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10th April 2014, 13:21
This article generated such a positive response it bar’s reposting here on Avalon.

When Is Ascension Coming? - The Galactic Free Press
Posted by Will on April 7, 2014 at 8:02pm in Spirituality In General
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This is something we get asked continually, "When is Ascension?", "When is First Contact?", "When is The Event?".

I wonder if people have any idea how long these questions have been asked? This whole idea that a day or a series of events would come along to solve humanity's problems is ancient, it can be found in Zoroastrianism which predates Judaism. And this belief that it's all going to happen "soon", do you know how long people have believed this? It's part of the bible, so at the very least around 2,000 years, probably much longer.

For thousands of years this day has been predicted over and over and over again, and yet it hasn't come. Even today, we seem to get a new prediction of when "it" will happen at least once a week. It's a shortcut to popularity by predicting something will happen, people like that. We see the stats on our site, and we know how popular those messages are. People really want to believe this, and I wonder if they're conscious of the same patterns repeating over and over again?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

We've watched more of these predictions fail than I care to count. Even now, I know there's at least one prediction of something happening sometime this week, and another predicting something 8 days from when I write this. So easy it is to just believe someone else and wait, but is that how real change occurs? How long have people tried this for?

His disciples said to him, "When is the Kingdom going to come?"
Jesus said, "It is not by waiting for it that it will come. No one will say, 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out over the earth, and people do not see it."
Gospel of Thomas 113

What's a better source of telling where humanity's consciousness is at? Looking at the way they actually behave, or believing a channeler? The fact that we rely upon channelers to tell us where we're at, instead of looking and seeing for ourselves, says a whole lot about where humanity's consciousness is at.

Is humanity ready? Well, ready for what exactly? I know a lot of people think ETs are going to come share advanced technology with Humanity, yet I don't believe the ETs are that dumb. You don't give a gun to a 3 year-old, and you certainly don't give something capable of far more destruction to a race of beings who demonstrate daily they're not ready for that level of responsibility. How many wars do you think are happening right now, how often do people still kill each other? The more naive might believe the world is at peace right now, or there's only a couple isolated wars. I count 43 wars that have had at least some killing since 2013, and there's around 20,000+ deaths from these in 2014 alone. Is this a race of beings ready for Higher Consciousness?

On the internet, we have the ability to search the whole world for news stories, and cherry-pick only what we want to hear. You can believe the people in countries like Egypt are "waking up", standing up for themselves and doing something about a corrupt government. We even reported about this on the Galactic Free Press. Now that they have a new government, do you know what it's up to? Have you heard the recent news? They're planning mass executions, how incredibly barbaric! An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and I do not have much hope for the new Egyptian government when they behave just like the old one. Revolutions are often like that, ones that make substantially progress instead of just keeping people spinning in circles seem to be the rarity. I wont even get into the horrors happening now in places like South Sudan and Syria.

Is this what it looks like when humanity is ready for "ascension"? I don't believe that, collectively you would begin creating Heaven on Earth, not killing each other and poisoning the Planet. Even now when the incredible corruption of the business, banks and governments has been revealed, they still get to operate like they're "above the law". Collectively, people have reacted with apathy. They don't want to look at the ugly reality of what humans are doing, they want someone else to come fix things. So many people are waiting for an honest politician to come fix things, religious people are waiting for God to come fix things, new agers are waiting for ETs to come fix things. Meanwhile, the mess grows bigger while everyone waits for someone else to come clean it up.

This whole myth of external salvation is part of what keeps people apathetic and complacent. Every day I see it though, people claiming someone or something is coming along with the solution to all our problems. Meanwhile I don't see much lessening of our problems, at least collectively. The world's drama goes back and forth, progression happens, but so does regression.

Part of this disease is people believing it's up to a single person to fix the whole world. Often people believe that they're the "Chosen one" with the "solution". I personally know multiple people who believe they're the second coming of Jesus, the new "world teacher" or the Matreiya. It's a common delusion, and one our society actually encourages. People want someone else to come along and fix their life, to tell them exactly what to do. This is a form of ignorance, it stems from people not wanting to take personal responsibility, yet all the unauthentic religious and spiritual teachers encourage it.

You're not going to fix the world through avoiding personal responsibility. The world you have now is a result of what this collectively creates. You are responsible for the way your life is, not someone or something else, and when the majority of people really understand this, they'll start creating the world they've always wanted. They'll realize what a beautiful Planet they're already living on, and human beings will reflect that beauty instead of working to destroy it.

