View Full Version : Pay Dirt: Turning Deadly Chemical Agents Into Harmless Soil

13th December 2014, 22:25
"Destroying chemical warfare agents in bulk is a challenge for the military and international community. Current methods of eradication, such as incineration or hydrolysis, create toxic waste that requires further processing. And the logistics required to transport large stockpiles from storage to a disposal site can be risky and expensive. Additionally, different types of chemicals require different methods to make them safe, so each agent requires a specific neutralization procedure – one size doesn’t fit all. To address these challenges, DARPA has announced the Agnostic Compact Demilitarization of Chemical Agents (ACDC) program and issued a Broad Agency Announcement solicitation today"



Dennis Leahy
14th December 2014, 01:31
I'll alert Jay Toups, of Bioroot Energy (http://www.biorootenergy.com/), and see if he feels that they could answer the call. Bioroot Energy starts with pretty much any hydrocarbon source, from methane gas to coal to downed trees and brush to raw sewage to trash, and processes it into 10 kinds of alcohol, which they then blend into an alcohol mixture that is the cleanest burning liquid fuel. (emerging technology) I'm thinking that at the temperatures and pressures (and closed system) that Bioroot's process works, that these other chemical agents would be also broken down into smaller, innocuous compounds/molecules...and also reassembled as alcohols.


14th December 2014, 11:11
Energy from waste has always been on the back burner, as we say. As long as the chemicals are carcinogenic and can be filtered in the exhaust, while burning it can be done. We'll see. If they don't free the soil of toxins, mother earth will. She's done it before during Nibiru's passing. It starts long before it makes it's crossing, the cleansing I mean..the last part is massive tidal disturbance as the magnetic fields lock on earth and stop her rotation. The waters will continue to flow across the planet for 36 hours (a day, night and a day) That's a pretty long time to suffer all the disturbance of a rotation stop. The mounds in the plains were water proofed during heavy rains and the way for escape was in the top and a boat/canoe always there to paddle out in escape to the upper mountain regions, or be swept away. The ice has been melting now for over 10 years, something will burst when the last parts connecting to all that surface water lakes, joins and then bursts through up north. I'm more concerned that we are in the farther tilt on the axis and winters are colder ergo, another ice age, and for how long if the sun's blocked by green house gases or volcanic ash? The period it will take for air to clear and be breathable? Any guesses?