View Full Version : Extreme loneliness and anxiety

3rd June 2015, 00:46
Words are failing me right now, but I need to start talking to people on this site more. People in my 'real life' are unbearably plastic and care for nothing but improving their CVs or binge drinking at weekends.

I just need real people in my life. To talk to, to confide in. I feel like I have nobody like this in my life.

I live in the UK and cannot believe some of the headlines I read and worse the lack of coherent response from conscious people. Please tell me this world has some courage left. We are full of words and no actions. We have a million photographers.. Bloggers...healers....speakers... But we all must at some stage be warriors... Soldiers...where are our warriors? Will they fight or are they waiting for a storm to pass?

I suppose I posted this in healing because that's what I need. What we all need..but how can there be healing without a willingness to stand up.

3rd June 2015, 01:03
I live in the UK and cannot believe some of the headlines I read and worse the lack of coherent response from conscious people. Please tell me this world has some courage left. We are full of words and no actions. We have a million photographers.. Bloggers...healers....speakers... But we all must at some stage be warriors... Soldiers...where are our warriors? Will they fight or are they waiting for a storm to pass?

I feel your anxiety and have experienced it too. Try to remember that that is not the whole of life. For some of us it seems our minds are constantly diverted to observing the dark side of life and forgetting that there is also a wonderful bright side of life. Sometimes all it takes is to turn around (which also turns you away for the dark side).

The following song resonates with me when I am experiencing what you are experiencing. It is as if I am being spoken to through the song. A gentle voice reminding me to turn around.


3rd June 2015, 01:20
Thank you for listening zoolife. This is a classic song hehe


3rd June 2015, 01:37
"... forgetting there is also a wonderful bright side of life".

An outstanding sentiment and I felt like expanding on it. The opening post is another of those genuine heartfelt posts that I can appreciate deeply. The idea - Where are the warriors? I can relate to that. Here's my latest understanding, going back to the the wonderful bright side of life idea.

Many of the, as they are called, masters, encourage the idea that we change the world by changing ourselves. From a purely logical point of view, this idea is exactly right. We are who we can truly control. Thus we are our primary responsibility and ultimately our only responsibility. We are ultimately responsible for the quality of our soul and its effect on the whole.

To constantly improve the quality of ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually, which will be reflected in emotional peace is to nurture that wonderful bright side of life. We can leave nothing to chance in our lives - we must be vigilant and diligent in constantly striving for improvement.

How does this take away the bad in the world? It doesn't. And we must accept that maturity across the board takes a really long time. On a person to person basis, eye to eye, I will certainly go to war over an injustice. It is within my sphere of influence. This is part of my personal responsibility, to control myself and improve my own surroundings. But I must do this within the realm of legality or I become just another outlaw. And, ultimately, the soft touch is best because one cannot fight fire with fire without creating a larger fire. Remember, long term, we seek to change the attitude of someone doing bad things, rather than punish. They will punish themselves, and we work within a legal system with its own punishments, flawed and corrupted though it is, and in the end, our job is healing. So I make this somewhat counter intuitive point knowing it can be argued against and I welcome that but ultimately I believe that all are infinite and as such, we are in this together and we benefit the whole on the longterm by proceeding with wisdom and peace in our heart, working with ourselves and using the war mentality sparingly, on a person to person basis, within the law.

As an aside, the energy generated and contributed to the whole by a truly loving, mature individual can and does do wonders and while not directly observable, is far more powerful than the worst a controller Illuminati type could ever create. Keep focus on self, do not be distracted from your power. My thanks for the posts above and the heartfelt expressions.

3rd June 2015, 01:53
Iarmheid, every now and then I fall apart, as the song posted by Zoolife above says. It seems to be part of most people's human condition. Remember that "this too shall pass" and the sun will shine again and all be right with the world. Until the next time the loneliness hits you. Then you pick yourself up, force yourself to go out into the world and interact with others, see their smile and marvel at how good it feels to smile back.

A good thing to do when messed up by loneliness, anxiety, depression, unhappiness, is to go out where you can be of service to another. Many find volunteering in some way in the world provides connection.

My friend, I am a senior citizen and still I fall apart from an inner pain. I do not know if I have any words that can help, beyond reaching out and joining in your community. Decades ago one could volunteer to read books to blind people, or at libraries, to read stories to children, or in schools, to help the teachers of little children do things like art projects.

The song posted by Zoolife also says "turn away", and that is good advice when news reports are negative, when social media is superficial. Turn away from things that do not make you feel good, and seek out a beautiful place to walk in, to sit in, to breathe in. Connect to mother earth and her trees - they are great helpers. Go hug a tree.