To some, it may seem like I don't believe in ascension, but this isn't true at all. What I don't believe is that the current behaviors of Humanity are going to get them there. There is slow progress being made, but it's not the kind of radical transformation yet that brings people to God. Collectively you're still inching forward, and when people are truly ready for Peace, they will collectively be choosing Love, not the fear that's still being spread.

I'm not even sure what exactly is meant by "ascension" for most people, it seems to me this idea seems caught up in the Christian religion. People want this day to come when all the "evil" people get what's coming to them, and the "good" people rise up to Heaven. To me, ascension is the realization that you never left Heaven, and it's the reawakening into your own Multi-Dimensional Nature. You don't need to go anywhere or wait for anything, in fact doing those will just push Heaven further away. Individually, you can choose this for yourself right now, though don't expect it to happen overnight. It's a process, and it's far more about living your own Life than expectation or beliefs.

When people are ready for ascension they will actively be creating Heaven on Earth, they wont be just believe and wait for it to come. Waiting and believing isn't really change, it's repeating the same mistakes of the past over and over again. I wonder if it has occurred to people that perhaps the ones who don't want change are the ones telling people it's coming soon and they just have to wait for it? It's a wonderful recipe for slowing real change, even politicians use it. Remember when Obama was the "change we can believe in"? And yet the U.S. government is remarkably similar to what it was before, in some aspects even worse.

I wonder if the "new age" movements are even really growing now? I know when 2012 didn't bring the changes so many were spiritual teachers and channelers were promising, a lot of people got very discouraged. I often see people getting fed up and leaving after putting so much faith in a failed prediction. These types of things seem to create division just as much as they unite people. I feel much of the "new age" movement is working to create new religions and belief systems instead of real change.

On the Galactic Free Press we learn though, we don't just try to repeat the same failed patterns again. We've switched focus recently to the kinds of messages that encourage personal transformation instead of faith in some channeler and their predictions. As a result, we're quite a bit less popular, I've noticed people would rather be told when the "new world" is coming instead of how they can work to create it. This speaks volumes about whether or not people are really ready for the Higher Realms.

So when is "it" coming, this miraculous thing that fixes our lives? For the people that didn't just wait for it to come, for the proactive people, the ones who understand what it really means to be a human being, Heaven already Here. There's nothing keeping you away except for what you believe in your own mind, what you hold on to yourself, what you alone are responsible for.

When will it happen collectively? So long as humanity perpetuates the current patterns they're in, it's not going to happen. They could break out of those chains tomorrow, or it could take a thousand years, I don't really know. What I do know though is that repeating the same patterns isn't working, and that the spiritual community can do a whole lot more to help things along than just waiting and believing.

His disciples said to him, "When will the rest for the dead take place, and when will the new world come?"
He said to them, "What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it."
Gospel of Thomas 51

The Galactic Free Press
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10th April 2014, 13:26
Finally a thread true to the heart and not to the masses. Its true in that this is not a group or world lotto winning ticket in to heaven or space utopia.

I came into this world by my self. And there is only one in me not a world of people. Yet people act like there here to save the world thinking.. When you can only save you.

A single stone on the road, is neutral till you notice it, stop -- and pick it up and add your thoughts to it. Its still neutral -- all existence is this way Neutral till the brain give’s it meaning.

Our awareness is the evil that gets in the way of everything just being --- everything. Existence dose not need thought or awareness to exist.

At the core, of existence what is has no NAME never did till the brain came and marked it. Like a wolf marks its territory we mark everything in our known world with words that some one else has mark as being this or that.

Rather that seeing with the eye,, this is nice -- noticing its own divinity, Neutral to our labels (marking) existence.

Buddha’s flower mediation, when he held a flower up before his students after many hours of staring at that flower, finally one just one a smile came across a students face -- he finally got it. EXIST. that’s all there is, un- limitless, existence’s with out Names or labels.

When the brain marks it, it suddenly looses its neutrality in your reality, so schools, churches, governments, people teach there labels to children, how grow up and pass on the marking of other’s territory’s like the wolf -- marking, marking, marking, till the true meaning of life and existence is gone..

Follow the leader, monkey see monkey do. Whistle down the lane, fare enough and no one agrees what up or down.

So when this insanity has blinded people sense of existence as neutral and replace everything in the sight with labels totally blind to what existence is. They will follow anyone they think can see, as there sight has been remove with knowledge ( labels) .

