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28th April 2015, 15:44
So what's going on here?
Are these riots planned by the authorities?
And was it part of a plan to first execute a criminal without due process of a court case, and then using mind control on a bunch of kids to direct them like a swarm of wasps to destroy their community?
Is this the only way to get a nation to wake up?
I don't have the answers, but perhaps some of the other members here can come up with something.

Oh, and here is another important factor....
Parents taking charge of their kids.....


28th April 2015, 17:20
My concern is that the riots in Baltimore will not wake people up. The riots will simply instil fear and hatred in a large segment of the population. It will also leave many people in a greater poverty. This is part of TPTB plan to reduce populations and to enslave the survivors via poverty. It is a very sad situation that fortunately for us will NOT spread across America. TPTB have the power to create much destruction and will continue to use that power, but they will ultimately lose.

28th April 2015, 17:41
Yes, these deaths of AfroAmericans is done deliberately to drive through Marshall Law. Thats why the Department of Homeland Security exists, for no other reason.
As with the LA riots, the authorities stepped back and allowed the riot to quell itself, knowing there would be destruction (revenue) at the end of it. The same happened here, with petty and snarky political (pretend) cross party squabbles filling MSM and little attention being directed at the communities involved.

The American Negro must be the most oppressed first world community on record. Living a life of racial intolerance virtually everywhere in the American system. All driven by Washington and the United Nations. The whole political process is corrupt. Hilary Clinton is in the running for the White House and yet has not given any press interviews yet, will she stand up and make comment on this event in Baltimore, I don't think so. If she does she will either sit on the fence or send in the troops knowing her.

As for the woman scolding her son in Baltimore, that's normal. Any mother would do that if they could. Sad thing is, it will drive the son away eventually, as soon as he can fend for himself, he will leave. Not because he wants to cause trouble, he will want to make a difference, he will want change, just like every other sympathiser of the American Negro slaughter.

The USA is no longer a country, it's a Corporation. The US military is not American, they are Mercenaries for hire, nine eleven told us that.

"Parents taking charge of their kids" - really - uhuh. Are you referring to the black mothers stopping black boys venting their anger? Or are you talking white mothers stopping white boys in uniform beasting others.

Washington is not owned by Americans. It is under the control of a secular group of bankers wordwide. America will soon be a memory.

28th April 2015, 17:49
Whatever and whoever was the cause of this particular incident (whether mind-control or honest accident), it is giving a tyrannical government and their cronies in the form of a Police State ample reason to enforce their will onto the population. It is a the perfect excuse for the Police State to jump in, save the situation, and claim that humanity will be in chaos and ruin without authoritarian rule. Then they will continue to propagate the false lie that Anarchy=chaos, when Anarchy actually means freedom.

28th April 2015, 18:00
Yes, these deaths of AfroAmericans is done deliberately to drive through Marshall Law. Thats why the Department of Homeland Security exists, for no other reason.
As with the LA riots, the authorities stepped back and allowed the riot to quell itself, knowing there would be destruction (revenue) at the end of it. The same happened here, with petty and snarky political (pretend) cross party squabbles filling MSM and little attention being directed at the communities involved.

The American Negro must be the most oppressed first world community on record. Living a life of racial intolerance virtually everywhere in the American system. All driven by Washington and the United Nations. The whole political process is corrupt. Hilary Clinton is in the running for the White House and yet has not given any press interviews yet, will she stand up and make comment on this event in Baltimore, I don't think so. If she does she will either sit on the fence or send in the troops knowing her.

As for the woman scolding her son in Baltimore, that's normal. Any mother would do that if they could. Sad thing is, it will drive the son away eventually, as soon as he can fend for himself, he will leave. Not because he wants to cause trouble, he will want to make a difference, he will want change, just like every other sympathiser of the American Negro slaughter.

The USA is no longer a country, it's a Corporation. The US military is not American, they are Mercenaries for hire, nine eleven told us that.

"Parents taking charge of their kids" - really - uhuh. Are you referring to the black mothers stopping black boys venting their anger? Or are you talking white mothers stopping white boys in uniform beasting others.

Washington is not owned by Americans. It is under the control of a secular group of bankers wordwide. America will soon be a memory.

I'm against beating children on principle.
They understand firm language from early on,
and beating a child around the ears, and in public,
and on camera, and have it go viral... This has to be the most humiliating thing in this kids life.

And yet... There is that other form of control, much worse in my view...far more insidious...
And that is the MK, or mind control agenda behind these events.
Where no parents are around to tell their youngsters that thoughts which arise inside one's heads are not necessarily one's own. And to act on them will have consequences which serve no one except the puppet masters.

Our job as Avalonians is to bring this to the attention of the public at large, and have people become freed from all manipulations...and that includes parents, teachers, state, movie and music industry, sports organizers, and even their own peers.

Peace of Mind
28th April 2015, 18:09
Designed? Perhaps… But what else do you do when nothing else works?

You’re witnessing people who are demonstrating their rising feelings towards injustices and inequality. I don’t necessarily agree with the violence, but if it’s constantly being used on you…you too might be forced to respond accordingly, especially when all other opportunities for a solution have been exhausted. If the system is constantly and blatantly failing you, it is your obligation and responsibility to destroy/vanquish it, and then replace it with one that will actually do what it’s supposed to do.

These riots are signs of the awakened, it’s happening all over the world. The only ones that don’t see it (or the necessity of it) are the ones that don’t want to see it/their lives are benefited by it/their lives aren't affected by it/or just Pure Ignorance …so they rather preserve the flawed and unjust system. Their fears make them blind to it, makes them ignore/neglect opportunities to assist in changing it to the better. Instead they display their fear by saying things like "tptb wants us to fight back". but remain watching from the side lines making excuses while hanging out in their inactive parties. It’s easy to sit back in your own zone of solitude and profess to “rules”. However, if the rules don’t serve to place you in a position of prosperity (via fairness)…those rules should be broken immediately.

When you’re paying people that were sworn to serve and protect you…you have every right to hold them accountable. I don’t care about the material loses, they all can be re-created and re-brought…but you can’t bring back a person that was killed by wicket individuals. If you don’t check the cruel and disrespectful behavior within your governments… they will continue to be oppressing and unfair. That said… good luck to all the protestors, and Godspeed.


28th April 2015, 18:16
I think it was a real incident that has been used to fuel an already great divide between police and the public ... notice during the riots the police were there and did nothing ??? they caught freddy gray and arrested him but , looters and thugs throwing brick at the cops get ignored ... I would gather the police want the citizens in an uproar , the ones they arrest are the ones just minding their own business , it's all so backwards ... this could spill over into a full blown martial law if other cities follow the looters actions ... steal and break things in frustration with the police killing people and getting away with it ... be aware , the PTB already want martial law please don't give them a reason , they have troops and hardware already in place for a domestic exercise that could go LIVE ...

28th April 2015, 18:29
For what it's worth:
BUSTED! Crisis Actor Caught Staging "Victim" Scenes at Freddy Gray Protests In Baltimore

Michael Janitch FB page has lots of links to same crisis actors causing mayhem!
https://www.facebook.com/dutchsinse?fref=nf&pnref=story Scroll down his page to links and comments.
When will we stop being taken in by the MSM hype?

Next stop Jade Helm nonsense to provoke idiots into thinking any 'drill' is real, and firing upon troops causing the 'drill' to go live!!! All very disconcerting. Happens so often, 9/11, 7/7 et al.... Trying to complete monetary selling of home before all hell breaks loose financially. So annoying, all this MSM 'hype' causing unnecessary suffering globally, again and again - so who are the MSM? The Neo-Con Zionist Globalist corporations, war is profit, "by way of deception thou shalt do war" (MOSSAD motto) even if it means working hand-in-glove 'secretly' (for profit of course) with the Saudis. This has been ongoing for years. Saudis + Israel against Iran et al.... All for control of resources in the middle east, and tentacles spreading unrest further afield, destabilising the Ukraine..... I am so tired of this repetitive nonsense, but it's not honestly reported in the MSM western media as they are bought and paid for, along with our 'Friends of...' politicians. Blackmailed into submission by secret societies? Probably.

28th April 2015, 19:15
They are staging pilot events like this with some variations all over the states, to see how people react and how they can implement more resrictive measures, leading to the implementation of martial law.

28th April 2015, 19:56
Let us differentiate between many things going on...
I can not call it an awakening if thugs are looting, stealing and grabbing all they can.
Let's not forget that in many areas, it has gone from protest to thievery...
When you rob your neighbors, break their windows, go into their homes and businesses.............how is that a protest or awakening?
There is no excuse or justice for vandalizing and looting.
I understand standing against injustice, but not becoming thugs and thieves. If they were that angry they wouldn't just come against the police but police stations, government buildings such as courthouses and all. But against their very neighbors? No, for some it's an excuse to rob. For those who are truly standing against injustice, they are as afraid as most and this is all that this does is instill fear.

28th April 2015, 20:19
Two years ago, such protests were happening in Montreal. For free university/colleges fees (a student here once finished his bachelor degree (license in Europe) has about 8,000$ of debts at the most. College is 300$ per semester for my daughter. University will be about 1,200$ a year. By the end of master and doctor degree they have at the most 25,000$. This cannot be compared with US students fees. They are very low here.

It was to a point where we were wondering why they did so much strikes and broke so many windows.

