View Full Version : Inspirational Writing

25th December 2013, 18:41
I often find myself writing to sort stuff out, and occasionally I find the result inspiring. I hope I won't be the only one to post on this thread. My playful side insisted to add exactly 100 words to each chapter, which added fun to the exercise.

Please share your own writings if you do write. Thank you.

Chapter I

The name of the historical figure of my previous incarnation likely sounds more familiar to you than the name I was given in this lifetime – a name that was stolen, as was yours.

That life was about nurturing my younger brother, being on his side throughout childhood to guide him in a way my father could not. So I provided spiritual nourishment, and of course music, to help him, the child prodigy as you humans call him, access the Music of the spheres so he could bring joy to the world.

I have returned for the mission started before time began.

Chapter II

Music. Intricately woven into the tapestry of the universe. Such immense beauty, words fail.

Gaia is beginning to hear the Music once again, and it is high time, too. She has suffered long enough from the abuse of careless and often outright evil humans and other beings attracted because of her wealth in minerals and other valuable material, attracted because of the opportunity to control.

But now that the universe is offering a helping hand to one of its beloved planets, matters are changing. Gaia hears the Music, brought to her through me, and the Music heals the wounds, reinstates the planetary power that was so recklessly ripped from her.

The clearer and more audible the Music becomes, the more benevolent beings are hearing the call to guide Gaia along on her healing path. It becomes an upward rippling effect: one good deed follows the other. Of course, some of you would say whether they are good deeds or not is debatable. Others will recognise an inner knowing that assures them that everything is as it should be.

Tomorrow is another day. Time is still important here on earth. But the Music will change that, too.

Music. Such incredible beauty.

Chapter III

Do you ever wonder who you are? Or do you say with ease you’re Petra, or Sabrina, or John? I am not the name that was given to me, then promptly stolen in the name of commerce. The Whore of Babylon, as it is known.

Humans live commercial lives from birth to “death,” as you call it. The word sounds so final, fear inducing even when, in reality, it is far less traumatic an event than birth is.

Everything in this reality is about commerce. You are born and your mother charged a phenomenal amount of money that only exists as an electron, but when you owe it, it becomes very, very real. Next, your parents give up all rights and responsibility by registering your birth. Next come the “well-baby” visits, during which your humanity is stolen. You are roughly handled, weighed, poked, probed before being handed back to your mother, who perhaps feels uneasy now because something deep inside of her begins to stir; she knows something is not right, yet has neither the knowledge nor the courage to accept that something is indeed wrong.

You spend your life chasing after possessions, become obsessed with having the bigger TV, the better car, the more modern gadgets than your neighbour, attending the better college to gain knowledge. Or rather what you think knowledge is. Indoctrination never leads to true knowledge, but you don’t know that because this is the life you were born into, and you simply continue on the path your environment laid out for you.

Except, times are changing. More and more often you ask yourselves if your life is what life should be about. More and more often, you slip into moments of increasing awareness that not all is visible. That there is more to life.

Chapter IV

The veil is thinning, and as it welcomes transparency, the lies are being exposed for what they are. The grid of consciousness is losing its heaviness because truth takes the weight off, and the Music encourages it wherever it sees truth peeking through the lies.

And not a moment too soon. Dolphins and whales were ready to leave; they no longer even cared about being caught in nets, falling victim to sonar waves, or washing up dead on the beaches. But then, in the last minute, the increased transparency awakened the warriors from their nap – warriors who could no longer sleep soundly because in their heart they knew they were being called.

And the warriors, as one, approached the cetaceans, shared their own hearts, apologised on behalf of humanity for the tremendous terror caused, and a group of cetacean representatives emerged and agreed to maintain the connection and observe things unfold. For now, they’ll stay.

More warriors come in, beings from all paths of life, even those from other dimensions, to help clean up the stupendous mess humanity caused to the oceans of the world. Their work is cut out for them: miles and miles of waste floating on the water, pollution in the water, more waste on the ocean grounds – all need careful deconstructing, transforming, removing of negative ties.

