View Full Version : Supreme Wrecking Crew Fells Another Pillar: The Right To Remain Silent

25th June 2013, 22:36

by Zen Gardner - Tuesday, June 25th, 2013.

This one slipped by in the midst of all the recent smokescreen chaos in the news. Like many of these critical losses of liberty being cinched tighter and tighter on the American belt, they come either buried in other legislation, are signed in clandestine emergency sessions or are just rammed through while another staged false flag shooting, bombing or some such emergency sweeps the public into another frenzy of fear and emotional outpouring.

Believe me, people are confused. The media cannot possibly cover every base and besides, things just don’t add up. Yes, the average American has been so dumbed down, distracted and stupefied that a lot can be gotten away with, but it accumulates. And people are starting to realize they’ve been taken in one or more ways which invariably leads to seeing how it has happened or is happening to them in other ways.

Couple that with a serious economic downturn and real shortages and you’ll see why the government is arming itself for an insurrection. It’s inevitable, and they are the ones deliberately bringing it on, same as the austerity and bail out squeezes in Europe.

All by design.

Meanwhile, the last legs to stand on based on our shredded Constitution are being hacked out from under us on a regular basis. This one should send shivers down your spine. With the draconian NDAA and other fascist measures firmly in place we’re virtually at the point that one is guilty until proven innocent, not a good prospect for a citizen of anywhere.

Here’s the news:

The Supreme Court handed down a decision on June 17 that has been ignored by most media outlets, despite its devastating effect on one of the most fundamental rights protected by the Constitution.

In a 5-4 ruling, the justices ruled that a person no longer has the right to remain silent as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment. In relevant part, the Fifth Amendment mandates that no one “shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.”

Thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision in Salinas v. Texas, that part of the Bill of Rights has been excised — and has joined the list of so many other fundamental liberties that now lie on the scrap heap of history. More

Pretty sucky. And they keep rolling along unchecked. Is the push back about to surface?

Here’s an interesting conclusion:

The Declaration of Independence refers to this potential loss of un-alienable rights when it states:

…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…

The time has come for Declaration 2.0. (Full article here (http://www.activistpost.com/2013/06/how-declaration-of-independence-got.html))

Something to think about. It certainly isn’t the time for sitting still, I’ll tell you that.

Love, Zen

Source: http://www.zengardner.com/supreme-wrecking-crew-fells-another-pillar-the-right-to-remain-silent/

25th June 2013, 23:34
You posted a thread a while ago re: depopulation I think this all adds up to "killing a nation and scattering all its people" as was describe by me in the link.


Bad times is looming in America my goodwill will be with you all the way. On the bright side america has its time, greener pasture, enjoying cheap goods from poor countries, products of exploited people. nature is more or less self balancing. or as we put it. Wheel of life.

26th June 2013, 02:30
so all the blood shed, the sacrifices of history, to break free from England and live without a King and tyranny is down the lue ... I wonder if George Washington could see into the future , would he call a cease fire ???

26th June 2013, 03:38
so all the blood shed, the sacrifices of history, to break free from England and live without a King and tyranny is down the lue ... I wonder if George Washington could see into the future , would he call a cease fire ???

Not that bad really time has change people can act quickly with the advent of tech. It is really up to the American people whom I have much confidence (the true patriots).

As an aside I feel that America is being handed down to the Chinese as a bargain for something. Just an intuition. better look into it follow the trail. This is the only way I can help as of now to inform you.

26th June 2013, 22:38
This case is freightening as Salinas did invoke his right to silence and this was used against him. Its like a drunk-driving breath test - if you refuse, you're considered guilty.

27th June 2013, 01:32
From what I read, Salinas just went silent and did NOT invoke his right to testify against himself. The new ruling DOES allow for people to remain silent but they must now SAY they're claiming their fifth amendment rights out loud. That is the difference.