Nevertheless, some students being caught by the police started to wear masks. So this was forbiden by law, they could protest, but not wear masks. To discover that it was sometimes policemen that wore the masks!!! and lots of protestors were provoked by unrelated people......

Since the late 60's, Montreal has been a CIA study ground for protest and terrorism. We are generally a laid back, verbally bitching, but in fact quite quiet people (french canadians). So if we can be provoked, and we do start demonstrations and riots, anybody with the same provocation will riot and start a war.

So be aware of what is going on in Quebec with the young people and you will have what is coming down in USA - or South American countries - within 2 years.

last springl austerity protests:


If Mini Flash ever do like the naked girl at a protest, she is better not to come home that evening, i will ... be very nasty to her. But, she is too shy for that lol wishfull mom)

Those below were in 2012 and quite violent. We did not truly understood what hte students wanted


28th April 2015, 21:14
Make no mistake the state does not need excuses to kill their own. Riots or no riots, peaceful demonstrations or not when the time comes for the state to start executing its unwanted populous it will and they wont give a damn if they have a excuse or not. So you can forget all this Ghandi rubbish and smoking peace pipes and do what you have to do and have that very bloody revolution. Armed full on revolution...nothing short of that will suffice for the working classes. The state aint out playing games they are in it for keep's.

28th April 2015, 21:21
they don't need reasons for martial law, when it is going to go down it will with reasons or no reasons you can be sure of that sir.
I think it was a real incident that has been used to fuel an already great divide between police and the public ... notice during the riots the police were there and did nothing ??? they caught freddy gray and arrested him but , looters and thugs throwing brick at the cops get ignored ... I would gather the police want the citizens in an uproar , the ones they arrest are the ones just minding their own business , it's all so backwards ... this could spill over into a full blown martial law if other cities follow the looters actions ... steal and break things in frustration with the police killing people and getting away with it ... be aware , the PTB already want martial law please don't give them a reason , they have troops and hardware already in place for a domestic exercise that could go LIVE ...

28th April 2015, 23:58
it was recently traced that soros' non profit organistions were funding ferguson riots. what makes you think that baltimor isnt staged? the state needs to train its staff too you know. by the time its on for real cops need to be experienced and tactics made up. while there is food in people's stomacks most wont even dare questioning authority.

29th April 2015, 00:41
it was recently traced that soros' non profit organistions were funding ferguson riots. what makes you think that baltimor isnt staged? the state needs to train its staff too you know. by the time its on for real cops need to be experienced and tactics made up. while there is food in people's stomacks most wont even dare questioning authority.

It is true that George Soros funded many of the out of state rioters in Ferguson through Moveon.org and ACT. While this was lightly reported by the Wall Street Journal and the NYTimes it was not reported on too heavily in the mainstream media. His supporters have tried over the years to say that he donates monies to these organization but does not exert too much control. That statement has been pretty well refuted and even Soros supporters say that he is the main force behind the organization.

My take on Soros is that he supports mostly liberal causes because they are much easier to influence than conservative causes. I don't think he cares about politics at all, what he cares about is George Soros and turning a profit. If funding civil unrest destabilizes markets and currencies than he can turn a profit. After all this is the man the man who broke the Bank of England because of his short sale of US $10 billion worth of pounds, giving him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis. Imagine a $1Billion profit in one day. It really is that shallow and that simple.

You can almost be assured that George Soros and other profiteers are behind the Baltimore riots. It has already been discovered that the top 50 twitter accounts that were attempting to incite riots or at the very least move people to destructive civil unrest were not from the state of Maryland at all.

29th April 2015, 01:11
I wouldn't doubt for a second that theres planted ringleaders in these riots. Be nice to hear from the locals like maybe random troublemakers showed up that seemed out of place.

29th April 2015, 01:18
the city of Baltimore has no real leaders , the Mayor is responsible to ensure domestic tranquility , provide for the common defense , etc ... they clearly don't have a clue what they are doing , good at a campaign but , lacking at understanding the constitution and their role in the bigger picture ... the first brick thrown should have been squashed ... violence will only lead to more violence ... I wish the police only carried stun guns , then no person could lose their life by the hand of those who swore an oath to protect and serve ...

29th April 2015, 01:26
Let us differentiate between many things going on...
I can not call it an awakening if thugs are looting, stealing and grabbing all they can.
Let's not forget that in many areas, it has gone from protest to thievery...
When you rob your neighbors, break their windows, go into their homes and businesses.............how is that a protest or awakening?
There is no excuse or justice for vandalizing and looting.
I understand standing against injustice, but not becoming thugs and thieves. If they were that angry they wouldn't just come against the police but police stations, government buildings such as courthouses and all. But against their very neighbors? No, for some it's an excuse to rob. For those who are truly standing against injustice, they are as afraid as most and this is all that this does is instill fear.

well said ... the protestors see injustice , so their answer is more injustice ??? the very thing they are upset over , is the thing they commit thinking it will change something ... an 12 billion year old saying - do unto others as you would have them do unto you ... cause and effect ... society degenerates ...

29th April 2015, 03:05
Not only a "divide and conquer" tactic but also a great distraction (or to scare citizens into begging for, once again, this time out of fear of domestic terrorists "burning our cities") from the upcoming vote on the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act. The protesters (the real ones) have been led right into this. It is pitiful.

Patriot Act - Electronic Frontier Foundation (https://www.eff.org/issues/patriot-act)

National Security Whistleblowers Call For Repeal Of Patriot Act (http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/04/28/national-security-whistleblowers-call-repeal-patriot-act)

If the Patriot Act is renewed, it is game over and we will have lost.

29th April 2015, 04:11
I am a 6th generation Baltimorean. I have a business in Baltimore that has been adversely affected as have many businesses in the downtown area. Bars and restaurants have to close by 9pm to meet the 10pm curfew. All events in the city have been canceled for this weekend. The Orioles game will be played tomorrow without any spectators being allowed into the ballpark. We experienced this same scenario in 1968 when Martin luther King was killed. It has taken from than until now to revitalize Baltimore with scores of young professionals moving back into the city. Contrary to the HBO series the Wire, Baltimore is a great city with much to offer and not unlike any large American city with it's pockets of poverty and crime.
The Baltimore police department may very well have it's double standards as to how it handles the arrest and probable abuse of blacks versus whites. They should be held accountable for any wrong doing and I'm sure are not, all to often. I believe that several mistakes were made in how the Freddy Grey situation was handled by city officials leading up to this weekends events. Once those choices were made to give the protestors "space" to march as is their right to do so as guaranteed by the constitution, criminal elements realized that an opportunity existed to take advantage of the situation and they would not be contested by the police. Monday a tipping point was reached and there was no choice but to ask the governor to send in the National Guard.
The immediate problem has been resolved and things have returned to normal for the most part as of tonight. The longer term problem of the poverty and lack of education, drugs, crime and blight in the black neighborhoods remain a problem without an easy solution.
Baltimore has come to far since 1968 and we, as a city are determined to not lose the ground gained in the redevelopment of our city. I believe that we will come out of this more aware and more sensitive to the needs of the many that for to long have been ignored. We pat ourselves on the back for creating pockets of redevelopments around the waterfront while ignoring the problems of those that live on the outskirts of what the visitors come to Baltimore to see and enjoy. Moving forward Baltimore can come out of this a stronger city as long as it addresses instead of ignoring the inequalities.

jake gittes
29th April 2015, 04:50
Contrary to the HBO series the Wire, Baltimore is a great city with much to offer and not unlike any large American city with it's pockets of poverty and crime.

The longer term problem of the poverty and lack of education, drugs, crime and blight in the black neighborhoods remain a problem without an easy solution.
We pat ourselves on the back for creating pockets of redevelopments around the waterfront while ignoring the problems of those that live on the outskirts of what the visitors come to Baltimore to see and enjoy. Moving forward Baltimore can come out of this a stronger city as long as it addresses instead of ignoring the inequalities.

The emboldened part is pretty much what the great series "The Wire" was all about! And it was handled better and more profoundly than any other series ever. You can't claim the former and then state the emboldened latter. Baltimore's greatness -- whether past or potential -- was pointed out repeatedly throughout the five-season run. Had the Chamber of Commerce produced "The Wire" it would have glossed over and ignored "the problems of those that live on the outskirts of what the visitors come to Baltimore to see and enjoy." It addressed the inequalities instead of ignoring them!

29th April 2015, 05:57
great post jake....im a proud owner of the box set myself...

29th April 2015, 06:43
So, Monday night there were riots and looting. That is not good. Then Tuesday night the community leaders and the press enjoyed watching people run from the police and go home. Is that good? Really? Is there no other alternative besides violence or to cower from the cops? Both nights have saddened me. How about non-violent civil disobedience? My fears for Baltimore are the night when officials announce that the police that killed Freddy have committed no crime, and will not be charged.

29th April 2015, 13:01
it was recently traced that soros' non profit organistions were funding ferguson riots. what makes you think that baltimor isnt staged? the state needs to train its staff too you know. by the time its on for real cops need to be experienced and tactics made up. while there is food in people's stomacks most wont even dare questioning authority.

It is true that George Soros funded many of the out of state rioters in Ferguson through Moveon.org and ACT. While this was lightly reported by the Wall Street Journal and the NYTimes it was not reported on too heavily in the mainstream media. His supporters have tried over the years to say that he donates monies to these organization but does not exert too much control. That statement has been pretty well refuted and even Soros supporters say that he is the main force behind the organization.

