View Full Version : Contact with the fairie folk

Old Wolf
8th September 2015, 12:38
I was hoping to get some advice. The fairie folk have contacted me about a half dozen times I can think of in the last 6 or so months. Mostly this has been in my dreams. I suspect many more contacts and quite a bit more dream manipulation from them. I can feel where they are but haven't seen them. I felt compelled to build a small garden for them in my yard .. just a pile of rocks with some small flowers beside them.

I don't know much about them and would like to learn more. It seems that they're fascinated with play, whatever form that might come in. When I've tried to interact with them in ways that make sense to me they seemingly only want to understand it if it's in the spirit of play?

They seem pleased enough with me. My research seems to indicate that they're not a group to toy with? I suppose I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experiences to share, positive or negative. Any advice or first hand information.


8th September 2015, 13:25
no personal experience. think it would be very interesting but it might be dangerous?





8th September 2015, 13:45
no personal experience. think it would be very interesting but it might be dangerous?





Yes, caution is required. In the old days, people were very wary or the fairies. Terms for them from days gone by like "the good folk" and the like are propitiatory because the fairies are very fickle and capricious, and could be quite harmful if you angered them.

Also, in the old days, the fairies were tall, and it was only in Victorian times...quite recently, actually, in terms of the fairy lore...that they became small, harmless, little beings. Kind of like the cherubim went from being tall, shining, fearsome beings to being pink, chubby, naked babies.

p.s. John Keel says that the fairies are simply one manifestation of the Ultraterrestrials, as are "ETs" and Virgin Mary sightings, etc. According to Keel, the Ultraterrestrials adapt their manifestations to the frame of reference of the percipient.

addition I should add that the phenomenon (what Keel calls the Ultraterrestrials) changes to reflect the dominant frame of reference of the times, but they still appear to suit the frame of reference of the individual percipient.

8th September 2015, 13:55
Interesting... I have felt the same over the last few months although I live in an apartment and no place to build a garden. I've been researching gardens, growing food, etc. in anticipation of moving in the near future. I've heard some interesting and funny stories from folks that have "worked" with faeries and the faerie realm.

This is not my story but one that I was told...

A young woman had taken the time to build a rose garden and asked the faeries for help. The garden grew and the roses were beautiful. After a few weeks, she noticed the roses dying, being cut off from the stems. Things were disappearing from her house. She finally asked an energy healing instructor for help and if he could "see" what was going on. He went directly to the faeries and asked why the rose garden was being destroyed and why items were disappearing in the house. The faeries answered, "we did not receive payment."

If you ask for help within this realm, expect to give back some sort of payment and honor, otherwise they will start taking things. The woman built a little faerie house in their honor and started leaving food. All of her belongings were eventually returned and the rose garden began to thrive again.

My take is if you want to build a garden and create space for the faeries, go for it. I don't know that I would actually "ask" for anything but just let them know it's a space for them.

I've only had one physical encounter... scared the crap out of me in the moment because I didn't know what it was but have since made peace. I don't "see" them but feel their presence. Since then, I see lots of things/movement out of the corner of my eyes. They seem to travel with me because when I pet sit, the animals tend to see them. I have actually had conversations out loud - "No rough play, no terrorizing the cats, everyone play nice!!" I realize I may sound like a crazy person but....

This past week I've been in another city house/pet sitting in a very old house. My first night in the house I had a difficult time falling asleep... I kept hearing pots and pans being rattled downstairs in the kitchen. I thought "great," this house is haunted... I asked a friend if they could take a look energetically to see what was there. She described something from the faerie realm she had never seen before, he has a large bulbous nose and wears a blue hat that looks similar to the hat worn by Napoleon (I can't make this stuff up, LOL). Apparently he has a sweet tooth. So I have been leaving a small treat when I go to bed... really!! LOL

8th September 2015, 13:55
Will and I have had contact with the Elementals, or Faeries.

We lived near a glade in the country that was guarded by two old sheoaks. The glade had a different energy from the rest of the property and was ideal for meditation. We always asked permission from the spirit of the sheoaks before entering the glade, and thanked it as we left, after leaving a gift of a cup of water for the trees. We used to put crystals and incense on the rocks in the glade and sometimes the crystals would disappear and then reappear some time later – sometimes they vanished altogether. Faeries can be mischievous. Once Will left a feather fan in the glade and it disappeared never to return – he had just paid a considerable amount to bring it into the country and it had to be specially quarantined etc – but we never saw it again! Will is convinced the faeries like chocolate and we used to leave bits of chocolate which always disappeared. They also like bright shiny things.

I think your idea to have a special garden is really nice – you could have mirrors and small hanging bells and a little pond. Of course they don’t like any area that has been poisoned with chemicals.

All aspects of creation are starting to want to communicate with each other as we move into a new paradigm on this planet. How fortunate that the faerie folk they have chosen to communicate with you! If you approach them with respect and love they will continue to visit you.

much love

8th September 2015, 14:04
Interesting... I have felt the same over the last few months although I live in an apartment and no place to build a garden. I've been researching gardens, growing food, etc. in anticipation of moving in the near future. I've heard some interesting and funny stories from folks that have "worked" with faeries and the faerie realm.

This is not my story but one that I was told...

A young woman had taken the time to build a rose garden and asked the faeries for help. The garden grew and the roses were beautiful. After a few weeks, she noticed the roses dying, being cut off from the stems. Things were disappearing from her house. She finally asked an energy healing instructor for help and if he could "see" what was going on. He went directly to the faeries and asked why the rose garden was being destroyed and why items were disappearing in the house. The faeries answered, "we did not receive payment."

If you ask for help within this realm, expect to give back some sort of payment and honor, otherwise they will start taking things. The woman built a little faerie house in their honor and started leaving food. All of her belongings were eventually returned and the rose garden began to thrive again.

My take is if you want to build a garden and create space for the faeries, go for it. I don't know that I would actually "ask" for anything but just let them know it's a space for them.

I've only had one physical encounter... scared the crap out of me in the moment because I didn't know what it was but have since made peace. I don't "see" them but feel their presence. Since then, I see lots of things/movement out of the corner of my eyes. They seem to travel with me because when I pet sit, the animals tend to see them. I have actually had conversations out loud - "No rough play, no terrorizing the cats, everyone play nice!!" I realize I may sound like a crazy person but....

This past week I've been in another city house/pet sitting in a very old house. My first night in the house I had a difficult time falling asleep... I kept hearing pots and pans being rattled downstairs in the kitchen. I thought "great," this house is haunted... I asked a friend if they could take a look energetically to see what was there. She described something from the faerie realm she had never seen before, he has a large bulbous nose and wears a blue hat that looks similar to the hat worn by Napoleon (I can't make this stuff up, LOL). Apparently he has a sweet tooth. So I have been leaving a small treat when I go to bed... really!! LOL

About seeing them out of the corner of your eye, yes. To see inorganic beings, use your peripheral vision, and resist the urge to use the center of your vision when you see movement. Train yourself to look and see with your peripheral vision, especially in half-light, like at dusk, or in low lamplight or candlelight. Be aware that you may also see floaters in your eyes, but learn what they look so that you can just ignore them.

p.s. great stories :)

8th September 2015, 16:03
I was hoping to get some advice. The fairie folk have contacted me about a half dozen times I can think of in the last 6 or so months. Mostly this has been in my dreams. I suspect many more contacts and quite a bit more dream manipulation from them. I can feel where they are but haven't seen them. I felt compelled to build a small garden for them in my yard .. just a pile of rocks with some small flowers beside them.
I don't know much about them and would like to learn more. It seems that they're fascinated with play, whatever form that might come in. When I've tried to interact with them in ways that make sense to me they seemingly only want to understand it if it's in the spirit of play?
They seem pleased enough with me. My research seems to indicate that they're not a group to toy with? I suppose I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experiences to share, positive or negative. Any advice or first hand information.

Yes, Mr.410, I have seen nature spirits and communicated with them. I was bloody ignorant some years ago when I intruded on what I "FELT" was a sacred space, and I sat there to meditate. It's a long story, but afterwards I saw two nature spirits appear to me and let me know their displeasure. They work with earth and her energies and were stationed at a strong energetic portal as protectors, but I had not realized I ought to have asked their permission.

I figuratively hit my head with the palm of my hand for being such an idiot - I had intruded into the space they were guarding. Shortly afterwards I went back and left things for them, crystals and such. I think I was even prompted to have left some food for them. I retrieved the crystals but never the food.

Now the really odd blind spot in me is this - back in the 1980s I had read Machaelle Small Wright's books, one of which is BEHAVING AS THOUGH THE GOD IN ALL LIFE MATTERED. Somewhere along the line I saw her recommendation that one dedicate a small place in your garden to the nature spirits, assuring them that it was for them to use and that you would not enter it. So I went out on my eight acres and picked a spot to give them, and I fashioned for myself a private little ceremony in which I formally made known to them my intention.

Now I had been more-or-less locked out of that home and land, and years later when my grown children and I gathered there to say "goodbye" to the place we'd lived for over 20 years, as we walked the land, I felt intuitively to ask daughter to snap a picture here or there. Later they showed large globular multi-coloured orbs. Even as we were talking, before I saw her photos, I sensed nature saying "goodbye" to me in honour.

A few years ago at a rented house I was moved to go out back and announce to nature that I wanted to garden that year with them, in co-creative cooperation. Suddenly I dashed inside and got my camera and began taking pics of the trees. When looked at they were full of shimmering coloured orbs, and one large "cloud being" that was over the old oak tree. You see, I had again "felt" their communication with me in response to my communication with them. A conversation, if you will.

Another time a thought occurred to me if one could summon sylphs. Then I looked over my head and dang it if there wasn't a cloud - one single cloud in an otherwise blue sky - that was shaped like a beautiful feather. It lasted but a minute or two. As I thought about this I thought, "Nah, can't be." But another day I thought to summon them and gosh darn it, there was another single cloud that appeared, also in a blue cloudless sky. It too lasted only briefly, and I felt the sense of communication again.

Point of all this, Mr.410, is that it is our natural ability to be able to communicate with ALL life. You don't develop skills usually until you attend to them and put them into practice and use them. So treat nature with respect and honour nature spirits by asking permission and leaving some exchange in their sacred area.

Writing this has left me with a hankering to see my old beloved land I used to walk, where I'd run out into the woods and hug a tree when family life was difficult for me. First is of the 8-acre land; second is of a sylph that appeared when I summoned it.

31075 31076

craig mitchell
8th September 2015, 16:11
All aspects of creation are starting to want to communicate with each other as we move into a new paradigm on this planet. How fortunate that the faerie folk they have chosen to communicate with you! If you approach them with respect and love they will continue to visit you.

much love

Callista, that's so true.

I have had some experience with the "Elementals" which, to my understanding, is a general term that includes the four Elements (which certainly are conscious) and fairies, gnomes and a host of others. When I communicate with them, I just call out internally or better yet, I think they like to be spoken to out loud . The Elementals love to be helpful and will assist in many ways. When we travel, I ask them to keep us safe and when I'm doing physical work or if I'm laboring under under unusual emotional, psychological pressure, they can really lighten my load.

Once I had them intervene in an encounter with a pesky young adult male Sasquatch which really didn't want me in "his" area. I called the Elementals and had them contact the one who was throwing all the big rocks and immediately it stopped......once I realized it was necessary to 'speak' in his language, he realized that I was not a threat.....then all was well.

