View Full Version : NO MORE WAR Pump the Grid

7th November 2013, 13:05
Hi Everyone

It's been a long while since I felt compelled to share some thoughts, I hope it connects with you all and that you consider joining in with this intent. Especially with REMBERENCE DAY just a few days away.

About 20 years ago, I began to notice that I seemed to see 111 or 1111 with some regularity, whether it was awakening from asleep to see it displayed on my digital radio alarm clock or on the side of a bus or on the microwave cooker.

Over the years the instance of this phenomenon has increased to the point I see it almost daily and some days I can barely look at numbers without some type of pattern or repetition.

I was very recently camping in France and whilst driving around the local area noticed a small sign at the side of the road. Despite my lack of French understanding I wondered if this might be anything to do with the armistice of the First World War, I glanced down at the dashboard of the car to see all the numbers lined up the same on the milometer.

The next day I followed the sign and sure enough it led to the exact spot where the armistice was signed and upon entering the museum my eye fell upon the words the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The significance of this chance discovery and the fact that I had been receiving the time prompt has only just become clear, I will explain;

The first I knew for a fact that there was anything to be concerned about was about 4 years ago. Until this point, I had been blissfully unaware, working hard to build my property business. I had a young family and there was very little time to consider anything else. However, after Lehman Brothers went to the wall in 2008, I saw a major upheaval of my own fortunes and have since had spare time available to pursue a greater understanding of what has happened.

For me, watching the film Fahrenheit 911 was the moment that I became aware we had a problem. It left me feeling angry and confused because it allowed me to see that the lingering doubts and questions I had were actually valid and like puzzle pieces they formed a much wider picture than I had been aware of.

The initial anger wore off and left me wanting to know more, who had benefited and why they had done this awful thing? I also tried to discuss this discovery with others only to be met with derision and disbelief. The only way that I could alert people to this danger was to dive into available information on the internet so I could understand for myself exactly what was going on.

Now for anyone, entering this world, the most important word to remember is discernment, there is truth but it needs to be disseminated from confused thinking and downright miss-information. Over the past 3 years I have found people that provide solid reference material and who have since become the main players in the truth movement and I have built up a depth of understanding regarding exactly what appears to be going on, who is responsible and why this is happening.

To explain the entire picture, depends upon the ability of the listener to keep an open mind and also depends upon how far they have travelled in their own investigation. Ultimately we all recognise that there is a problem but to understand the overall picture is down to the subjectivity of the individual.

In my opinion, “long story – short” Each one of us are highly advanced creator beings that have co-created a world or game in which we experience a singular existence. The trouble is, the terms of the game require our own free will and whilst we are immersed in the game we have amnesia and therefore no knowledge or understanding that this is a game.

This game has been designed to allow us to understand a way of being that is unnatural to our normal existence and like all games is now coming to an end. The problem we face is the transition back to normality. We have been immersed in this illusion for a very long time and our true nature is way beyond our current reality.

In addition to the game, we have been hijacked by some very clever beings who were able to insert themselves into this game and have been manipulating us to create a world that most suits them. As we come out of this collective trance the entire planet is being swamped with higher vibrations which assists in our awakening but is making it very uncomfortable for our hijackers who with nowhere to go are trying madly to reverse the effects and remain in control. The trouble is, they are not prepared to step down and are prepared to destroy everything if they cannot remain in power.

It sounds fantastic doesn't it, worthy of a book and a film, the next Harry Potter. I would also agree with this view had I not understood and personally experienced evidence to support what I have said. It is not very comfortable having to stand up and make it known what you believe, there are times when I wince at having to explain what I believe to be the case. But my discomfort is a small price to pay if it helps spread awareness and assists us all to make the transition as smooth as possible.

I personally have a few touchstones that help me keep all of this in proportion and allow me to keep connected with the facts as I understand them. Firstly, I trained as an engineer, it requires an understanding of physics and scientifically proven principles, I.E. the coefficient of heat transfer through materials and the stresses and loads a given structure can handle. In addition, I have also trained as an industrial designer. This work requires a realistic understanding of materials and scientific fundamentals but it also requires an awareness and appreciation of new developments in science and materials which may provide solutions for current or future problems.

There is also another very important aspect of design that is rarely understood or correctly described and yet it is the most important aspect of the work. It’s called “quality”.

We have all walked through a gallery, looking at one painting after another and then it happens, in a split second we are stopped in our tracks by one painting that connects with us. What is it in that split second that we recognise and immediately love?

Well for a designer, this is a very important question because you are employed to produce quality solutions. Now I can’t define what quality is, but I use my discernment or my intuition to guide my design process and let me know when I am on the right track or close to a solution. This is not a science but I can state from personal experience that this ability exists and I have learnt to trust this innate skill in my work.

Another layer of discernment I can bring to bear is based upon real life experience. I have run companies that design and manufacture systems and products. I have literally produced products and built structures with my own hands. I understand the physical world from first hand experience.

I know from my own life experience that the events of 911 and the official story produced by the government and confirmed by the media is completely impossible and is an indictment of their criminal intent.
If you doubt what I say, simply look up “Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth”.

The evidence not only clearly defines who benefited from this act but also laid bare the real puppet masters behind the scenes. There is the reality we can all see and understand and there is a hidden dimension to our existence which despite the fact we are inextricably linked to it, is beyond our consciousness and understanding. We give away our power in this reality and we are manipulated to sub consciously create the walls of our existence. To illustrate this I would like you to consider the following;

During my research, I have built up an understanding of global economics. There is solid evidence to support the fact that the currency markets are manipulated and controlled and that the central banking system works hand in hand with the IMF and BIS who in turn are controlled by the Jesuits who hide behind the roman catholic faith and the vatican bank.