My take on Soros is that he supports mostly liberal causes because they are much easier to influence than conservative causes. I don't think he cares about politics at all, what he cares about is George Soros and turning a profit. If funding civil unrest destabilizes markets and currencies than he can turn a profit. After all this is the man the man who broke the Bank of England because of his short sale of US $10 billion worth of pounds, giving him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis. Imagine a $1Billion profit in one day. It really is that shallow and that simple.

You can almost be assured that George Soros and other profiteers are behind the Baltimore riots. It has already been discovered that the top 50 twitter accounts that were attempting to incite riots or at the very least move people to destructive civil unrest were not from the state of Maryland at all.

The profit motive is a cover story so there is something there for a certain level of intellect to see and ruminate as to 'discovering' the meaning behind it all. The real reasons are deeper. :)

A riot tends to exist due to the basics of life not being attended to. In nature, it would be a form of swarming. A controlled demonstration is not likely to happen, as that is something directed by people who have a legitimate complaint and are moving forward to deal with it. The demonstration is not likely to happen as those people are too comfortable, they do not have a 'basic level' of investment on the given gripes and concerns, levels of investment that cause them to engage in body-fear levels of agitation, but under control.

This is the why of penetration of organizations that are to have demonstration walks, organized protests, and so on. Why there were guns pointed at the heads of the organizers of occupy wall street, but probably not at the heads of anyone at this Baltimore riot. The rioters are not dangerous to the entrenched powers, not nearly as dangerous as organized protesters.

To re-iterate, protests that will have to risk like and limb and hold together requires not just organization, but discipline. Military like- adhered to and incorporated precision actions, willful directed action, combined with discipline, and training. Training for situations which will truly be life threatening. Those who are comfortable, are not organizing and training to go to war. Yet, importantly, this is what they are up against.

It's not going to get better until the organized groups get into the game. Until the threat gets very very real, and moves into the realm of actual rebellion. Until then, the state will uses games to control the mentally dense, the mentally unaware, and the uncommitted. All to cement their position and push their agenda. this is the way it has always been.

There will be no change, until those who desire change organize and force it, by blood and by hammer. As that is the ground level meeting point between the two forces, the forces of oligarch and the populace. all forms of last resort in the quiver of the given oligarchy, all those potential levers, will be pulled out and used.

Someone I know deals with politicians, dignitaries and elites. All the time. They say that the smile is false, and they are not sincere people. Not in the slightest. The level of this sort of sociopathy, is largely complete, ie this person sees no 'humans' among them.

Like a fish needs water, that water is it's environment, that sort of circle of living and motion, attracts the animals that fill those slots in an organization. Any 'more humanish' types in such a world are manipulated, used and so on, and have very little in the way of decent capacity to function, as the energetics and flow are locked up in methods of integrative sociopathy, ie Machiavellian extremes. The court games of oligarchs.

They relentlessly push out humane types who are in a given existing system (social structure, ie federal departments and similar mechanisms) as the humane types interfere in their oligarch games, their feeding games. So now you see the ruination of a system and systems in the USA, where the penetration and ownership is nearly complete and you've got feudalism dictated by an overlord and oligarchical class. Scorched earth, not one blade of grass left, kinda thing (the direction they head toward).

Cycles of behavior, unthinking cycles, to some degree. Which is why it is so difficult for people to see the manipulation of such a thing into existence, by ulterior forces and motives.

A force that has moved exactly that way, over many many centuries, in any given part of the world, just outside of the knowing of the general public.

29th April 2015, 18:52
Let us differentiate between many things going on...
I can not call it an awakening if thugs are looting, stealing and grabbing all they can.
Let's not forget that in many areas, it has gone from protest to thievery...
When you rob your neighbors, break their windows, go into their homes and businesses.............how is that a protest or awakening?
There is no excuse or justice for vandalizing and looting.
I understand standing against injustice, but not becoming thugs and thieves. If they were that angry they wouldn't just come against the police but police stations, government buildings such as courthouses and all. But against their very neighbors? No, for some it's an excuse to rob. For those who are truly standing against injustice, they are as afraid as most and this is all that this does is instill fear.

Who started the rioting! Was it the same Police force that murdered the negro? Again? Why do you choose to ignore that fact?
Did you even read the previous posts?
We have no idea who started the rioting. The US Government Military employ actors as part of all their war games. Evidence exists that shows these employed actors actively participating in starting trouble and mayhem. Not limited to this Baltimore event.

I find your comment offensive by dumping pathetic arguments onto an already infllammably sensitive topic by adminstering ECONOMIC losses as the prime casualty here. imo.

The practice of trolling or shill employment is an emerging art form. Some master this art with difficulty.

29th April 2015, 19:17
So, Monday night there were riots and looting. That is not good. Then Tuesday night the community leaders and the press enjoyed watching people run from the police and go home. Is that good? Really? Is there no other alternative besides violence or to cower from the cops? Both nights have saddened me. How about non-violent civil disobedience? My fears for Baltimore are the night when officials announce that the police that killed Freddy have committed no crime, and will not be charged.

No, that's not what happened.
There had been a police monitored protest march. everything was fine until an unknown person or persons started some mischief. There was incitement in the crowd. An escalation occurred which prompted the Police to enflame the very sensitive situation by firing into the marchers. This was monitored by Police cameras so they know already who the culprits are.

I do not think any of the community leaders would have enjoyed viewing the events of that day from any perspective. That is a disgraceful sentiment or term to describe the days events.

The whole riot thing was stage managed by the Governments Industrial Military alphabet agencies. Of this, I am certain, more evidences will soon emerge of the complicity of the authorities.

The mechanisations of the American system are brutal, rancid and rabid. Over and over again, they rely on media and alternative media actors to promote the weaker opponent as some king of sub species requiring eradication.

My fears are for America. A once proud nation toppled by economic poison. Divide and Conquer from within. The prospects of a Military State are now very very real now. And they have driven the weakest economic demographic to achieve this.

29th April 2015, 21:05
"The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, which caused these people, who were mostly school children, to erupt in a crazed frenzy of rioting, burning and looting.

According to this report, the SVR was first alerted Sunday morning by signal intelligence analysts operating from the Federations Embassy in Washington D.C. that the NSA was in the process of completing their “final preparations” for a “mass event” believed to be scheduled for Monday, 27 April, in or around Baltimore.

Raising the concerns of the SVR even more of what the NSA was planning, this report continues, were the presence of US Special Forces “provocateurs” within the crowds of Baltimore protectors Saturday evening agitating them towards violence.

The presence of these US Special Forces “provocateurs” were noticed and commented on too by the former highly decorated New York City Police Detective Bo Dietl, who when being interviewed by the Fox News Service about the unrest in Baltimore stated about them: “And I saw -- it's just funny to see -- these white guys, six-foot tall white guys with bandanas over their faces. They're trying to hide their faces, what are they doing there?”

As to why, indeed, these US military “provocateurs” were in Baltimore, this report notes, became apparent yesterday when over 85 NSA controlled Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) weapon vehicles left their main base at Fort Meade, Maryland, and began encircling this city. "


The LRAD vehicles deployed by the NSA around Baltimore yesterday, this report further explains, is a sonic weapon developed to send messages, warnings, and harmful, pain-inducing tones over longer distances than normal loudspeakers. LRAD systems have been used to counter piracy, as non-lethal crowd control weapons, and as communication devices too.

Making these particular LRAD weapon vehicles deployed by the NSA around Baltimore even more dangerous, SVR analyst in this report say, was their “electronic signature” showing that they were equipped with a new technology developed by Raytheon in 2011 that produces a low-frequency sound which resonates with the respiratory tract, making it hard to breathe. According to Raytheon’s patent, the intensity of this sonic weapon could be increased from causing discomfort to the point where targets become “temporarily incapacitated”.

Even more insidiously, this report says, were that these LRAD weapon vehicles were also supported by Raytheon acoustic police shields that operate in what is called a “cohort mode” in which many shields are wirelessly networked so their output covers a wide area, like Roman legionaries locking their shields together. One shield acts as a master which controls the others, so that the acoustic beams combine effectively.

When the “target area” of Baltimore intended for this combined LRAD-sonic police shield “test” was surrounded by NSA-US military forces yesterday, this report grimly notes, all that remained was to insert the “test subjects” into this “electronic grid of madness”…who in this particular case happened to be school children.

Eerily, SVR intelligence analysts note in this report, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, this past weekend, gave notice of her knowledge of what was going to occur during this NSA “test” when she told reporters that her police officers were instructed to allow protestors to express themselves and that “we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”


As to the exact mechanics of this horrific NSA “test” on Baltimore school children yesterday, this report continues, once the “target area” was encircled by LRAD-police shield sonic weapons, a mass NSA initiated text was sent to all of these school students via social media about a “purge” to take place at 3 p.m. when their school day ended, starting at Mondawmin Mall and ending downtown. Such memes have been known to circulate regularly among city school students, based on the film “The Purge,” about what would happen if all laws were suspended.

And in order to ensure that all of these “test subjects” were kept in the “target area”, this SVR report says, once these students received the NSA text “purge” message and left their schools, all of the public transportation systems they relied on to get home were shut down.


