View Full Version : The Truth of Tesla/ Elon Musk and Globalists

9th July 2014, 17:44
I am so gonna get blasted with about I am about to say . . . but what the heck . . . .TRUTH can be tough.

I have been following closely with all the hoopla and praise about Tesla Motors and Elon Musk, free energy and the rest that goes with this topic.

Especially the obvious fact that everyone (or it appears) thinks Tesla and current CEO’s and Founders are some sort of saviors or in direct opposition against “Them” or “The Bastards in Power”.

I keep waiting for someone to actually do their homework and figure out exactly who these guys and the new Tesla are. But amazingly no one has and just keep on gloating that Telsa is the best thing since sliced bread.

Very short search will bring up this interesting little fact:


Philosophy and philanthropy

Musk is chairman of the Musk Foundation, which focuses its philanthropic efforts on science education, pediatric health and clean energy. He is a trustee of the X Prize Foundation, promoting renewable-energy technologies. He sits on the boards of The Space Foundation, The National Academies Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, The Planetary Society, and Stanford Engineering Advisory Board. Musk is a member of the board of trustees of Caltech.

Musk began a program through his foundation in 2010 to donate solar-power systems for critical needs in disaster areas. The first such solar-power installation was donated to a hurricane response center in Alabama that had been neglected by state and federal aid. To make it clear that this was not serving his commercial interests, SolarCity noted that it had no presence or planned business activity in that state.[66] In a 2011 visit to Soma City in Fukushima, Japan, which had been devastated by tsunami, he donated a solar power project valued at $250,000 to this city.[67]

Musk had plans for a "Mars Oasis" project in 2001, which would land a miniature experimental greenhouse on Mars, containing food crops growing on Martian regolith.[68][69] His long-term goal is to help humanity through SpaceX by creating a true spacefaring civilization.[70] Musk's philosophy and description of what is needed to solve the problem are provided in the IEEE podcast "Elon Musk: a founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX"[71] and article "Risky Business."[69]

Musk joined The Giving Pledge in April 2012, offering an ethical commitment to donate the majority of his fortune to philanthropic causes.[72] Musk became a member of the campaign first popularised by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates with a class of 12 of America's wealthiest families and individuals.[72]

There of volumes of posts and threads on PA about the ‘new Tesla’ and in a sense that this company is on our side or against ‘Them’ and some sort of liberator from ‘TPTB’.
For me this is a huge example how the alternative/new age world just flies by the seat of their pants and bounces from one fad/meme to the next.

We are so easily manipulated and herded that it is astounding. We are the Awake and more Conscious Ones??

What has happened to the deeper research and understanding and wisdom on what is taking place in our world and our Future?

If we can get something like the current Tesla philosophies and agenda so massively wrong and when this knowledge can be easily found with a 5 minute search on the web . . . . . then what else has the alternative media/new age world gotten massively wrong?

There is no foundation to build from or the foundation that is in place is built on quick sand.

I get a lot of flak and attacks because of my two threads:


In these threads I am trying to flesh out and expose why the globalists (like Elon Musk/Tesla) are doing what they are doing. I understand much of what is happening because of my childhood contact and remembering of those messages, but because it is not in line with current thinking and believing this information is ignored and attacked and so I step out of it.

There have been a handful of other recent threads where I used short web searches to expose what people have posted is flat out wrong and their material actually was in support of the globalists agenda, but I am ignored or trolled.

There is a reason why people like Elon Musk (and other Founders) of Telsa Motors is joining ranks with Buffet, Gates and other globalists . . . . . but not for the current belief and reasoning of the alternative media/new age worlds.

By the time it is figured out it will be too late for the majority.

Their information is clearly out in the open . . . . ‘They’ are feeding us breadcrumbs and bits of the Truth of what our future holds . . . . . the wise will see this and listen and act.

Truth is never easy to see and understand let alone accept and adapt into your life and this is why few will go down that road. Acting on Truth, more often than not, means changing ones most basic and most foundational beliefs . . . . . change of this magnitude means a whole new way of life and understanding of life and the future.

I am simply asking that people open up their minds and understanding what is truly happening even if that means being neutral in how you feel about the Globalists. Opening your mind and attitude does not mean you have to join their ranks or support their agenda . . . . . it simply will allow you to understand the whole truth and what the future holds.

This has nothing to do with money or power or control or enslavement or any of the current alternative world beliefs. NOTHING. It has everything to do with forming a future in which Humanity will survive and flourish and NO not just the wealthy and famous . . . . but a vast cross section of all of the richness and diversity of Humanity.

This is the message I now remember. This is what I see. This is what I know. This is what I understand. This is what I am adapting into my life. This is what I am teaching to those who come my way.

9th July 2014, 18:32
I like the message that your sending here. And I truly understand what your saying. One time I searched on Google, what the us does to protestors and to my surprise something totally different popped up and led me on a hunt to expose this site by the Obama administration. Foreign Policy is the site. It only took 5 minutes to expose two journalist there. What I am saying is kind of what your saying. No one makes us believe the stuff we believe about what is presented to us daily, we just have to be vigilant and filter the lies from the truth. The truth will set you free.

9th July 2014, 18:37
So what do you think the alterior motive for realeasing the patent is? You wrote about prior threads about this getting praise, which I can see why it would happen because it appears to realease a more efficient energy patent technology. So what you are saying is that we cannot consider this a good thing because Elon Musk joined a foundation involving Bill Gates(obvious golbalist)?
I guess the issue I am having here is I understand all of whst you wrote, but I cannot connect the dots yet, perhaps I need to read your other threads.

9th July 2014, 18:50
I have no judgement against Elon Musk to know if he is a Globalist or not. Maybe the Globalists are feeling threatened that Russia may outrun them. So they have decided to pull their heads out of the dark place.

Whether it is Elon Musk, Leonid and Sergey Plekhanov, Or some other third or fourth party who brings forward the technology to me it does not matter. As long as it is game on and they reach the finishing line. And everyone wins.





For Elon Musk to make his patents available to any one by open source to me makes him a sound guy. Many good people have approached Bill Gates for funding. That does not instantly make the good people into Globalists.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that his company will allow others to use Tesla’s technology in electric car production in the hope that this will advance his vision of building more electric vehicles globally.

Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use its technology.

“The mission of the company is to accelerate the widespread adoption of electric cars. If Tesla acts as the catalyst for other manufacturers...that will have been achieved,” Tesla spokesperson Simon Sproule told Wired magazine in an interview before the patent announcement was made.

In a conference call with Wired, Musk rammed his point home by saying, “Putting in long hours for a corporation is hard, putting in long hours for a cause is easy.”

And for Musk it really is a cause, rather than a money-spinning exercise.

“I don’t think people quite appreciate the gravity of what is going on [with regard to global warming] or just how much inertia the climate has. We really need to do something. It would be shortsighted if we try to hold these things close to our vest,”

Tesla wants to make a car for around $30,000 with a 200 mile-plus range – but this won’t be possible unless it teams up with a company with enough resources to realize this dream, or if an already established car maker creates it themselves.

By allowing other companies to use its patented technology, Tesla hopes electric cars will transform from being unusual and nerdy to normal modes of transportation. But this won’t be easy, as people have become so accustomed to petrol and diesel vehicles.

9th July 2014, 19:02
I also find the message a little confusing. We should all know there is and has been a psychological war against the masses for 1000's of years. The elites have and always will want to dominate the world through secrecy and the control of advanced technologies acquired from underground research and ET.

It is likely that exotic technologies like free energy and anti-gravity have existed for some time, probably since the 50's but this will not be released without force or failure of the cabal. It is also unlikely the right knowledge exists outside the control of the elites, if it did get out I would not like to be the person releasing it or developing it.

People like buffet and gates will be in the illuminati and will be bound by oaths to pursue the NWO agenda so there's no point in listening to them in my opinion.

9th July 2014, 19:18
So what do you think the alterior motive for realeasing the patent is? You wrote about prior threads about this getting praise, which I can see why it would happen because it appears to realease a more efficient energy patent technology. So what you are saying is that we cannot consider this a good thing because Elon Musk joined a foundation involving Bill Gates(obvious golbalist)?
I guess the issue I am having here is I understand all of whst you wrote, but I cannot connect the dots yet, perhaps I need to read your other threads.

Musk joined the Giving Pledge.

"Bill Gates and wife Melinda, together with Warren Buffett, cooked up the idea for the Giving Pledge--an effort to get America's wealthiest families to give away at least 50% of their wealth during their lifetimes, or upon their deaths, and write a letter explaining why. Since the trio launched the effort in June 2010, 91 people have signed on." http://www.forbes.com/pictures/eiil45elgg/bill-gates/

The Giving Pledge (http://givingpledge.org/) is simply a pledge by BILLIONAIRES to give [up to] half of their wealth to charity!! I think it is an awesome concept..

You posit that Elon Musk is a globalist shill because he gives to charities and provides an open source patent for his Tesla Moters projects?? He also gave over 100 million dollars to have the Tesla lab restored and made into a museum. What a snake... He taught himself how to program computers and sold his first video game for 500 dollars at age 12!!

I'm not saying he is the best thing since sliced bread,,, that would be silly.. Tesla motors is not going to save the world, neither is Musk... But I can't see why the need to tear this man down. It seems to me that he is doing some amazing things for people and communities.

I just spent about 20 minutes researching this man and what he has done. Thank you for that! :) What a cool concept.. Giving to charities doesn't make you a bad guy,,,!! Quite the opposite.. I like this guy!!


9th July 2014, 19:59
Well I read a lot of your other threads, and you seem to believe the globalist, gmos chemtrails etc are all ultimately for the survival of man kind after an ELE? Am I right or wrong there? So now I am more confused as to why you would think this is a bad thing....

9th July 2014, 20:09
I'm a little confused myself, as there seems to be a mix here of trains of thought in the OP... which is not unusual by the way. Most things are a marriage and not a straight forward entitlement to one camp or another. Truth is usually just that; a combination of experiences and perspectives. Not one thing defines a person, nor can one thing define a situation. You can pick apart anything if that is your modus operandi. Everything is free game, if that is the game you are up to. That is easy. Setting out coherent opinions and leveraging them with real homework is difficult.

