View Full Version : Edgar Cayce 630-2 Survivors of Mu in Oregon?

25th August 2014, 13:59
Edgar Cayce Reading 630-2 25. The entity was among those that journeyed from Mu to what is NOW Oregon; and there STILL may be seen SOMETHING of the worship as set up, in what was the development FROM that set up by the entity's associates, as the totem or the family tree.

I had an accident a few years ago, and during my recovery, I spent way too much time on google earth. And I found an unusual area in S. Oregon that I want to share. Since finding this, my research has led me to many of the Cayce readings, native myths, and Archaeology findings in the area. I wanted to see what like minded people think about a place in Oregon that really relates to the Cayce reading.

This thread only contains part of the information and coincidences I have found in my research, but I hope it is enough to see what I am talking about. I created a blog to save the other images I still have, so I wouldnt loose them in a computer crash. If you would like to see those too, go to www.americangeoglyphs.com

I sent a few images to the Oregon State Archaeology department, and within a couple of weeks the images were washed out, blocked. So, the images I have are the only clear images left. (that I know of) I can tell you where to look, and you will see the outline, but you can no longer see the color.


The image above is an Alkali pond in the middle of no where. Compare the female bee on the right to the Egyptian Bee Goddess. But, even beyond the similarities to the Bee Goddess, the detail is amazing. Also, two earth energy lines cross over this bee pond area, one male, one female, the male line goes to Bimini, the female line goes to Giza.

If survivors of Mu or Atlantis also went to Egypt, then there should be some similarities to the Egyptian glyphs and gods. See Images below:

Eye of Ra Mound

Eye of Ra Notice the sun rays around the eye?


Notice the similarities to Bathamet?

Cayce, would describe a picture for his clients that they were instructed to paint in vivid colors it was their souls journey. In one reading he describes the High priest and his initiate:

585-10 Cayce describes a High Priest. And how it should be painted on the entities personal "Aura Chart" Here are exerts from that reading:

"on the left, the priest in priestly robes, blessing a figure kneeling in front of him. The robes of the priest would be blue gray, with the hooded portion back from the head. The sandals would be of papyrus or woven grass. The robe of the kneeling figure would be in white (this also a robe, you see). An interesting coincidence is that at Fort Rock which isnt far, 900 grass sandals dating 10,000 years old have been found.

Compare that description to this lake:


A couple of other coincidences I found, is that Cayce said in Reading 440-5: Also the records that were carried to what is now Yucatan in America, where these stones (that they know so little about) are now – during the last few months – BEING uncovered.”

What I find interesting about that, is that there is a gem stone in Oregon called the "Sunstone". The esoteric uses for the sunstone mimic the uses for Cayce's firestone. With that said. The only place in the whole world you can find gem quality sunstones is in front of Blue Robbed High Priest. Also interesting, is that Cayce gave that reading in 1938, which is the same year Luther Cressman (the father of Oregon Archaeology) was digging in this area. If you read the whole Cayce reading, he makes several connections to Pennsylvania. Its interesting to note that Luther Cressman was from Pennsylvania.

I realize that these couldnt have been made by modern man. Keep in mind that we didnt build the pyramids either. The spirit man mummy from Nevada, the giants of love lock cave and other stories of giants in N. America makes me think that this area was created by them.
In another of Cayce's readings he said that Lewis and Clark on there journey up the Columbia River ran into the descends of Atlantis, the lost tribes and those who came through the Bering Straight.

The following images are a few of the earth art or glyphs found in the area that contain fertility type glyphs.


http://americangeoglyphs.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/last-fertility.jpg 175[/url]

It is hard to believe a “Worship Center” or the “Family Totem” as defined in Cayce's reading 630-2 could be this large.

However, in Reading 281-25, Cayce describes one person's past life as a temple guard that escorted and protected initiates as they made their way across the “worship center”.

Reading 281-25 “as having been a guard to those as they proceeded from one symbol to another in their journey about the temple. From station to station in the seven phases or seals or stands or places of the activities, they were such as to make each station lead from another by ever crossing the one, making the continued web,”.

So, It seems to me that the worship center that Cayce is referring to, would need to be a large area. It was a journey that required a guard.

I started a thread a couple of years ago about this, but at that time I didnt have this information. And since the other one was my first thread, I thought I should try it again.

25th August 2014, 16:55
It would be awesome if you gave some coordinates, google earth is a great way to waste time at work.

Great pics on your blog, there.

25th August 2014, 17:05
I left the coordinates on the Bee picture. All the other images are from this area.
Although the white washing by google earth, makes them harder to see.

