View Full Version : Do you feel ready now to meet the right one?

27th June 2014, 21:04
I do (soon or now)...and looking back I can see how it was not the best time for me to meet the right one before now! :) Gosh it's been so lonely at times, but sometimes we need "alone" healing time...I have experienced the dark night of the soul and it wasn't a good time to meet someone then! But perhaps some people will and it's not set in stone...

Matt P
27th June 2014, 21:21
I always found that when I was looking, the right lady never came along but when I stopped looking (and thinking or worrying about it) and focused on just living life to my fullest, it happened.


27th June 2014, 21:24
And being lonely is such a turn off for most people, isn't it? It's bizarre how that happens!

Embrace it. It's hard, I know, but I've taken some risks and met some people. I'm going on another date tonight with someone I'm not completely sure about. Big time walls. We'll see.

27th June 2014, 21:29
I know how you feel .

27th June 2014, 22:02
And being lonely is such a turn off for most people, isn't it? It's bizarre how that happens!

I find something beautiful about loneliness...but sometimes people want to back away from too much needyness...

Embrace it. It's hard, I know, but I've taken some risks and met some people. I'm going on another date tonight with someone I'm not completely sure about. Big time walls. We'll see.

I hope it goes well and I respect you for trying :) (those walls, hehe :) with me they can go up and down)


27th June 2014, 22:12
hopefully sometime soon :)

28th June 2014, 09:49
Is there anything deep down like are you afraid of something? you can never be ready for something unexpected...or can you?

28th June 2014, 14:19
I never knew loneliness untill becoming Human, before which I lived with my one and only True Love, for 328 Trillion years, and now have returned to that life, and her, to live in conjunction with this. For all time.

As I keep stating... there is FAR more reason to go Astral, than just playing in the Astral Realms. Communion with HIGH SELF... is imperative.

28th June 2014, 17:17
My experience can be summarized thusly:

Being 'ready' to meet the right person is equally about being ready to be the right person for someone else. I found my match both by finding the 'right one for me' and by finding 'the one whom I was right for', in a realistic and conducive sense, as opposed to an idealistic or aspiring sense. My partner had/has as much work to do as I did/do, and this has enabled us to grow together.

28th June 2014, 17:58
I think it was John Lennon who was quoted saying "Life is what happens while your busy
making other plans." I have been alone for a few years and have enjoyed myself lol
but recently I have found myself thinking about this woman who is actually a member

28th June 2014, 18:28
And being lonely is such a turn off for most people, isn't it? It's bizarre how that happens!

Embrace it. It's hard, I know, but I've taken some risks and met some people. I'm going on another date tonight with someone I'm not completely sure about. Big time walls. We'll see.

I spent 7 years alone after my divorce , learning to just be yourself and let others decide if it's a fit or not ... be yourself ... there is no substitute for the natural , the real ... let the wall down , for out on the limb is where the FRUIT grows ... the second time it will be easier ...you will become comfortable with being an open book , word gets out , and someone out there will have their curiosity peaked and come calling ... knowing they can be open with someone that is open already ... I fell in love with my wife the moment she hugged me ... I still feel it ... follow your heart and you'll find your way ... sometimes we talk ourselves out of good things out of noisy minds ...

28th June 2014, 18:58
Ok turns out he's a looser. lol Well....back to square one. ;)

778 neighbour of some guy
28th June 2014, 23:22
My experience can be summarized thusly:

Being 'ready' to meet the right person is equally about being ready to be the right person for someone else. I found my match both by finding the 'right one for me' and by finding 'the one whom I was right for', in a realistic and conducive sense, as opposed to an idealistic or aspiring sense. My partner had/has as much work to do as I did/do, and this has enabled us to grow together.

Yup, happened to me a couple of weeks ago, very much a mutual therapeutic and healing experience, also scary as hell and way too intense for her, we agreed to quit and move on, things can also happen too fast for one of the two, this time it was her, it was so good, easy and natural it was weirder then weird, ready for each other does not mean its easy to keep up with the pace, so we put the brake on it and enjoy the good things that happened as pleasant memories. What ever happens next happens next, we wont wait for each other, most important lesson for both of us was, good things CAN indeed happen, we both needed to be reminded of that really bad. Off course I feel like sh!t now, but things will pick up, no doubt.

