View Full Version : What can we do to reduce the risk of riot from the Zimmerman-Martin case?

14th July 2013, 08:30
On the George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?61143-George-Zimmerman-Found-Not-Guilty) thread, we learned that George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin.

On the Zimmerman Murder Case Acquittal- May lead to "Martial Law" (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?60679-Zimmerman-Murder-Case-Acquittal-May-lead-to-Martial-Law) thread, we learned that there is a grave risk of this acquittal being used to spark mass riots and violence, thus justifying martial law in the US.

This thread is to address the larger question:

What can we do to reduce the risk of riot and martial law from this case?

We face some serious obstacles. Racial tensions run deep in the US. The main stream media now serves the elite, not the truth. The elite have a seemingly overwhelming dominance in population surveillance and control mechanisms, no doubt including technology unknown to most people.

What can we do now?

On the other thread (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?61143-George-Zimmerman-Found-Not-Guilty), some of us, myself included, tried debating the details of the case, attempting to justify or defuse mass action based on just who was guilty of what. That tends however to lead quickly to more argument, not more trust and common support.

Some have pointed out the depth of the racial tensions and told personal stories of how it effects them. Like the Hatfield–McCoy feud (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatfield%E2%80%93McCoy_feud), this can aggrevate the division between the races, not heal it. One does not heal by denying the disease, nor by groveling in it, but by recognizing and overcoming it, supporting a higher health.

Our common foe is the would be tyrant, who would extend his control by provoking conflict, and justify tyranny by provoking violent anarchy. We are not each other's enemy, rather our own limited consciousness, which fosters the baser emotions and divisions between us, is our handicap.

Rahkyt replied to the question of "What can we do?" here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?61143-George-Zimmerman-Found-Not-Guilty&p=701867&viewfull=1#post701867) on the other thread:

Probably very little, other than continuing to foment the spread of truth, now more than ever, flooding social networks with nudges toward achieving higher consciousness and rising above the capacity to be controlled by the mainstream media and implanted cultural programming. Perhaps we have reached the crest of the wave and it will take very little to cascade into some new form of collective expression, and an event like this can be the catalyst for real change to occur.

It is the concentration upon the divisions that seem insurmountable that is the key feature of the programming that has to be dissolved in consciousness and it is the most difficult to address directly without arousing the defenses put in place by the individual psyche that support belief. Cognitive dissonance resulting in a rewiring of the brain is necessary. Unfortunately, that can take a while unless it is accomplished traumatically. I cannot currently envision a situation that would create the mental shock necessary to rudely awaken people from this dream of separation.

Those who are pre-disposed to such through a lifetime of controlled mental activity and limited intellectual stimulus will continue to fall prey to the Tavistock programming they have been subjected to since childhood.
Go here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?61143-George-Zimmerman-Found-Not-Guilty&p=701867&viewfull=1#post701867) for more of his fine response.

I would like to think that this forum provides a uniquely valuable means to allow people of good intention, and shared purpose, to attain a better understanding, the first step toward successful action.

What can we do now?

14th July 2013, 09:05
Probably very little, other than continuing to foment the spread of truth, now more than ever, flooding social networks with nudges toward achieving higher consciousness and rising above the capacity to be controlled by the mainstream media and implanted cultural programming. Perhaps we have reached the crest of the wave and it will take very little to cascade into some new form of collective expression, and an event like this can be the catalyst for real change to occur.Agree with that. It is just another red flag that is playing with people`s emotions and sense of justice (lack of it), we need to do a Japanese mentality approach on this: In Japan when the workers go into strike is a silent and very effective way, here is an example, let`s say people who work on Toyota are not satisfy with their wages, so in another country, they would go to strike (means not work at all) , here they do something much better that affect the system. Let`s say they suppose to come out with 100 cars per day, during the strike in a silent and smart way they work very hard and end up with 150 cars in the end of the day, so now Toyota has a 50 cars surplus, next day they work again very hard and do 180 cars , now the logistic system has a massive problem because they do not know what to do with 130 cars extras (50 + 80) so they have to talk (and fast) with the employees, so our approach to this problem is the same, go outside and break the whole town is exactly what the black gov wants you to do, so you have to play the opposite by send good positive vibes on their way and engage people to try to do the same.

