing research...and well..the rest is history...making adjustments to my method of intake...as in barefoot-earth-contact, sunrise and sunsets, and re-building the time in increments, and taking wind-down gratitude walks afterwards : )


-Now...that first few weeks following my initial solar meditation was, well, rather wild : ) Everything in front of me began to vibrate at a high intensity...colors around me seemed to almost glow, especially in nature. I began to see holographically by simply focusing for just seconds and playing with the contrasts of light. Mostly animal spirits and faces(human and animal) and some human figures and biological-type-glowing figures. Most all felt good and made me smile with enhancement...some darker images(not feeling right to me) appeared very rarely...if I turned away they would simply fade.

-I am on an old farming hill in a town/area in New England where the Nipmuc Indians have a strong history, especially on the lake nearby. [I had said all of my life that the Indians 'had it right' for the most part...and everyone that knew me knew of this feeling of mine.] The area across the street from me (mostly developed now) was actually an Indian cemetery/burial ground. The owner of the home across the street shared with me that he is right at the old entry way...he actually saved the granite pillars that use to mark the entrance and put them on either side of his driveway as respect and honor for their memory. You can see the old pathway to the grounds at the left of his front yard. This is a SACRED HILL. When I first started taking in the light I had a mind-blowing beautiful dream of my Son and Mom and Loved Ones...when I woke from it I was drawn across the street to the entry of the burial grounds.
A path was highlighted in front of me and as I followed it I was taken on top of a rock wall that went thru the woods and was brought to my knees on that wall and spouted out all the names of the loved ones in my life and that brought me to tears...breathing as if I were running a race. When I looked ahead the rock wall went left and right and both directions were highlighted. I had to make a decision of direction...I instinctively chose to the right after that spiritual connection on my knees. I came to a grassy area in the opening and simply fell into a large bowl-type depression in the ground and passed out for a couple minutes. Do not know if this hole was where body remains were dug up and moved or simply someone's backyard where they had dug earth for landscaping. When I came to I gazed at the small tree in front of me and saw an image of an antique "key" glowing in the branches and contrasts. I simply said to myself I am being told "I have the key"!

-A few days after this happening I had a session with a healing therapist an hour and a half away from me. She is connected to the processes(Re-Connective Healing) passed on by Dr. Eric Pearl who also has an interview on the Conscious Media Network site.


Debbie was tuned in entirely to what had gone on with me and when we met there were very few words but many smiles...I had shared none of what had occurred that day with her prior to this meeting. When I laid down on the table to start my session I automatically put my hands together at the navel touching the thumbs and index fingers and creating an opening as is done in the lotus meditation position. And folks, I was never into any kind of meditation prior to these happenings...never went to a healing therapist never put my hands together for reception of energy...and so on. About a minute into relaxation on the healing table I felt an immense surge of energy coming in thru my hands and into my body at the navel area...and I mean an unbelievable thrust...it actually made my chest expand and my head push back against the pillow. The whole experience was immensely uplifting...as I had talked out loud and connected to My Son, My Mother and other Loved Ones...once again.

-A couple days after that session another intense dream and that "key" was revealed. And Y'All know what it is because You All know what it is...it is that simple. "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" For Ourselves, For Others, For the Spirit World that is here to help Us if We ask and take Loving Action. Later that morning of that dream I was in the backyard chanting "Unconditional Love" jumping up and down like a little kid facing the sun...laughing out loud...saying..."Ok..ok..I get it...I get it...HaHaHa! I had to show Unconditional Love and acceptance towards this energy and enlightenment I was receiving because I was having doubts along the way regarding much of it too.

-When I went inside the message machine on my phone was blinking, played it back...
guess who? : )
It was Debbie, checking in on me, actually laughing in the message while asking, "Are You OK, Dan...just wanted to check in...give me a call if You feel the need.." And then She went on to confirm our next session appointment. Wild and Wonderful Stuff! : )

I had a powerful vision dream, that January 2007, that had me floating above my bed in full Indian feathered head dress and deerskin clothing...it was so beautiful I tried to go back to dreamig 3 times to finish it...the 3d try I was told by Spirit to "go live it', 'go write the script'..if I wanted it finished. My son Danny's voice was fading at this time but I got a whisper from him, "Dad, go, go, go!"
Well, to my surprise I finished that vision dream 3 1/2 years later in the jungle in Peru....I thought it was going to be the rest of my life finishing... I was given a gift for listening to promptings and doing without a 2nd thought...Spirit has been my Guide since all of this occurred in 2007. I had many daily promptings and 3 major promptings that I had followed through with without hesitation. The culmination of that dream included a powerful symbolic 'reversal' of the Cherokee "Trail of Tears" and my past Native American lives and how my Son was an integral/powerful part of that and the Tribe we belonged to.

I will share some more details here later, chronologically...in smaller posts.

Thank You!
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

18th June 2013, 16:25
It all started at the oldest farmhouse on that Nipmuc Indian Hill, known as Brandon Hill today. This is in Dudley, MA... right over the line from the town I was born in and had been away from for years, Webster, home of the Nipmuc Indians, as it is called...Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg is the Nipmuc name for Webster Lake. The high school I went to before we moved to the Cape was Bartlett...yep, the Bartlett Indians(Nipmuc).

I moved into the lower portion of this old farm home that Mike and Jane owned, Mike was Micmac Indian lineage and Jane was a bit of a clairvoyant and healer with a twin sister with healing gifts that had had many interesting personal alien incidents...
I knew none of this or them when I began renting in the fall of 2003, the year my Son passed on.

I was still smoking cigarettes at the time and each early morning I would smoke and have my coffee at the rear of the yard which had abandoned railroad trunk lines there. I would pace back and forth and up and down the trunk lines thinking of Danny's passing and working out my anger about every morning for some time.
Their yard was basically a nature sanctuary they created...it was beautiful and full of tree and flower and garden and bird life...it was what they did for enjoyment, nurturing the yard.

That next Spring I came home from work and went into the far backyard where Mike and Jane were busy with some new landscaping. right where I spent many a morning...there were new trellises over a pathway Jane was laying flagstone on and planting flowers. I asked her what she was doing..she looked up at me and smiled and said "This is for you"...I about fell over in surprise...they cleaned up and prepared that area as a quiet sanctuary for me...and this is exactly where my morning sungazing started and where my vibration began to soar and my Indian Spirit happenings came to life.
I need to note that the farmhouse had had active spirits/ghosts, as I later found out from Jane. Her young daughter actually talked to the little boy regularly that appeared to her in her room...and the boy's grandfather startled Jane in the house many a time. She had tried to get them to leave but was unable to....they vanished when I moved in...Jane and Mike did not know whether it was because of me moving in or because they had just finished extensively remodeling the upstairs. The history of that farm was looked into and the young boy died of an accident...they presumed the grandfather felt responsible...something along those lines that kept their spirits there with unfinished business.

Those first nights I would go to the middle of the sanctuary and sit on a bench facing south that Mike had put there. My peripheral vision brought up strong lights and caused the whole area to glow...the left side was a strong ruby red and the right side was like a vivid aquamarine. I was just simply awestruck by this and there were many more things to follow. One of the very first things I noticed while looking at the older trees were Indian figures/faces and writings and symbols appearing quickly in the contrasts of light on the trunks of the trees when I would gaze at them.

I'll continue every other day or so : )

22nd June 2013, 00:43
I look forward to the rest of your post Eaglespirit!

26th June 2013, 12:18
I look forward to the rest of your post Eaglespirit!

Thank You, GoodeTXSG : )

Been a bit busy with things lately...will be sharing my journey as I can.


Just had a current wonderful synchronistic connection last week at the tobacco shop here on the Cape I frequent.

I was on my way out and saying thanks to Rick the owner and I had said something with a Native American theme to it and the Woman that had just come in heard this and said, "Excuse me but can you recommend tobacco I should get to make offerings on a trip I'm taking to connect with the past on the Trail of Tears of the Cherokee?"

As is with most of the things that have gone on in the past 5 1/2 years....I could not make these things up that are in musical rhythm with my direct experiences!

She was going with a Federation of Women's Group to walk parts of the Trail and make stops along the way to honor the Cherokee.
She shared with me that she is lineage of the settlers from that area that had contact and relationship with the Cherokee.
She said the 'tears' were mostly shed by the settlers that had wanted to stop the forced exodus but could not...and that the Cherokee basically handled it all stoically.

She was astonished by my personal happenings relating to the Cherokee...we had a wonderful talk.