It took a lot of energy out of us btw, sighing, cuddling and the rest, yawning, trust and falling asleep together for no particular reason every two hours in each others arms, we both released a lot of stress and tension, just like that, apparently it was what was needed, and that's pretty cool.

Kelly Anne
29th June 2014, 03:36
Is there anything deep down like are you afraid of something? you can never be ready for something unexpected...or can you?

Yea, I've always felt this way...different degrees at different times.

A great OP and awesome degree's of responses....Helping me a lot as I've been wondering about this area of my life lately!

Thanks! :)

30th June 2014, 15:28
I have had that loneliness experience for many years, most of my life actually. There have been some cases where women have shown interest and I have been dating...but it never felt like something I wanted to do in the end, and I ended it. Self-fulfilling prophecy anyone? :D I still haven't met anyone that I wish to share my life with in the manner partnership involves though I have met some incredible beings while on my astral journeys and visitations of other civilizations. It just doesn't bother me that much anymore, and I find myself just enjoying life as much as I can every day. I bet life will synchronize itself so that the right women comes into my life at the right time, if that is what I really wish for in my heart. :) Many people tend to ask "why haven't you a girlfriend?!?!" and I typically ask "why should I have?" as an answer. Having a partner is just a part of the fullness of life, so why put all attention on something I do not have when I have so much already? =)

1st July 2014, 11:47
Personally, no - not ever again. I have wasted so much energy in my life pursuing what I thought was the perfect "personal love" that I will not be going down that path again; I am fulfilled & happy with my family, both 2 and 4- legged. I seriously think that personal "love" is a "practise run" for the impersonal, all encompassing cosmic kind

1st July 2014, 13:46
Hi all. Yes, it feels like there's potential for relationships with a new level of authenticity and the opportunity to move beyond the games we used to play and BS we used to believe.

As we clear negative ego, heal emotional wounds and face our fears, we can relate to others from a place of more strength, peace and mutual respect.

For most of us, there are alchemical unions on the road (hopefully) to a kind of spiritual marriage.

Some words from Lisa Renee (http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/library/ascension-basics/libraryfaqs/2150-alchemical-union) that resonate for me:

"Many types of people are coming together in a variety of ways to explore different and unusual relationship patterns, many of which are not currently socially acceptable or may be extremely challenging. This is related to spiritual growth and coming into contact with beings you have shared past or future memories with in one’s soul group, or oversoul group.

We come to meet again in the ascension timeline to have completion with unfinished business or resolve painful issues. This helps us to reclaim our pieces for healing, and many times the person in that relationship has shown up for a mutual exchange for learning and spiritual growth. This helps us to reach polarity integration through the process of experiencing relationship alchemy, hence the name alchemical unions.

We have been gradually embodying more of the feminine principle, and this creates shifts in our female energies. When a massive power of female (spiritual source) energy is coming into your body, the inner archetype of your male (mental principle) can feel threatened. Many of us as autonomous independent women on the spiritual path have been working with healing the inner masculine energies. We have had to address and change our behavior in terms of thinking we needed to be polarized in our male energies to survive on planet. We were programmed that we had to always be action oriented, make it happen, make it manifest for our survival.

These are action principles of masculine energy, and now all of a sudden a massive influx of female energy comes into the planet, and it is a fully present and receptive force. It is not a thinking process, it is a feeling process. The masculine part of you may rebel and reject what is happening to you in the ascension process. This is happening within and also is projected into the external in your environment to play out in interpersonal relationships. Have some patience with the process and apply the relationship mastery principles.

The good news about now is that the division and schism between the male and female are undergoing healing and change at the energy architecture level. This will change everything human beings think about as gender and gender roles, and what it means to us to be in relationships, and this process will be stressful for some of us.

This is the shift from the bi-polar geometry which is being rehabilitated back into the trinity format, which allows healing in the architecture of the planetary hologram to occur. This change in the planetary hologram will allow sacred marriage between males and females to occur which are fully in union with the Source Light. This highest expression of sacred marriage is synonymous with the embodied Christos light.

In the future these alchemical unions will evolve into spiritual templates which allow karmic-less unions between men and women. This new template of “krystal” sacred marriage is the perfect union between the masculine and feminine energies.

