View Full Version : For contemplation - reflections on "me" after watching Avatar, the movie

23rd February 2014, 20:40
If I recall correctly, it was Gripreaper that stated Avatar was the only good movie of the last 10 years. I had never seen it. I watched it and I understand why Gripreaper made that comment.

As is the case these days with almost all "good" movies, Chester (me), has a very difficult time even watching the movie. For example, I have been watching Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon now for at least 3 weeks and cannot get through it. True.

Why? The emotions these films stir up.

As I watched Avatar, I found myself experiencing a great deal of negative emotions. My mind would grab onto the opportunities and take the emotions further. Anger, frustration, sadness, great great sadness, massive anger that where the mind immediately started blaming the "them," etc.

Why am I posting about this?

Because my studies of what may be actually going on here on Earth at this time has me quite convinced of the following.

That within our sub conscious is a region of our Big Manifest Self (The Master Matrix) there a hidden and separate paradigm from which beings we might call, "The Archons" dwell. It is also more and more my opinion that "benevolent appearing beings" such as "angels" come from this same region. They manifest in various ways in our outer reality experience. Because they are unknown as to their truer nature in the conscious mind of most of us, we never consider how we (Our Essential Self) have either created them or played a significant and responsible role in their being. For this reason, we see the us/them dynamic in such a way that allows us to avoid our role in their being in our lives.

And so then what we do is contently invent and/or seek ways which generate the emotions from which these beings feed upon which is our energetic output. Perhaps originally this dynamic might have been symbiotic but now it appears most of us place ourselves in the position to be energetically drained. Now that is still no issue unless we are unhappy with the obvious course of our world which we hand to our children.

But unless we recognize our own responsibility in how we feed the continuance of this routine, odds are high it will never change.

So bringing it back to my experience of watching Avatar. Great movie. Wonderful depiction of the bad guys screwing the innocent good guys. Wonderful message that what we might believe to be the ultimate will of the Universe, that the meek shall inherit... that the innocent inherit the kingdom... as so many movies end - it is clear our reality experience suggests anything but this to be our likely fate.

So I watched the movie and through me was generated the very energetic sustenance (the denser, darker emotions) that the depths of my being (the realm of these Archons) require and that it is pulled through from my waking state, material realm and individual identity's experience.

Of course, I cannot expect a single other person to explore my view much less adopt it in principle - but if some of us did... enough of us did, and we realized who we are (at the level of the essential Self which cannot be destroyed) and then considered carefully the possible truth of the dynamic Chester presented (yet understand this is all still within the Master Matrix) and is at the root of our "stuckness."

That by understanding this, we may then move past this (if we truly want to).

23rd February 2014, 20:55
Thanks Chester for your observations and your emotional reactions to the movie.

First off, I saw Avatar as an historical reference as to earths history. Of course, the ending had to be dubbed in because we have not chosen the ending yet, but of course, fighting the ultimate Armageddon between good and evil, against the nefarious interloping overlords who came from somewhere else and stole our sacred spirit tree, well, that aspect of duality played out and manifested is not necessarily the highest and best outcome for us humans. How about we just raise our vibration above the emotional reactions of fear, anger and grief?

Of course Avatar elicited the polarized baser emotions of fear, anger and grief, but it also showed me how these memes works. I became the observer, as you yourself did Chester, of how these memes elicit the lower emotional response, and how we can choose not to give our energy up for the Archon's. You see, that is also a theme in the Avatar movie, is how energy works and how we create the memes we choose to give our energy to.

So, why I think it was an epic movie, even though it was produced by James Cameron, who is tied into the highest echelons of the Hollywood power brokers, who obviously know the true history of earth, and know how to offer up our energy for the alien interlopers as well as the elite power brokers here on earth, it still elicited ALL OF the memes and historical references we need to consider.

Let the movie ruminate in your subconscious for a few more months. I assure you, there's more there that you will gain and expose on both sides of the polarized perspective, as well as your keen observation from the middle path.

[update]You may also notice if you have been reading my posts for the last couple of weeks, these themes are popping up everywhere and I have been addressing them in my posts.

23rd February 2014, 21:08
It was directed also by James Cameron. It is very important, because what you see is what the director wants you to see allways, no matter what the producers might say. On small projects producers play a role, but on something like that, not so much. He is an established sales person and almost nobody will try to intervene, because of fear to make the wrong choice. Yes, he gets to play by some rules, but.

Thank you justoneman, for starting a thread about (a movie). I have started to write like jackovesk :).
Anyway, imagine that in a concept such as this the work continues for years. I mean literary years. Also, have in mind that it is based on an older concept/story, but he has made his version of it.

I am only noting these details so that you get to appreciate the scope of everything.

Think of it as building a major cathedral. Every move and ever aspect has been calculated. The amount of storyboards and sketches, and concepts, of all kinds, is astonishing. Also, Cameron is an artists, he tends to draw quite well.
All in all, he is a masterful beast in the shape of a (bit of an arrogant) person.

Apart from that I will not state a personal opinion. I usually watch with all my available power, which is to say I get emotions, concepts, references run through my mind without difficulty. Everything that you have noticed is there, at least from my view, and even more. We are not the first to dwell in such areas, you know. But I think James Cameron did surpass a lot of expectations, and did the unthinkable- he did not obey the rules to mind-control us all that much, but managed to restore some state of genuine appreciation and innocence. My dad, who is a bit of a skeptical person, saw the film I think 4-5 times, and he literary had tears in his eyes the last time I checked. :)

If you want to understand a bit more who and what is behind AVATAR, you may visit a thread I started sometime ago. I did it basically for everyone who gets to wonder why we experienced so much movement when watching AVATAR, or any other film done by J.Cameron.
I am not promoting anything, I will not even give you the link. :)

Hope you will start more film threads.


