View Full Version : Sheldan Nidle and the UFO rescue fleet

31st March 2010, 16:10
I used to read Nidles stuff (http://paoweb.com/updates.htm) on & off, more as entertainment, not taking any of it seriously.

I always wondered why people would fall for that crap, in the face of obvious errors this guy makes with simple astonomical facts any 12 year old with astronomy as a hobby knows better.

Extreme gullibility and the mysterious unwillingness to go and check a few facts with wiki or other sources of some scientific repute , like a good BOOK, e.g. meyer's enceclop. of astronomy.

Of course, given a high enough technical evolution it may be possible to tansport gigatons of water to venus, however, it would take much more than that to make venus rotate faster than today, consider this, a planet the size of earth, - if they can not do that, then the water would evaporate in a few venus days time. - and if you have that kind of tech, you possibly can create solar systems.

then by any means explain to me why you cant gauge the size of a simple MOON. something said 12 year old could with the telescope he got for christmas.

now to the rescue:

does everybody agree we are spirits living in a human body?
then why this obsession to keep this vehicle - I understand that humans with the usual fear-of-death programing would want to keep the body, we ARE by and large a disinformed lot - but WHY by god would a HIGHLY evolved ET race construct large fleets of spaceships to rescue said vehicles? why not just reincarnete anew on the planet this fleet plans to ship us to?

if need be it certainly could be arranged to keep the human memory - and I'd go for a new much better working body anyway. unless we get our DNA back that we had 300.000 years ago.

ok, here I go again ... :cool:

31st March 2010, 16:33
Yea we are only using our bodies to experience this dimension.
I'm not scared to leave this one, it's done me well but is just like a car to get me about :car:

As for the aliens coming to rescue us... Wishful thinking :tongue1:

Humble Janitor
9th April 2010, 07:08
I don't like Nidle either. Something about his eyes didn't seem right (check out his youtube stuff).

9th April 2010, 11:37
I'm glad to know people who also don't buy into all of that stuff. Somebody, somewhere is having such a laugh. We have to remember that there are still a lot of people who think they only have one life. They can't get beyond that state of mind. Fear is being used to purposefully confuse the awakening population. There are those who hate the meditation types and will do anything to bring them down. It's been planned for more than twenty years. There are those who have made up all of the evacuation stuff and all of the Galactic Federation stuff. Someone has a good budget and a great imagination, and their goal is to set people up for disappointment, and to keep them from a true spiritual path. Now, having said that, there is a Galactic Confederation, right? I mean, the real deal, whatever they are called. Just don't believe the ones who say Jesus is on a space ship ready to save you. There are not angels ready to give you a glowing robe and a crown of jewels when you get on the ship. It's a big joke, guys. I've seen the story evolve over time, and it changes somewhat, but it's designed to pull in those who are disenfranchised, scared, lonely, and stupid.

10th April 2010, 14:56
I'm glad to know people who also don't buy into all of that stuff. Somebody, somewhere is having such a laugh. We have to remember that there are still a lot of people who think they only have one life. They can't get beyond that state of mind. Fear is being used to purposefully confuse the awakening population. There are those who hate the meditation types and will do anything to bring them down. It's been planned for more than twenty years. There are those who have made up all of the evacuation stuff and all of the Galactic Federation stuff. Someone has a good budget and a great imagination, and their goal is to set people up for disappointment, and to keep them from a true spiritual path. Now, having said that, there is a Galactic Confederation, right? I mean, the real deal, whatever they are called. Just don't believe the ones who say Jesus is on a space ship ready to save you. There are not angels ready to give you a glowing robe and a crown of jewels when you get on the ship. It's a big joke, guys. I've seen the story evolve over time, and it changes somewhat, but it's designed to pull in those who are disenfranchised, scared, lonely, and stupid.

couldnt agree more

11th April 2010, 00:37
I haven't read Sheldan's stuff much.
Perhaps ET's attempt to save our species are similar to our attempt to save extinct species?
Or maybe the disaster they were on alert for could cause damage to soul material?
And maybe they know something we don't know...