I have had no negative or disturbing experiences with the Elementals and when they are helping it can be somewhat subtle but once you tune into their realm, you may realize that there has actually been significant change. They are rewarded by just you recognizing they are around and calling out to them, it's gratifying for them, though as posters on this thread have indicated, gifts are always appreciated! These beings are 2nd dimensional (which is why they are hard to actually see using our 3d eyes. I have never seen them but have felt them around when in the woods, around water and other sensual, natural places. They are playful but have a real job to do in attending to their part of creation and are constantly busy and unlike some of us, they love their work!

8th September 2015, 16:20
I just love stories like folks are telling here :)

One thing I have noticed, which I think is a being of some kind, is a kind of transparent, undulating shimmer, like a large, transparent snake that shimmers through the air at about the level of the tops of the sumacs...maybe 20 or so feet in the air. I see it sometimes when I sit quietly on my porch and look at the woods across from my house. It is not heat shimmer, or anything like that, and it is not because of astigmatism, etc.** It (or they) are about 2 feet in diameter and about 20 feet or so long, transparent and shimmery, kind of like water.

These things really are there. One just has to sit quietly and notice.

** I am always very careful not to leap to any conclusions about what I see. IMO it is very important to remain sober, while still being open and feeling the magic.

8th September 2015, 16:26
...They are rewarded by just you recognizing they are around and calling out to them, it's gratifying for them...

I have found this to be very true. One time some orbs were pinging off my aura as I sat reading. All they wanted was for me to acknowledge them, and when I did, they went about their business. It was a really neat, enjoyable little exchange :)

craig mitchell
8th September 2015, 16:37
One thing I have noticed, which I think is a being of some kind, is a kind of transparent, undulating shimmer, like a large, transparent snake that shimmers through the air at about the level of the tops of the sumacs...maybe 20 or so feet in the air. I see it sometimes when I sit quietly on my porch and look at the woods across from my house. It is not heat shimmer, or anything like that, and it is not because of astigmatism, etc.** It (or they) are about 2 feet in diameter and about 20 feet or so long, transparent and shimmery, kind of like water.


Selkie, that's fascinating and I haven't heard of this before now. I wonder what you make of all that. The only thing similar in my experience is that when there is an "other realm" kind of contact going on in front of me, it can appear as a wavy series of vague transparent lines that shimmer slightly, but nothing quite so large and at treetop level like you are seeing. When it has happened to me, there is something I had better pay attention to, a message like "hey pay attention, there's something here for you", and when I follow through on it, good things happen. So, do you try to communicate during these events or does that seem appropriate?

8th September 2015, 16:52
One thing I have noticed, which I think is a being of some kind, is a kind of transparent, undulating shimmer, like a large, transparent snake that shimmers through the air at about the level of the tops of the sumacs...maybe 20 or so feet in the air. I see it sometimes when I sit quietly on my porch and look at the woods across from my house. It is not heat shimmer, or anything like that, and it is not because of astigmatism, etc.** It (or they) are about 2 feet in diameter and about 20 feet or so long, transparent and shimmery, kind of like water.


Selkie, that's fascinating and I haven't heard of this before now. I wonder what you make of all that. The only thing similar in my experience is that when there is an "other realm" kind of contact going on in front of me, it can appear as a wavy series of vague transparent lines that shimmer slightly, but nothing quite so large and at treetop level like you are seeing. When it has happened to me, there is something I had better pay attention to, a message like "hey pay attention, there's something here for you", and when I follow through on it, good things happen. So, do you try to communicate during these events or does that seem appropriate?

I've never tried to communicate with whatever it is, but if I ever get the feeling that I should communicate, or that it wants to communicate, I certainly would follow it, like I did with the orbs. It would depend upon the feeling I get from them.

p.s. With the orbs, I just gave them a telepathic nod, and they were happy with that.

8th September 2015, 18:13
:) The Faerie Realm. These spirits love and reward those who can keep them a secret. I promise that in keeping your interactions with them to yourself, you greatly enhance the magic of it all and earn their trust, which is very important to them.

8th September 2015, 19:33
My grandmother who had 11 kids, and was as cute as a button (we called her mugsy lol) used to yell at the grandkids when we were in the woods to "never follow any faeries! Don't take anything from them! And don't tell them where you live!"... She was serious too if you ask my mom. Thing is my mom used to say behind her back "the fae just don't like her, leave them be and they'll leave you be".

Irish woman can be very contradicting...so I just took both of their advice and stuck it in the back of mind just incase ;)

Great stories, guys. Amazing experiences. I like that others ask permission from nature, I've been doing that since I was a kid, almost instinctually. I usually ask out loud, "am I allowed to be here?", and I keep a little portion of my very small backyard untouched and a little overgrown, not sure why just felt like it shouldn't be manicured. Maybe I'll hang some stuff for the faeries, if there are any in this city.

8th September 2015, 19:53
Amazing coincidence! I just read this article...

Firm warned of no fairytale ending if it destroys ring fort

Thursday, September 03, 2015
by Andrew Hamilton

The fairies will have their revenge.

Clare storyteller and friend of the fairies, Eddie Lenihan, has warned bad things will happen at the West Pharmaceutical Services factory in Waterford, if an ancient fairy fort is destroyed as part of the construction process.

The Crusheen man has written to the American company behind the factory, warning them that ill luck will follow all those involved in clearing the fairy fort — saying it is a question of when and not if, the fairies will decide to take their revenge.

The factory is currently under construction at Knockhouse in Waterford and is set to deliver more than 150 jobs to the locality when finished in 2018.

However, there were delays when local construction workers refused to remove a fairy fort — with workers set to be drafted in from elsewhere to demolish the fort and complete the construction of the factory.

“I am no campaigner, I just like to see things respected. I said to them [West Pharmaceutical Services], in that letter, that if that factory is built, and I hope the factory is built on another location because Waterford needs the jobs, but if it is built there, wait and see what happens.

“It’s not a matter of if it will close but when it will close. People will think you are a crank if you say something like this and there will be much laughter.

“I’d like it to be on the record anyway so that people can look back when something happens and see that they [the owners] were warned and didn’t pay attention.

“It will be more than bad luck, there are stories after stories of it. I’d be the first to be skeptical, I’m not one of those people who believes everything they hear. I’ve been collecting folklore for 40 years and a lot of the stories are bunkum, but not all... You can have one coincidence or two coincidences... but after awhile you realise that it can’t be a coincidence.”

The tri-vallate ring fort, estimated to be thousands of years old, is set to be cleared as part of the second phase of the factory’s construction.

A local group in Waterford is campaigning for the fort to be preserved and maintained as a tourist attraction inside the main factory building.


Not knowing what they were talking about and drawn by my love for archeology, I ended up at this FB page....WOW! What a place! It must be preserved!!!


8th September 2015, 19:55
I just felt like sharing one of my all time favorite songs in this thread. By Irish band Horslips.

We're the mystery of the lake when the water's still.
We're the laughter in the twilight
You can hear behind the hill.


8th September 2015, 20:36
Amazing coincidence! I just read this article...

Firm warned of no fairytale ending if it destroys ring fort

Thursday, September 03, 2015
by Andrew Hamilton

The fairies will have their revenge.

Clare storyteller and friend of the fairies, Eddie Lenihan, has warned bad things will happen at the West Pharmaceutical Services factory in Waterford, if an ancient fairy fort is destroyed as part of the construction process.

The Crusheen man has written to the American company behind the factory, warning them that ill luck will follow all those involved in clearing the fairy fort — saying it is a question of when and not if, the fairies will decide to take their revenge.

The factory is currently under construction at Knockhouse in Waterford and is set to deliver more than 150 jobs to the locality when finished in 2018.

However, there were delays when local construction workers refused to remove a fairy fort — with workers set to be drafted in from elsewhere to demolish the fort and complete the construction of the factory.

“I am no campaigner, I just like to see things respected. I said to them [West Pharmaceutical Services], in that letter, that if that factory is built, and I hope the factory is built on another location because Waterford needs the jobs, but if it is built there, wait and see what happens.

“It’s not a matter of if it will close but when it will close. People will think you are a crank if you say something like this and there will be much laughter.

“I’d like it to be on the record anyway so that people can look back when something happens and see that they [the owners] were warned and didn’t pay attention.

“It will be more than bad luck, there are stories after stories of it. I’d be the first to be skeptical, I’m not one of those people who believes everything they hear. I’ve been collecting folklore for 40 years and a lot of the stories are bunkum, but not all... You can have one coincidence or two coincidences... but after awhile you realise that it can’t be a coincidence.”

The tri-vallate ring fort, estimated to be thousands of years old, is set to be cleared as part of the second phase of the factory’s construction.

A local group in Waterford is campaigning for the fort to be preserved and maintained as a tourist attraction inside the main factory building.


Not knowing what they were talking about and drawn by my love for archeology, I ended up at this FB page....WOW! What a place! It must be preserved!!!



Around the 55 min mark there's a fascinating story from a man about his shadow being stolen by a faerie!

Old Wolf
8th September 2015, 21:07
Wow! So many great experiences. Thanks everyone.

I was out in the yard on the weekend and got the feeling to not walk through the little fairie garden .. there was a sort of 'ring' around it, so I avoided it. I think maybe it's now 'their place'. I've not asked them for anything and don't think I will. They've offered me assistance here and there. I'm not cautious when they do and they seem to have no demands on me when offering assistance. It seemed that it was important that once I offered to make the garden that it was actually made, I suspect that breaking promises to them isn't a good idea. I've been feeling that they'd like some water in the garden, I'll have to figure out how to do that in the right way.

What baffles me a bit is their size. In my dreams they've been about 4 feet tall and I'm sure they're spending time in the little garden, but the little garden is very tiny. I don't know how that works.

Similar to others, I've seen them out of the corner of my eyes. Usually little white flashes like fast moving whisps of white smoke.

Asking nature for permission is something I started doing a year or two back. I don't always do it but feel compelled to on some occasions. I thought I was communicating with the hairy folk who are very territorial. But perhaps the hairy folk and the fairie folk are so close to nature that the distinction isn't relevant?

I've been leaving apples out in the yard, they're always taken. I've only lost one item and it didn't bother me at all that they took it.

There's a place not far from me that feels very nice which is the main reason I moved up this way. Their presence seems particularly strong there, I'll have to visit that spot again soon. When I drove past that spot recently at night, I saw a whole collection of lights (orbs?) moving through the trees about 10-12 feet off the ground. Very clear, not just a glint from the corner of my eye. I guess they might have been saying hello.

It's interesting to hear that they're 2nd dimensional creatures, that hadn't occurred to me.


8th September 2015, 21:24
Wow! So many great experiences. Thanks everyone.

I was out in the yard on the weekend and got the feeling to not walk through the little fairie garden .. there was a sort of 'ring' around it, so I avoided it. I think maybe it's now 'their place'. I've not asked them for anything and don't think I will. They've offered me assistance here and there. I'm not cautious when they do and they seem to have no demands on me when offering assistance. It seemed that it was important that once I offered to make the garden that it was actually made, I suspect that breaking promises to them isn't a good idea. I've been feeling that they'd like some water in the garden, I'll have to figure out how to do that in the right way.