Edited to add:

As with any piece of art, which that film is in its core, the beauty or the lackthereof, is in the eyes of the beholder. So what you see is a matter of a personal experience and expectation. I have watched films over time and have found different meaning in them, sometimes have even felt shocked at what I discover during a second visit.

The film definitely tried to instill guilt. It also tried to prepare us for a more 'alien' world ahead of us. But I did not see much darkness, more I saw human stories and emotions. I am a bit odd when it comes to mind-control, because I tend to get very unwilling to obey rules I consider uncomfortable, so if the film had a tendency to stir fear or negativity, I have probably filtered that out quite quickly.

23rd February 2014, 21:26

Those dark emotions that you believe are "triggered" are your own creations or sustainings. "Archons" feed on your creations. They will try to make you perceive things in a certain way by influencing your ego, to get their "honey" which are strong and improper use of emotions. We all have very sick relationships with our emotions -- this was done intentionally by the "interlopers" to make us as "food sources" for certain beings, and this sick relationship is reinforced, by religion, and media / entertainment, as we can all see the promotion of fear, doubt, guilt, and even gratuitous joy as an emotion.

The next step is to get to the point where you no longer create those emotions. These can be deep into your subconscious and likely some aspect of it is carried over from past lives, or possibly even via genetics from you parents and ancestors. Why does this stuff get passed on? Because "processing" it is the only way to alleviate it from our subconscious, every human has a responsibility, as you said in your post, to address this within themselves - however they feel it may have gotten there - without this, human spiritual evolution does not advance. The "Archons" are your motivation. I heard someone say once, I think it was a Christian pastor, when answering why God created a hell, he said with a laugh, "to scare you back to heaven, so the real experiences can begin." -- I saw a little truth in that message - not literally of course, though.

How do you, Justeoneman, address these unresolved dark emotions in your subconscious? I don't have that answer. But I do know you must start here, if you have not already. I was able to address some of mine by coming to an understanding of a higher order of logic. One that alleviates all my stresses, and any of these past issues and dark emotions that come up for me today, I can run them through my higher order of logic and the fear that I had associated -- that created and sustained these dark emotions became alleviated. Fear is at the root of all these dark emotions. When one does this they are not just doing it for themselves but for the collective of humanity as the single being we ultimately are.

When humans practice processing these dark emotions, everything is affected, the interlopers consciousness themselves, as we now share some DNA with them ;) (it was planned); the beings that feed off our "dark emotions", obviously have to evolve or perish; and our own dark ruling entities here on earth, eventually they will not be able to add as much fear to the human collective subconscious, as humans can process via our ability to express the unconditional love of the Creator (this is the highest esoteric logic behind depopulation). This is why we were chosen for the human project. There was no interest in dinosaurs, fish species or insects for this project (there may have been other projects though), and when a primate was found that could fit the bill for the project, it was the potential capacity for the Creator's unconditional love that made all what the initial explorers of the physical realm (us - in a sense - without time) wanted and required for the success of this project. Humans are part ape and with the spark of the divine, we were also "tainted" both consciously and genetically by the interlopers, as part of this project. Perhaps now the grandness of the human project is beginning to reveal itself. ;) My 2 cents.

Freed Fox
23rd February 2014, 21:42
And here I was thinking the film was an allegory for the treatment of Native Americans by colonial Europeans. :p

On a deeper level (though perhaps still more superficial than some of the insights others are expressing here), I personally see the film as a warning against rampant technological industrialization/consumerism, which places highest value upon commerce and profit while disregarding spirituality and indeed life itself.

At any rate, it may be worth noting that a number of the 'invaders' came to greater understanding and empathy for the invaded, and attempted to act on their behalf. Perhaps too little too late, but nonetheless...

23rd February 2014, 22:02
The Story Behind Avatar, Treatment #1 --
The Legendary Script --

"Welcome to JOSH SULLY'S world.

"It is a century from now, and the population of our tired planet has tripled. Finally, drowning in its own toxic waste, starvation and poverty, the population has topped out at a nice even 20 billion.

"The Earth is dying, covered with a gray mold of human civilization. Even the moon is spiderwebbed with city lights on its dark side.

"Overpopulation, over- development, nuclear terrorism, environmental warfare tactics, radiation leakage from power plants and waste dumps, toxic waste, air pollution, deforestation, pollution and overfishing of the oceans, global warming, ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity through extinction...

"…All of these have combined to make the once green and beautiful planet a terminal cesspool."

That's how Cameron's original scriptment for the film opens. Back then, the lead character was called Josh, but many of the ideas present in the final movie were born from that original screed (so anyone seeking it out online should be aware that spoilers lurk within it).

The ideas for the story draw more from the past than they do from the future: "We’re basically telling the story of the Americas and to a certain extent some of the other areas in the world that were conquered by the British, Dutch and so on.

"But we’re really telling the story of what happens when a technologically superior culture comes into a place with resources that the conquerors want," explains the director.

The story was originally considered as Cameron's next big thing following True Lies.

"I had planned to make this film before Titanic. I wrote the treatment of Avatar in spring 1995. It is a film I’ve always wanted to make. It was just a question of when.

"But it was driven by the maturation of technology. Then I wanted to make the film right after Titanic which would have been around 1998.

"I was told pretty much right away that it wasn’t going to be possible.”

And it wasn't a producer letting him know this - it was Digital Domain, the visual effects house he largely owned that warned even they couldn't pull it off with the mid-nineties' tech.

Of course, the filmmaker is famous for pushing ahead regardless. "The words ‘No’ and ‘That’s impossible’ and phrases like ‘That can’t be done ’ - that’s the stuff that gives him an erection,” Bill Paxton told The New Yorker this year.