From the Heart,

9th July 2014, 20:12
If you follow tesla stock and realize how often the powers that be have used dirty tricks to cripple this stock over the last year and a half, then it will be obvious to you that Elon Musk is not a NWO insider.

Is he somebody who agrees with david icke, alex jones and the rest, probably not, but he is trying to make the world a better place in his own way.

9th July 2014, 20:20

That's interesting. Care to add a few links and notes to that? I appreciate the look into stocks. Following the money, or in this case lack thereof, is a great way to see manipulation and destruction of credible ventures.

9th July 2014, 20:29
I wanted to get back also to the OP a bit. Unfortunately we need to understand who the people in power serve, themselves. We are unfortunately not living on Star Trek which shows a somewhat utopian society where people are valued, money is non existent, and we are all a part of a global community where the interests of people are at the heart of governance. Governance and Globalism, as it now stands, are vastly economy oriented and business run ventures. Speaking of stocks, countries are exchanged on the stock market. Valued an devalued as those with the funds to buy and sell see fit. I would not personally endorse any Globalist agenda, the players holding the cards need to leave the table. Then maybe we can talk about true efforts on the behalf of humanity without them always getting in the way. And boy, are they ever in the way.

From the Heart,

9th July 2014, 21:08
http://www.cnbc.com/id/100890550, i could find other examples quite easily

This is the most telling stat, of the companies listed on the US exchanges that have a market cap of over 10 billion, Tesla has the biggest short float (25%) of all the stocks traded in the US markets.


I wont go into the details on how shorting works, but this means that hedge funds and investment banks are actively trying to break the stock down technically. This has been going on for on at least a year, the short float was even higher 6-8 months ago closer to 40%. GM, Ford, are never above 5% even though GM currently is paying out billions to victims of crashes caused by factory defects.

9th July 2014, 21:31
Well I read a lot of your other threads, and you seem to believe the globalist, gmos chemtrails etc are all ultimately for the survival of man kind after an ELE? Am I right or wrong there? So now I am more confused as to why you would think this is a bad thing....

I DO NOT think Musk/Tesla being involved as a globalist is a bad/negative thing. But it DOES say a great deal about what the true agenda of the Globalists may be and seems to be directed.

And yes, you are right that I do believe (and now understand) that ‘much‘(not all) of the technology that is rapidly being implemented is to our benefit, now and most certainly for the future of humanity . . . . and obviously so do individuals and companies like Elon Musk and the other Tesla CEO’s and founders.

If people like Elon Musk who are obviously respected and championed in the alternative media/new age realms, openly and actively show their allegiance to the Globalist’s agenda then I feel strongly they are sending a message, to us all, that where the Globalists are heading IS a positive transition for humanity.

We seem to forget that there is a very small group that has all the information of our world’s history and future and who we are and exactly who is involved . . . . . this very small group is directing us into the future. They are not what we call TPTB, cabal, globalists, illuminati, bastards in power, elitists etc . . . .this group has no name and no identity . . . .this group has no need for money or any other ‘thing’. Their sole purpose is to see we (humanity) makes it into the future intact and on track. And they are just as human as the rest of us. This small group are directing the groups, such as, the Globalists.

More than ever, when I see individuals like Elon Musk join their (globalist) midst, it is a sign (to me) that we are headed in the right direction and we need to pay attention.

Part of my reason for this thread is to try to shed some light that we desperately need to find balance in who we (alternative media/new age) view as friend and foe. Many times when it comes to the elite, bankers, wealthy, globalists, those in power, etc … . . we automatically brand them as evil doers and dismiss their actions as negative and selfish. Elon Musk and what his companies are putting forth is the perfect example that we have it wrong.

Elon Musk IS a Globalists . . . . or whatever we are going to call this group he is a part of, along with Gates, Buffet and the class of 12 wealthy families.

I am not tearing him down, I see him as one of the good guys . . . . . but what a dilemma it must put in many on this forum that one of the ‘good guys’ is so obviously part of who they view as evil as well as their agenda.
You can’t have it both ways . . . . . are the Globalists and their agenda evil or since men like Musk are in close allegiance with them make you think a little differently?

.P.S. I am only using your post as a reference to what many are saying here . . .I am not directing my response at you specifically. :cool:

Bill Ryan
9th July 2014, 21:33
I am so gonna get blasted with about I am about to say . . . but what the heck . . . .TRUTH can be tough.

Yes, it can.

I get a lot of flak and attacks because of my two threads:


Yes, you do.

In these threads I am trying to flesh out and expose why the globalists (like Elon Musk/Tesla) are doing what they are doing. I understand much of what is happening because of my childhood contact and remembering of those messages, but because it is not in line with current thinking and believing this information is ignored and attacked and so I step out of it.

No. You're an unknowing asset, who is usefully promoting those views. In four words, you're a NWO apologist. But I am also quite sure you do not realize the extent of the influence on you.

This means that I totally believe that you're sincere in everything you say. But you are just plain incorrect.

And -- here's the rub -- also incorrigible, sometimes self-righteous and occasionally downright unpleasant. That means you cannot learn, or are willing understand those who have spent a LOT of time and energy tying to correct and properly inform you. Many, many, many times.

Here's the problem: -->

There is a reason why people like Elon Musk (and other Founders) of Telsa Motors is joining ranks with Buffet, Gates and other globalists . . . . . but not for the current belief and reasoning of the alternative media/new age worlds.

And here's more of it: -->

This is the message I now remember. This is what I see. This is what I know. This is what I understand.

This is what you sincerely THINK you know and understand. What makes you so sure you're not being used?

This is what I am adapting into my life. This is what I am teaching to those who come my way.

Please find another venue to 'teach those who come your way'. Our mission here is to 'teach' something really rather different.

So as of this moment, you are unsubscribed from this forum. If we'd known this agenda of yours (and an agenda is what it is) when you first joined, we would have gently declined your application. So please see this as a belated, retrospective, fix of our mistake.

If you disagree with the above, that's your privilege, but please take it all elsewhere. And, please also go find a good therapist to discover how you may possibly have been programmed to believe all this. That would be the very greatest act of personal courage on your part. I mean that most sincerely.

9th July 2014, 21:49

If you read this please accept that I KNOW how much time, energy, good will, and page after page of PMs that were sent to you. Most of them went unanswered.

You posts have become more convoluted and hard to follow.. and there is never a dialogue, you speak as if the only TRUTH is yours and the rest of us are ignorant.

The threads you so righteously linked are, IMHO, testimony to the amount of care and true effort on the part of other members and mods to not only support you in getting your story told but to actually try and comprehend it.

You never acknowledged that.

May your path be peaceful, we bid you well.

9th July 2014, 22:01
Gates loves to co-opt and piggyback.

Don't judge people too awful harshly for being associated with him once or twice.
Gates himself probably did it to save face and look good, because his support of Oxitec and Monsanto were toxic PR.
not to mention the whole Planned Parenthood and WJP things.

It could well be that being associated with Gates could hurt an unsuspecting philanthopist.
If I was Musk I'd watch my 6 tbh.

Bill Ryan
9th July 2014, 22:06

A note to all new members. :)

Intelligent, informed discussion, and good questions, about the real nature of the NWO agenda is more than welcome here.

In this particular instance, however, there's a long history; this is not censorship of any members rights to express themselves sincerely. In fact, most ironically, Avalon is or will be probably the forum with the greatest tolerance of these kinds of views -- expressing blanket justification of the globalists' master-plans.


10th July 2014, 00:24
Looks like a lot of buildup has come out in this thread, but not necessarily from this thread? ... it appears a bit "disconnected" from the whole larger story, that many may not have any idea about.

I am a bit surprised at the 'unsubscribe'; and of the 'unsubscribed' for taking almost any topic and turning it around. I do that too, but for analyses -- not to convince people of a certain point of view.

All very interesting ...

In support of Bill's comments:

I spent my early 20's hanging out and friending "ruffians" and "criminals" -- I changed some lives, I made them think, but I am certainly not a "ruffian" or a "criminal".

Jesus spent time with prostitutes and lawmakers -- they need the most guidance. But he was neither lawmaker nor prostitute.


bruno dante
10th July 2014, 00:55
The problem is, none of us really know what the true nature of the NWO is;). We think we do!

First, who exactly is the NWO? How many groups occupy the tip of that pyramid? And when a member uses the term "NWO", exactly which group are they referring to? It's quite possible that there *are* groups in the tip of that pyramid that have humanity's best interests at heart. Blue fire was exploring that possibility in her last post. I thought it was kind of interesting. Even if Bluefire was an across the board apologist for what most of us think of as the NWO, I still think there's room here for that view point. I think its very interesting...in the same way I think the "Charles" interview was interesting...in the same way a devout Mormon member or devout Hindi member might be interesting: it won't neccesarily convert me, but I like knowing how certain minds work and I'm keen to hear other view points..even ones that I've convinced myself are "wrong".

It's quite possible we are all very wrong about many things we think we are very right on!

Everyone does what they feel is right, given their perspective on the world/ universe. Bluefire was doing just that in this thread. Bill did what he thought was right with the unsubscription. My personal feeling is that the forum is mature enough to accommodate these opposing points of view. Look, I don't think chemtrails are beneficial to my health or are protecting me in any way, but I'm not at all offended by people who do. Instead, I'm actually kind of interested why they might think that way.

My 2 cents, with respect.

10th July 2014, 02:32
My two cents, aligns with the ancient historical documentation, writings, artifacts, archeology, ancient texts, and monuments which irrefutably point towards an alien interloping of the indigenous species here on planet earth, who altered the very DNA structure for their own nefarious self aggrandizing agendas, and have summarily kept the population under duress for centuries, with a PROVEN history of such heinous shenanigans.

There is no way to justify altering the genome, euthanasia, murder, human sacrifice, genetic modification, control of the entire means of production and all commerce, while lying about the true history of this planet, and teaching these lies through religion and education.