What baffles me a bit is their size. In my dreams they've been about 4 feet tall and I'm sure they're spending time in the little garden, but the little garden is very tiny. I don't know how that works.

Similar to others, I've seen them out of the corner of my eyes. Usually little white flashes like fast moving whisps of white smoke.

Asking nature for permission is something I started doing a year or two back. I don't always do it but feel compelled to on some occasions. I thought I was communicating with the hairy folk who are very territorial. But perhaps the hairy folk and the fairie folk are so close to nature that the distinction isn't relevant?

I've been leaving apples out in the yard, they're always taken. I've only lost one item and it didn't bother me at all that they took it.

There's a place not far from me that feels very nice which is the main reason I moved up this way. Their presence seems particularly strong there, I'll have to visit that spot again soon. When I drove past that spot recently at night, I saw a whole collection of lights (orbs?) moving through the trees about 10-12 feet off the ground. Very clear, not just a glint from the corner of my eye. I guess they might have been saying hello.

It's interesting to hear that they're 2nd dimensional creatures, that hadn't occurred to me.


When I saw what I call "the little beige people", they were about 4 feet tall, too.

8th September 2015, 23:14
Since couple years I have more conscious connection to nature and anytime I'm outdoor I embrace it.
I like diving and swimming in the sea and go at least couple times to the beach during the summer.
Each time when I'm there I thank nature for its beauty and all the life that she supports.

Once this summer when I came to the beach and started to place my towel
I heard the noise of something fall down from the height of at lest couple inches, but not thrown.
When I looked at it I saw one glass marble sitting on the surface of the sand. Not even in the sand.
Believe me, I have an eye on the stuff laying on the ground.
I'm finding money, jewelry, all sorts of objects very often.
But this glass marble wasn't there when I picked the spot for the towel.

My first thought was that someone or something thanked me for loving nature.

Of course I kept the marble:)

craig mitchell
9th September 2015, 03:54

"It's interesting to hear that they're 2nd dimensional creatures, that hadn't occurred to me."

They are 2d but very facile in moving from 2d on through 4d so they get around, from what I've learned.

"What baffles me a bit is their size. In my dreams they've been about 4 feet tall and I'm sure they're spending time in the little garden, but the little garden is very tiny. I don't know how that works."

Yea, how does that work? Apparently there are various beings, some quite tiny (perhaps akin to ST. Teresa's grandmother! ha ha) and in the lower 4th there are some rather nasty, ugly, and smelly characters.(phew!)

@ St. Teresa......your image logo thingy is hilarious! The faeries not liking your grandma sounds quite likely, we Irish can be hard headed.

@ Rollo....the marble experience seems to go along with the Sasquatch people but whoever plopped it there certainly wanted your attention, you lucky dog you.

9th September 2015, 14:12
I have no experience with faeries but what you say does not sound bad to me, and if you have your heart on which I'm sure you do I think you'd be able to tell by now if it was.
One thing I do know is, be prepared and be a little careful putting out calls to nature spirits in Australia because doing that also attracts Dulugal, and even a friendly dulugal might be a bit more than you want to deal with if you were not prepared for it.

9th September 2015, 16:32
Marbles seem to be special! I've also had some dropped for me. . .when I walk in nature, I find myself thinking to all the foliage, "How beautiful you are!" and often there is a response of some kind :)

Lovely thread!

9th September 2015, 16:41
Marbles seem to be special! I've also had some dropped for me. . .when I walk in nature, I find myself thinking to all the foliage, "How beautiful you are!" and often there is a response of some kind :)

Lovely thread!

Its weird...I find marbles, too. The best one I ever found was a large, transparent, cobalt blue one. I found it almost 35 year ago when I was walking across a baseball field. I had it for nearly 30 years, but someone stole it from me a few years back :(

p.s. Maybe the marbles I find are ones I lost in a previous life? Pun intended, :ROFL:

9th September 2015, 17:11
I wondered what "DULUGAL" was that our Australian friend above mentioned.

This article came up in internet search, but it is locked so that I cannot copy any excerpt from it to post here. But if you have interest in yahoo and dulugal being linked together, in little people being seen, even an aboriginal version of "angels", and huge powerful tall human-like people, then you might scan this article:

(It is titled "Aboriginal Legends".)


9th September 2015, 23:58
Since early childhood I have had friendships with nature spirits. These have been centered mostly around experiencing pure, intense joy, and have usually been majorly uplifting. I've also found that they flee straight away if one has any negative emotion. They differ from humans in that they're only interested in positive communication and emotions/feelings/sensations, the more positive the better.

For the first four years of my life, we lived down the street from a full-sized beach which hadn't been stripped of its natural vegetation the way many suburban beaches are. It was packed full of nature spirits of many varieties. I could see them, I guess because my mother was extremely clairvoyant and so communicating in "pictures" or "movies" seemed totally natural to me. I grew up having both human and nature-spirit friends, but the latter were much nicer. I find some of the remarks in this thread about how one should be careful with them there critters very offensive. Nature spirits are much purer and more innocent than humans. They don't ever deceive you or let you down or play any ego games. Part of my learning about relationships came from those guys. As a result, in my adolescence and early twenties, when I started going out with women I found it terribly confusing and unsettling how critical whoever I went on a date with would be. That was so different from the nature spirits, who gave you total acceptance (what a profound spiritual lesson!) -- unless they were trying to keep an area human-free, which they do because most humans psychically pollute anywhere they go, with thoughts or negative emotions.

Basically the nature spirits just want to be good friends and experience intense joy with you, if possible. I'm forced to the conclusion that many of the best jobs or business opportunities, and some of the best friendships and many of the best romantic relationships I have had were gifts from nature spirits. That's how deeply they care, if you can learn to truly care about them.

In nature, in each wild area or park there will be usually at least one or two "senior" nature spirits. These like to mostly stay near the tops of some of the tallest trees in the area. They have the very bright white/silver aura, with soft violet also, that one sees around and above the head of a human who has reached the lower stages of spiritual enlightenment. So they -- the senior ones -- are presumably more highly evolved spiritually than most humans are these days. Much of my communication tends to be with these beings.

craig mitchell
10th September 2015, 00:48
Nature spirits are much purer and more innocent than humans. They don't ever deceive you or let you down or play any ego games. Part of my learning about relationships came from those guys. As a result, in my adolescence and early twenties, when I started going out with women I found it terribly confusing and unsettling how critical whoever I went on a date with would be. That was so different from the nature spirits, who gave you total acceptance (what a profound spiritual lesson!) -- unless they were trying to keep an area human-free, which they do because most humans psychically pollute anywhere they go, with thoughts or negative emotions.

In nature, in each wild area or park there will be usually at least one or two "senior" nature spirits. These like to mostly stay near the tops of some of the tallest trees in the area. They have the very bright white/silver aura, with soft violet also, that one sees around and above the head of a human who has reached the lower stages of spiritual enlightenment. So they -- the senior ones -- are presumably more highly evolved spiritually than most humans are these days. Much of my communication tends to be with these beings.


It is so gratifying to read your post. Not only for the general (and deep) understanding you have of these beings, but for the details which help verify others' experiences.

I find this thread to be a great relief from the tiresome squabbling of the dunderheads trying to own and control everything in sight....the tyranny of those that know the price of everything and the value of nothing. The Purity is the secret key to so much, though it's not secret at all! Knowwadimean?

10th September 2015, 01:27
How heartening it is to read these stories and know how open we are becoming, more and more, to the life in all life. Years ago I was intrigued by the coloured drawings made of DEVAS and various nature spirits by Mr. Geoffrey Hodson (died 1983 at age 97 or so). I share them here. These guys are more the "higher ups", but he also saw grass fairies and dancing flower fairies - life is everywhere.

If you want a crackerjack talk about meeting PAN, the head honcho of Nature, Michael Roads has it on his website in one of his free audio downloads. He also speaks of his surprise at meeting a nature spirit dressed very nattily in green and brown outfit, and engaged the spirit in conversation asking where'd gotten those clothes (!) The little fellow assured him that they weren't clothes - that in fact, they were part of him.

Hearing Michael Roads relate that gave me great relief, for the little leprechaun who appeared to me was also dressed completely and perfectly, down to his leather shoes and hat. It relaxes a kind of inner tension within one to know that others see things similar to what you have experienced.

Here is the link to Mr. Roads free talks. Not sure which one spoke of Pan - perhaps it was "Nature Spirits". http://www.michaelroads.com/cds-and-dvds/free-talks.html


10th September 2015, 03:19
If you want a crackerjack talk about meeting PAN, the head honcho of Nature, Michael Roads has it on his website in one of his free audio downloads. He also speaks of his surprise at meeting a nature spirit dressed very nattily in green and brown outfit, and engaged the spirit in conversation asking where'd gotten those clothes (!) The little fellow assured him that they weren't clothes - that in fact, they were part of him.

Hearing Michael Roads relate that gave me great relief, for the little leprechaun who appeared to me was also dressed completely and perfectly, down to his leather shoes and hat. It relaxes a kind of inner tension within one to know that others see things similar to what you have experienced.

I've met Pan (I believe he's also known as Janus, and another name in the Tibetan traditions, and so on). Yes, I understand he and Gaia are supposed to be the supreme gods of Nature. I know Pan has been ever so intimately entangled with the planet seemingly forever, or at any rate on and on into the mists of the far distant past (of millions of years?). Not just Gaia, but Pan also. One of the forms Pan appears in that I've seen in the lower astral (as an alternative to looking like a fierce and very gigantic and wondrous Divine being) does look like a playful leprechaun about three feet tall, complete with the rustic Iolanthe outfit.

In the late seventies Pan was busy with liberating the spirits of former intelligent species who had had physical bodies on the planet and were no longer incarnating here physically, but had some unfinished business here. Also in assisting various Buddhas or gurus in enabling the spirits of former followers of theirs to achieve liberation from the physical world. Again, a super-generous being, with nothing but good will and heroism and super-intelligence.

As far as Mr Roads's drawings of senior nature spirits go, I agree that at their center they always have a bright white or a golden "ball". I don't see their forms as being as definite as the drawings suggest, but rather, it's like looking at a star close up, and seeing it twinkle now this way, now that. Also, the rosy pink color in two of the drawings would be what I'd probably identify as the astral color of affection, and maybe that nature spirit had special affection for the person making the drawings, but I wouldn't expect the base color of that deva in the astral to include that rosy color. And yes, every mountain has a huge and powerful nature spirit in charge of it.

10th September 2015, 03:57
I like songs like this:


Old Wolf
10th September 2015, 11:52
I'd love to hear more about Pan and your experiences with him / it / her :) I'd imagine that the information might deserve it's own thread. Perhaps there's one already I haven't seen?

Thanks TraineeHuman

10th September 2015, 12:49
I was hoping to get some advice. The fairie folk have contacted me about a half dozen times I can think of in the last 6 or so months. Mostly this has been in my dreams. I suspect many more contacts and quite a bit more dream manipulation from them. I can feel where they are but haven't seen them. I felt compelled to build a small garden for them in my yard .. just a pile of rocks with some small flowers beside them.
I don't know much about them and would like to learn more. It seems that they're fascinated with play, whatever form that might come in. When I've tried to interact with them in ways that make sense to me they seemingly only want to understand it if it's in the spirit of play?
They seem pleased enough with me. My research seems to indicate that they're not a group to toy with? I suppose I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experiences to share, positive or negative. Any advice or first hand information.

