View Full Version : Documentary: JFK II – the Bush Connection

20th October 2010, 14:36

Despite the fact that this documentary is stamped by Prisonplanet TV (I try to be careful with these due to the evident fear-mongering tactic and sometimes completely unsubstantiated claims/statements made by Alex Jones and the films he sponsors). This film brings to light pieces of information that I hadn't heard before. Biased, certainly, but mostly well done. No question the Bushes are/were involved, assuming the documentary and circumstantial evidence are accurate. Some discussion of Prescott Bush and Union bank that ties it all forward to 9/11. When seen in light of the time line, the overall story has much more dimension and clarity.

I was actually not aware that Bay of Pigs and The Cuban Missile Crisis were CIA staged events completely outside of executive knowledge and control, however had been aware of Northwoods so this seems to fit in the whole scheme of things and adds credence to JFKs supposed decision to dismantle and scatter the CIA.

(Note I also recommend Iron Triangle: The Carlyle Group as an adjunct -- will post in a new thread, however here is a LINK (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/iron-triangle-the-carlyle-group-2/) to it).
"Step by step, this movie proves that JFK’s assassination was perpetrated by forces within our own government.

The author of this documentary takes it even a step further and shows how George Bush Senior is connected to the murder of JFK.

A thoroughly documented criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt, his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to murder John Kennedy.

Relies exclusively on government documents and the publicly acknowledged statements and histories of the guilty parties.

The most shocking thing about the assassination is not the brutality of it.

It was brutal, certainly. But the most amazing thing is the way the established media today managed to pretend that there is any question about whether his murder was a conspiracy. JFK II reveals the truth about the JFK assassination on November 22, 1963. Still today, over forty years later, the official government story featuring the “magic bullet theory” is considered part of history."

17th November 2010, 15:48
Thanks for the link. I look forward to watching the doc. Family of Secrets by Russ Baker is a very well researched and documented book covering the entire history of the Bush family. Very disturbing.

18th November 2010, 12:53
Thanks for the link. I look forward to watching the doc. Family of Secrets by Russ Baker is a very well researched and documented book covering the entire history of the Bush family. Very disturbing.

Family of Secrets is an excellent book. It sits in my library.

20th November 2010, 04:13
Tonight I watched Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy episode on JFK. Bush's (senior) name was implicated along with Nixon. The plot was known as "The Big Event", to kill JFK as told by Howard Hunt on his deathbed confession. There was a connection to the Bay of Pigs and Watergate. You can watch Jesse's show as full episodes on Tru tv or purchase each episode for $1.99 on iTunes.

23rd November 2010, 11:16
Interesting view, it does make you think. I would never believe Oswald was the shooter... a carcano one of the most inacurate rifles there is.. right, you must be kidding me..

25th November 2010, 18:48
If JFK was part of the system of control, could he have known he was going to die?

25th November 2010, 18:57
I think he knew he didn't have much longer once he released this speech:


But for him, revealing the truth and serving as a President FOR the people was much more important than worrying about what would happen to him in the end. Now - that is what I call honor.

25th November 2010, 19:12
cool video thanks

7th December 2010, 20:42
Not sure if or how many of you saw the latest interview with two of JFK body guards?
One says he heard a shot on his right, and then another. he jumped on the car and the whole of the back of the car was sprayed with blood bone etc... the other says, the shot came from the depository and witnesses a floor below heard the shelf falling on the floor above... hang on if the shots came from behind how can the rear of the car be sprayed???
I more believe the interview a month or so ago from an investigator who told his story... more then one shooter...
This was shown on the Australian morning show.