The universe plays its Music, distant, ethereal, patchy, but as the cleaning progresses, the volume increases almost imperceptibly, and then suddenly, the warriors hear it clearly, as do the cetaceans, and all is as it should be.

The dark side isn’t resting either. Driven by values like deceit, lying, cheating, and anything else carrying a negative connotation, they attack the unsuspecting ones. One chink in the armour, and you’re it.

But a chink in the armour does not equal victim. Thanks to the arrogance within dark creatures, we have learned to defend ourselves. It’s no longer martial arts; the war has moved up a notch or two, and for many, the art has fallen by the wayside.

But only for a while, mind. For we are creators, and it is in our nature to be creative and therefore filled with art.

Perception changes; some have learned to use art as a form of protection. We know we are winning. In the grand scheme of things, this tells us we have won. All it takes is manifestation in the illusion we call reality.

Chapter V

The Music does not differentiate between dark and light; it is the aural manifestation of the universe. It plays to the dark ones just as it plays to the children of the light, the humans, the animals, the birds, the insects, those in the dimension slightly above to the left where mostly creatures of the dark reside; the Music is present everywhere, regardless of your choice or ability to hear it or not.

The Music goes hand in hand with the collective consciousness. When the ethical stance is high, the consciousness rises, and the Music plays at its most beautiful. When the consciousness drops, it becomes patchy, distant, even dissonant, though never out of tune.

For many millennia, the Music was not heard either on or by Gaia. Dark creatures, some of them masters of genetic manipulation, tweaked all DNA, disabled entire strands, to prevent the Music from becoming audible.

But nothing can be hidden from the universe, so we saw this would happen and prepared accordingly. On an island far out in the Atlantic Ocean, before the days of Lemuria, we hid crystals we brought from the stars that would one day serve as activators for the Music. That day has now passed, and the Music began to play to all human DNA for the purpose of an awakening that is unstoppable.

I hear the crystals’ soft calling. Of course I hear them; I placed them there. Their humming combines with the Music, tickling your sleeping strands towards wakefulness.

I watch in awe the wondrous things now happening in this corner of the universe. Some people wake up and see the illusion for what it is. Others find their natural abilities that slumbered within; some heal, some become clairvoyant, some find, perhaps, they have ways of communicating with the unseen. Yet others become acutely aware that life isn’t what it seems. Chemtrails and other acts of evil become inconsequential for Gaia. The bees return, fires seemingly put themselves out, and weather no longer behaves as dictated by the powers that never really have been.

The changes brought by the Music are affecting the dark creatures, too. While their human servants continue to cause misery with a sadistic pleasure that is positively un-human, the dark creatures are aware of the changes coming for them. Those without a soul will simply cease to exist, for the new frequency will not allow such constructs. Souled beings, whether they turned dark recently or millennia ago, have choices. Some turn to the light after experiencing the joy offered by the Music and helped by its different aspects currently walking the surface of the earth, confined in a three-dimensional physical body, but oh, so aware of their mission. And with awareness comes capability. With capability comes confidence. With confidence comes an inner knowing that we have indeed become wholly resistant to any force that does not embrace absolute truth.

Truth and light are identical. And once again, everything is as it should be.

26th December 2013, 00:01
Like all profound and timeless writings, this is written simply and succinctly. There is no fat to trim; there is absolutely no pretense. It is written so matter of factly and with such assuredness that there is no doubt in my mind that it comes straight from your soul. With such meaningful short, declarative statements, it reads like a spiritual classic. Truly! Thanks for sharing this Karelia. It was wonderful and I really enjoyed it!

I do have some writings of my own, but I don't know if they're Avalon appropriate;). I'll go thru my stuff and see if I can find something...

26th December 2013, 01:25
If you insist, karelia, I have some writings of my own that I would like to express. I often have "brain droppings," as George Carlin would put them, that just need to get out. I value the saying "it is harder to be kind than clever" and try my best to keep certain thoughts to myself when I socialize with others. But I think I'll feel better about saying them in cyber space...

Unlike George Carlin, I am very poor in oratory, but I make up for it in prose. Please don't get offended, friends. Who are we if we cannot poke fun at our irrational behavior every once in a while?

