View Full Version : Energy blocks

12th August 2014, 02:02

Hope everyone is having a nice evening. First, I wanted to start the post by thanking everyone who responded to my reiki healing post queries. I have a tendency to not follow up on things, so sometimes I forget to thank everyone. Second, I wanted to ask about energy blocks. I feel like I have been facing energy blocks; my life is at a standstill, both personally and professionally, whereas people around me are progressing in both the areas. I want to know if someone else feels that way? I just have not been progressing in either areas, and I am not finding any respite no matter what; whatever I try to do comes at a standstill. Especially at the moment, I am not going anywhere; I feel like I am not finding any solution to my problems. I would love to hear about everyone's viewpoint on this. Or is it just me lacking direction and determination? I do have a horrible attention span, but even now I am not sure what my purpose is, especially professionally. Last, I wanted to thank everyone who responds to my post in advance. :)

I just want to know more about energy blocks and how to start clearing it, so I can invite positive energy and manifestations into my life!

12th August 2014, 02:55
Patience can be hard, especially when we have been conditioned to expect quick results with modern medicine. Be careful with your word choice: energy blocks. Block i.e. cement would be tough to clear up. Perhaps you can take the block and meditate on transforming it and let your imagination guide your way.

12th August 2014, 10:41

wilhelm reich is describing energy blocks in a human body but I think that could reflect on energy blocades in the events surrounding you.
Itīs really worth reading the book

12th August 2014, 11:29
Patience can be hard, especially when we have been conditioned to expect quick results with modern medicine. Be careful with your word choice: energy blocks. Block i.e. cement would be tough to clear up. Perhaps you can take the block and meditate on transforming it and let your imagination guide your way.

That's a good start point there grannyfranny100!

Don't think of it so much of a 'BLOCK' which is a very heavy, hard word! think of it more os a diversion or a knot. Diversions and knots are easier to release! release your energies to flow free ;)

We all to often use words that make things harder for our selves ha!

love, Peace and Big Hugs

12th August 2014, 15:14
Are you doing what you love to do?