View Full Version : Aspartame To Be Added To Following Foods (Codex!)

17th November 2010, 18:33
List of «food» and drinks.

17th November 2010, 19:22
Essential viewing for all diet coke fans...


I look back fondly on this video. It was this video that took me down the rabbit hole to Camelot... via a click on Planet X and Marshall Masters website perhaps two or was it three ? years ago.

I've been stuck here ever since. Like Alice in Wonderland

Cheers Bill !


18th November 2010, 05:58
That's terrible. Aspartame is included in almost everything. That leaves us with only raw fruit, vegetables and water.

18th November 2010, 06:11
dont forget water has flouride!

18th November 2010, 07:15
That's terrible. Aspartame is included in almost everything. That leaves us with only raw fruit, vegetables and water.

Not to have that craving for "sweet" we should have a more Yin-Yang balance in our food consumption.

Certain foods are predominantly yin or yang and should be balanced.
For example, foods with a high yin content include sugar, tea, alcohol, coffee, milk, cream, yogurt and most herbs and spices, while foods with a high yang content include red meat, poultry, fish and shellfish, eggs, hard cheeses and salt.
Foods that are thought to contain a harmonious balance of yin and yang are: wholegrain cereals, fresh fruit, nuts and seeds, leafy vegetables and pulses (beans, peas and lentils).
The health and harmony of both body and mind are said to depend on a balance between the two forces

We tend to use too much of the extreme Yin and Yang food , so our bodies keep "asking" for sugar alcohol, coffee..... after consuming the extreme Yang food as meat eggs or cheese.... and vice versa...... "McDonald's and PepsiCo " they "belong together" !!

More insight about this needs more knowledge of for instance Macrobiotics (which is based on traditional Japanese diet)
A macrobiotic diet (or macrobiotics), is a dietary regimen that involves eating grains as a staple food supplemented with other food such as vegetables and beans, and avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods.
Macrobiotics also addresses the manner of eating by recommending against overeating and requiring that food be chewed thoroughly before swallowing


18th November 2010, 14:23
These things must not come to the future. The most healthiest way of feeding ourselves will always be to be in harmony with nature, providing all the best locally to answers all human essential needs.

And you know what, we could even have big companies in the future. As long as they are driven by fundamental principles of life.

Namaste, Steven

18th November 2010, 17:15
Thank you Steven...

I read in a book called The Tipping Point (a phrase which is a bit of a sore point at the moment) that companies work well up to about 200 employees. This is the limit of cross connection it seems, where everyone knows everyone else.

Apparently Hush Puppies go by this rule, and though they have thousands of staff, no single office has more than 200.

Would be great if we could live and work ethically for common good. Let's hold that thought. Maybe it will take root...


18th November 2010, 17:45
Macrobiotic diet can indeed lead to lack of energy. I friend of mine had that experience. She had to rethink her commitment and start eating more protein.
From a vegetarian basis,I try to harmonize the several nutricion «lines« and so far so good. Still, I do resort to vitamins suplements because of my intense physical exercise and «energy therapies».

18th November 2010, 22:03
When you follow a macrobiotic diet, a small amount of fish or seafood is consumed several times per week.
Meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy are usually avoided. But I take them from time to time, except for the meat.
Fish or seafood are eaten with horseradish, wasabi, ginger, mustard, or grated daikon to help the body detoxify from the effects of fish and seafood.

Beans and legumes are a very protein rich source of food as well


In addition to being high in protein, beans also have a high concentration of vitamins and minerals.
This makes beans a popular choice for vegetarians and vegans as well.
Although they don't contain complete proteins by themselves, all beans have a fair amount of protein.


It is wise to add seaweeds to your diet, since they contain valuable proteins that are not found in beans.
Seaweeds are powerhouse of minerals, vitamins and amino acids.
They are an excellent source of iodine, calcium and iron .
Seaweeds will also help prevent damage to tissues from chemicals, heavy metals, and certain types of radioactivity.

But as I mentioned before, I don't follow a strict macrobiotic diet anymore, but the Yin - Yang balance is always in the back of my mind : )
However, when I feel not well or a bit ill, I go back to the strict diet for a few days and I'm healthy again.