View Full Version : Evil at its worst...

29th July 2015, 16:56

Drone killing machines. A bird that makes you explode when you least expect it. Evil at its worst... This is the kind of stuff "Obama and crew" allows to continue. How can anyone be so cruel and allow something as evil as this to be created and used. Disgusting...

29th July 2015, 16:59
Are they only "allowing it", aren't they the engineers of it and creating it?

29th July 2015, 17:01
True, I updated the post. Thanks!

29th July 2015, 17:01
These operators must be mind-controlled, otherwise they surely could never sleep, or even live with their guilt!

29th July 2015, 22:37
I think it would only require a disconnect from empathy. Sociopath, psychopath etc. It wouldn't surprise me if the operators were chosen and trained because of some psychometric testing that identified these very traits that would be necessary.

29th July 2015, 22:49
Not sure what is going on in the photo, can you fill me in?

29th July 2015, 22:52
It's actually very easy, really. All one has to do is invent violent first-person shooter video games based upon real-life war events and stick people in front of their televisions all day screaming at their opponents who play against them from the other side of the world. After a while of playing, they get so absorbed in the video game, that their competitive edge takes over and they cannot even fathom occupying their time doing anything else.


Because they play these violent video games during their High School years, their grades slip and they cannot get into any colleges. Then the military sweeps them off their feet with promises of a good future, and they fall into the mind-control trap by drinking American exceptionalism Kool-aid. Then they give these brain-dead soldiers a joystick, and tell them to sit in front of a screen and pretend they are playing a video game. Only this time they are actually operating a real drone and killing real people, but they are so desensitized from playing those video games that they do not see the difference.

Very simple, really. :)

East Sun
29th July 2015, 23:06
Good observation, Anakie,
And it may have been the same way through all the DNA manipulation through time and space with the 'gods' as they 'created' us and the other life forms on all the planets through space.

Forget religion, that's a creation of theirs to manipulate us and to take over more planets in space.
Poor, poor humans, so gullible as slaves.

Where will it end? Probably never will...so much space and no limited time.............

Fellow Aspirant
30th July 2015, 00:10
The drone program, it turns out, has a pretty high rate of attrition for its pilots: PTSD is the most common problem, but suicide has also become an issue. Here's a link to a brilliant story of the pilots' working days and the attendant dilemmas:


Here's a straighforward info piece about the "burden" the program places on its operators:


But the question is, what makes this kind of killing different/worse/more evil than the old fashioned "put'im in your sights and blow his head off with a rifle bullet" kind? Seems like quibbling to me.


East Sun
30th July 2015, 00:23
It's all brainwashing and manipulation of innocents to believe they're doing the right thing, by the bastards who hate human life.......

They are the same bastards who the British, put up with, the hybrid vampire-blood sucking child murdering flesh eating gross pedophile monarchs.

Is that plain enough...

And while I'm at it....

include the JESUITS, the scourge of the entire world through history, who hijacked the Christian Church and made it evil beyond belief....

30th July 2015, 02:27
Thank you, Robin, that's the story in a nutshell. Unfortunately, at the present time, the sad fact is that there are quite a few more of these "hardcore gamers" than there are "awakened ones". The lines to the FEMA camps will be plenty long and filled with these brain-dead unfortunates, desperate for their electricity. Title of the video is interesting: "Call Of Duty: FUNNY Gamers Rage Compilation #56". I may gasp, but they do indeed find this more than amusing.

I pray for the ultimate well-being of these poor duped saps, these drone pilots; at the same time I have little sympathy. They knew what they were getting into, they knew what the job entailed, and still they stepped up to the plate and said, Yes I'll take the money and I'll do the job. Even these saps have heard it their whole life:

Everything you do comes back to you
What comes around goes around
You reap what you sow

30th July 2015, 02:44
Is your sense of morality outraged only because these men have a cup of coffee in the office break room at 8:30am and start killing people at 9am. Then they go to Mcdonalds between 12 -1pm and continue killing between 1-5pm. Is this why people are upset. Does the anger grow more intense because the method of killing is so cold and calculated? Would you feel better if these men went to the front lines and killed people in a fair fight? Is it really more evil to kill people from the comfort of an office instead of the war zone.

It is very frustrating that the discussion (everywhere not just here) always centers around an issue that never addresses the core problems. War and the root cause for it. Fear, oil, money, resources, religion, lack of education, lack of leadership, corruption, government failure etc.

This is true of every major world crisis or problem. Take immigration for example, everyone wants to build a fence, or welcome immigrants with open arms. No one wants to talk about what brings them here in the first place, corruption, fear of cartels, lack of money, cheap labor for businesses, lack of jobs and education in their own countries.

The media and politicians never want to focus on actually solving the problem. They would rather spend billions on something that will never ever stop or rectify the problems. People feel better when their politicians are making and effort to solve these problems. We think............thank goodness somebody is doing something about it. The Truth is they caused, they nuture it and they make the problem grow.

The media and politicians want us to choose sides and they do their best to pit us against each other. They minute they get us to accept their labels, (black, white, democrat, republican, rich, gay etc) they have succeeded in hijacking any discussion that might actually solve real problems. They have deflected any responsibility for causing these wars, crises or problems in the first place.