14th July 2013, 09:23
I do it with electronics ... just pick up all the charge in the area ... and send it to outer space ... and hope it will hit some reptilian fleets


14th July 2013, 09:35
The global populace has to wake up to the very real understanding of how they are being treated as slaves. They are being manipulated by clever word song. They are being divided by exclusion from participation. This incident debacle is nothing more than a blip but which will incense both sides once the Main Stream Media snorts its opinions from experts of contempt and derision.

Even the negro President of the United States of Israel, whoops - oh dear was that a typo, America; is himself a slave to the Zionists whom have charged the vice president, a confirmed Zionist, with managing the affairs of the President. Of course this is my personal opinion but it portrays the level of influence the Elite and their Corporations have in maintaining control and order world wide.

What can we do? Unlike the eloquent dissertation of Rahkts extolling the difficulty portraying the task as insurmountable my opinion differs in that people need to be engaged away from media and subversive discriminating influences. Deny everybody: television, alcohol, supermarkets, which might seem impossible but it is achievable as then people will conspire to work together locally and therefore build community bridges of engagement. But so long as retards sit in front of televisions, gorging alcohol and troughing garbage labelled as "food" then it will not happen, conflict is assured.

The reference to the cultural divisions being resolved by attaining "higher consciousness" is foolish. This requires acceptance to slavery into perpetuity to a class system of elitism. A system of State control, lives determined from birth to grave, regulated existence and with little or no ability to object or challenge the enforced paradigm of slavery.

America has its problem with race. Its self inflicted, propagated by greed and infused by division. The Government is now big daddy and people have become dependent and reach out continuously for "protection" which cycles the creation of new laws and regulatory constraints to the point that Americans are legally slaughtering Americans "for the greater good". This incident in my opinion will not start a race war but it will be portrayed as such by the MSM to encourage more beer swilling, racial bigots to take the law into their own hands. The majority will of course seek peaceful solutions but they will be shunned until the Police State is activated and then the genocide can move forward in an orderly fashion.

People have to stand their ground peacefully and work together locally which should be a global mantra not restricted to America.

Example: Mental retardation by Television
Source: Paul Revere - Alex Jones - Infowars

14th July 2013, 09:49
Here is what Mike Adams recommends, with a more short term focus, in his post Zimmerman verdict: NOT GUILTY - stay off the streets, everyone, and prepare for riots (http://www.naturalnews.com/041186_George_Zimmerman_not_guilty_trial_verdict.html):

The verdict is in on the Zimmerman trial: NOT GUILTY. The jury found that Zimmerman acted within his right of self defense when he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. He is being fully acquitted.

This bulletin isn't about the trial itself, nor the merits of the verdict. This is about urging all Natural News readers to stay off the streets tonight and for the next few nights, because there are huge numbers of people who say they're going to RIOT if the verdict comes back "not guilty," and now that moment has arrived.

If you are a white person (or even an Hispanic, which the media now calls "white" for some reason), you may now be racially targeted by radical gangs or mobs who did not agree with the outcome of the trial and who seek to take it out on other innocent people. I have never seen the kind of racially-charged, violent vitriol now being witnessed surrounding this trial. As a shocking example of this, watch this video of some Black Panther members who call Zimmerman a "no good Jew" and claim to have an army of 10,000 black men ready to seek justice.


Also see people threatening to engage in "mass homicide" (mass killings) if the verdict came back not guilty:

I urge all Natural News readers, regardless of your race, your beliefs, or the color of your skin, to STAY HOME after the verdict. Don't become a victim, and don't take part in any riots or violence. I also encourage you, as I'm a staunch defender of the right to self defense, to pack a loaded gun in your home and have it ready that night, assuming you don't have children running around your home and also assuming that possessing a gun in your home is legal (which it is in most states). This is just in case the riots get out of hand and angry mobs start pulling people out of their homes. It's unlikely, but if they do, you can forget about calling 911. They almost certainly won't be able to respond.