There is NO WAY to take the psychopathic nature of any creature, who is severed from their heart, who has no empathy, and rehabilitate this incorrigible entity into becoming, or somehow changing, into an empath. This is impossible. The only choice left for this entity, is to remain within the carnal realms as a self aggrandizing energy vampire, or to return to the void undifferentiated.

I am also very sick and tired of those apologists who are trying to filter and contextually adapt insanity, incestuous blood sucking murderous control freaks into the humanity of the empathic man. It cannot be done, period.

There, I've said it. Done with my rant for today.

I keep waiting for someone to actually do their homework and figure out exactly who these guys and the new Tesla are. But amazingly no one has and just keep on gloating that Telsa is the best thing since sliced bread.

Building electric cars to slow down oil consumption, or to transition out of combustion fuels, is like taking fertility pills and having sex to avoid pregnancy. It's insane, when the stellar technology of the original Nikola Tesla developed over 100 years ago, is available for free from the earth.

Remember, it was JP Morgan who went with Edison and his wired electricity at the speed of light, and buried Tesla's wireless electricity from the earth which travels about 100,000 miles per second faster than the speed of light.

All science was geared towards the speed of light without any mention of the speed where wires are not necessary and energy is easily tapped from the unlimited energy of the universe.

So, Tesla automobiles are an abomination, use more energy to develop and bring to market, and the battery life, and the energy used to keep them charged, is MORE than what is currently used. It's just another lie, and don't get me started on the likes of Buffett and Gates, who are liars too.

Read Wade Frazier's treatise. Most alternative energy being developed is bogus crap.

10th July 2014, 02:37
Interesting discussion (and I'm a current fan of Musk and what he is attempting to do - until I see evidence to the contrary).

We all need to be aware of blanket absolutism - yes & no/black & white answers and explanations to everything. There are many shades of grey which are often ignored and often more important.

"Guilt by association" does not necessarily cut it and may hinder positive understanding and progress. Apple also associated with Microsoft - it was beneficial to most people using either of their products. However, it doesn't put Steve Jobs in the same "boat" as Bill Gates, does it?. :)

Frank V
10th July 2014, 04:07
[...]Remember, it was JP Morgan who went with Edison and his wired electricity at the speed of light, and buried Tesla's wireless electricity from the earth which travels about 100,000 miles per second faster than the speed of light.

All science was geared towards the speed of light without any mention of the speed where wires are not necessary and energy is easily tapped from the unlimited energy of the universe.[...]

Actually, that is not correct. Electrons can never surpass c, which is the speed of light in a vacuum. However, the speed of an electron slows down depending on the conductivity of the material it passes through, and although copper is a great conductor, it's not a superconductor yet, and electricity would indeed move slower through copper than through plasma, which is what Tesla was trying to achieve as a method of public power distribution.

The reason why J.P. Morgan decided to support Edison and back out of supporting Nikola Tesla - and burn down his laboratory in the process - was because J.P. Morgan had the monopoly on copper wiring, and Tesla's method of energy transfer was wireless. Also, J.P. Morgan asked Tesla where he would put the meter, and Tesla said "There is none." At that point, Morgan realized that Tesla was not willing to serve the financial-economic elite, and in fact, would even endanger its continued existence.

As I understand it, a similar thing happened with Otis Carr. He was falsely accused and arrested because he was "undermining the American financial-economic system". Nikola Tesla was never arrested, but he got ruined nevertheless. He continued working on theoretical concepts, but he died alone in his hotel room (at age 74, I think), and his work was confiscated by the CIA right after his death - probably due to his involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment.

Frank V
10th July 2014, 04:36
Interesting discussion (and I'm a current fan of Musk and what he is attempting to do - until I see evidence to the contrary).

We all need to be aware of blanket absolutism - yes & no/black & white answers and explanations to everything. There are many shades of grey which are often ignored and often more important.

"Guilt by association" does not necessarily cut it and may hinder positive understanding and progress. Apple also associated with Microsoft - it was beneficial to most people using either of their products. However, it doesn't put Steve Jobs in the same "boat" as Bill Gates, does it?. :)

One has to be careful with all this idolatry. I would like to put a little perspective on Steve Jobs. The man was a visionary, yes, but he was also very whimsical. The true genius of Apple was Steve Wozniak, who later on left the company. Also, Steve Jobs was lauded as a hero when he died, but what very few people know is that within two days of Jobs's death, Dennis Ritchie also passed away, and nobody paid him anywhere even near the same respects.

"Dennis who", you'll say? Dennis Ritchie was the guy who (together with Ken Thompson, Brian Kernighan and a few others) wrote the very first version of the Unix operating system, over at AT&T Bell Labs. Unix - back then still spelled in lowercase and with an initial capital - would quickly become the world's most popular computer operating system in professional and scientific environments. Today, the word UNIX - spelled in all-uppercase - is a trademark (owned by The Open Group) and denotes a family of computer operating systems which all adhere to a certain design in terms of layout, utilities, commands, instruction sets, et al. Apple's OSX is based upon FreeBSD, a Free Software rewrite of the old BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) Unix. GNU/Linux is also a Free Software UNIX clone. NetBSD, OpenBSD and Dragonfly are FreeBSD spin-offs. Oracle's (Sun Microsystems) Solaris, SGI's IRIX, IBM's AIX and Hewlett-Packard's HP/UX are all proprietary UNIX operating systems.

Other than the original AT&T Unix, Dennis Ritchie also created the C programming language, which all modern operating systems and software make use of - including Microsoft Windows, which is definitely not a UNIX-style operating system. So my point actually is that without Dennis Ritchie, Steve Jobs would by far not have been as successful as he was when he died. Don't forget that at a given point in time, Apple actually fired Steve Jobs, leading him to start a new company called NeXt Computing, but NeXt wasn't exactly successful due to the very high retail prices of their equipment and some very unfortunate technical decisions, in combination with Steve Jobs's extravagant money squandering - e.g. he had his entire office repainted three times in several weeks because he didn't like the color. However, Jobs had adopted a modified version of the BSD 4.3 Unix operating system as the basis for NeXt's proprietary operating system, called NeXtSTeP (later on renamed to OpenStep). And this operating system - with BSD 4.3's successor FreeBSD as the foundation - is what has in the meantime become Apple OSX. OSX is a modified FreeBSD (called Darwin), with a proprietary graphical user interface (called Quartz) on top of it.

So, Jobs and Ritchie died within days of each other, and Jobs was leaning heavily on Ritchie's work, but Jobs was the one who got a statue, media publicity and even an official Steve Jobs Day in the US state of California, while nobody in the mainstream even knows who Dennis Ritchie was.

Just putting things into perspective. Steve Jobs was definitely not as vile a character as Bill Gates, but even while Jobs was a visionary, he too had to stand on the shoulders of giants to get there, and he too was no saint. However, it was his death which caused him to become a hype, courtesy of the mainstream media. And the giant whose shoulders he had stood on never even got any recognition.

10th July 2014, 04:39
[...]Remember, it was JP Morgan who went with Edison and his wired electricity at the speed of light, and buried Tesla's wireless electricity from the earth which travels about 100,000 miles per second faster than the speed of light.

All science was geared towards the speed of light without any mention of the speed where wires are not necessary and energy is easily tapped from the unlimited energy of the universe.[...]

Actually, that is not correct. Electrons can never surpass c, which is the speed of light in a vacuum. However, the speed of an electron slows down depending on the conductivity of the material it passes through, and although copper is a great conductor, it's not a superconductor yet, and electricity would indeed move slower through copper than through plasma, which is what Tesla was trying to achieve as a method of public power distribution.

The reason why J.P. Morgan decided to support Edison and back out of supporting Nikola Tesla - and burn down his laboratory in the process - was because J.P. Morgan had the monopoly on copper wiring, and Tesla's method of energy transfer was wireless. Also, J.P. Morgan asked Tesla where he would put the meter, and Tesla said "There is none." At that point, Morgan realized that Tesla was not willing to serve the financial-economic elite, and in fact, would even endanger its continued existence.

As I understand it, a similar thing happened with Otis Carr. He was falsely accused and arrested because he was "undermining the American financial-economic system". Nikola Tesla was never arrested, but he got ruined nevertheless. He continued working on theoretical concepts, but he died alone in his hotel room (at age 74, I think), and his work was confiscated by the CIA right after his death - probably due to his involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment.

From what I have read, electrical energy travels via a wire at the speed of light, however the drift speed of electrons in a wire is relatively slow. Since the energy travels at the speed of light, it must be an electromagnetic wave. I can't confirm this, but it seems to make a lot of sense to me.

On the confiscation of Tesla documents, the general story is that they were confiscated by FBI, but FBI has stated that this is a myth. I don't know what the truth is.

10th July 2014, 04:51
Perhaps my worst flaw is trusting my instincts and not doing further research on topics.

I first learned about Tesla, and the release of the patents, on Facebook, on a site called "I ****ing Love Science". This site supports vaccines, defends chemtrails, supports Monsanto and all GMO food, constantly insults "new age" people and are basically the advertising board of all the "evil" in the world. Why do I "like" this page? Because it lets me know what is happening on their side and what to stay away from. It also has cool space articles.

But when I saw something about an electric car being open to other companies I laughed and continued scrolling on to see what the sheeple are doing.

You really don't think TPTB or Iluminati or the "rulers" of the world or whoever, need a back up source for vehicles? Oil is running out. Maybe because so many people are bitching about oil and exposing the whole industry, the big guys got smart and decided to come up with something else.

I don't know anything about NWO apologists or whatever but it makes sense that we can't use gas or diesel vehicles forever. At least this way, they still profit from something instead of having hover cars (air) or magnetic roads and cars (huge pay out, little return).

And Bill:

Quote Posted by blufire (here)
In these threads I am trying to flesh out and expose why the globalists (like Elon Musk/Tesla) are doing what they are doing. I understand much of what is happening because of my childhood contact and remembering of those messages, but because it is not in line with current thinking and believing this information is ignored and attacked and so I step out of it.

No. You're an unknowing asset, who is usefully promoting those views. In four words, you're a NWO apologist. But I am also quite sure you do not realize the extent of the influence on you.