I've begun to write a series of anecdotal snippets that poke fun at contradicting behavior in humans. I find humans to be extremely contradictory, which is both amusing and frustrating, but do not hesitate to poke fun at my own personal contradictions as well. If you don't mind, karelia, I will post my brain droppings here as they come. I call it....The Human Contradiction.


Cheeseburger Ladies: I find women to be extremely fascinating creatures...fine Mistresses, elegant Maidens, beautiful Lovelies...and I love and appreciate them dearly...but I also find them to be riddled with contradictions. Lets take the sterotypical lady. You know the kind of woman I'm talking about. I'm talking about the self-professed lady who doesn't show a hint of masculine energy.

I'm a firm believer that balance is a good thing. I could poke fun at manly-men too, and I will in good time, but for now I will give a snippet about ladies. It is great for women to express their womanhood in pure feminine energy, but masculine energy can also be a beautiful thing. Oh yes...back to the type of Woman all of us have come to know.

The woman who is so full of feminine energy, she sneers at any hint of masculinity. She wears make-up, painted nails, and perfume on a regular basis. She wears dresses more than anything else, pays close attention to cleanliness and personal hygiene. She loves her adorable kitty or puppy, but hates violence and animal cruelty. She hates getting her hands dirty, hates getting sweaty, and freaks out at the sight of the most harmless insect. We all know such women...

Picture this woman. Now picture this same woman tearing into a steak, or a bacon-double cheeseburger as the grease and the blood of the chemical-infused burger--which came from a filthy cow that screamed bloody-murder as it was brutally tortured--runs down her make-up covered face. All that I think to myself when I see such a scene is: The Human Contradiction.

Biologists Whom Wear Polarized Glasses. Ahhh yes...polarized glasses. Whenever I see somebody wear polarized glasses, all that I think of is: Wow, this person must really have sensitive eyes. This I understand. But I have a biologist friend who also wears polarized glasses...and she does not have sensitive eyes (otherwise she wouldn't be a field biologist!).

In the case of the biologist who wears polarized glasses, I'd rather call them "anti-sun glasses." Why would a person who proclaims to love nature and everything it has to offer, who understands the importance of the sun to harbor life on Earth, who understands that we have the gift of vision to see the world a specific way, want to shield their eyes from the light at all times?

I understand the need to wear sunglasses every so often when the sun is at its brightest, but why at all times? It's like saying to the sun: Thanks Mr. Sun for being so wonderful and allowing life to exist on this planet, including me! But now that you have done your job, would you please go back beyond the mountains so I can't see you? You're kind of a nuisance to me...I'm having some trouble seeing the tree which you so graciously allow me to see....so please leave my sight.

By wearing polarized glasses, we are seeing the entire world through only one single lense. The glasses literally make the person who wears them see the same shade all day by adjusting to the amount of light hitting them. As a fellow biolgist, I love to see different shades that nature provides. I love to go to the shade when the sun blinds me, because it makes me appreciate it so much more. I love to open my mind and eyes to the variety of colors of nature!

It's almost as if polarized glasses are another gift from our Illumasite (Illuminati parasite) denizens. I can imagine them thinking behind closed doors: Hahah! They'll never know what got 'em! These glasses will make everybody see the exact same way at all times of the day. There will be no room for different perceptions of colors! These sheeple will all see and think the same! Ha...ha...ha.

Whenever I see my biologist friend wearing her anti-sun glasses, I amusingly think to myself: The Human Contradiction.

26th December 2013, 15:43
It is with the great beating heart of JOY that I read about the music.... YES! YES! YES! my BEing shouts, remember the harmonies, the rising and falling crescendos as we moved freely not tethered by time and space.

We traced our BEingness in the Cosmo. Each of us, touching and resonating... never parting allowing the great conductor to touch our very centers.

Oh and we, the ones who came to blessed Earth... imbuing our Essences into this newly created sphere. Oh, we loved her! Every good thing was given to this jewel and those who came before and after took every good thing from her... many rejoiced, others grew greedy.