Remember: This is for you to protect your family, your person, your home and your property. I specifically do NOT want you to take a gun out of your home and run around the streets looking for trouble. Stay home, stay armed, be smart and chill out. Exercise your right to self defense with a sense of responsibility and maturity. At the same time, do not be afraid to assert your right to protect your life, your family and your property against aggressors who intend to cause harm.

This Zimmerman trial has been, from the very beginning, about racial division. The media has been trying to use it so spread hate and distrust among blacks, whites and Hispanics, and to a large degree they've succeeded. If you participate in any of that hatred or violence, you play right into their hands and only worsen a situation that's already disastrously bad.

This is a time to call for non-violence and peace among all people. More violence will only breed more hatred, more homicides and more court cases. Where does the cycle of violence end if not with us?

14th July 2013, 10:15
Personally if i was in an area where the riots may happen and i wanted to reduce the risk of them breaking out or becomng involved i would have made sure i had a supply of food water already so i did not have to go out on the streets, then i would keep the front and back doors locked and the car off the street. I would stay inside and stay informed of what and where things are happening and avoid those areas i would be using the internet as a tool to try and counter act any unrest in my area by providing positve words instead of hate words. Also i would be praying to who ever you believe in to keep you your family and everyone else safe and most importantly keep a cool head and be at piece with you fellow man

14th July 2013, 10:21
From US hit with civil disorder following Zimmerman 'not guilty' verdict -- rt.com (http://rt.com/usa/zimmerman-acquittal-nationwide-protests-071/):

Nationwide protests ignited in US following the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, 17, out of apparent self-defense. Demonstrators have been burning flags, smashing windows and police cars.

People are expressing themselves on the streets from Los Angeles to New York following the ‘not guilty’ decision handed down in the court case, which has gripped the nation for the past three weeks.

Large crowds of several hundred people assembled on the streets in reaction to the Zimmerman verdict have been reported across the United States, including in San Francisco, Washington, DC, New York and Chicago.

Los Angeles police even issued a citywide tactical alert after about 200 protesters gathered in Leimert Park, LA Times cited police authorities as saying.

Meanwhile, protesters in Oakland, CA had smashed windows and there have also been reports of small fires burning around the city, as well as police vehicle damaged.
Doesn't sound too bad yet ... a little physical property damage in Oakland.

14th July 2013, 11:10
If we can ever enter a real dialog , things might change...If they learn to view the world through the other persons shoes, not just their personal perspective ...I cringe at some who think the color of a persons skin makes them less than ...I admit , me and my family were at the market getting a few items for the grandbaby , when the verdict came in, I was nervious , felt like we were targets... you never can be too careful these days ...

14th July 2013, 11:29
That Rivera guy was on for a few hours this morning doing interviews and commentary. Many people who disagree with the verdict are supporting the jury and the actual court process that did what it is designed to do. Some of them went further and asserted that it was wrong to make it political and/or racial.

More than once someone commented to the effect, "Their idea to turn this into a race riot didn't work." :music:
This was on teeeveee, maybe 2-3 am

So, whatever ya'all are doing I think it's working. :thumb:

Fred Steeves
14th July 2013, 11:43
I've felt all along that not a lot was going to come of this, regardless of the hyped propaganda, and race baiting by types like the "The New Black Panthers". It's just not in the air. What we can "do" I suppose, is nothing more than we should all be doing anyway, whether black, white, brown, red or green. Make a point of being as kind and respectful as possible to everyone we encounter in our daily lives. It may sound cliche, and like nothing much, but the more people who practice that, it becomes a very big something.

14th July 2013, 12:41
When the media tries to divide people, which is a great deal of the time, for example;
men vs women, black vs white, rich vs poor, democrat vs republican, pro life vs pro choice and pro gun vs anti gun, understand that you are being manipulated. Understand that the media has an agenda. If you invest yourself emotionally in any of these stories you have taken the bait, hook line and sinker. If you find yourself only watching MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS etc or conversely only FOX or only reading liberal or conservative stories on the case then you have invested yourself emotionally. When the media discusses a legal case and you have chosen sides prior to a verdict then you have invested yourself emotionally.

Red Flags
When the President or any other so called "important" politicians interjects themselves into a case before all the facts are even known that should give you pause to wonder why.