Yes, Mr.410, I have seen nature spirits and communicated with them. I was bloody ignorant some years ago when I intruded on what I "FELT" was a sacred space, and I sat there to meditate. It's a long story, but afterwards I saw two nature spirits appear to me and let me know their displeasure. They work with earth and her energies and were stationed at a strong energetic portal as protectors, but I had not realized I ought to have asked their permission.

I figuratively hit my head with the palm of my hand for being such an idiot - I had intruded into the space they were guarding. Shortly afterwards I went back and left things for them, crystals and such. I think I was even prompted to have left some food for them. I retrieved the crystals but never the food.

Now the really odd blind spot in me is this - back in the 1980s I had read Machaelle Small Wright's books, one of which is BEHAVING AS THOUGH THE GOD IN ALL LIFE MATTERED. Somewhere along the line I saw her recommendation that one dedicate a small place in your garden to the nature spirits, assuring them that it was for them to use and that you would not enter it. So I went out on my eight acres and picked a spot to give them, and I fashioned for myself a private little ceremony in which I formally made known to them my intention.

Now I had been more-or-less locked out of that home and land, and years later when my grown children and I gathered there to say "goodbye" to the place we'd lived for over 20 years, as we walked the land, I felt intuitively to ask daughter to snap a picture here or there. Later they showed large globular multi-coloured orbs. Even as we were talking, before I saw her photos, I sensed nature saying "goodbye" to me in honour.

A few years ago at a rented house I was moved to go out back and announce to nature that I wanted to garden that year with them, in co-creative cooperation. Suddenly I dashed inside and got my camera and began taking pics of the trees. When looked at they were full of shimmering coloured orbs, and one large "cloud being" that was over the old oak tree. You see, I had again "felt" their communication with me in response to my communication with them. A conversation, if you will.

Another time a thought occurred to me if one could summon sylphs. Then I looked over my head and dang it if there wasn't a cloud - one single cloud in an otherwise blue sky - that was shaped like a beautiful feather. It lasted but a minute or two. As I thought about this I thought, "Nah, can't be." But another day I thought to summon them and gosh darn it, there was another single cloud that appeared, also in a blue cloudless sky. It too lasted only briefly, and I felt the sense of communication again.

Point of all this, Mr.410, is that it is our natural ability to be able to communicate with ALL life. You don't develop skills usually until you attend to them and put them into practice and use them. So treat nature with respect and honour nature spirits by asking permission and leaving some exchange in their sacred area.

Writing this has left me with a hankering to see my old beloved land I used to walk, where I'd run out into the woods and hug a tree when family life was difficult for me. First is of the 8-acre land; second is of a sylph that appeared when I summoned it.

31075 31076

Meggings, you are so very dear!!!!!! I could sit by a fire and listen to you all day long. Thank you.

10th September 2015, 13:01
Well, Mr Nobody, I've only had significant contact with Pan directly during various occasions in 1978 and 1979 and 1980. Overthat period, Pan facilitated the removal of some Hitchhikers who were an intelligent species onthis planet engineered from horses, millions of years before humans. I mention them a little in the following thread: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?38661-The-journey-to-discovering-my-true-origins&p=403277&viewfull=1#post403277
I've been able to tell that Pan collaborates a great deal with Gaia, whom I know better, and Gaia in turn collaborates extensively with Shiva, but Shiva is the only one of the gods with whom I've had some lengthy conversations. I did get the impression she was effectively Shiva's spouse. It wasn't until 3 years ago that an Indian person told me that in one of Shiva's reincarnations as a king of ancient Sri Lanka, his wife had been a reincarnation of the goddess of the Earth, and I considered that as independent confirmation of what I'd noticed.

I'm not sure what value there is, though, in talking about such things unless you're experiencing contact with such beings yourself. And believe me, they don't ever deign to communicate with most ordinary mortals. If you don't experience them yourself, you're bound to idealize them, which I think would be to turn them into idols or something similar. I do believe, though, that to be paranoid about any of the benevolent gods (who also include Yeshua and Judas) is ignorant and ridiculous.

Old Wolf
10th September 2015, 13:56
I've only had a fleeting moment of direct contact with the earth. I wasn't aware that Pan or Shiva even existed .. I suppose they'd have to!

It's interesting that you put that last bit about being paranoid in :) I was pretty paranoid about religion (without realizing it) and a few months ago one of the religious figures helped me out of a bind. It really does force you to change your perspective on things.


10th September 2015, 16:44
On the topic of fairies, a cousin sent out a little video on something called " 'lil fairie door ". I went to look at it on youtube and found this absolutely delightful litte girl being introduced to the idea of how magic fairies are.

I recommend on this video that you go to the 50 second mark and watch to about 1:45 more or less, to see the little girl's surprise at the idea that fairies could live behind her bedroom wall, and that they live in a magic world, and that they can play with her because, as she says, "we're friendly". Revisiting the innocence of childhood has been good...


10th September 2015, 19:52
Hello everyone,
This is such a wonderful thread, and reading all the personal stories brought back some of my own fond memories of interactions with spirit beings. The most recent has been with a tall tree spirit. He was at least thirty feet tall because the tree he "was in" was about that tall. What happened was that we (my hubby and me) were driving home from town in the late afternoon. He was talking to me and I was half listening and looking at the trees lining the side of the road on my side. I always loved and appreciated the beauty and graceful shapes of trees and our ride from town is always a pretty drive through the country because we live outside of town. We were passing by a bunch of homes and beyond them was a stretch of beautiful tall oak trees with a stream underneath and next to the trees. One tall tree stood out because it had a long branch leaning out towards the road. That's when I saw that it was a tree spirit with his arm out as if greeting the traffic and watching to see if anyone would notice him. Of course I happened to see him and we made eye contact and I started laughing because he had a look of amused surprise. He was having fun watching the motorists going by all lost in their own world and no one noticing he was there and I caught him at play. He was actually pleased that I had seen him and I sent him blessings and thanked him. He was tall and had a long beard and the most kind, smiling eyes. I was happy to see him because I had seen tree spirits before but it had been a while and I never expected to see one close to a major road.
The other thing is that since we moved into our current home in the countryside, both me and my husband have felt a good "magic" about the place. A few days after we moved in, I hung a couple of painted wooden geeses on the wall outside the front door. The geese face each other and look like they are staring into each other's eyes. The girl has a pink heart on her breast and the words, "Welcome Friends". I also put a small wooden bench under these wooden plaques. The morning after I had hung these geese on the wall, I found the female goose on the bench as if someone had come by in the night and took it off the wall and put it down on the bench. A few months later, I had these two painted metal leaves that I hung on the wall outside next to our other door. One leaf had the word "Welcome" on it and the other had the word "Spring". Again the next morning I found the leaf with the word "Welcome" sitting on the ground as if someone had unhooked it off the wall and placed it there. Both instances there was no wind during the night and we do not have any neighbors close by. We haven't figured out who might have done this but we do not feel anything scary or negative and it seems that whoever wanted to make contact likes the word Welcome.

10th September 2015, 21:05
Ravenlock, that is such a lovely post you gave us. My energy is quite lifted up by reading it. As you write "I always loved and appreciated the beauty and graceful shapes of trees", I too have always loved trees, and as a child asked a girlfriend to draw me a tree that I taped on the inside of my bedroom door. I do not doubt that you were being greeted by nature spirits when they took your attention to the word "Welcome" in your signs.

Just this morning I was remembering a message a tree shot me once. I had had to cut off a branch that was growing over the front stairs to the porch. For more than a year I avoided doing anything about the branch, but it simply grew right over the steps and had to come off. I did the dastardly deed most unwillingly, talking to the tree, apologizing, feeling terrible about it. I cut it in the spring and the sap ran and ran and ran, and near broke my heart. I tried all sorts of things to staunch the flow, but it did not cease leaking out of bandages and such. I no longer owned the black "wound paste" and was about to try to get some when the thought occurred to me to try beeswax.

I took a fat beeswax candle outside, lit it, and dripped wax onto the wound. The dripping ceased, and the wax stayed in place for a year before coming off, and the tree had scarred over its wound under the wax.

But STILL I spoke to the tree. Still I apologized. Then one day that tree SHOT me a sentence. I wrote it down at the time, but know not in what journal. In effect the tree told me this:
Move forward with what you have. Do not look back and bemoan what once was, but move forward and work with what you have now.

I was properly humbled, and saw the human emotions did not apply to nature.

Another time I was up north walking along on someone's property. It was up on the Canadian Shield, on the granite I love, near the deep black-watered lakes. As I walked along with no particular thought there SHOT into my mind a word so abrupt and clear that it was almost as though I heard it. "WELCOME!"

Immediately I stopped and whipped around to see who might have said that. I was alone. But my attention was almost instantly taken by a very large pine tree. I said to myself, grandfather pine. Next came a thought package that surprised me. Essentially the tree said I was welcome to make a healing retreat on this land, and that nature would participate in it.

It was truly odd, for I did not own the land. I did not share this with the ones who owned the land and were in process of making an old house on the land inhabitable. But often I have wondered if that was the opening to a time line in which I did help create a healing centre there. It makes one pause and reflect that a different path for my life could have been taken then.

11th September 2015, 03:28
One question we could ask is what is the relationship, if any, between nature spirits and the Djinn? Simon Parkes identifies himself as quite expert regarding Djinn. But he describes a certain type of small nature spirit, the "Tinker Bell", as a common type of "Djinn". By a "Tinker Bell" I mean the most junior and most small kind of fire spirit, about two inches tall. She has a bright yellow color all over and also in a short haze all around the outside of her body, and small transparent wings on her back. She looks exactly like Tinker Bell in the movies and illustrations, except that she also has extremely slanty eyes, much more slanty than any Oriental, and sloping diagonally instead of horizontally, plus tiny Shrek-like horns on her forehead. In spite of that, she looks very elegant and delicate. (By the way, not all nature spirits have humanlike faces, and some don't have faces at all, while quite a few have faces which look unbelievably ugly to humans.)

Simon tells us that a Tinker Bell whom some dark magician has trapped inside their victim's mind is a Djinn. That leads me to conclude that "the Djinn" must probably simply be nature spirits when they have somehow been imprisoned inside a human mind by unimaginably nefarious magic. No doubt such nature spirits will be driven to become hostile, and will kick up the biggest fuss, because of their inability to tolerate human negativity. It's claimed that "the Djinn" used to occupy the planet at one time but have been pushed out by human civilization. Well, not quite, I would suggest. The nature spirits helped create all the mineral and plant life and weather on the planet, and continue to work to maintain it. It's true that our monstrosities of concrete, steel and glass, and so on, force the nature spirits to retreat from urbanized areas. But the nature spirits certainly don't under any normal circumstances resent humans.

All flowers and plants have a nature spirit as their soul (or as part of a group soul), that lives for the purpose of spreading "good vibes" all around, and especially to all animals and humans who may be nearby. It's all about radiating positivity and wisdom, and continually cheering everyone up at a telepathic level. No doubt this is why something like one person in ten buys fresh flowers each week, or keeps pot plants.