Do not partake of the tree of knowledge like eve did but go to the tree of life and partake of that witch is eternal, in you.

Thousands of millennia have passed and we are still marking things. (our territory & and defend it to the death) because be do not respect other’s marking things different than our territory. (war’s un-ending ) opinions get stepped on., and so on.

When you meditate your stepping into the Neutral Zone or getting back to all things exist …. Even with out our thinking getting in the way. And looking for a lotto ticket or ET or God to get us out from under the label trip we have forever been on is not going to happen. The way out of this is to go in with out thinking going with you. You cant take the world with you. You are in the world, but not of it. If you are the spirit driving in the car, when you get out of the car and go into the house, are you still the car?

Then quit living like you are the car. You are in it. So quit identifying with it. Walk in spirit and you will be free of the car you have been lead to believe in as YOU.

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/when-is-ascension-coming-the-galactic-free-press?xg_source=msg_com_forum&id=2859786%3ATopic%3A2709530&page=2#comments#ixzz2yUPsuJZO
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10th April 2014, 17:02
I may be reading it wrong.
But when I did I uttered a sigh of relief.

Finaly an outlook on ascension and personal growth that seems to make some sense.
The only way to look from the heavens is to realize you are allready there.
That doesn't mean the "wrong" isn't there anymore magically. It is the realization that one is human. Gifted to share what is "right" from their inner core.
Develop the courage to stand in love and let that shine through in an ever increasing way.

It is the realization that most of the suffering is in the perception. And that you are the one that can make a difference in relieving that suffering.
Your own and the suffering of others. Not by changing the world in an instant, but by slowly and surely giving of you love to those that need it.

With Love

10th April 2014, 17:30
This really resonates with me and is right on with my thinking on things...very down to earth....I like this message and its' tone and its suggestions and comments..Thanks for sharing....

10th April 2014, 18:03
Inelia's email said 2017...

right now we are in a cocoon, some will be coming out with wings, others will stay were they are feeling safe...

10th April 2014, 18:31
Yes, I have pondered this Question many time as most have, looking at really how long ago this may have started.

In recent times allot of antiquity, and forbidden archeology, even the history channel has looked deep into this question of how long ago did we start asking or looking for help.

Forbidden Archeology, http://www.forbiddenarcheology.com/ has documented untold advancements that show : we are the back ward generation, un-advanced compared to the technology of times gone past.

Scholars, philosophers, the study of the heavens reached untold heights, long before our modern thinking came along.

This go’s so fare back that even the God’s , had not been invented yet. Or even Darwin for that matter.

If the Universe has been around for ever with out a beginning, untold billions of BIG BANG’s and on into the future. Then yah our thinking or following any event has happened again and again with out end.

It’s the NOW moment we humans cant seem to rap our heads around, we keep looking into the future or stuck in the past. When in any given moment there you are, with out time, one see’s the inner most being we are eternal internal for ever-ness with out end.
So I would conclude ( if you believe in reincarnation) when you look back it was us, looking forward its still us. :cool:

10th April 2014, 21:53
Yes, I have pondered this Question many time as most have, looking at really how long ago this may have started.

In recent times allot of antiquity, and forbidden archeology, even the history channel has looked deep into this question of how long ago did we start asking or looking for help.

Forbidden Archeology, http://www.forbiddenarcheology.com/ has documented untold advancements that show : we are the back ward generation, un-advanced compared to the technology of times gone past.

Scholars, philosophers, the study of the heavens reached untold heights, long before our modern thinking came along.

This go’s so fare back that even the God’s , had not been invented yet. Or even Darwin for that matter.

If the Universe has been around for ever with out a beginning, untold billions of BIG BANG’s and on into the future. Then yah our thinking or following any event has happened again and again with out end.

It’s the NOW moment we humans cant seem to rap our heads around, we keep looking into the future or stuck in the past. When in any given moment there you are, with out time, one see’s the inner most being we are eternal internal for ever-ness with out end.
So I would conclude ( if you believe in reincarnation) when you look back it was us, looking forward its still us. :cool:

Thank you ljwheat, some beautiful truth in what you say. This is the only post i have read today that does not condemn or blame. bliss to you brother!

10th April 2014, 22:02
ASCENSION? Sorry but words such as this do unfortunately make me shake my head. As many of you know I'm a straight talker, do not mince words or travel roundabouts to say what I feel. If anyone believes ascension, in the meanings we see around the internet are about to happen to mankind you can think again. Please be sensible, logical and practical. Its NOT going to occur whilst humans butcher each other, ravage this planet and continue to be selfish, greedy, vain, inconsiderate, compassionless and barbaric, warlike, any notion of such ascending will never occur.