Cameron might have realised that he couldn't make Avatar right there and then. And so he put the scriptment into a draw while he focused on a few other things, like making a little film called Titanic and becoming obsessed with diving deep into the ocean.

But he never forgot Avatar. And the story would surface again, once the tech was ready for it, even if it meant Cameron doing it himself…

James Cameron's Avatar is a stylish film marred by its racist subtext, Treatment #2: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/willheaven/100020488/james-camerons-avatar-is-a-stylish-film-marred-by-its-racist-subtext/

... and on and on... depending on which side or at what marker point of the fence one sits.

Here are just a few comments from our fellow Americans . . . .

• I wouldn't claim to be attached to that eco-tard wanna-be sci-fi version of "Dances with Wolves"

• I actually thought James stole the plot from Pocahantas

• It's just a modern version of Fern Gully

• Dances with Fern Gully Wolves

• Plot to Avatar.....boy meets girl ..the dont like each other at 1st... then love each other... then have a falling out ....then live happily ever after....somehow that sounds vaguely familar

• The writer for Ferngully so sue too. Avatar basically ripped that entire movie.

• Cameron was also sued by Harlan Ellison in the 80s for lifting the plot of "The Terminator" from an Outer Limits episode he wrote. The case was so open-and-shut that Jimmy C settled out of court for big bucks.

• C'mon, everyone knows that Avatar ripped off Dances with Wolves.• Avatar was stolen from pochantas. Native people in a beautiful land, in tune with nature, had a magical holy tree that they can talk too, forienger falls in love with daughter of cheiftan, jealous betrothed of said daughter, 2 sides fight, have magical sentient animals, same movie.

• Then everyone who ever wrote a Cowboys and Indians story needs to file suit against him too. If someone makes it big (e.g., hard work, luck, or the lottery) there is always someone out there to steal it from you.

• I always thought Avatar was a rip off of Dances with Wolves or The Last Samurai, take your pick they are both the same basic premise, just told in a sci-fi format. With maybe a little of the Emerald Forest thrown in for a touch of variety. Maybe the makers of those films should sue Eric Ryder.
taken from Treatment #3: http://somethgblue.hubpages.com/hub/Avatar-The-Real-Story

23rd February 2014, 22:04
Hi Chester. The teachings which best correlate with my experience and current level of understanding are from Baba Ram Dass. He analogizes life to watching a film. To the extent we identify with the characters in the film we are pulled into it emotionally, but part of our consciousness remains detached and aware that we are only watching the exploits of a character in a film. The solution to our "stuckness" then, he suggests, is to cultivate our identification with the part of our consciousness which is witnessing our life experiences. I guess that's what you mean by "essential self". In any case, the bottom line is- the more I identify with the temporal/physical aspects of consciousness the more stuck I become and the more I identify with the eternal/spiritual aspects the less stuck I become. Ram Dass also suggests that the process of getting "unstuck" more or less happens of its own accord, ie- we can't rush this process any more than a caterpillar can accelerate the process of becoming a butterfly.

24th February 2014, 01:25

Those dark emotions that you believe are "triggered" are your own creations or sustainings.

This is exactly what I have been saying and what is said in this particular paragraph in the OP –

"So I watched the movie and through me was generated the very energetic sustenance (the denser, darker emotions) that the depths of my being (the realm of these Archons) require and that it is pulled through from my waking state, material realm and individual identity's experience."

I am referring to a region within my sub conscious when I wrote "the depths of my being."

Hopefully it has been noticed that in much of my other posts of late, I have expressed the view that all of these “Archons” are simply “within me” (which I suspect is the same for all of us though I could never assume that).

The point I was throwing out there in the OP is that here is a form of media which stirred up much of these darker emotions. The bigger point is – isn’t virtually all media that is allowed to reach the general population much the same?

Consider this – the Jungian Archetypes... that a small set of storied dramas repeat despite generations of man supposedly progressing. Yes, in an outer sense, man progresses but when we consider life from the point of view of experience with a goal of having a more enriched experience, for most of us we are caught up in the grips of the archetypal dramas over and over and over throughout a lifetime and then lifetimes upon lifetimes.

The bottom line of any point I was hoping to make is that I see no change in this unless each of us begin to accept our own responsibility in the matter. But not simply responsibility for experiencing it as that is actually natural but for creating media which incites these reactions. Only then can one get on top of the emotional reaction but more importantly, folks like James Cameron may stop making films that are assured of bringing forth the denser emotional reaction. Idealistic indeed. Yet some have grabbed the ideal and... moved to the countryside in Ecuador for example, I bet they are rarely exposed to this crap unwillingly and I also bet they don't seek this sort of crap too often (if ever) willingly. We all know the story. We all know the repeated 10 or 15 or maybe 20 dramas fueled by both our ignorance and the Archons that eat the energetic reactions. I can see Morpheus holding up the Duracell battery as I type these words.

Consider the Mantids mentioned by Simon Parkes. Perhaps the most advanced in terms of consciousness of the beings of the 4th dimension according to Simon. I am not suggesting you "believe" in them... just consider the metaphor as to what they represent. It appears that along their evolutionary path, they chose to transcend emotion. Yet what also appears to be the case is that they metaphorically “lost their soul” and are seeking a way to regain it. "Soul" in this case represents their spiritual connection which for me now implies sovereignty of their own actual being - whatever that may be.

Considering all this, I would recommend that humanity understand and accept the fact that what they make, do, write, speak and even think generates emotive reactions which are certainly natural. And that if they truly cared about humanity and indeed all life, they would stop producing anything that clearly and likely generates the denser, negative, dark emotions.

