View Full Version : Inter-dimensional warfare, Soul harvesting, cern portals - Steve Richards 08 March 2015

18th May 2015, 23:55
Inter-dimensional warfare, Soul harvesting, cern portals, draco reptilians, universal Lore, inter-dimensional past life healing and much more in this very interesting and well worth listening to discussion with Aboriginal Holographic Kinetics healer Steve Richards

Global Freedom Movement talks to Steve Richards - 08 March 2015



19th May 2015, 01:01

This client had come to me as she could not lie down at night because of the pain that, at times, had her in tears.

As she had had a previous session and the pain had slightly eased, she wanted to do my course hoping that by the time it was done, we may have been able to help her some more. It was the second day into the course and she said that she had this “thing”, and it had surfaced in her body last night. It had come up before; it was big and powerful, and all of her friends got out of the way when it surfaced, as it had tremendous strength. Do you think we could get rid of it she asked?

As she was standing there, I spotted its form within her body, as her shoulders were moving back and forth--it was big and it seemed to have wings.

I was teaching the students how to read the body and as I looked over, I noticed that her eyes were in third stage stress. As I pointed out to the class what third stage stress was, I looked into her eyes and the body jumped back about a foot, and her features changed as this thing came to the front; it knew and was starting to get scared--it didn't want to leave its host. I asked her, “Are you ready to go on the table for a session?” She said, “Yes.”

I then asked both her and her spirit, “Do we have permission to clear any inter-dimensional beings that may be interfering in the running of this body today?” Both stated, “Yes.” We had the agreement.

I called it up and it was powerful! It screamed out to me, “**** off you bastard, I am not leaving!” And it did everything it could to throw me off, or out of the field. It was big, powerful and ugly as it transmuted through, and physically started to shape-shift within her form, cursing and threatening. Finally we accessed back through time, back to its creation over 10,000 years ago, where the body was originally taken over through rituals.

I then had her spirit change that created dimension of time, preventing that from occurring within future cycles.

It had taken about twenty minutes to remove this one; he was one of the highest controlling species that I am aware of in the inter-dimensional control game. He was one of the winged serpents--this species usually stays hidden as they control the Draconians, who in turn, control the Greys.

It took her body another five minutes to re-adjust back to its original self.

The whole room saw physical changes within her face, and the pain that was checked by a doctor before. He then re-checked the body and the swelling that was previously there, was now gone, and also most of the pain.

If you call in other forces through initiations or rituals, you--through your free will--open wormholes to other dimensions, and other forces can then enter and take over.

That case was about the year 2002, since then I have accessed and assisted clients to remove hundreds of these winged serpents. Some have shape-shifted - hissing, spitting and threatening me, but they are violating the laws of LORE and can be dealt with, for LORE covers all dimensions and it surpasses and is the highest of all other laws.

I received a phone call from a hypnotherapist in Adelaide. He stated that he had had a client the other day and that he had never been so scared in his entire life, as an entity of some form had surfaced in his client and freaked him out. He said he gave the client my name and phone number as he knew if anyone could help him, I could. My comment was, “Great, I love a good challenge! I'll let you know how I go, if he rings.”

Within a week the client and his girlfriend flew up. The client told me that he had seen over twenty practitioners, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and no-one seemed to be able to help. There is this “thing” in there and I have no control when it surfaces.

My comment was “Great, no problem! Let's see what we are dealing with.” After obtaining permission from both the spirit and the client, I then asked what we were dealing with by going through a list of inter-dimensional interference that I am aware of, and it came up as “Reptilian overlays”.

I then went to the head area and was holding onto the STO points and neurovascular points on the head. While I held these points, at the same time, the invaders surfaced and the body was thrown one to one-and-a-half meters into the air; this whiplash effect was throwing the body into all sorts of contortions, and at the same time yelling out of his body, “Leave us alone; leave us alone. We need this body; we need this body!” Meanwhile, I'm hanging on and there is no way that they are going to throw me off, as that is their intent. So, as the body was being thrown around, and I'm hanging on, I told them that this body doesn't need them and he has the right to his freedom, which he has chosen to take.

I commanded that the spirit take control. This occurred and the body settled down, as I asked for permission to access through hyperspace back to the cause of the effect--being the time of the agreement of entrapment.

This came up as being prior to birth. I then checked if it was from a past life; the answer was, “No.” I then checked to see if it came in through the genetic hereditary line; the answer was, “Yes.”

It ended up going back to the great, great grandfather. The client was there in hyperspace reliving the hologram of the event of the agreement of entrapment. He saw his great, great grandfather's body being taken over through his agreement of initiation through a ritual, as he moved up the scale of the secret society as a 33rd degree Freemason.

When one goes through initiation rituals within some of these secret societies, they do this using their conscious free will; they enter the game of these forces and become subjects to the creator of that game. They make powerful symbols that open dimensional doorways and invoke forces from the unseen world--this becomes a valid universal agreement that can be valid through time and space eternally.

The first to enter into the body is an apprentice entity, and with each degree, a more powerful entity takes over. By the time they reach the 20th to 25th degrees, their thoughts and actions are no longer their own thoughts and actions--they are being run and controlled by unseen forces. They will always try to justify their actions, and by the time they reach the 30th to 33rd degrees, this then becomes an overlay--a powerful force--that merges, holographically overlaying itself throughout the body and which can now totally run the body, down to a cellular level. The original spirit and soul have been entrapped within their own body, no longer able to control it.

Once an overlay has control, through the free will agreement that was given to it, not only does it have control of the body, but it also has control down the genetic line for about seven generations, as had occurred in this case.

