View Full Version : Financial Emergency: The US Dollar Should Have Already Collapsed If Not In July 2015

18th June 2015, 11:31
Will it be chaos or controlled implosion as the Western bubble bursts

Simon Parkes mentioned right before the collapse the price of gold will go straight Up.
Watch the gold price.

Simon Pakes Global Financial Reset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiwQf0d0QMU


18th June 2015, 15:35
well no

The dollar is currently the safest currency
The euro is far more likely to collapse . Gold will go up like a rocket ship before the collapse people will buy at any price
nonsense basically

Simon is misguided nothing more we all make mistakes no problem for more read


18th June 2015, 17:43
Here are some illustrations of just how crazy it has gotten. http://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/derivatives/bank_exposure.html

18th June 2015, 18:08
well Derivatives as you call them have always existed otherwise there be no banks

Derivatives exist basically because the farmer can sell his food in the field before it is grown. There is also a need for the guy shipping something from china to America to insure it in case of storm ( ship sinks does he lose everything ) this is a necessity without it no society can function no banks no money throwing rocks at each other.

Banks are not the enemy either there tradition function is to leverage your income which gives you a mortgage other wise throwing rocks at each other

What is the problem so well Banks have been bold boys these days well they want there cake and they want to eat it to. example Bank gives you a mortgage however the bank then packages all these mortgage together and sells them on the stock market. When no one buys and value of these mortgages drops they run to government for bailout or who will sell or buy government debt help us our else. They also take your money in secret and transfer it to London and play stock market with your money but they bring it back home next morning however they keep the profits from gambling your money. inside deals knowing how you trade and trading the stock market against you so the bank always makes money. Regulation well truthfully they know but look other way because you do not **** where you eat its a rule :p

18th June 2015, 20:22
Everything is on shaky ground right now, so I wouldn't dare to speculate either way.

18th June 2015, 22:22
Correction, Simon actually stated that preceding any crash the price of gold will increase rapidly. We need to be careful when quoting people as mistakes can lead to subsequent comments that don't apply.

19th June 2015, 03:47
The dollar is strengthening against other currencies for all the wrong reasons. The lack of dollar liquidity in currency markets is what is creating king dollar. I discuss this and much more daily on my blog Gray's Economy (http://http://https://mgray12.wordpress.com)