I told her I had immense honor and respect for what they were doing.and that they were embarking on an act of profound service and bringng spiritual balance to that tragic happening, "The Trail of Tears"

She said, " I like that, balance, yes."

A Big Hug and Smiles before we parted!

28th June 2013, 16:45
I did not share alot of this openly anywhere, as You may well understand why...reactions, I did not want to cause jealousy or envy or, well, questions of my intent or sanity : )...this should not be an issue now and here, at least I wish it to be so. I am sharing because I feel it needs to be out there now for those of You that may get some good of and from it.
For those first few weeks of January 2007 I was basically vibrating sky high and we had very unusual weather...it was spring-like, so much so that the rhododendrons in the yard were actually trying to bud blossom. I could gaze at the smaller trees and the buds on them would actually glow and grow to upright candle flame like lights, there were things going on with my visual contact with everything to do with my natural surroundings in front of me. I put my hand over a young tree trunk nearby my entry walkway and my hand felt vibrations coming through and then a soft heat...all I could do was smile and take deep breaths when these things continually occurred. I was mesmerized by the birds in flight constantly, the underside of their wings would glow with flickers of light and I felt I was getting some kind of spiritual download from them too. I could and would create almost instant holographic images in the contrasts of light and color wherever I focused. Spirit images and life forms and biological type formations appeared everywhere. I looked up into a tall pine tree and a waving flag with a dark insignia on it I did not recognize began coming towards me...it did not feel right and I simply turned away and it faded, that is one of the few negative things that happened, most all of what went on was positive and uplifting. I often wondered if that flag had something to do with the darker going-ons on that hill when the Indians were forced to move from there. It may also have had something to do with the lineage of the Grandfather and Grandson's Spirits that had been encountered continuously by Mike and Jane and Their Daughter before I moved there.

Whenever I had time I walked and hiked the whole area relentlessly...I could not get enough of any kind of nature connections daily. I was sungaze meditating at every sunrise and sunset whenever it was clear. After my second session with Debbie, the healer, I remember telling her I was staring at the sun every day I was able and she simply smiled and shook her head in agreement... I said I was going to continue doing it intensely and she nodded her head up and down agreeing with a big smile...interesting confirmations like this I would get all the time.

In the PBS series, "We Shall Remain", the Native American story put out a few years ago...the Wampanoag Elder would sit with the sun at the shoreline at sunrise and greet it and look at it and talk to it...I was so happy to see that they had put that in the first episodes.

Also, David "Tall Pine", the Nipmuc Leader I had met in the Summer of 2007 at a nearby Reservation Gathering,
did all of the language work for that series. He opened the Tribe's arms and hearts to me. He and Other Tribal Members became Dear Friends. I had many meetings with Them and Him and went to a number of his Nipmuc-Algonquian language classes and Spirit Gatherings.

One of the many vision dreams I had during this time that I actually woke up and went outside and continued the dream, the whole night sky lit up the backyard...the four directions each glowed stronger and seemed to vibrate up and down towards me while I was facing north and looking at the house and seeing all of the People in my life come out from behind it and I was laughing out loud and greeting them one by one, now, mind you, this was about 10:30 or so at night, They were all saying basically the same things to me..."What a ride, huh? It's all a journey of love and learning and sharing and we're all together for each other in this story" ..with big long hugs from each of them as we met up. I looked up in the sky and thought I was going to be taken to a starship to see Danny, I mean it was so real, that feeling, I felt it was going to happen any moment.

I do not know how long I was out there but Jane and Mike came out from behind the house and I smiled and greeted them and thought they were in my dream....They kept saying " Dan, Dan...come here" I motioned for them to come to me...They said, "No Dan, come on in the house with us...it's late and you may wake the neighbors"....it took me a while to snap out of it but I finally went over to them and went inside.

That night I slept at some friends of mine down the road, Mark and Joanne...who became an integral part of all of this...the small Nipmuc Reservation was right down the street from them. And that night I stayed there on the couch another dream pre-empted the prompting of heading to the woods east of their home to a property called "lightning rock" that had never been touched or developed. It was a huge boulder split into 3 parts by lightning and where I would have a powerful life changing encounter a few days later.

The Native American Medicine Wheel became my powerful Connection and Gratitude symbol...I would create one wherever I was prompted to. They became like a mini-vortex for me and my ceremonies.

1st July 2013, 10:17
My Vision Dream of 2007 on that Sacred Hill that prompted my travels to create it and culminate it by...
"writing the script and go-go-go live it"...
was concluded 3 1/2 years later in personal ceremony vision in the lower jungle in Peru and revealed that the Native American Tribes of Oneness Spirit are actively 'stepping out of their misery' and reversing/balancing the 'trail of tears' in real time moreso than ever through upbeat actions of the Heart together around the world!

Bringing this here in honor and memory of...


At the request of shaman, Jose, at that cultural center in Peru I was at in 2010,
I created this ceremony circle in the jungle
this became an integral part of this vision conclusion a couple months later...as I came out of the jungle from the deepest covered tent after a night of torrential downpour (good thing because I was howling my head off chanting) I stopped at the circle to make offerings of gratitude and re-birth at the center where we had fires and I was basically crying my eyes out there and all the way out of the jungle (reversal of "The Trail of Tears" : )
My son, Danny's Spirit was with me powerfully...the Woman, Annette, that had done ceremony at that tent the previous night could not find her wooden staff after looking all over for it...I found it under the tent and it was meant to be, representing Danny being with me, having 2 staffs on the way out...
the other part of that vision finale included
showing me a past life as an Indian chief and Danny being the protector/coordinator of the tribe and basically my advisor and bodyguard...I would not make any important tribal decisions without consulting him...I called him the Chief's Chief : )

Just wanted to add that the trees I used for the circle were already downed well before I got there. All I did was chainsaw them smaller and plane them and sand them to make the benches and legs. And yes, it was a bit tedious getting to the trunks I wanted and the bugs and the heat...and the, and the : )
I always thought it interesting when I asked the Shaman how many benches...his response was 21... without hesitation : )

3rd July 2013, 10:41
I'm not going chronologically....going back and forth and up, down and around as prompted, but I'll get the gist of my Native American story here!

In 2006 I made a commitment with a friend, Rick, from Washington state, to help him build a townhouse duplex. We met over the internet on an investment site and we simply wanted to show others it could be done without knowing each other at all... and we did it.
I flew out there early summer of 2007 and had given him a hint of what I had been through in January. Come to find out he was Sioux bloodline and originally from North Dakota...his personal Native American history came out as we shared more when we met in person.

He had a car available for me while we were building and I wanted to connect to a local Tribe. That tribe was the Lummi Indians of Puget Sound and the Carvers led by Jewell James. The first evening I went to the reservation I took in a sunset at the jetty and met Scott walking some dogs there. He was a carver/sculpturer and he connected me with Jewell from that meet up. Jewell James had led the Carvers in creating a Healing Totem Pole for the victims of 9/11. That Healing Pole was brought cross country and made many stops along the way at Indian Reservations for Blessings. The government wanted Jewell and the Lummi to leave the Totem at the pentagon, but it was not to be. Jewell had already planned and arranged to leave it at Arrow Park in the Sterling Forest in New York which was considered a Sister Spirit Energy Forest of the Lummi's Sacred Arlecho Creek Forest in Washington near their reservation.

I looked into the history of the Lummi at Rick's on the computer and somehow found a link to The Sacred Earth Network in my own state of Massachusetts. This became a spiritual rhythm of this part of my journey. I made a commitment with them to go to Chaco Canyon in the early fall by phone from Washington.
Bill, of Sacred Earth, had a strong connection with all of this. His Father was caretaker at Arrow Park for years and became a part owner there and Bill knew Sterling Forest well as a child. When I told him my story when we went to Chaco Canyon that fall he basically said, "Dan, I think that Healing Pole is at Arrow Park, we'll have to look into that when we get back, I have a meeting to go to there and You can come along if you like."
Well, I did, and it was there. I made a 'powerful and wonderful connection and offering with it".
Bill and I walked the forest at the park after his meeting and we found countless young pine trees that were planted for each of the victims of 9/11 with pictures and notes attached...it was a humbling and emotional spiritual connection and healing for us and those happenings in New York in 2001.




3rd July 2013, 16:34
Thank you Ernie for pointing me in this direction <-----------------> ! :) I too love this thread....its a wonder this thread subject has not popped up before as I have seen people expressing native american culture-- spirituality in this forum many times.

Its interesting as I have recently been prompted to recall memories of experiences in a tribe BUT not in this life time :) I have mentioned it a couple of times in other threads..