I then have the client, using HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS whilst in hyperspace, externalise that event by enfolding space/time and change the agreement made by the great, great grandfather back in that dimension of time, preventing that from ever occurring again within the future cycles.

The fun has just begun! I now call up the overlays, and as they surface, I start reading them their rights of their freedom. I start with the apprentice; he is the one in charge of that body. Then comes his controller; he is in charge of apprentices. Then the next controller; and then the “big boys” ... they can control up to a million humans!!!

Whenever I came across the controllers and asked if they were being controlled, I always got the same answer, “No.” When I asked what gave them the right to control those below, the answer is always similar, and that is, “We have the born rights.”

This is similar to the born-rights control on the physical by the blue bloods; the royal line of Titans, which were put here to control the planet.

I will explain more about this area, involving the game of control, at a later date.

I then continued calling them up and reading them their rights to their freedom, as they on their dimension are also being entrapped, into a position of control. And just like the body they are controlling is unaware of how to escape this entrapment, they too are unaware that they have the rights to their freedom, in this sector of space, regardless of dimensions as LORE covers all dimensions.

This is a powerful universal law, and if the creator of a universe decides to change his creation, then only that creator can change that creation. As long as man's created universe of mind is a universe of dimensions, then man's dimensional universe can trap other dimensions, or can be entrapped by other dimensions. And as the most powerful force will always succumb the weaker force, when man takes back control of his created universal agreement and breaks all of those universal agreements back at their creation, he then takes back control of his body and soul on all dimensions.

This is done to make sure that the body invaders don't agree to leave, and then go back inside and find a new area to hide in. If this occurs, they are called, “Hiddens”, as not all entities want to leave, and if they can fool you, they will.

The client then sat up, and commented: “Wow, what was that? I've never felt so clear! I felt that my head was in a vice and I had no control as I was been thrown around the room; I cannot believe how light and clear I feel.”

A year later I saw him and he was still clear. I had explained the game to him, so I wouldn't expect him to open any doors or allow anything else to be able to return.

Note- that I do not use the physical, as that is the external body and all about struggle; I slide and allow my spirit, the internal body to take over, that is energy--they cannot get through the field of energy, I have had many clients after a session comment, 'that this thing just wanted to smash you in the face, but it couldn't get through the energy field".

That is also why it takes up to 10 people to hold someone down when these forces surface, because the invisible world is more powerful than the visible world. If mental health staff were trained how to access and deal with these forces, then one person could hold them down with energy. They could also then clear the patients of these forces.

This client had discovered the areas I deal in from accessing my web site; her and her Husband had flown in from France.

She was only a young woman in her early twenties and she had a few events happening in her life that no one could help her with, as she could recognize cases of similarity from my web site, so they had decided to fly in for a session or two.

I started accessing the spirit of the women, then the next moment total shape shifting took place and instead of a lady in her early twenties, I had an 85 year old Chinese grandmother curled up on the table talking to me in Chinese.

I proceeded to ask her spirit to go to the cause of the entrapment of this Chinese spirit and it indicated that it was linked to a past life.

I then asked the spirit to go back to that pass life, so we can change that moment of time and release this spirit, the next moment the lady is sitting up and shape shifted back to her self and stated “I am a Roman Catholic reincarnation doesn't exist, this can't be happening."

I then commented to the women, “You are the one with the issue, not me, it is your spirit that has indicated out of you, that it was linked to a past life event!” In that case, come back next week and I will surrogate your spirit into one of my students and send him back in time, on your behalf instead!

I had two of my students there, when she arrived a week later. It was an eye opener for them, as they had not seen shape shifting before. It didn't take long and up came the Chinese grandmother, so I then surrogated the women's Spirit into one of the students and had her spirit express out of the student what had occurred in the past to entrap this Chinese spirit in her field.

I have found that one of the most powerful things is man's belief system, as your beliefs can override anything. If you believe you can achieve something, you can. If you believe you are ill, you will manifest an illness. The universe will conform to your reality.

All beliefs are external created, by projections from what we learn usually from another and as we grow and experience this external molecular physical world; these experiences become part of the soul.

Man must put all beliefs aside and integrate with their spirit for true healing to take place as only through integration with your spirit can you understand your created reality, and through that acknowledgement of your created reality will that truth set you free from the cycles of time.

22nd May 2015, 03:31
OK I started listening to Steve Richards founder of Holographic kinetics when some mental (astral) memories which I hadnt fully addressed started to generate emotion. When I contacted Steve Richards about learning aboriginal techniques for removing trauma I was really perplexed to find the sum of $2600.00 attached to this knowledge. So I questioned him about it and most of the terms I got back were "business" training for "income" and if you cant manifest a client per week then you shouldn't be learning Holograpic kinetics in the first place. This really threw me off as I am not interested in making an income from peoples trauma and to exact energy from wounds is not appropriate for me. SO when you agree for "spirit" and "higher self" and all of these non physical astral forms to make contracts to alter you supposedly under the guise of removing other "astral entities" what are we really getting into here? In effect we are making further CONTRACTS to allow non physical parasites to enter into our physical domain under deception and just making more and more contracts with non physical forms of Consciousness to take energy from us. Are we dealing with archon type beings by allowing "spirit", "higher self" etc to work us over and supposedly set us free of trauma or should we be turning to the Earth and grounding, centering and earthing. I am really pissed that someone using "Aboriginal Knowledge" would exact this kind of money from people experiencing traumas to create contracts using the term "spirit" etc to resolve astral manipulation. I told him that if having money beyond my means is the criteria for learning holographic kinetics then it indeed isn't for me. I am so over people parasiting off of others energy and emotional heartache to get "healing." Keep your money people you don't need this.

Keep learning, keep questioning EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, discover the Truth for yourself

Archon Influence and Removal