The odds that the clowns running the show ever get this much less act upon it are virtually zero - yet when they day comes they find themselves too deep in entropy, perhaps they might change their mind. Regardless of the odds, all possibilities always exist within the possibility set.

Anyway - that is why I had a hard time with this film as it is my opinion James Cameron is smart enough to know this and so by making films like this, he is pushing the split civilization towards further division.

This is why I have become quite discerning as what I expose myself to. I cannot deny the realm within me. But I can stop feeding the beings within that realm that eat my negative loosh by avoiding what I know generates that loosh.

24th February 2014, 01:58
Consider this -

We cannot measure the average psi ability of the average human. We also cannot measure the general psi ability of a human to another species. It is appears the psi abilities amongst "civilized" humans has steadily and greatly decreased from thousands of years ago. Indigenous tribes who were not exposed to the "civilized" human retained their psi abilities. Example - the Australian Aborigines.

As soon as "civilization" came forth upon the earth, so did the drop (for most) in their psi abilities. When we fast forward to today, we see most folks don't even believe in the 6th sense, a few do but have barely developed it and a rare few have broken through to experiencing a greater capacity for psi.

My hypothesis is that though many things can be considered as likely factors in what holds this down, its my opinion that a wider empathetic field comes hand in hand with expanding psi abilities. So if this is the case, an individual who has a wider empathetic field must endure a constant barrage of these lower emotions which a great deal of the media continues to generate.

Why would intelligent people who have the wherewithal to produce mass media... people who the general human being would assume has the best of intentions for their fellow human continue this practice?

The split civilization is here for certain.

So then the general human being has an option - stop going to these movies produced by those aligned with that tier 1 civilization.

So what are the odds of that? haha

So then what does the individual do that realizes this?

The inner voice once again says... "Starts with an E and ends with cuador."

24th February 2014, 04:09
As for the Hollywood types. Not all people at that level are of sterling intellect and fully aware. Many of them are trick ponies, not any deeper than is required to get the job done.

Many are clueless of agendas and driven systems. Many know and acknowledge there is a system of some sort but their analysis ends a thinking it is blind human greed. If some go further they are aware there is an agenda of a sort, but they work within that system. That their limits in self put them in a particular casting of self and particular set of blinders. They simply cannot emotionally cognate the entire thing, so it does not exist in their potential to understand.

Very very few, IMO, think the thing out fully. Very few make it there. John Carpenter being one of them, as a guess.

For Avatar, for it's value into rising awareness, I give Cameron a pass.

Look around, you might find the story. The story goes that Cameron LIED to the backers of the film, it was not supposed to be so negative to the corporate types, so negative toward the military, or so high on the basics of spirituality and avatars.

Before the film was released, he showed the entire backing system of corporate heads, a different 20 minute synopsis (or whatever length it was). This was the thing that gave them the final commitment, the final push into putting about 2-3 billion or whatnot, on the line. All the theaters had to be equipped for 3D films, and that was about $100,000 USD, for each projector, just the projector alone. Sony had to pump up their manufacturing levels in order to get it done.

It opened in 3461 theaters, to the tune of approx an extra $100-120k spent to equip each theater. Never mind the advertizing costs. It was +$350 million for the projectors, alone. Then, the next films that were to be put in those theaters, to drag the public into them. All of them had to be lined up and ready to go. So it was about $2-3 billion to be run in a domino effect series run of actions and acts, all planned out, all precipitated on Cameron's AVATAR film.

So back to that point...Cameron lied to them and showed them a different film than you saw, and they gave the go ahead for the other film. YOU saw the good humanist version that Cameron wanted you to see. When it hit the theaters, that's when they found out. But it was too late. And Cameron had his say and his film, his way.

24th February 2014, 04:15
Consider this -

We cannot measure the average psi ability of the average human. We also cannot measure the general psi ability of a human to another species. It is appears the psi abilities amongst "civilized" humans has steadily and greatly decreased from thousands of years ago. Indigenous tribes who were not exposed to the "civilized" human retained their psi abilities. Example - the Australian Aborigines.

As soon as "civilization" came forth upon the earth, so did the drop (for most) in their psi abilities. When we fast forward to today, we see most folks don't even believe in the 6th sense, a few do but have barely developed it and a rare few have broken through to experiencing a greater capacity for psi.

My hypothesis is that though many things can be considered as likely factors in what holds this down, its my opinion that a wider empathetic field comes hand in hand with expanding psi abilities. So if this is the case, an individual who has a wider empathetic field must endure a constant barrage of these lower emotions which a great deal of the media continues to generate.

Why would intelligent people who have the wherewithal to produce mass media... people who the general human being would assume has the best of intentions for their fellow human continue this practice?

The split civilization is here for certain.

So then the general human being has an option - stop going to these movies produced by those aligned with that tier 1 civilization.

So what are the odds of that? haha

So then what does the individual do that realizes this?

The inner voice once again says... "Starts with an E and ends with cuador."

History illustrates that 200 years from now, +95% of what is material objects, and what you base your life on, will be gone. Totally nonexistent.

Seek detachment as attachment is not a real thing, it is not here - or anywhere else.

"Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream" - Malcolm Muggeridge

What has left us, it will return. Life is an oscillation, a pendulum -if you will, a shifting, a meandering of motion.

24th February 2014, 06:20
Seek detachment as attachment is not a real thing, it is not here - or anywhere else.

What has left us, it will return.

I have to say I completely agree! For a change :) .

Empathy comes from awareness and detachment, not from psi abilities. In a sense when you feel that, you will see how quickly you discover that nothing material here matters much, not even your body and your thinking-s, but rather the process of integration of the opposites.

