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5th September 2015, 02:53
I have a few questions and I'm hoping those with more years of experience in these ancient arts/tools can help me answer them -- or at least to recommend further important readings/teachings that might lead me to these answers myself.

First, in your opinion, what is the true purpose of studying the ancient tools/arts/sciences of tarot and astrology (or the I-Ching or any other ancient predictive/divination practice)? What mysteries do these particular areas of study really hold and offer to teach us? And why do dark occultists supposedly study them in particular?

I have recently dabbled in learning the tarot and, to a lesser extent astrology, as an off-shoot of the tarot studies, but so far, the deeper mysteries elude me. I love the images in the tarot (I have the Rider-Waite and the Visconti Sforza decks) and I understand that the Major Arcana is telling the Fool's Journey -- the human experience -- while the minor arcana tells us about thoughts and ideas, paths and passions, physicality/manifestation and emotions/relationships. Sometimes I also even feel an "energy" coming from the various cards, but I still don't understand why tarot was so central to mystery schools like the Golden Dawn and OTO -- or why ancient scientists apparently studied astrology privately, even if ridiculing it publicly ("Millionaires don't study astrology -- billionaires do....")? Are these tools meant to help us tap into a higher level of consciousness? To predict/divine the future? To Know Ourselves? All of the above? Why do researchers such as Michael Tsarion (and David Wilcock, though I don't resonate with him anymore) believe we should all learn the tarot and astrology in particular as part of our ability to understand ourselves and what's happening in this reality? Has anyone found this to be the case?

It seems as if there are so many ways that people are currently going about trying to "understand" or break through or out of this reality. Some study ancient architecture (John Anthony West, for example), while others study the sacred numbers, geometry, tarot, astrology, the I-Ching.

Which tools are you most persuaded by -- and why?

5th September 2015, 06:35
I heard in India they closely guard their birthdate to prevent their enemies from using astrology against them!

My free report from Chaos Astrology was really accurate, even beyond the tendency to recognize yourself in any description. I also ordered a psychological horoscope analysis from Liz Greene that was accurate in a much deeper way, pretty cool!

Given the reports from people like Edgar Cayce I'm sure astrological bodies do affect us, but the way I understand it our personalities come first. With the help of guides we (those with good merit at least) decide what we want to work on in this life, select a family line with certain genetics and opportunities, and finally decide what time to be born, down to the minute sometimes! So I see the character traits as temporary, not who we really are, and a reflection of what we want to learn. I read one story about an outgoing soul being stuck with a really reserved personality and neither part was very happy!

Did you find value in tarot or astrology before you decided to learn it?

5th September 2015, 07:27
Tarot is my speciality, so we may speak privately as well, but to be quick and general about Tarot, each major Arcana is a path from one node on the Kaballistic tree of life to another. The fool and the magician are the two paths leading to Kethar, the top node. It is like studying the Kaballah in a very unique way. Such a thing is of much benefit! First, much wisdom held in the knowledge contained in each individual card. Empathizing with each is a meditation to easily remind us of the many lives we've lived. Second is the synchronicity and magic of which cards are drawn, in what order, and in what polarity. This adds to the study by making it personal and focused on feeling as well as detached and safe from all harm.

Astrology is predictive, it tells you how you are going to feel crazy things during the eclipse bc the eclipse and you are one-- whereas Tarot is explorative, it helps you uncover how you feel about the present to the point that you know what you must do. Each art has its purpose in divination, but all of them eventually lead back to the principals of the kaballah and principles of One.

Why they are related to "black" magic is because Black is the modern day word for "Khem" or the land of the pyramids during their prime as a lush land in the golden age. Black was positively connoted with the color of their soil, which could grow anything with ease. Black magic is just Khem magic, which OF COURSE is evil.

Seriously I could talk about this stuff all night, please ask me questions ♥♥ ♫

5th September 2015, 11:33
They all tell of "foretelling of coming events in history? The Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth(Bible/Genesis/beginning or Revelation/end) books also foretell of past, present and what has happened over the course of years throughout history of humans and "mankind." Of the eras gone by, with surviving remnant to begin again better, provided they know the history they've hidden. Why else would it be on every cave, hill, pyramid, cave drawing and script found?