11th April 2010, 15:11
does everybody agree we are spirits living in a human body?
then why this obsession to keep this vehicle - I understand that humans with the usual fear-of-death programing would want to keep the body, we ARE by and large a disinformed lot - but WHY by god would a HIGHLY evolved ET race construct large fleets of spaceships to rescue said vehicles? why not just reincarnete anew on the planet this fleet plans to ship us to?

if need be it certainly could be arranged to keep the human memory - and I'd go for a new much better working body anyway. unless we get our DNA back that we had 300.000 years ago.

ok, here I go again ... :cool:

Agreed. Many people like to think themselves to be spiritually advanced in some way or another, yet they still identify heavily with the body and cannot accept the prospect of physical death.
There is plenty of evidence that there are changes coming in the near future that could devastate human population, yet people create all sorts of other theories that denies the death part, and instead involves some sort of ascension or DNA change that gives them some sort of super-human powers instead of destruction.
Before all this talk of cataclysms and 2012, people were still faced with death, what is so different now? I don't recall being an immortal before this.

11th April 2010, 15:29
"I don't recall being an immortal before this." was written by Sophilios. I think that many of us are in the same spot. It's ascension, it's spiritual, and it's physical at the same time. We don't need to fear our own bodies. I just saw Tango's thread with Dr. Lipton. He has documented the connection as a biophysicist(?). It's a done deal, if people will take long enough to think about it, feel it, and then start living (be-living) it. Ah, it has begun.

11th April 2010, 16:51
I don't recall being an immortal before this.

sometimes a past-life regression does the job. costs about $100 - at least when I was doing it. Its not hard proof but on a subjective level very convincing. Sometimes it can be hard proof, if you are lucky enough to see one that can be verified. Lots of books have been written about that. the sceptics will always find a hair in the soup, it will, however, suffice for you personally I suspect.

11th April 2010, 17:19
Oops, sorry if I wasn't clear on that. I didn't mean to imply that I believe we are just a body that lives once then thats it. I was trying to get at the fact that before all this talk about cataclysms and destruction, we were still going to die eventually anyways. Each body always faces its mortality, though the spirit of course has none and continues on.

11th April 2010, 20:43
I don't believe that this guy has it all right but he does bring up many valid and important points....beware of the nIDLE/qUINSEY/Mark huber gang,,,they are working in fallen astral realms


17th March 2011, 06:31
A Short Summary of 5 Years of Galactic Federation Updates - 16 Mar 2011

I just heard about Sheldan for the first time a few weeks ago. I downloaded his updates, read through most of them, and prepared this report.
I have two main problems with his story:
1) It contains preposterous data.
2) It contains plausible data.
These problems are very common for the data we are getting these days.

But I have seen so many 1-line posts about Sheldan and the Federation that just say something like "I can't believe this" or link to a youtube video. So I thought the least I could do (since I'm unemployed and can make the time to do a bit of reading and writing) would be to summarize what Sheldan is telling us.

As a story it's fascinating. As a reality...

...Let’s lay aside for a moment the question of who or what the Galactic Federation really is, and take a look at what Sheldan Nidle is reporting:

The Creation

The universe we are aware of is part of a universe that was created by “The Creator” at some distant point in the past. We are a part of this creation, but also participants in it.

This universe consists of a number of interlinked “universes” that operate on different, but related, physical laws. The one we are aware of is called “3D” the D referring to either “dimension” or “density” depending on who you talk to.

A being will normally become “trapped” in this density, or perhaps a lower one, and will have to “raise its consciousness” to get out. The next step for us is the 5th dimension.

This sector of this 3D universe, at least, was created as an experiment in bipolarity. In a bipolar universe, no physical action can occur without an energy difference being present. Thus an electric flow is possible only between two unequal charge levels.

This physical bipolarity was extended to beings. One of the principle polarities in this system is good versus evil. Survival, only an illusion for beings who are actually all immortal, was set up as the measure of the goodness of an action. A pro-survival action is defined as “good” and a non-survival action is defined as “bad.”

Any major physical object, especially if it’s warm, normally has at least one being connected to it. This goes for the sun, the earth, even the moon. In fact, these various planet-beings even have names.