When a reasonably small case (sad to say) takes the national stage for such a long period of time you have to ask yourself why.

When you see other more important or more devastating news come and go in one day but a smaller case remains front and center with the media you have to ask...why

The solution
Watch both sides of any story, many times the media is guilty of lying simply by omission of the facts. You will never get all the facts unless you make the effort. If you don't look behind the curtain you think the wizard is bigger than life. If you don't look behind the curtain you think the wizard is incapable of being wrong. If you don't look behind the curtain you will allow the media wizards to control you emotions and your life.

Being awake is being aware and you can't be aware if you don't make and effort to get all the details. Being awake is like being pregnant, either you are or you aren't.

14th July 2013, 14:26
Well do other African Americans believe in the gift given to us by Professor Walter Williams?


Until this is accepted, we can not have any change or any improvement. I had an uncle who was horribly discriminated against when he first came to the US in the early 20th century. He could never get passed it and blamed everything that every happened to him because people hated Italians. None of it was true, well maybe an incident here or there, but he caused his own problems by assuming he was being discriminated against.

14th July 2013, 14:48
It's a beautiful day where I live. Think I'll go for a bicycle ride.

14th July 2013, 15:00
I just bi-located into Oakland :) to see what's goin on, and listen to this...

Hey man, you hear about what's goin on downtown dude? They're riotin over that whole Travon thingy man. You wanna go down there and see what's goin on?

Ah, no man, I don't wanna go down there. They ain't suckin me into no damn riot. I don't need a new TV anyways dude. Wanna go drink some beer and drift the freeway?

Yea dude, that sounds like more fun...


So, if the PTB wants to pull off civil disobedience, they're gonna have to send their own guys down there.

Bill Ryan
14th July 2013, 15:53
I do it with electronics ... just pick up all the charge in the area ... and send it to outer space ... and hope it will hit some reptilian fleets


Thanks, Jim! This is where we need your abilities.

( <--- absolutely not just a joke. )

14th July 2013, 16:19
I've been concerned about the recent debate over the Farm Bill and SNAP benefits (now used by 1 in 7 Americans) which conservative Republicans would like to scale back. But according to the article at:
it's likely SNAP benefits are going to continue as is at least until September.
And conservative Republicans will probably have a fight on their hands.
So that issue can at least be temporarily subtracted from the issues that are currently making many Americans so angry.

Article published Jul 13, 2013

Farm bill doesn’t end food stamps
Democrats’ charges don’t support claims
Associated Press


WASHINGTON – One after another, angry Democrats took to the House floor to say Republicans would increase hunger in America by stripping food stamps from the farm bill.

In reality, though, the bill passed by the House on Thursday didn’t deal with food stamps at all. And the lack of congressional action on food stamps could keep the $80 billion-a-year program untouched by the cuts that each party had proposed.

That didn’t stop several Democrats from saying that the legislation “takes food nutrition from working families.” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told Republicans just before the bill passed on a narrow 216-208 vote: “You are taking food out of the mouths of your own poor constituents.”

Money for food stamps, now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, has for decades been linked to farm programs in what is known as the farm bill. That union has brought urban Democratic support for the rural farm programs, which are renewed about every five years.

But the longtime pairing ended abruptly amid battles over cuts in the food stamp program, which derailed the farm bill last month.

Republicans have said there is rampant fraud in the program and benefits are going to some people who aren’t eligible. In the 2012 presidential campaign, then-candidate Newt Gingrich once said that people could use food stamps for anything, including trips to Hawaii. In fact, food stamps can only be used for food purchases at retail outlets. And Agriculture Department officials have cracked down on fraud in recent years.

Still, the program has doubled in cost since 2008, to almost $80 billion a year. Although some benefits have gone up, the main growth comes from a big jump in the number of participants, a result of the economic recession. All told, more than 47 million people using SNAP last year, or one in seven Americans.

Republicans said a separate food stamp bill would come at a later date. Until that happens, food stamps will continue as they are. They are paid for by annual spending bills and the Democratic Senate and President Barack Obama have strongly objected to making major cuts.