5th September 2015, 19:02
Thanks Avuso and Fanna.
Avuso, I don’t think I saw much value (or truth) in them when I first started studying them. I did always like the look of tarot cards and once had my cards read a long time ago….but I started studying them in earnest after my fall down the rabbit hole in 2013 led me first to Jim Marr’s book, Rule by Secrecy. If you haven’t read it yourself yet, the Marrs book starts off with a retelling of U.S. history (it was published in 2000 so was pre-9-11), but then ends up in the very weird place of the Annunaki. While I had a hard time buying into the Annunaki tale at the time, it did begin my search for deeper truths beyond false flags and the political.

Eventually, this search had me listening to people like David Icke, Michael Tsarion, David Wilcock, Michael Tellinger, and of course, to the people being interviewed on Project Camelot. What I got out of many of these speakers/researchers was that the group controlling this world – and perhaps the world’s consciousness – has not only being doing so for thousands (and thousands) of years, but that this group of controllers seems to have the ability to do so ONLY due to having secret ancient knowledge that the rest of us don’t yet have – whether it is the truth about holograms, sacred geometry, Magick, science, quantum physics, etc. This then lead me to want to understand the so-called “Mystery Schools” and “Secret Societies” and to try to figure out what it is that “they” know that “we” don’t. I also wanted to understand whether these mystery schools were “good” or “bad” or both. So many conflicting opinions on this.

I was never very good at math or science, so I didn’t think I’d get very far with the study of numbers or geometry or physics. Astrology too, involves some math, in my limited experience, once you get past understanding your own birth chart. I took a beginners class, but started to feel lost when the teacher talked about secondary progressions, solar arcs, lunar arcs, etc. Maybe I just need to find a slower teacher! But anyway, tarot seemed the most accessible to the type of visual and verbal mind I seem to have. I’m not totally convinced of their usefulness yet—though as I said, sometimes I do feel like there’s an “energy” emanating from some of the cards (I am particularly drawn to the High Priestess, Strength, Tower, and the Star cards). I’m still interested enough to try to go deeper.

Fanna, I do understand that the tarot corresponds to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life – I know that astrology corresponds too, with each planet corresponding to a sephiroth (node). My understanding is also that the fool and the magician are on the top paths closest to Kether (one connecting from Binah, the other from Chockmah). But what does this really mean? Does this mean that each person may arrive at Kether as either the “fool” (unintentionally – perhaps innocently) or as the “magician” (more intentionally, by way of Will)? And since these two paths are already very close to the TOP of the Tree, it would seem that you need to go through all the other “personalities” of the Major Arcana first, beginning in Malkuth. But again, is that what the tarot is? An ancient way to understand human psychology – or is there true Magick in knowing how these ancient tools work and in understanding the correspondences? I guess I feel there’s something deeper that I’m not quite getting yet.

You have a positive/innocent explanation for why it is referred to as “Black” Magick. While that may indeed be the origin of the word usage, however, I don’t know how to reconcile the fact that this world seems to be controlled by people/beings that are not very nice and that have very old information that the rest of us don’t have. Humans seem to be continually manipulated into fighting in wars, killing humans and animals, and stepping over one another to fight for supposedly scarce resources. Before I “awoke,” I believed that this sad state of affairs was just human nature. Now I believe there’s something more going on behind the scenes – and that the Mystery Schools/Secret Societies that practice these ancient tools have perhaps played a large part in this dismal state of affairs. On the one hand, you hear the view that the Mystery Schools were simply the Keepers of Knowledge – and that they kept it hidden from the masses for a good/benevolent reason – to prevent it from being lost or misused by those who would abuse it or who were not equipped to use it properly. I can see that perspective and also think that these Mystery Schools have been vilified to keep the curious from questioning the status quo. On the other hand, there’s the view that the Mystery Schools and its practitioners (or at least some of them) have abused their secret knowledge to the detriment of the rest of Mankind. The Most Dangerous Book in the World, for example, posits that Black Magick and Black Magicians played a large part in the human sacrifice of 911. The evidence suggests to me that these ancient “tools” are indeed used both for good and for evil (as we understand those terms here). Numbers and dates and visual images/symbols do seem to matter a great deal to the so-called Controllers – but why? I can see why knowing Astrology might be advantageous – knowing when a certain type of energy is most available to be utilized makes a lot of sense. But what does the tarot do that makes it such a potentially powerful tool?

I would love to hear more about your thoughts on this Fanna!

