View Full Version : Message to Syria and all countries around the globe

5th September 2013, 20:25
I'm going to spread this like there is no tomorrow - because there isn't a tomorrow if we don't get others to understand the meaning of this message.

I ask everyone of you, that resonates with this message, to also share it with EVERYONE you know!


I found this commented somewhere and had to share, hopefully this will be eye opening for those who happily keep theirs shut...

Dear Syria and all countries around the globe...

(tell the world) that we are, as Americans, being held prisoner by this criminal government. Many of us try to take legal channels to stop the wars, the poisoning of (y)our water, air and food supply and are either killed or persecuted for it. Many of us have been attempting to rein in our out-of-control "governments": We demonstrate, sign petitions, make phone calls, have meetings, etc., and are spied on, recorded, drugged, prosecuted, raped and/or "suicided" for our efforts. Our educational system has been taken over by chattering robots who forcefully drug our children and fill their heads with drivel. If we homeschool, try to refuse vaccination or try to feed our children real food, e.g.raw milk, they try to take them from us. And if the children are removed from the home, they are usually molested by their "saviors". If we travel by air or attend a football game, we have to be sexually assaulted to get in the door. The television has slowly taken over our lives with subliminal programming. Our medical system is for-profit only, leaving a large portion of the population drugged, ill and barely functioning. It is rare to find a person who is not taking any medication at all. Those of us who actually have jobs are now being worked like slaves for less and less pay. Our military people are only slightly more mind-controlled than the civilians. So many of us are in a very sorry state of being.

So what our government is doing to you, on orders from the international bankers, they are also doing to us. We are slowly waking up to this and we hope it is not too late for us or for you. We love our freedom-loving sisters and brothers across the world and only want peace.


5th September 2013, 21:12
Thank you for this.

~ a big bang girl growing up in a soft-kill world lol

6th September 2013, 01:25
our government attacks everyone, We the people want no part in their agenda of madness and killing ... We want freedom and peace ... our leaders need a time out, they should not be allowed to play with anyone until they learn to play nice ... they are grounded indefinitely ...

6th September 2013, 02:16
In full agreement with anonymous! Thank you Camilo...sharing! :grouphug:

6th September 2013, 12:13
I shared this in several places last night and awoke to a lot of agreement and sharing...thanks again Camilo! :grouphug:

6th September 2013, 13:32
When traveling around the world, it's interesting to notice that people are often quick to note that they love Americans, rather it's their government's policies they dislike.

6th September 2013, 19:24
When traveling around the world, it's interesting to notice that people are often quick to note that they love Americans, rather it's their government's policies they dislike.

Thanks for the observation - I have seen that in Canada, but I have not seen that sentiment recently in Africa (Nigeria), and MidEast Abu Dhabi, UAE. I have not seen that in Lebanon, nor Jordan, nor Yemen. Seems to me, the mainland North America people interact with each other, and people are people and politics is what it is. So what people get in the other continents is possibly the "people" are the problem, not the politics. That worries me that people are getting disconnected from each other by some sort of rabble rousing. Somebody is pushing PEOPLE to not care about people. Getting back to GLOBAL FAMILY will get over the politics. OH, MULTI-NATIONAL corporations - that is the synthetic entity that is NOT about people, but using people, using resources. Maybe then, the issue is MONEY driven, who will get the resources, control the resources at the expense of life, Gai and humanity.. BobD