Does it really matter how people die, shouldn't we focus on why they die instead?

noxon medem
30th July 2015, 02:57
" Evil at its worst... "

Is, or could it here/there be
- Evil at its best ?!?
( maybe ) ...

;- )

30th July 2015, 03:01
It is not the drones that kill but the intentions of those that operate them.

noxon medem
30th July 2015, 03:07
It is not the drones that kill but the intentions of those that operate them.

Those "gamers" suffer from limbo of being excempt of guilt and responsability from " their official society"
and still will suffer the personal and karmic consequense of those actions ..

Be well, you and all .


30th July 2015, 03:52
Not sure what is going on in the photo, can you fill me in?

This is evidently a training exercise because the same thing is on both screens, but they are operating pilotless airplanes and are about to drop a bomb on the white vehicle and kill all on board. Probably the one on the right is training and the one on the left is doing it for real.

East Sun
30th July 2015, 22:28
Yeah, rgray222,

We should observe who causes 'people' to allow themselves to kill as if it was the normal thing to do.

Please check out post #10..........

31st July 2015, 09:57
It's the lack of due process I consider to be the "truly evil" bit here. I've no doubt some of these people being targeted are planning attacks on US citizens abroad. But all of the “legal” criteria are determined in secret behind people's backs by the White House with advice from the Justice Department, with no oversight or accountability. Ultimately it is Obama who decides who to kill and when. What's to stop someone (and their children) borrowing the wrong cell phone and getting blown away as a result? This has for too long long been a slippery slope.

Attorney General Eric Holder said in 2012, declaring, in a veiled reference to al-Awlaki, “that a careful and thorough executive branch review of the facts in a case amounts to ‘due process’ and that the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment protection against depriving a citizen of his or her life without due process of law does not mandate a ‘judicial process’.”

In other words, stuff the courts.

East Sun
31st July 2015, 12:31
Is your sense of morality outraged only because these men have a cup of coffee in the office break room at 8:30am and start killing people at 9am. Then they go to Mcdonalds between 12 -1pm and continue killing between 1-5pm. Is this why people are upset. Does the anger grow more intense because the method of killing is so cold and calculated? Would you feel better if these men went to the front lines and killed people in a fair fight? Is it really more evil to kill people from the comfort of an office instead of the war zone.

It is very frustrating that the discussion (everywhere not just here) always centers around an issue that never addresses the core problems. War and the root cause for it. Fear, oil, money, resources, religion, lack of education, lack of leadership, corruption, government failure etc.

This is true of every major world crisis or problem. Take immigration for example, everyone wants to build a fence, or welcome immigrants with open arms. No one wants to talk about what brings them here in the first place, corruption, fear of cartels, lack of money, cheap labor for businesses, lack of jobs and education in their own countries.

The media and politicians never want to focus on actually solving the problem. They would rather spend billions on something that will never ever stop or rectify the problems. People feel better when their politicians are making and effort to solve these problems. We think............thank goodness somebody is doing something about it. The Truth is they caused, they nuture it and they make the problem grow.

The media and politicians want us to choose sides and they do their best to pit us against each other. They minute they get us to accept their labels, (black, white, democrat, republican, rich, gay etc) they have succeeded in hijacking any discussion that might actually solve real problems. They have deflected any responsibility for causing these wars, crises or problems in the first place.

Does it really matter how people die, shouldn't we focus on why they die instead?

These are my observations:

David Icke did a great documentary a few years ago on the Vatican, not going into the Jesuit department.

Alec Jones who goes head-on into the fray with most things recently mentioned the role of the Jesuits in world affairs.

Eric Jon Phelps wrote extensible 1000 page book on the Jesuits and their assignation of Kings, Popes and politicians throughout the world. He is the only one courageous enough to call them out in any detail.

I grew up Catholic just so you know where I'm coming from.

If you have not done research into them please do. They more than any other 'group' have started wars and are the most evil on the Earth.
(more later)

31st July 2015, 13:31
It's actually very easy, really. All one has to do is invent violent first-person shooter video games based upon real-life war events and stick people in front of their televisions all day screaming at their opponents who play against them from the other side of the world. After a while of playing, they get so absorbed in the video game, that their competitive edge takes over and they cannot even fathom occupying their time doing anything else.


Because they play these violent video games during their High School years, their grades slip and they cannot get into any colleges. Then the military sweeps them off their feet with promises of a good future, and they fall into the mind-control trap by drinking American exceptionalism Kool-aid. Then they give these brain-dead soldiers a joystick, and tell them to sit in front of a screen and pretend they are playing a video game. Only this time they are actually operating a real drone and killing real people, but they are so desensitized from playing those video games that they do not see the difference.

Very simple, really. :)

Beautifully stated, Robin!! If I might add one thing. They can believe that they are doing it to maintain the "freedom and democracy" of US citizens. To do this, of course, they must never examine that thought. And in the mainstream mentality no one will dare say anything against it. That is one of the politically correct memes that is upheld in the US. Never say anything other than absolute praise about anyone "fighting" for our country.

East Sun
1st August 2015, 13:38
The OWO is really pushing real hard to cause CHAOS so that they implement their PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION. And now the Jesuit Black/White Pope is on the bandwagon with the chaos, reaction, solution agenda to join with O'nation, and the rest of the politicians (most). the media etc.

"Things will get a lot worse before they get better."