View Full Version : The Thorium Car – This Car Runs For 100 Years Without Refuelling

11th August 2014, 12:02

If your car was powered by thorium, you would never need to refuel it. The vehicle would burn out long before the chemical did. The thorium would last so long, in fact, it would probably outlive you.

That’s why a company called Laser Power Systems has created a concept for a thorium-powered car engine. The element is radioactive, and the team uses bits of it to build a laserbeam that heats water, produces steam, and powers an energy-producing turbine.

Thorium is one of the most dense materials on the planet. A small sample of it packs 20 million times more energy than a similarly-sized sample of coal, making it an ideal energy source.

The thing is, Dr. Charles Stevens, the CEO of Laser Power Systems, told Mashable that thorium engines won’t be in cars anytime soon.

“Cars are not our primary interest,” Stevens said. ”The automakers don’t want to buy them.”

He said too much of the automobile industry is focused on making money off of gas engines, and it will take at least a couple decades for thorium technology to be used enough in other industries that vehicle manufacturers will begin to consider revamping the way they think about engines. We’re building this to power the rest of the world,” Stevens said.

He believes a thorium turbine about the size of an air conditioning unit could more provide cheap power for whole restaurants, hotels, office buildings, even small towns in areas of the world without electricity. At some point, thorium could power individual homes.

Stevens understands that people may be wary of Thorium because it is radioactive — but any such worry would be unfounded.

“The radiation that we develop off of one of these things can be shielded by a single sheet off of aluminum foil,” Stevens said. ”You will get more radiation from one of those dental X-rays than this.”

Ill have a Camper-Van version please ;)

11th August 2014, 14:49
Sounds cool but...

I'd be wary about them claiming no need to be wary about the radiation. The cell phone companies say the same thing in that the exposure isn't harmful, and yet I am EMF sensitive and can't even carry a cell phone with me or use wireless internet without experiencing symptoms.

One thing I've noticed corporations will go to great lengths to falsify hazards if there exists a long term possibility of profits.

11th August 2014, 19:38
I would like a thorium generator in my back yard so to be off-grid.

Nick Matkin
11th August 2014, 21:46
...I'd be wary about them claiming no need to be wary about the radiation.

Remember there are broadly two types of radiation; ionizing radiation from radioactive materials that damages living cells and non-ionizing radiation from light, heat, radio waves, etc. - to which some people claim they are sensitive.

Much of the media and the unscientifically trained assume they are both the same when they are not, on so many levels.

(As an aside, I think it would very useful if those claiming to be sensitive to non-ionizing radiation could band together and present themselves to researchers so that some data on frequencies and field strengths could be gathered. This would surely settle the matter once and for all.)


11th August 2014, 22:58
Thorium radiation is ionizing, but it's so low, even emf sensitive people won't feel a thing.

It is not widely used because it can't be weaponized. To weaponize it, it would require 100x as much money , as for an example, for Uranium-238.

While releasing radiation, the thorium actually heats the material. The slow process of fission is actually basic relativity. The reaction releases heat as a waste product. However the system is very inefficient and the car wouldn't be able to exceed 150 kmph (96mph). The efficiency is around 85% and you have to switch the water.

Thermocouples could be used, but those are not efficient too.

However, my invention can help this make it up to 99.99% efficient. No steam, no thermocouples. Pure engineering.