This means that I totally believe that you're sincere in everything you say. But you are just plain incorrect.

"But you are just plain incorrect"

That, kind sir, is pure opinion. Which you're entitled to have, of course.

Quote Posted by blufire (here)
This is the message I now remember. This is what I see. This is what I know. This is what I understand.

This is what you sincerely THINK you know and understand. What makes you so sure you're not being used?

I ask you the same question. Are you 100% sure your thoughts are you own? Unaffected? Clear? All-knowing?

Please find another venue to 'teach those who come your way'. Our mission here is to 'teach' something really rather different.

As long as what is being taught is along your agenda, and your agenda alone right?

In this particular instance, however, there's a long history; this is not censorship of any members rights to express themselves sincerely. In fact, most ironically, Avalon is or will be probably the forum with the greatest tolerance of these kinds of views -- expressing blanket justification of the globalists' master-plans.

Long, mostly PERSONAL, history.

Your first post commends Blufire on her sincerity, yet that's also what got her banned. Huh.

I'm just speaking openly and sincerely, as your post to the 'new members' says I can. I'm only trying to express blanket justification of Avalon's master plans.

How's that ego these days?


Frank V
10th July 2014, 05:16
[...]Remember, it was JP Morgan who went with Edison and his wired electricity at the speed of light, and buried Tesla's wireless electricity from the earth which travels about 100,000 miles per second faster than the speed of light.

All science was geared towards the speed of light without any mention of the speed where wires are not necessary and energy is easily tapped from the unlimited energy of the universe.[...]

Actually, that is not correct. Electrons can never surpass c, which is the speed of light in a vacuum. However, the speed of an electron slows down depending on the conductivity of the material it passes through, and although copper is a great conductor, it's not a superconductor yet, and electricity would indeed move slower through copper than through plasma, which is what Tesla was trying to achieve as a method of public power distribution.

The reason why J.P. Morgan decided to support Edison and back out of supporting Nikola Tesla - and burn down his laboratory in the process - was because J.P. Morgan had the monopoly on copper wiring, and Tesla's method of energy transfer was wireless. Also, J.P. Morgan asked Tesla where he would put the meter, and Tesla said "There is none." At that point, Morgan realized that Tesla was not willing to serve the financial-economic elite, and in fact, would even endanger its continued existence.

As I understand it, a similar thing happened with Otis Carr. He was falsely accused and arrested because he was "undermining the American financial-economic system". Nikola Tesla was never arrested, but he got ruined nevertheless. He continued working on theoretical concepts, but he died alone in his hotel room (at age 74, I think), and his work was confiscated by the CIA right after his death - probably due to his involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment.

From what I have read, electrical energy travels via a wire at the speed of light, however the drift speed of electrons in a wire is relatively slow. Since the energy travels at the speed of light, it must be an electromagnetic wave. I can't confirm this, but it seems to make a lot of sense to me.

Hmm... I'm afraid you are confusing a few concepts. Allow me to explain.

Electricity is one of the two sides of a coin called electromagnetism, the other side of the coin being magnetism. So yes, an electron is both an electromagnetic wave and a particle, given the wave-particle duality. But this does not mean that this energy would be moving at the speed of light, and especially not within a copper wire. Copper is a conductor and therefore has little impedance, but the speed of an electron in copper is (marginally) slower than the speed of light in a vacuum.

On account of light, I have subtly tried to emphasize that c is the constant which denotes the speed of light in a vacuum. And why in a vacuum? Well, because even light doesn't always travel at c, depending on the medium it is travelling through. In fact, there are even circumstances when other electromagnetic particles (such as electrons) can traverse a particular medium faster than light itself can, which gives rise to the phenomenon of Cherenkov radiation. This is an innocuous blue light which gets emitted from a medium through which a particular type of electromagnetic energy is travelling at a speed higher than the speed of light within that very same medium - and this is an important connotation, because it does not mean that the speed of light in a vacuum, identified by the constant c, can be surpassed, or at the very least not by anything that has mass. Any effort at accelerating something with mass even up to the speed of light in a vacuum would require infinite acceleration with a finite amount of energy or a finite acceleration with an infinite amount of energy.

On the confiscation of Tesla documents, the general story is that they were confiscated by FBI, but FBI has stated that this is a myth. I don't know what the truth is.

Well, whether it's the FBI or the CIA, I think we can safely assume that we shouldn't take their word on anything. ;-)

10th July 2014, 10:24
They already have the free energy technology that the world needs, who know's what tech they have with their black budgets and sneaky undisclosed sites bollocks, i read once that the tech they have is 40 years more advanced than the latest tech that is out, that means that the new stuff that people are trying to get of the ground is already obsolete, the globalists will not allow new free clean energy's to materialise, they will never freely give up the hold they have on the energy market they would set to lose trillions of dollars and also their grip over endless countries that rely on the fuels, we are talking about electric cars when apparently they already process anti gravity vehicles...the world needs to wake up and take the planet back...

Bill Ryan
10th July 2014, 12:34
On the confiscation of Tesla documents, the general story is that they were confiscated by FBI, but FBI has stated that this is a myth. I don't know what the truth is.

Do read this, with interest -- it may be what really happened.


It's been our privilege to pay tribute to many great men on these pages, and Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest and most gifted men ever to have walked this Earth. It was unclear to us, however, for two years whether to include him on our Tribute list, as we were not convinced that he had given his life for his stand for the truth. But having studied the matter carefully, we now join a growing number of researchers in the belief that he was murdered and did not die of natural causes.

A huge amount has been written about the prodigal genius of Nikola Tesla (maybe more even than on JFK, to whom we also pay Tribute), and so there may not be a great need to say more here about his life, his brilliance, his vision, and his achievements. But in brief, Tesla was an extraordinary, intuitive, creative genius who, among a great deal else, invented alternating current (which powers the the modern world) and radio (for which Marconi is often falsely given credit). Contemporary biographers of Tesla have deemed him "the father of physics", "the man who invented the twentieth century", and "the patron saint of modern electricity".

Much of his life's work was about providing for the world free (i.e. zero-cost) energy, which Tesla envisaged would be broadcast wirelessly through the air or through the Earth itself with no need for powerlines - but despite years of trying, he never obtained the funding to achieve this, one of his dreams. It has long since been rumored that he invented or developed a significant number of electrical and electronic devices which were decades ahead of their time and would have been of special interest to US military and intelligence circles. Around 300 patents (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Tesla_patents) were issues to Tesla in 25 countries, many of them major and far-reaching in concept.

Many Project Camelot visitors will be aware that it was a protégé of Tesla - Otis T. Carr - who worked with the young Ralph Ring, whom we interviewed in 2006. Carr was not murdered, but his laboratory was forcibly closed by the FBI after he, Ralph and a small team of others had successfully test-flown a 40' diameter disk which operated on a combination of electromagnetic and esoteric principles. (Please see our very comprehensive Ralph Ring page (http://projectcamelot.org/ralph_ring.html) for details.)

The reality of Tesla's murder was brought home to us after listening to this most interesting audio interview (https://web.archive.org/web/20110717085551if_/http://arcticbeacon.com/audio/2006/2006-RBN/01-2006-RBN/0117-2006-RBN-Hr2.mp3) (to download: PC users right-click, Mac users option-click). Here, Eric Bermen tells Greg Syzmanski how he discovered his former girlfriend was the daughter of ex-Nazi SS Commando Otto Skorzeny, and thereby quite by chance met the elderly Skorzeny who had been living for years in the US, working as a carpenter with a new identity supplied by the CIA after WWII.

Bermen (who sometimes uses the pseudonym Eric Orion) heard a full confession from Skorzeny, who was nearing the end of his life, and was given a shoebox full of over a hundred photographs to substantiate his claims. Among a number of other highly significant revelations (http://www.proliberty.com/observer/20070405.htm), Bermen heard from Skorzeny that he had personally suffocated Nikola Tesla on January 6, 1943, assisted by fellow-Nazi Reinhard Gehlen. Tesla was then 86 years old.

According to Skorzeny, he and Gehlen had tricked Tesla the previous day into revealing the full details of his most important discoveries. After the murder, they stole the contents of Tesla's safe, which were delivered to Hitler. (Note, of course, that the US military would have fully repatriated this treasure trove of innovation through Project Paperclip at the end of the war.)

Bermen's book is available here (http://www.thebushconnection.com) - in which a large number of Skorzeny's extraordinary photographs are published - and a useful discussion of Skorzeny's claims can be found here (http://www.wordsforgood.org/mirrors/educate-yourself.org/cn/martinbormannphotostocompare02jul07.shtml) and here (http://www.wordsforgood.org/mirrors/educate-yourself.org/cn/familythatpreystogethercompared24aug07.shtml). Of great importance - not only regarding Tesla - is the research detail contained in this very comprehensive Don Nicoloff article (http://www.proliberty.com/observer/20070405.htm), which we encourage all readers to study carefully.

10th July 2014, 13:00
Whatever one may think of Elon, he's getting the job done on three fronts.

He is in the middle of breaking the lock out and logjam ---on three fronts.

One, big Oil, which is war, murder and violent totalitarian sociopathic control....

..and two...control of access to space.

..and three....installed independent solar power systems, all over the USA.

Ie, beginning and physically carrying through, whole cloth, with brute force..the only way it is ever going to happen in the time required..the breaking of control of the energy sector into a more open world...and breaking the control of space and space access.

I have been watching and looking at Elon's situation fairly closely. I have seen very single video available, and read every single (quality) story available..on Elon Musk. He's putting in 100hr weeks and turned down his own salary, year after year. If one does not understand what is going on, then.... one is really not delving into what is happening here ---what he's doing, and how hard he is going at it.

Elon is 'getting it done', which is far far more than I can say for the vast majority of humanity's individuals.

As far as I can understand --- Elon is the real deal. Anyone who says and repeats anything bad or evil about Elon is, IMO and IME, highly misinformed, at the least. Possibly worse.

10th July 2014, 13:25
Hmm... I'm afraid you are confusing a few concepts. Allow me to explain.