Funny, I was about to write more on this, but I will condense it right now.

This life here, whatever that might mean to you, is just an exercise in integration: '+' with '-', male and female (remember Samael Aun Weor), black and white, and so on. Until you reach the point where you are totally neutral, not too good, not too bad, so to say. Than, at that moment, some say Christ Consciousness descends upon you :) (if you ask me it is a lot of words unnecessary, but pretty looking all the same), and you move one level above in the game. That is all. It is not a matter of 'realizing' how bad that is , or how unaware people are.

You may be surprised how aware many people are, especially simple, normal, 'average' people. We think in term of awareness when we deal with aliens, agenda, what-have-you. It is so much not important, and it may turn out that everything you know and 'believe', even right now, here on this forum , among all those aware people, is partially if not completely wrong. :)

But don't mind me, I am (still) a (young) female, from an unknown country. I can't possibly 'know' all of that.

I don't think James Cameron has lied all that much when it comes to AVATAR. He is a director with many solid box office films behind, so that on its own can make other decide quite quickly. Note that he is the writer, director and producer. Can't possibly beat that combination. AVATAR is a first of its own generation, many money people in our favorite holly wood don't have the scope of vision to fully understand what that means until they see it made in solid. Which would explain a lot.



Joe Akulis
24th February 2014, 17:11
Heh heh heh. Well, when you finally finish processing, be sure to book the next four weeks and pick up a copy of Cloud Atlas, man!!! :-)

24th February 2014, 17:41
One of the few blu-rays that I bought. (Cloud atlas)

778 neighbour of some guy
24th February 2014, 18:52
Anyone made a connection yet between element 115 ( jokingly called Unobtainium), as mentioned by Bob Lazar as the prime energy source for whatever it was he saw in/at area 51 and the stuff they were after in the movie Avatar?


24th February 2014, 23:41
This is why I have become quite discerning as what I expose myself to. I cannot deny the realm within me. But I can stop feeding the beings within that realm that eat my negative loosh by avoiding what I know generates that loosh.

In my humble opinion. this is the wrong approach -- how can one be free under this system? It may be a beginner's approach, to help identify the dark emotions, but avoiding the problem leaves the problem un-addressed. =) My 2 cents ;)

I can almost guarantee you that >99% of one's "emotions" are strictly triggered, created, and / or sustained by unhealthy reactions that stem from subconscious fears. The problem is that everyone defines themselves by these very reactions to form their definition of them "self", so addressing and processing them seem self destructive, but in reality nothing can be further from the truth. In this processing lies the keys to the return to natural human psi abilities. The issue is, who can self destruct all their fears and beliefs that sustain these >99% emotional reactions, and who wants to, knowing that it is in fact these emotional reactions that one has defined them "self" by? For most, it would seem a serious catch-22, not worth the risk.Regardless, it is eventually required for the proper evolution of the human project, and what will ultimately "free" us from our chains. Another 2 cents.

25th February 2014, 01:23
Yes, one is not putting the gun in their mouth by dissolving such things, as these given 'things' are not the self. they are just the body's deeper primal I/O filters, which are so deeply attached, that we generally mistake them for 'self'.

Ridding the self of their influence takes more than a bit of gumption, for these devices have taken on a life of their own, a layering of self, so to speak. One has to lose such affectations, and then be able to communicate to others in the shape of things that have been purposely removed from self. which is another problem, as those affections, these emotional systems, constantly attempt to rise again and became what they were, like reflex memory.

25th February 2014, 04:16
Well that settles it for sure - lets follow the path of the Mantids! Emotionless yet stuck at the top edge of the 4th dimension.

25th February 2014, 09:57
justone, I am editing this post for my own safety. I know you have read it, and that is enough for me :)


25th February 2014, 10:43
justone, I am editing this post for my own safety. I know you have read it, and that is enough for me :)

25th February 2014, 15:09
I will do my best to communicate what I was hoping to convey as it has been entirely missed.

All of this is opinion and hypothesis -

If the human being has its own positive properties, and I believe we do, emotions is one of them. Emotions span a wide spectrum. Most human beings on earth appear stuck in a recycling of dramas which stimulate most of the lower, denser emotions.

My own enlightenment generated the experience of a massive sense of compassion and understanding for the plights of all beings. But I saw the door to detachment and I chose not to go through that door. The primary reason was my loved ones... ie. my family, my close friends and the new friends I meet (primarily through Avalon) who I instantly connect with/love as if we have been friends for lifetimes. Another reason I "returned" (to earth as the expression goes) was because I have seen enough gurus reach the mountain top and stay there so the universe certainly doesn't need one more.

So the enlightened/detached is one thing and I made the choice to remain one foot fully in the game. That subjects me to the emotions. Again - understand... this is a conscious choice. But also note, I have the other foot firmly planted outside of the matrix and thus I have the capability of extracting myself at any moment and I have learned to do this. On a side note: this ability drives folks crazy ("haha") as they cannot understand how I can instantly switch and they then say - "WoW - you were just acting," but that would not be correct.

So the point I made about the movie was not about the obvious, surface dynamics and their correlations to recent human history and the "lessons" that might be taught - What has been missed in my posts is my focus upon the constant representation of folks (the good guys, the bad guys, the bad guys who became good guys... all the characters) continuously displaying these lower, denser emotional states and then rare instances where, as if they had some epiphany, a few might display the higher, more altruistic, compassionate, benevolent, loving, even physical displays of love (sex as the sex between that good guy avatar and the indigenous woman) but again and I emphasize - if we count up the instances of emotional displays and rated these on a chart, the vast majority are of the lower emotions.

