View Full Version : Video: FBI Now Going Door-To-Door Interrogating Americans About Jade Helm Military Exercises

Richard S.
22nd May 2015, 13:51
Are you being watched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation because of your concerns about an overbearing government?

The answer should be obvious given the nature of America’s budding surveillance state and a new video shows just how far law enforcement officials are willing to go to protect the Homeland from anyone who engages in the dissemination of ideas that are counter to the official narrative.


22nd May 2015, 15:44
One has to know or understand that the head of the dreaded East German Stazi, Markus Wolf, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markus_Wolf)..was hired (before he died, in the last years of his life) at the top levels of the FBI, to help them create, to perfect... their internal spying and population infiltration and control system.

So, yes, in the most real way possible, the east German Stazi, and their methods (ie, one out of every 6 of the population of east Germany, in the records of the Stazi as an informer, files on everyone), was integrated into the FBI, by the man who created it and ran it in East Germany.

So yes, in North America , things are really moving from hidden oligarchy, into open fascism,and then toward a totalitarian state.

But, his arrival into North America was only an evolved component of "project paperclip" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)the integration of 7000 scientists and political personnel, into the US black ops and other systems, by skull and bones members, the Dulles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Dulles) Brothers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Foster_Dulles), who were deeply connected to the CIA and the OSS, and a whole slew of insane outlier pedagogy.


This subject is so deep, that entire shelves of books can be and have been written on this subject area.

It is basically an open secret that what is being dealt with, is the face of oligarchy and a move into fascism, as the people are not willing to submit.

So it is done as slowly and as at a creeping/slow/drip level as is possible, as no one in their right mind wants or will stand for oligarchy or fascism.

22nd May 2015, 16:00
So it is done as slowly and as at a creeping/slow/drip level as is possible, as no one in their right mind wants or will stand for oligarchy or fascism.

Yes. Fascio.



22nd May 2015, 16:05
the meaning of it is similar to: 'the people of the land as sticks, bound into being a handle for an axe, which is wielded against others.

Ie, "We are the Caesars, we own you, you are our animal, our dog, our vassal, our weapons, our tools. We shape you, we own you, we use you as we see fit."

22nd May 2015, 16:41
"FBI Now Going Door-To-Door Interrogating Americans About Jade Helm Military Exercises"

the title of the post seems misleading - no offense, i just want to point out that he apparently called the FBI first and they came to follow up...

"well, basically we're just following up on your phone call ..."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SMZAvtOCRU 00:08

also, their demeanor seems anything but intimidating or intrusive

22nd May 2015, 18:01
people all over America are concerned about Jade Helm ... it is the largest operation I've ever seen in my life ... I was part of the division ready force at Bragg for three years , first to fight ... I've seen division operations that were pretty extensive but , this is ... this is serious , the money spent , the massive gear , all local authorities involved , moving gear by train , several states involved , so much that other nations are holding drills that are similar in scope ... Obama takes the helicopters from the national guard ??? you don't need gear moved by train in multiple states if your boots on the ground is only 1,200 strong ... that's a little over a brigade , it can be done in a week but , if it's more which we know it is , hence two months of gear moved by train ...

22nd May 2015, 18:32
You could line up tanks in front of Obama as far as the eye can see, the guy wouldn't react. Scary.

22nd May 2015, 18:32
no doubt the inquisitive among us are concerned, and rightly so

on the other hand, i've seen way too many alex jones type predictions come and go and the second i heard "martial law" associated with this "exercise", i ignored everything thereafter

on the other, other hand, i do feel like 'something big comes this way' - probably many of us here do - it has to because we simply cannot maintain our destructive path and expect to survive as a species - and the longer it takes to resolve our laughable, criminal and psychotic social, monetary and political systems, the more gut-wrenching that change is likely to be, in my opinion

if Jade Helm is a set-up for martial law, i wouldn't be at all surprised, nor would i be surprised if all the hype comes and goes, just as it did probably hundreds of times in just recent history (y2k, comets, ozone, killer bees, aids, god, floods, viruses, aliens, crustal displacements, martial law, etc., etc., etc.)

now watch me be wrong this time LOL

23rd May 2015, 02:13
"FBI Now Going Door-To-Door Interrogating Americans About Jade Helm Military Exercises"

the title of the post seems misleading - no offense, i just want to point out that he apparently called the FBI first and they came to follow up...