5th September 2015, 21:15
That is one of the greatest secrets of the Kaballah studies; these are coded to the point of holography.

As you mentioned, the two paths to kethar are really more left/right brain entrances to the next octave. One involves the magicians godlike intellect that can balance all 4 elements, heaven, and earth forever. One involves the fool whose intuition and trust in the universe cradles her into this perfection through living.

At the exact same time, the path of the chakras is also found in the Kabbalah, virtually mapping out health and balance through allegory. What would this make our crown chakra within Kethar? Surely it is also coincidence that this helps understand the nature of the two hemispheres of our brain, ね?

This knowledge is not good or bad, it is not even Occult, that just means it is hidden. You will find a good teacher. Look within if you end up searching without and have no luck. Each tarot bruja has her own interpretations of her cards. This state of subjective synthesis with the cards, and thus the kaballah, comes with time and practice. So throw a tarot party with wine and a bunch of people with problems. The cards are a medium to expand our minds this way. Make study fun and joyous.

It is worth note that these powers may be used for ill. Many billionaires indeed use these same tools to divine a course of action aligned with their intent. However, this is for karma to sort out, not us. If your intention is pure, this whitewashed and Judeochristian viewing world that sees white as purity would call you a white mage. However, words and titles are silly anyway. It is only your intention that matters.

"I am free to love without bounds."
So long as i am centered in this mindset, i know that my divinations will not karmically trap me into causing harm as "payment" (though my heart shudders even mentioning the term in regards to this most enlightening study of love).

You have not chosen any of those particular major arcana cards accidentally, but here is not the place to discuss that. PM if you have interest in hearing more about those particular cards.

Fairy Friend
5th September 2015, 22:23
I too have studied Tarot and both tarot and astrology can delve into different areas of past, present and future. For me it awakened my ability to see the future. Both arts have layers of advancement, just like you progress from math to algebra to calculus to differential equations, these arts progress too.

Both arts can give you information and can be taken into many directions. People spend lifetimes studying these arts. A friend studied astrology and could read charts but her teacher had spent many years studying the art of astrology (hence a teacher). She was also a particle physicist. She claimed astrology was the harder art.

I have studied Tarot off and on, gaining layers of understanding but not a career choice for me. I spent only a year reading for others and decided it was not for me to take that path. But my understanding expanded greatly having done so. People can ask all kinds of questions. From spiritual, like “what is my purpose? Who am I? What am I going to be when I grow up?” …...or neutral questions, “Will I win the lottery?” …....or they come from negative places like, “Is my ex-husband sleeping with so and so? Can I get away with embezzling and murder?”.

My psychic teacher made her millions in real estate knowing who was lying, whether the roof was bad or if they really could or couldn't afford that house. She retired long before the housing market crisis. Matching certain houses with certain people. Tarot can help unlock certain abilities be it 'seeing' past present or future or be it visual, auditory, feeling energy, or some combination of these. People need help with all things in life including health, love, money.... We are all different.

I have studied hard core sciences and found tarot can be equally challenging. Enjoy unlocking your layers of mysteries. I see Fanna said very similar things. Hope I am not interrupting the flow. Nice to see another Tarot reader here.

Intuitive Fish
3rd October 2016, 06:43
awakeningmom, this is such a beautiful question and I only wish you would've received more replies. I was happy to find this thread in the forum search.

I've run the whole gamut with tarot by rejecting it as evil during my religious upbringing, to exalting it as a supernatural phenomenon after I was no longer religious to being disillusioned with the undeniable fraudulent use of it to thinking, "Well, tarot is just a tool and like any tool, it depends on how you use it."

I gained a new perspective yet again when I began studying tarot's possible esoteric history. I'm convinced that esoteric astrology is the most accurate way to interpret the cards, and the secrets of the universe has remained safely hidden within the tarot system.

The popular belief that it started out as just a playing card game is just one of the ways these esoteric truths have been preserved under disguise, and remain accessible to the public. Divination has existed far too long to believe tarot is just a game; plus some of the earliest cards discovered had inscriptions of life guidance on them. When was the last time you played poker to be inspired by higher wisdom? Yet, like all esoteric truths, it requires some kind of code to unlock them or in other words, see them. Maybe we receive that "code" once we've done our inner work and we've learned a certain amount of excruciating soul lessons?

