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5th November 2014, 18:30
We all need a reality check once in a while ! !


Anybody else fed up with all this crap? I can hardly believe my eyes any more it’s all so ****ing contrived, shallow and meaningless. Just look for a second at the stuff going down around our planet and you’d think you were in a bad sci-fi production in some failed studio full of unconscious drooling dweebs.

It’s ridiculous.
We can harp all day long on the conscious awakening which is wonderful, but it doesn’t make this crap go away. At least not yet. But it’s such insane spew one can hardly believe their eyes. And if anyone swallows it, man are they in for trouble!

The cool thing is the polarization. While it’s bad news for the idiots who refuse to see the truth, yes refuse, because it’s self evident, it’s setting the awake on new projected courses they never dreamed of. And that’s even more than wonderful – as long as they don’t shirk in fear of the unknown.

But I suspect most who’ve woken up to some degree are fed up enough to try just about anything. And that’s a good thing, because the unknown is hurling towards us whether we like it or not. And it’s nothing to fear.
But for goodness sake, see things as they are! From there you can operate consciously instead of on ethereal cereal BS blindness.

Here’s a poignant example of reality breaking out from 50 years ago that’s well worth reviewing. Just think where the hell this altered civilization has gone since then at its accelerating rate of adulterated change!

Now you’re getting it.

Abject Indignation
It’s healthy as hell to get mad and fed up with this bull**** going on around us. If people don’t recognize it for what it is they’re living in a dream world – either a defensive “safe zone” of religious or belief system framework, or some kind of crapola flitty disjointed anti-reality I really don’t want to know about.

They all stink to high hell with a shallow, unnatural and unreal stench and a vibration that gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Whatever, “if you’re not mad you’re not paying attention” is so damn true. It’s sickening the grovelling most of humanity is doing, genuflecting to fake blowhards masquerading as leaders, false information peddled as fact, and toxic crap doled out as food and helpful “drugs”. It’s obscene. That’s why we better be mad as hell, or we’re not going to be ****ing alive any longer!

I have a lot of love in my heart but it doesn’t contradict my indignation one ****ing bit. Nor does it in any awakened soul. I’m sickened with the crap being peddled by these usurping “authorities” and talking heads – it’s disgusting. They’re all sell out slime bags who should be put down in one form or another. Humanity has suffered enough – it’s time to have some balls and exterminate the lies and liberate the captives.

That’s just how I see it. I’m obviously in a pissed off mood but it feels good and right. People need to dig up some serious guts and take things into their own hands, wisely and without violence if possible. It’s going to be hand to hand combat for their own existence soon if they don’t.

We are awakening, we are the answer, and we are powerful.

Use it, before you get used up. And clear your head and blow the snot out – it’s accumulated poison waiting to be ejected.

Stay indignant, but loving and extremely conscious.

Love always, Zen


6th November 2014, 01:08
I share the pointed to frustration but there is a complex dynamic here at work - the "awakening" or "opening of the eyes" does not fully happen to those guided fully by fear -- these are the ones falling for all the fear porn and demanding the "solution" (problem-reaction-solution). Only when that fear is purged somewhat from the subconscious can any other thoughts be entertained. There are only two umbrella emotions Fear and Love - and where fear is not displacing love, love occurs -- as not something mushy gushy - but a fully conscious awareness that has freed itself from the shackles of fear to be able to see the bigger picture - "outside the box" so to speak.

So there are both these dynamics at work and they do need to work together. At the same time al lot of what some think "is working" really isn't. And this occurs on both sides of the coin. For the ultimate view one needs to see both these dynamics working together. I see many, many "ultra spirituals (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kDso5ElFRg)" still living with a vast amount of fear in their subconscious "pretending" they are saving the world - in the same way religious people have a blind faith and tend to follow without investigation for themselves.

Also at the same time I hear of people who want to "go to war" with the elite and use their anger (under the fear umbrella) to solve problems. Ha! that's a guaranteed setup for failure as the elite know every common human re-action and play these fully to their benefit. Being "unreasonable" (i.e. choosing without "reason" but rather from a point of love or free will) and facilitating rapid change in whatever form is what keeps the elite nervous.

6th November 2014, 01:09

6th November 2014, 02:58
yilek/ i like what you have to say here. i often feel this way. its necessary to scream and rant ,as i often do. however , what i have learned is that the people you are speaking to here at avalon, by the very fact that they as well as you, are here, are not cut from a Machiavellian cloth to do the things you are advocating . the kind of vermin running the world as they see fit, never heard of avalon, our cares and concerns. so we find ourselves preaching to the choir in a sense here.
don't get me wrong, i hear you. but fix yourself is the best remedy.

6th November 2014, 04:50
Until we humans on Earth learn to control our thoughts , actions , and feelings nothing will change ... all the other is noise ... things are they way they are because WE have allowed it ... When we unite in purpose , with a clear objective , the sky is the limit ... too many are caught up in things that don't really matter , ignoring what is most important , WE all live on Earth , We need her , We must learn to get along , live in peace , and limit our actions as not to cause harm to others or the Earth ...

6th November 2014, 07:50
Thank you for the reminder, Yelik.

Not sure that all people who've awoken feel fed up enough to try just about anything, though. It suggests an impulsiveness, lack of rationale and a (perhaps) different type of agression which I don't think is very typical of people who are currently working for a better world. That's why I don't like too much of the being mad. When you calm down, you can also see things more clearly.