11th April 2014, 03:26
Please be sensible, logical and practical. Its NOT going to occur whilst humans butcher each other, ravage this planet and continue to be selfish, greedy, vain, inconsiderate, compassionless and barbaric, warlike, any notion of such ascending will never occur.

Wasn't that the jist of the OP?
I agree the word ascension has gotten a bad rep. when you look on the net.
Still it conveys for many an idea of how they would want to be. thus making the word a manifestation tool.
An aid if you will for being the change..

words are just words. many of which have been given a perverted meaning through media. mainstream and alternative media alike..
If Ascension has become a negative in your vocabulary. It may be interesting to see why. Or just disregard the word and use something else..

WIth Love

11th April 2014, 12:25
The OP is politely in all due respect, if you can comprehend the depth of time, this topic has been on the books thousands of years.

All of this is MAN MADE, to control the masses with the disabilitating definition of the one word “HOPE” the seven evils that came out of Pandora’s Box and the last to come out was Hope.

Hope kills action. Kills doing something about the situation an individual, community or nation gets them selves into.

Waiting on a thought “Ascension”, “Contact” or “event” there is no substance it’s a word and a thought in men’s minds. Its not real, when some one needs help, they will believe any hope you offer them. Long ,long, ago so long that now its become a truth, ( So let it be written, so let it be done.) “Julius Caesar”

And So it Continues to roll down the hill building speed and size only in men’s minds, no were in Nature dose this take place, but only in man’s world of labels and definitions that do not exist out here in the natural world of life and death.. Sorry no Calvary sits on the other side of the hill, although they do collect a tax for that purpose, or insurance, or 10 percent to the church, and so on.

12th April 2014, 16:36
What does Ascension mean? : expansion of awareness...

http://youtu.be/OFYIfc4Ogs8 (1.43 min video)

12th April 2014, 18:43
What does Ascension mean? : expansion of awareness...

http://youtu.be/OFYIfc4Ogs8 (1.43 min video)

Again where in Nature dose this take place, except in men’s minds. One species out of billions on this planet.

Expanded awareness, that’s also an endless topic. When one reaches the final moments on one’s death bed,, What will this expanded awareness do for one’s life on this planet.

The expanded awareness of the being that was able to incarnate here and now on this planet, the being that is you with out mind or expanded awareness, was and did, do this before your brain was trained to think your thinking is you.

The scam, the matrix, taught us all this nonsense about ascension - contact - the big event. According to Hubble telescope there are trillions of first big bang’s older then ours, and even more are still happening.

Rather look to that entity you were and are before we came here in this space and time. (thinking) that came from this planet we didn’t bring it with us, yet were smart enough to get here anyway. LOL the hole point of the OP is what tom foolery are we still believing in after literally thousands of years.

13th April 2014, 12:37
Ascension is a very clear and exact moment in the life of a monad or individual Self.
The process takes the entire life of the period...millions of years...we are in the Human Kingdom and it is only near the end of this process that we even begin to sense such a phenomena.

Ascension is the 'graduation' from the Human Kingdom to the next higher kingdom in the great process of monad evolution.
It is known as the 5th Kingdom or Essential Kingdom...as in essence...or Soul World...or the world of Self Realisation.

First Kingdom is the Mineral Kingdom.
Second Kingdom is the Plant Kingdom.
Third Kingdom is the Animal Kingdom.
Fourth Kingdom is the Human Kingdom.
Fifth Kingdom is the Essential Kingdom.
There are others...:)

This is the point at which our cycles of reincarnation come to an end because we have expanded our consciousness to such an extent that we no longer require further knowledge or experience in this dense world.
There is nothing left to experience and we from this point choose our future path in fields which we are interested in or which we can use to serve others.

Many are now on this planet who have previously ascended and have chosen the path of earth service to impart knowledge for human development and consciousness growth.

Throughout history there has always been the ascended ones...'the gods'...who mingle amongst us to serve and guide us through the Human Kingdom...without interfering with our freedom of choice.

This is also the true meaning behind the term 'Ascended Masters'...these are beings who have worked through the human kingdom and are now serving mankind.

Those still in this cycle of reincarnation...and most are...are the new wave of monads who ascended from the Animal Kingdom to the Human Kingdom some millions of years ago.
Most are now about half way along the process of ascension but the process can be delayed or speeded up individually or collectively.