To the psychological effect of these school children being surrounded by these NSA sonic weapons and not allowed to go home, this report notes, was sadly predictable as all past examples in history have shown that these situations breed mass psychosis leading to extreme violence.


As to why the NSA would conduct such a horrific “test” upon school children this SVR report notes several possibilities…the most probable being, they say, that what happened in Baltimore yesterday is associated with the massive unconventional war exercise being planned for the United States by the Obama regime called Jade Helm that many Americans believe is a prelude to the instituting of martial law.

And to if the Obama regime is, in fact, planning to institute martial law in America, this report notes, SVR intelligence officials think it is more likely than not.

The reason(s) for them believing this is so, interestingly, is not the NSA “test” in Baltimore, but rather a series of “embedded” subliminal messages beginning to show up on American television the past few weeks…including a new American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) commercial where in the background a public service announcement news report about “riots nationwide” and a declaration of martial law by government emergency services barely audibly says:

“Riots nationwide have prompted local governments to declare martial law.

The President is asking that citizens find safety and remain calm.

Authorities are working to contain the outbreak.” link (http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1865.htm)


that's Sorcha's report on what just happened.

are they showing Russia a weapon that can be used at any time to change governments with a flip of a switch...

space weapons war is the next big thing, that's why so many rockets heading for space have been blowing up on both sides...

30th April 2015, 02:35
I for one beg to disagree, I was in Baltimore in 1968 Army sent to control the looting at that time. Katrina ,Watts L.A., Detroit MI, it makes no difference, even in a even over sea's when looting start it a animal un to its own self, this is the grand children, or those who pulled the same thing in 1968. check your history...

30th April 2015, 03:34
"The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, ...

I appreciate your post, but there are no sources connected to this other than Sorcha Faal, and she has promoted misleading info in the past.

I'm referring specifically to: ."... states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, which caused these people, who were mostly school children,..."

Where is this report? The only other sources for this lead right back to Ms. Faal.

30th April 2015, 04:56
I wouldn't doubt for a second that theres planted ringleaders in these riots. Be nice to hear from the locals like maybe random troublemakers showed up that seemed out of place.

Here's an interesting article that speaks to that and suggests that the riots are much less (violent) than they appear to be in the MSM -- and that the locals are growing wise to the presence of agents provocateurs.


What a complete mess this country is. And who are these special personnel who continue to inflict this misery on the rest of the population and willingly take on these agent provocateur roles? How do they sleep at night knowing they are helping to usher in this chaotic world?

I feel for the black community, who has lived with so much injustice for so long. I also feel for the average innocent policeman and woman, who actually entered public service to be of help to the community, and who are now vilified by some really bad seeds and/or the intentionally created chaos/anger/violence of those with vastly different agendas.

30th April 2015, 07:24
Yesterday one of our own journalists who has lived in Baltimore also said the situation is bad but in essence comparable to other states, the poverty, seggregated living, the black concentrated in ghetthos and the (well-off*) whites in orderly residential areas (complaining of how black behaviour is polluting their nice living space), and also how police reactions can be violent beyond belief.

There are some local charity programs to support black people in the US (which residents will know better than me) but I was looking into one of those by chance following an interview. When I first heard about them, I was a bit surprised, because why would a country like America need charity funds like that; I remember one foundation was collecting money to buy books for black children in high school. Another project was about organising an educational and enjoyable trip to another city/state because some black kids never leave their hometown...ever, all their lives.

Doesn't every state/county/etc. get a working budget depending on its local problems?

*poor white people also exist, just in case we'd oversee them

30th April 2015, 07:29
Yesterday one of our own journalists who has lived in Baltimore also said the situation is bad but in essence comparable to other states, the poverty, seggregated living, the black concentrated in ghetthos and the (well-off*) whites in orderly residential areas (complaining of how black behaviour is polluting their nice living space), and also how police reactions can be violent beyond belief.

There are some local charity programs to support black people in the US (which residents will know better than me) but I was looking into one of those by chance following an interview. When I first heard about them, I was a bit surprised, because why would a country like America need charity funds? I remember one foundation was collecting money to buy books for black children in high school. Another project was about organising an educational and enjoyable trip to another city/state because some black kids never leave their hometown...ever, all their lives.

Doesn't every state/county/etc. get a working budget depending on its local problems?

*poor white people also exist, just in case we'd oversee them

Welcome to America Violet

where inequalities are striking, the most genius and dumber living there, you have of everything, 350 millions inhabitants

but, Canadia has many socialistic sides, most of Europeans countries too (like almost free schooling, free medical attention, strong unions, etc.). America does not. It is truly the place where you succeed well or fail.

So the very poors rely on charities and their churches. Which means that most have a church, just in case, and also by beliefs. Europeans have a very idealistic view of America (Americans too by the way).

30th April 2015, 07:58
What does the mayor get in financial means to work with the city? Who's in charge of Baltimore?
You can have inequalities but at the same time there is also a structure, (partially voted for) governing bodies, and financial means.

30th April 2015, 10:05
Here are images from Baltimore the media won't show...images of people being decent....


30th April 2015, 11:10
Just a reminder, but Baltimore lies near the head of the Chesapeake Bay, with Washington DC at the head of the Potomac River, which itself branches off the Chesapeake Bay. Philadelphia, Pa is not too far away, either, being at the head of the Delaware Bay. These are all hugely strategic spots...hugely important ports...right in the middle of the eastern seaboard of the United States.

30th April 2015, 14:29
This showed up on the interwebs yesterday

30th April 2015, 14:32
Train car shackles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EI7p2p1QJI) are back.....long after their original introduction to the propaganda war, back in early 1998.


That one has been out there, since 1998, that's over 17 years. They (the ever ambiguous they) keep pushing that button.....

1st May 2015, 16:01
Sorcha's name is David, x CIA and propoganda specialist. his reports aren't read for facts, but to see what direction they are trying to steer public thought.

with upper echelon letter agencies battling for control, info is being leaked by both sides.

the reason a report like this is published could be to discredit everyone in alt media claiming MKultra...

"ignore that fool, the info came from Sorcha"...

"The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, ...

I appreciate your post, but there are no sources connected to this other than Sorcha Faal, and she has promoted misleading info in the past.

I'm referring specifically to: ."... states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, which caused these people, who were mostly school children,..."

Where is this report? The only other sources for this lead right back to Ms. Faal.

1st May 2015, 16:19
I posted several articles on the Jade Helm thread mainly from David Ickes headline
page ,and I'l post them here for ref,There a lot going on globally and in the US,
which may well be connected on various levels..............



Jade Helm seems to be a training exercise ready for possible mass civil unrest .
If events did escalate it could ' suddenly go live ' as in all good 'False Flag ' events
a 'DRILL' seems to be going on as possible cover for agitators , and be in a position
to either put fuel on the fire or stamp it out.

National Guard deployed in Baltimore - Alexey Yaroshevsky reports from scene


Published on 27 Apr 2015

A State of emergency has been declared in the US city of Baltimore after protesters
clashed with police. It follows the funeral of Freddie Gray,who died in police custody
over a week ago. RT's Alexey Yaroshevsky is at the scene and reports from


Study Finds ‘Presence of Professional Protesters to Incite More Violence’ in Baltimore and Ferguson

Thursday 30th April 2015 at 11:55 By David Icke


‘If the Baltimore riots seem like a tired replay of Ferguson, there might be a good reason as to why.

A data mining firm with government ties that tracks social media reported that they uncovered a core
group of accounts who appear to have driven much of the buzz and even more of the calls to actions
by crowds on the ground.

The online activity of a few dozen of the same individuals were linked and timed with key moments in
Baltimore and Ferguson, leading up to the most intense cases of both sustained demonstrations and
episodes of violent riots in both of these cities.’

Read more: Study Finds 'Presence of Professional Protesters to Incite More Violence' in Baltimore and Ferguson



The Hard Truth About The Baltimore Riots

Thursday 30th April 2015 at 11:53 By David Icke


Published on 29 Apr 2015
Join us http://SilverShieldXchange.com


David Icke in 2011 – Don’t Riot, It’s What They Want

Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 11:22 By David Icke


Uploaded on 27 Feb 2011


David Icke warns againts people rioting. He says that if people do violently riot then they
are handing the control system all the "aces". We don't need to riot in order to break free
from the manipulation and bring the control system down, we simply need to stop
cooperaring with it. David Icke states that agent provocateurs can be put out within
peaceful prostesers so he warns people to be streetweise and aware of what is taking


In Every City In America There Are People Ready To Riot, Loot And Set Things On Fire

Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 11:16 By David Icke


‘The city of Baltimore has been transformed into an “absolute war zone“, and the
governor of Maryland has declared a state of emergency as the rioting in “Charm
City” continues to escalate. The funeral for Freddie Gray has unleashed a firestorm
of violence, and none of it is going to do anyone any good.

To their credit, some of the leaders of the African-American community are
standing up and loudly condemning the violence. They know that smashing cars,
throwing rocks at police and looting stores is not going to solve anything. But just
like we saw in Ferguson, there are lots of people out there that are ready to riot,
loot and set things on fire at the drop of a hat – all they need is an opportunity.

The social decay that has been eating away at the foundations of our society for
generations is now manifesting in some very ugly ways. We have raised an entire
generation of young people in a “value free” environment, and now we are getting
to experience some of the consequences of our foolishness. And what we are
witnessing in Baltimore right now is just the start. Eventually, we are going to see
scenes like this all over the nation.’