In this view of the hands, in the right bottom is where the bee pond is located. I think it is interesting that the ridge close to this area, is called Devils Ridge, and one of the ponds is called Giants watering hole.

I also find it interesting that Cayce said you could find the records in the heart of the Atlantean land. And the name of this place is Hart Mountain.

He also said, there were 3 ways and means to keep the records, could one way be to etch them on the face of the earth???


25th August 2014, 18:16
I'm on all board with Edgar Cayce. His work is of the highest as far as I am concerned.

Forgive me if I take the Southern Oregon thing and make it Northern California but it sounds like we are talking about the Mt. Shasta area?

I think the person most responsible for putting Mount Shasta on the map in terms of spirituality is Frederick Spencer Oliver who channelled a being called Phylos the Thibetan and wrote a sensational story called "A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Thibetan" that chronicled the life of Phylos in Atlantean times and the last incarnation of Phylos in 19th century North America as a gold miner. This book was finished by Oliver in 1886. 128 years ago.

Oliver's work is amazing in my opinion.
The retelling of the life of Phylos in Atlantis included the description of antigravity air ships, submarine craft, television, wireless telephony, arial water generators, air conditioners, high speed rail, and atomic telescopes.
Oliver recounts Phylos's last life in the 19th century as a gold miner occult student of "Theo-Christic Adepts".
Oliver then chronicles Phylos's travels to Venus/Hisperia via his subtle body while his physical body resided in a physical temple inside of Mt. Shasta.
It is this mention of Mt. Shasta that started the hoopla.

Also, my favorite UFO contactee and well, whom I feel contributes the most significant material would be Billy Meier. Billy Meier states that Mt. Shasta is now occupied by some folks called the Hyperboreans. The term Hyberborean is Greek and refers to a almost mythological race of people who lived on/in the Greenland area, and then moved to Florida, these folks tired of Florida for whatever reason and then moved to Mt. Shasta. Billy also mentions that these same folks have a base in Brazil as well.

25th August 2014, 18:26
Yes, these are close to MT. Shasta. Just over the border in Oregon. That is very interesting about Phylos I will be looking for the book. Sounds fascinating. We have encountered some high weirdness around Mt Shasta, so I dont know who or what lives there, but, I think something is weird about Shasta. I had talked about my grandson having gone missing for 5 hours in the woods. He came home with a haunting story. If you would like to read about: Above Top Secret http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread899732/pg1 Lots of people shared their stories, so its an interesting read.

I dont think that link worked, so you will have to search "Abduction or Imagination, what is in our forests?"

25th August 2014, 18:37
The link worked MissKat. Also, if folks are interested MissKat's story is in the Missing 411 United States and Beyond Book by David Paulides.

Here is the intro of MissKat's story. There is more if you follow her link.


Last fall my 3 1/2 yr old grandson was lost in the Shasta Forest for 5 hours. Thanks to volunteers and rescue personal he was found. My son said "He was here, then within a second he was gone. They thought he had been abducted by other campers. (trust me the worst nightmare ever) About 3 weeks after this happened, he was at my house, and out of the blue he announced "I dont like the other grandma Kappy" (his name for me grandma Kathy) I said, "what are you talking about buddy? Im the only grandma Kappy", He said "Dont you remember when I was wost in the woods?, Well, the other grandma Kappy grabbed me and took me to a creepy place, shes really a robot." I was thinking he was telling a story, so I asked "what was creepy about it, and why do you think she was a robot?
"It was a cave with spiders, and there was purses and guns. I was too scared, so I didnt touch anything. But, when she climbed a ladder, the light made her look like a robot. There were other robots too, but they didnt move." So I asked "What did she do with you Buddy?" "She made me lay down to look at my tummy, then she tried to get me to poop on a sticky paper, but I couldnt go. She told me that I am from outer space, and they put me in my moms tummy. Then she took me back to the river and said to wait under the bush until someone found me.
I called my son and ask What the H are you letting my grandson watch on tv? And I told him what he said. He said that he told them the same story a few days ago. But, chalked it up to having the smartest most amazing kid with the biggest imagination ever. (Im grandma, so I of course have to agree)
I know that kids have imaginations, but it was the pooping on sticky paper that really makes me wonder, Ive never watched a tv program that mentioned pooping on sticky paper. There were other details too much to list.
But, one of the reasons I am bothered by this story, is because I was camping in the same area the year before. And, I woke up one morning face down in the dirt, out of my tent, and sleeping bag. I had a puncture wound in the back of my head. Im a grandma in my 50s, I dont sleep in the dirt! I was violently ill. Too sick to even pack and go home. I thought it was a spider bite. It took me a very long time to feel normal. I had no creativity, no emotions. My friend was camping with us. He was sleeping in his camper. He also had a "bite" in the back of his neck. And was violently ill. We were in seperate sleeping areas. Before we went to bed there were red eyes shining through the trees in our flashlights. We thought a herd of deer were trying to get to the river, so we didnt think too much about it. But, now i wonder. My friend is checking into wildlife camara's. He wants to go up and place them around that campground.
One weird thing about this place, is that there was no wild life. The only birds we saw were 2 crows. They flew in, sat in a tree and watched us. I thought they were waiting for the cheetos to fall in the dirt. At the time, we were creeped out by them. I camp a lot, usually there are butterflies, birds, squirrals etc. This time nothing. We didnt even see a bee.
My son has forbidden to ask my grandson about the incident, because you can create a false memory, by repetitive reminding, so for a year I have not mentioned it to him. But, he is 4 1/2 now and I asked him again about what happened. He repeated the same story, except he said she took him to a dungeon instead of a cave.
It will be interesting to see if he has a memory of these events when he is about 8-9 yrs old.
This was at Mc Cloud California.