11th September 2015, 14:21
This question has occurred to me, TraineeHuman, but only because of the mention Simon Parkes has given regarding djinn. The nature spirits, orbs, cloud beings, tree spirits I've encountered are of the light, else I would not respond to them with uplifting energy communication. But I was in hospital a year ago, and there I saw for the first time ever, dark nasties. I searched the forum and found this is what I'd written of the nasty ones:

When in hospital I saw for the first time ever the layer of "demons" that hover close to 3D earth. They were gathered close to the surgical ward I was in where people would cry out in pain when their drugs wore off. In my finer body I saw them and passed easily through that level. To my Margaret personality it seemed almost as though I wore a kind of "teflon" to which they could not stick, and I simply passed quickly through that lower vibrational layer on my way upward.

I add that these beings were feeding off the pain of people, for I was in a surgical ward and often you'd hear people start to howl in pain as their meds wore off. These beings were pretty much all black with red glints or highlights. Some had sharp teeth and tails. Simply not nice and not happy creatures.

Months subsequent to that, a person had become a new friend with a family member. Thus this new person came into the house periodically, and I experienced actual dark entities that were nasty. They took various forms, but all were black, and flapping bat-like wings were predominant. One night I got really "ticked off" and spoke some fiats, and these black wing-like creatures seemed to fly up to nestle under the eaves of the house, where they went into quivering ball-like shapes. The next day I learned that this "new friend" had spent the night upstairs in my house. I was some "ticked" by this.

I had to step lively to find a way to counter the blackmagic crap (for that's what it was). An acquaintance in Australia said she was using biogeometric thngs from Dr. Ibrahim Karim for her electro-sensitivity. I purchased with my scarce dollars a number of items. To my delight, I put up various biogeometric stickers in my quarters, on all windows and doors, and lo and behold to my amazement I felt my personal quarters had become a safe haven.

So my experience indicates a vast difference in frequency, in vibrational level, between djinn and nature spirit. I expect that nature spirits can be and are "messed with" by black magician stuff.

All I can offer is my personal experience - there is no proof beyond what can be seen with "third-eye spiritual vision" and with one's own sensing of things.

12th September 2015, 14:05
All flowers and plants have a nature spirit as their soul (or as part of a group soul), that lives for the purpose of spreading "good vibes" all around, and especially to all animals and humans who may be nearby. It's all about radiating positivity and wisdom, and continually cheering everyone up at a telepathic level. No doubt this is why something like one person in ten buys fresh flowers each week, or keeps pot plants.That's funny, in several different ways. :lol:

12th September 2015, 16:30
"All flowers and plants have a nature spirit as their soul (or as part of a group soul), that lives for the purpose of spreading "good vibes" all around, and especially to all animals and humans who may be nearby. It's all about radiating positivity and wisdom, and continually cheering everyone up at a telepathic level. No doubt this is why something like one person in ten buys fresh flowers each week, or keeps pot plants."

TraineeHuman I wholeheartedly agree with you about what you said above.
I like gifting flowers to friends and elderly when I can. Potted plants are also uplifting.
Years ago I had a friend who tried to commit suicide and was put in a mental hospital for while. When I got the news my ex and I went to visit him. Before going I wanted to take a bouquet of flowers and my ex told me that would not be a good idea. I did anyway and we also brought him snacks. He loved both and afterwards he told my ex to thank me for the flowers . It seems he had the nurse put them in the dining room where everyone could see them and enjoy them. The flowers had a cheerful, uplifting effect especially on the women inmates. They enjoyed sitting near the flowers. Our friend was even surprised at how much the flowers changed their moods.

Meggings thanks for sharing some of your experiences...

12th September 2015, 21:59
Mr Nobody410
I apologize that I didn't offer any answers to your question with my posts.

I do not have much info on fairies other than I always believed in them but never looked for them. However every garden that I have looked after I always made sure there was a spot where I "sensed" they lived and honored it.

I never use chemicals in the ground or on the plants and I am not one to want an "orderly" garden. I usually let the garden and the plants tell me what they need and where they want to be planted.

In our last garden, it was so neglected and dead when we moved in that we weren't sure any of the bushes and grass would come back and we weren't sure the trees would live. We started cleaning and removing debri and waited for spring to see what would come back. Most of the trees came back including a tall plum tree and the bushes lining the back fence in the backyard seemed to come back but they didn't flower till the following year. There was also a small young redwood that had few branches and they looked like they were dying. I went and talked to it everyday and told her that I loved her and wished it would stay, and watered it by hand and I sent it love from my heart. She lived and within a year she grew taller and had beautiful green full foliage. But I talked to her every day.
I talked to the garden and all the trees too, that's something I do all the time. It's a personal thing and part of my daily prayers and blessings.
We got a fairy ring sprout under the tulip poplar and another ring in the front yard around a cluster of oaks.

The cluster of oaks in the front, my husband was thinking of removing one that seemed close to the house and leaning. I did not like the idea and hoped he would change his mind. I think the fairy ring convinced us not to cut the tree and instead we pruned a little and all the trees were full of acorns the next summer. The squirrels had a ball with all the acorns they buried all over the yard. We also got a beautiful blue carpet of forget-me-nots that sprouted under the trees. It looked so pretty. We both think the fairies were helping us with the garden.
The tulip poplar was almost dead and in its day it had been very tall and beautiful but when we moved in it had two branches that were still alive, one vertical and one long and horizontal. That first summer it did not have any flowers and my husband thought it was dying and we would need to cut it down eventually. However he cleaned the overgrown vines that lay underneath the trunk and were chocking it. And we watered it all summer long and put manure and tended it. By next spring her living branches were covered in yellow with orange center tulip flowers and we got a fairy ring.

We also started seeing eyes on the trees, the tulip poplar had at least three sets of what I called "pixie" eyes. The plum tree had eyes and even the pines got several sets of eyes on their trunks I cannot say if this was the fairies doing it or the trees. My husband also saw them and came to tell me about it because he didn't know I had seen them as well. For me it was a confirmation that the spirit of the garden was happy and the trees were pleased as well.
We got beautiful butterflies and dragonflies and bees all summer long too. That is all I have on the topic. Hope it helps in some way.

13th September 2015, 13:39
I found this most interesting writing about the wee folk. It talks about a splitting of worlds between the wee folk and humans. It is very interesting and brought tears to my eyes as I read it.

The Wee Folk
An Historical Overview of the Whereabouts of Gnomes and Elves, Fauns and Faeries, Goblins, Ogres, Trolls and Bogies, Nymphs, Sprites, and Dryads, Past and Present.

by Buck Young

A long, long time ago, the Earth belonged to the creatures of the wood. By creatures of the wood I mean gnomes and elves, fauns and faeries, goblins, ogres, trolls and bogies, nymphs, sprites, and dryads. They tended it and took care of it, played in it, danced and sang in it, cared for wounded animals, worked out disputes between species, sat on mushrooms discussing matters of import and drinking Labrador tea, rode down streams on leaves and bark, and parachuted from trees with dandelion seeds. This was the world into which mankind was born. These early days, when man was but a newly arrived dinner guest who hadn't yet taken over the entire house, are fairly well documented in the literature and folklore of the world, so there's no need to go into it here. What I am interested in, and what I am asking you to be interested in, is the question, "Where did all the gnomes and elves, fauns and faeries, goblins, ogres, trolls and bogies, nymphs, sprites and dryads go?"

The friction between man and the wood creatures began with the discovery of agriculture. With the discovery of agriculture, civilization arose and spread. The forests were cleared to provide wood for shelter and fields for pasture and crops. Mankind had set up camp. No longer just a visitor in someone else's world, he pushed the wild back from his newly built doorstep. At first this wasn't a problem. There weren't many people and everyone else felt that it was only fair to allot them their own little half acre to do with as they wished. Some of them even decided to help out. Gnomes moved into the barnhouses and helped out with the gardening chores. The devic spirits of the vegetables helped the humans better organize their crops and plan rotation, and taught them the correlation between planetary and lunar cycles and the agricultural year, plant radishes when the moon is in Cancer, harvest when the moon is in Taurus. Many trolls felt that the heaping piles of manure were a change for the better, and decided to stick around too

The rest of the wood creatures just backed off into the wood, occasionally playing mischievous tricks on the new settlers, like turning the milk sour, rearranging furniture tipping the cows, tickling people's faces in their sleep, and occasionally stealing babies and leaving bundles of wood in their place.

But man's dominion spread (and spread and spread and spread), and the forests got smaller and smaller and smaller. Things got real crowded in the woods, and things were getting worse in civilization. Most farmers weren't listening to the devic spirits anymore. People found that they could increase their output by disregarding the needs of the Earth. They were raising productivity and killing the soil. Petrochemicals were just a step away. Most of the devic spirits and the gnomes fled. The trolls stayed. Today they live mostly under bridges and in the shallow, mucky ditches beneath the metal grating on farm roads that cows are afraid to cross. Be sure to honk your horn before driving over one of these. A troll may be hanging from the grate, swinging over its living room, as they are apt to do after rolling in muck and manure, If you don't give a warning honk, you may run over its fingers, and it's not a great idea to get either your name or your license plate number on a troll's **** list.

Now there is little wild land left at all, and even that is shrinking at an unprecedented rate. There is simply not enough space for all the gnomes and elves, fauns and faeries, goblins, ogres, trolls and bogies, nymphs, sprites, and dryads.

So where are they?

Are they dead?


So where did they go?

The answer is a bit surprising. They didn't go anywhere. We did.

Early humans had an intuitive knowledge of their role in nature, just as bears and raccoons and mice and every other critter does. They understood, from the ways of the wild around them, that nothing ever comes from nowhere and nothing ever just disappears. Things change form. Death is necessary for life to continue. They offered up their kills as sacrifices to the gods of nature. They offered praise, prayer, sacrifice, and song to the spirits of the wild, to brother buffalo, brother deer, brother fish, and brother tree.

Now we know that everything that has ever existed continues to exist, in one form of another, and as far as we can tell, they were more aware of that back then than we are now. So the sacrifice, song, praise and prayer did not ensure the immortality of the slaughtered, either in body or in spirit. That was already taken care of. What it did ensure was the continuance of the connection between the spirit of the slaughterer and the spirit of the slaughtered. Killing is risky business. The membrane separating the internal from the external is not necessarily as thick or as dearly defined as we have come to believe. Every time we kill, we risk killing the reality of that thing inside ourselves as well as outside. We risk breaking the connections that lead in and out of the membrane. Taking life to feed life requires a keen understanding of the natural law of give and take. When we lost that understanding, gave up the songs, the sacrifice, the prayers, the praise, we lost the connection. Saying grace is not enough.

When we lose those connections, everything becomes dead - fish, rivers, frogs, mice, even each other. There is no way they can reach inside us any more. The five senses we are left with are not enough. We have given up those connections in exchange for the freedom to clearcut forests with skidders, turn cows into milk machines and chickens into egg factories. We can experiment on animals, club seals, wear mink coats, exterminate passenger pigeons, dodo birds, whales, bear, dolphin and condor. Not a twinge of guilt. The lines have been severed.

And we are all under the impression that it is the forests, the creatures, the spirits, and the wildlands that are disappearing from the universe and not us. Not so. Thinking that is like thinking that if you stand on the end of a limb and saw that limb from the tree, the tree will fall and you will remain standing. Bugs Bunny might be able to get away with that, but we can't. When a marionette cuts its strings, the puppeteer doesn't collapse to the ground. When a spider severs the lines that connect its web to the trees, the forest doesn't fall away.

