View Full Version : The Hypoxia Empire

25th June 2014, 16:38
They all died in the fire that I started.

Royalty doesn't follow intelligence, it follows relations and offspring.

This doesn't guarantee anything will ever get better, it ensures that things will only get worse. If you've ever lived a life as a royal, believe me, you'd never do it again, and when the underlying principle to the ruling class is as primitive and sandbox mentality as simply "kill them and take all their stuff" then even the most imbecilic amongst the Human population can't get it wrong.

This has, however, been going on for centuries now, and we all know royalty are anything but rocket scientists.

They couldn't have done anything without my help.

25th June 2014, 17:03
They all died in the fire that I started.

And oddly enough, all that takes place in the Will-o'-the-wisp.

25th June 2014, 18:17
Other than a legendary forest creature, what is Will-o-the-wisp?

27th June 2014, 01:50
Temporal reality/ illusory flame or fire.