--a very real vision experience I had of being in dress from head to toe--- fingers to shoulders. I could "feel" all of this "stuff" on me as "I" was riding very fast on a horse--it seemed exhilarating!....the scene then switched to night and unfortunately it was an invasion and the tribes camp was set on fire and horses were going nuts....during the vision--I could feel the sense of loss and it was overwhelming...the vision ended so I didn't see what happened in the end

I have also loved medicine wheels and sweat lodges!! In this lifetime :) And have been fortunate to come into contact with people who have taught me shamanistic teachings...

Well weve been so busy with ufo, aliens,science and the government we forgot about the Indians!!! :hail: thank you for bringing this up and to all the great contributions and experiences from everyone <3

3rd July 2013, 23:04
I have had a long time interest in indigenous peoples and traditions for a long time.
For some reason the strongest draw is from polynesian, and mesoamerican lines.
I have had numerous flashes of people down through the ages with the same kind of dress.
These all seem to be priests and priestesses, they all have feathered crowns, some with beaded skirts etc.
These particular priesthoods are not mentioned well if at all in standard history.
The best overall information about star persons, and indigenous peoples I have found that help me to understand my "memories" better is on Miriam Delicados site, and in her interviews with Kerry Cassidy.


There seems to be a chain of positive influence with minimal interference that goes back to the original seeding.
The more benevolent the visitor were, the less interference, and the fewer traces it seems to me.


4th July 2013, 15:37
Hello All, I didn't receive feedback on an important topic of this Thread so I am expanding on it just a bit. Please read and if it applies to you follow up with me otherwise please keep moving down the Thread and sharing your experiences and stories as you have been doing.


This "Race" is highly involved in RECENT souls of their origin taking missions as "Star Seeds here on Earth in this Reality/Space/Time. I am giving zero descriptions of them as to no "Front Load" anyone with data.

They are known to "Visit" people who are "Spiritually Advanced Star Seeds" OF THEIR OWN and OTHER helper races" who are now adults and have spiritually accepted the task to LOVE, TEACH, RAISE and most important to them PROTECT "their souls" (They are adamant that these are "NOT OURS") who have individually observed and chosen with great consideration "US Individual Existing Starseed's" as their "Host Parents/Family" (Choosing almost Exclusively NA lineage (No idea why!) as they have observed us through Earthly and "Non-Earthly" life times researching us as potential Earthly Host Parents).

This "Race" tends to visit the Person (Or their "Higher Self") prior to conception for your acceptance and explanation of "The Mission" (Free Will), maybe a time or two during pregnancy (Usually not, depending on environment as they are VERY PROTECTIVE), and then not again until the child reaches the age of 18mo/24mo, Then no more parental contact, most likely moving the astral visitations to the child (My Opinion only).

I am giving this info as a further hint in hopes that those here on this thread (If allowed to keep the memory) will come forth in a PRIVATE MESSAGE/EMAIL. Once the being is described, the dual way of communication described I would like a dialog. They seem to have an affinity for Native Americans.


Remember, if you have noting to add on THIS portion/topic of Native Americans/Star People Interaction then continue to please post your wonderful stories.

If you DO, PLEASE do not post info related to this topic in "Open Forum"... use PM's or email:GoodeTech@Yahoo.Com

This is the kind of thing I would like people to elaborate about. I have withheld a SPECIIC TYPE OF RACE that may sound extremely odd to most as it is not described in stories as most are of "Tall Blonds", "Reptoids", "Types of Greys (Some being robotic Avatar suits", Tall Whites"... the list goes on. There is a lot of NA lore of Moon People/Little People and "Aquatic's" described much like the being in the movie "Hell Boy" or TV show "Defiance". Actually several beings in that movie are similar to some old NA Legends.

One hint is this race comes to you prior to your offspring choosing you as parents and briefing you on your future responsibilities... Physical description is NOTHING like what I have found online nor is it intimidating or scarry!end Hint (VERY Sensitive in nature so PLEASE discuss this race once ID'd in PM).

Please also keep sharing any other details of your stories, family stories passed down or abilities that you believe are related to your blood line. That does include visitations not only from the race I just mentioned but others, abductions by other races, MILAB's or other ODD encounters or if you have noticed surveillance (Could be paranoid, but maybe not... Heightened Sense of Awareness is a gift as well, don't shun it).

This is just a fascinating thread. I also have Cherokee and Scottish bloodlines. One of the persistent rumors about my family is that we are descended from Druids. My last name is even a reference to sacred trees. Most of my family has more than just a pinch of psychic ability, although we were taught to suppress it. And all of us have ET encounters.
There seems to be an awakening happening, and I suspect that it is being fostered by higher (or different) beings, because whatever their purposes are, we will be no use to them if we destroy the planet and ourselves in the process. I look forward to watching some of those videos soon.

5th July 2013, 16:09
Zuni elder Clifford Mahooty speaks on the subject of kachinas, star beings, etc. from a 2013 Wesak event
Starting 52 minutes into the vid:


Another interview with Clifford here (28 minutes in):

Clifford Mahooty is a Zuni elder and member of the Kachina Society. He is now retired after working as a chief engineer for the Department of Interior. Clifford says that Native American elders have a lot of knowledge about "Star Beings" that they choose to keep to themselves. He feels that it is now time that the knowledge be shared with the public. Clifford has recently been featured on cable documentaries including the History channel's Ancient Aliens.

James Tyberonn, the facilitator of the Wesak event, has Native American blood, has had a lot of meetings with indigenous elders around the world. His website is fascinating. See http://www.earth-keeper.com/

23rd July 2013, 18:50
I have heard some of this before, very nice post. Thank you for sharing!!!

Zuni elder Clifford Mahooty speaks on the subject of kachinas, star beings, etc. from a 2013 Wesak event
Starting 52 minutes into the vid:


Another interview with Clifford here (28 minutes in):

Clifford Mahooty is a Zuni elder and member of the Kachina Society. He is now retired after working as a chief engineer for the Department of Interior. Clifford says that Native American elders have a lot of knowledge about "Star Beings" that they choose to keep to themselves. He feels that it is now time that the knowledge be shared with the public. Clifford has recently been featured on cable documentaries including the History channel's Ancient Aliens.

James Tyberonn, the facilitator of the Wesak event, has Native American blood, has had a lot of meetings with indigenous elders around the world. His website is fascinating. See http://www.earth-keeper.com/

25th July 2013, 04:40
This is not exactly on topic, but this seems like the best place to post it.
It's nothing new, but it's a good article on something that needs much more exposure.
And perhaps it is on topic in that it seems very possible the Illuminati have long considered the indigenous peoples a threat and a target precisely because of their spiritual integrity and their connection to the Earth-friendly Star People.
Also, it's even more relevant now that the English Royal Family is so much in the news.
If the new royals are not going to be a continuance of the same old evil (:evil:) and would like to demonstrate that, dealing with this issue would certainly be a good place to start...

By Henry Makow PhD

If Christ returned, he'd be crucified again, not by Jews or Romans but by the church, which has been invaded by His enemies.

This is obvious from the fate of Kevin Annett, a young United Church of Canada minister who took Christ's teachings to heart, and suffered everything but Crucifixion. (To date, Christ's enemies are reluctant to create another martyr.)

I have been studying the New World Order for eight years but no book has laid bare the true hypocritical face of power in Western society as Kevin Annett's self published memoirs, "Love and Death in the Valley." Many books have left me winded, but none like this.

I have met Kevin Annett and he doesn't have a halo. But he does exude a transparency and a dogged determination to make sure we learn the truth about the genocide of (he claims) "roughly" 80-90 million North American Indians. He is the closest thing to a genuine dissident in this society, the closest thing to a real hero. Although he's been fighting this lonely battle for 15 years, we haven't heard of him, proof our "heroes" are manufactured for us.

Kevin is the kind of "innocent" or "true believer" organizations like the Communist Party or United (Methodist-Presbyterian) Church hire to provide an artifice. But "every group has rules" as Kevin was told repeatedly, and Kevin didn't adapt. A real Christian represents Christ not the corrupt impostors who profit from his teaching. Kevin was a Minister of Christ.


"Give the place a bit of Spirit," his boss at Fred Victor Mission, a residence for the homeless near Toronto's seedy Yonge St. told him, as if talking to a painter.

In the course of his work, Kevin learned the Church Mission was a center for drug trafficking and prostitution and the staff were on the take. He learned that large donations to the Mission were embezzled, while there wasn't any money for Bibles. When he took these matters to the church hierarchy, they knew and didn't want to know.