Read more: In Every City In America There Are People Ready To Riot, Loot And Set Things On Fire



Soros Group Advocates Violence Against Cops in Baltimore

Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 11:13 By David Icke


‘Social media pages run by the George Soros-founded Open Society Foundations
appeared to justify violence in Baltimore, in particular against police.

Yesterday, two of the foundation’s social media pages sent a Vox article out to their
followers entitled, “This is the perfect response to anyone calling for nonviolence in
Baltimore,” with an alternate headline reading, “The important thing everyone
calling for nonviolence in Baltimore fails to say.”’

Read more: Soros Group Advocates Violence Against Cops in Baltimore


1st May 2015, 16:24
David Icke in 2011 – Police State U.S. (America Wake Up!)

Friday 1st May 2015 at 11:05 By David Icke



Published on 9 Jan 2012

Wake up,wake up,wake up.
song Cui Bono,by Sun House visit - http://www.flamingpie.net/joshgarey/[/


Jade Helm and the American Massacre

Friday 1st May 2015 at 11:13 By David Icke




Jade Helm and the American Massacre

False Flag Events
National Emergency
Police State

by Zen Gardner - May 1, 2015


‘I’m prefacing my thoughts with this provocative title for a reason.
What is being perpetrated on the American people is virtually a
complete dissembling of everything they supposedly hold dear and
will only lead to their ultimate destruction. A nationwide massacre
of their infrastructure, personal rights and protection, and even
livelihoods and food security is not only at stake, but now in progress.

Let me number my points.

1) Jade Helm is a military exercise endorsed by the American government
and perpetrated on its own people in complete violation of not just the
Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 but is a total an affront on every civil liberty
the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is supposed to espouse and maintain.

2. Occupying sovereign territory with a nation’s own armies indicates the
very people for which a government was established to help provide for
and protect are their declared enemy.’

Read more: Jade Helm and the American Massacre



The Richie Allen Show on Davidicke.com: Kevin Barrett – ‘Terror Management
Theory – Right Amount Of Fear Of Death and People Behave Themselves And Can
Be Ruled’


Friday 1st May 2015 at 11:18 By David Icke

1st May 2015, 16:28
It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control

Friday 1st May 2015 at 10:56 By David Icke


‘We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was purposely allowed
to spiral out of control. Up until now, there had been some unconfirmed reports that police in
Baltimore had been ordered to “stand down” during the riots, but nobody had been willing to
come forward and go on the record.

Now that has all changed. Michael Lewis is the Sheriff of Wicomico County, Maryland and what
he has to say is absolutely jaw dropping. When he saw what was happening in Baltimore, he
gathered up some of his fellow officers and drove down to the city to help.

But when he got there, he says that all of the police were being ordered not to take any action
and to let the rioters destroy property. Lewis made this astounding claim during a discussion
on a Baltimore radio station…’

Read more: It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control



Geraldo confronted about Fox News coverage of Baltimore, people are waking up

Friday 1st May 2015 at 10:50 By David Icke


Published on 29 Apr 2015

Just before he goes live on Fox News Geraldo is confronted by a man in West Baltimore.

Follow Ben Hancock on Twitter at @benjarad


Fox News Gone Wild: The Ludicrous Stories About How Freddie Gray Injured Himself

Friday 1st May 2015 at 10:49 By David Icke


‘Late Wednesday night, the Washington Post dropped a bombshell in the Freddie Gray case:
according to a second-hand report from the prisoner who traveled in the same police van,
Gray was “banging against the walls” of the van as though he “was intentionally trying to
injure himself.” On Fox, Sean Hannity went predictably nuts about the “blockbuster,” and
used it to blame President Obama for weighing in on race relations “before the facts are known.”

The Post has done some good reporting from Baltimore, but this “scoop” is curious. Police
Commissioner Anthony Batts had previously cited the same prisoner as saying the ride he
shared with Gray was quiet and uneventful.

NBC affiliate WBAL’s Jayne Miller took the story apart within about an hour, reporting that
the prisoner in question only got aboard on the van’s fourth stop, and was with him for five
or six minutes. Gray had been alone in the van, with police, for at least a half hour, Miller
said, citing the cops’ own timeline, during which time the vehicle made a curious stop to
place the young West Baltimore man in leg irons.’

Read more: Fox News Gone Wild: The Ludicrous Stories About How Freddie Gray Injured Himself



Baltimore riots: Police and National Guard snatch and grab activist on live TV

Friday 1st May 2015 at 10:49 By David Icke


‘Footage taken during a live CNN broadcast shows a protester being “disappeared” after a snatch
and grab conducted by the National Guard and the Baltimore police.

Joseph Kent of Morgan State University was grabbed after protesting in front of a line of police
officers shortly after the mandatory curfew went into effect. The curfew was imposed with the
help of the Maryland National Guard, giving citizens a glimpse into what a martial law scenario
will look like.


1st May 2015, 16:45
HOMICIDE! Freddie Gray's Death, Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby FULL SPEECH


Published on 1 May 2015

BREAKING: Death of Freddie Gray Ruled Homicide, Arrest was Illegal, Cops
Charged with Murder. Baltimore City State's Attorney: Freddie Gray's Death
Determined a Homicide
Freddie Gray Investigation: Six Cops Charged in His Death
(NBC News) A Baltimore prosecutor announced criminal charges on Friday against
six police officers in the arrest of Freddie Gray, whose death after suffering a spinal
cord injury in police custody touched off riots.

One officer, the driver of the van that carted Gray away after his arrest, was
charged with second-degree murder. Other charges against the six officers included
manslaughter and assault. The prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, said that the arrest of
Gray was illegal.

"I assured his family that no one is above the law and that I would pursue justice
on their behalf," she said at a press conference, where cheers went up when she
announced the charges. She said warrants were out for the officers' arrest, but she
said she did not know whether they were yet in custody. Gray, 25, was arrested
April 12 and died a week later. His was the latest case in a national debate about
police tactics. In Baltimore, dozens of people were arrested during civil unrest on
Monday night, including riots, looting and fires. Mosby said that Gray repeatedly
asked for medical attention during his ride from the scene of his arrest to the
booking site. The officers failed to get him any help, she said.

"A medic was finally called to the scene, where the medic determined that Mr. Gray
was in cardiac arrest," she said.Baltimore's police commissioner said Thursday that
his department had handed over confidential information on how Gray died to
prosecutors. Meanwhile, the Justice Department is also working on its own
independent investigation. Mosby said in Friday's news conference that her office
had been investigating Gray's death independently of police's investigation.

"We knew that this was a serious case," she said. "From day one, we investigated.
We're not just relying solely on what we were given by the police department."

The Baltimore police officers union sent a letter to Mosby coming to the defense of
the six before she announced the charges.

"As tragic as this situation is, none of the officers involved are responsible for the
death of Mr. Gray," Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3 President Gene wrote. "To the
contrary, at all times, each of the officers diligently balanced their obligations to
protect Mr. Gray and discharge their duties to protect the public."

Mosby comes from five generations of police officers. She was sworn in as state's
attorney in January after a surprise win in November, and spoke out against police
brutality during her campaign.

"Police brutality is completely inexcusable. I'm going to apply justice fairly, even to
those who wear a badge," she told the Baltimore Sun.
Mosby's husband, Nick Mosby, is a Baltimore city councilman who has spoken out
about the riots. She said Friday she did not see this as presenting a conflict of
interest. "I uphold the law, he makes the law," she said.



Freddie Gray: Baltimore police to face criminal charges


14 minutes ago

From the section US & Canada

vid on link......http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-32554371

Baltimore's top prosecutor says she plans to file criminal charges against
six officers in the case of Freddie Gray who died in police custody.
State prosecutor Marilyn Mosby said the death of the 25-year-old black
man was a homicide, and his arrest was illegal.The charges range from
second-degree murder to assault. Protesters cheered as she made the
announcement. Gray suffered fatal spinal injuries while in custody,
sparking protests that turned violent.

"The findings of our comprehensive, thorough, and independent investigation
coupled with the medical examiner's determination was a homicide... has led
us to believe that we have probable cause to file criminal charges," Mrs Mosby
told a news conference.

She said Mr Gray died as a result of injuries suffered while he was shackled
inside a Baltimore police van, but not restrained by a seat belt - as he was
legally required to be.

It was unclear whether the six officers, including a lieutenant and a sergeant,
are in custody. The officers were suspended after Gray's death.



The driver of the van, Caesar Goodson, 45, faces the most serious charge,
second-degree murder. The other officers face charges including involuntary
manslaughter, assault and misconduct.

"To the people of Baltimore and the demonstrators across America, I heard
your call for 'no justice, no peace'. Your peace is sincerely needed, as I work
to deliver justice on behalf of this young man." Mrs Mosby said.

Mrs Mosby said that Gray was not carrying a switchblade as reported earlier
by police, but a legal pocketknife.

The police union defended the officers and said they acted "diligently". The union
called for an independent prosecutor, something Mosby said was not needed.

Freddie Gray


After Gray's funeral on Monday, riots broke out in sections of West Baltimore.
About 200 people were arrested as more than 100 cars were set alight and 15
buildings destroyed. Since then, the city and state officials deployed thousands
of extra law enforcement officers and National Guard troops to keep the peace
and enacted a citywide curfew. Those measures have brought relative calm to
Baltimore as thousands have taken part in nightly protests.