Still, the concerns that Democrats expressed Thursday could come to fruition.

House Republicans have made many different proposals that would radically overhaul food stamps – cracking down on eligibility, increasing work requirements or adding an expiration date to the program. And after quickly moving the farm-only bill to the floor and rallying most of his caucus to vote for it, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said Republicans would “act with dispatch” to get a separate food stamp bill to the floor.

But it won’t be easy. Republicans themselves are divided on the issue. There is no consensus about how much the program should be cut or changed, and more moderate Republicans would likely balk at the bigger changes sought by conservatives.

Adding to the difficulty is how those issues would be resolved in conference negotiations with the Senate, which passed its own version of a farm bill in June. That bill includes food stamps and would only cut them by a half percent. Senate Democrats have said repeatedly that they will reject major changes or higher cuts to the program.

All of that disagreement strongly strengthens the possibility that current food and farm law will simply be extended when it expires in September – keeping food stamps at the same levels they are now.

The greater concern for food stamp advocates is the long-term damage that splitting the farm bill in two, and making food stamps a partisan issue, could have. If SNAP is not protected in the farm bill, or if future farm bills don’t pass, Republicans could eventually find other ways to cut SNAP – including in the annual appropriations bills that actually fund the food stamps.

“There’s a long history of bipartisanship on this,” Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass., said on the floor, referring to food stamps in the farm bill. “All of a sudden this has become a partisan issue, and the target, so that you can try to balance the budget, has been placed right on the programs like SNAP.”

14th July 2013, 16:41
I do it with electronics ... just pick up all the charge in the area ... and send it to outer space ... and hope it will hit some reptilian fleets


Thanks, Jim! This is where we need your abilities.

( <--- absolutely not just a joke. )

well I took a chunk of it in the southeast and south mideast of US and tossed it ... don't know how well I did it ... maybe the news will show it ... but then maybe I have to handle all of US
since there is hispanics everywhere in the west ... ok ... thanks bill ... for the validation ...

I have handled whole areas with tossing the charge out of it ... wonder what I can do with the mid east with all those religious prejudice ,..

thanks again ... I forgot about this since Thailand in 1979 ... but it worked ... so ... well ... the game only gets bigger ... that was my first introduction to the power of a spirit when we changed the vietnamese mind and stopped their invasion into thailand .. from then it only gets bigger ... and bigger .. until you find your own organization infiltrated and lost ... leaves you with ... a ... "where in the hell do I take it from here ... ??? " type think .. got no one but me and what's left of us scattered in pieces all over the world .. hahhahaha ..

well ... i guess this will make it more interesting ... I know a lot of people on this site is helping .. just reading the stuff ... inside the being knows what to do whether the body believes it or not ... so thanks to all those who contribute whether you are aware of it or not ...


14th July 2013, 16:59
I do it with electronics ... just pick up all the charge in the area ... and send it to outer space ... and hope it will hit some reptilian fleets


Thanks, Jim! This is where we need your abilities.

( <--- absolutely not just a joke. )

well I took a chunk of it in the southeast and south mideast of US and tossed it ... don't know how well I did it ... maybe the news will show it ... but then maybe I have to handle all of US
since there is hispanics everywhere in the west ... ok ... thanks bill ... for the validation ...

I have handled whole areas with tossing the charge out of it ... wonder what I can do with the mid east with all those religious prejudice ,..

thanks again ... I forgot about this since Thailand in 1979 ... but it worked ... so ... well ... the game only gets bigger ... that was my first introduction to the power of a spirit when we changed the vietnamese mind and stopped their invasion into thailand .. from then it only gets bigger ... and bigger .. until you find your own organization infiltrated and lost ... leaves you with ... a ... "where in the hell do I take it from here ... ??? " type think .. got no one but me and what's left of us scattered in pieces all over the world .. hahhahaha ..

well ... i guess this will make it more interesting ... I know a lot of people on this site is helping .. just reading the stuff ... inside the being knows what to do whether the body believes it or not ... so thanks to all those who contribute whether you are aware of it or not ...


i mean the mid east arabian countries


14th July 2013, 17:22
The reason I started the Zimmerman murder case Acquittal may

lead to Martial Law thread was, That I strongly felt that it was

going to happen and I wanted to get my thoughts out there

hopefully to prevent this event from coming to full fruition.