Beyond this, each being can choose what might be called an “ideal physicality” for itself. Most of these forms follow common patterns: At the center is an energy source; next are layers of materials in which various activities take place; and on the outside is a protective covering, often spherical in shape.

The Dark and the Light

And so, as various societies of beings played through this game, it became obvious that some could be attracted to the “dark,” or evil, polarity, while others could be attracted to the “light,” or good polarity. This left most beings however, trapped in a seeming endless cycle of being good, then bad, then good, etc.

This uncertainty, combined with the desire of good and evil beings to interact, lead to a culture of constant violence, and a disregard for the planet-beings these games were played on.

In our solar system this got really bad. Wars caused Venus and Mars to become uninhabitable, and another planet was totally blown up. Earth narrowly missed a similar fate. This has continued more or less continuously since humans have lived here.

The Promise

For various reasons that aren’t clear, The Creator decided to put a time limit on the duration of the 3D experiment on earth. That time limit is now, basically, up. Certain promises were made to the participants. The humans were told that they would be returned to 5th density. At this awareness level, the need for bipolarity vanishes, and beings are able to live in peace with each other and concern themselves with higher-level games.

The earth, in turn, was also promised that it could return to a non-polarized version of its ideal form. This only pertains to its outer shell. Its inner parts are still in pretty good shape.

In order to keep these promises, the Creator has to accomplish 2 things:

1) The 3D and lower life forms on earth’s surface have to be moved somewhere where they can raise their consciousness. This has to be done in a non-violent way, so killing them and then taking the disembodied beings somewhere else is out of the question. 3D beings don’t appreciate being handled that way.
2) The earth must be allowed a period during which it can “reset” its outer surface. Only after this is done will the surface again be habitable.
The Galactic Federation was assigned to put these actions into effect.

The Situation

Normally, when the Federation gets such an assignment, it means that the planet involved, and its population, is ready for the change. In the case of earth, though, this was not so.

Earth had been under the undue influence of a dark group – part of a larger group called the Ancharans – which we know as the Anunnaki. They helped put in power a group of people insanely dedicated to the dark. This group had a technology for perpetuating itself, and did so, even during periods when the Anunnaki were absent. These guys were set up as the control group on earth. Their operations contributed to considerable destruction on the planet during the 13,000 years that they have existed here.

So when time came for us to raise our consciousness, they fought back. There have been several attempts to overcome them, and several failures. This most recent one is to be the final attempt.

The Light always had allies on earth. But they were not having much luck until the Ancharans were somehow persuaded to make peace in the mid 1990’s our time. They then persuaded the Anunnaki to pull out and sign an agreement in 1998.
These events caused the “dark cabal” to fortify its “matrix” tactics with a false flag attack in 2001 to make it possible for them to increase their military presence around the world. Now, however, they have a “light cabal” to contend with, who are backed by the Galactic Federation being assisted by various earth Ascended Masters.

Thus, even with the 2001 tragedy and much subsequent chaos and bloodshed, the Light is gaining the upper hand and could possibly pull off their assignment.

The Plan

Their plan has 3 main phases where they are most involved:
1) Remove the dark cabal from power completely.
2) Set up a temporary holding action on the surface.
3) Complete the evacuation operation and subsequent rise of consciousness.

They have sworn up and down that they are completely organized and ready to do steps 2 and 3.

They have not yet been able to accomplish step 1. This is where they need the most help right now. But they are confident they can do it (and have expressed this in every communiqué since 2006.)

Here are the basics for step 2:
• Install interim governments around the world who will cooperate.
• Brief the populace through these new governments what is really going on.
• Implement plans to replace the past criminal institutions with non-criminal ones:

Eliminate the fractional reserve monetary system and install currencies backed by precious metals and gems.
Eliminate the central banking system and replace it with Treasury-run federal banks.
Eliminate income tax and the IRS in the U.S. Replace it with a modified sales tax and a new collection agency. Similar tax reforms everywhere else.
Forgive all indebtedness. Return all banks to sound lending practices. Use various funds that have been amassed covertly to give every citizen adequate spending power.
Replace the current justice system with one based on Common (Natural) Law.
Replace the current educational methods with ones that actually respect the right and responsibility of the individual to think for himself.
Replace current political systems with community-based (non-centralized) systems. Ensure all basic human rights are respected and worked for if endangered.

