View Full Version : Relationship of the Shmita cycle and the stock market

26th June 2014, 18:45
While I'm browsing the web, someone talked about the ongoing uptrend of the major indices in the US Stock Market and said that a market correction could occure during what it's called "Shmita", which is a Sabbatical Year in Jewish Tradition. I'm not very familiar on the subject of Judaism and its traditions/holidays, but from what I hear, Shmita comes every 7 years with the most recent one to occur from Sep 25, 2014 to Sep 13 2015.

If one is to count back 7 years from now, the last Shmita occured in 2008 - the year the housing mortgage bubble burst. Count back 7 more years, and you get the dotcom bubble burst- both dramatic market declines. Going back multiple of seven years you get to the 1974 market crash which was the most severe since the great depression. If history repeats itself then can we expect the current market to witness a similar scenario, this coming year of the shmita? Does anyone have exact dates for shmita years going back in history?

27th June 2014, 08:19
I have heard about this also . I believe that it comes from the work of Rabbi Cahn. This is the video that I saw that spoke of it, I hope it helps