This was his first glimpse of the United Church of Canada as a four billion dollar corporation that provides a nice tax-exempt front for a lot of rich people and a lot of shady dealings. But that's just scratching the surface of a potential nightmare for the 2.8 million bland well meaning Canadians affiliated with this empty shell of a church.

When Kevin (what an exquisitely Canadian name) took up his next position as Minister in a British Columbia logging town, he opened his sanctuary to the poor and the non-White. He began to hear stories from his Aboriginal parishioners about ethnic cleansing at government funded church-run "residential schools."

Native children were abducted by the RCMP and forced to attend these "schools" which were in fact concentration camps in disguise. Here helpless children were physically and sexually abused, sterilized and exposed to deadly viruses. Many were subjected to medical experimentation from Illuminati doctors and killed. The death rate was 50% . Annett estimates over 50,000 children died at these schools.

In an email Tuesday, he wrote: "Continually, eyewitnesses describe that most of them never received formal education, besides religious instruction. Maybe one or two hours of schooling a week, the rest of the time working as manual labor and farmed out as cheap labor or domestics to white families. The ones who got a better education were the collaborators, being trained to be puppets of the government and churches - they're often the ones who now run the big aboriginal groups, band councils, etc. I also have letters from Indian Agents confirming that the kids were not to receive "too much" education."

Kevin's blurring of class and color lines strained relations with his church "Old Guard" but the deal breaker was when Kevin publicly opposed the lucrative sale of Aboriginal lands the church held in trust to a large forestry company.

Kevin was stripped of his Ministry, the only United Church Minister ever defrocked and his wife was pressured to divorce him and take their two children.


Next stop on Kevin's voyage of discovery was a Ph.D. program at the University of British Columbia. There he had access to government archives which documented a deliberate agenda of ethnic cleansing which (he says) claimed one to two million Aboriginals in British Columbia alone over a century.

Just as the Church represents Christ, the university is dedicated to free inquiry and truth. Thus Kevin's funding evaporated and he had to leave. "Unless you play the game, you'll never work in this province again," he was told.

Is it any wonder society is drifting toward Fascism when the institutions that are dedicated to truth and moral leadership are rotten to the core? You can smell the stench of moral compromise like rotting garbage everywhere in this society.

The same applies to the corporate media. Kevin did get a couple of good stories but they dried up with mention of the Supreme Court judges using Indian children for sex. Similarly, when Kevin was beaten up or his documents stolen, the police and courts refused to act despite video footage of the theft. Why would they? They regarded the murder of thousands of Aboriginal children as "too big a task to investigate."

Church. Corporations. University. Media. Law. Police. That leaves the government. Recently the Canadian government absolved the Church of any liability for its crimes. Kevin wrote to me Tuesday:

"Yes, all the churches have been granted effective immunity; Indian Affairs announced so last February when they said there will be no criminal prosecution for anything that went on in the rez schools. Disgusting. Natives cannot sue the churches after the settlement - that was part of the deal the AFN (Assembly of First Nations) did on behalf of all the survivors, without consulting them once. It's as bad a crime as the original atrocities."


Kevin Annett's "Love and Death in the Valley" is available from Amazon. He is an excellent writer.

http://www.amazon.com/dp/1403348200? tag=henrymacom-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN =1403348200&adid=1JMZJ55SYQGWFTP4GXF7

This is Kevin's web page: http://www.hiddenfromhistory.org

Please donate if you can. He represents the single greatest threat to the Illuminati in Canada today. He is being followed by police and is subject to increasing organized Internet smear attacks. He ministers to the homeless and lives on a shoe string.

The Illuminati want the land and the water rights. The Aboriginals are the only people standing in their way. Vancouver is hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics and Canada's misdeeds, like China's, could attract worldwide attention.

In his book, "Love and Death in the Valley," Kevin muses on the disconnect between what people profess and what they actually do.

"The most successful minister in the church I found is the man or woman who can function as an efficient dissociated personality, regularly professing one thing and practising the opposite." (151)

Kevin Annett demonstrates the impact people can have when they act on their beliefs. As such, he is an inspiration.

For those of you who are interested here is a link to the film, “UNREPENTANT: KEVIN ANNETT AND CANADA’S GENOCIDE”

This documentary reveals Canada's darkest secret; the deliberate extermination of indigenous (Native American) peoples, and the theft of their land under the guise of religion. This never before told history as seen through the eyes of this former minister (Kevin Annett) who blew the whistle on his own church, after he learned of thousands of murders in its Indian Residential Schools..."


And further steps taken: Historic Lawsuit to be Filed Against Church and Crown

Henry Makow Ph.D


Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." (www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site www.henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com

More from Dr. Henry Makow

See also my "Did the Illuminati Exterminate Canadian Indian Children?" http://www.henrymakow.com/did_the_illuminati_exterminate.html

"When Pedophile Judges Fear Exposure" http://www.henrymakow.com/when_illuminati_shills_fear_ex.html http://www.spiritofmaat.com/jul12/kevin_annet_rips_the_mask_from_power.html

26th August 2013, 04:54

Many African ethnicities have also been contacted for eons. Although underreported, many "seers" and "healers", originate in Africa. Truth is, most ancient civilizations have been privy to this information, which was part of the many great libraries- Mali, Soninghe, Niger, Egypt, Babylon, just to name a few.
Part of modern colonization was the destruction of many ancient libraries, containing billions of volumes of human history. The ones that remained, were carefully sanitized.

Modern governments don't want to disclose the information because it would disrupt current power structures and institutions.

The message sent from the stars has always been simple- Be a good steward to the planet. A lesson that seems to have escaped many.

Thanks for a great post.

28th August 2013, 23:14
I don't know anything about the fellow in this interview, but he mentions the "star people" (among a lot of other stuff we all can relate to):


2nd September 2013, 20:01
If you talk about Native Americans too much, you may be attacked by a nasty site that hates anything they deem "New Age" in relation to Native Americans: http://newagefraud.org (http://newagefraud.org/) . They attacked a friend of mine who is genuine, has true native ancestry and a generous, totally honest personality - calling her a fraud online, without investigation or a fair hearing. They might provide a service if they got their facts right, but they go by rumor and innuendo. And once something gets online it's impossible to remove it from google. Unfortunately, there are a lot of trolls and haters out there.

18th November 2013, 23:00
Yea, SADLY aware...
These zealots have caused a lot of problems... The BIA and various Elder Council's have had issues with them. There is quite a rift in those who want to open up to the outside world and those who want to close tight against anyone with ANY Anglo Blood lines etc... These friggin Casino's and the corruption they have brought have not helped matters by any means...

FYI/they are not the only extremist groups among the Nations that have hurt policies and reputations in the name of pride and retribution... Some of the local's around Reservations call these types of groups "Red Panthers" and other names... nasty stuff. But, Negative begets Negative, it always has and always will...

If you talk about Native Americans too much, you may be attacked by a nasty site that hates anything they deem "New Age" in relation to Native Americans: http://newagefraud.org (http://newagefraud.org/) . They attacked a friend of mine who is genuine, has true native ancestry and a generous, totally honest personality - calling her a fraud online, without investigation or a fair hearing. They might provide a service if they got their facts right, but they go by rumor and innuendo. And once something gets online it's impossible to remove it from google. Unfortunately, there are a lot of trolls and haters out there.

Aquarius Rising
19th November 2013, 02:34


Thank you for this fabulous thread! This is something that has interested me all of my life. I am not sure if it has much to do with my heritage at all (it is rather odd and complicated). My paternal Great Grandmother was half French, half Native American (Oglala Lakota Nation). She supposedly walked out on my Great Grandfather (who happened to be Hungarian---of Romani descent). She literally disappeared a few years into the marriage (one evening) after my Grandfather (the oldest of three boys ) was born. She left without a trace, never to be heard from again. No one knows what happened to her...no one speaks of it.

I often wonder how that marriage came to be (although unrelated to your story). It was forbidden for the Romani to marry outside of their culture. There is much about my family history that is missing...not just my Great Grandmother.

my oldest daughter's father is Oglala Sioux, but he holds no interest in his culture; however, I do. I have always been particularly interested in "star people." I know someone who is affiliated with Star Knowledge (Conferences & T.V.). I wanted to share some of the beauty and wisdom:



20th March 2014, 00:39
Watch how you keep the heat on them. Just please don't demonstrate, it is not safe.