I have gone so far as to form a relationship with a tree on my property, apologizing to it at first for cutting off a large branch that was in the way. Then every tiime I went out the door I would touch the tree with affection. I thought about that tree now and then in my days. Then suddenly, one day when I again remarked how sorry I was that the cut off branch left such a big scar, the tree SHOT me a message. It said, "Do not look back at what was, but build on what you have now and move forward."

(Somewhere, in some journal, I wrote the exact words I received; this was the gist of the message.)

The world is full of connections we can make. I trust that you will make them. And I hope I have not missed the mark in my response to your heartfelt call for someone to hear you.

3rd June 2015, 02:00
Dear Iarmhéid,

I'm sorry you're feeling this way but I think it's safe to say that most of us here understand completely. Sometimes it seems like a wasteland out there...more people devolving vs evolving...

You are so on the right track. Take some comfort in that and remember we're here for you and all in this together.

3rd June 2015, 02:01
Words are failing me right now, but I need to start talking to people on this site more. People in my 'real life' are unbearably plastic and care for nothing but improving their CVs or binge drinking at weekends.

I just need real people in my life. To talk to, to confide in. I feel like I have nobody like this in my life.

I live in the UK and cannot believe some of the headlines I read and worse the lack of coherent response from conscious people. Please tell me this world has some courage left. We are full of words and no actions. We have a million photographers.. Bloggers...healers....speakers... But we all must at some stage be warriors... Soldiers...where are our warriors? Will they fight or are they waiting for a storm to pass?

I suppose I posted this in healing because that's what I need. What we all need..but how can there be healing without a willingness to stand up.

I feel you, and I'm sorry for the cognitive dissonance you seem to be going through. It sucks, I've been there and a lot of folks here have been there.
Spiritually speaking there is a warrior caste. I've known two such people very well from my childhood. They were fearless, they were men of action. Both were confrontational, both verbally and physically, and yet both had extroidinarily sweet and loyal personalities.
Alas,they are both in prison. And have been most of their adult life.
It is my theory, that laws have become such that they seem to act in a manner that keeps the natural born warrior incarcerated, for life.
I'm of the opinion that tptb recognize the danger inherit in the warrior caste and remove them from society at large.
Seemingly to protect society but really to prevent any type of real up rizing, in my opinion.

Troy Martin
3rd June 2015, 02:15
where are our warriors?


3rd June 2015, 02:30
I hear you.

Improve your diet even just a little bit. Spend time in nature, long walks, barefoot on the ground. Hug a tree for a few minutes every day. Stay balanced, focused, centered and grounded. Patience. Gently command yourself to be so.

Recommend the practice of japa, which is finding a name of God that resonates with you - repeat it often. You will cultivate that Presence. Don't worry about picking the "right" Name. Just has to be sacred to you.

The Buddhists say that if you want to make a difference, you first have to develop the skillful means to do so. Could be martial arts, could be mathematics. Be stealthy in your impact (positive) with no foot prints on the rice paper - no one has to know - but that Presence will know and give you more opportunity.

3rd June 2015, 03:00
I do not know if you can sense the loving healing energy streaming your way, but I do.

It's wonderfully honest and touching. I do not just sense it from the people who have posted here but also from those that have heard your call but unseen....for the moment.


3rd June 2015, 03:16
where are our warriors?


Sooooo many good posts here ... wisdom and compassion! A person who cares about fairness, righteous ways, ethical behavior etc. carries a heavy burden in their very core. Yes ... warriors are definitely needed. :fencing:

Perfect picture (equal to a thousand words Troy Martin!!). Thank you for this!!! I personally needed this message today. :clapping:

I agree!!! Let us be the warrior heroes we are seeking ... let us be wise and strong... Knowing when/how to observe, when/how to speak and when/how to act Let us lead by example ... Let us learn from each other too ... by sharing and caring ... :tea:
Thank you Iarmheid for sharing your thoughts and feelings and asking a very important question. :confused:

One day at a time.
Everything in proper perspective.
First things first.

3rd June 2015, 03:23
From a very young age, I felt all alone, it was because in my little mind I could not understand why I could not hear peoples thoughts and feel their feelings within me.

As a whole many may seem plastic and care free, preferring to put their head in the sand like an Ostrich rather than face reality than deal with it. Some may even say that human nature is fundamentally selfish and that each man “exists for his own sake, and the achievement of his own happiness is his highest moral purpose.” I suppose with some, their minds tell them that it is too much, and they have enough personal issues in their lives already. Others are not awake, to busy with work, the sports culture and entertainment? I don’t know sigh….most probably they may believe that even if they speak up, or try to do something, it will be to no avail? Not realizing that we are a hell of a force to be reckon with if we are united; this is why they are trying to control us in every which way they can possible; divide us even into different groups and make us go against each other.