It is we who have fallen away from the real world into a world where we may carry out our twisted sterile dreams without threatening the Earth and its inhabitants. Ever wonder why the trees and stones and rivers and streams, the birds, the snakes, the bears and the frogs no longer talk to us as they did in the early tales of the Native Americans, the Hindus, the Africans, the Bible? It's because we're not around to talk to any more Every clearcut, every vivisection, every mechanized slaughter of cow, pig, or chicken moves our dreamworld farther and farther from the tree, making a reunification, which is still possible, more and more difficult.

Somewhere not so far from here, in the real world, the ancient forests are still standing, the buffalo roam the prairies, the sky is full of condors, the deer and the antelope play, and dodo birds wander the sandy beaches, bumping into things.

Where there are still wildlands in our dreamworld, strong connections still exist. Bridges, tunnels, and portals. Occasionally a traveler will get lost in the wilderness and find himself in the real world, returning the next day to find that a hundred years have passed, or never returning at all,

There are more ephemeral connections as well - brooks and waterfalls where you can still hear voices from the other side, if you listen carefully enough. When they sit by these waters they hear loud clanking and screams. When they eat psilocybin everything stops glowing, and condos rise where forests stand. Our children can see their world in their dreams. Their children see ours in their nightmares.

And there is another connection. Sometimes agents from the other side infiltrate our world in an attempt to expedite the reunification. Believe it or not, they miss us over there. Sometimes - more often than you might think - they send souls over to our world to be born as human babies. Sort of like a socialist, communist, or anarchist entering the American political arena and running for office in an attempt to effect change from the inside. There are quite a lot of them actually - gnomes and elves, fauns and faeries, goblins, ogres, trolls and bogies, nymphs, sprites, and dryads - running around in human bodies, doing crazy things like writing on walls, working in co-ops, running inns in the mountains, talking to themselves in the streets, making pottery, illustrating children's books, spiking trees and blowing up tractors. They are planting bio-dynamic gardens, sitting in the back yard naked, arguing with Satan. They are in asylums pumped full of thorazine, in the classroom on Ritalin and lithium. They live with Indians. They run recycling centers. They are starting revolutions, corrupting the young, inventing paranoid conspiracy theories, making up religions. They're directing movies, gobbling acid, drinking heavily and writing poetry.

The transition from their world to ours is not an easy one. Intricate rituals and incantations are involved. The transition is not easy on the soul. A great deal is lost. They may have no idea who or what they are at first. They may or may not find out. They will know that they are not like everyone else. They will know that this world is not theirs. They will faintly remember something better, where things made sense and worked like they ought to, where love and magic had the power to heal.

They will know that what makes other people happy does not make them happy, and that what makes them happy makes them happier than anyone else alive.

They will see things others cannot see, hear things others cannot hear, feel things others cannot feel, and know things others do not know.

They will laugh a great deal or cry a great deal or both.

They will love humans individually, but have a hard time with humanity as a whole that may occasionally approach loathing.

They will have a handful of very close friends, and often be very lonely.

They will be unhappiest when forced to act like a human and do the things that humans do, want the things that humans want, or when they are convinced that they actually are one.

Things will not be easy for them. Because of their memories of the other side, the world will seem to them to be a wondrous calliope with just a few teeth missing on one of the cogs, and because of this tiny deficiency, the music is all off key, the horses are crashing into each other, and the children are frightened, bruised and crying.

The solutions will seem obvious and no one else will listen.

They will be repeatedly punished for shouting FIRE! in a crowded theater when the buildings are in flames no one else can see. They will get slapped on the wrist for pointing to the EXIT signs when everyone else is running around screaming and trampling each other.

They will be zealous, fanatical, and didactic about their beliefs. They will feel utterly confused.

They will have ecstatic visions and babble incoherently. They will be extremely articulate. They are prone to long periods of silence. They have no idea how to say what they really mean.

They will spend a lot of time with children and animals

They will become drunkards and dope fiends, organic gardeners, Essene soapmakers, carpenters, madmen, magicians, jugglers and clowns, lunatic physicists, painters and scribblers, travelers and wanderers.

They will dress in bright colors, frumpy sweaters, or all black.

They will smoke too much and drink too much. They will eat only macrobiotic foods. They will develop addictions to Mountain Dew.

They will often be accused of living in their own fantasy world.

They will make great lovers. Yeah, even the trolls.

They will spend too much time either making love or thinking about it.

They will speak to inanimate objects.

They will have much brighter eyes than everyone else.

They will expect their magic to work in this world and their love to heal, and they will be crushed by this world, and often they won't expect it.

It will come close to killing them.

They will visit the places where the connections still exist: the waterfalls, the mountains, the ocean, the forests. They will draw on all the power they have, and sometimes, sometimes, the magic will work. And everything will be wondrously easy. The teeth will grow back on the calliope's cog, the tune will right itself, the horses will bob gracefully up and down, around and around, and the children will giggle and sing with cotton candy stuck to their cheeks and noses.

They will spend their days trying to reconnect a branch that millions are still busy sawing away at. Often it will be more than they can bear.

While the rest of humanity is busy working on new and more efficient ways to lay waste to the Earth with the push of a button, they are saving it, a handful at a time.

They will share a common conviction that they are the only sane individuals in a world gone mad.

They're right.

13th September 2015, 16:02
Mr Nobody410
I apologize that I didn't offer any answers to your question with my posts.

I do not have much info on fairies other than I always believed in them but never looked for them. However every garden that I have looked after I always made sure there was a spot where I "sensed" they lived and honored it.

I never use chemicals in the ground or on the plants and I am not one to want an "orderly" garden. I usually let the garden and the plants tell me what they need and where they want to be planted.

In our last garden, it was so neglected and dead when we moved in that we weren't sure any of the bushes and grass would come back and we weren't sure the trees would live. We started cleaning and removing debri and waited for spring to see what would come back. Most of the trees came back including a tall plum tree and the bushes lining the back fence in the backyard seemed to come back but they didn't flower till the following year. There was also a small young redwood that had few branches and they looked like they were dying. I went and talked to it everyday and told her that I loved her and wished it would stay, and watered it by hand and I sent it love from my heart. She lived and within a year she grew taller and had beautiful green full foliage. But I talked to her every day.
I talked to the garden and all the trees too, that's something I do all the time. It's a personal thing and part of my daily prayers and blessings.
We got a fairy ring sprout under the tulip poplar and another ring in the front yard around a cluster of oaks.

The cluster of oaks in the front, my husband was thinking of removing one that seemed close to the house and leaning. I did not like the idea and hoped he would change his mind. I think the fairy ring convinced us not to cut the tree and instead we pruned a little and all the trees were full of acorns the next summer. The squirrels had a ball with all the acorns they buried all over the yard. We also got a beautiful blue carpet of forget-me-nots that sprouted under the trees. It looked so pretty. We both think the fairies were helping us with the garden.
The tulip poplar was almost dead and in its day it had been very tall and beautiful but when we moved in it had two branches that were still alive, one vertical and one long and horizontal. That first summer it did not have any flowers and my husband thought it was dying and we would need to cut it down eventually. However he cleaned the overgrown vines that lay underneath the trunk and were chocking it. And we watered it all summer long and put manure and tended it. By next spring her living branches were covered in yellow with orange center tulip flowers and we got a fairy ring.

We also started seeing eyes on the trees, the tulip poplar had at least three sets of what I called "pixie" eyes. The plum tree had eyes and even the pines got several sets of eyes on their trunks I cannot say if this was the fairies doing it or the trees. My husband also saw them and came to tell me about it because he didn't know I had seen them as well. For me it was a confirmation that the spirit of the garden was happy and the trees were pleased as well.
We got beautiful butterflies and dragonflies and bees all summer long too. That is all I have on the topic. Hope it helps in some way.

This is such a lovely description of your garden. There is such love in your writing. I just want you to know that I felt it with each description of tree or plant. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, Ravenlocke.

13th September 2015, 16:55
Thank you, Peterpam, for sharing the story above. And thank you Ravenlocke, for your post, and this in it: "There was also a small young redwood that had few branches and they looked like they were dying. I went and talked to it everyday and told her that I loved her and wished it would stay, and watered it by hand and I sent it love from my heart. She lived and within a year she grew taller and had beautiful green full foliage."

When still a teenager I moved to a huge city and got a job in a florist shop. There I saw a dead plant and asked if I might have it. I put it in a shaft of morning sunshine - I lived in a basement room and that was all the light that came into it - the morning sun. I thought of it many times during the day and held it in my heart. You could say I was praying - my intent was to see it live, and love was the movement in the process. It lived.

As a mother decades later, a child suddenly realized she did not have time to get her school science project ready. She needed a tray of living plants sprouted from seed. I stepped in and planted the seeds, held them in my heart with attention, and they sprouted next day and grew large enough for her science project.

We certainly can augment life - or restrict life - by how we marshall our energies. This comes under the banner: "Choose Life" and not anti-life, not death. I am talking to myself here, for I need the reminder now and then.

About the forget-me-nots, once I scattered a package of seeds and year after year the ground out back leading up to the pond would become a haze of purple from the flowers. Thanks for the happy memories your posts arouse in me.

14th September 2015, 05:02
Mr Nobody410
I apologize that I didn't offer any answers to your question with my posts.

I do not have much info on fairies other than I always believed in them but never looked for them. However every garden that I have looked after I always made sure there was a spot where I "sensed" they lived and honored it.

I never use chemicals in the ground or on the plants and I am not one to want an "orderly" garden. I usually let the garden and the plants tell me what they need and where they want to be planted.

In our last garden, it was so neglected and dead when we moved in that we weren't sure any of the bushes and grass would come back and we weren't sure the trees would live. We started cleaning and removing debri and waited for spring to see what would come back. Most of the trees came back including a tall plum tree and the bushes lining the back fence in the backyard seemed to come back but they didn't flower till the following year. There was also a small young redwood that had few branches and they looked like they were dying. I went and talked to it everyday and told her that I loved her and wished it would stay, and watered it by hand and I sent it love from my heart. She lived and within a year she grew taller and had beautiful green full foliage. But I talked to her every day.
I talked to the garden and all the trees too, that's something I do all the time. It's a personal thing and part of my daily prayers and blessings.
We got a fairy ring sprout under the tulip poplar and another ring in the front yard around a cluster of oaks.

The cluster of oaks in the front, my husband was thinking of removing one that seemed close to the house and leaning. I did not like the idea and hoped he would change his mind. I think the fairy ring convinced us not to cut the tree and instead we pruned a little and all the trees were full of acorns the next summer. The squirrels had a ball with all the acorns they buried all over the yard. We also got a beautiful blue carpet of forget-me-nots that sprouted under the trees. It looked so pretty. We both think the fairies were helping us with the garden.
The tulip poplar was almost dead and in its day it had been very tall and beautiful but when we moved in it had two branches that were still alive, one vertical and one long and horizontal. That first summer it did not have any flowers and my husband thought it was dying and we would need to cut it down eventually. However he cleaned the overgrown vines that lay underneath the trunk and were chocking it. And we watered it all summer long and put manure and tended it. By next spring her living branches were covered in yellow with orange center tulip flowers and we got a fairy ring.