7th April 2014, 00:59
Dauphin Island, the third time around

I really wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it to Dauphin Island this time, but the friend who had volunteered to drive me there was determined and undaunted by the snow, ice and slush that filled the courtyard outside my duplex. It was definitely still winter weather when we left, but we returned to the welcome of budding trees and blooming forsythia and daffodils.
It was a different experience this time, my third visit to Dauphin Island, in that there were so many more women staying at the house where our retreat was being held. In the first 2 years of my time there, there were no more than 5 or 6 women at a time, but this time there were 12 at the time of the highest count, and women were arriving and departing at various times so the elements of quiet, calm and intimacy were not as evident. But the 2 story, 4 bedroom house was large, with lots of personal touches that made it feel inviting and special, and once again, our rental was situated on such a thin strip of the Island that it was just a minute's walk to the Bay on one side of the house, and not much further to the ocean on the other side.
And I did have a chance to have some communion time with the Island and the wildlife, and there were more messages for me from Blue Heron, and though the manner in which they were delivered were not as dramatic as my encounter in my first year there, they are still having a noticeable effect on me since my return one week ago.

One night, when all 12 of us were there, we were having a little ceremony out on the deck on the Bay side of the Island with some Chinese paper lanterns. We each had one, and one by one, as the little candles at the base of each lantern was lit, we would float them up into the air so they could drift out over the ocean on the air currents, which was a very magical sight. At one point during the proceedings, a Blue Heron flew directly over our heads and gave its distinctive cry. Another day, there were 2 Blue Herons standing on the beach near where I was sitting, one of them waiting patiently and hopefully for a fishy treat from a fisherman, another waiting a little distance down the beach for the other one to rejoin it, which it eventually did. And on the second to last day, there was a heron standing close by in a marshy area on the Bay side that I watched for about half an hour while sitting on a driftwood log, until I was rewarded with a visit from a local woman out for a walk with her two beautiful collies, who we retreatants had been admiring every morning from our deck.

And one of the retreatants brought a book with her, which just happened to be Jamie Sams' newest addition of the Medicine Card book, which has several new cards, including one for Blue Heron. Following is an excerpt taken from that card at: http://www.examiner.com/article/today-s-animal-message-from-blue-heron :

“If the Great Blue Heron shows up in the cards today, she is urging you to seek your truth. Heron reminds you to develop your self-reflective skills and really become in tune with yourself. Examine yourself with a cold eye and be truthful with yourself about what needs to be improved and how you want to change. If you choose to blame others instead of taking responsibility for your actions, it shows that you lack the courage to face yourself.
Heron helps you to see how important it is to look at yourself and see the truth behind your actions, feelings, dreams, goals, and inner strengths and weaknesses. Heron’s message helps you realize your inner strength and certainty of purpose.
Heron calls you to dive deeper into yourself and to trust that you are on the right path. Heron coming into your awareness today represents a new balanced sense of self so that you can embrace your potential. If you are courageous enough to follow Heron on the journey, then you will only find the joy of discovery.
On the contrary, Heron could be cautioning you about having too much self-reflection. If you are criticizing yourself too much, watch out. If you are trying too hard to be perfect at everything, Heron reminds you that there are valuable lessons to be learned in just being human.
Always remember that self-improvement is best accomplished by balancing a desire for change with discernment. Being too critical of yourself can break your spirit. Heron helps you to see that it is important to go deep within yourself for answers but to allow life to unfold as it will.”

These were some very powerful home truths for me in that message.

I also had a wonderful experience with a Sea Gull. On the ocean side one afternoon, I was sitting and watching a Sea Gull that was watching me for rather a long time. I decided to send it love and a little while later, it took off and flew directly over me flying very low, and as it passed I felt a wonderful sense of freedom and wildness such as I had often felt in my younger, carefree days (but not often since then, so it was a great reminder!)

Here are some excerpts on Sea Gull medicine:

“MEANING:Opportunistic, Opportunity, Integrity
Bird People should remember that all birds are messengers from Great Spirit.
Seagull Medicine are scavengers and opportunists.Even though most Seagull Medicine can successfully co-exist with humans, they can also be so aggressive that they will take food right out of a human's hand. Opportunistists? You betcha!
When there is an opportunity, they will in fact take it, which is something most humans still need to learn when it comes to reaching their own personal goals in Life.
The word "opportunist" does not have to be a negative word. Simply stand in integrity as you take advantage of all opportunities laid out right before you.”

“In some cases, seagulls are antagonists criticized for their noisy, aggressive, and greedy behavior. In others, they are noted for their endurance, and perseverence. In some Northwest Coast tribes, Seagull was said to have powers over storms and weather.“

On two of our visits to the ancient and sacred Shell Mounds park and burial ground, I wanted to feel as much of the earth energy as I could, so I laid facedown in the brush in the middle of the park which is known as the Womb, where many Native American Medicine Women from various tribes were buried over the centuries. The healing energy there is so powerful, I didn't mind getting muddy at all.
A great gift was bestowed on us by two of the retreatants during an unusual conversation. These two women who had come to the Dauphin Island retreat for the first time were old friends who had traveled there together from several states away. They got into a disagreement one day after lunch when everyone was pitching in to help clean up the kitchen.They were both quite angry and were not holding back in expressing their differences, but the interesting thing about it was that there was no toxic energy being created by their argument, and the cleanup continued as if everything was perfectly normal. They were both so much in control of their energy, so that even though they were freely expressing themselves, the energy itself was so neutral and contained that it caused no discomfort for the rest of us even though we were all in close proximity to them. Their ability to do that was undoubtedly due to their years of practicing meditation, making it a unique experience which I found it to be very illuminating. The retreat facilitators later invited the two combatants to do some conflict resolution where they managed to iron our their differences enough so that they were able to leave together for the drive home the next day in relative peace, though their agreement to simply travel in silence probably was a key factor...(Still, whatever works...! LOL)

One of the women who I traveled there and back with gifted me with a beautiful print of a Blue Heron done by a local artist which I have framed and hung on my kitchen wall, where it will remind me to continue to pay close attention to my diet, and to eat as wholesomely as possible. (The highlight of my first year at Dauphin Island was a visitation from a Blue Heron that was later interpreted for me by a Native American Medicine Man,and it had much to do with my life's spiritual journey using nutrition as a healing modality, since, in his tradition, Blue Heron Medicine is about teaching others how to eat healthfully in times of scarcity and famine.)

I didn't get to see any dolphins while I was there this time, but I was relieved to hear that there had been sightings by some of the other women. There are many more gas rigs in the ocean near the Island this year, which probably isn't comfortable for the dolphins, and certainly made me uncomfortable, too, but I am glad they haven't driven the dolphins away completely.
I hope it will not be much longer before the hazards of drilling so deeply into the Earth's crust, both inland and offshore, become so evident to all that the practice will be outlawed at last. I know I will sleep much more soundly when that day comes!

8th April 2014, 02:19
This is extremely interesting Jake. I am sorry I came upon your text only today, but wow it is interesting. I was wondering about the prime beings who incarnated into human and the impact genetic modification had on them and the targets of life human life on earth.

You did answer part of it with the confusion it creates to the original souls, the detrimental effect it has on them while having a positive impact on the evolution of the groups that changed the original DNA.

As a human, I was feeling that these DNA modifications where not beneficial to human development. I still have many questions on these regarding hybrids, which in one way or another we are all, since our DNA as a race was modified.

But I was wondering about the new hybrids as well and the impact this can still have on the evolution of our group of humans.

I was also wondering if human have been taken over to do the DNA changes (by reptilians for example) so that souls from other races could incarnate in our bodies, or if they agreed to it way past and do not remember. In other words were we stolen
or did we agree to be taken and modified.

Same for the new hybrids. Are we stolen or did we agree to slow down our own development in order to favor or help another specie and was this consciously done (free will)?

To me, this is actually of prime importance for the future. I know that reptilian souls in a human body have problem to truly understand human and have a tendency to "psychopathy" of some kind and that a true human does have difficulties to keep evolving on a daily basis when around reptilian soul, while other human will just copy the more "sociopathic" behaviors.

I was wondering if it could be possible to have hybridisation that would favor humans instead of being detrimental.

Yes, adoption has plagued many peoples by design!! I feel it in mee blood. Last year, I was able to locate my father. He recently sat on a counsel of elders in Colorado. I spent much of my childhood in Mayes County Oklahoma. The northern most counties in Oklahoma is Cherokee stomping ground. There are Cherokees spread out all over the country!!! Less than 200,000,,, well, I am one!!