Through their embodied union of the Rod and Staff, the full interconnection (union) with God Source is made possible in one body. The two become One."

1st July 2014, 13:59
I have had that loneliness experience for many years, most of my life actually. There have been some cases where women have shown interest and I have been dating...but it never felt like something I wanted to do in the end, and I ended it. Self-fulfilling prophecy anyone? :D I still haven't met anyone that I wish to share my life with in the manner partnership involves though I have met some incredible beings while on my astral journeys and visitations of other civilizations. It just doesn't bother me that much anymore, and I find myself just enjoying life as much as I can every day. I bet life will synchronize itself so that the right women comes into my life at the right time, if that is what I really wish for in my heart. :) Many people tend to ask "why haven't you a girlfriend?!?!" and I typically ask "why should I have?" as an answer. Having a partner is just a part of the fullness of life, so why put all attention on something I do not have when I have so much already? =)

Having a partner is an exercise in negotiating intimate space.

It is not a fulfillment situation, and the romance part only lasts a few months.
It is a way of getting bombarded with growth opportunities.
Sharing a home, consulting on furniture, decor, food,
always having to find the point where both parties agree...
this is where the real learning takes place.
The bed sharing part is just the most extreme end of such negotiation,
as more delicate methods of expression have to be developed.

Living alone is perhaps a more peaceful existence as there are fewer external challenges.
The greatest challenge is then the encounter with the self,
and all of its various needs and demands.

1st July 2014, 14:00
I would love to meet the right person. But I'm not sure that will ever happen. And if it does I'm not sure I'll be able to follow through due to my situation with the US government. They do things like control my eyes and make me look up at my eyebrows painfully. They told me if i ever had a wedding they would do it during the wedding.... They have already done it so much my better than 20/20 vision has turned into fuzzy at 100 feet away trying to read street signs due to them straining my eyes looking up as much as possible for eyes to look upward.... I'm also very picky(not so much with appearance but with the mind). It's literally one in a million women I would be able to be with due to my situation. Not to mention I have very little money and no car. I haven't given up though.

1st July 2014, 15:36
I have had that loneliness experience for many years, most of my life actually. There have been some cases where women have shown interest and I have been dating...but it never felt like something I wanted to do in the end, and I ended it. Self-fulfilling prophecy anyone? :D I still haven't met anyone that I wish to share my life with in the manner partnership involves though I have met some incredible beings while on my astral journeys and visitations of other civilizations. It just doesn't bother me that much anymore, and I find myself just enjoying life as much as I can every day. I bet life will synchronize itself so that the right women comes into my life at the right time, if that is what I really wish for in my heart. :) Many people tend to ask "why haven't you a girlfriend?!?!" and I typically ask "why should I have?" as an answer. Having a partner is just a part of the fullness of life, so why put all attention on something I do not have when I have so much already? =)

I think this is a point well taken.The reality of romantic partnership often falls short of our expectations that have been jaded by msm and our current culture. It is also very consuming of time and energy. That is why some established spiritual paths discourage it. At least in the US,50% of marriages don't work out. I'm not trying to be a negative Nelly here but it is always worth considering the other side of things. I can honestly say that I feel quite complete on my own,


"I seriously think that personal "love" is a "practise run" for the impersonal, all encompassing cosmic kind."

I think that this is true. There is a lot to learn from personal love experiences if we make the effort.

1st July 2014, 16:22
I think I am going to rattle a few cages with this post but here it goes. I am a women and most of my life I have had girlfriends who have been obsessed with "finding mr right, my soulmate, the big love" now I am older and I think what passes for finding love is more like someone attempting to find someone outside of themselves to fill the hole. The things that pass of love is really a lack of self love and self acceptance. I think society has placed ideas like it is not good to alone, not be part of a couple and that you are a loser if that is what happens. People need to feel ok within their own skins and if that happens things usually fall into place, if someone is going to come into your life it will happen in the meantime best do some work on yourself and intent to feel ok within your own skin which sounds easy but is anything but people will do anything to avoid finding a space where they are no longer looking out there for peace but finding it inside themselves.

1st July 2014, 17:26
^while most people go through stages in life like that, where they are too needy, and do need to work on themselves...the desire for a loving relationship is natural, innocent, and simple...just like the desire for food...