All I know is that tarot opened up a whole new world for me and I use it now to bypass all the social conditioning and disinfo in my own head to get to the truth and heart of a matter in a very personal way. It's also surprisingly practical. Tarot helps me figure out my business plan to what I should eat to who I can trust or how to resolve problems and make life decisions.... There's clearly (to me) some kind of force of consciousness or entities (and they're not always benevolent entities) speaking through the cards but ultimately it's a way to potentially connect to your core or most authentic self, which some call "Source". Maybe the cards don't necessarily hold those higher truths themselves, as much as they're designed to draw them out from within us - if they stay true to their origins, that is.

Although anything can be used for divination like Carl Jung's inkblot method, modern cards and tarot interpretations seem to have gotten off track to some degree. So I'm in the process of researching and restoring those possible original tarot card meanings. The tarot system, and there definitely is a system, makes a lot more logical sense to me when they stay true to universal laws in their basic structure. They can branch out in all kinds of unique, creative outlets beyond that, but their foundation is imperative.

Fanna, I do understand that the tarot corresponds to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life – I know that astrology corresponds too, with each planet corresponding to a sephiroth (node). My understanding is also that the fool and the magician are on the top paths closest to Kether (one connecting from Binah, the other from Chockmah). But what does this really mean? Does this mean that each person may arrive at Kether as either the “fool” (unintentionally – perhaps innocently) or as the “magician” (more intentionally, by way of Will)? And since these two paths are already very close to the TOP of the Tree, it would seem that you need to go through all the other “personalities” of the Major Arcana first, beginning in Malkuth. But again, is that what the tarot is? An ancient way to understand human psychology – or is there true Magick in knowing how these ancient tools work and in understanding the correspondences? I guess I feel there’s something deeper that I’m not quite getting yet.

To me, the two tarot paths represent the esoteric (The Fool) and the exoteric (The Magician.) When I was studying card interpretations, it was clear that every card could be viewed as material life guidance or as soul wisdom the initiate on the awakened path. The ultimate objective is to bring the two paths together, or live from the soul in the material realm, or "bring heaven to Earth".... There are lots of different ways to describe this. Some call it enlightenment.

And yes, the magical arts can be used for benevolent intentions or intentions to harm. It's clear to me that certain secret societies have used it for control purposes, which is why it's so difficult to find accurate information, and in some cases any information at all. Thank you again for your post!

8th October 2016, 22:31
I am an astrologer (Evolutionary Astrology) - which looks at the souls intention in this life. Looking directly at generations and behavior patterns.

The problem that most people have with astrology is that they were taught some elementary version and do not have a clue as to it's use or purpose.
Astrology is the study of human behavior. People focus on 'predictive astrology' and then classify everything Astrology under that - lies. Focus on the present. The right now - that determines the future. So looking to astrology or anything outside of yourself to determine the future is unproductive and establishes false expectations.

Even religiously, what is talked bad about regarding Astrology has to do with knowing the future. Predictive ANYTHING, the bible has a problem with. People can believe in whatever they want to believe in but there are some very basic elements to life. That have nothing to do with a belief system and it's the one we deal with each other on a day to day basis. So Astrology looks at everything from day to day 'habits' to your spiritual development. It's literally a map of life when you see the patterned behavior: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Without them we can't be here. Astrology gives you a complete overview of your life in every department.

Saying - "I am a Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces" is saying "I am Action, Value, Intelligence, Emotion, Ego, Conflict, Relationships, Confrontation, Beliefs, Reputation, Individuality, Spiritual. The planets rule those signs. It's a complete system. It's not just about your ego sign... you have other aspects of life to attend to. Astrology is a wake up call to your awareness of your behavior.

People tend to only pay attention to the Sun sign (birthday sign). However, saying "I am a _____ whatever sign" is just like saying - "My EGO is in Virgo" My EGO is in Libra, My EGO is in Aries" It has nothing to do with your actions, emotions, moods, belief system, etc.. it's only your ego. Then incorrectly look at other people the same sign, looking at everything under the sun except the basic core ego saying, "hey! he's a Virgo and a neat freak and I'm not a neat freak!" Well, unless you were born at the same place and time, that other person your looking at is going to have core differences from you. it's what makes us complicated.