We also started seeing eyes on the trees, the tulip poplar had at least three sets of what I called "pixie" eyes. The plum tree had eyes and even the pines got several sets of eyes on their trunks I cannot say if this was the fairies doing it or the trees. My husband also saw them and came to tell me about it because he didn't know I had seen them as well. For me it was a confirmation that the spirit of the garden was happy and the trees were pleased as well.
We got beautiful butterflies and dragonflies and bees all summer long too. That is all I have on the topic. Hope it helps in some way.

This is such a lovely description of your garden. There is such love in your writing. I just want you to know that I felt it with each description of tree or plant. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, Ravenlocke.

You are welcome peterpam:wave: I wrote it as remembered from the heart.

14th September 2015, 05:08
Thank you, Peterpam, for sharing the story above. And thank you Ravenlocke, for your post, and this in it: "There was also a small young redwood that had few branches and they looked like they were dying. I went and talked to it everyday and told her that I loved her and wished it would stay, and watered it by hand and I sent it love from my heart. She lived and within a year she grew taller and had beautiful green full foliage."

When still a teenager I moved to a huge city and got a job in a florist shop. There I saw a dead plant and asked if I might have it. I put it in a shaft of morning sunshine - I lived in a basement room and that was all the light that came into it - the morning sun. I thought of it many times during the day and held it in my heart. You could say I was praying - my intent was to see it live, and love was the movement in the process. It lived.

As a mother decades later, a child suddenly realized she did not have time to get her school science project ready. She needed a tray of living plants sprouted from seed. I stepped in and planted the seeds, held them in my heart with attention, and they sprouted next day and grew large enough for her science project.

We certainly can augment life - or restrict life - by how we marshall our energies. This comes under the banner: "Choose Life" and not anti-life, not death. I am talking to myself here, for I need the reminder now and then.

About the forget-me-nots, once I scattered a package of seeds and year after year the ground out back leading up to the pond would become a haze of purple from the flowers. Thanks for the happy memories your posts arouse in me.

Meggings you have such a sparkle and I love your enthusiasm, I am glad some of my fond memories have awakened some of your own beautiful, uplifting memories. :sun:

Old Wolf
14th September 2015, 12:46
Some months ago I was woken in the middle of night by a noise. I opened my eyes and listened. It sounded like two dogs barking. This is very unusual for the middle of the night, especially because the barking was coming from quite a distance in two different directions. I convinced myself that one of the dogs must have seen a possum and the other was just responding the the first. The barking sound was unusually loud and resonant.

I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep.

An image entered my mind from the barking sound to the north east. It was the head of a creature with blue grey skin, large ears, deep set eyes, a heavy bone structure, canine teeth (two about 3 inches long on the top with two smaller beside them and two ~2 inch teeth on the bottom) and a large forehead around half the height of it's whole face. It's forehead had deep creases in the skin, four of them, like frown lines. It's skin was thick, heavy. It felt like a dangerous creature. A gentle pressure came from the barking approaching from the south west. The pressure pushed the image of the grey skinned creature from my mind. This pressure didn't harm me and it was cautious to ensure that I didn't 'see' it's face. As soon as the image of the grey creature left my mind, I fell fast asleep .. I'm presuming under influence.

When I woke in the morning, I recalled the image of the grey creature which made me think more about the 'barking' sounds. They weren't dogs. They were hooting sounds, like a monkey might make. They were far too loud, deep and resonant to be dogs. They also didn't have a variable timbre, the sounds were a single hoot with a resonant echo afterward.

I thought that the grey creature might have been one of the hairy folk which is when I started researching them. I believe that the creature coming in from the south west was one of the hairy folk but I really don't know what the grey creature was? It's strange that the two of them would have such similar calls?


15th September 2015, 20:55
Peterpam, I love the story you posted so much. Thank you for sharing it. I have never read anything quite like that.

I haven't had any contact with fairies that I am aware of, but I did see a face in a cloud when I opened my eyes after meditating on my back on the grass outside once. The face was very detailed and clear. I was so started by it, that as soon as I reacted, the face receded back into the clouds quickly. I've never been able to make sense of what that was and I've never seen it again. I had the distinct feeling it had been watching me meditate though, and it didn't mean to be seen.

Another time in the same back yard, I was meditating, opened my eyes and saw some kind of creature for a split second. He was probably about 2 feet tall, made of organic plant looking materials (both his body and what may have been an outfit). He had a tall pointy hat or his head was pointy. It was so quick, and I was so started that once again, it was over in an instant.

I have loved hearing your stories!

15th September 2015, 21:25
Some months ago I was woken in the middle of night by a noise. I opened my eyes and listened. It sounded like two dogs barking. This is very unusual for the middle of the night, especially because the barking was coming from quite a distance in two different directions. I convinced myself that one of the dogs must have seen a possum and the other was just responding the the first. The barking sound was unusually loud and resonant.

I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep.

An image entered my mind from the barking sound to the north east. It was the head of a creature with blue grey skin, large ears, deep set eyes, a heavy bone structure, canine teeth (two about 3 inches long on the top with two smaller beside them and two ~2 inch teeth on the bottom) and a large forehead around half the height of it's whole face. It's forehead had deep creases in the skin, four of them, like frown lines. It's skin was thick, heavy. It felt like a dangerous creature. A gentle pressure came from the barking approaching from the south west. The pressure pushed the image of the grey skinned creature from my mind. This pressure didn't harm me and it was cautious to ensure that I didn't 'see' it's face. As soon as the image of the grey creature left my mind, I fell fast asleep .. I'm presuming under influence.

When I woke in the morning, I recalled the image of the grey creature which made me think more about the 'barking' sounds. They weren't dogs. They were hooting sounds, like a monkey might make. They were far too loud, deep and resonant to be dogs. They also didn't have a variable timbre, the sounds were a single hoot with a resonant echo afterward.

I thought that the grey creature might have been one of the hairy folk which is when I started researching them. I believe that the creature coming in from the south west was one of the hairy folk but I really don't know what the grey creature was? It's strange that the two of them would have such similar calls?


Yes the hairy people make this hooting noise to eachother that sounds somewhat like barking. This awful grey creature sounds strange, strange that it was making the same call as a sasquatch. Good thing you have the other sasquatch protecting you and presumably others from this thing : )
At least that's what I thought was happening from your description.

15th September 2015, 21:32
Some months ago I was woken in the middle of night by a noise. I opened my eyes and listened. It sounded like two dogs barking. This is very unusual for the middle of the night, especially because the barking was coming from quite a distance in two different directions. I convinced myself that one of the dogs must have seen a possum and the other was just responding the the first. The barking sound was unusually loud and resonant.

I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep.

An image entered my mind from the barking sound to the north east. It was the head of a creature with blue grey skin, large ears, deep set eyes, a heavy bone structure, canine teeth (two about 3 inches long on the top with two smaller beside them and two ~2 inch teeth on the bottom) and a large forehead around half the height of it's whole face. It's forehead had deep creases in the skin, four of them, like frown lines. It's skin was thick, heavy. It felt like a dangerous creature. A gentle pressure came from the barking approaching from the south west. The pressure pushed the image of the grey skinned creature from my mind. This pressure didn't harm me and it was cautious to ensure that I didn't 'see' it's face. As soon as the image of the grey creature left my mind, I fell fast asleep .. I'm presuming under influence.

When I woke in the morning, I recalled the image of the grey creature which made me think more about the 'barking' sounds. They weren't dogs. They were hooting sounds, like a monkey might make. They were far too loud, deep and resonant to be dogs. They also didn't have a variable timbre, the sounds were a single hoot with a resonant echo afterward.

I thought that the grey creature might have been one of the hairy folk which is when I started researching them. I believe that the creature coming in from the south west was one of the hairy folk but I really don't know what the grey creature was? It's strange that the two of them would have such similar calls?


Been meaning to get back to this all day.

Do you live near a swamp, by any chance? I think you've got a couple of real, live Sasquatch near you, because Scott Carpenter,


has filmed many grey-skinned forest people.

p.s. Scott Carpenter is a genius at filming Sasquatch, not all of whom are friendly according to David Paulides,


and who seem to be able to move between dimensions.

Old Wolf
16th September 2015, 10:39
Do you live near a swamp, by any chance? I think you've got a couple of real, live Sasquatch near you

I live in the mountains. It's a pretty wet area, but I can't think of any swampy places. I think there's definitely some around here. I got 'touched' on the shoulder while walking in the national park. It startled me so much I jumped and turned around, there was nobody I could see. I've also picked up something they left. Once at night one got so close to the back of my house it nearly scared me to death. They have a huge presence when they want to be felt. I've been communicated with telepathically 3 times, but I don't think the communication was local.

They're not harmful in any way, they just have a massive presence.


26th September 2015, 02:47
I saw this thread ans read the OP.

A wholely neutral conception about Djinn is warranted IMO.

I hypotheisze they are real beings. I hypothesize that persons may have different experiences with them.If some have have bad experience, some good, most NONE, what is occurring?

They have a mythology but based on what I have read, it is primarily Moslem?.

My Assumptions include:

They are beings.
They are individual.
They are natural in this realm and organic life forms.
Intentions from us matter.
The realm of what we know is vast in our minds but is tiny.
The relationship we could have with all beings in the earth realm is a harmonic matter of tuning in.
First cause dwells within the Creation.
It does not seem like it is too simplistic to say if God created a being, it belongs.

Only the pure of heart meet with the realm of the fey.
They cannot stand the irritating static energies and flee.
EVERYTHING ALIVE as an aspect of creator has a variation of sentience and individual action.

If we do encounter them believing "Djinn are vengeful" our own character factoring is in the equation of the relationship.

If there is a band of mixed up frequencies like earth, people have energy and attune into harmonic frequencies on a kind of scale. As above, so below, as within, so without and fractal.

It is probably 99% certain that one would have communication issues with other frequency holders that are not in tune.

I feel kind of a passion about standing upnfor the neutral position of Djinn. Maggie

Is the witch like a Djinn? Is the rabbit like us?

A long time ago - no one really knows how long ago it was - Rabbit was a brave
and fearless warrior. Rabbit was befriended by Eye Walker, a witch. The witch and
Rabbit spent much time together sharing and talking. The two were very close.Medicine Cards: Rabbit 1
30 - Rabbit: Fear (http://scottfoglesong.printandwebdesign.com/30-rabbit.pdf)


So what are Djinn?
This sounds like a simple question, but even their definition is met with a wide range of answers, depending on whom you ask. Most can agree that Djinn are astral energies made of subtle or smokeless fire long before man walked the earth. This is, after all, how they are described in the Qur’an (25:27). But beyond this basic fact lies an endless sea of confusing and conflicting information.

Djinn were created with free will, just like humans. Therefore, some will choose to be good and others will choose to be bad. However, ALL will be accountable to the great creator one day for their actions.

The word jinn translates as anything that is concealed or invisible. The Djinn are a race that have no defined physical form of their own, so they are therefore invisible to the naked eye. However, they are shape shifters who can take on the physical form of just about anything they want. Many say that they walk among us every day.

You will often see smoke when your Djinn appears, not because the smoke IS the Djinn, but because it accompanies him/her. It is simply a sign that your Djinn is nearby and ready to communicate, and signifies the presence of energy.

