View Full Version : I want to talk about ME!

3rd August 2015, 19:12
Have you ever asked yourself, 'Who am I?'.

I did, a lot. I had so many questions about existence. What did it all mean? Quite frankly I knew at quite an early age that I didn't understand anything. I may not have been able to formulate the concept in that fashion then, but, yes, I was aware of it. There was always a feeling of unease, disquiet. It wasn't constant, but it would always re-surface. It has never left me (us).

So nothing has changed. I still do not understand anything, but I have learnt a lot. I'm sure you have all learnt a lot also, but I hope, like me, you are still learning and that WE have not allowed any belief/thought to become concrete.

This isn't really about ME. It is about US, WE are all the same. Literally.

I have read much through the years, as I am sure we have all done, we that find ourselves here on Avalon. Are YOU aware, as I am, that at times we did not understand what we were reading; but revisiting a concept or an idea later revealed a whole new understanding. Time works in our favour here it seems.

Is everyone still with me? Am I ever going to get to a point?

Ok, I want to tell you about our greatest discovery. EGO. A part of awakening should bring this realisation. Who are you?

Why am I presuming to tell you about this subject, when I am nothing. (Now that 'nothing' is spoken with the mindset of a controller, an elite, an EGO. As in you are Nothing! This obviously requires a caveat - which is, of course, compared to me!

EGO is that which is inside of you that wishes to control, it needs to take charge. It is the part that finds the idea of letting go, and just 'being', absolutely scary. It is the first to answer your internal dialogues and it always feels scared, uncertain, under threat. It is the seed of service to self, and the antithesis of service to all. Yet WE have identified with this madness as being a major part of US. For some it is the only thing in awareness.

I am going to take a guess here and suggest you all know this already. Do we find ourselves forgetting sometimes though, falling back asleep only to waken later and think - 'I' did it again?

Is that the EGO? I.

Every time 'I' say I is that an error? Is that where WE all went wrong? What should we say instead. I mean we all have a distinct sense of self. If we started saying WE everyone else would think we were crazy.

What is that sense of self? Can I tell you my best guess? It is the glass bottle that sits between a drop of water and the ocean that surrounds it.

Why am I sharing this concept. Because I am sad. I enjoy reading the posts on Project Avalon but frequently I see signs of EGO everywhere. (I am not immune).

I wanted to suggest an increased vigilance when browsing this beautiful place. If something upsets you, someone rubs you the wrong way and you feel annoyed...


This is a gift, an opportunity. It is a time for self-reflection and NOT responding to that first call to war by your EGO.

Instead of reacting in an instant, pause and consider. Did we ever do similar ourselves. Is this other drop in the ocean calling out for some recognition, some help, some love?
Did they even really mean what they said, did we possibly misunderstand, or did their EGO react without pause and now you are going to do the same.

Sleep on it if need be, the thread will still be there tomorrow. :)

There are so many words of wisdom in our collected readings, why can we not keep them forefront when we most require them.

Let those who are without error cast the first stone.

Judge not, lest you yourself be judged.

[Forgive the obvious christian references, there is a multitude of wisdom that could have been used instead but they sprang to mind as particularly apt.]

I am not without EGO, but WE are.

Who are WE. :silent:

4th August 2015, 01:18
Who am I?

It's a game played with shadows and reflections.

Who am I not?

4th August 2015, 04:57
According to his doctrine,
Non-doing is reality,
Emptiness is the truth,
And the ultimate meaning
Of things is vast and
He taught that human nature
In its beginning
As well as in the end
Is thoroughly good,
For it has its root
In that which is serene.

4th August 2015, 12:20
To just lump us all together and say that we are ALL the same... ain't quite right. cc.

Cuz I ain't like anyone else... nope!

Would need an entire thread to tell ya the ways in which I am "Difrnt"... than you. ccc.

OH!! BUT WAIT!!!???

I DO HAVE a thread!!

Yep!!! Do!! And "I" do talk about a few of the ways in which... WE AIN"T LIKE you... ccc.

just follow the link...ccc.

ENJOY!!! ccc.:wizard:

4th August 2015, 16:11

4th August 2015, 18:24
I did experience this a few times through meditation. Enjoy! :heart:


Troy Martin
4th August 2015, 20:49
I did experience this a few times through meditation. Enjoy! :heart:


I believe it is important to speciify that we are not god but rather of the species of what kind of lifeform god is, which is a difference. Half-truths open the mind to filling in the gaps with what we want to believe rather than the truth and that is one of the ways the ego is born.

5th August 2015, 14:07
I did experience this a few times through meditation. Enjoy! :heart:


I believe it is important to speciify that we are not god but rather of the species of what kind of lifeform god is, which is a difference...

Believing is not knowing! Believing is not enough, one needs to know...