There is a basic truth to life The only thing you have 'control' over are your moment to moment choices. You are either making positive or negative choices: you can call it good/bad, god/devil, positive/negative, yin/yang - whatever. That individual choice dictates the effect of events to come. Those choices make one person of a sign differ from another person of the same sign. For example: Gemini is the sign of communication and gathering information, they also have to learn that not everything that comes into their mind; needs to come out of their mouths - you can either use that positively or negatively. The positive use can be seen in Gemini's like Morgan Freeman/JFK/Angelina Jolie then you get other Gemini's who take the more negative traits and you get the verbal diarrhea of Gemini's: Donald Trump/Kanye West/Clint Eastwood.

People also treat Astrology the same way they treat Politics and Religion - like their sign is some type of fraternity/sorority they belong to instead of looking at their sign as a piece to the pie of life.
No sign is more important than another, to think that would be to say your actions (Aries) are more important than your values (Taurus), or your emotions (Cancer) are more important than your belief system (Sagittarius) they are not. It's all apart of a system. Astrology can actually solve many issues in your life just by understanding planet relationships and sign relationships.

For example: my partner has the planet Mars next to the planet Moon in his chart (called a conjunction). That immediately let's me know that his actions (Mars) are heavily tied to his emotions (Moon) = and they are to say the least lol. The moon also represents the mother (who helps molds our emotions) so when you put a disruptive planet like 'Mars' next to the moon = that energy is interpreted in human behavior as friction between the mother and child.

Now, life is about perspective, so flip that perspective - Mars just wants to take action or it gets irritated, the moon wants to be emotional so I told him "instead of doing nothing with your mom - where you end up sitting around arguing for no reason about nothing - go out and do something ACTIVE with your MOTHER, like join a gym or workout in nature - take mom on a hike. That way you can do something active (satisfying Mars), that's going to improve both of you physically - making you in turn 'feel' (emotions) better and it's quality time with your mother (satisfying the Moon)." He did it and their relationship is stronger than ever. OR if it's someone with Mars next to the Sun, instead of the moon would have issues with the father and son. It just varies from person to person based off of where and when you were born.

There is no big magical meaning and workings of Astrology it's just a big map of everything we experience in life and shows (through planet placement) where energy lies within YOU. You also need some basic Astronomy and mathematical meaning.
It's about being honest with yourself and facing and dealing with your problems.

You can even do mundane Astrology which is the study of events (which is anything that has a start date from the start of your wedding (which is the sign ruling your marriage) to the start of countries -- like America. An EMOTIONALLY DRIVEN - Caner nation. 7/4/1776. So all the "everything's so PC" people are going to have to get over it because we are meant to be a compassionate nation; especially in a world of hostel Fire and Air Nations.

Evolutionary Astrology also deals in generations (which is why our souls came into this life) - there is a natural theme you can just simply look around to those around you and see it. I was born in 79 so I'm apart of the Libra Generation (1970-1982) Libra sign of balance, equality, beauty, extremes vs. fairness, personal/love relationships = what were the 70's about? Then it became dark, secretive, hidden agendas, hidden natural resources - Scorpio 1982-1994) hopeful, bright colors, religious belief, higher education/intercontinental relationships Sagittarius 1994-2008, now America is having a Pluto return meaning the soul has returned to where it was when it started in 1776.

So in other words, everything in America is in transition being restructured and changed. Capricorn rules Government, Reputation, Career, Social Standing, housing market...when did it most recently crash? Yup, when the energy changed in 2007-2008 into Capricorn. After over 250 years of doing the same thing over and over again, everything begin to 'change' in America...just look at politically what's happened since 2008, we went from first black president to 2 lunatics, continuing to deconstruct and expose the truth of our system. It's a Joke.

The symbolism alone for the next "2020" election has huge ramifications. There is a revolution coming - it's unfortunate that it's happening while we're more than likely going to go into world conflict but it's our struggle as a nation. Good bye 2 party system ... in fact entire governmental structure as we know it. This process continues until 2025.

It's best to go with the 3 constants energy cycles: Cardinal/Fixed/Mutable. Meaning we are always in a state of starting something, preserving something and letting something go, and when you give into that understanding and go with the flow of life it makes life more beautiful.

9th October 2016, 02:38
First, in your opinion, what is the true purpose of studying the ancient tools/arts/sciences of tarot and astrology (or the I-Ching or any other ancient predictive/divination practice)? What mysteries do these particular areas of study really hold and offer to teach us?