Our days cycle now, it seems endlessly are we caught on some great wheel that has ground us down, crushed us under the weight and scattered our music so far that we almost lost the memory of it... but always there came those who recalled, the courageous ones of Spirit, the ones who remembered while others fell into the deep slumber.

Our kin the whale and the dolphin they held the remembered times, all was written and sung for those who could hear.


Do you hear?

Life quickens and the music rises in our hearts.

So sing now, sing for all your might, with all your strength... the time is close, let our voices unite and be heard.

26th December 2013, 17:44
Thank you for sharing your writings.
Grateful to be invited to hear your music,
I feel you are grounding a source of light nourishment that is from you.
IMO, the way we are bringing information from inside out is really exquisite.
Love, Maggie

12th January 2014, 16:19
Were I to have a title for it, it would probably be The Universe Addresses a Bully.

You systematically pick what you see as the greatest-potential victim: the young man, just learning to stand on his own feet, not having left home long ago, his home a shelter built by love. You’ve been imbibing his energy like a newborn calf, except your intentions are never pure like those of a new-born. His house mate has no bully potential at all – you only just managed to divest him of his energy once – and you won’t even consider that one’s partner; she poses danger to all your constructs so it’s safer not to acknowledge her at all. The younger couple upstairs, well, you know you stand no chance. They were trained from the early days to ward off the likes of you.

You lie in wait, knowing the opportunity to accost him will come within minutes. After all, he works all week, and whether he wants it or not, he has established ritual, as encouraged by the powers that never really have been. Naturally, you politically-correct ones call it “routine.” The great unwashed might wake up too soon if you say it like it is, so you embrace, only figuratively of course, the thinly veiled deceit imposed by your masters.

Today, the wait has been worth it. Within seconds of beginning your diatribe, you are in your full element. You caught him once again unawares, well done. He shrinks before your eyes, even though every word you utter is meaningless and without any shred of truth. You know he knows that, but you also know he hasn’t found a way yet to put a stop to your bullying. And you hope it remains that way. I thank you for the valuable training you have given him. He will rise and shine farther with his already bright light.

Except tonight is different. You lose momentum when you sense something. Of course it’s too vague a sense, and you’re unfamiliar with it, so allow me to shed some light on you: You lost momentum when you issued your first lie, intended to increase the bullying potency.

Everything is changing on this planet as well as others. You’ve been told over and over again that this time would come, but it is no longer in your nature to heed benevolent advice. You only listen to your grand master. Continue your ways, and you will end up with him because nobody else has a place for you in this vast space. There, in that dark corner beyond the hinterlands, after you travel through the kingdoms of the beings of lesser light, after you run for your life through the domain of the demons, you arrive in the shaddai’s realm. Once you appear there, you’ll seemingly remain for eternity, though that, too, is an illusion.

Do you really want that? You already know your master lies, for he thrives only on deceit and untruth. You know better than to believe him. And yet, life after life after life, you give in to the smallest of his temptations. He has such an easy job with you.

But you are running out of time. Your last ten, or five, or even three life times still allowed for plenty of time and opportunity to straighten everything out, to at least make an effort to once more become one with me. You’ve thrown away every opportunity. And now you’re left with one. One. Single. Chance.

Take it or leave it. It would be dishonest to say it’s all the same to me, for it is not. You have a conscience. All you need to do is tickle it awake and then follow your heart in every step you take. Surely, it cannot be that difficult.

And if it is, ask for help. But ask the right ones. The shaddai won’t help you; he’ll only laugh and find a perverted delight in seeing you suffer. Just as you have been doing to others life after life after life.

Allow the Music to sing your consciousness awake. Let the pain of past wrongs stream through you so it may depart, and you begin anew. Listen to your heart. Open your ears to your own song. Even if it sounds rusty at the beginning, let it be. Don’t suppress it. Instead, nurture it. Practice like a baby blackbird, and let the sun guide you. Let her warm rays softly stroke your throat, and let the breeze gently glide over your chords. Let nature retune you, so you move in harmony. You will find growing quite effortless then.