View Full Version : The Obama Dream

5th February 2015, 05:00
What I remember from this dream? I walk inside a restaurant, there are people there eating I see obama our "president" also sitting there smiling as usual as i walk by I sarcastically (with all my knowledge I know about the governenment and who he works for) I say maybe paraphrasing a bit but most will still get the point " haha well look who it is if it isn't Mr.Obama himself." Surprisingly he says something back as I walk by going to the bathroom which kind of creeped me tf out in my dream. He says "Jaaayren good to see you..." or some kind of greeting with my name in it. I was wondering how the hell did he know me, this next part might be shocking but may come as no surprise to others. As I walk back out he is now standing out of his chair and his face comes off and I immediately think is this guy a ****ing robot or something?? He shows a blue technology android face. Ever see the drake sprite commercial how his face comes off? It was pretty similar Obama then attacks me everyone leaves because of how scary it was I guess he was throwing me around like a rag doll , this is not the first Obama dream I've had either.


Uploaded on Oct 1, 2009Ladies and gentlemen, your President is a robot. Or a wax sculpture. Maybe a cardboard cutout. All I know is no human being has a photo smile this amazingly consistent.

On Wednesday, the Obamas hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, during which they stood for 130 photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries in town for the UN meeting. The President has exactly the same smile in every single shot. See for yourself — the pictures are up on the State Departments flickr (link below). And, of course, compressed into 20 seconds for your viewing pleasure.

The first one to give you a quick sum up has to do with Obama , protest, mercenaries , reptilians, slide portal, and on a mission to somewhere. I've also had one pretty graphic dream of a George bush as a reptilian I've never shared its just to much, I woke up with a little fear but I dispelled it quickly and fell back to sleep I had to tell myself fear is just an illusion and many uplifting things for me to actually want to think about that dream again and not to fear it but take it as a sign that I'm on the right track with what I AM going to do with my life. If anyone has questions about any of this please feel free to ask.

5th February 2015, 05:05
My feeling is that everyone that arrives to the top (Obama as one example) are being replaced physically or mentally when they do not want to "collaborate" anymore. That might includes others alternative heroes too like : David Icke , Alex jones ...

5th February 2015, 13:52
So after I upload this thread I had another dream, you guys won't believe this lol being sarcastic. I find out some words that they don't really like that I said. In was thinking about all my dreams that are trying to tell me something, I've been trying to get in contact with some higher forces after I got the words earth plan in my head and I wanted to know the plan then I made a conclusion with myself and said "Something might have faith out there somewhere else but my faith is here!" I then fell asleep and experienced what many may call on here a psychic attack or nightmare. It was definitely fake and not of my origin it was definitely advanced technology. Haha in made fun of them so bad they have all this technology and still can't change my mind about how I think of everything and what I Am going to do in this world. To re,Ind most of you I Am only 15. Well the dream started when I was laying down in my bed in the same environment that I was still in, I'm in my other grandmas bed room and I can't move at all I can't speak I can't do anything I thought I was having a seizure , although I could still think everything that I wanted to in that scenario. I told myself to knock something on the floor so your grandma could hear you, it was extremely difficult and I didn't mamage to do it although I did raise my right hand, then I though of I got to a higher dimension this madness would stop then the room started going crazy from darker shades to lighter shades, I was able to say some words but not loud enough to get my grandmas attention, but I then stood up moving ever do slowly and opened the door, there were at least 4 doors behind the one door that is usually in my grandmas house I finally got past the one door and proceeded on to my grandmas room to tell her what was happening, everything was identical to that same night her dog was laying right next to her during that night like In the dream and in reality and when I got in her room I tried to speak to tell her I think I was having a seizure but all she was doing was staring at me awkwardly.. That moment in the dream I realized this was not me and I immediately wake up and tried to analyze everything. It was definitely some kind off atrack just like the george bush dream but this time I had no trace of fear I was actually laughing how pathetic they are with there advanced technology but can't get the results they want with it I find it hysterical how low they are. So in reality I say these words again that did something. Someone might have there faith somewhere else, but my faith is here. Then I close my eyes see a bright flash as I lay my head down and immediately hear my grandmas dog bark in her room , it was very different I thought it was them again. I couldn't go back to sleep for another half hour but when that happened I was just thinking and staring at the wall in front of me and it seemed to be moving in a wavy fashion. Strange things are happening guys.. I Am on to something in my reality that they want me to be on to. We all are.