I haven't used Tarot in a long time, but I do use the iChing. The iChing frustrated me for a long time, until I had a breakthrough with the question aspect, how to phrase my issue.

I've learned to say, "What lesson am I supposed to learn from this event?", and as a consequence, the answers make perfect sense to me now.

9th October 2016, 08:23
As I know, tarot, astrology, the I-Ching..are different knowledge about the same system of this world. The "inner wheel" as some may call it.
A quote from one of my favourite astrologer:"Astrology is not essentially about the accurate placements of the planets and the rules of interpretation and the industry of scholarship which builds up around such a tradition - useful, though distinctly secondary, as that scholarship is. Astrology essentially concerns using its own symbols as a prism to experience the Secret Fire.....It is an inner thing that is probably best expressed,The planets as daemons, shape-shifting forces or beings that are “linked to the fate of individuals, just like the personal daimons, described by Plato in The Republic, which are assigned to us at birth and control our destiny.”

Intuitive Fish
10th October 2016, 04:39
I am an astrologer (Evolutionary Astrology) - which looks at the souls intention in this life. Looking directly at generations and behavior patterns.

... So Astrology looks at everything from day to day 'habits' to your spiritual development. It's literally a map of life when you see the patterned behavior: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Without them we can't be here. Astrology gives you a complete overview of your life in every department....

It's best to go with the 3 constants energy cycles: Cardinal/Fixed/Mutable. Meaning we are always in a state of starting something, preserving something and letting something go, and when you give into that understanding and go with the flow of life it makes life more beautiful.

I have to say I'm not sure how I feel about following a predetermined or preset life pattern but the same could be said about tarot. There's clearly an evolutionary path we all seem to be following, which is mapped out by astrology, tarot and other systems. While we're each at different places with unique experiences and perspectives, that universal path seems to be the same for all of us. Which is why people exclaim, "OMG, that is so true!" when they get a tarot reading. It's true for all of us, at different points on the map. It would seem we're here to experience all of it.

VirgoSun79, do you recommend any quality sources for learning more about evolutionary astrology? Or its possible origins?

Intuitive Fish
10th October 2016, 04:46
I haven't used Tarot in a long time, but I do use the iChing. The iChing frustrated me for a long time, until I had a breakthrough with the question aspect, how to phrase my issue.

I've learned to say, "What lesson am I supposed to learn from this event?", and as a consequence, the answers make perfect sense to me now.

Get this. I always assumed as most people do that tarot originated in Egypt, but there's evidence it originated in the East as Chinese money cards or Korean fighting arrows.

If so, this gives tarot a whole different foundation in Eastern mysticism, which is also contained in the ancient wisdom of iChing.

Uncle Mikey
15th October 2016, 05:40
...what is the true purpose of studying the ancient tools/arts/sciences of tarot...

One must understand the Symbology on the Cards themselves *first* before One can even begin to discover the answers to these questions.

First of all, they stem from the Christian Bible.

Secondly, they are designed to be blasphemous to Christian beliefs and ideology to the trained eye, but to the Profane, they appear 'mysterious', 'cute', 'sexy', 'alluring', 'Wise', 'Inviting' etc. in order to dupe the ignorant.

Thirdly, the One's who Truly know the ultimate Secrets of these Cards and their intent, use these uninformed 'dupes' as Guinea Pigs in a type of Magick that is very sick and profoundly wicked.

There is a reason these dupes are called 'Fools' and are on the 'Fools Journey'.

99.9% of those that play with Tarot fall into the category above and are absolutely unaware of what they are doing.

Here is a test:

This is Taro Card Number 02, the High Priestess...


See if you can answer these questions...

A) Who is this Woman?

B) Where is She?

C) Why is She there?

D) Which direction is She facing and Why?

If One can answer correctly, One has great Wisdom indeed.


Intuitive Fish
15th October 2016, 09:21
...what is the true purpose of studying the ancient tools/arts/sciences of tarot...

Here is a test:

This is Taro Card Number 02, the High Priestess...


See if you can answer these questions...

A) Who is this Woman?

B) Where is She?

C) Why is She there?

D) Which direction is She facing and Why?

If One can answer correctly, One has great Wisdom indeed.


