View Full Version : Springtime is almost here so let's help mother earth

9th March 2014, 00:19

As spring is almost here (in the northern hemisphere) I wanted to post a thread to encourage everyone to sow some non GMO organic seeds (food sources/medicinal herbs/fruits/flowers) to plant out into your local community to help bring our beautiful home back into balance.

This has been my 'calling' and I have been asked to spread this message. It is so important. Please help our mother earth, so that she can keep on providing for us.

Thank you for reading.

9th March 2014, 02:27
My husband and I were talking this morning, that it is just about time to start some plants indoors. Get to it.
Here is a good idea. And it is completely Eco-friendly.

9th March 2014, 02:46
my family will be, we ordered our heirloom seeds last weekend :)

Frederick Jackson
9th March 2014, 05:33
I should be back in US (Virginia) in June and I can help my room mate their with the garden. She had a bad time with the garden last year because of RABBITS. I do not know what her plan is to deal with them. Hmm, maybe we can kill them off by planting a totally GMO garden and spraying Roundup on it. Then next year we can plant organic. PS Joke ;) but rabbit problem still a problem. All I can do here in Mexico is to avoid buying produce at Walmart and rather buy exclusively at the local farmers market (although I have no idea what the farming practices are for the local produce.)

9th March 2014, 09:47
My Almond tree is covered in blossom and the bees are helping to make the fruit.

9th March 2014, 11:58
My snow drops are over, the helibores and daffodils are out, and I'm just taking a quick break from weeding and pruning the raspberry canes which are coming into leaf. There are literally hundreds of ladybirds (ladybugs for Americans!) in amongst the raspberries...maybe they like warm wet winters?!
I'm so full of the joys of spring today as it's hot and sunny here in Somerset. Going out to finish the raspberries then get started on the blackcurrants, redcurrants and gooseberries...