I feel so bad for the Martin family

May God bless them and give them the strength to endure,

14th July 2013, 18:47
From what I've seen, this acquittal will not lead to "martial law" (because Martial Law will never be announced, it will just continue to slowly materialise anyway). The response seems to be small and easily containable, so it looks like most people are just sitting and watching TV as normal.

14th July 2013, 21:15
People "flooding the streets" over an issue is rarely (if ever) a spontaneous moment.

On average the human will not act unless he or she will be given an example or an idol to follow. This means the gathering (be it a group of 5 or 5000) has to be organized. Organization can be anything from an online discussion with your friends to various clubs, community meetings, ngo groups, associations...

Bring together several groups of 5000 and the rest will follow. This is done by utilizing "national sentiment" , which depends on the country you wish to "stimulate".

This goes both ways. The problem here is that the instigators usually have much more resources at their disposal. This also means that when/if they will want to cause trouble they will cause trouble.

National sentiment in the USA would be the American ultra nationalism. There are other options but the nationalism is the strongest. To spark it an external threat (most efficient method) is needed. So a "racial tension" is (in my opinion) not their joker card but could at best only be a test drive. American history with racism and racism "prevention" (or awareness) is long enough to (again in my opinion) not spark internal struggle (white vs non-white) or a rebellion against the government.

To bring things in motion (that can not be undone) something would have to pose a tangible threat to the "American dream", that is...to the average image about -how life is- people living in the USA have or grew up with. No amount of economy or conspiracy facts talk will do that.

What can we do?

If asked for help you can help, if u wish to do so.
If not asked...your help is likely to be refused or will fall on deaf ears.

The last thing anyone should do is worry (whatever the outcome)

14th July 2013, 21:51
Uhmmmm..... I don't feel like rioting today.

15th July 2013, 02:06
So, if the PTB wants to pull off civil disobedience, they're gonna have to send their own guys down there.

Don't they always?

Since I've become so much aware of the structure of fear, control and manipulation, I've found myself wondering quite often what the real "human nature" might be like without all the dirty tricks accumulated over many generations?

I imagine it would be wonderfully rich with accumulated positive culture and not even a population expansion pressure. All that, even without any fancy new era changes or 'ascension' or anything like that.

My brother's picture of human nature is still very much one dimensionally rooted in the "state" it's currently in. It saddens me to love my brother who thinks it's the way it all is, is because it's the way it is.

I've tried, several times, to suggest to him that "human nature" is human nature, and the STATE of human nature is the current state for a reason that's criminally founded.

But NO!, he's completely convinced that the way it is, is the the way human nature is, always has been and always will be.

On bad days, I let myself think he's wiser than me. On good days, I don't care about wise at all.

15th July 2013, 02:21
Focus on what really matters and what the MSM don't want to cover?


The Truth Is In There
15th July 2013, 09:38
the whole point of the united states is to create an environment of racial hatred and division of different peoples. divide and conquer has never been easier anywhere than in the US due to the crazy mix of all kinds of races. those who want to control know this and that's why "globalism" is their goal - to expand this sorry situation worldwide.

it is almost impossible to conquer a nation and put it under foreign/enemy control if it is of the same race and works together towards the same goal - not each individual only for his/her own benefit but all for the best of the people.

a nation with lots of different races is a classic service-to-self nation - everyone tries to get the best, the most...whatever...because of the overwhelming differences between people.

a nation with just one race shares many traits and so the people see themselves in each other and work not only for themselves but for the betterment of all. this is the ideal service-to-others or service-to-all nation.

as long as the differences between people are more pronounced than the similarities there will always be conflict. the USA is the prime example for this, with the highest crime rates of all "civilized" nations, and if the globalism and jwo agenda is not stopped the whole world will become like that.

what can be done to reduce the risk of race riots?

give the different races different territories which they have to govern themselves. separation, autonomy and self-administration of the various races in different states of the USA.