Goodetsxg,, The natural spiritual nature of American Indians, and the connection to the spirit of the earth and the land and the animals is only part of the story. I know that there is something lurking, just under the radar,,, (so to speak). I am LOST BIRD!!! There is no doubt about that. I have had (literally) THOUSANDS of fully conscious OBEs. I do not have the whole story, but I have a piece of the puzzle. My understanding of this world is woven into an understanding of the non-physical worlds,,, (spirit worlds.) If there are sacred secrets being held by any elder of any of the free tribes in America, regarding our relationship with 'Star People',, then it is time to come forward. I understand that this is much easier said than done. The human spirit suffers from the blindness that is created when any ONE group holds these kinds of secrets. I have personally suffered from trying to make sense of something in my life!! Being far removed from any of my Cherokee history,,, (and the hidden history of my people and Star Brothers and sisters) has augmented my experiences.

I believe that we should be screaming it from the rooftops. It is time to come forward. My father told me that My grandmother would 'soul travel'... I wish I would have known!!! There is actual suffering occurring because much of this knowledge is hidden.

I want to know more!!! How is it that I have a deep knowledge and understanding of these things without ever knowing my native family?? How is it that I am so confused about the out of body experience?? The uprooting of the free tribes of the Americas has taken its toll on our entire planet!!! This secret knowledge MUST be told.

I feel like I have been on the 'front lines' with what I know, and how I approach it. The time for Sitting in the corners and doing and saying nothing, has come to an end.

I CANNOT sit and say nothing! Must be the Indian Brave in me... (Probably an age old scenario,,, youngsters pushing forward,, elders pulling back!!)

Here is an experience that I shared with the Astral Projection Group here at Avalon,,, How is it that I can have such an experience without ever knowing about my peoples history???


Last night, while in deep meditation, I received another R.O.T.E. (Related Organized Thought Energy) from higher self as to the mysteries of Reincarnation and the nature of physical life. There were no words or voices this time, only a deep understanding and knowing of what was ‘stirring’ to be understood.

Remember here that a R.O.T.E. comes in a single package, an entire energetic structure of well organized thought that must be ‘unraveled’ by the end user,, ie,, I had to keep my mind perfectly still in order to read the R.O.T.E.

The whole thing was very ‘Delores Cannon-esque’. (Except nothing was confusing or hard to understand) There are ‘hyper-advanced’ (term taken from the book ’Alien Mind A Primer’) species of sentient life. Consciousness reaches out in spheres of knowing, and permeates into physical reality, while at the same time,,, IS physical reality. Consciousness has layers, like onions. On our layer (dimension) Space-time warps to create physical matter, yet also creates gravity, which acts as a governing force. No particle exists. No energetic element of an atom exists without the other,,, you will never isolate a single electron, or proton,,, the non-local nature of them act in a way that neither of them are ‘pulled’ into existence without the ‘pull’ coming from the other. They only exist as a part of a ‘system’!!! The amazing and wonderful thing about all of this is that one of the key aspects of any system of energy is consciousness. No system of energy exists, or ever will, without a point of observation. The point of observation must exist within any energetic system or there will be no ‘pull’ into physical reality. Without consciousness, all Physical things exist only as variables and potentials. IE…. Consciousness creates reality!!!!! (At least on our fold!)

Our physical Universe re-cycles itself!!! Over and again the physical universe including all galaxies and spaces within,,, expand, and contract and recycle. Not in ’ever repeating big bangs’, but in a cycle that folds into itself while at the same time expanding outward. Many, Many physical universal cycles have come and gone, each time producing new societies that are welcomed into a hyper advanced, multi-dimensional community of beings that have made the journey from consciousness, into different states of physical existence, and made the journey back into a fully energetic, ‘conscious’ state, from the perspective of the Physical journey. These hyper-advanced beings have escaped the physical and hold a perspective that is transcendent of all physical boundaries. Each cycle of a physical universe brings more and more sentient groups into the hyper-advanced state of being and of community. Consciousness being the catalyst for all things.

There are countless physical universes!!! Each physical universe, fashioned by a massive sphere of consciousness. Within all spheres of consciousness exist a desire to create and experience. It is essential to understand that creation and experience exist simultaneously! There is no experiencing without creating, likewise, there is no creating without experiencing. It is a law of consciousness!! It is by this law that all physical and non-physical universes are created. The God-Force spilled out into layers of consciousness, creating and experiencing in a never-ending dance, bearing never-ending fruits! Physicality is inevitable. So are the vast representations of life (consciousness). As the many forms of life have been created, they have been created for the purpose of experience. Experience of the creation brings it all into fruition. So therefore, all representations of life and matter are a direct part of the creational energies that have existed from the beginning.

Therefore, consciousness creates all of the many life forms in order endow the form with spirit in order to experience that particular creation of life. The goal; being to create a physical life form that is free from impurities that can span long terms of ’time’ and sustain the living ’essence’ (consciousness) indefinitely. All races of physical beings are part of this process, and part of an unfolding story, that has not yet been fully told. Throughout the vast non-physical existences, there are ’samplings’ of physical lives being taken. A hyper-advanced ’soul’ will take on a life in the physical, to ’experience’ (create) what it is like being a particular representation of life. ALL ADVANCED EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS (INCLUDING HUMANS) ARE HYPER-ADVANCED BEINGS, EXPERIENCING LIFE IN THE PHYSICAL. Life is a garden! We create and experience different modes of physical and non-physical existences,,, and it never ends. We have all had countless lives in countless different forms. The concept of re-incarnation in a physical human body takes on another level of meaning when taking into account that we have always existed, and that we always will. Incarnations into the different physical bodies and existences has been occurring since the ’beginning’ and will continue,,, well after ’the end’.

We are not Human! We are not Alien! Although we have been,,, and ARE Both!!! We can put on out ’human suits’ or our ’alien suits’ whenever we want to. We reach out into the physical, riding a vast wave of consciousness, endeavoring to create/experience a balance between physical and non-physical by way of perfecting livable life forms, combatable with our non-physical essence. We actually sit at a perch, high above all of this! Our Higher Selves are not our higher selves,,,,, it is our True Selves,,,, and life in this physical world is being experienced by ’little ME’…. The more physically and spiritually advanced a particular race is, the more likely it will be able to transcend the physical and mental changes that are a catalyst for true unfolding of the genetic story, and creating physical ‘canisters‘ that can house a hyper-dimensional being. Which means that there is a duality that exists among physical extra-terrestrials and physical humans, as we (as a universal community) make our way towards greater knowledge and understanding. (The experiments with ET groups involving DNA and/or incarnation ‘codes’ are a universal problem. )

As for the DNA,, They are INCARNATION CODES!! Remember that life is a garden! Each group of Hypers, have written their mark/signature/code/etc,,, on the physical/biological life forms that they are ‘grouping’ to advance a physical form that can house their non-physical sentients, without there being a veil between any of the physical, non-physical or mental states. Most Hypers are working WITH nature to advance these ends. Others,,, ARE NOT!!! Whenever an advanced physical race comes across a planet of lesser a lesser advanced race, the first order of business is to determine which (if known) race of hypers are watching over the ‘garden’… (Genetic testing and modulating to determine incarnation codes!)

Many times, (for reasons both malevolent and not,) there is intervention in the natural ‘evolution’ of a species, and another race will ‘imprint’ their DNA (incarnation codes) with another race of beings. When this happens, the incarnational potentials of that race of beings is changed forever. The Hypers that were incarnating in those bodies have to, now, share them with Hypers attached to the physical group that did the DNA modifications. This is devastating to the original group of Hypers, but it advances the incarnational potentials of the modified group… Meaning that different soul-groups, can now incarnate in our bodies!

This was never intended to happen, but it DOES. The trauma to the incarnational process to a species is incomprehensible. It is why none of us ever remember (naturally) any of our past lives!!! The signature that attaches us to our physical bodies has been altered, and creates an, almost impenetrable barrier that almost lead to the death of our species. The chaos that our souls experience coming back into these physical bodies, creates the amnesia that we are faced with today!!!! Nature has a way of working these things out, and we are coming out of the ’fog’…

The Earth-life Garden was put into motion by a particularly old and unknown group of Hypers… And many ’races’ are caught up in the potentials that ’Humans’ command.

Death is an illusion and life between lives brings a great remembering, like waking up from a sleep.

I hope I am not bringing the vibe of this thread down... But, it is my opinion that we (as the torch holders for our peoples) should be kicking up dust and yelling it from the rooftops. We here at Avalon can diffinately respect the culture of any nation... However,,, we also have a natural tendency to uncover secret/hidden histories. I have been given a gift,,, and I will NOT keep it a secret. Perhaps the legacy of our peoples has more to do with exploding this stuff onto the world, in a healing and nurturing manner.