At North and Pennsylvania avenues, where the worst of the rioting took place
on Monday, drivers honked their horns and passers-by cheered.

Ciara Ford of Baltimore expressed surprise at the decision to prosecute.

"I'm ecstatic," she told the Associated Press. "I hope this can restore some peace."

Gray's death is the latest in a string of high-profile cases where black men have
died after contact with the police.

The charges
◾ Officer Caesar Goodson: 2nd-degree depraved heart murder, involuntary
manslaughter, 2nd degree negligent assault, manslaughter by vehicle by
means of gross negligence, manslaughter by vehicle by means of criminal
negligence, misconduct in office for failure to secure prisoner and failure to
render aid

◾ Officer William Porter: Involuntary manslaughter, assault in the 2nd degree,
misconduct in office

◾ Lieutenant Brian Rice: Involuntary manslaughter, assault in the 2nd degree,
assault in the 2nd degree [second of two similar charges], misconduct in office,
false imprisonment

◾ Officer Edward Nero: Assault in the 2nd degree (intentional), assault in the
2nd degree (negligent), misconduct in office, false imprisonment

◾ Sergeant Alicia White: Involuntary manslaughter, 2nd degree assault,
misconduct in office

◾ Officer Garrett Miller: Intentional Assault in the 2nd degree, assault in
the 2nd degree, negligent misconduct in office, false imprisonment

As read aloud by State Attorney Marilyn Mosby at a press conference on 1st May 2015


1st May 2015, 18:12
Next time they'll lie better, and cover up the crimes better, for a more compelling riot scenario. (It is nothing more than this) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?81805-The-Blog-of-The-Ruiner-Inside-the-Illuminati-Mind&p=957525&viewfull=1#post957525)

You betcha. Just wait.

Take this announcement as step forward on a long journey that is not even close to being started.

1st May 2015, 18:32
The Hopi Prophecy says the blacks will fight 3 wars for their freedom. The first was the Civil War, the second, the Civil Rights movement. You may have a very palpable point, Carmody, and this just hints at the barest outlines of the third, which has been in progress, covertly, for a few years now, but which is increasingly becoming a collective expression as evidenced by the sympathetic marches in major cities.

I'm not commenting on most of this thread. But there are a few folks here who get it, you among them, as ever. Love, sister Ulli. :)

EDIT: To the issue itself, I agree with many here who see this as staged, yet, at the same time, it is not. It is an expression of a collective will and concern and, for lack of a better word, LOVE. Resonation at the heart level and at the material level, of experience shared and truth and justice desired.

Attempts to minimize largely peaceful protests by the actions of a few are doomed by history and by a clear understanding of the factors involved in what we see today, from the outsourcing of jobs to HUD's gentrification and urban renewal efforts of the 70s, 80s and 90s. From clear police malfeasance going back to, oh, the Civil War, to the Blue Wall of Silence and issues of deprivation of the basic necessities for life, as well as the perceptual accumulation of material goods and the lust for luxury items, as well as the existence of Food Deserts and the Corporate practice of invading urban areas without bringing jobs with them. So many issues that require much study to truly understand and incorporate in any attempt to discern and interpret what is going on on the surface as depicted by the MSM which always seeks the most base and surface of interpretations in order to enflame emotions and prejudices.

2nd May 2015, 06:20
Sorcha's name is David, x CIA and propoganda specialist. his reports aren't read for facts, but to see what direction they are trying to steer public thought.

with upper echelon letter agencies battling for control, info is being leaked by both sides.

the reason a report like this is published could be to discredit everyone in alt media claiming MKultra...

"ignore that fool, the info came from Sorcha"...

"The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, ...

Where is this report? The only other sources for this lead right back to Ms. Faal.

Ooops. Ms.?!

Ok, I understand what you're saying. I thought you'd found him to be a reliable source. Thank you for clarifying both.

2nd May 2015, 09:40
Related articles...............

Obama Unveils Plan to Further Nationalize Local Police

new Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 10:07 By David Icke


‘The Obama administration and its “Task Force on 21st Century Policing”
are under fire after unveiling an unconstitutional plot to impose federal
“standards” on state and local police forces, which critics say is in effect
an underhanded plan to further nationalize and federalize law enforcement.

Widely lambasted as “Common Core” for police, the Obama plan outlines
dozens of controversial “recommendations” to be foisted on state and local
law-enforcement agencies using federal tax dollars as bribes — the same
unconstitutional process used to impose the hugely unpopular national
“Common Core” standards on states and schools nationwide. Opponents
say it is part of a dangerous long-term plan that must be opposed.’

Read more: Obama Unveils Plan to Further Nationalize Local Police



Sharpton to Hold March on Washington – To Demand DOJ Takeover of US Police Departments

new Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 10:04 By David Icke


‘The Rev. Al Sharpton in Baltimore Thursday called for the Justice Department to
step in and take over policing in the United States and hold bad officers accountable.

Al Sharpton announced Thursday he will hold a march to Washington to push for
Justice Department takeover of the US police.

“That’s why we’re going to do this march from here to Washington. We need the
Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.”’




Will Social Unrest Lead to a National Police Force? Baltimore Mayor Tied to
Obama’s plans to Nationalize Police

new Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 10:00 By David Icke


‘Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the same mayor who admitted in a
press conference that she gave rioters room to destroy the city, is one of
President Obama’s appointed mayors on his Task Force on 21st Century Policing —
a task force put together after the Ferguson riots to look at nationalizing police policies.

“The federal government can be a strong partner in our efforts in build better
relationships between the police and community,” she said in written testimony
before the task force.

It’s a topic I’ve covered numerous times over the years; from small local police
forces being given military battlefield equipment, to the Department of Homeland
Security using Terrorism Grants to take over local police forces, this country’s
police departments are being targeted for takeover.’

Read more: Will Social Unrest Lead to a National Police Force?
Baltimore Mayor Tied to Obama’s plans to Nationalize Police




Freddie Gray: Baltimore police officers 'did nothing wrong'

4 hours ago
From the section US & Canada


A lawyer for six Baltimore police officers says they "did nothing wrong",
after criminal charges were announced against them in the case of
Freddie Gray who died in police custody.

Lawyer Michael Davey said the officers "at all times acted reasonably
and in accordance with their training".

Baltimore state prosecutor Marilyn Mosby earlier said the death of the
25-year-old black man was a homicide and his arrest had been illegal.

Gray's death sparked violent protests.

But after the charges were announced on Friday afternoon, celebrations
broke out across Baltimore. Drivers honked their car horns as people
took to the streets with fists raised in triumph.

"These charges are an important step in getting justice for Freddie,"
said Gray's stepfather Richard Shipley.

The spontaneous street celebrations turned into a small protest march in
the evening, calling for an amnesty for those detained after Monday's rioting.

Police said that 53 people were detained on Friday, some for breaking
the 22:00 curfew which is still in force in the city.

'Grave concerns'

Speaking to reporters, Mr Davey accused Ms Mosby of an "egregious rush to judgement".

"As all of the facts surrounding this case come out in the appropriate form,
the officers' lack of wrongdoing will be made abundantly clear."




Six Baltimore Police Officers Charged in Freddie Gray Death

new Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 10:08 By David Icke



Published on 1 May 2015

Baltimore’s chief prosecutor charged six police officers on Friday with crimes
including murder and manslaughter in the arrest and fatal injury of Freddie Gray, a
striking and surprisingly swift turn in a case that has drawn national attention to
police conduct.

The state’s attorney for Baltimore, Marilyn J. Mosby, filed the charges almost as
soon as she received a medical examiner’s report that ruled Mr. Gray’s death a
homicide, and a day after the police concluded their initial investigation and handed
over their findings. Officials had cautioned that it could take considerable time for
her office to complete its own investigation and decide whether to prosecute.

Five of the six officers are in custody

2nd May 2015, 11:58
I thought this ought to go here. Its a sane, balanced video about police brutality and racism.


3rd May 2015, 16:25
Fox News Posts Fake Baltimore Riot Photo That’s Actually From Venezuela

Sunday 3rd May 2015 at 10:35 By David Icke


‘If you are like thousands of others, you have no doubt seen an iconic photo of Baltimore burning.
The image began circulating throughout social media after a local Fox affiliate in Memphis, Tennessee
apparently first ran it. Some other mainstream media outlets even shared the image, using it with
headlines that said “Baltimore is Burning” and reverenced a “purge”.

The only problem is it wasn’t from Baltimore.’

Read more: Fox News Posts Fake Baltimore Riot Photo That’s Actually From Venezuela



Police Caught Red Handed Provoking Mass Unrest At May Day Protest In Seattle

Sunday 3rd May 2015 at 08:19 By David Icke


Published on 2 May 2015

May Day Mayhem: 3 SPD officers hurt as rioters march through Seattle - http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Po...


Keiser Report: Never-ending Baltimores

Sunday 3rd May 2015 at 07:56 By David Icke


Published on 2 May 2015

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the
winter of our discontent as neoliberal policies and relentless fraud by banks results
in never-ending Baltimores. In the second half, Max interviews Satyajit Das, author
of Extreme Money, about how this debt addicted world could go the way of the Mayans.

3rd May 2015, 18:26
Propaganda left, propaganda right. Overwhelming and inundating the message of Truth that comes from the heart and soul. It is interesting that it requires constant repetition in order to set in, and that the purveyors of such are so insistent, and do not state their own opinions in the process, revealing who they are at heart.

