View Full Version : Just an ancient pyramid,,, nothing to see here...

3rd December 2013, 02:40
My my,, If someone has an explanation, then please,,, don't hesitate... Many of the old, ancient pyramids have been hidden...

What do you make of this???


Just an example.......


3rd December 2013, 02:51
It is a mountain. lol I have been going crazy evertime I go into nature now. Every thing that has a somewhat pyramidal shape I imagine it is a pyramide.

However, my imaginative pyramides do not usually have 4 clear faces, joints that are obvious, an apex well in place, etc.

Good find Jake

3rd December 2013, 02:59
Found this page while trying to research something on other thread http://www.googleearthanomalies.com/Anomalies/tabid/56/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/43/Default.aspx

and this bosnian pyramid is emitting an energy beam?


3rd December 2013, 04:39
Come on Jake, it's a weather balloon, anyone can see that ! ;)

3rd December 2013, 09:20
Y'all wonder why we see pyramids in things? And y'all notice that if you look into the sky, there's dippers everywhere?

Why the heck is that?


3rd December 2013, 09:59
Wow, I was about to make a thread about this earlier. I wonder if it really is a pyramid or a mountain? I know that ancients did build pyramids all over the world before the deluge, but I wonder if all of them have survived. I think that there have been threads about that pyramid earlier.

Robert J. Niewiadomski
3rd December 2013, 11:23
Out of curiosity, i've checked (Evil) Google maps satellite view of Antarctica coastline mountain ranges (no street view yet, sorry ;)):
https://maps.google.pl/?ll=-77.307693,161.720467&spn=0.067815,0.43808&t=h&z=12 (zoom out to get a better orientation of the rocks' location)

If you look closely most of that rock formations have "razor sharp" edges and "faces" resembling pyramids. Very beautyfull :) Thanks for bringing this to our attention :)

Here is satellite view of the Grand Canyon (with street view option yay!):
You can see sharp edges and faces too.

It's due to thermal erosion and wind. It works like a chisel and polish. Pealing layer after layer and polishing surface.

But i might be all wrong. I am just a human. And I err all the time...

3rd December 2013, 11:34
Inconclusive news....

Where's the link to the original discovery? What team discovered it? When? Who's part of the team? Where's the discovery report?

The same "news" was spread last year, but lacking the same essential information, which leads me to believe it's fake.

As for pyramidal shaped mountains, they exist in nature. Ask any geologist and he'll be able to explain exactly why certain kinds of rocks under certain circumstances, like glaciation, can erode to pyramidal shapes.

Taking a picture of a pyramid shaped mountain and telling it's man made just by the looks of it doesn't help at all.

To conclude that a pyramid is man made, one has to analyze its structure, not only its shape.

3rd December 2013, 12:23
That's the reason why some people (French & Bosniac for the most part) are teaming up to analyse with great care the discoveries made in Bosnia.

For those who understand French, this one 45 min radio program is worth your time.



3rd December 2013, 13:04
was watching this last night ironically without this thread....P_MklC0u3BY
"A nunatak (from Inuit nunataq) is an exposed, often rocky element of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within (or at the edge of) an ice field or glacier. The term is typically used in areas where a permanent ice sheet is present. Nunataks present readily identifiable landmark reference points in glaciers or ice caps and are often named."

link to another bosnian pyramid thread=

3rd December 2013, 17:03
The Bosnian Pyramid is proving to be a man made structure by carefull developement of the site, and so too have all of the hundreds of pyramids found all over China, that have been discovered under those mounds of dirt with sound recording instruments, but they have done "nothing" to change Human history, as yet. If it ain't main stream, it's just treated with humor, and ignored.

3rd December 2013, 17:21
It is difficult to proof anything coming out of Antarctica, as we have little to no imagery available and the continent is mostly off limits due to location and environmental challenges.

3rd December 2013, 17:22
A nunatuk??? can they just make up words like that??? Only kidding. Actually, I had never heard the term. Interesting. Looks like a pyramid to me. Even a cube, or diamond, with half of it buried. Either way, it is fun to look at, I made it mee desktop background. It is beautiful. If our earth moves about on its axis from time to time, it would stand to figure that we would find all sorts of 'anomolies' in the Arctic and Antarctic. I sure would love an update from the original team that procured this footage/pictures...


3rd December 2013, 22:37
I just found it very syncronistic, that I was looking at this last night "by chance" on BooTube, and this morning found the thread.... dis heelbillie no expurt