However, this is simply the physical manifestation of the control system of a much wider and pervasive force which has completely taken over our reality. Clever as the beings behind this control matrix are, they are actually less powerful than us but, they successfully control our understanding of ourselves so that we give away our energy subconsciously and contain ourselves for their use. Does that sound likely? Well let’s consider the following.

Each year many of us attend war memorials to remember those who had laid down their lives so that we can enjoy freedom and democracy. Think of it, possibly over 1 billion people stood in quiet contemplation of the world wars and the ongoing situation. Have you noticed the problem of war getting any better? After all we are all opposed to it.

What kind of imagery do you think this creates in people’s minds? I know what imagery runs through mine, I see that little girl running down the road in Viet Nam after her village has been napalmed, I see the painting of the scream, the bodies piled high, I think of death and destruction, misery and waste.

Imagine it over a billion people imagining human sacrifice and fearing its return. (What do we all understand about the universe? It gives you what you try and avoid). On the face of it, we are showing respect for the selfless behaviour of our fellow man, but sub consciously we are creating a combined intent for more death and destruction.

Now maybe I am correct and maybe I’m not. It seems plausible to me on an intuitive level that this provides us with an example of how we can be easily manipulated to achieve the opposite effect of what we desire. So what can we do? Well instead of concentrating upon negative imagery lets think in a more positive way.


What would the world look like if there was no more war? Could we simply put 2 minutes aside each day and imagine or reflect upon the idea of a world where war no longer exists?

For me the pictures in my head are different, I see beautiful towns and houses, I see smiling kids and parents playing in the street, I see fields full of plenty and pristine rivers and clear blue skies with fluffy clouds.

If you connect with what I have said or maybe you have also seen the 11:11 time prompt, hopefully you will see how this whole idea connects very neatly with an activity that occurs on the 11:11 @11am and could well have been used in a negative way against us all. If you do connect with this line of thought, then help to spread the word.

Let’s agree to spend at least 2 minutes a day at mutually agreed times to reflect upon a world without war that allows us all to lead a life of equality and peace.

24:00 – 04:00 – 08:00 – 12:00 - 16:00 – 20:00

Based upon Greenwich mean time GMT

And let’s not think local, let’s think global spread the word.


7th November 2013, 14:18
well said. I despise the ANZAC Day celebrations here in Australia, and instead try to spend the day thinking about a world with no violence, i believe this honours the memory of those who fought against tyranny far more than spending the day thinking about war... i try to do this often these days.

7th November 2013, 14:51
I was thinking something VERY similar the other day....We do all spend at least 2 minutes solid just thinking about lives lost and war....if Everyone/as many as possible spent this time thinking/creating beautiful thoughts then this could be extremely powerfully positive indeed. I was wondering suspiciously why we do all spend time thinking of something negative all at one time - this must be very significant in maintaining the negative....
Thanks for putting this into words - i know I'll be thinking positive thoughts this year! i do try already :-)

Earth Angel
7th November 2013, 17:01
I am finding it very odd this year here in Canada at least Rememberance day seems to be bigger than ever, with all kinds of people protesting if you even mention Christmas before Nov 11th......why was the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month chosen?? by a royal reptile no less. to remember war, pain, suffering, loss perhaps even hatred??
I posted the below image on my facebook page and was immediately told by some 'friend' I don't actually know that it was wrong before Christmas, my daughter works in shop and was putting up garlands Nov 6th and a woman in her 40s got her down off the ladder to tell her she found it very disrespectful to be putting up Christmas decorations before Remembrance Day.......my other daughter has also been chastised for speaking about her excitement about Christmas before Remembrance Day is over.....Christmas decorations have been in the stores as of Nov 1st since I can remember, at least 30 years back now.....why all of a sudden is everyone so concerned with Remembrance Day.....I have learned there is a white poppy campaign also deemed EXTREMELY Disrespectful......however I do not think focusing on war is the right thing to do, for our own good, I think your idea of focusing on world peace is much more appropriate Pete

7th November 2013, 20:49
They did not lay down their lives, their lives have been taken. know this.

7th November 2013, 22:01
Nice to see you back here and posting Pete!

7th November 2013, 22:20
Hi Pete, Wishing You Well!
Thank You For Sharing, Powerful : )

WE...are changing the world, now, right now!

It Is Time...The Entrainment HAS Taken Hold!



Hi Earth Angel...I repeat this silently so much moment by moment, day by day, all the time anytime, it is simply part of my BEing:
"Love, Light, Peace, Healing, Oneness and Abundance"

...and I KNOW it works, because We EACH Are Powerful Spiritual Beings!

7th November 2013, 23:48
This must be synchronicity. Lately I have been thinking the same thing.

Millions if not billions of people thinking the same thing at the same time. Wow that is very powerful, how very clever. What a way to harvest energy.

Thank you for bringing this up Pete

8th November 2013, 02:48
It's good to see you back here Pete, and thanks for such an insightful post.

1st December 2013, 22:35
Thank you all for taking the time to add your comments to this thread.

Over the past 3 weeks I have found myself passing the odd war memorial and two things jump out at me each time; firstly the wreaths of scarlet Poppies that obviously symbolise the blood spilt and secondly the word "sacrifice". I'm sure that the victims of these wars certainly had no intention to lay down their lives as a sacrifice, each one of these souls had every right to expect the right to live in peace and never to be expected to have to consider or enact the killing of another being and to inherit the karma that this creates.

Once you understand the malevolent design and purpose of these obelisks it only helps to underpin your resolve to ensure that we take back our power and ensure that this is all brought to an end.

You may like to visit prepareforchange.net or 2012blogspot.net which provides information on what is currently happening and a reference point for future developments.

respectfully pete