• Following this is an immense educational project to bring the populace up to speed on what they have not been told about. This includes full disclosure of the ET story.
• Also, new technologies kept secret by the dark cabal will be made publically available for peaceful uses.
• Various ET technologies will also be made available. The ETs will also give us tours of their ships and other parts of the galaxy. We will also be introduced to our inner world cousins, the Agarthans. They have lived inside the planet for almost a million years. They will be our hosts during the time that it takes earth to reset her surface. They may also host some of our flora and fauna. The rest will be handled by the Federation.

Here are the basics for step 3:

• All humans are removed to the inner world to live with the Agarthans.
• Special facilities have been set up for us there. We will spend a lot of our time in special light chambers to handle our bodies so that the rise of consciousness is possible without killing ourselves.
• We will have a lot to learn and become aware of in order to truly graduate to the 5th density.
• When all is ready, we will be free to return to the surface to re-inhabit it.

Special features of the Galactic Federation technologies:

Fluid Group Dynamics

They mention this technology all the time. They describe it as similar to "ho'oponopono," a Hawaiian word for a technology of mutual cooperation and support. They are totally crazy about this system. They rave about it all the time.

Paranormal Abilities Assistance

Apparently they have various technologies that assist one to acquire and use what we normally call paranormal abilities. Telepathic abilities are stressed the most.

Medical problems of ascension

They seem to know a lot about this. They talk about it a lot in the updates. They describe how the activation of a chakra (or energy center) in or around the body can make you feel.

Special Updates

The early updates give you the basic story. After the first 6 months they repeat themselves a lot. These updates are like press releases. There’s a lot of “things are going as planned” type of reassuring verbiage in them. In the second half of 2010, though, they begin to become more focused.
May 25, 2010: Some details are given about how the power groups polarized after World War 2.
June 1, 2010: Emphasis is placed on how earth changes necessitate faster forward progress.
June 29, 2010: They give new details about the earth’s crust.
July 6, 2010: A fairly detailed account of the history of the solar system is given.
Aug 24, 2010: More detail is given about earlier attempts to stop the dark cabal. The Dracos are mentioned for the first time.
Aug 31, 2010: They tell the story of why JFK was assassinated.
Sept 7, 2010: They tell the story of why and how the WTC disaster happened.
Sept 14, 2010: A dissertation on land ownership.
Sept 21, 2010: They present a rationale for an increased level of intervention.
Sept 28, 2010: They summarize their most current planning.
Oct 5, 2010: They present a rationale for why they have been trying to convince the dark cabal to resign voluntarily.
Dec 28, 2010 and more recent updates also stress current planning and scenarios. The 25 Jan, 2011 update admits that many readers probably really aren’t tracking with the whole “shift in consciousness” theme.
The most recent update, just released, is also quite emphatic.

Are these guys for real? Are they giving us the straight dope? If not, they’re sure trying hard to convince us they are. Sheldan has released one of these updates almost every week since the beginning of 2006. That means I had to download more than 250 web pages so I could read them off line. Someone is putting a significant amount of work and dedication into keeping these messages going out.

They are not flattering to the cabal, so is the cabal doing this? Who else would bother?

17th March 2011, 07:09
Thanks a fantastic summary of Nidle. What a tremendous amount of work you did! Thanks.

17th March 2011, 07:10
I should probably say what stable data I work with regarding information from and/or about ETs. These data are not science, though science has been leaning in this direction. These data are reported by researchers consulting human consciousness and human memory.