I met this man, on YoT, following a suggestion in the Here and Now. See 8.30 -14:

6th November 2014, 11:39
I did not write the article but felt there was an important message.

It is fashionable for people to believe all answers lie within ourselves which is true to some extent. If we are at peace with ourselves and at one with nature and all things within the universe everything will be just fine and dandy.

I do not per se disagree which such notions, in fact all things in space and time are indeed connected so all matter and energy likely emanates from the same original source or creator.

But back to our 3d reality which we cannot ignore.

When I consider the here and now:-

Let’s say we are lied to and conditioned from birth by our corrupted Governments, media and educational system where true evolution, history and science are not taught.

Let’s say we know that earth is being stripped of its financial and natural resources for the benefit of the few and detriment of the many

Lets say life changing technologies have been hiidden and the elites are attempting to create a breakaway Utopian existence. The Star Trek life for themselves

Let’s say we know our whole environment is being polluted, from our earth to air, food and water. And even our very minds through advanced mind control and AI.
Caused by Chemtrails nano-metallic particles, radiation leaks, GMO, food additives, medications, vaccines and electro-magnetics.

Let’s say we know The City of London Banksters, known as the Crown, control the corrupt western tax systems (IRS), the FED and Vatican amongst other things.

Lets say we know children are being abducted daily and used for food and satanic rituals by the Elites around the world.

Lets say we can see an agenda (Agenda 21) of depopulation being played out in front of our eyes every day

Let’s say we know that global warming is fake and most wars and acts of terrorism are intentional; where human suffering and loss of life is beyond comprehension.

Let’s say that there’s an ongoing agenda to divide, conquer and control the human race through campaigns of religious and racial hatred. Remove our borders so people fight themselves.

Regardless of whether I’m aiming to become the purest heart in the universe for me to just sit back and accept this deluge of crimes imposed on us would be difficult for me to say the least.

I suppose if we all sat down and refused to react to all these crimes then yes we’d stop some violence, but a psychopath would laugh in our face and use us as target practice.

I made a post a week or so ago about a group experiment to ask ET for help. This was a serious request which I was hoping to utilise the power of mass human consciousness to attempt to correct evil things going on around us. For example, if several thousands of people focused their minds, imaginations and intentions on say deactivating chemtrails or the targeting of people we know to be involved with child abuse I think we might have been surprised.

Unfortunately hardly anyone showed an interest. Why do you think the elites constantly play the divide and conquer game. They fear the masses becoming awakened and organised.

6th November 2014, 21:06
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10359898_593145044165155_2508309012157176668_n.jpg ?oh=3e6c32c3f81e2c03314913b524fcb221&oe=54DD60CD&__gda__=1424685429_13e9735485b3b3db301bb96a6699339 4

How does looking around and realizing I'm standing knee-deep in poop going to set me free? It just annoys the crap out of me. ;)

the kind of vermin running the world as they see fit, never heard of avalon, our cares and concerns.

Never heard of Avalon? I wouldn't be so sure about that. Obviously, they don't care about our 'cares and concerns', but they do care about us conversing like this.

Let’s say we know that earth is being stripped of its financial and natural resources for the benefit of the few and detriment of the many

You've got all the points down pat, but please don't refer to 'money' as a resource. Money is just a tool used by the 'elites' to enslave the rest of us.

Why do you think the elites constantly play the divide and conquer game. They fear the masses becoming awakened and organised.

Yes, they absolutely fear the masses becoming awakened and organized. That's why we're standing knee-deep in poop. The more awake and aware we become, the more poop we get.

6th November 2014, 21:12
Not sure that all people who've awoken feel fed up enough to try just about anything, though. It suggests an impulsiveness, lack of rationale and a (perhaps) different type of agression which I don't think is very typical of people who are currently working for a better world. That's why I don't like too much of the being mad. When you calm down, you can also see things more clearly.

Contrary to popular belief, I think you can be angry and calm/level-headed at the same time.

Anger is a tool we can use to help us mobilize ourselves together into action. Anger is the jet fuel required for an impressive ignition. In the current system, we are so disempowered and pushed down, it seems that only after enough people start to get angry about something, that any kind of change can happen.

The character, Rimmer, in this scene from 'Red Dwarf', illustrates my point exactly (he lacks anger).

He's the one wearing a 'Give Quiche A Chance' T-shirt.

Note: the others lost 'fear' (Lister), 'vanity' (Cat), and 'guilt' (Kryten).


7th November 2014, 00:08
... which I was hoping to utilise the power of mass human consciousness to attempt to correct evil things going on around us. For example, if several thousands of people focused their minds, imaginations and intentions on say deactivating chemtrails ...

I believe there is a Group here that is for exactly that. I used to be part of it, but it appears I have been dropped - likely due to inactivity. I can't recall what it was called either, but I'm sure someone else can point you in the right direction for looking into.

7th November 2014, 00:24
... which I was hoping to utilise the power of mass human consciousness to attempt to correct evil things going on around us. For example, if several thousands of people focused their minds, imaginations and intentions on say deactivating chemtrails ...

I believe there is a Group here that is for exactly that. I used to be part of it, but it appears I have been dropped - likely due to inactivity. I can't recall what it was called either, but I'm sure someone else can point you in the right direction for looking into.

Right! And, you can always start up a brand new group, yelik. :)