Electricity is one of the two sides of a coin called electromagnetism, the other side of the coin being magnetism. So yes, an electron is both an electromagnetic wave and a particle, given the wave-particle duality. But this does not mean that this energy would be moving at the speed of light, and especially not within a copper wire. Copper is a conductor and therefore has little impedance, but the speed of an electron in copper is (marginally) slower than the speed of light in a vacuum.

On account of light, I have subtly tried to emphasize that c is the constant which denotes the speed of light in a vacuum. And why in a vacuum? Well, because even light doesn't always travel at c, depending on the medium it is travelling through. In fact, there are even circumstances when other electromagnetic particles (such as electrons) can traverse a particular medium faster than light itself can, which gives rise to the phenomenon of Cherenkov radiation. This is an innocuous blue light which gets emitted from a medium through which a particular type of electromagnetic energy is travelling at a speed higher than the speed of light within that very same medium - and this is an important connotation, because it does not mean that the speed of light in a vacuum, identified by the constant c, can be surpassed, or at the very least not by anything that has mass. Any effort at accelerating something with mass even up to the speed of light in a vacuum would require infinite acceleration with a finite amount of energy or a finite acceleration with an infinite amount of energy.

On the confiscation of Tesla documents, the general story is that they were confiscated by FBI, but FBI has stated that this is a myth. I don't know what the truth is.

Well, whether it's the FBI or the CIA, I think we can safely assume that we shouldn't take their word on anything. ;-)

The wave particle duality exists due to the situation of what a particle is.

Electron wise, it is a pair of 2d sheets in interactive oscillation- this is the creation of the dual/paired vortex that is 3-axis spin + 'positive outflow of energy is what we call time and space'. (the spin exists in the medium, our so called 'vantage point') The energies are 'generally' positive in nature, ie, a infinitesimal positive outflow. Or at least we call it positive. We can reverse, or cancel it out through manipulation, and have. (part of the cooling effect anomaly in some experimental results)

We exist or are aware of this space, within that flow. The medium is the flow, is the time, is the message, is the 'space', is the gravity, etc. It's a spinning 2D sheet interactive originated 'space/time'. An in-out vortex spinning pair of 2D sheets. This describes spooky action, quantum function, gross Newtonian, all of it. Quantum particle all the way up to lattice systems, and all the recorded bits of anomalies, and oddities..all of it fits into that model. Ghosts, spirits, dimensions, astral layers....any of it. Every odd report from the fringes of science, from the past, into the modern times, all the fringe reports and fringe discoveries, even the idea of abductions in parks. The whole thing. pick a fringe weirdness in the stories and the tales, from Fortean books and reports, and ancient tales, all the way up into modern science. Anything. it all fits. Casimir forces, looking glass, QEG motors, browns gas, reports from Micheal newton in his books, levitation, superconductors, anything, anything, anything....anything at all.

For example, lets apply that to the speed of light paradox. They say..to get to the speed of light, is to have time stop. And to get there, would require the energy of the universe, for the most part. The math says that it cannot be done, as it would take all of the universe's energy. Well, when looking at the speculated results, one finds that it fits the 2d sheet interactive model, with perfection. Zero error.

And so on. All the formulas and all the math, every single bit of experimental results, in the past and up into this exact moment...all of it falls into place with that model. Not one error, not one exception.

10th July 2014, 17:58
Well, this thread has given me much to think about. Not in the sense of guidance, but that is OK for me. Rather, in the sense of much confusion that I now must try to sort out. We humans try desperately to separate the good from the bad - the yin from the yang - The black from the white. But our universe is actually made many shades of grey - and made of many colours. So I must digest this "The Truth of Tesla/ Elon Musk and Globalists" looking for the real truth. This could take me a long time, for quick answers often ignore basic truths. One truth that is frequently ignored is that God is in every one.

11th July 2014, 00:49
[...]Remember, it was JP Morgan who went with Edison and his wired electricity at the speed of light, and buried Tesla's wireless electricity from the earth which travels about 100,000 miles per second faster than the speed of light.

All science was geared towards the speed of light without any mention of the speed where wires are not necessary and energy is easily tapped from the unlimited energy of the universe.[...]

Actually, that is not correct. Electrons can never surpass c, which is the speed of light in a vacuum. However, the speed of an electron slows down depending on the conductivity of the material it passes through, and although copper is a great conductor, it's not a superconductor yet, and electricity would indeed move slower through copper than through plasma, which is what Tesla was trying to achieve as a method of public power distribution.

The reason why J.P. Morgan decided to support Edison and back out of supporting Nikola Tesla - and burn down his laboratory in the process - was because J.P. Morgan had the monopoly on copper wiring, and Tesla's method of energy transfer was wireless. Also, J.P. Morgan asked Tesla where he would put the meter, and Tesla said "There is none." At that point, Morgan realized that Tesla was not willing to serve the financial-economic elite, and in fact, would even endanger its continued existence.

As I understand it, a similar thing happened with Otis Carr. He was falsely accused and arrested because he was "undermining the American financial-economic system". Nikola Tesla was never arrested, but he got ruined nevertheless. He continued working on theoretical concepts, but he died alone in his hotel room (at age 74, I think), and his work was confiscated by the CIA right after his death - probably due to his involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment.

From what I have read, electrical energy travels via a wire at the speed of light, however the drift speed of electrons in a wire is relatively slow. Since the energy travels at the speed of light, it must be an electromagnetic wave. I can't confirm this, but it seems to make a lot of sense to me.

Hmm... I'm afraid you are confusing a few concepts. Allow me to explain.

Electricity is one of the two sides of a coin called electromagnetism, the other side of the coin being magnetism. So yes, an electron is both an electromagnetic wave and a particle, given the wave-particle duality. But this does not mean that this energy would be moving at the speed of light, and especially not within a copper wire. Copper is a conductor and therefore has little impedance, but the speed of an electron in copper is (marginally) slower than the speed of light in a vacuum.

On account of light, I have subtly tried to emphasize that c is the constant which denotes the speed of light in a vacuum. And why in a vacuum? Well, because even light doesn't always travel at c, depending on the medium it is travelling through. In fact, there are even circumstances when other electromagnetic particles (such as electrons) can traverse a particular medium faster than light itself can, which gives rise to the phenomenon of Cherenkov radiation. This is an innocuous blue light which gets emitted from a medium through which a particular type of electromagnetic energy is travelling at a speed higher than the speed of light within that very same medium - and this is an important connotation, because it does not mean that the speed of light in a vacuum, identified by the constant c, can be surpassed, or at the very least not by anything that has mass. Any effort at accelerating something with mass even up to the speed of light in a vacuum would require infinite acceleration with a finite amount of energy or a finite acceleration with an infinite amount of energy.

On the confiscation of Tesla documents, the general story is that they were confiscated by FBI, but FBI has stated that this is a myth. I don't know what the truth is.

Well, whether it's the FBI or the CIA, I think we can safely assume that we shouldn't take their word on anything. ;-)

You are right, and I certainly have a sound understanding of the basics which you have correctly explained above. However, when, for example, you turn on an electric light, it is energy that is being transported from the generator to the light bulb. You are, of course, not (net) transporting electrons from one location to another. Since energy does not have to be in the form of mass, there is no reason why it can not be transported at the speed of light. As far as electrical energy goes, I believe it is quite plausible indeed that energy can travel through a wire much much faster than the speed that any particular electron within that wire is moving - I am not stating this as absolute fact - just that it is plausible. I came across this information because I had to understand how an electric field is set up around a conductor when a current passes through it (we all know that a B field is set up, but there is almost no information on the establishment of an E field - but it does happen). On the question of velocity of energy vs. velocity of the carrier: consider, for example, how a wave travels along a string very rapidly even though any particular portion of the string is moving rather slowly. The string, of course, is itself an ensemble of electrical charges.

And yes, I would not trust the FBI too much at all :) But I also do not make conclusions based on anecdotes.

Bill thanks for the link I will check it out after this :)

11th July 2014, 01:09
Whatever one may think of Elon, he's getting the job done on three fronts. He is in the middle of breaking the lock out and logjam ---on three fronts.

One, big Oil, which is war, murder and violent totalitarian sociopathic control.... ..and two...control of access to space. ..and three....installed independent solar power systems, all over the USA.

I'm not sure I follow you. How is Elon going against big oil and the war and drugs paradigm? Certainly building electric cars is not it, right? How is he breaking the control of access to space? How is solar installed all over the US going to do anything at all, when solar is relatively antiquated technology?

Please expound. I'm heading down the wrong road if what you are saying is true.

Dennis Leahy
11th July 2014, 05:20
Perhaps my worst flaw is trusting my instincts and not doing further research on topics.

I first learned about Tesla, and the release of the patents, on Facebook, on a site called "I ****ing Love Science". This site supports vaccines, defends chemtrails, supports Monsanto and all GMO food, constantly insults "new age" people and are basically the advertising board of all the "evil" in the world. Why do I "like" this page? Because it lets me know what is happening on their side and what to stay away from. It also has cool space articles.

But when I saw something about an electric car being open to other companies I laughed and continued scrolling on to see what the sheeple are doing.

You really don't think TPTB or Iluminati or the "rulers" of the world or whoever, need a back up source for vehicles? Oil is running out. Maybe because so many people are bitching about oil and exposing the whole industry, the big guys got smart and decided to come up with something else.

I don't know anything about NWO apologists or whatever but it makes sense that we can't use gas or diesel vehicles forever. At least this way, they still profit from something instead of having hover cars (air) or magnetic roads and cars (huge pay out, little return).

And Bill:

Quote Posted by blufire (here)
In these threads I am trying to flesh out and expose why the globalists (like Elon Musk/Tesla) are doing what they are doing. I understand much of what is happening because of my childhood contact and remembering of those messages, but because it is not in line with current thinking and believing this information is ignored and attacked and so I step out of it.

No. You're an unknowing asset, who is usefully promoting those views. In four words, you're a NWO apologist. But I am also quite sure you do not realize the extent of the influence on you.