The main thing is that we must not give up on our fellow man or humanity as a whole. There is courage there still, I do not doubt it, humans are incredible creatures, and they excel when the need is dire. Heroes become heroes because the need, not because they have courage. Some of us have physical courage others have moral courage, a choice made always at the time of need in every human being.

You’ve said “But we all must at some stage be warriors... Soldiers...where are our warriors? Will they fight or are they waiting for a storm to pass?

Well we are all warriors, just because we do not take up arms, or form an army; it does not mean we are not willing to fight. Remember that it takes more courage at times to pull away from a fight than to stay in one. If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. Every blogger, healer, or speaker are all warriors, lets not forget that a pen can become more powerful than a weapon.

As for healing, it has to come from within first. ;-) And never forget that there is always hope.

3rd June 2015, 04:10
I have been there many times and have lost count of my depression or suicidal thoughts. Let’s save some time by skipping the descriptions of the part of "imperfect world" I have been experiencing. Now suicidal thoughts are gone, but depressions visit me often, but they are welcomed since they benefit to concentrate thinking/creativity.

Also I sort of believe in alchemy’s power in psychological healing, so here are something about loneliness and anxiety which I find inspiring. Hope it helps!


“In alchemy, one of the symbols of nigredo is the ‘decapitation’, and also the ‘raven’s head’ (caput corvi). Those symbols refer to the dying of the common man, the dying of his inner chaos and doubt because he is unable to find the truth in himself. “

“The confrontation with the inner reality is often painful, and can lead to depression. “

“One has to go to the center of his problems, to the center of his emotions, to the center of himself. There is the power of transformation.”


3rd June 2015, 04:58
DNA, that is a very profound observation. It may also be the reason so many young, strong, black men are held in prisons and deliberately suckered into becoming dope addicts, to remove the natural warriors.

3rd June 2015, 11:45
I completely empathise; not so much a case of "been there, got the t-shirt" as "AM there, wearing the bloody t-shirt".

I'm also not feeling particularly loquacious, so pardon me if I'm garbled.

I've found that it is, by nature, a lonely path. How can it be otherwise when you see that all around you is insane while everyone you meet thinks everything is not only "normal", but actually good.

Just for a change, the universe actually responded to a request this morning; when asked to show me how to manifest and maintain heaven on Earth, I met lots of people who just smiled at me for no apparant reason. (Obvioulsy I'm not in the UK !!!!), so my interpretation is that I need to get back to being happy and friendly DESPITE what's going on in the world. This is a real tough one for me, and the only way I can do it is to avoid the news (which I've only got through David Icke in the last 9 years) and to focus on what's good in my life rather than on what's not so good.

Hang on in there :sun:

3rd June 2015, 11:56
To do what we believe in rather than go by the norms is standing up. Its not easy to be differdnt to be laugh at. Im getting immune though in fact I can now laugh back most of the times to the critisism mamke wise cracks and have fun instead of feeling insulted. We are learning we will get there in due time. Patince acceptance is the key. Accept that this is the status quo and accept that we the aware will bein the frontline.

3rd June 2015, 11:58
I have been there many times and have lost count of my depression or suicidal thoughts. Let’s save some time by skipping the descriptions of the part of "imperfect world" I have been experiencing. Now suicidal thoughts are gone, but depressions visit me often, but they are welcomed since they benefit to concentrate thinking/creativity.

Also I sort of believe in alchemy’s power in psychological healing, so here are something about loneliness and anxiety which I find inspiring. Hope it helps!


“In alchemy, one of the symbols of nigredo is the ‘decapitation’, and also the ‘raven’s head’ (caput corvi). Those symbols refer to the dying of the common man, the dying of his inner chaos and doubt because he is unable to find the truth in himself. “

“The confrontation with the inner reality is often painful, and can lead to depression. “

“One has to go to the center of his problems, to the center of his emotions, to the center of himself. There is the power of transformation.”



1 - You're the 1st Chinese person I've encountered who's aware of alchemy
2 - Thanks for reminding me of a tradition which I started studying years ago
3 - Thanks for the link to a perfect description of where I am right now !


3rd June 2015, 16:29
Lonely in the UK...no news there. In London,better give me a buzz:Angel:

3rd June 2015, 20:41
I appreciated the mention of the CV over here we call it a resume, but I've spent countless hours editing mine and its the most dreaded of tasks, I despise my resume...

