View Full Version : Karmic Transference - Does anyone have more info on this subject?

14th January 2014, 03:56
Hello friends.

I was reading the text written by Cameron Day 'Tell the "Lords" of Karma That You Are Sovereign - No Longer a Lightworker Part 2 (http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/)', posted by Amzer Zo (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?65747-Talking-about-false-light&p=762081&viewfull=1#post762081) friend, when I came across this question.

According to Cameron Day, some spirits are fooled by false light workers to agree to take responsibility for the Karma of others as their own personal debts. So by manipulating the consent reincarnate with projects to repay such debts.

Needless to say, the result of heavy karmic debts will invariably generate other debits. Result of karma transferred by misleading consent.

I was curious about this issue, especially in relation to the possible consequences that could represent a statement in terms of challenges to consciousness.
Everywhere we look there seems to be one or more matrix to be identified and overcome.

Someone has more information on the possibility of 'karmic transfer' to be effective?

Increasingly I am led to recognize that 'CONSENT', conscious or unconscious, is the fundamental importance for not to counter the fundamental laws of the universe.



14th January 2014, 04:45
By observer9

Reconciling Karmic Theory - the Karmic Equation

The law of karma is the ultimate controlling force of the universe.

· All matter is governed by the law of karma.
· All matter is derived from energy.
· All forms of Energy are governed by the laws of physics.
· The law of Karma must therefore conform to the laws of physics.
· The laws of Physics do not segregate forms of energy into 'Good' energy and 'Evil' energy.
· Thus Karma cannot recognize 'good' actions or 'evil' actions. Karma simply recognises and records actions.
· Karma is the Accountant of the Universe, it does not judge, it simply keeps accurate records of the actions of all matter of the universe.

According to the laws of physics, matter/energy is neither created nor is it destroyed. Everything that exists in the universe has always existed and will always exist. Matter/energy has simply transformed over the history of the universe, from the beginning of time until the end of time. Thus everything that exists in our universe at present has always existed - it has simply existed in another form of matter/energy.


Under the laws of physics, when we (humans) perform an action, such as pushing an object; there is a transfer of energy. We exert force upon the object, causing the object to move. We use our stored energy to generate kinetic energy (and heat/sound/etc.) which is then transferred to the object.

· Under the law of karma, when we (humans) perform an action, there is also a transfer of energy - karmic energy.
· An example would be physically helping another human to perform a task. You use some of your stored energy to assist the other person to perform a task that is for the benefit of the other person. Thus you have transferred some of your Karmic energy to the other person.


Under the laws of physics, reincarnation is a certainty. All forms of matter/energy are continuously being transformed over and over again. For example, when a human dies, they are buried in the ground where their stored energy is consumed by worms, bacteria (etc.). The worm poo (etc.) is then consumed by plant matter as plants grow. The plants are then eaten by animals. Humans then eat the animals as we grow. This is the circle of life. At each stage in this process, there has been a transfer of energy.

· Under the law of karma, the circle of life also involves the transfer of Karmic energy at each stage of the process.
· When an animal eats a plant there has been a transfer of karmic energy from the plant to the animal. When we humans eat an animal, there is a transfer of karmic energy between the animal and the human. And so on. The cycle never ends.


· When we are born, we a born with a karmic account balance. This balance can be small or large, debit or credit.
· Our opening karmic bank account balance is determined by our karmic inheritance.
· Karmic inheritance is determined by the karma we have received from the matter that has caused us to exist.

At every single second of our existence as humans, we are making withdrawals from and deposits into our karmic bank account. When a baby drinks milk from its mother as an infant it is making a withdrawal from its karmic bank account. When a baby smiles at its mother (making its mother happy) it is making a deposit into its karmic bank account. Millions of transactions, every day, for our entire existence.

As we progress in life, our karmic bank balance grows or shrinks along the way. Some of our karmic bank account balance is transferred to our children when we conceive. The rest remains with us until we die.

When our lives end, the balance of our karmic bank account is transferred to the worms, bacteria (etc.) that eat our remains, who transfer their karmic bank account balance to the plants, and so on. The circle of life continues.


Some of our actions are easy to define as a withdrawal or a deposit in our karmic bank accounts. Others are more difficult to classify for the Karmic Accountant.

· The Karmic Accountant determines the nature of transactions with regard to the transfer of energy. Just as plant matter gives us energy that we can use (a karmic deposit for the plant and a karmic withdrawal for the human) a virus takes away energy from us (a karmic withdrawal for the virus and a karmic deposit for the human).
· When we are unkind to another person, we take away some of their energy (a karmic withdrawal for us and a karmic deposit for the other person).


Sometimes we as humans may be part of a larger group, such as a social group, an ethnic group, a nation, etc. Sometimes the group undertakes actions (such as imposing laws or other restrictions, etc.) that affect certain persons negatively whilst benefiting other persons. How does the karmic accountant deal with that?