1) Your core personality is in fact an immortal spiritual being. It has all the basic abilities normally associated with an "ascended master" or similar type of being.
2) Physicality was invented to provide something interesting to do.
3) The average being has been many things in many different places over a period of time greatly exceeding the age of earth.
4) Many beings were apparently originally sent to earth against their will.
5) A being can carry a record of its experience with it from body to body. This we call a "mind".
6) Consulting this mind, most persons can recall periods of being involved in space traveling societies that make heavy use of electronics.
7) Most beings consider that owning a physical body involves moral and ethical compromises.
8) The experience of being attached to a body can result in a steep ethical decline into what most people would consider criminality. This has been a long term societal problem. It can be remedied.
9) In like wise, whole societies or groups can go criminal. Such a "group" exists on earth. As it stays organized only by the threat of death, it is hard to describe it as a true group.
10) This group has in fact been plotting to enslave the populace of earth. This is an irrational, suicidal plan, but these guys can't see that.

I hope it can be understood that if a person believed the above, Sheldan's story could seem plausible.
However, there is a lot of data in the updates about subjects that most researchers have considered irrelevant. I have been able to find very little data from modern sources about these subjects. These include in particular:

Beings attached to planets.
The exact physical nature of earth (hollow earth theories).
The exact human history of earth (at least 2-1/2 million years old).
The exact location and history of Lemuria and Atlantis.

I do have some data on inner-earth beings that live in crystal cities, but this is only from Drunvalo.
Another contemporary source is Sanni Ceto. She is a very interesting source.
As many of you may know, there are a lot of sort of random sources of data about ETs from people who report contact. It is hard to understand why most of these people would be lying. It is easier to understand that they could have been lied to.

25th March 2011, 03:20
Here is a post about why I now think that most of this channeled material cannot be trusted.

I had been a student of Scientology, and off the internet, for many years. I only started seriously looking into “alternative reality” subjects on the internet in 2009. I soon stumbled across the Project Camelot site, and decided to use it as my starting place. It took me a while to study through most of the video interviews in their archives. After that I started listening to some of Kerry’s radio interviews. I still check in on them periodically. That’s how I recently ran across Sheldan Nidle.

Sheldan seemed very convinced that what he was experiencing was real. But here was a story with an odd religious twist to it. I had only been marginally aware of what might be called the “ascension movement.” Scientology was not a part of it, so I knew very little about it. I saw it as sort of odd-ball. A spiritual-scientific amalgam that sounded like it could be pushing for the same things Hubbard was pushing for, yet totally ignored his work.


So I decided I would do what I could to become better informed of Sheldan’s story. I downloaded all of Sheldan’s updates from his website and read through most of them. (That’s about 250 weeks at 2-3 pages each.) I then wrote up a summary of what these ETs seemed to be telling Sheldan and posted it on ATS and on Project Avalon. Not long after that I got a private message from an ATS moderator that my post had been moved to the “hoaxes” category. I was upset about this, and wrote him back about it. He could not give me a really good reason for why the Galactic Federation had been deemed a “hoax.” So I had to look further into the matter myself.

The moderator had mentioned a prediction that never happened, and NESARA. But those issues didn’t matter to me. I knew from my Scientology studies that the religious line has been used in the past as a social control point, and that was what interested me about these messages. But Sheldan’s updates were so full of data about how bad these covert social control mechanisms were that the anti-Nidle arguments still didn’t make sense to me.

First Realization

Then I found another site like Sheldan’s (Lightworkers). Someone had posted some articles to this site warning us about “fake” messages and insinuating that Sheldan’s messages were not from the “good” ETs. That’s when I realized something: All these channels can do, even if they are acting with total integrity, is to take what they are given and pass it on. They are, in the best case, just operating as relay points for someone else. By accepting that job they have essentially chosen to suspend their own responsibility about the effects these messages might produce on others. They had given up their right and responsibility to think for themselves.

Back to Camelot

I was not making any progress in sorting this out. Then I ran across another Kerry Cassidy interview, this time with George Kavassilas. George claimed to have first-hand data about these ETs and their game. But more importantly: He had refused to give up his own right and responsibility to think for himself. And this reminded me of why I like Hubbard so much and had spent over 25 years working for his cause. He had also stood up for self-determinism as a superior approach to life.

George and Kerry talked about what the “perfect” ploy would be to convince a population that you had their best interests at heart (if you really didn’t.) And it was, essentially, this ascension ploy. Obviously, I was less sensitive to this phenomenon than they were, but their discussion made sense to me.