So to knowingly have such a vast audience where on the surface, a horrific and obvious grand lesson is being displayed and pushed upon the masses (again!) yet to depict all the characters with such an overbalance of demonstration of these lower emotions could suggest to the subconscious of the innocent and unaware that to be "good" is to chose the right side and perform the right action while never understanding their constant experience with and outpouring of these lower emotions is what actually feeds the very monster behind these repeating dynamics... and so what may be the greater underlying truth is that no matter what one's mind might suggest, the emotions have their significant say as to the actual output of a human being.

So if Cameron knows this and consciously produces a film which will impact a singificant portion of the masses, then in my opinion, he is not doing humanity as a whole any favor.

But we can't change Cameron nor should we... but we can chose not to expose ourselves (as much as possible) to these dramas. It is no coincidence I never watched the movie until a few days ago. I have almost totally left involvement with that form of media as it not only has no positive benefit for me, it reminds me of the prison(s) most of us unwittingly participate in regenerating.

And this doesn't stop at the doorway out of the waking state reality experience...

We take this into our dreaming experience as well. There, it is possible that "third parties" are able to beam in "bad dreams." How we handle that (within this lovely game) is quite important and yet hardly is there any focus upon dreaming like there is regarding our waking state experience THUS a subject for another thread indeed.

The above is what I hoped to place within the sights of this thread. No one needs to respond as if I have missed some sort of bigger truth (or the biggest truth) as that is all and only guruitis and mountain top preaching. Again, I have consciously chosen (like the folks in the Matrix movie) to have a foot in both realms and to place my weight on either foot at any one time and then instantly shift my weight to the other when I feel like so doing. I enjoy this form of experience at this time. I do not suggest nor care if anyone else agrees with it, wants to attempt it, etc. Sadly, I have become stark, raving enlightened (hopefully some will see the joke in that statement).

25th February 2014, 15:29
So to respond to my own post - if I had a magic wand that could point humanity into a specific direction it would be as this.

Embrace the form of being you are. Embrace the emotive function, the emotional capacity. Discover within that sub stratus of your whole beingness the spectrum of emotions.

Then understand at the individual level our individual responsibility as to what emotions others experience from our thoughts, words (written and spoken) and deeds and how, if we consciously want a more enriched experience for all (which certainly includes oneself) where we honor and retain the gift of an emotional body, then manage our output such that more and more of the positive, higher vibrational emotions are stimulated and experienced and less and less of those lower, denser emotions are experienced and stimulated. This, no doubt, will produce a better world for all beings, including humanity.

over and out

25th February 2014, 15:36
Now the last part and all and only opinion -

A by product of this new approach I put forth in the post above is that the region within our subconscious (which is where the lovely Archons as well as many other theoretical beings reside (perhaps Angels, etc) and which appear in the outer reality as their reflection which we co-create as to their form and appearance) will be required to adjust to the new "food supply" (our loosh). This then places the onus upon the groups of beings within this sub conscious region to either adjust to the new food supply (our higher emotional output) or perish. The good news about this approach is that the Universe and these beings decide their fate. I cannot conceive of a more loving approach/solution to the repeating problem within which humanity on Earth at this time appears to be stuck.

Yet, I am always open to better ideas.

25th February 2014, 17:27
Well that settles it for sure - lets follow the path of the Mantids! Emotionless yet stuck at the top edge of the 4th dimension.

Hehe, I catch some facetiousness there, lol. But seriously, I have almost come to the conclusion that the "proper" use of emotions is nothing like how they are used today. Emotions are used to control you (by the ego) to get what it wants. Because the self is defined by these emotions, when we have say a loved one die, we feel horrible pain and like dying and get full of unstoppable grief - we think this is normal out of familiarity, but it certainly is not (https://www.nfb.ca/film/griefwalker).

This is because the emotion defines us. My father passed recently and I was able to remain in good spirits and offer good support to the rest of my family during this process (thankfully - I wasn't sure how I'd be). I realized that I was going to miss my father's presence for a short time, but I did not fear his death, and I told him that in his last days. I still had emotions, but they did not affect my selections, as I would have had them be as though I was at my best. I may just as easily have been so attached to my emotions that I wasn't any help to anyone, because my ability to select or choose was hampered by the concept that I was the emotion.

This indicates that I had placed my consciousness outside my "self" as defined by my emotions, and I became an observer. This is the best way to describe it. We all know we are not our emotions, yet so hard it is to separate the two. This technique, is in a sense, creating a "new" consciousness from which you store no definition, but become the silent observer. You are basically "raising" this consciousness over your more familiar traditional one, then observing your emotions, and your minds reactions to those emotions from there. From this vantage point, one can see how they themselves react to their own emotions, and can see what might need to be addressed.

My two cents on my little tangent I took your thread on ;) Sorry if I came across preachy, I sometimes do :) But the overall message is for everyone.

25th February 2014, 17:31
Now the last part and all and only opinion -

A by product of this new approach I put forth in the post above is that the region within our subconscious (which is where the lovely Archons as well as many other theoretical beings reside (perhaps Angels, etc) and which appear in the outer reality as their reflection which we co-create as to their form and appearance) will be required to adjust to the new "food supply" (our loosh). This then places the onus upon the groups of beings within this sub conscious region to either adjust to the new food supply (our higher emotional output) or perish. The good news about this approach is that the Universe and these beings decide their fate. I cannot conceive of a more loving approach/solution to the repeating problem within which humanity on Earth at this time appears to be stuck.

Yet, I am always open to better ideas.

Nah, I think you pretty much got it. :) And something like this happens whether we like it or not - this is evolution. The variables are the rate, and how much suffering humans endure throughout the transition. But at the same time, if we address our suffering, we propel the evolution.