"well, basically we're just following up on your phone call ..."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SMZAvtOCRU 00:08

also, their demeanor seems anything but intimidating or intrusive

Welcome to the forum e.Man.

The FBI doing a "routine follow-up" house call is all part of their "training exercise" - too....
They wouldn't have gone on a personal house call if there weren't great concern from the higher ups that the people aren't going to go along with their program anymore and the cabal wasn't worried about implementing, and if they can control 400,000,000 human beings"
They didn't show up at Jason's house to do a follow-up on his complaint or because they are concerned about him as a citizen. On the contrary, and he's been red flagged probably a while ago, it's a fishing expedition. Them even being there is an intrusive and intimidating tactic. The two agents that showed up are highly trained and probably from the FBI "Domestic Terrorism Division" DHS. Oh yes they are in control....., But they come off as "regular guys" so we feel comfortable with them, "hey I relate," "I get frustrated with traffic too,"(B***S***) or we want to help you is another favorite to disarm you, slight dismissal.
The way they are dressed in common clothing, cross training hiking shoes, jeans or khakis and knit shirt is another tactic, but the way they are dressed is standard field/street uniform for the FBI. Wearing a gold wedding band too, I'm married I have a family too... all signals. I'm just your average Joe. I'm just like you.
The way they stand, feet not too far apart, ankles in-toes out, knees bent and relaxed stance -martial & defense tactical training..... monotone voice or hard to detect inflections in the voice -all of it is tactical, control and intimidation.... its all telling of spook.

It's all part of the training.....

23rd May 2015, 02:32
thanks for the feedback Nora - do you have experience in the mil or gov or something? you sound like you might

23rd May 2015, 03:14
thanks for the feedback Nora - do you have experience in the mil or gov or something? you sound like you might

I'm very worried about what is going on in America and the world and our children -have been for over twenty years now.
What is "being imposed" upon us. That six states are being "domestically militarized." Jade Helm is so blatant and in our face. It infuriates me. The videos infuriate me. Got my ire up.... We can't consent to it and not doing anything is consent...dangerously so. We the people.... thanks Jason.

No, I don't have any experience with any of the agencies or military. I did some martial arts training a while back though.

I love the earth, sentient beings and my freedom.

Fellow Aspirant
23rd May 2015, 03:56
"FBI Now Going Door-To-Door Interrogating Americans About Jade Helm Military Exercises"

the title of the post seems misleading - no offense, i just want to point out that he apparently called the FBI first and they came to follow up...

"well, basically we're just following up on your phone call ..."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SMZAvtOCRU 00:08

also, their demeanor seems anything but intimidating or intrusive

As pointed out in the accompanying text beow the video, the officers are being disingenuous (lying?) about the reason for their visit. They are NOT there to reassure him or to seek his help in getting to the bottom of Jade Helm. His call piqued their interest and put him on a list. They are clearly on a fishing expedition, to interrogate the man to determine the level of risk he poses. He is, as they say, 'a person of interest'. Their soft, vague approach is classic - they want the suspect (and he IS a suspect or they wouldn't be there) to speak freely and thus 'fill in the blanks' for them, to be forthcoming about his thoughts and ideas. They feign ignorance of the operation so that the suspect will be more trusting and will write his own 'script'. This is a very sinister occurrence.


23rd May 2015, 04:22
I'm very worried about what is going on in America and the world and our children -have been for over twenty years now.

no doubt

this stuff can get to you

when i dug into the 9/11 attacks, i worked at that like 10-20 hrs. a day for months and i became so angry/depressed/scared/helpless i didn't know what to do, so i did nothing ... absolutely nothing - i stopped thinking about it, i stopped reading about it, i stopped talking about it

taking that time away re-centered my perspective

if you can, spend some time in the woods - it works wonders for me

23rd May 2015, 18:11
just the fact they showed up , could intimidate others , keeping them with the mindset of I don't want to make waves ... the whole darn thing is either a mind psyop or they are preparing for something really really big ... we are seeing the rise of the police state ... robots will be next ...Enoch's words come true every day ...

23rd May 2015, 19:22
As David Icke calls it, "the totalitarian tiptoe".