This means that I totally believe that you're sincere in everything you say. But you are just plain incorrect. "But you are just plain incorrect"

That, kind sir, is pure opinion. Which you're entitled to have, of course.

Quote Posted by blufire (here)
This is the message I now remember. This is what I see. This is what I know. This is what I understand.

This is what you sincerely THINK you know and understand. What makes you so sure you're not being used?I ask you the same question. Are you 100% sure your thoughts are you own? Unaffected? Clear? All-knowing?

Please find another venue to 'teach those who come your way'. Our mission here is to 'teach' something really rather different.As long as what is being taught is along your agenda, and your agenda alone right?

In this particular instance, however, there's a long history; this is not censorship of any members rights to express themselves sincerely. In fact, most ironically, Avalon is or will be probably the forum with the greatest tolerance of these kinds of views -- expressing blanket justification of the globalists' master-plans.Long, mostly PERSONAL, history.

Your first post commends Blufire on her sincerity, yet that's also what got her banned. Huh.

I'm just speaking openly and sincerely, as your post to the 'new members' says I can. I'm only trying to express blanket justification of Avalon's master plans.

How's that ego these days?

Peace.Not sure why you're taking what appear to be cheap shots at Bill. (On another forum I'm on, we call it "suicide by moderator", a play on "suicide by cop.")

If you'd been paying attention to blufire's threads, you'd know that many different people saw her as an apologist for globalist rulers. Hell, SHE stated as much (and gave her reasons, which were subsequently shredded by many people - me included.) I haven't met her in person, but if her words are true (and I trust they are), she would be an excellent resource for homesteaders, organic gardeners to micro-farmers. She's probably a great neighbor for those that live near her. Bright, articulate, sincere... but undeniably blocked by some form of cognitive dissonance from her interpretation of a childhood memory - or false memory. Flat-out wrong about things like GMO crops helping - not just in some future reality but NOW - to feed the world or resist drought. Proven mistaken notions directly taken from Monsanto propaganda, proven as scientifically invalid. Yet she insisted that because of childhood alien visitations, Monsanto are actually good guys. You really want to characterize that Bill and Bill alone had a problem with this vector as globalist apologist? If so, you haven't read her threads or the replies to her threads, or the replies in other threads that catapulted her to create those threads.

She once spoke about dropping the swords and learning to work with the people in seemingly "bad" organizations to simply get some good things done. The specifics (if I recall correctly) led to getting a coal mining area cleaned up. She had a point with that line of thinking, but then she took a flying leap into supporting known bad guys, and then offered support for the globalist agenda with misguided sincerity, and refused to listen to reasonable people who tried to show her that she was backing the wrong horse. Whether deliberate, inadvertent, poor logic, or programmed - it doesn't matter - what could be a more dangerous message to truth seekers than "you've got the globalists/NWO all wrong; they're really good guys, trying to save humanity!"

I had hoped that at some point, she'd shake it off and come to rational thinking. Her mystical experience (or was it really an alien abduction and programming?) told her otherwise, and she showed no signs of budging.

And so, PixieDust, I'd say it would be wise to figure out whether her incessant illogical message of support of globalist/NWO agenda is really worth defending, and whether it is fair to poke Bill with your spear when quite a number of us were at wits end trying to get her to stop being an NWO apologist. If you're thinking in terms of "everyone is entitled to their opinion" and that it is censorship to blot out a dissenting voice, would you want to allow a pedophile to post messages in support of pedophilia on an anti-pedophilia forum? Project Avalon is many things, but (among other things) it is safe to say that it is a collection of anti-NWO thinkers. Blufire was given orders of magnitude more latitude to come up with a cogent response for why we should all be supporting the NWO/globalists, and all she could come up with was "the aliens that came in a blue light sort of told me so."


Dennis Leahy
11th July 2014, 05:41
Whatever one may think of Elon, he's getting the job done on three fronts. He is in the middle of breaking the lock out and logjam ---on three fronts.

One, big Oil, which is war, murder and violent totalitarian sociopathic control.... ..and two...control of access to space. ..and three....installed independent solar power systems, all over the USA.

I'm not sure I follow you. How is Elon going against big oil and the war and drugs paradigm? Certainly building electric cars is not it, right? How is he breaking the control of access to space? How is solar installed all over the US going to do anything at all, when solar is relatively antiquated technology?

Please expound. I'm heading down the wrong road if what you are saying is true.Wow, I think gripreaper nailed this. I'll include the possibility that Elon Musk is sincerely trying, and that just having a billion dollars doesn't necessarily give you access to knowledge about FE technology that would alter your thinking about supporting relatively antiquated (and on-grid, metered) technology...but the electricity in electric cars is vastly a product of burning fossil fuel, and there is no way he doesn't know that. I don't know - maybe this is about as far as a billionaire can go against the Energy Mafia, (and still live to tell about it) - to magnify in the social consciousness the idea of non-fossil fuels (in theory, rather than in practice.)


11th July 2014, 17:51
As usual, I'll play a little devils advocate.

Let's say Elon has a heart of gold with true intent on bettering the world around us. (I have this view, whether it is hope based remains to be seen) How does he navigate in a world of NWO elitists? He's a billionaire which immediately puts him in the "elite" room. Bill Gates, Koch brothers and the like have been in power for centuries. Over these centuries they have put in place "rules" whether explicitly stated or implied on how the current system works. What is Elon to do?

Should he completely fight the system and shun the old time rulers and in essence black ball himself from business deals and opportunity? Or should he learn to play the game while slowly influencing and gaining support for the things he finds important?

The thing is, he needs to navigate very carefully. My hope is that he can play the game just enough to be successful while slowly moving towards a better world. Through action he becomes a leader to those around him. He provides hope that a company can be successful AND make decisions that benefit society as a whole. If he can show that his "business model" works he can help transform business strategy, from one of "do anything to make a profit" to "Do what is morally right and the rewards will be great".

Not everyone with money is corrupt. Our job is to support the good ones even if they have to rub shoulders with the bad.

I once heard a great quote that has always rung true with me. I can't remember where I read it so I'll paraphrase: "From time to time you should sit down and have a cup of tea with a dangerous man." In essence you should never be afraid to have a discussion with a person you deem morally evil. Remember that you can have a positive influence on them and they onto you. Wisdom is achieved through better understanding through universal compassion and dialogue.



11th July 2014, 20:34
you're exactly correct. there may be legitimately suspicious concerns, but one has to work from within the system to advance it.

11th July 2014, 21:25
The facts of the matter are..that if one was rich, and or powerful, ie able to swing some real weight around... and one was aware of FE technology and alien origins of humanity (modified beings/avatars, etc) and all of the rest of it, and tried to go public with it, one would probably be dead within 48 hrs. Probably less.

It's really difficult to move the human system that fast and it is also -not recommended. Move too slow and we enter a severe downturn, which we are headed into. Move too fast, and the whole thing breaks into chaos.

Move too fast, give everyone here access to infinite power, energy, and so on...and we literally begin the process of breaking dimensional reality in the local timespace.

We have no freaking idea what responsibly in these areas --means.

Religious fanatics, mulhahs, brigands, thieves, psychotics, and so on, Ad infinitum, all of that has to go, wholesale, not one exception, before free energy arrives on the scene.

We need to be seen as moving INTO peace and prosperity, BEFORE it arrives openly. People who want to kill other people, and do so for reasons that escape all reason, and all rationality, all of that has to be gone when free energy arrives.

Free energy is an excruciatingly simple thing, as it is one single facet of dimensional reality and knowing. Just one. The other doors to walk through, all come along at the same time, as they are all connected.

What this means, is that the power to break worlds in half, LITERALLY..is in the hands of some..idiot who wants to kill other men who have their penis cut differently, and believe, in totality... of their twisted view of what is called a 'bible' or a 'koran'?

But wait, it gets worse....

Elon Musk is beginning the actual required process of cutting the legs out from under the components of human society that are being manipulated to maintain the slave state and slave mentality of 'war-war-war' and associated psychosis.

11th July 2014, 21:27

I once heard a great quote that has always rung true with me. I can't remember where I read it so I'll paraphrase: "From time to time you should sit down and have a cup of tea with a dangerous man." In essence you should never be afraid to have a discussion with a person you deem morally evil. Remember that you can have a positive influence on them and they onto you. Wisdom is achieved through better understanding through universal compassion and dialogue.



From theory to practice:

From: Being a Prison Guard Imprisoned Me (http://henrymakow.com/2014/06/musings-of-a-prison-guard-faci.html):


Here's a little something that's kind of off-topic; A number of years ago I was supervising a crew of eight inmates doing a special project. When lunch arrived we all sat around a table and began to eat. We were laughing and joking when it suddenly occurred to me that all eight of the men were in prison for murder.

The thought took my breath away for a moment but then I had to chuckle.... if someone had told me that someday I would [be] having lunch with a bunch of convicted murderers, I would have called them a liar.

The interesting thing about it was, I never felt afraid, intimidated or threatened by any of them. In fact, most murderers are very easy to supervise. They usually mind their own business and don't get mixed up in prison politics. It's the druggies and sex offenders who are the most challenging. They are the most manipulative of all inmates.

11th July 2014, 21:47
It's all meme control.

Keywords are the now and future since the new means of information aquisition is through gugal and like services.

Before you searched tesla and stumbled headlong into our world, now you get million websites covering the car company and images of various vehicle models.

Not even to mention the complete removal of discussion search that would often lead to communities like avalon.

11th July 2014, 21:54
The problem is that this thing called a human..is a bastard child, a modified genetic 'thing'. It is not of one whole cloth self originated build.

It did not come into being on it's own and it was never meant to be anything more than a semi-autonamous biological slave, with the ability to breed, and take direction.

And like it's original source points, it strives to become intelligent and move up, genetically. Which is difficult to do, when self awareness is curtailed via genetic design,and this non proper path, this non evolution. Purposely curtailed lives, and so on.

No-one wants to understand that they occupy and self -identify as a broken half wit that was designed to do nothing more than work and be that half wit.

This is literally a case of an unrealized Frankenstein/avatar... trying to fix itself and awaken..all at once... which as you can see, is a very dangerous thing.