I have been very bothered by his story, so I have been researching if there are others who have simular stories. I ran accross an interview by the author of Missing 411. Which discusses the weird disappearances in our national forests. There are threads on ATS about "Missing 411".
In my reading about the national forests, I ran into discussions about the wilderness closeing due to lack of funding, and the Agenda 21 wilderness conservation acts. There are other threads about Agenda 21 also.
I think my question is, what is really going on in the national forests? Are they being closed off because there is a real threat living there?
Are they being closed and corridored and off limits to the public, because something has taken over the woods?
I wouldnt be questioning anything if our family would not have experianced unusual things in the forest.

25th August 2014, 18:43
We used to camp all the time, but after the above encounters, we stopped camping.
One reason I was trying to connect with other like-minded people regarding the S, Oregon site, is because I want to go and explore, but I am a big fat chicken! So, if anyone lives in this general area and would like to go camping out there next spring, I would love to meet up with you. I will only go with a group, and maybe some people with big guns. lol

25th August 2014, 18:47
I'm on all board with Edgar Cayce. His work is of the highest as far as I am concerned.

Forgive me if I take the Southern Oregon thing and make it Northern California but it sounds like we are talking about the Mt. Shasta area?

I grew up in southern oregon, it has it's own special properties (though so does northern California)


Gold Hill, Grants Pass and the Mysterious Oregon Vortex

There's even an "attraction" that I visited there.

a bit more info here:

25th August 2014, 20:07
This article was just published today! But, it covers the mound builders in Oregon. It helps give my Worship Center more credibility.


25th August 2014, 20:47
I wish I had had more time to look today, but upon locating the bee temple, I noticed that if you go straight from the head, you have a line that passes through/near the "little waterhole" and the "giant waterhole" and that there is a similar structure in each to the bee temple! This is so cool!

25th August 2014, 21:12
There are Bee related glyphs all over in this area. A couple of ponds look like Bee stingers.

25th August 2014, 21:20
It is the same central structure with the head and tail parts without the wings, a rectangular section with round parts on either end. I saw three or four more after posting, I wonder if it is some (recently) man made attempt to get down to the water table, or if it is evidence of something much older. Fun to look at, either way.

Thanks again for the thread!

25th August 2014, 23:27
yup , the blue skinned people have two cities underground and yes they are still alive ...

25th August 2014, 23:47
Legends about some of Abraham's descendants of the "lost Tribe of Israel" were supposed to be blue people.

The face of the High Priest is also blue.

26th August 2014, 05:11
Hi Everyone, I lived in Mount Shasta, CA, and experienced that vortex , worked at a hot springs just northwest of weed CA.
There was another vortex there. Lived north of Ashland, and visited the hot springs, a few times, now I live in Eugene Oregon.
Is there anything near me to investigate, I did some searches, and found a lot of mention of mound builders in the Willamette Valley, not hing that interesting though.


26th August 2014, 06:30
I'm on all board with Edgar Cayce. His work is of the highest as far as I am concerned.

Forgive me if I take the Southern Oregon thing and make it Northern California but it sounds like we are talking about the Mt. Shasta area?

I grew up in southern oregon, it has it's own special properties (though so does northern California)


Isn't the mysterious Oregon Vortex the place where spacial normalities seemed distorted?


I will just go out on a limb and state I believe there are underground bases, isolated civilizations that are technologically advanced. I believe most of these to be ancient rather than new.
With that being said, doesn't it seem like the manifestations taking place in these VORTEX places are by products of something? I understand they could very well be natural, but these things scream to me of being byproducts of physics bending technology deep within the earth.