Djinn can also appear with orbs, streaks of light, mists or other kinds of phenomenon. It can be a big, awe-inspiring appearance, or a subtle almost-not-noticed kind of appearance. With Djinn, like people, no two are exactly alike and there are countless ways they may manifest.

Some Djinn will never manifest in any kind of physical form, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there and watching you. These Djinn will generally communicate with you only during dreams or meditation. They aren’t any more or less powerful than other Djinn, they just choose to present themselves differently.

General Characteristics
It’s important not to impose your own feelings and emotions on the Djinn. Sometimes we want to think of them like warm and fuzzy pets. If you want a warm and fuzzy astral creature then you’re better off acquiring a faerie, mermaid or unicorn. Djinn mean business. Their destiny is to serve humans without emotional attachment. This doesn’t mean that they’re not loyal. It just means that they don’t generally make decisions based on their feelings.

Djinn were created before man, which dates them back before the time of Adam and Eve who lived 6,000 years ago. These original Djinn are Preadamites, meaning they existed before Adam.

Djinn become more powerful as they age, and can live for thousands of years. An Elder is one who has reached the highest levels of energy and is somewhat harder to find. Younger Djinn are much more common, and are perfectly appropriate for the average person.

Most Djinn have permanent residence on the astral plane in the mountains of Kaf (Qaf). This is a large emerald-like realm surrounding the physical world.

It is generally agreed that Djinn eat, drink, marry and procreate, but this is not done in the same manner as humans, and very little is known on this subject.

Djinn can have sexual relations with humans, although this has never resulted in a documented pregnancy. In fact, most female Djinn are quite seductive and will not be shy about coming to men while they sleep.

The only way to control Djinn, either good or bad, is to magickally bind them to a vessel. This is a very advanced skill and should be left to the experts. Djinn are notoriously difficult to work with and extremely powerful, and many are highly dangerous if not properly bound.

The other danger in attempting to bind Djinn yourself is that you will inevitably also capture a few other spirits who could potentially be very evil. This is not a hobby for amateurs. There are only a few reputable conjurers in the world, and we would not recommend acquiring Djinn from anyone else.

Selecting Your Djinn
If you are viewing an eBay listing, reading the text and looking at the pictures, you can get a sense of whether or not that particular energy is right for you. If it doesn’t speak to you, then it doesn’t mean that it’s not real. It just means that it’s not meant for you, and you’ll see nothing more than a pretty picture and words.

It is always recommended that you follow this procedure prior to any metaphysical purchase to be sure that you are a good match.

But NO ONE can look at the listing for you, and tell you if it’s right or wrong for you. You are the only one who can determine this because the connection of energy is a personal one.

Levels and Types of Djinn
Djinn, Jinn and Genie are all interchangeable words for the same thing. Djinni or Jinni is the singular tense.

We’ve listed the standard classifications of Djinn below, and they appear by highest level of power first. There are some Djinn who don’t fall under these categories because they were created by the immortals. Although smaller in numbers, there is quite a wide range of these so we won’t attempt to list them in this guide.

Please keep in mind that there are countless tribes who have been identified as members of the various classifications, and many more are still being discovered today.

The majority of Djinn will be classified in one of the following areas:

Marid - They are associated with the element of water. They are the most powerful, but some can be dangerous. They can offer you the highest level of energy but be sure to only purchase from a reputable seller to ensure you are getting a safe entity.

Ifrit - These are associated with the element of fire. These are generally malicious, rebellious, evil Djinn. They are considered to be very difficult to work with because they will try to sabotage the human whenever they can. This is recommended for the experienced practitioner only.

Shaitan - These are described as malicious and evil, as well as full of deception (Qur’an 6:112, 35:6, 43:62, 43:62). Many believe that Satan was Shaitan. We don’t advise working with this type of Djinn.

Ghul - Ghuls are associated with dark magick and extreme caution should be used in working with them. They only appear after the sun sets and they disappear before the sun rises.

Jann - They are considered to be among the weakest of the Djinn, but still powerful. They are among the first Djinn created. For many people, this will work just fine.

You don’t necessarily need an invocation ritual in order to summon Djinn and begin working with them. Depending on the type of Djinn and the way they were bound, an invocation may or may not be required. Sometimes a ritual is simply a symbolic way of engaging the human in the process, and if it helps you raise energy, then it should be done for that reason. If you are purchasing from a reputable dealer, you can trust their recommendations and instructions.

Invocations do not necessarily have to be done at night. They can be done at any time of the day. Many sellers recommend a nighttime invocation and meditation because it is much easier to get into the proper frame of mind when it’s dark, and many Djinn are most active at that time. Getting into the proper frame of mind is essential when raising energy, so if it works for you, then do it.

If you have a Djinn enchanted piece of jewelry, it is best to keep it close to your skin during the initial bonding process. This greatly enhances the energy-to-energy connection. It is not necessary to keep the Djinn vessel hidden or away from prying eyes. No one will know that it is anything more than a nice piece of jewelry, unless you tell them.

Probably the best method for enhancing your connection to any energy is through meditation. This really doesn’t have to be anything complicated.

First, find a quiet room that is free of all distractions. Quiet instrumental music is fine if it helps you to relax. Sit cross-legged on the floor if it’s comfortable for you, or otherwise sit comfortably in a chair. Make sure to keep your back straight and your eyes closed, but facing straight ahead.

Take several slow, deep breaths and concentrate your attention on the area of your third eye. This is the area between your eyes and a few centimeters higher. Focus both eyes on it until you feel a VERY SLIGHT strain. It shouldn’t hurt. You’ll know that you’re in the right spot when both eyes seem to lock into position.

Now count back from 100. By the time you reach one you will feel a strange sensation in the area of your third eye. You should see vivid pictures and words, almost like your mind is playing a video.

Hold this for about 10 or 15 minutes and just allow the images to naturally appear. This is your opportunity to begin communicating with your Djinn. Feel free to ask questions and then listen politely for a response. Be sure to thank them when you’re done.

This method is not only effective for connecting with specific astral entities, but it will also help you to greatly strengthen your third eye for many psychic pursuits.

When you’re ready to reenter the physical realm, open your eyes and take several more deep breaths as you slowly allow yourself to come back. That’s all there is to it! Practice this every day and you’ll soon be able to use this vision without the meditative state.

Remember that Djinn MUST obey their masters. It is how it is written to be. However, the difficult part of the whole process is in making that initial connection. Once that’s accomplished, you’re well on your way to becoming a strong master.

When can I see results?
Like accessing any form of magick, working with the Djinn does usually take time. You’ll receive the best results by launching a joint effort - the energy of your Djinn with your efforts in reaching your goals. For instance, if you want a great paying job, you’ll be much more successful if you both work with your Djinn AND go out and actively submit applications and resumes, as well as go on interviews. If you sit at home and wait for the job to come to you, most likely you’ll be sorely disappointed.

Djinn MUST obey their masters. This is a universal given. However, sometimes it will seem as though your wish isn’t being answered. This doesn’t mean that your Djinn are disobeying you. It just means that because of their ability to know the past and future, they have a much more objective and broader perspective than you can possibly have. They still MUST fulfill your wish, but it may not be in the way that you intended. This is usually not to be mean (although there are some Djinn who find this to be a fun game), but rather a variation of your wish so that it is more aligned with your best interests.

Djinn Vessel
You can spell or bless a Djinn vessel without harm to the Djinn - you’re spelling the vessel, not the Djinn.

It’s OK to get a vessel wet but we don’t advise using harsh chemicals to clean it, only because it could potentially interrupt the flow of energy.

Djinn can be bound to ANY vessel made of ANY material. This is because Djinn are bound to the energy of the vessel, and not the vessel itself. Everything is comprised of energy, therefore ANYTHING is capable of a binding.

Compatibility - Having More Than One Djinn
Sometimes energies are compatible, and sometimes they aren’t. Generally the worst thing that will happen is that your piece won’t work as it should. When this happens, simply choose just one piece on which to focus at a time, and put the others away.

Many people try to humanize these entities by picturing their spirits fighting and arguing like children. Although this is an interesting analogy, it simply isn’t the nature of how they work. Spirits aren’t like people, so please don’t feel that you must pay for some kind of binding ritual so they’ll all "play nice" together. It would simply be a waste of your time and money.

Accidentally Releasing Your Djinn
Once bound, you cannot accidentally release your Djinn! There’s a misconception that there is a pre-set question that if asked, will release your Djinn. This is simply not true!

Others say that iron can release your Djinn. This is also not true. This perhaps originated from the days of Solomon who was able to bring the Djinn under control by using his copper and iron ring. But his control didn’t really have anything to do with the iron in the ring. It was the magick of the ring that allowed this to work.

There is nothing that you can do that will release your Djinn. This can only be done by a trained professional.

1st October 2015, 21:01
I love nature but I've never had any experiences so far with fairies or elementals, I sometimes just stare at nature and focus my senses to be able to feel it and feel what is around me but that's about it, My mom told me that when I was little I used to have a small Elf as a friend and I played with him a lot, I told and described accurately to her but I don't remember anything, is that possible? I wish I could see or live stories like you all have.. :')

25th April 2016, 16:29
I was hoping to get some advice. The fairie folk have contacted me about a half dozen times I can think of in the last 6 or so months. Mostly this has been in my dreams. I suspect many more contacts and quite a bit more dream manipulation from them. I can feel where they are but haven't seen them. I felt compelled to build a small garden for them in my yard .. just a pile of rocks with some small flowers beside them.

I don't know much about them and would like to learn more. It seems that they're fascinated with play, whatever form that might come in. When I've tried to interact with them in ways that make sense to me they seemingly only want to understand it if it's in the spirit of play?

They seem pleased enough with me. My research seems to indicate that they're not a group to toy with? I suppose I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experiences to share, positive or negative. Any advice or first hand information.


Good evening Old Wolf, from the blessed encounters I have had with fae (other worldly beings in nature) is this message 'Do all you can to protect the land' if they are coming to you in dreams or reveal themselves to you in a way you are open to receive them. Please know they are desperately trying to get your attention to assist them. Fae can see your 'true spirit' they have chosen you for a reason. The rewards for understanding nature/spirit/ esoteric/occult world will be gently heightened or more understood as you assist in the earths needs. You will gain keys to open up universal doors. This is what my teachings have told me on interacting with them. Is there something that has your attention? Fracking/tree protest/road build in ancient lands? How exciting they are calling you ... please let me know how this resonates? ............. again this is my experience and what they translated to me over 18 years ago. They love a garden yes, but really they need you to stop the destruction of the planet all our back gardens together.

Old Wolf
26th April 2016, 05:57
Is there something that has your attention? Fracking/tree protest/road build in ancient lands? How exciting they are calling you ... please let me know how this resonates? ............. again this is my experience and what they translated to me over 18 years ago. They love a garden yes, but really they need you to stop the destruction of the planet all our back gardens together.

No issues in particular have my attention, though I do seem to have the attention of the local bird life. But their contact has really tailed off, though I know that I could contact them again. My focus is currently elsewhere.

26th April 2016, 14:48
I've communicated with my guardian angels in pictures a few times. They showed me a cat and a pyramid for my lives in Egypt and a picture of a German castle on a mountain in the water. There were only a few pictures I couldn't get, so it seems like they can force images into your mind.