25th February 2014, 22:52
Thank You, DeDukshyn, for these last two posts, but also... all of your posts. I am glad to say that we have (for quite some time) created a mutually respecting dynamic.

Chocolate has also been wonderful in pushing me to look at aspects I had yet to consider.

Still, I felt that I had failed to communicate properly what I wanted to communicate in the Op and my second post. This happens when I start putting forth an idea before that idea has come to its own wholeness. My post related to Mantids was an expression of my frustration - yes... stlll very human here BUT! That is also the point. I am happy to be this. I am happy to be emotional. I am happy that at times my emotions can bring to acts or actions I may later come to view with some regret.

In other words, the beatific thing about the human (as exemplified by James Kirk for example) is that sometimes our emotions bring forth the best in us... that we may perform an act which belies logic (Spoc) yet so often turns out for the best for all.

So why do we not embrace that capacity and then bring forth the best of this asset instead of generating "entertainment" that brings forth the worst of the spectrum of emotions? That is essentially the point of this thread.

Imagine making love without the passion? Can we say boring? Can we say "mechanical?"

It never is for justthisoneman!

25th February 2014, 23:32

Still, I felt that I had failed to communicate properly what I wanted to communicate in the Op and my second post. This happens when I start putting forth an idea before that idea has come to its own wholeness.

And I always end up taking your threads into tangents, lol :o, however, this time though I think there was a dynamic here - we were just focusing on separate aspects of the larger whole a little bit.

My post related to Mantids was an expression of my frustration - yes... stlll very human here BUT! That is also the point. I am happy to be this. I am happy to be emotional. I am happy that at times my emotions can bring to acts or actions I may later come to view with some regret.

And don't change this; emotions aren't evil, but one's relationship with them could be considered such if it causes one to perceive or choose in a way that is not helpful. I personally believe that when a human has the appropriate relationship with their emotions, it becomes a psi tool itself when fully translated into the present moment experience - it will hint to you the unseen, at times of need. But if the ego is abusing them, they can't do this job. Consider that people's emotions are almost never coming from the present moment - they mostly arise from sources of fear that arose throughout your life by putting yourself in an imaginary future or a past that has passed.

In other words, the beatific thing about the human (as exemplified by James Kirk for example) is that sometimes our emotions bring forth the best in us... that we may perform an act which belies logic (Spoc) yet so often turns out for the best for all.

It wasn't traditional emotions that made Kirk superior in some selections, it was present moment gut instinct, which is a natural use of emotion by the higher self. Again, the issue isn't emotions, it is how they are used or allowed to arise. My 2 cents ;)

So why do we not embrace that capacity and then bring forth the best of this asset instead of generating "entertainment" that brings forth the worst of the spectrum of emotions? That is essentially the point of this thread.

I sort of gathered that, this is why I felt it important to understand a little about emotions and how we have our relationships with them, and to point out that it is improper use or allowance of emotions that is the problem. Most people don't understand that due to our "out of the present" conscious state, our emotions have become diseased to the point tat they are used against us in many many ways. In fact I can be master controller (but I am not, I assure you) because I understand how the ego creates emotion to control people, other people can emulate what the ego does to also control others. Immunity is having that healthy relationship with them -- where they do not define you at all; therefore you have no sense of something to defend.

26th February 2014, 01:41

Still, I felt that I had failed to communicate properly what I wanted to communicate in the Op and my second post. This happens when I start putting forth an idea before that idea has come to its own wholeness.

And I always end up taking your threads into tangents, lol :o, however, this time though I think there was a dynamic here - we were just focusing on separate aspects of the larger whole a little bit.

My post related to Mantids was an expression of my frustration - yes... stlll very human here BUT! That is also the point. I am happy to be this. I am happy to be emotional. I am happy that at times my emotions can bring to acts or actions I may later come to view with some regret.

And don't change this; emotions aren't evil, but one's relationship with them could be considered such if it causes one to perceive or choose in a way that is not helpful. I personally believe that when a human has the appropriate relationship with their emotions, it becomes a psi tool itself when fully translated into the present moment experience - it will hint to you the unseen, at times of need. But if the ego is abusing them, they can't do this job. Consider that people's emotions are almost never coming from the present moment - they mostly arise from sources of fear that arose throughout your life by putting yourself in an imaginary future or a past that has passed.

In other words, the beatific thing about the human (as exemplified by James Kirk for example) is that sometimes our emotions bring forth the best in us... that we may perform an act which belies logic (Spoc) yet so often turns out for the best for all.

It wasn't traditional emotions that made Kirk superior in some selections, it was present moment gut instinct, which is a natural use of emotion by the higher self. Again, the issue isn't emotions, it is how they are used or allowed to arise. My 2 cents ;)

So why do we not embrace that capacity and then bring forth the best of this asset instead of generating "entertainment" that brings forth the worst of the spectrum of emotions? That is essentially the point of this thread.

I sort of gathered that, this is why I felt it important to understand a little about emotions and how we have our relationships with them, and to point out that it is improper use or allowance of emotions that is the problem. Most people don't understand that due to our "out of the present" conscious state, our emotions have become diseased to the point tat they are used against us in many many ways. In fact I can be master controller (but I am not, I assure you) because I understand how the ego creates emotion to control people, other people can emulate what the ego does to also control others. Immunity is having that healthy relationship with them -- where they do not define you at all; therefore you have no sense of something to defend.

Great Post... and now I can better define something as well as throw out a consideration -

It appears we agree regarding what you are calling "present moment gut instinct" which I had put into words to be the by product of emotional based reaction as opposed to reactions generated by the mind.