Are you going to tell us the answers? Or are you going to hoard that .1% of truth all to yourself? ;)

Uncle Mikey
15th October 2016, 17:56
Are you going to tell us the answers? Or are you going to hoard that .1% of truth all to yourself? ;)

I hesitate to say too much because I take this subject very seriously and thus I can be very terse with my responses.

This stuff really rustles my jimmies.


I'm not too familiar with the audience here on this forum, but they seem to be much more behaved than other places I've been.

Obviously after reading your glowing review of this subject, you and I aren't exactly destined to be BFF any time soon.

But whatever, I'll contribute to this thread a bit in hopes I'm not wasting my time.

Hold on, I'll write something up...


Uncle Mikey
15th October 2016, 18:19
Let's begin with where this Entity is sitting...


The J and B of course stand for Jachin and Boaz, the two Pillars in King Solomon's Temple described in the Bible...

2 Chronicles 3:17 (NIV)
"He erected the pillars in the front of the temple, one to the south and one to the north. The one to the south he named Jakin and the one to the north Boaz"

We see that J is South and Boaz is North and both are at the entrance of the Temple.

Thus the Entity is near the entrance, sitting *inside* the temple facing the Most Holy Place and the Ark of the Covenant.

More specifically, She is in the section of the Temple called the Holy Place.

Her back is towards the Rising Sun and Venus.

Anyone... and I mean anyone... with the most basic understanding of Christianity will tell you that this is an abomination.

Only the High Priest was allowed in the Temple, much less a Woman.

This Entity has not only violated God's rule, but his most strict one at that!

There are many verses describing this act...

Mark 13:14
"But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains"

Therefore, this Entity *IS* the Abomination of Desolation!


The most wicked and vile thing described in Scripture!!!

So much so that God has to destroy this planet and every living thing on it because of the consequences of this act.

That means babies, puppies, flowers and yes... even you Precious Snowflakes posting on this forum.

And you folks play with these cards like it's just oh so 'cute' and full of Wisdom and tra la laaa as we skip merrily towards our doom.

Makes me sick to see the ignorance our there in the name of stroking one's Ego and Role Playing and making oneself feel 'Special'.

For Shame.

BTW... I'm just barely scratching the surface here.

The Kabballah so called "Tree of Life" on the Veil behind her is anything but a Tree of Life.

It's the Tree of Death...

Oh, gee, but why would they call it The Tree of Life??!!???

Again it's all about duping the weak.


Uncle Mikey
15th October 2016, 18:28
OK, so maybe some of you are saying to yourselves...

"What do I care? I'm not Christian, nor do I believe in the Bible"

"It's all a bunch of hooey designed to control my Delicate Flower Mind"

"I'm waaaaaay too smart and Magickal for that!"


So you go around preaching Peace, Love and Harmony while blaspheming my God and stabbing me in the back the whole time?



Uncle Mikey
15th October 2016, 18:44
How about you folks get a skooling on what a Temple is eh?

And to think we are only on one card so far... lol.

OK, so the High Priestess is sitting in King Solomon's Temple right?

Let's see what a Temple is...

1 Corinthians 6:19
"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"

Well, would you look at that.

Temples are BODIES.

How do Bodies start ladies?

An Ovum? A Cell?

Yes, all Humans start out as a Single Cell... and that Cell is called a Temple or Tabernacle.

Now then... what I'm about to show you will go right over your heads and most of you will shrug it off as your Ego can't handle Truth...



So before any of you blab on and on about "Ooooh, she is in the Holy Place, I'm sooo scared... stupid Christians and their BS Religion", how about you ponder the deeper meaning of it all.

Just how did the Bible know about Cell Biology and manage to describe it so accurately during a time when no one had Microscopes?

So why is She there?

In an OVUM.

Wake up people.

You don't realize whom you serve and it's goal for the Human Race.


Daniel 2:43
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay"

That is what you are working towards you play with these cards and promote them.

It's called being a Useful Idiot.

A dupe. A sucker... for THEM.

Do any of you even grasp the meaning of that verse?

Good day.


Uncle Mikey
15th October 2016, 19:00
One last thing and I'll shut up...

The 'Tree of Life' on the veil.

Ten Eminations... yada yada.

What exactly is this Symbol?

Revelation 17:12
"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast"

That's right!