· The karmic accountant again looks at the flow of energy. Those members of the group who have benefited have their karmic bank accounts withdrawn from whilst those who have suffered have their karmic bank accounts deposited into.
· So even though we may not be undertaking any actions directly, if we benefit from changes in our environments, then we're spending karma credits.


· As with all transactions, a good deed involves a transfer of karmic energy. A deposit for the benefactor and a withdrawal for the beneficiary.
· Some good deeds affect other people (etc.) indirectly, so there is a further transfer of karmic energy between the parties involved.
· Thus it is possible for some good deeds to result in a withdrawal to the benefactor’s karmic bank account due to the unintended consequences of the good deed.


· Good/Evil and Right/Wrong are subjective statements. It depends on the viewer's perspective as to what constitutes Good/Evil and Right/Wrong.
· What one person views as a 'good' action is construed as an 'evil' action to the opponent. Equally so with 'right' and 'wrong' statements.
· Enforcing an opinion of what one party constitutes as 'right' on another party results in a transfer of karmic energy for those involved (directly and indirectly).
· The karmic accountant doesn't take sides, it just records the transactions.


· Human emotions are simply manifestations of energy. Sharing our emotions with others and influencing other people's emotions involve transfers of karmic energy.
· Making someone laugh results in a deposit to your karmic bank account and a withdrawal to the other person’s karmic bank account.
· Making someone cry results in a withdrawal to your karmic bank account and a deposit to the other person’s karmic bank account.


· Money is simply a store of value.
· A person expends energy through work and is reward with money, which is simply a store of the energy expended.
· Thus, money stores the karmic energy of the action undertaken to obtain the money.


· A job is a trade-off between the actions undertaken and the benefit received.
· A person works undertaking tasks for the benefit of another party, and is rewarded with money (which is ultimately a store of energy).
· The tasks that a person undertakes in their job result in a karmic energy transaction (deposit or withdrawal) dependent on how the actions affect others.
· The karmic accountant does not judge people for the job they perform, it just records the transactions.


· We are all simply grouped particles of matter that ultimately originate from the same initial singularity.
· We are all connected on a quantum level, whether we like it or not.
· Every action that we take and every decision that we make affects our future individually and collectively.
· We have all been worm poo at some time in our existence.

**Does this theory of Karma reconcile with Quantum Theory and the Theory of Everything?

Source: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/68736-reconciling-karmic-theory-the-karmic-equation/

P.S.: The Karmic transfer must be able to somehow circumvent a law that comes directly from above.


Nanoo Nanoo
14th January 2014, 05:29
Hey Naste , another pensive agnostic article for us to work on : 0 )

Id like to open with a question. How is one persons opinion of karma the law ? ( not meaning you of course )

Without a basis of some sort of bona fide manual we cant really even hypothesise.. in order to truly get an idea we have to agree on a definition first .. can you see that happening ?

I can however offer an opinion. If this works for us then great. We are not a bank account so putting this hypothesis to bed , we cannot transfer carma , knowingly or un knowingly.. You can be punished for tring to take on someones karma but its not yours.

The Reason for Karma is to be judged ( by whom , i think its myself for me ) when we hit the pearly gates ? Judged is not really the right term , " reviewed " might suit better.

I would give the " Guides ", who see us through the process of review, would have a bit of a brain on their shoulders so they can tell the difference if you were tricked into taking on something. Besides the silly laws and rules we are subjected to down here are vastly different to how they are interpreted up there.

Further more reviews are the re living of the experiences we have during life and this gives us meaning and purpose.

Your karma is something you want to work on .. you cannot tranfer it , you can avoid it ! but eventually it comes back to you ...


14th January 2014, 08:07
It happens to be very well-known in Western philosophy, and was also well-known in ancient Eastern thought, that the world/universe doesn't actually work in terms of cause and effect, i.e., causality. To give an example of what's involved in proving that this is so, consider what happens if you keep seeing parts of a snake behind a picket fence. Let's suppose you always first see the snake's head, then part of its middle, then its tail. Is it the case that the head is then the cause of the tail, since after all you always see the tail occurring afterwards from when you see the head? The answer of course is No. Rather, the head, middle and tail are related to one another. Of course I'm using the snake's head here as a metaphor for any supposed cause at all, and the tail as a metaphor for any supposed effect. The truth is, so-called causes and effects always occur together because they're joined. And so-called effects bring about their so-called causes as "truly" as those so-called causes bring about the so-called effects. This fact is well-known and agreed to by 100% of professional academic philosophers.

The original meaning of "karma" in Sanskrit is "whatever you are creating, or have created". Whatever you create happens, very near you. Why should there be any need to religify or doctrinalize this simple fact? And by the way, whatever you uncreate, ceases to keep happening near you. That's not metaphysics or magic or religion or spirituality, but the plainest common sense.