For example, the indigenous people in the Avatar movie (I cannot recall the name Cameron gave them) would scream with a clear negative force when reacting to something most of us would agree could have been understood. The bad guys (like the Colonel guy) also usually screamed most of the time. If you watch the film again, the instances this type of interaction (which demonstrates an emotionally charged impetus behind the reaction) occurred way, way, way more often in this film as a percentage than what most of us ever experience from others or produce ourselves in real life (real life for lack of better words).

Maybe this sells more movies and that justifies the doing, but students of mind control understand the impact of such media (and in fact virtually all media) and it is outright sickening to me. And then some of these same people go out and insist we save the whales or beat the drum for some other cause.

Hypocritical IMO.

And all we can do is stop paying for it as "they" appear to either not care or worse, do this intentionally.

But here is where I don't share the same premise...

it is improper use or allowance of emotions that is the problem.

To stop, hold back or adjust one's emotionally driven reaction requires the mind. Once the mind enters the picture, how one reacts is no longer of purity or perhaps I should state, of the purest honesty. Don't confuse what I am saying to mean the persons honest, emotional reaction could be the best action. But once the mind enters the picture, it is no longer pure.

If we (humanity) stopped promoting the lower based, denser emotions... stopped all the media displays of folks caught up in the grips of these lower emotions... stopped stupid sayings like, "well that's just human nature" (which is utter BS)...

... if all folks involved with media would draw a line and only, ever take the high road - I am certain this would significantly accelerate the opportunity we have before us to enter into a whole new consciousness paradigm. If a half brain dead fool like me can see this... Surely the Camerons can too.

One last response to Chocolate - psi did not lead me to higher, more expanded states of consciousness. Higher, expanded states of consciousness have occurred and I noticed afterwards that I began to experience a much greater amount of and levels of profundity of psi experiences. I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case, the correlation of the rise in psi abilities I attribute to my consciousness expansion.

In fact, some of my early psi experiences were hijacked by Archontic forces and led me to multiple false conclusions which almost cost me my life BUT understand, I am not blaming those forces because I see them as all within me which came to me after my latest samadhic experience (and with the help of some friends like Finefeather). It was after that massive realization all those "dark" experiences completely stopped - funny that huh?

Do note that the primary gift I felt I received was a (so far) lasting compassion... and for the first few months I was quite detached. But I got bored because my primary viewpoint within space and time is as of a human being that "wakes up" each morning and lives in a dense realm with all sorts of others that appear to be doing the same thing as me. So I feel compelled that if someone's hand is reaching out, I am honored to grab it. The trick then becomes knowing when to let go!

26th February 2014, 17:21

it is improper use or allowance of emotions that is the problem.

To stop, hold back or adjust one's emotionally driven reaction requires the mind. Once the mind enters the picture, how one reacts is no longer of purity ...

Exactly where the improper use of emotions come it. You don't realize that by the time you've emotionally reacted to something, the subconscious mind has likely already used fear to taint it. The ego processes everything before you have a chance to do anything about it (under what we call "normal circumstances"). The only thing that happens before that is "what is observed". This is why part of the key is to become an observer to your emotions, not a reactor to them. I will admit, though, that getting in between "what is observed" and "what is perceived" -- most people don't even know there is two different levels here, and in fact most even think the third level - reaction is also one process, but it is not. Out of time to continue for now ...

26th February 2014, 23:07

it is improper use or allowance of emotions that is the problem.

To stop, hold back or adjust one's emotionally driven reaction requires the mind. Once the mind enters the picture, how one reacts is no longer of purity ...

Exactly where the improper use of emotions come it. You don't realize that by the time you've emotionally reacted to something, the subconscious mind has likely already used fear to taint it. The ego processes everything before you have a chance to do anything about it (under what we call "normal circumstances"). The only thing that happens before that is "what is observed". This is why part of the key is to become an observer to your emotions, not a reactor to them. I will admit, though, that getting in between "what is observed" and "what is perceived" -- most people don't even know there is two different levels here, and in fact most even think the third level - reaction is also one process, but it is not. Out of time to continue for now ...

I found allowance of an emotion places me in a position to own the emotion (accept the emotion exists, examine the why of the emotion and then take responsibility for the emotion). So many folks suppress the emotion and then miss the opportunity to grow from the emotion. Sometimes folks suppress them over and over that eventually a volcano erupts and they find themselves acting out in ways they later greatly regret.

Stepping back and observing an emotion is a result of growth. Gotta get to that stage of emotional maturity first. Most of the problem children on earth at this time are stuck in the above mentioned pattern.

The media as it comes forth in most of the world fuels the likely repetition of this first stage and rarely demonstrates folks working through the emotions to reach stage two such that they ever have a chance to reach that state where they can see the wisdom behind becoming more and more the observer and less the reactor.

But this thread is not about what an individual could or should do. It is a call to the media to raise their level of modus aperandi and take responsibility for promulgating the continuous recycling of these lower, denser emotions because the subconscious is indeed a byproduct of a combination of the individual and as it goes deeper, the collective and is also effected by its environment.

Are denser, darker emotions a part of the human emotional spectrum at this time? Absolutely. But does the reasonably mature individual experience anywhere near as much of these denser, angrier emotions in their daily life as is depicted in the mass media dramatic productions? And do reasonably mature individuals react and express these lower emotions anywhere near the same percentage as to what I experienced from all the characters in Avatar? Not even close. Yet we can clearly see the percentage of lower emotions can only be increased by media continuing along its current path.

I doubt someone as intelligent as Cameron doesn't know this. And thus, if he knows this he either doesn't care or is happy to keep the masses in the rut they are in.

Without emotional attachment... either of those is sad to me.

27th February 2014, 13:26
Start at 4:50 to watch/hear the Master, Bill Hicks about the "media."