The Native Americans have always told folks to stay away from Crater Lake. They considered it a no no. They wouldn't have anything to do with it.
David Paulides has chronicalled not a few people who have gone missing here and never been found again. In many of the Paulides trouble spots people go missing and are sometimes found. Not in Crater Lake. You go missing in Crater Lake you are gone forever it seems.
I think under Crater Lake, probably miles under, there is some type of base.
I don't think these people are the same as the folks at Mt. Shasta.
They seem to be less warm and fuzzy.
Like you wouldn't want to have anything to do with them.

27th August 2014, 19:59
The geoglyph place in S. Oregon tells a story. The records are etched on the desert. I added a new page to the website that shows one of these stories. Genesis 3:15 is clearly etched directly behind the high priest in blue robes. www.americangeoglyphs.com to the right click on Genesis 3:15 the glyphs tell a story! Make sure to click the images to make them LARGER!

This is only one example of the records that are etched on the desert. Could this be one way of the three ways and means to preserve the Atlanteans records????

27th August 2014, 21:53
The Picts painted themselves with a blue that looked like glass, Body art also. according to the Romans.


27th August 2014, 22:17
I'm on all board with Edgar Cayce. His work is of the highest as far as I am concerned.

Forgive me if I take the Southern Oregon thing and make it Northern California but it sounds like we are talking about the Mt. Shasta area?

I grew up in southern oregon, it has it's own special properties (though so does northern California)


Isn't the mysterious Oregon Vortex the place where spacial normalities seemed distorted?

yes, I visited when I drove down from alaska to florida, but there were no tours then (in the winter) so I just got to explore a bit on my own; apparently I didn't take any pictures (just checked...) which is strange of me.

it was a very interesting area, extremely subtle abnormalities existed, you could easily just walk right through the area and not notice if you were not aware.

28th August 2014, 02:59
This is the oldest in the google earth Historic Images. Taken 1995.

28th August 2014, 04:58
There are Bee related glyphs all over in this area. A couple of ponds look like Bee stingers.

Robert Bruce used to have a banner that had the legend, Follow the Bees. . . .

28th August 2014, 13:49
I just wanted to add, that I have never been a New Age Crystal Lemurian hippy earth child type. I have always been interested in ancient civilizations, but within our limited view of what Ancient means. To me that meant Babylon and Egypt etc. But didnt include the Atlantis myths. To me they were just made up stories. So, it took me by surprise when I finally realized who were the creators of this worship center.

With that said, I am going to share an encounter my son and I had last year when we went out to the Sunstone area.
To get to the sun stone area, you have to pass the cliff behind the high priest. There is an eye carved on it. I swear! I recognized it matched another carved eye that you can see from Google earth:

It was early am and the shadow from the cliff was "overshadowing" it, so I told my son I wanted to take pics on the way back when it faced the sun. On the way back there was one cloud in the sky. And it was sitting on the cliff (really hanging on the clliff) above the eye. Hard Rain was falling like sheets or pillars. I have never seen anything like it in my entire life. I was about a 1/4 mile away and was standing under a warm, cloudless, sunny sky. But, rain was falling like a solid pillars of water, but only in front of that eye. And it wasnt even a big cloud.

My son saw it too, or Im not sure I would have believed it. It is probably common, but I have never seen anything like it before.

I have had some other strange things happen, and although I dont choose to go into to all that right now, I would like to add, that during one episode, I was shown that these alkali ponds have something to do with electrical production. Like an alkali battery. I think what we see as just art work in the bottom of a pond, may have had a purpose. If the elements used to create the artwork, such as rocks rich in metals like zinc, copper, gold etc that could be used to conduct electric. (look up how to make a salt water battery) And if parts were made from a natural element like Lapiz that does not conduct electric, then theoretically the Lapis would keep the electric from going back into the ground, and could be channeled for use. Several of these ponds "hooked together" like a series of salt batteries, could pack quite a charge.. I am not an electrician. Im just telling you what I saw. Next time I go out there, I will take soil samples. Im a wannabe gold miner, so I have just enough geology knowledge to make me dangerous. lol The other interesting thing, is that in some places, you can follow a line that goes right into a mountain from the ponds.

These lines could be modern, however, before the google wash out, you could see that they were green in the middle and blue around the edges, and they are much, much wider than a regular road. If a copper rich ore was used in the middle, it would be green, copper conducts electric. If the blue is something non conductive like Lapis, then that would keep the electric flowing rather than going back into the earth. If it goes into the mountain as it looks from the air, then it makes one wonder what is in that mountain?

This is a better image: http://americangeoglyphs.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/line-into-moutain.jpg