The Kaballah Tree of Life is none other than Satan, The False Prophet, The Beast and Mystery Babylon aaaaaaalll rolled into the single most wicked, disgusting symbol the Human Mind has ever "conceived" (and I do mean conceived... lol).

And you folks fall for it hook line and sinker!!!


You know? The thing Ray Kurzwell and the dopes at Gooogle are getting ready to put you in?

Yeah, that thing.

The Woman/Entity represents DA'AT... the Eleventh Sephiroth.

They all have One Mind... the Hive Mind of the Queen Bee.

Revelation 17:13
"These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast"

We call Her the Little Horn.

Enjoy the nightmare you have created people... you certainly have earned it!



15th October 2016, 19:28
That means babies, puppies, flowers and yes... even you Precious Snowflakes posting on this forum.

And you folks play with these cards like it's just oh so 'cute' and full of Wisdom and tra la laaa as we skip merrily towards our doom.

Do any of you even grasp the meaning of that verse?

So you go around preaching Peace, Love and Harmony while blaspheming my God and stabbing me in the back the whole time?


That is what you are working towards you play with these cards and promote them.

It's called being a Useful Idiot.

I'm not too familiar with the audience here on this forum, but they seem to be much more behaved than other places I've been.
Hummmm…..can’t imagine why prior audiences weren’t behaved while you lectured those cute, full of wisdom, snowflakes.


PS Based on a number of your posts and signature message, this snowflake guesses you are only here to promote - The Most Holy Place - Free eBook Released!. 26% of your total posts (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/search.php?searchid=14147909&pp=&page=2), i.e. 9 of the 35 posts overtly promote it.


william r sanford72
15th October 2016, 21:15
LOL!!! can we leave the..... "They all have One Mind... the Hive Mind of the Queen Bee".....Honeybees outta this.They take enough Flak on our behalf.:facepalm:



Intuitive Fish
17th October 2016, 04:26

More specifically, She is in the section of the Temple called the Holy Place.

Her back is towards the Rising Sun and Venus.

Anyone... and I mean anyone... with the most basic understanding of Christianity will tell you that this is an abomination.

Only the High Priest was allowed in the Temple, much less a Woman.

This Entity has not only violated God's rule, but his most strict one at that!


Therefore, this Entity *IS* the Abomination of Desolation!


The most wicked and vile thing described in Scripture!!!

So much so that God has to destroy this planet and every living thing on it because of the consequences of this act.

That means babies, puppies, flowers and yes... even you Precious Snowflakes posting on this forum.

And you folks play with these cards like it's just oh so 'cute' and full of Wisdom and tra la laaa as we skip merrily towards our doom.

Makes me sick to see the ignorance our there in the name of stroking one's Ego and Role Playing and making oneself feel 'Special'.

For Shame.

BTW... I'm just barely scratching the surface here.

The Kabballah so called "Tree of Life" on the Veil behind her is anything but a Tree of Life.

It's the Tree of Death...

Oh, gee, but why would they call it The Tree of Life??!!???

Again it's all about duping the weak.


Hah, well I gotta say that anyone who claims to know the ".1%" of truth while everyone else is an ignorant, egoic hypocrite who deserve God's total destructive wrath because a woman just happened upon his holy temple in a picture on a mere piece of cardboard... is an... interesting perspective.

Not to say your sacred Bible doesn't contain some important esoteric truths... but have you seen what they've done to it? Haha. It's been turned into an xenophobic weapon of exclusionary elitism by people who sure seem to have something against women. Curiously enough, your tarot card interpretation seems to reflect the same. It would be fun to get a reading from you just to see how that scheme plays out in more detail. ;)

I can't deny that tarot has been misused and abused by many (but not from you, I'm sure) and that symbology plays a role in tarot, just like it does in everything. But have you considered the possibility that the Waite Smith version of the High Priestess card could actually have something to do with a high priestess?

Not to state the obvious because that darn truth sure likes to take books and books and complex analogies to explain itself, and only then just to "dupe the weak." But then again, wouldn't that go against your God's holy word which says you have to become like children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven? I mean, maybe the truth is so simple, even a child can understand it.

But I wouldn't want to dent your elaborate theoretical system because that system probably makes you feel pretty special... which would then put you in the same category as us hypocrites and we can't have that.

Still, I have to say that tarot is so much more worthwhile when it helps us connect with others and appreciate the world in which we live instead of cursing them/it. Maybe something to consider.