I love this song (love being a romantic even though I can be shy!)

John Lennon - Love

"Love is real , real is love
Love is feeling , feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved

Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
we can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needed to be loved"


1st July 2014, 17:36
I would love to meet the right person. But I'm not sure that will ever happen. And if it does I'm not sure I'll be able to follow through due to my situation with the US government. They do things like control my eyes and make me look up at my eyebrows painfully. They told me if i ever had a wedding they would do it during the wedding.... They have already done it so much my better than 20/20 vision has turned into fuzzy at 100 feet away trying to read street signs due to them straining my eyes looking up as much as possible for eyes to look upward.... I'm also very picky(not so much with appearance but with the mind). It's literally one in a million women I would be able to be with due to my situation. Not to mention I have very little money and no car. I haven't given up though.

I hope you find her <3

1st July 2014, 17:42
to your question the answer is yes

But the actual right one would not be the same right one it would have been in my twenties, and the other right one in my thirties, and the next right one in my forties. LOLLLL

1st July 2014, 17:54
to your question the answer is yes

But the actual right one would not be the same right one it would have been in my twenties, and the other right one in my thirties, and the next right one in my forties. LOLLLL

hehehe :) yeah, I see it that there are the right ones for now, and/or the right one for the rest of your life...for some people, like my grandmother and grandfather, there was only one, and they had a wonderful relationship, the magic stayed alive until the end <3

1st July 2014, 19:27
to your question the answer is yes

But the actual right one would not be the same right one it would have been in my twenties, and the other right one in my thirties, and the next right one in my forties. LOLLLL

hehehe :) yeah, I see it that there are the right ones for now, and/or the right one for the rest of your life...for some people, like my grandmother and grandfather, there was only one, and they had a wonderful relationship, the magic stayed alive until the end <3

LOL What i meant is that we change over time and our views, desires, will, loving ways, change too. Some of us do grow in harmony together within the changes, but if not, the right one has to change too, not to stop one's evolution.

When i read my post hindsight, i do look like changing right ones often, lol, which is not the case, i have been alone, which i enjoyed for most of my life, and lonely which i did not enjoy for a good part too.

I lately discovered that a lot of loneliness is related either to fear of involvement or to beliefs that have in fact nothing to do with the way human beings are really made. Staying alone is a good thing, being lonely is the sign that you have to change something in yourself.

I also discovered very late indeed that we do have needs that are human, and that all of our being has to be respected, loved, and its needs fulfilled with joy - throw away false beliefs, religious constraints detrimental to the being and respect the nature of oneself, physical, spiritual, emotional.

1st July 2014, 20:11
[QUOTE=Flash;849295]to your question the answer is yes

But the actual right one would not be the same right one it would have been in my twenties, and the other right one in my thirties, and the next right one in my forties. LOLLLL

hehehe :) yeah, I see it that there are the right ones for now, and/or the right one for the rest of your life...for some people, like my grandmother and grandfather, there was only one, and they had a wonderful relationship, the magic stayed alive until the end <3

LOL What i meant is that we change over time and our views, desires, will, loving ways, change too. Some of us do grow in harmony together within the changes, but if not, the right one has to change too, not to stop one's evolution..

Yeah, I know what you mean. This can be more difficult (in a way) when one is married with kids and the relationship isn't right or healthy anymore (I've not been married or had children).

When i read my post hindsight, i do look like changing right ones often, lol, which is not the case, i have been alone, which i enjoyed for most of my life, and lonely which i did not enjoy for a good part too.

Same with me, and feeling lonely is something that has come and gone with me...up and down...it seems to me to be a natural part of having a human experience, though if we feel very painfully lonely, often, it could mean that there is something inside us that needs healing...

I lately discovered that a lot of loneliness is related either to fear of involvement or to beliefs that have in fact nothing to do with the way human beings are really made. Staying alone is a good thing, being lonely is the sign that you have to change something in yourself.

I also discovered very late indeed that we do have needs that are human, and that all of our being has to be respected, loved, and its needs fulfilled with joy - through away false beliefs, religious constraints detrimental to the being and respect the nature of oneself, physical, spiritual, emotional.