Paradigms and Free Will

Kerry and George were struggling with words that could express the concepts that they were trying to get across. George liked to use the term “paradigm” to stand for what we could think of as “group agreement” or “commonly-held belief system.” Hubbard’s word for a similar concept is “game.” To play a game, you must accept a lie. But this can be done at various different levels of awareness. At the lower levels, one feels “swept up” by the game. One has forgotten that one ever agreed to play. One must therefore come up with rationalizations for continuing to be involved even though it’s no longer any fun. This could be termed “other-determinism.” Above that is a more causative approach to life that nevertheless fails to view the entire picture. At this level, one feels powerful enough to choose one’s own games, yet is not aware of the option of just not playing. This could be termed “self-determinism.” Above that there is the awareness, sometimes seen in children or actors, that one’s games are self-created and that the best way to enjoy a game is to temporarily pretend that it is “real.” The key here is not to forget. This could be termed “pan-determinism.”

Most of us live with different levels of awareness in different sectors of our lives.
A person may be pan-determined about his recreational activities, self-determined about his work activities, and other-determined by the global political and economic games.

The problem with the wider games of life is that most of us don’t even consider the possibility of becoming self-determined or pan-determined on these levels. Hubbard taught that it was possible. Yet we see no great rush to learn his teachings. Most of us just can’t conceive of this.

Higher Truths

Yet in times when one begins to feel threatened by the games others are playing, it would be great to be able to “pop out” of the situation for a while and get some sort of higher-level perspective and understanding of what is going on. However one achieves this, it almost invariably requires considerable strength of will.
Take George, for instance. Early in his life, attempts were made by the “bad” ETs to recruit him as an operative. He refused. They tried to force him. He still refused. This attitude apparently attracted the attention of other ET groups who made their own attempts. For a while he fell in with the Galactic Federation. But his insistence on being at least self-determined in these games finally lead him out of that, and to a third group that was willing to totally grant him the right to make his own choice of games.

In George’s current paradigm, beings have the power to create their own universes and any number of games to play. When they choose to play together in a common universe, it is always with temporary “blinders” only. One always has the option to pull out.

George believes that the various planetary bodies are operated by living beings just as we operate our bodies. Hubbard never taught this. But it is a workable paradigm, and serves as a reminder that the planets we live on deserve our care and respect.

George sees all the other paradigms involving spiritual hierarchies which give certain groups authority over other groups as deceptive. He believes that bad decisions made eons ago by the various space-traveling societies created situations that they still have not resolved. For one thing, their bodies are deteriorating. They see this as a combination of a spiritual and a DNA problem. Their “answer” to this problem, apparently, is the people of earth. They have discovered that our “old” DNA is still very much intact, and that we also have considerable spiritual potentials. Some of them even try to flatter us with these facts. But the truth is that their own life paradigm has limitations. And they are now experiencing those limitations.

Letting go

George believes that our main concern right now is with our planet and the system it is part of. Dying cultures from off planet have very little to contribute to this process.

Hubbard believes that our main concern right now is with the fogged awareness that has resulted from our interactions with those older dying cultures. If we do not find a way to rise above their super-concentration on the body, then we will become like them, just another dying culture. We are very close to that point now, and have been for decades.

The ETs have created an intricate and deceptive story. And among them, apparently, there are even some that are aware of this and hope that we will become aware of it.

But the only way you can get a certainty on what George Kavassilas or Ron Hubbard have discovered is to be willing to do without something that you probably have come to equate with life itself; your body. I don’t know of anyone who has any certainly on higher truths that has not experienced exteriorization in some form. Many people who have become the leaders in the “alternative realities” movement exteriorized by accident, often quite literally. For me it happened while riding a bicycle. And that wasn’t even a very strong incident. For Hubbard it happened during a dental operation. George has had several such experiences. And the list goes on.