Dennis Leahy
12th July 2014, 03:45
... give everyone here access to infinite power, energy, and so on...and we literally begin the process of breaking dimensional reality in the local timespace.

...I know it will be easy to say "you just don't understand", but, well, I not only don't understand this but don't believe it. The most twisted, greed-driven, power-hungry, sociopathic/psychopathic monsters on planet Earth ALREADY HAVE access to FE, and they are not "breaking dimensional reality in the local timespace", but Bible Belt Bubba and a Koran-wielding Middle Eastern jihadist will? (Note that playing these stereotypes against one another is strictly out of the bag of tricks of the aforementioned monsters - not reality.) FE will bring an end to the scarcity paradigm. The scarcity paradigm is where the conflicts (any and all real conflicts) arise.

I think the effect of what you are hinting at becomes unfounded fear-mongering. My neighbors all have guns and could kill me tomorrow if they want to. I guess they don't want to. But, you're thinking that if they get free energy, they are going to want to kill me? This makes no sense. Or maybe it does make sense, locked into a scarcity paradigm. Let yourself visualize a paradigm of abundance. Sit with it, let it infuse. Free energy and abundance take the pressure off - everyone. Our needs are met. Their needs are met. The entire tension of humanity on the planet immediately drops considerably. Would there be some vestigial insanity and violence? Sure, but it would taper off quickly and peace would reign.

12th July 2014, 04:04
It isn't fear mongering, when both sides of that coin will have to be addressed at the same time.

If I could spend a few days with you and explain what free energy is, what it means, how it works, how it changes the very idea and fundamental of reality as you understand it. How it changes the fundamentals of your cognition. The hard difference between idealization and reality. Even that probably would not work. It has to be experienced. Part of the process is individual psychological breakdown. Reformation of the mind.

The big problem being that universal energy manipulation, once the concepts are understood......is EASY.

If you look closely, you will notice that I literally gave people everything they need to know, in order to begin, right in this thread, a few posts back. I'm pretty darned far from being a naysayer, and I'm putting a lot of responsibility on my plate - which I don't particularly enjoy.

I'm saying, 'Please, be careful, be mindful'....and I'm quietly giving you the fundamental recipe/component for the tool that is everything -made out of everything.

12th July 2014, 18:02
If we are talking about free energy, I don't see a issue of safety unless the device is a portable nuke waiting to be re purposed.

Tesla motors releasing use of it's patents is unheard of regardless of the intent. I've heard others say the company did it out of desperation. They claimed the company was not doing as well as hoped so released the technology as a final blow to the other motor companies. I don't really buy that but in the end it doesn't really matter. Microsoft tried to sue people for hacking the kinects a while back then ended up releasing it for modification after seeing all the cool ways user were using the technology. Should patents exist? If so should they be protected for 14-20 years? Sounds extreme to me.

I was talking to a friend of mine about the whole patent thing recently. Let's say a drug company spends millions developing a new drug and wants to be guaranteed that they can make a return of profit. The government gives patents of protection to these companies for their design. The company then sits on the patent for 14 years milking as much money out of it as possible (millions/billions). The medicine cures let's say skin cancer. So the cure exists but the poor can't afford it. Millions die as a result until it finally comes of patent and Costco can put in on their shelves under a kirkland brand name.

How do you protect the investments of a company and thus encourage innovation while at the same time allowing technology/medicine to be readily available to the entire population? Do patents really encourage innovation? The problem is that the system itself is based in money. When the dollar is the only incentive for growth and ambition then the trend towards min/maxing a companies loss/profit naturally occurs.

So what is a better solution? Do we rid the world of patents? All technologies and ideas are free to use by anyone? Would innovation still occur or would we be thrown into the depths of a modern stone age? I'm guessing the former.

12th July 2014, 22:29
Perhaps my worst flaw is trusting my instincts and not doing further research on topics.

I first learned about Tesla, and the release of the patents, on Facebook, on a site called "I ****ing Love Science". This site supports vaccines, defends chemtrails, supports Monsanto and all GMO food, constantly insults "new age" people and are basically the advertising board of all the "evil" in the world. Why do I "like" this page? Because it lets me know what is happening on their side and what to stay away from. It also has cool space articles.

But when I saw something about an electric car being open to other companies I laughed and continued scrolling on to see what the sheeple are doing.

You really don't think TPTB or Iluminati or the "rulers" of the world or whoever, need a back up source for vehicles? Oil is running out. Maybe because so many people are bitching about oil and exposing the whole industry, the big guys got smart and decided to come up with something else.

I don't know anything about NWO apologists or whatever but it makes sense that we can't use gas or diesel vehicles forever. At least this way, they still profit from something instead of having hover cars (air) or magnetic roads and cars (huge pay out, little return).

And Bill:

Quote Posted by blufire (here)
In these threads I am trying to flesh out and expose why the globalists (like Elon Musk/Tesla) are doing what they are doing. I understand much of what is happening because of my childhood contact and remembering of those messages, but because it is not in line with current thinking and believing this information is ignored and attacked and so I step out of it.

No. You're an unknowing asset, who is usefully promoting those views. In four words, you're a NWO apologist. But I am also quite sure you do not realize the extent of the influence on you.

This means that I totally believe that you're sincere in everything you say. But you are just plain incorrect. "But you are just plain incorrect"

That, kind sir, is pure opinion. Which you're entitled to have, of course.

Quote Posted by blufire (here)
This is the message I now remember. This is what I see. This is what I know. This is what I understand.

This is what you sincerely THINK you know and understand. What makes you so sure you're not being used?I ask you the same question. Are you 100% sure your thoughts are you own? Unaffected? Clear? All-knowing?

Please find another venue to 'teach those who come your way'. Our mission here is to 'teach' something really rather different.As long as what is being taught is along your agenda, and your agenda alone right?

In this particular instance, however, there's a long history; this is not censorship of any members rights to express themselves sincerely. In fact, most ironically, Avalon is or will be probably the forum with the greatest tolerance of these kinds of views -- expressing blanket justification of the globalists' master-plans.Long, mostly PERSONAL, history.

Your first post commends Blufire on her sincerity, yet that's also what got her banned. Huh.

I'm just speaking openly and sincerely, as your post to the 'new members' says I can. I'm only trying to express blanket justification of Avalon's master plans.

How's that ego these days?

Peace.Not sure why you're taking what appear to be cheap shots at Bill. (On another forum I'm on, we call it "suicide by moderator", a play on "suicide by cop.")

If you'd been paying attention to blufire's threads, you'd know that many different people saw her as an apologist for globalist rulers. Hell, SHE stated as much (and gave her reasons, which were subsequently shredded by many people - me included.) I haven't met her in person, but if her words are true (and I trust they are), she would be an excellent resource for homesteaders, organic gardeners to micro-farmers. She's probably a great neighbor for those that live near her. Bright, articulate, sincere... but undeniably blocked by some form of cognitive dissonance from her interpretation of a childhood memory - or false memory. Flat-out wrong about things like GMO crops helping - not just in some future reality but NOW - to feed the world or resist drought. Proven mistaken notions directly taken from Monsanto propaganda, proven as scientifically invalid. Yet she insisted that because of childhood alien visitations, Monsanto are actually good guys. You really want to characterize that Bill and Bill alone had a problem with this vector as globalist apologist? If so, you haven't read her threads or the replies to her threads, or the replies in other threads that catapulted her to create those threads.

She once spoke about dropping the swords and learning to work with the people in seemingly "bad" organizations to simply get some good things done. The specifics (if I recall correctly) led to getting a coal mining area cleaned up. She had a point with that line of thinking, but then she took a flying leap into supporting known bad guys, and then offered support for the globalist agenda with misguided sincerity, and refused to listen to reasonable people who tried to show her that she was backing the wrong horse. Whether deliberate, inadvertent, poor logic, or programmed - it doesn't matter - what could be a more dangerous message to truth seekers than "you've got the globalists/NWO all wrong; they're really good guys, trying to save humanity!"

I had hoped that at some point, she'd shake it off and come to rational thinking. Her mystical experience (or was it really an alien abduction and programming?) told her otherwise, and she showed no signs of budging.

And so, PixieDust, I'd say it would be wise to figure out whether her incessant illogical message of support of globalist/NWO agenda is really worth defending, and whether it is fair to poke Bill with your spear when quite a number of us were at wits end trying to get her to stop being an NWO apologist. If you're thinking in terms of "everyone is entitled to their opinion" and that it is censorship to blot out a dissenting voice, would you want to allow a pedophile to post messages in support of pedophilia on an anti-pedophilia forum? Project Avalon is many things, but (among other things) it is safe to say that it is a collection of anti-NWO thinkers. Blufire was given orders of magnitude more latitude to come up with a cogent response for why we should all be supporting the NWO/globalists, and all she could come up with was "the aliens that came in a blue light sort of told me so."



Perhaps I am committing suicide by moderator because anytime someone comes up with an conflicting idea to Avalon's agenda, they get banned. Anytime someone goes against Bill or tries to show a different side of the brainwash that Avalon advocates, they get banned.

I took what appeared to be cheap shots at Bill because he took what appeared to be cheap shots at Blufire. Perhaps fighting fire with fire is childish and inappropriate but sometimes it makes a point that others missed.

Now, that being said I can see you do not take Blufire serious. You mock her experiences and shut down every idea she has. Instead of labeling her and shredding her thoughts, you could have taken them with a grain of salt. If you don't agree with her, then you don't agree but that doesn't mean you have to mock and otherwise insult what she believes.

For an enlightened bunch of people, you're just as cruel and heartless as the sleepers. To find TRUTH you have to look at every facet and possibility, not just the sides you want to see and you want to be true. As your quote says, "We are either filled with compassion, or we are empty." Your post was not very compassionate.

As far as Blufire's agenda.... She was and is not an NWO apologist, she is a NWO realist, as well as, a realist from all aspects in her life.. She thinks logically from all views and sides and will sit on a problem until she has all of the information she needs before she makes a move. She's as methodical as a moss growing on a rock. How do I know this?