One of my favorite love lyrics is "How many times do I have to tell you. Even when you're crying you're beautiful too" ~ John Legend.

Which reminds me, today I was crying a bit on the bus, surrendered to it and it's gentle flow...of healing tears...and sitting quietly with it...suddenly I saw this attractive man who was standing up before he came to sit down, looking at me with loving eyes and as if he found something about me beautiful...I was surprised and did not expect that, but it felt nice!

I've experienced both joy and sadness a lot in my life...I have accepted this, that it is ok, and natural. I would rather that and be open, than not be in touch with my feelings and be too hard on myself about it.

8th July 2014, 05:36
There is someone out there for everyone - most could meet them...

Don't let anyone destroy your faith in love, or keep it destroyed...because of their own pessimism...(unless you want that for yourself).

We don't have to be perfect, or always happy and secure in every moment, to find love, with the right one

True love, we can be honest with...


8th July 2014, 16:56
I don't get lonely, but sad about it sometimes (self pity).

Why not take one from here, some people here share the same interests they could be compatible?
When I was a member in a raw food forum a guy made a thread saying he was looking for a girlfriend
and at least one girl was interested, they met and became a couple.

9th July 2014, 18:31
I met my twin flame over 7 years ago...... I walked away 4 years ago because I didn't fully understand its implications.....I now know why he came into my life.....it's about the work we are suppose to do in this world and not about the old played out romantic relationship most people seek in this world. Twin soul union is about changing old templates of relationships and embodying a frequency to carry out a mission for humanity......a 3rd energy is created ........so no I don't feel lonely regarding a romantic relationship with a man since my purpose in this world is to fulfill my soul's work........right now I'm learning to surrender to this process and trust that the universe will divinely direct and protect this union.....here is a poem I wrote back in 2009 ....at the time I didn't understand what I was intuitively writing about ....but now I understand completely......and now I must trust the universe that everything will be taken care of as long as I trust and hold a space in my heart for this man...

Inside the eye of the heart
three overtures of a divine
order decree what is meant
to be free and for all healers
to see, a true resonance with
the divine balance in life and
an opened spiritual door to
higher dimensions of light....

10th July 2014, 20:06
I woke up about 20 years ago and I feel like I live in a completely differerent reality to everybody else. I've always felt different and felt that the world was nothing llike how we were taught it was. I started to discover how things really were about 20 years ago. I find that being awake brings great loneliness as I just want to connect with like minded people but everybody I know is completely oblivious to how things really are and it makes me feel isolated and on a different planet.

I've had health challenges pretty much my entire life which I have written about in another thread. When you have an invisible illness / disability it makes things even more challenging as people don't understand how I feel due to my health problems let alone what it feels to be conscious and awake. I feel isolated because I can't find people who I can relate to and I've been unable to seek out people I can relate to due to health challenges and lack of energy.

I feel that I would have to meet somebody very much like myself for her to even come close to understanding me. I think I've always doubted that such a person exists for me in this lifetime and that makes me feel very lonely.

Having spent so much time alone the thought of being in a relationship is so alien to me I'm not sure I'll ever be ready.

10th July 2014, 21:31
I always found that when I was looking, the right lady never came along but when I stopped looking (and thinking or worrying about it) and focused on just living life to my fullest, it happened.


I couldn't agree more! Thats what happened to me!

11th July 2014, 04:49
With the "you will find them when you are not looking", or "when you least expect it" thing...it's not a black and white rule that works for everyone always...

Someone could find someone when looking, or not...

Someone could meet someone when not looking, or not expected, or not...

And it seems to me that most people look and then don't look, and it goes around...so naturally at some points, the one who is looking or focusing on it, will not look, not focus on it, and how many times do they go through that and not meet the right person, until they do? So, to me, it's not just a matter of when you don't do something or do it, but when along your journey...being ready and the timing...for the individual person, cause we all have different life journeys...

As for some people, they may look but not expect, or just generally not expect, it is hard for them to believe, for these people, to expect or just believe that it will happen, may help them to be more open to it and for it to happen to them...

I'm just saying this cause I am aware that sometimes things are different for different people...and sometimes hope is important...

11th July 2014, 06:25
looking out for while going insane ...

