View Full Version : NASA wants to build a floating city above the clouds of Venus

22nd December 2014, 14:53
"Venus exploration has been deemed off-limits due to its inhospitable climate -- but NASA believes Cloud City may be the answer."


It is a possible concept, is it to be achieved in my life, well who can say?

22nd December 2014, 18:08
I wonder if there is anything physical on Venus that would be of use to us here on the Earth?

22nd December 2014, 18:46
Apparently it is expected that Venus would have the same type of minerals as found on earth. However, it is not known if it is distributed in the same way that mineral are on earth because of the lack of water. Apparently they have found evidence of water on Venus in the past. I was surprised at how many missions there have been by probes to Venus. The last ones conducted by Japan and Russian. Carl Sagan did a lot of speculation about terraforming Venus starting in 1961. Apparently the probes that have been sent to the surface were destroyed in short order by the heat and pressure. They have very little knowledge or no knowledge (if we can believe that) of the mineral composition, even of the surface. It is volcanic and appears to have one plate (similar to Mars) not several plates like Earth does. There has been an amazing effort to totalling photograph every feature on the surface, similar to Mars. There are mountain ranges, with temperatures cooler in the mountains.

Found an interesting slide show of research in off planet mining. The company is in the Pasadena area. http://www.smartmines.com/minutes/may2014/JPL_for_SMART.pdf This appears to be a 2014 pdf. This corroborates GoodETxSG's assertion that the Secret Space Program is located on the opposite coast.

Another blog from 2010 has quite a lively discussion of mining on Venus http://crowlspace.com/?page_id=170 Apparently there are readily available sources of energy and the atmosphere is so thick that even in 2010 they thought floating a city would be feasible (since the atmosphere is toxic to humans with mostly carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid). Some people think it would be easy to build a mountain range out of dry ice because of sources of energy readily available and the high carbon content in the atmosphere. Apparently gravity would be similar to earth's and the 24 hour day and night cycle would be a four day cycle if you had a floating city, because the thick atmosphere makes one revolution around the planet every four days.

The titles of published works listed on the Crowlspace.com site are also most interesting and the wording of these titles appears to indicate that interstellar space travel is in the serious planning stages (or already underway).

A.Crowl, J.Hunt, A.M.Hein, “Embryo Space Colonization to Overcome the Interstellar Time/Distance Bottleneck”, JBIS, 65, 7/8, July/August 2012.

A.Crowl, K.F.Long, R.Obousy, “The Enzmann Starship: Histsory & Engineering Appraisal”, JBIS, 65, 6, June 2012.

K.F.Long, A.Crowl, A.Tziolas, R.Freeland, “Project Icarus: Nuclear Fusion Space Propulsion & The Icarus Leviathan Concept, Space Chronicle, JBIS, 65, 1, pp.47-48, 2012.

A.Crowl, Comments on ‘First Interstellar Missions, Considering Energy and Incessant Obsolescent’, Refereed Correspondence, JBIS, 64, 5, p75, May 2011.

R.W.Swinney, K.F.Long, A.Hein, P.Galea, A.Mann, A.Crowl, R.Obousy, “Project Icarus: Exploring the Intertstellar Roadmap using the Icarus Pathfinder and Starfinder Probe Concepts, JBIS, 65, pp.244-254, 2012.

R. K. Obousy, A. C. Tziolas, K. F. Long, P. Galea, A. Crowl, I.A. Crawford, R. Swinney, A. Hein, R. Osborne, P. Reiss, “Project Icarus: Progress Report On Technical Developments And Design Considerations”, 64, pp.358-371, 2011.

J.Benford and G.Benford and A.Crowl et al., “Starship Pioneers”, Chapter Contribution to book, Starship Century, Published by Microwave Sciences and Lucky Bat Books.
- See more at: http://crowlspace.com/?page_id=1699#sthash.AOVfVQZX.dpuf"

I also found a report summarizing missions to Venus and presenting proposals for future missions. They say they want to study how the climate changed there to better understand climate change on earth http://www.lpi.usra.edu/vexag/reports/Themes-Feb2014.pdf

Midnight Rambler
22nd December 2014, 19:20
http://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2014/12/22/b286a66e-6f84-4c53-9fa8-81cd8d49ebe9/b8916d07455c6333e52edc8ca5380319/venus.jpg (http://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2014/12/22/b286a66e-6f84-4c53-9fa8-81cd8d49ebe9/b8916d07455c6333e52edc8ca5380319/venus.jpg)

http://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2014/12/22/858e60a1-7bdf-4933-87c1-3f288155ff52/8fae06c3b58c053fa8e973d693f0486c/venus2.jpg (http://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2014/12/22/858e60a1-7bdf-4933-87c1-3f288155ff52/8fae06c3b58c053fa8e973d693f0486c/venus2.jpg)

http://www.orionsarm.com/im_store/Cloud_Cities_on_a_Jovian_world.jpg (http://www.orionsarm.com/im_store/Cloud_Cities_on_a_Jovian_world.jpg)

Source (http://www.orionsarm.com/eg-article/4f181b2caeccf)

Image from Steve Bowers (http://www.orionsarm.com/xcms.php?r=oa-people#person9)

http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2314054/thumbs/o-CLOUD-CITY-VENUS-facebook.jpg (http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2314054/thumbs/o-CLOUD-CITY-VENUS-facebook.jpg)


I wonder if there is anything physical on Venus that would be of use to us here on the Earth?

Lets go and find out. Star Wars can be pretty inspirational. I doubt that that is an coincidence.

http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514134205/starwars/images/c/c3/MCQ-cloudcity.jpg (http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514134205/starwars/images/c/c3/MCQ-cloudcity.jpg)

23rd December 2014, 09:01
Chances are they have already tried it