Because I've known her for 26 years, Blufire is my Mother.

As her daughter, I kind of have an idea of how she thinks and what her views are, but you feel you know her better than me from the viewpoint you have read her posts on this forum? As her daughter, I do not always agree with everything she has to say and it annoys the **** out of me when she cannot make a decision right away. She is earth, I am fire, so you can imagine our relationship when I'm ripping away through life and she's constantly pulling me back telling me to think first. She thinks, I feel.

Here's a run down. I don't think she could formulate a response to you and other members shredding her posts because she takes a long time to process information. While 12 people are writing 5 page responses, she's still processing the first post. So when she writes back she tries to keep to her same post and idea that she's trying to get across when everyone else starts harping her because she isn't counteracting their responses. So then she looses credibility because she can't fire back a cogent response? She also had to be careful about what she did post and write because of all the hate she received when trying to provide a different side and so she just doesn’t respond at all.

Take the homesteading and organic farming you mentioned... She talked to me often about wanting to do a thread or section on this but knew that the realistic way to build and maintain a self-sustaining farm would include topics that many on Avalon would not accept and actually would be offended. Things like raising animals for slaughter for food and to bring income into the farm or in many cases having to use nonorganic chemicals because of extreme pest infestation or to have depleted soil to produce anything at all. She just didn’t want to have to deal with the attacks and having to defend how she knows what works and are good practices to build a self-sustaining farm/homestead. She has built 3 farms I lived on and now a 4th with the farm in Virginia.

You mentioned the coal mining and her working with the bad companies. This is another area she would have loved to talk more about and the whole process that has lead where she is at now. Short version, the waste coal is being cleaned up and by working with the big players she is getting THEM to sort out the good coal while restoring the land back using grant money and the town is going to sell or give away this coal to the people in the community and she is getting the town to use those funds for economic development to further help the people, but she had to go about it in a way that many on Avalon would have not approved or understood. She knew again, like the farming, she would be attacked on how she achieved what she did and just didn’t have the desire or energy to share.

I won’t even touch Monsanto and chemtrails because of the already ingrained views and beliefs of these topics on Avalon.

So then this thread which is hers and obviously got her banned in trying to get people to see things in a different and possibly more powerful way. She feels that since Elon Musk and his Telsa company is now part of the group with Gates, Buffet and the other billionaires that this is possible proof that the small group of 12 families who are directing what our future may be is selecting individuals to represent all views and all possible outcomes. She feels this very small unidentified Group that is carefully directing the future is selecting people and companies from all views, agendas, philosophies and so selecting Elon Musk is possible proof of her theory. But obviously this sets up a dilemma on this forum because how can Elon Musk/Tesla be involved with the likes of Gates and Buffet, because the works of Tesla are one of the champions of this forum.

You made fun of and trashed her alien contact and what she believes and sees and how ironic is this? This forum is all about ET’s and ED’s and those whose contact falls in line with the forum agenda is applauded and gloated over but those who carry a different opinion or understanding from their own experience and contact are ridiculed, shunned and banned. Why? Why is she thought of as illogical, programmed, influenced and controlled but not the other members like Simon Parks simply because what she sees and knows is different from the accepted view? Why what she posts is considered unintelligent and beneath Avalon when threads like the “Earth being Flat” allowed to continue unobstructed?

So, that being said, Bill will probably ban me because I choose to see all sides of an argument instead of the one I want to see. I will be banned because I supported someone, my mother, that caused a ruckus and apparently all the other members voted least personable.

Do I want to be banned? No, because this site offers viewpoints that I cannot find other places and I have come to know how members think and their opinions so I know how to decipher posts and threads. Actually, it was my mom who encouraged me to become a member of Avalon because of the information provided and what I can learn from it.

Just because I don't agree with the main views of the Forum doesn't mean I don't want to learn about them or be aware of what is happening so I can continue my own journey to finding my own truth.

So maybe next time someone shows up in your life with different view point than you, maybe listen to what they have to say and think about it from a logical view instead of mocking their personal experiences, and arguing every tiny detail they might not have figured out yet. Maybe, explore the possibility that you might be wrong.

And yes, Blufire is my mother but even if she weren’t I would still feel Avalon has lost a very important member and one that could have opened a possible new way of seeing the future.

12th July 2014, 23:29
Hello Pixie!! :) Nice to finally meet your acquaintance. Your passionate defense of your Mom is to be commended. Letting her pass from Avalon, is not a judgement on her as a person. I am certain that she will find her way without Avalon. PD,, important new ways of seeing into the future are opening up around us ALL... It becomes important that folks find the right platform for their ways of thinking and their ways of discourse.

You may be a bit confused here. At Avalon,, Blufire has consistently attacked and insulted folks who do not agree with her... I do not know her personally, but her attacks on Bill and Avalon have been consistent. Feel free to read her posts. Nobody at Avalon gets away with as much disruption as she did.. Sorry, but this is not a judgement on her,, it is a judgement on the integrity of the forum and its members..

Do tell me,, (as I have no idea what you are talking about,,) EXACTLY what is Avalons 'agenda', that you so expertly talk about???

How do you brainwash (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=brainwash+definition) (<--Please click brainwash) someone from a discussion forum that they have to log into by choice???

There are plenty of places that put up with consistent disruption, and egotistical approaches. Avalon is not the place...

PixieDust,, the same goes with you,, and me and any other member.... Consistent attacks on Avalon and its members is not preferred, and will not be tolerated. It does not matter how cleverly disguised. I know what an attack and/or insult is.. :)

Have a wonderful weekend.

14th July 2014, 13:16
Hmm... I'm afraid you are confusing a few concepts. Allow me to explain.

Electricity is one of the two sides of a coin called electromagnetism, the other side of the coin being magnetism. So yes, an electron is both an electromagnetic wave and a particle, given the wave-particle duality. But this does not mean that this energy would be moving at the speed of light, and especially not within a copper wire. Copper is a conductor and therefore has little impedance, but the speed of an electron in copper is (marginally) slower than the speed of light in a vacuum.

On account of light, I have subtly tried to emphasize that c is the constant which denotes the speed of light in a vacuum. And why in a vacuum? Well, because even light doesn't always travel at c, depending on the medium it is travelling through. In fact, there are even circumstances when other electromagnetic particles (such as electrons) can traverse a particular medium faster than light itself can, which gives rise to the phenomenon of Cherenkov radiation. This is an innocuous blue light which gets emitted from a medium through which a particular type of electromagnetic energy is travelling at a speed higher than the speed of light within that very same medium - and this is an important connotation, because it does not mean that the speed of light in a vacuum, identified by the constant c, can be surpassed, or at the very least not by anything that has mass. Any effort at accelerating something with mass even up to the speed of light in a vacuum would require infinite acceleration with a finite amount of energy or a finite acceleration with an infinite amount of energy.

On the confiscation of Tesla documents, the general story is that they were confiscated by FBI, but FBI has stated that this is a myth. I don't know what the truth is.

Well, whether it's the FBI or the CIA, I think we can safely assume that we shouldn't take their word on anything. ;-)

The wave particle duality exists due to the situation of what a particle is.

Electron wise, it is a pair of 2d sheets in interactive oscillation- this is the creation of the dual/paired vortex that is 3-axis spin + 'positive outflow of energy is what we call time and space'. (the spin exists in the medium, our so called 'vantage point') The energies are 'generally' positive in nature, ie, a infinitesimal positive outflow. Or at least we call it positive. We can reverse, or cancel it out through manipulation, and have. (part of the cooling effect anomaly in some experimental results)

We exist or are aware of this space, within that flow. The medium is the flow, is the time, is the message, is the 'space', is the gravity, etc. It's a spinning 2D sheet interactive originated 'space/time'. An in-out vortex spinning pair of 2D sheets. This describes spooky action, quantum function, gross Newtonian, all of it. Quantum particle all the way up to lattice systems, and all the recorded bits of anomalies, and oddities..all of it fits into that model. Ghosts, spirits, dimensions, astral layers....any of it. Every odd report from the fringes of science, from the past, into the modern times, all the fringe reports and fringe discoveries, even the idea of abductions in parks. The whole thing. pick a fringe weirdness in the stories and the tales, from Fortean books and reports, and ancient tales, all the way up into modern science. Anything. it all fits. Casimir forces, looking glass, QEG motors, browns gas, reports from Micheal newton in his books, levitation, superconductors, anything, anything, anything....anything at all.

For example, lets apply that to the speed of light paradox. They say..to get to the speed of light, is to have time stop. And to get there, would require the energy of the universe, for the most part. The math says that it cannot be done, as it would take all of the universe's energy. Well, when looking at the speculated results, one finds that it fits the 2d sheet interactive model, with perfection. Zero error.

And so on. All the formulas and all the math, every single bit of experimental results, in the past and up into this exact moment...all of it falls into place with that model. Not one error, not one exception.

For example, look at this post over here.

The literal end of all mechanistic scarcity..... and much much more hiding within:


This is done by creating a complementary standing wave in the high mass ionic plasma, of the root carrier material they are using. The carrier wave is a 2d sheet ionic longitudinal wave. And we get elemental transmutation. To convert any mass, any particle..... into another particle....gently, easily.

Once it is understood, it is found to be one method out of a hundred and more possible ways. No limits, no restrictions.

So... sorry, no more scarcity tactics, no more limitation and control tactics. The pressure begins to come off, and we move into that human 'epoch' event.

This is the genesis point of: "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot".

Joanne Shepard
3rd August 2014, 13:27
This is a new episode from the ancient alien series called "The Tesla Experiment" which among other topics talks about Tesla's experiments on wireless electricity which reminds me of my solar gazing while being grounded with bare feet on the earth :)


4th December 2015, 02:38
Regarding whether Tesla's papers were confiscated after his death, Dr. Steven Greer released a 4 hour presentation in which he stated that he has in his possession - among a cache of some 5000 classified documents provided to him - documentation which proves they confiscated Nikola's "secret papers". Check it out.
Dr. Steven Greer - Nov. 21, 2015 - How the Secret Government Works: The Most Explosive Expose - HD