8th April 2014, 03:50
Do most of us have NA blood here?

I do too. There were saying that before Cartier discovered Canada, there were blue eyes indians around here. The St-Lauwrence river being a huge river and a sea way, even if a thousand miles inland. So now Wonder there might be Graal blood around that came wtih the fisherman from Ireland or France or Spain and Portugal.

My whole family comes from the North eastern part of the province, along the St-Laurence banks, my whole family meaning NA, French and some Scandinavian blood. The latter came from a group of people whose boat sank and they were picked up by the French people and brought in their village. Not understanding their language, the French people called them the Pilote (from the pilote of the boat), but my great grand mother told my mom that as a Young child she had been told their name was Darwar (sounds rather Danish) but I do have a genetic blood anormality coming from a Dutch village. The rest of my family in French on my mom side, partly from center France, where the Gaulois with their very red hair.

However on my dad side, my dad is quite NA. My great grand father had married 3 times and the third wife, from which my grand father came, was American Indian. She had showned my grand dad the Healing methods she knew, as well as hypnosis and other things, so my grand dad, who was raised French, and catholic, and who married a very blond, blue eyes and round face French Canadian (my grand mother). He later became the healer of the village he was living in. He did not transfer his knowledge to his children.

My dad really looked American Indian, up to a point where in Central America he was confounded with Natives, although he was much taller.

Interesting, my NA ancestors who were Algonquins, maybe Abenakis but most probably Micmac, had an hieroglyphic alphabet and did write (rare for North American Indians). There is a controversy, some saying that it is a priest who created the alphabet but there is some, with some strong basis, who say it came from Egypt - the Graal maybe???


30th July 2014, 13:01




27th October 2014, 20:04
May seem slightly off topic, but reminds me of stories my Grand Father told me. He spoke of stores his Grand Mother told him of our origins and secret teachings and knowledge including some caves in VA that had hieroglyphics and tablets that the elders had lost the knowledge to read and only had the oral tradition that was passed among the "Holy Men and Women". I thought the article below was a nice tie in..

He often spoke of the Star People/Elders and of the other beings that were here from one of the prior cycles of destruction of Earth. I really wished I had a recorder with me when I was younger to capture all of these wonderful stories (That my father always laughed at and told me were completely made up, which confused me at that age).

He also told me of seeing Aquatic and Reptoid (More bird like than reptillian) beings meeting near Ossage Lake, one Adult and one Younger Light Blue "Aquatic" beings that jumped of a small cliff into the water and the "Reptoids" scattered into the caves when he and some other native children wondered into an area that was off limits once during a time the Native Adults were doing boreing ceremonies. They all were in a lot of trouble when they reported what they saw.

Anomalous Native American DNA: New Tests Show Middle East Origins?

Participants in Dr. Donald Yates’s Cherokee Native American DNA testing. Top Left: Karen Worstell’s grandmother Odessa Shields Cox is shown with her husband William M. Cox and Worstell’s mother, Ethel, as a baby, ca. 1922. Bottom Left: Karen Worstell. Right: Jan Franz. (Courtesy of Dr. Donald Yates)

More in Beyond Science
The Sun Stone (Stone of Axayacatl). It depicts the 20 days around the Sun God.(Anagoria/Wikimedia Commons) Background: Mayan calendar (Nikiac/iStock/Thinkstock)
The Aztec Calendar Wheel and the Philosophy of Time
Coyame resident Leandro Valeriano examines debris from the crash of a small plane in the Chihuahuan Desert just north of Coyame, Mexico. The debris may been part of the air plane that allegedly collided with a UFO at high speeds in 1974. The allegations continue that the U.S. government destroyed all remaining evidence with high yield explosives. (Wikimedia Commons)
Mid-Air Crash Leads to Legendary Mexican UFO Encounter
An aerial view of Marree Man and an outline illustrated by Lisa Thurston. (Wikimedia Commons)
The Mysterious Marree Man of Outback Australia

The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

Geneticist Dr. Donald Yates has been studying Cherokee DNA, particularly genetic markers passed on only from a mother to her children, not passed on along paternal lines. Anomalies in Native American DNA are often dismissed as signs of racial admixture after colonization, the anomalies are not attributed to the origins of Native peoples.

Yates chose to focus on the maternal line to make it easier to filter out any colonial-era admixture. It was far more common for male colonists to mate with Native American women than it was for female colonists to mate with Native American men when the Old World first met the New.

To further rule out admixture in his test results, Yates combined genetic testing with genealogical records where possible.

He found what he sees as strong evidence that Cherokee Native Americans have Middle Eastern ancestry—ancestry that cannot be accounted for by modern admixture, but which is rooted in the ancient origins of the people.

Native Americans are conventionally held to fit into a handful of haplogroups. The term haplogroup refers to a genetic population group stemming from a common ancestor. Haplogroup T is not among the haplogroups most geneticists recognize as Native American. Yates, however, said that it is prevalent among the Cherokee and has been for a very long time.

He wrote in his report, released earlier this month: “T is the leading haplogroup (23.1 percent), with a frequency on a par with modern-day Egyptians (23.4 percent) and Arabs (24.4 percent). T is thus a defining mark of Cherokee ancestry. … We can safely rule out recent European admixture. As we have discussed again and again, there was no available source for a huge, sudden influx of female-mediated Middle Eastern DNA on the American frontier. Even Sephardic Jews (11 to 14 percent), many of whom were also Indian traders, could hardly have accounted for such admixture.

“Moreover, had it occurred in the colonial period or more recently, the diversity, age, and unique characteristics of the T haplotypes would not have yielded the patterns noticed in this paper. Most T’s would have matched people in the Old World and we would simply be looking at an effect of migration. Instead, we have a North American branch of T with peculiar SNPs [Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, a DNA sequence variation] which is evidently a cross-section of a very old population originating in the Old World.”

In a different part of the report, he explained one way to tell if the genetic characteristics are ancient in origin, or if they could be attributed to recent admixture: “Generally, the more mutations, the more ancient the type.”

While the level of the T-haplotype found across Yates’s 67 Cherokee test subjects is comparable to those found in Iraqi and Iranian Jews (about 24 percent), it is far higher than that found in nearby regions where one would expect admixture. In neighboring countries in the Middle East, as well as among Jews from other regions, the frequency of T is only 4–14 percent.

An example of how Dr. Yates combined genetic testing with genealogical research is the case of Kathleen Rogalla.
Mother of Kathleen Rogalla, Ethel Estell Caywood Christian, ca. 1930. (Courtesy of Dr. Donald Yates)
Mother of Kathleen Rogalla, Ethel Estell Caywood Christian, ca. 1930. (Courtesy of Dr. Donald Yates)

Kathleen Rogalla of Panama City, Fla. is descended from Deborah Cook(e), wife of William Chisholm (born 1720 in Amelia County, Va.). Cook is her ancestor in an unbroken female line. A woman named Amy or Annie (no last name) was Cook’s mother. Yates wrote, “It is unlikely Amy or Annie was the daughter of an Englishwoman … around the time of first intermarriages.”

Rogalla underwent genetic testing from another company, which she had sought out after taking an interest in her Native ancestry. This company told her she was of 100 percent European ancestry with no chance of being Native American. When Yates tested Rogalla, he found haplotype T in her results.

He wrote: “These historical accounts are given here in detail to document the early Cherokee affiliation of the line. More could be added. Suffice it to say that the Chisholms and all their marriage partners were well known to Cherokee leaders from the 1760s on … All the names are well documented in Cherokee and Melungeon genealogies, as well as U.S. Indian treaties, chiefs-lists and agency records. … There is every reason on genealogical grounds to regard her T* haplotype as Cherokee, not Eurasian.”

Yates is of Cherokee descent, he has a Ph.D. in classical studies, and he founded the genetics research institution DNA Consultants. These three credentials have given him a unique perspective on Native American history as it relates to these ancient cultures, and how DNA testing can support the theoretical link. He hypothesizes that an expedition of Ptolemaic Egyptians and others in the 3rd century B.C. sailed to North America and were the settlers from whom descended today’s Cherokee Native Americans.

Tags: ancient civilizationsDNAEgyptGeneticsNative American
Category: Science Beyond Science

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27th October 2014, 21:04
Wow! Cool! I have found a similar and older article:


Here's a bit:

DNA tests create a bombshell

There are currently no DNA tests that can accurate label someone a descendant of a particular Indian tribe in eastern North America. The people, calling themselves full-blooded Native Americans, from the eastern United States, are not the same people, genetically, who greeted early European explorers. A few reputable laboratories are now attempting to create reliable DNA markers for individual tribes, but the obstacles are monumental.