Take care

13th April 2014, 13:11
As long as reality is interpreted by theories instead of being experienced, subjectivism will go on misleading the sense of reality. < ? your quote.

Ascension is the 'graduation' from the Human Kingdom to the next higher kingdom in the great process of monad evolution. < and you know all this How?
It is known as the 5th Kingdom or Essential Kingdom...as in essence...or Soul World...or the world of Self Realisation.

What were you before coming to this planet ? you still are , and always will be. You are the driver in the Car. you got in the car at birth, when you get out of the car, at death and go into the house are you still the car, we are in the car but not of it. same yesterday , today, and forever. not of this world or men's thinking, or beliefs. The matrix and all its teaching seem very, very real indeed. but it is only a choice IMHO I think I will always be what I am before, now, and forever, long before showing up hear complete in everyway, Disney world is nice. If I came down the latter to come here, going back up the latter, I'm still the one coming and going and loose nothing of what I am. Matrix says and teaches just the opposite. I just remember who I am, and its not the Car (avatar) I'm currently in.

13th April 2014, 13:21

Thank you for this wonderful thread. I would like to look at the practical manifestation of the authors suggestion. We might wonder what we can do? The world is in such a messy state. I found it to be as simple as this:

In the words of Buckminster Fuller; "Find something that needs to be done and do it." Sounds pretty mundane doesn't it. I adopted this simple philosophy several years ago and it has changed my life. If you step outside your door today I guarantee you, there will be something for you to do that will better the planet or its occupants. That simple shift in awareness will transform your life in ways that you never imagined.

13th April 2014, 22:38
ASCENSION? Sorry but words such as this do unfortunately make me shake my head. As many of you know I'm a straight talker, do not mince words or travel roundabouts to say what I feel. If anyone believes ascension, in the meanings we see around the internet are about to happen to mankind you can think again. Please be sensible, logical and practical. Its NOT going to occur whilst humans butcher each other, ravage this planet and continue to be selfish, greedy, vain, inconsiderate, compassionless and barbaric, warlike, any notion of such ascending will never occur.

I will have to agree with Spirit here ... i dont say i know or i dont believe about ascension but ... for any kind of being to get to the point of out growing its physical body and having so much bigger/higher consciousness, the 1st thing it has to accomplice is survival.

You cant talk about humanity and only think about us "rich" people of this planet. Even the economic rich societies have so much survival issues that 99% of us just barely survive. Toxic air, Toxic food, too many work hours, bad sleep, wifi waves, radiation ... etc etc i can keep going on and on. And there are still people talking about ascension? Just looking inside is WRONG ... we are part of this world at this time and space. We cant avoid outside "interference" and we cant avoid distractions. The new age look inside and forget everything is just bull to keep us passive and docile.

Doesnt matter how many hours you meditate ... radiation will still kill you in 20 years or make your children born with "wrong" bodies. Yes meditation is great to enhance our lives but its an extra ... it happens after survival. I want to believe human beings are not evil and that we are just being raised like this. Survival instinct + brain washing just creates more animal oriented humans that are easily controlled. First we must free our selves from the sick monsters that control societies and then eventually we will ascent ... but not now.

I am making a bet with anyone that wants ... we wont see true ascension in our life times. The best i can hope is an Apocalypse (revelation of the truth/reality) that will force the small world view bubbles we live in to break and force us to wake up in a huger more expanded reality (i think this is what expanded/shared consciousness is).

Last ... i have read almost all the ET contact stories i have found here or in the net in general. ALL THE STORIES of ascended beings were explained as the final step after very high tech and peaceful societies. So wake up and see that we are not there ... and we might never get there with wishful thinking.

p.s. The hole instant change or reality from waves or galactic alignments is even more bull than ascension ... at least for me. I hope i didnt offend anyone.

13th April 2014, 22:46
... I just remember who I am, and its not the Car (avatar) I'm currently in.

then you are one of the very very few humans in this planet atm ... cause 99.9999999999999999% of us are still trying to survive and barely get enough free time to think about it.

If you know / remember who you are then try to do something about the world around you that will wake up / force others to remember. I am not saying you are not doing it ... you might. But trying to force ascesion to a living zombie is like talking to a wall. So all i can read is a preaching to the deaf.

P.s. i am not attacking you ... its more pointed on me and my inability to remember or to help people around me. But atm 90% of my time is focused on survival ...