3rd June 2015, 21:08
I personally have been challenged so many times, Iarmheid . When at times things seem to be their absolute worst I always remind myself of the fact that yes one day I'll be sitting down at peace with myself and enjoying life as things will always get better , sooner or later they always turn for the better. You just need to BELIEVE! In fact I would submit to you that by you sending out this single post I would like you to stop for one minute and realize how many peoples thoughts and energies you have interacted by thoughts of your own. All from around the world, how cool is that . I can assure you there are those who will rise to the occasion for the challenge and those who will lead. I can assure you that the best of humanity and the human spirit is alive and well and all around you as you see how much support you have gained just from your thoughts and those of us in the Avalon family who are responding from around the world. That in itself should give you reason to smile and yes have hope. I've found music is the bond that joins the entire world together, even if we don't know the language we still enjoy the sound. Gravitate away from the news and towards the music when you feel a presence of the negative , it will do you wonders. Especially in Ireland, Oh would I love to experience the Celtic sound of my ancestors. And yes chime in here anytime to experience the grand caring thoughts from your extended family, after all you chose to be here like we all did. :)

3rd June 2015, 22:03
Hey Iarmheid, you are not alone buddy! I know it feels like that, even when you're surrounded by people. As you say, they're all so plastic - it sometimes seems that they live on a different planet, the way they're oblivious to all the horror around the planet, and lap up and re-spew the propaganda they're fed.

I remember the impact it had on me watching Michael C Rupert crying over what he saw in the world. It had a huge effect on me.

The road to awakening IS a lonely one, because at the end of the day, ONLY YOU can wake up YOU! It is a huge effort to be that different person, to not go along with the status quo just so you'll be accepted. Its a huge challenge to make it known to yourself what IS actually going on in the world. I have questioned my own sanity many, many times. I was seriously depressed for a couple of years knowing the enormity of the problems we face.

However, when you start to see the solutions, when you start to understand that we can turn it around, when you know in your heart that we have everything we need and can do it tomorrow if we choose. I started to participate instead of just giving out, and badgering people. Every now and then I just can't let the ignorance around me go unchallenged, so I plant some seeds...

We are each engaged in our own struggles, which can make our path all that more difficult, but if you just stay true to yourself and what you know, all this will change. I have been struggling myself this last few years, but the anxiety and depression don't last. Do what you can, dream big. Never give up!


¤=[Post Update]=¤

Thank you for listening zoolife. This is a classic song hehe


AWSOME! Love the music.


LandOf Oz
4th June 2015, 10:37
I too felt the same way, the media (hello Murdoch!) and majority of people i grew up with and worked with in Australia were bigoted, blind and only interested in drinking, sport and their next pull. I suggest getting on meetup.com and finding some groups to join where people have the same interests as you. I also changed my life when i started studying Transpersonal Art Therapy which opened my cycle of friends even wider to people I now consider life-long friends. Don't dwell not the traditional media, turn off the tv - its only feeding our fears anyway. Be the change you want to see in the world, you'll be surprised at how it has a knock on effect on the people around you. They will see how happy you are and the light within and say "i want what she's having!"

7th June 2015, 21:05

8th June 2015, 01:06
This world has a plague on it these days. The actual carrying capacity for Human Beings here is a number of us in the trillions, however, the number of banksters and multi-national corporations (same thing) has already been grossly exceeded.

And, this is what they do.

They do not want anyone to pay attention to your soul, and they try to focus all of us into only the ego.

The results of this are what you have noticed.

There is nothing wrong with you, all of this is external.


8th June 2015, 09:28
Iarmhéid, i'm pretty much on the same page..i'm kind of depress at the moment which i posted on my thread last week.

right now i'm dealing with people who are freaking christian going to church and praying bull**** but quite opposite of what "the bible teaches". live in asian traditional is kind of tough aswell, must show respect and can't be rude to adult(authorization) while many of them have no respect for themselves...talk about politics? even more depression...i can go on and on just about every subject of human actions and how society is run.

this thought coming in last few weeks questioning on being Awake where you can see whole spectrum not just 1 or 2, is better to awake or fall asleep? being awake fell so much pain and anger...

8th June 2015, 09:41

This wise poem might speak to your sense of isolation.

8th June 2015, 14:20
This world has a plague on it these days. The actual carrying capacity for Human Beings here is a number of us in the trillions, however, the number of banksters and multi-national corporations (same thing) has already been grossly exceeded.

And, this is what they do.

They do not want anyone to pay attention to your soul, and they try to focus all of us into only the ego.

The results of this are what you have noticed.

There is nothing wrong with you, all of this is external.


That was a very nice comparison.

Old Wolf
4th August 2015, 12:08
I just briefly wanted to swing by and share that I can relate to the loneliness. I've recently come to realise that my loneliness was me feeling sorry for myself for being alone. It was part of a much broader pattern of self pity. This may or may not relate to your situation (only you know the cause of your own feelings) but like others I'd suggest that whatever you're feeling, it isn't permanent. You'll figure it out.

The greatest difficulties lead to the greatest understanding and the most profound change.