15th July 2013, 09:56
It's been weird watching the headlines at Yahoo ... 8 hours ago they were pushing the potential for riots, lots of scary stories ... now it's back to the usual about new shoes and responsible people paying off their debts ...

From the most vocal of posters in youtube 'n yahoo comments and a few forums, I get the impression that the concept of one race called 'human' is pretty much dead. Been weird to watch all of our forward momentum slammed against a wall like this since the great man of change came online in full force.

15th July 2013, 16:02
That Rivera guy was on for a few hours this morning doing interviews and commentary. Many people who disagree with the verdict are supporting the jury and the actual court process that did what it is designed to do. Some of them went further and asserted that it was wrong to make it political and/or racial.

More than once someone commented to the effect, "Their idea to turn this into a race riot didn't work." :music:
This was on teeeveee, maybe 2-3 am

So, whatever ya'all are doing I think it's working. :thumb:

In one news story I read, which may be biased:

The publicly admitted (admitted in polls) number of people who believe in conspiracy theories being the reality, is now at 66%, or two thirds of the public, in the west.

Now it is the believers that 'Al-queda' took down the towers via box cutters and flying jets, it is now those believers and projectors that are being shouted down, in forums and in the streets.

this note, this observation...is coming in on the edge of this Snowden NSA and other revelations issue, a series of revelations - which is not even close to cascading it's way though public consciousness and perception.

If the public admittance is at the 66% or two-thirds range, I can assure you that the real number, is higher. The non-believers in conspiracy theories is probably now in the 20% range.

The Fit is going to Hit the Shan on this fairly soon.

And if this result of a non-riot is as real as it seems to be, Then any attempt to run the masses before the lions - in a state of fear, any attempt in this area will probably fail, and begin the process of taking down the entire extant power structure.

The numbers indicate that a false flag move is not in the area of high odds of success. Not anymore.

15th July 2013, 20:29
I do it with electronics ... just pick up all the charge in the area ... and send it to outer space ... and hope it will hit some reptilian fleets


Thanks, Jim! This is where we need your abilities.

( <--- absolutely not just a joke. )

Not sure I understand this exchange at all, but I think I might, so this is what I did:

I visualized the people of the U.S.A., where this conflict is taking place, and saw all this polarizing energy, dividing people in to left and right, into people who blame one side and lionize the other, who are angry at their neighbor for not agreeing with them, who are angry at the injustice in our "justice" system and aren't really sure where to place this anger, who are just plane angry, upset, hurt, or depressed, because of this story told to them by the media.

Beneath the people of the U.S.A. I then visualized this dark mechanism, perhaps a cabal of individuals, trying to manipulate information, manipulate the media, manipulate people's feelings.

Then I visualized the field of conflict again (in my mind it was a purple energy) and I imagine it lifting from the people, leaving them to enjoy there lives and pursue happiness. As the cloud lifted, it condensed into one little ball, and then quickly and violently hurled itself into the mechanism / cabal, while the people above where unaware as to what was going on because they were having just too much damn enjoyment in life.

16th July 2013, 02:02
part of the mystery is that you are as capable as you unconscious think you are. The area where the mind forms the conscious words in your mind. That is key. The pre-vocal, pre-word formation depths of the mind. The part of the mind that begins this process, this is where the gift of capacity and knowing comes from.

right now, for example, you are forming these bits of color and contrast differential into 'sounds' in your head. sounds that mean words. The understanding forms as the words form,

what you are looking for is the formation structure. pre word, pre vocalization. This is the component that shapes your connection to this world.

That is the origins of your projected belief package. It is important yo understand that your limits, like a bubble, can reach out and affect and integrate with mine.

If I try to demonstrate any innate psychic capacity in front of you and you project disbelief into the situation, there is good chance I will fail in showing you anything.

Visualization skills are also part of one's reach or range.

Jim and Bill understand these things. And more.

18th July 2013, 02:52
"The area where the mind forms the conscious words in your mind. That is key. The pre-vocal, pre-word formation depths of the mind. The part of the mind that begins this process, this is where the gift of capacity and knowing comes from."

This seems like a contradiction. What am I missing?

Whoa the internet is slowly shutting off where I am check back later...weird!