3rd May 2015, 22:52
I may have started this thread but must admit I didn't have the time to follow all posts in detail.
I'm so tired of the media, and their memes too. I love Wade 's work, the path to Free Energy.
Only a global event of such massive scale will get rid of all the crAp that's happening.
I believe this is the only way that we can we get there.
All those issues the media bombard us with whether race, gay marriage, abortion, domestic violence ...
all are becoming tedious.
What matters is a global event that will change everything, fast.

6th May 2015, 03:07
It is becoming tedious, which means that people are sick of it and want things to change. For that to happen, people have to understand why things are the way they are. That way, we can all make conscious choices based upon knowledge rather than fear-mongering and tabloid rumors. Understanding why is knowing history. This is in reference to the people who are involved, not necessarily the elite machinations. What they do depends upon us. And if we take conscious control of what is occurring then their plans cannot succeed.

The rebellion in Baltimore is an uprising against austerity, claims top US academic (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/02/baltimore-rebellion-is-uprising-against-austerity-freddie-gray?CMP=share_btn_fb)

For Baltimore to be the setting for the latest in a recent spate of high-profile police murders and riots in America – after Ferguson, New York and North Charleston – is especially compelling in the public imagination because the city was also the location for David Simon’s brilliant TV series The Wire (http://www.theguardian.com/media/wire).

Baltimore is the city from which Simon wrote for this newspaper in 2013 about “two Americas (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/08/david-simon-capitalism-marx-two-americas-wire)” in the “horror show” his country has become, one crucial element of which is that the US is “the most incarcerative state in the history of mankind, in terms of the sheer numbers of people we’ve put in American prisons”.

The Wire, he said, “was about people who were worthless and who were no longer necessary”, most of them black, and who become the assembly-line raw material for “the prison-industrial complex”. At an event hosted by the Observer that year, Simon said: “Once America marginalised the black 10% of the population it no longer needed, it set out to make money out of them by putting them in jail.”

The Baltimore Sun last year documented a litany of police abuse of black people – mostly but not entirely men (one was a grandmother in her 80s) – as routine as it was savage, and compensation payouts of $5.7m since 2011 for the few cases pursued and vindicated. This in the city where Wells Fargo paid millions to settle a lawsuit claiming it steered black people in particular into subprime mortgages they could not afford.

But these events are variations on old themes that have not gone away since segregation, across time and across America. Read the Kerner commission’s report into the race riots of 1967 and it seems to describe much of what has recently happened in Ferguson and Baltimore, where angry protests followed the death in police custody of a young black man, Freddie Gray (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/freddie-gray). “What white Americans have never fully understood, but what the Negro can never forget,” the report said, “is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain, and white society condones it.”

A leader in the New York Times last week cited the prescient work of the sociologist William Julius Wilson, which explained how deindustrialisation and reduced demand for low-skilled labour created “poor, segregated neighbourhoods in which a majority of individual adults are either unemployed or have dropped out of or never been part of the labour force” and why most were black.

Black writers since Wilson have set out to develop his labour-based research to examine the wholesale exclusion and criminalisation of black people. One of the foremost, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, put it this way in a recent lecture: “The US is more segregated by race and income now than in 1960.”

Gilmore is a professor of geography at City University of New York, and her book The Golden Gulag was awarded a prize by the American Studies Association; it is set in California, which has America’s largest prison population and has pioneered much of the punitive legislation adopted by other states.

She charts the engineered progression of a multibillion-dollar boom she calls a “prison-fix” to four entwined surpluses: capital, land, labour and state capacity. Recommending the work, writer Mike Davis calls this “the political economy of super-incarceration”.

Despite declining crime in California, the state’s prison population has at its peak increased by 500% since, in 1982, the state embarked on building a massive system of prisons, many the size of large towns, better hidden from view than they are from the state’s annual budgets and legal manoeuvres designed to increase sentencing. “Your innocence will not save you,” was Gilmore’s starting point. “If an injury to one is an injury to all, then the criminalisation of one is the criminalisation of all.”

Speaking to the Observer on Saturday from Milwaukee, Gilmore explained her view that “black people are profoundly marginalised politically, and the fact of the guy in the White House obscures that marginalisation. More marginalised socially and more marginalised spatially, because of the organised processes of capital flight. The legacy of federally enforced residential segregation for both home ownership and social housing from the late New Deal forward underlies today’s situation.

“However, one change that has happened over the past 55 years is that poor people are more and more concentrated with other poor people – either isolated by capital flight in cities or deported by gentrification and moving into the old inner-ring suburbs. Detroit is the most famous case of isolation, but there are countless others that share both qualities, including Baltimore.”

Read more here ... (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/02/baltimore-rebellion-is-uprising-against-austerity-freddie-gray?CMP=share_btn_fb)

6th May 2015, 03:29
In that vein ... this article presents the issues succinctly and, more than that, directly implicates the financial system in the devastation not only of Baltimore, but urban areas all around the country. The corporate beast does its work and flies above its repercussions, still hidden to some extent from public purview by the shallow concentration on the outcomes, rather than the causative factors.

People are blamed for being human. For having their dreams dashed. For seeing their neighborhoods eviscerated. For seeing their fathers, brothers, friends killed. And this lack of the desire to seek out the deeper roots plays directly into the hands of those who would use these instances in order to tighten their chokehold on the nation and the world. A game that too many willingly play into by sharing the memes that facilitate this takeover, by contributing to the fear-porn and aggravating the senses of others who have not done the research, who do not realize the deeper roots of the issues.

By so doing, the will of those who control is instituted by unwitting and ignorant compliance with their mind-controlling media directives.

Wells Fargo Is Baltimore’s Real Looter (http://reverbpress.com/justice/wells-fargo-is-baltimores-real-looter/)

Wall Street created the nightmare economic context of the unrest in Baltimore. You don’t need to have watched The Wire, one of the greatest dramas in American television history, to know that Baltimore has some rough neighborhoods. But things got a lot worse when the subprime mortgage crisis blew up in 2008. The wealth destroyed by some of the biggest banks foisting predatory loans on unsuspecting, unprotected consumers was staggering, and triggered the Great Recession. Baltimore was hit particularly hard, and around the Baltimore area, the black community was specifically and intentionally targeted for these predatory loans. The resulting implosion dialed the black community’s wealth back to Segregation-era levels.

The subprime mortgage fraud was the biggest blow to the black community’s wealth since Civil Rights. About a dozen banks were charged with foisting bad loans onto black people. Wells Fargo was one of the worst offenders in the Baltimore area. According to testimony by Beth Jacobs, formerly one of Wells Fargo’s top loan officers, reported in the New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/07/us/07baltimore.html?pagewanted=all&_r=2&), the practice was overtly racist,

“Wells Fargo, Ms. Jacobson said in an interview, saw the black community as fertile ground for subprime mortgages, as working-class blacks were hungry to be a part of the nation’s home-owning mania. Loan officers, she said, pushed customers who could have qualified for prime loans into subprime mortgages. Another loan officer stated in an affidavit filed last week that employees had referred to blacks as ‘mud people’ and to subprime lending as ‘ghetto loans.”

Jacobson described how the banks would organize the black community to streamline the effort of preying on them on a large scale,

“’Wells Fargo mortgage had an emerging-markets unit that specifically targeted black churches, because it figured church leaders had a lot of influence and could convince congregants to take out subprime loans.’”

The state of Maryland, which had been home to some of the nation’s wealthiest predominantly black counties prior to the crash, saw the second most foreclosures (https://prospect.org/article/staggering-loss-black-wealth-due-subprime-scandal-continues-unabated) in the country, after Florida.

Blacks were more likely than whites, and women were more likely than men, to be sold a predatory loan. Depending (http://www.consumerfed.org/pdfs/WomenPrimeTargetsStudy120606.pdf) on income bracket, black women were as much as five times more likely than white men to receive a subprime loan.

Despite popular misconception, many of the people who were sold these loans did qualify (http://www.econmentor.com/economic-terms/r---s/sf---sz/sub-prime-lending-spl/text/1426.html#Sub%20Prime%20Lending%20%28SPL%29) for conventional loans,

“…in 2/3rd (66%) cases, people with high FICA scores, who would have qualified for conventional loans at market rates, were diverted towards subprime loans because of their profitability.”

Throughout the 1990s, subprime loans were aggressively marketed in black communities, with subprime comprising roughly a quarter of all refinancing loans nationwide, but over half of refinancing loans in black neighborhoods. In Baltimore, under 600 subprime loans were issued in 1993, and over 8,000 in 1998. By the end of the ’90s, subprime loans accounted (http://www.huduser.org/publications/pdf/brd/13Fishbein.pdf) for 60% of black homeowners’ foreclosures in the Baltimore area. It only got worse. According to ThinkProgress (http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2015/04/28/3651951/baltimore-freddie-gray-economic/),

“More than half of Baltimore properties subject to foreclosure on a Wells Fargo loan between 2005 and 2008 are vacant, 71 percent of them in predominantly black neighborhoods. Baltimore still had the ninth-largest number of foreclosures in the country last year [2014] at 5,200.”

