View Full Version : The Snowden revelations concerning 9/11 - A story the MSM wont tell.

8th February 2015, 05:15
hello Siblings,

If Cheney and Bush aren't prosecuted after this story finally gets out
then the USA really has become the fascist regime of our nightmares.

Despite the release of these documents the MSM has not published them
only those heroes of investigative journalism at vetranstoday.com have
gone public with them. Hopefully the rest of the alternative media will also
do so soon.... and then.. surely it will leak out into the mainstream.

Confirming earlier rumours, this story is saying that some type of nuke
was used to demolish the twin towers.

If you're a documentary maker looking for compelling content... here it is.


be happy

lucidity :-)

PS.. I'm still waiting for some kind of evidence relevant to John Lear's claim
that _holographic_ planes were used in the attack.
I'm not sure yet whether these documents confirm or refute his assertion.

8th February 2015, 06:24
I think this is interesting and seems to coincide with what Dr. Courtney Brown's The Farsight Institute has remote viewed. There are a lot of videos where Courtney Brown is discussing 9/11 and what TFI has found.

8th February 2015, 06:38
There are at least 2509 cases of cancer related to the event, that in itself is a very strong indicator that some kind of nuke was involved in the attack

So what is missing here is the investigative journalism by big media business about finding out what really happened as well as by the US leadership, many obvious reasons to believe there is more to the 911 event. It's all a FAT CORRUPTION AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. People burned inside those towers and nobody in the leadership reacts about the poor investigation, the lack of media coverage and the importance of finding out the evil behind it all. They should all be quarantined until the people has resolved the issues.

Matt P
8th February 2015, 12:22
Thanks Lucidity. I'm sure it's been discussed here at length but it's my impression the best evidence of the holographic planes is the actual video of the plane hitting the tower. Flying aluminum cans filled with jet fuel would not simply vanish/melt into nothingness when they impact solid steel. It's been a while since I've studied all this but I remember quite a bit more evidence but the published video has always stood out as the most obvious to me.


11th February 2015, 17:49
Thanks Lucidity. I'm sure it's been discussed here at length but it's my impression the best evidence of the holographic planes is the actual video of the plane hitting the tower. Flying aluminum cans filled with jet fuel would not simply vanish/melt into nothingness when they impact solid steel. It's been a while since I've studied all this but I remember quite a bit more evidence but the published video has always stood out as the most obvious to me.


Hi Matt,

we _might_ be about to get some relevant evidence on both the whole 9/11
conspiracy in general ... and John Lear's holographic planes assertion.
Putin is apparently threatening to reveal satellite photographs of the event.
See here

Notice that the article refers to 'Special Weapons' to demolish the Twin Towers.
Probably that means some kind of Nuke or Energy Weapon as discussed by Judy Wood.
But perhaps it means more...

What will those satellite images show ?
Perhaps holographic planes show up in some way when photographed from above:
=> perhaps they 'flicker',
=> perhaps they don't cast proper shadows.
=> perhaps they appear 'suddenly' and 'spontaneously' in mid air 10 miles from New York.

We'll have to wait and see what these images actually show.

be happy

lucidity :-)

11th February 2015, 17:58
Someone did a great sound analysis, lzfTMfKoHI8

18th February 2015, 17:20
Great video and damning...

Anyone notice the object scooting across the sky 3:39-3:49? Apologies if this has been pointed out already.