For a “normal” audience, this message would be inappropriate. Most people have no concept of being able to go exterior, and in Scientology exteriorization happens naturally as a part of the auditing process. In most other practices you have to “will” it to happen, or else rely on chance events. I don’t recommend to anyone that they go out and “try” to go exterior. The point is this: The realization that one is separable from the body is a key step to greater awareness of truth. Normally, this separation only happens at death. So people experience it as a huge loss and an unwanted event. But when one accomplishes this without dying, one’s view of life can begin to shift. And one may find oneself, embarrassingly, laughing when someone talks about how important bodies are. They are to be respected as personal property. But they are not life. Our ultimate success depends on that realization.

Rising above the deception

Going exterior is an example of an experience which may be personally very valuable, but will have little effect when related to others. “Higher” knowledge works this way. It often reduces to a question of personal certainty. If you wish, for instance, to give someone their own certainly abut exteriorization, then the best way to do it would be to exteriorize them. Actually, this is something you can learn to do. But the point is that a being has to find out for himself. One can advance one’s certainty by study alone. In this case, the materials are simply giving you a way to understand or talk about something that you had really already experienced as true or real. When I refer people to written resources, I am hoping that this effect will occur. But beyond that there is only living. In this regard, I can only suggest that you try understanding life without using the belief systems that others have “taught” you. If you had no pre-existing explanation for a phenomenon, how would you explain it? Why is the sky blue? Is it because of various optical phenomena? Or is it because it looks pretty?

I recommend this as an exercise.

I hope that the importance of this is not lost in the words. Most would agree that the challenges we are facing are quite real. It’s not that important at what level you understand this. If you study it with the idea of increasing your own certainty, I am quite sure your appreciation for the scope of the situation will improve. Increasing your knowledge could save your own life. But it could also save millions of others. And I’m not just talking about bodies. So I hope that if you have read this far, you are up for the challenge. It’s not over yet.

25th March 2011, 04:22
An excellent post. You have obviously thought a lot about this and tried to reconcile what you have learned to understand about the world as you know it with what is posted here at Project Avalon.

There's enough strange stuff happening around us without requiring the channelled interpretations posted by many people here. One thing is sure - hardly any of them are singing from the same hymn book. Thanks to Bill Ryan, Project Avalon is allowed to be a refuge where those with structured delusions are allowed, even encouraged, to give vent to them.

Reminds me of the old saying about the difference between a neurotic and a psychotic: a neurotic builds castles in the air; a psychotic lives in them - and the psychiatrist collects the rent.

(In fact, I'm not even too sure about Xenu and his buddies, either. It's always bothered me that the Xenu story (http://www.solitarytrees.net/pickets/elrond/21coset.htm) didn't make its appearance until 1967, long after Scientology's initial success. Scientology could get along very well without it, in fact many practitioners prefer to avoid it altogether. Could it have been concocted by someone other than LRH in an effort to discredit Scientology? I've created a separate thread on a possible LRH doppelganger here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?16807-Was-there-more-than-one-Ron-Hubbard&highlight=hubbard+doppelganger); please post responses to this question there.)

Yep, good ole L. Ron understood games, and the conditions necessary to establish one, very well.

A game consists of freedoms, barriers and purposes, and there is a necessity in a game to have an opponent or an enemy. Also there is a necessity to have problems, and enough individuality to cope with a situation. To live life fully, then, one must have in addition to "something to do," a higher purpose, and this purpose, to be a purpose at all, must have counter-purposes or purposes which prevent it from occurring.

Life is a game. A game in which everyone can win and no one need lose.

I have to admit that Sheldan Nidle and George Kavassilas get right up my nose with their self-assured version of the universe. What I sense from your post is that you are asking us to decide for ourselves how much of this third-party "wisdom" we really NEED, in order to survive successfully as human beings.

It reminds me of one of those 400-year old maps of the world in which, the further our eye ventures from the comfortable, well-charted shores of the known world, the more mythical become the depicted creatures who inhabit the globe, the appearance of each one varying according to the fertile imagination of the particular cartographer who drew the map.

Here be dragons, indeed.

5th May 2013, 01:00
@ l_e_cox
thank you for your elaborate and quite brilliant data gathering and analysis. I took my rather flimsy critcism of the SN stuff to quite another level.

Now, with all you knowledge and adding your intuition: to what probability (% correctness) does it boil down IYO? Is it disinfo by means of the ascension theory?