As of 2012, there were roughly 47,000 vacant homes (http://www.businessinsider.com/baltimore-has-decided-some-neighborhoods-just-arent-worth-saving-2012-2) in Baltimore, and their concentration correlates (http://www.preservehomeownership.org/uploaded_files/0000/0096/mapsfromfed_march2010_all_.pdf) almost perfectly with the concentration (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/04/28/these-two-maps-show-the-shocking-inequality-in-baltimore/) of black folks living Baltimore.

American financial institutions used the black community’s purchasing power against them, especially among black women and even among borrowers who had the means to buy a conventional loan. This is particularly true in Baltimore. Tens of thousands of black families were ruined. The overtly racist housing practices of the mid 20th Century were replaced by racism by banks in housing practice. The results (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2014/07/black_homeownership_how_the_recession_turned_owners_into_renters_and_obliterated.html) are staggering. The Great Recession wiped out (http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/files/2011/07/SDT-Wealth-Report_7-26-11_FINAL.pdf) a lot of wealth in every community in America. But the experience for black families was dramatically worse than that of white families. In 2005, the median white household wealth was $134,992. By 2009, it had declined to $113,149. In 2005, the median black household wealth was $12,124. By 2009 it had declined to $5,677. While white wealth declined by 16%, black wealth declined by 53%. Over the course of the Great Recession, median black wealth declined from being 1/11th of median white wealth to being 1/20th. Following the Great Recession, the average white family has 20 times the purchasing power of the average black family.

Wall Street cynically, disgustingly, used the black community’s striving for the American Dream against them. After centuries of bondage, a century of second class citizenship, and half a century beyond Civil Rights, many black families had finally made it. And Wells Fargo crushed them.

This is not meant to diminish the roles of overly aggressive and violent policing in Baltimore, the legitimate grievance over the inexplicable deaths of Freddie Gray and other unarmed black men at the hands of police, or the media’s misrepresentations of the protests. The current unrest in Baltimore happens in a broader economic context. Due to slavery and segregation, black people have only really been able to accumulate any wealth since the late 1960s. Wall Street wiped out virtually all of black America’s aggregate wealth accumulated since Civil Rights. The bankers who did this not only avoided any jail time, but rewarded themselves with taxpayer-funded bonuses. The institutions of American power which should have protected black people, who ostensibly gained full citizenship in the 1960s, from this predation, have made it very clear that they do not care. Their answer to the decimation of four decades of black wealth is a tighter chokehold of policing.

So remember, the rioting that you see in Baltimore is nothing compared to the homes destroyed by Wall Street. Wells Fargo destroyed whole neighborhoods. Wells Fargo violently tore Baltimore’s black community away from their first taste of real independent success and drove many back into a level of iniquity that should not be possible for a community of citizens supposedly enjoying the full benefits of American citizenship. Wells Fargo is Baltimore’s real looter. The real “thugs” in Baltimore wear suits.

Perhaps what you see in the news is not merely a paroxysm of rage over the death of a single man, but an entire community awakening to the horror that Civil Rights was a mirage, that American institutions will never defend them as they do whites, that they will never know true financial security. Martin Luther King Jr. urged his followers to “refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.” The vast majority of peaceful protesters in Baltimore may be trying to tell America that not only the bank of justice, but the bank itself, is bankrupt.

6th May 2015, 05:17
Blow back .........from austerity, injustice, social engineering and compliance for sure, imho. Lots more on the way too me thinks from all over the world. :(

6th May 2015, 18:15
Sorcha's name is David, x CIA and propoganda specialist. his reports aren't read for facts, but to see what direction they are trying to steer public thought.

with upper echelon letter agencies battling for control, info is being leaked by both sides.

the reason a report like this is published could be to discredit everyone in alt media claiming MKultra...

"ignore that fool, the info came from Sorcha"...

"The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, ...

Where is this report? The only other sources for this lead right back to Ms. Faal.

Ooops. Ms.?!

Ok, I understand what you're saying. I thought you'd found him to be a reliable source. Thank you for clarifying both.

until your 3rd eye is tuned to discernment, it is far easier to think everything Sorcha publishes is false...

but for those who are capable of reading between the lines, there are tidbits of truth not shared by any other sources in their reports...

"In a new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), intelligence analysts are stating that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) attack that took place yesterday in Garland, Texas, yesterday was carried out by the same terror cell linked to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that is currently conducting the largest bio-attack upon America that nation has ever seen.

According to this report, since early April, the SVR and Ministry of Healthcare (MoH) have been monitoring this CIA-ISIS plot to catastrophically destroy the United States poultry industry with man-made avian influenza viruses and have identified a number of the ISIS-CIA terror “operatives” to include Elton Simpson, who was also under US domestic intelligence agency surveillance.

As Simpson was under continuous SVR electronic surveillance too, this report continues, intelligence analysts became “alarmed” yesterday when he posted a message on his Twitter account 20 minutes before the Garland attack using the hash tag “#texasattack” that said: “The bro with me and myself have given bay-ah to Amirul Mu'mineen. May Allah accept us as mujahideen. Make dua”"

a spouse of one of the heads of Facebook, the CIA/NSA spy tool for following activity of most Americans died of suspicious circumstances...

is this report to push that their network stopped this terror attack?

Continuing, this was seen on Twitter in time to alert local authorities...


"Upon SVR analysts receiving this Twitter message posted by Simpson, this report says, “immediate and proper” protocols were followed which included the notification to US intelligence agencies that an attack upon them may be imminent as prior ISIS messages of this type have nearly all led to suicide attacks.

Within 30 minutes of the Americans receiving this SVR warning of a potential ISIS suicide attack, this report continues, Simpson, and an as yet unnamed ISIS terrorist, were reported by Western media sources to have been shot and killed after they attempted to attack the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland that was holding a “draw Muhammad” art contest hosted by the American Freedom Defense Initiative.

To the exact details of this ISIS attack Western media sources reported that yesterday, around 0100 GMT 4 May (7:00 PM local time 3 May) Simpson and his ISIS accomplice pulled up to the Curtis Culwell Center hosting this event in a vehicle and shot a Garland Independent School District Security guard in the ankle. These ISIS terrorists were then shot and killed by Garland police."


"Most important to note about Simpson, SVR analysts in this report state, is that he had been previously indentified as being one of the guards at the CIA-ISIS field laboratories located around eight miles from the American border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

This report further notes that the SVR had also previously confirmed that drone video evidence provided by the US News Service Infowars did indeed show the exact locations of these CIA-ISIS field laboratories that created these avian flu viruses in a heavily fortified mosque and desert testing facility/compound, both located in Chihuahua."

"To how fully and catastrophic this CIA-ISIS avian flu bio attack upon the United States has been, this report continues, that nation’s largest egg-producing state, Iowa, has become the latest State to declare a state of emergency following a major outbreak of this feared and deadly disease.

The NPR News Service also, it’s important to note the SVR says, states that US scientists are now struggling with how this pandemic grew so fast and large as they thought they had a pretty decent understanding of how this virus could spread, but the way it is moving right now has really caused them to rethink some of those ideas they had."


"Especially vexing to US authorities, this report says, is why this disease is ravaging commercial poultry flocks, even amid heightened biosecurity measures, while at the same time widespread deaths in largely unprotected backyard flocks are not even occurring.

What these US authorities are failing to comprehend, however, the SVR says in their report, is that the only way this disease could have spread to now being the largest outbreak of its kind in all of American history can only be explained by understanding that it is being deliberately spread.

Even worse, this SVR report warns, with the H5N2 strain of this avian flu now being reported in Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin and on farms in Ontario, Canada, and when combined with the H5N8 strain that has been identified in California and also in Idaho, the “deliberate merging” of these deadly strains into a much more dangerous variant is only a matter of time.

And to the most apocalyptic scenario facing the Untied States, this report grimly warns, is when these H5N2 and H5N8 avian flu variants finally “combine” with the rapidly mutating H7N9 avian flu virus that is deadly to humans, is now spreading through China, and scientists warn is about to emerge into a full-blown pandemic. "

the question is did NSA get their hands tied on public surveillance? this was reported by Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), not a United States agency...

4th July 2015, 05:27
US Justice Department Finds That Police Provoked Unrest in Ferguson

By ickonic on 4th July 2015 The Police State


‘On Monday, the US Justice Department released a report detailing the official
police response to the protests last year in Ferguson, Missouri following the
police killing of Michael Brown. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the
report documents how inappropriate military and police tactics alienated and
provoked the crowd of peaceful protesters into violent confrontation. The limited
rioting and looting, universally denounced and vilified in the corporate media,
was in effect, incited by the police.’

Read more: US Justice Department Finds That Police Provoked Unrest in Ferguson


4th July 2015, 05:51
Browsing: The Police State

‘What we were doing was terrible’: Baltimore ex-cop slams police for systematic abuses

By ickonic on 4th July 2015



The US police departs come over in several clichéd catagories from 100's
of glossy TV cop shows or disturbing movies, but blood , violence and
gunfire are prominent, or corrupt southern sheriffs , racism , or epics
like 'Shore Shank Redemption'. There were other more quaint onns like
Collumbo , Murder she wrote and others . Then you get all the CSI and
gritty shows like True detective. There have been comedies , pathos.
tragedies, intergalactic, infact all jounras of cop shows.

I do wonder if the art of policing left many precinct and sheriff departments
to be taken over by Hollywood stereotypes. The idea is to dehumanise the
recruits to build them back up again , but I do wonder about this ' us and them

Jarhead opening scene