Big Love


11th July 2014, 08:36
I have to disagree with the 'When you're not looking you find' premise; not only was this the inverse of my experience, but I found when I was willing to go to lengths I hadn't gone previously and in a manner that only I could. By being willing to pursue avenues and methods I had previously scoffed at - but without compromising my character, timing (synchronicity), and methodology - only then did I find who I was looking for, and only I could have 'passed the test' that life had issued in finding her.

In short, finding the 'one' for me was kind of like a scavenger hunt/obstacle course; I do not advise 'not' looking, but individual results may vary and taking a step back can be useful.

11th July 2014, 14:37
^My friends tell me that I have to get out more and meet new people - not just women in my dance classes! (btw, I wouldn't mind being hunted :) )

11th July 2014, 14:51
This particular video has done more for my spiritual comprehension of why we seek relationships than probably any other single thing. Now, of course I have several decades of experience. :)


11th July 2014, 20:07
I was talking a bit about this to my friend at work today, and said how some people see a natural desire to have a relationship as something wrong and needing to fill a hole...then I said, but holes are meant to be filled...we both went silent then both had girly giggles at what else that could mean! *giggle* :)

13th July 2014, 12:14
I like Shirley McClaine's answer on a tv interview. They asked her if she would get married and her response was..only if he gets out of a space ship and he was Plaeidian. I agree! I'm done with 3D relationships.

778 neighbour of some guy
13th July 2014, 12:57
^My friends tell me that I have to get out more and meet new people - not just women in my dance classes! (btw, I wouldn't mind being hunted :) )

Funny you say that, a couple of months ago I decided to put myself out there again, and seriously this time, and since I don't seem to meet someone special in the supermarket, at work, when I am out or what ever, I registered on a dating site, a couple of sorta interesting things happened ( depending how you fill out your profile of course), a few dates, some pretty scary ones too ( one lady had no eyesbrows in person, and I sat there staring at that hairless shiny forehead with my mouth open thinking wtf is your deal lady, well that was no success obviously, almost poked my right out three times with the spoon sticking out of my coffee), however tomorrow 13:15 I have a date with someone I have talked to for hours now over the phone and a couple of hundred longer and shorter emails in 5 days or something like that, and tomorrow we are going to meet for the first time and we are both nervous as hell because so far we seem to hit it off pretty good, some bantering and deepsoul diving already took place so we are both somewhat exploding from anticipation to see what will happen tomorrow, prolly not the smartest thing to do, expecting to much that is, but its also quite exciting, so I am about to iron my favorite pair of jeans and shirt, polish my shoes and crap my pants at the same time, would be nice to fall in love again and to both turn into complete idiots who don't care if the world blows up tomorrow or not, we'll see what happens tomorrow, anyway, we are both pleasantly excited to see face to face and hug each other hello for the first time.;) Fingers crossed.

13th July 2014, 14:09
^My friends tell me that I have to get out more and meet new people - not just women in my dance classes! (btw, I wouldn't mind being hunted :) )

Funny you say that, a couple of months ago I decided to put myself out there again, and seriously this time, and since I don't seem to meet someone special in the supermarket, at work, when I am out or what ever, I registered on a dating site, a couple of sorta interesting things happened ( depending how you fill out your profile of course), a few dates, some pretty scary ones too ( one lady had no eyesbrows in person, and I sat there staring at that hairless shiny forehead with my mouth open thinking wtf is your deal lady, well that was no success obviously, almost poked my right out three times with the spoon sticking out of my coffee), however tomorrow 13:15 I have a date with someone I have talked to for hours now over the phone and a couple of hundred longer and shorter emails in 5 days or something like that, and tomorrow we are going to meet for the first time and we are both nervous as hell because so far we seem to hit it off pretty good, some bantering and deepsoul diving already took place so we are both somewhat exploding from anticipation to see what will happen tomorrow, prolly not the smartest thing to do, expecting to much that is, but its also quite exciting, so I am about to iron my favorite pair of jeans and shirt, polish my shoes and crap my pants at the same time, would be nice to fall in love again and to both turn into complete idiots who don't care if the world blows up tomorrow or not, we'll see what happens tomorrow, anyway, we are both pleasantly excited to see face to face and hug each other hello for the first time.;) Fingers crossed.