Perceiving a vast potential market from the millions of Americans, who proudly claim that their great-grandmother was a Cherokee Princess, DNA Consultants, Inc. initiated comprehensive DNA testing of the Cherokees living on the Qualla Reservation in western North Carolina. The North Carolina Cherokees were chosen because after 180 years in the west, Oklahoma Cherokees are so thoroughly mixed with other ethnic groups, that any DNA test marker obtained would be meaningless.

The laboratory immediately stumbled into a scientific hornet’s nest. That Cherokee princess in someone’s genealogy was most likely a Jewish or North African princess. Its scientists have labeled the Cherokees not as Native Americans, but as a Middle Eastern-North African population. Cherokees have high levels of test markers associated with the Berbers, native Egyptians, Turks, Lebanese, Hebrews and Mesopotamians. Genetically, they are more Jewish than the typical American Jew of European ancestry. So-called “full-blooded” Cherokees have high levels of European DNA and a trace of Asiatic (Native American) DNA. Their skin color and facial features are primarily Semitic in origin, not Native American. Outraged Cherokees can read the reports at: http://dnaconsultants.com/_blog/DNA_Consultants_Blog/post/Anomalous_Mitochondrial_DNA_Lineages_in_the_Cherokee/

There is a major inaccuracy in most articles about this controversy. Both DNA Consultants and journalists are stating that the research results from the Qualla Reservation apply to all Cherokees. Genetic research associated with the filming of the History Channel’s “America Unearthed” found separate populations of Cherokees outside the reservation with very different genetic profiles. In several counties, the “Cherokees” had profiles identical to Georgia Creeks, and often carried Maya DNA like the Georgia Creeks. In one county, the “Cherokees” were predominantly Quechua from South America, or else mixed Quechua, Maya and Creek. Many of the residents of the Snowbird Cherokee Reservation in Graham County, NC look like the Zoque of Mexico, who created the Olmec Civilization. They are called “Moon Faces” by the Cherokees on the main reservation.

At present, the researchers at DNA Consultants seem unaware that throughout the 1600s Iberian Sephardic Jews and Moorish Conversos colonized the North Carolina and Georgia Mountains, where they mined and worked gold and silver. All European maps show western North Carolina occupied by Apalache, Creek, Shawnee and Yuchi Indians until 1718. Most of these indigenous tribal groups were forced out in the early 1700s. Anglo-American settlers moving into northeastern Tennessee and extreme southwestern Virginia mentioned seeing Jewish speaking villages in that region until around 1800.

How the occupants of the North Carolina Mountains became a mixed Semitic, North African, European and Native American population, known as the Cherokees, remains a mystery. Slave raids may have been a factor. The 18th century Cherokees were the “biggest players” in the Native Americans slave trade. Perhaps young Sephardic females were captured by slave raiders to be concubines and wives.

It is also known that around 1693, the British put together an alliance between eight small Native towns with Creek names in northwestern South Carolina and the powerful Rickohockens of southwestern Virginia to thwart the expansion of French colonies. The modern Cherokee language seems to be a mixture of Rickohocken, Shawnee and Creek. There is obviously much that anthropologists and historians do not know about the early history of the Southern Highlands.

27th October 2014, 23:23
There's loads of reading to do here, if you want to explore the Cherokee DNA research:


I'm excited to find out that we came from the Fertile Crescent! Or Egypt! Woohooo! Makes total sense to me!

17th December 2014, 03:28
I am sorry to say after my long time membership here that it is time for me to leave.

I would ask that people still show the same Ethics and keep my Name Anonymous for the safety of my family.
Not doing so would to be endangering my Wife, 2 young Children and Myself.
I would hope that not even the most angry or misguided people would breach that security measure and risk lives or reputations of people or respected web sites.

I have created an account on the Forum of Divinecosmos.com by the same User Name.

I will miss the many wonderful and enlightened friends that I managed to meet in the sea of those seeking enlightenment. To those I wish love, respect and a wonderful journey in this often windy and bumpy path.

Further releases of my journals and information on the topics covered in the interview and the Threads I authored here will begin to be shared on my new Blog: GoodETxSG Secret Space Program

link http://goodetxsg-secretspaceprogram.blogspot.com/ -

I am also in the beginning process of writing a book about my experiences through my entire lifetime of involvement in these programs that I have been speaking out on and my experiences with the process of coming out and speaking to various Researchers and other People who have been involved in these programs.

For those who I am giving council too I will continue to do so in Unseen.is Email, Chat and Voice over IP w/those w/Unseen.is accounts at EncrytpSec@Unseen.is
Thank you,


[ Mod-edit: GoodETxSG has requested that his account be closed. It has seemed that the damage done, through a complex series of actions and reactions, was not reparable. The Moderator team will be making a fuller statement within 24 hours. We have not received a similar request from SilverPhoenix, but are assuming that this was intended as well. We honestly wish them well. We thank all members for their forbearance. -- Paul. ]

17th December 2014, 23:45
[ Mod-edit: GoodETxSG has requested that his account be closed. It has seemed that the damage done, through a complex series of actions and reactions, was not reparable. The Moderator team will be making a fuller statement within 24 hours. We have not received a similar request from SilverPhoenix, but are assuming that this was intended as well. We honestly wish them well. We thank all members for their forbearance. -- Paul. ]


18th December 2014, 03:38
I've dipped a paw into Star People research, especially as it pertains to people of the British Isles gene pool. It seems my ancestors were quite fond of that particular gene pool. I've also run across some similarities in NA oral history and Celtic oral history. I don't have examples right off the top of my head. Two closed head injuries over the years have given me an up close and personal definition of the term Random Access Memory. I'm popping this in here now, because I won't remember to do it later. If it turns into a dead end, I apologize. But sometimes I just have to post something that only makes sense later on.


19th December 2014, 17:42
Watch how you keep the heat on them. Just please don't demonstrate, it is not safe.

Claude Levi-Strauss was an etnographer who met and studied the hidden Indians in the Brazilian forests. He wrote a book (https://archive.org/stream/tristestropiques000177mbp/tristestropiques000177mbp_djvu.txt) many years later. You'll find a secretiveness with the indigeneous people that is most probably self-preserving in the first place, many of them having already been wiped out by history and its earlier visitors.

30th December 2014, 07:02
I hope this thread stays alive despite GoodETxSG's absence. I'm posting this in his honor.
You can watch a moving, recent video on a gathering of indigenous elders on Vimeo if you scroll down for the link and password.

A Message from Kara Rhodes

"Greetings from my heart to yours,

With the holiday Spirit alive and well, I would like to gift you all with the opportunity to watch our documentary film, BridgeWalkers, in which Tribal Elders from around the world gather to share ancient wisdom, ceremonies and prophecies.

This "give away" takes place from Dec 25th thru Jan 6th. We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and beyond!!

In Oneness, Kara Rhodes, Director/Co-producer, OneRiver Productions. www.oneriverproductions.org *

BridgeWalkers private online screener...

http://vimeo.com/85311825 * The password here is “BW” *

Official Trailer: https://vimeo.com/59527474 *

About BridgeWalkers

As our relationship to Earth travels down a dangerous path, it has become clear that we cannot sustain the stress of our modern ways. On a quest to restore balance, Tribal Leaders from around the world gather in Greenland to witness the awakening of Ancient Indigenous Prophecies. From Greenland thru Canada and the Americas, Spiritual Leaders from the four corners of the Earth share the wisdom, prophecies and ceremonies of their ancestors. In an unprecedented gathering,they remember the wounds of the past and embrace the spirit that has endured. Together they reveal a message that can give hope to the next seven generations. Walk with them and discover ancient knowledge long forgotten. Listen to the wisdom of their ancestors. Feel their connection to Mother Earth. Stand with these extraordinary "BridgeWalkers" around the Sacred Fire as they bridge the mind to the heart, the heart to the land, and the land to the one human family!

4th February 2015, 00:10
You might find my post to be of interest:
.......Zuni elder, Clifford Mahooty, who was scheduled to be a presenter at a recent conference in Sedona.
A friend of mine was planning to attend, and I am hoping to hear from her soon about his presentation.
Clifford Mahooty is familiar to those who follow the Star Knowledge Conferences.


4th February 2015, 02:57
Thank You So Much, Onawah ...Lovingly Powerful !!!

The Bridge IS Now Alive With New Higher Connection Creation ALL Around Mother Earth !
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin !

BridgeWalkers private online screener...

http://vimeo.com/85311825 * The password here is “BW”