View Full Version : Major test I went through here, people......

11th September 2013, 14:54
WOW! Unreal yet true test of my knowledge and beliefs that I've gain since starting my awakening in 2008. I was approached by my daughter to live with her and share the expenses and I did after debating on it awhile. Now at the same time I was approached about getting into a relationship with a woman " Suzy" is her name. Long story short Suzy cared for me yet her true was intend getting into a relationship with my daughter and she finally got it to happen behind my back. Now as time went on 9 months after trials and seeing thur the haze of lying and deceit I woke up and things have been revealed. "Suzy" has major occult knowledge she was trying to use against me. She I firmly believe was MKUtra trained plus she has the same blood type as I RH-. So much to tell but the point is there will come a time when our knowledge and beliefs will get tested and so far I feel good about answering my test.

I blow up the relationship and have forgave my daughter and "Suzy" also and will do my best to never let this type of trap ever occur again.

One other thing,Suzy since her intent was evil she has developed karma which has already started to take effect on her.......You put out deceit and hurt you receive it back....."Suzy" is learning that lesson.

11th September 2013, 16:32
Hello truth4me, It sounds like your in a much better place today. (emotionally) Sometimes
in our darkest hours we find out who we really are. You just went through what I call an
Atlantis Moment in your life."In a single day and night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis
disappeared into the depths of the sea." -Plato

I dont think most people really understand or appreciate life until they experience a life altering
moment in their own lives. You will be stronger, wiser and better having gone through these
challenges.Unfortunately you will probably be a tad more cynical which you will have to fight
against because not all people work angles like Suzy.

11th September 2013, 16:37
Congratz truth4me well done!
Glad you and your daughter rose above and cleansed the situation and got out safe..

Own experience:
Never be surprised or confused if a stranger ask's or says's something abstract, it's a trick to get into your head, I've passed this test of deflecting such people.

One was very, very strong and cleaver, I had to break my self away from him and literally rush away!
In such cases try not to be cleaver yourself or you will play into their hands or at least your mind will Doh!

11th September 2013, 17:43
Understand by blowing up the relationship I was such a wreck I dumped everything sold my car cheap,quit my job, left my rented home. I am now living in a homeless shelter which is fine for I will and am rising above these dark energy vampire people. Head getting back straight dusting my tail off and moving forward......