Best you leave the hat at home.
Funny read, especially eyebrow lady.
Have fun.


778 neighbour of some guy
13th July 2014, 14:22
^My friends tell me that I have to get out more and meet new people - not just women in my dance classes! (btw, I wouldn't mind being hunted :) )

Funny you say that, a couple of months ago I decided to put myself out there again, and seriously this time, and since I don't seem to meet someone special in the supermarket, at work, when I am out or what ever, I registered on a dating site, a couple of sorta interesting things happened ( depending how you fill out your profile of course), a few dates, some pretty scary ones too ( one lady had no eyesbrows in person, and I sat there staring at that hairless shiny forehead with my mouth open thinking wtf is your deal lady, well that was no success obviously, almost poked my right out three times with the spoon sticking out of my coffee), however tomorrow 13:15 I have a date with someone I have talked to for hours now over the phone and a couple of hundred longer and shorter emails in 5 days or something like that, and tomorrow we are going to meet for the first time and we are both nervous as hell because so far we seem to hit it off pretty good, some bantering and deepsoul diving already took place so we are both somewhat exploding from anticipation to see what will happen tomorrow, prolly not the smartest thing to do, expecting to much that is, but its also quite exciting, so I am about to iron my favorite pair of jeans and shirt, polish my shoes and crap my pants at the same time, would be nice to fall in love again and to both turn into complete idiots who don't care if the world blows up tomorrow or not, we'll see what happens tomorrow, anyway, we are both pleasantly excited to see face to face and hug each other hello for the first time.;) Fingers crossed.

Best you leave the hat at home.
Funny read, especially eyebrow lady.
Have fun.


Grinn, thanks for the advice, but that is not even my face, I am waaaaaaaay cuter then that quadruple chinned weirdo I chose for my avatar, we'll have fun.

13th July 2014, 16:09
Grinn, thanks for the advice, but that is not even my face, I am waaaaaaaay cuter then that quadruple chinned weirdo I chose for my avatar, we'll have fun.

I agree. Remember the picture of you with the orbs? And how about the one with your Mom? <3

13th July 2014, 16:55
I was talking a bit about this to my friend at work today, and said how some people see a natural desire to have a relationship as something wrong and needing to fill a hole...then I said, but holes are meant to be filled...we both went silent then both had girly giggles at what else that could mean! *giggle* :)

^^Was thinking the same...

I think the only thing that can fill the hole (lack) is self love the rest is a side effect and having a partner or not will be according to the story our mind prefers.
I believe it is simply a choice, if we don't have a partner it means we choose not to for some reason, it might be an unconscious reason.

778 neighbour of some guy
13th July 2014, 17:01
I agree. Remember the picture of you with the orbs? And how about the one with your Mom? <3

That woman was 17 when she had me and(remember the suicide thread), I have the world to thank her for ( many times over), we are tight as can be for reasons I mentioned before, you two would like each other, not a single doubt in my mind, probably for the same reasons I like you, your openness in sharing TRUE hard life experiences of the turd kind, rank you way high up the list of people I would actually like to meet, you understand and have seen what's on the bottom of the pit, it has become a very short list.

13th July 2014, 18:14
I like Shirley McClaine's answer on a tv interview. They asked her if she would get married and her response was..only if he gets out of a space ship and he was Plaeidian. I agree! I'm done with 3D relationships.

hehehehe :)

13th July 2014, 19:18
This particular video has done more for my spiritual comprehension of why we seek relationships than probably any other single thing. Now, of course I have several decades of experience. :)

Great video, spot on. I don't think I would have understood this in my 20's or 30's now after a many long term relationships under my belt I get it.

14th July 2014, 04:41
There is someone out there for everyone - most could meet them...

Don't let anyone destroy your faith in love, or keep it destroyed...because of their own pessimism...(unless you want that for yourself).

We don't have to be perfect, or always happy and secure in every moment, to find love, with the right one

True love, we can be honest with...


I believe that finding a "perfect" partner after being a member of avalon is like finding a needle in a haystack that's really big, but like most of you I have great vision, keep it mostly to myself and am up for the challenge! It's all about chemistry in the end so get out there and try.
Love that song Amethyst! Thank you! Lyrics make my hair stand up on my back. :P